Mid-day Herald, 24 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 22 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD -f^"^ <lE,^_________L -aW^^^ m mT **^<fc_» f T h I w I SINGAPORE, SATUuDAY, AUGUST 24, 1893 [NO. 240
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 283 1 -MID DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. iblii ition of the Herald ii at No. 19, Daily au- tioo is at 2 qoob on Satardaj a, d is $1 a $1.25 for ont3, i aeh. aineei matter Manairer. M'VERTISKMENTS. »f an incli, Two Qd for long periods i ed ttes, ons on literary
      283 words
    • 551 1 pEXLWSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Col Iyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbcur The mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leaVe Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards TUa Mar ISta. Rohilla Mar. 20th Kos<tta April lai. Ravenna April 3rd vr-i-Hind April i:.th lVkin
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    • 432 1 Posada Wine Company WINES FROM THE WOOD TO THE GLASS RED POUTS. VINTAGE 1838-1874. INVALID PORTS. Port Drv Tawn UOZEN. BOTTLE DOCK GLASS sula 10 00 LOO 13 14.C0 1.40 25 Sri. u ,2 fcS S Uri i> o. tt W I.(>U 13 lute lorts Santa IS OO 110 on
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    • 616 1 J-JKITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. TO PEXANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QNE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pa^ar SVharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to Hast African Ports,
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    • 363 1 rjANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. L'pital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,uw Keseijve Fund 5()o,(KX) Head Office, Hongkong. Genecal Agents Messrs. Jardine, MathesOn Co The nndeisigned having been appcinted Agents for tlie above Company are prepared to accept malice risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid o all con
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  • 628 2 Singapore, Saturday Aug,, 24, 1695 This has more than ouce beeu touched upon ia these coluruus, but it seemed as it* nothing was to be done in the matter. It is very satisfactory to tiud wo are disappoiutod and that -the compensation to the subordinates is not
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  • 710 2 WHAT ENGLAND SHOULD DO. (Ho ngko ng Tel eg raph.) When a boat's crew i* massacred by savages on the co tst ot New Guinea or a trading schooner is plundered and burnt there, a gunboat <j;oes alni^, shells the villages concerned in thd
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  • 252 2 Any one who n inti a th »r -i good novel cannot <\> b "Tiie Prisoner of Zeodi" bj VHope. Uis well w ri: r is a roouince of chivalry, i; which is laid in the li ;ai in the middle ur latter hilf "fr century.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 901 2 tHB TAMJONQ PAGAH DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of tho Company are n t it 1 at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining tli Town i Singapore. Wharf extends to one mile and irtsf and is dirided hy the out ranees t,, h Graving Docks into three parts The v ii oTei one
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    • 722 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bros to inform the public that a UriresWc of tho choicest brands of Ciiari has been receivvd by the lan M.nih Mill fro.n the leading factories of Li Insular and La Perla del Oriente which has just
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    • 211 2 Medical Electkich y. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist in all Nervous DkS EASES. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheu matism, Spinal affeetioDt, HystericDyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural, gia, Piles, Exhaustion, Mvlanoholia Stomach Distention, Liver Torpidity,, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 104 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Saturday, Ang 24th, High Water,— o.2l midnight; 0.46 p Cri tket, BaUvia Team v. The Ut>t 2 p in Siui.lav, AufT. 2"t ti, Hiffh Water,— l.7 a L.2J p. lit!) Sun- lay after Triuitj O. L. Mail Eiome wards. Ifondaj, Au.v 25th, High Water,— l.4s a..
      104 words

  • 1202 3 I( fBSI H |j panorama opens 1 be J üblio are off -red lesterdajr with u Irecomraen. th 2nd Septem* I! man who trie 1 i t", u if ycsterr trial I- v.'n l.y ttM the Ttwo .11 9 p. p.i. I kept cleaner riory .ti)io to
    1,202 words
  • 177 3 The popular contemporary conception ot Satan is of a highly successful man ot' the world It is admitted that there are ihadj spota in his past history, that he has done some things that he should regret, that he is a hazardons associate and an
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  • 189 3 A Horrible Murder of a Child Wife. n Tu :r u euCQ «f death passed on O-Mui Imambhai by the Sessions Judge Of Pooos, for (he most outra«eoua rnard^ r o f hii childwife has been upheld by the Bombay High Court, lue victim wu a «irl of 1* or
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  • 458 3 Ibe iol lowing i a the substance of tlio evidence taken ia the case yester. (diaries Woodward stated that he and the located are partners in tae slion oalltd Woodward's Circus. They ai -rived troiu Austraiii tsvo days a^j by the s. Sultan.
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  • 65 3 London 4: month's si^ht Bank bilU 2/li n *> L'rivato Paper 2 '2^ 00 days' dight Docain>'Uis... 2/ :iO 2/2 demand Bank bills 21^ x. ~/i^ Frauce, demand 2.70 Java l.'d) PeOaQf I o,'o prea India 11)5 Ilon^koug 4 o/o proa Manila 5 o/o pro a Shanghai 71
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 300 3 Jatesl THE T4NJONQ PA(HR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. fBE Transfer Books of the Company are closed till Thursday the sth proximo. JOHN B LAIR, M m.iger. Siugapoto, 24th Au^., 1895. FOR BATAVIA, SAMARANG AND SOULUBAYA. Tm? Biitiah Steamer M CRO. MARTY," 1,864 tons, Captain Ward, having left Hongkong on (he 20th
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    • 446 3 SaWl 3idrcr(i;iemcatfi. MUNICIPAL NOTIOii. PARTIAL CLOSING OF THOMSON J^OTICK is hereby given that Thompson Road, will shortly be partially closed at the undermentioned places, while certain works in conn >ction with the 34 main are being carried out. (1) At the Bridge closs to the Tannery, near the 3rd mile
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    • 426 3 MAX STERN Co. I SINGAPORE. I Sendiri seja ada iadi Wakil sama Ofang raja. DORKOPP ponia KreU [jereog Diana. Tilam taina laiu lain pakakas Ittda S:-ilia p;i-i w\'S bvuii knit, iimi bania bat* tM kreta Lerenif yani^ ;i<Ja pcrna kerira Messrs. DURKOPP Co. tuda ju ini Kreta Lereng dahun t.iun
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 67 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close on Monday FOR K- Pahaay, Pekatk, Kiautan and Kolautan, (iympie, 113 m Mal.iocii. Linggi Holeno, Xoon Darby, Bromine, Ccssnck, Sharks bay, GeraMton it Fremantle, Sultan lpm Penan-;, Ni'^ipatam, Karicul. A' Madrass JSecundra, 2 j> in Penaiiy, I>oli, OtjlyptO, 3pm Port 1). KUag cV; T Annso,
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    • 142 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS 11. T. M. Cruiser! Rynda Kbrsak from Hongkong* Rritiah str Hluo Cross, SuiiLh, from Cardiff, British Btr Bong Wan, Peters, from Palembang« Wae Bin co. British I' C C Klao, I'i^ot, from Swatow, Btrhn Meyer and co« Ang 23 Italian str Bisajcno, Doders, from Hongkong. Beho M«ysraa4oo British
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 515 4 Powell &Go. SINGAPORE. FUBXiTCfRE m vxri-Acri; RKBB A LARGE ttock ol Household and Office Finnittir.' always oa haod Ordert> can be executed lor the b^st tcripli nit Furniture. D.^i^us and i 1-tiin.iti 1 luppli^J tr"o ot charge. Tlv* Cli::u"e Workmen employ •<! at J \i >a i Factory iuclude veral
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    • 758 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON POUNDBRB, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING WE herewith rive some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON DIETING for the edification of Users of Belts. Ihe touowing genuine extract is taken from Huttons Works Managers Handbook- as to the respective Strengths of one square
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    • 555 4 MEDICAL Norm:. I 7)H. V. A. PILLAY, L \\.k I can he consulted at any lime I day or night, al R hies Disn« sarv I ?9, N)itl) Bridire Koad. Singapore, S9Ui karcb, If I HUTTENBACH BROS. &CO I KUPPER'3 BEER CHUI>-'PAYONG,' the onlj 1 been- which received any .1
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