Mid-day Herald, 23 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 27 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD -i r~ -"'"r jljz^ _e i < "531 s Vft *w^> r u n 1 i v _~-_-gkS~^ I SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1805 [^O. 2:59
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 253 1 DAY HERALD, i UiAPOB E. ►n ol the i« No. 19, the u Daily Adt i ition if at 2 a Satni la) ■>. 1 a for oiun m il e Manager. [S MESTS Inch, Two or 1< La wed. v; ioserted d i on literary ded for publi" "The
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    • 519 1 >ENISSULA.R AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Ofti •< Coilyer Quay. A'harves and Godowna, N\-w Harbour THE mail Steamers may he expected o srrive ontwardi and leave Biugapore wards "ii the following dates Outwards llomkwards 1895 LBA& Pi kin Mar 1-th. Bohilla Mar. 'iOth Ap il Ist. R iTenna April Brd
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    • 350 1 Posada Wine Company RK> PORTS. VINTAGE I^BlB7l. INVALID PORTS. '^'-les H 12 00 1.15 20 JlJjeSd IMO 1M 25 Tarragona! d.oo 1.00 13 White Torts Santa 1800 1 M 20 While Tort? Diana 15.00 1.56 25 Sherries Pale dry 11 (H> l.?0 20 Elegante M 15.00 1.50 25 Ainuntillado SeCO
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    • 632 1 T>RITLSn INDTA STEAM NAVIGA V TION 'JO.. LIMITED, TO PENAXG, RANGOON, aKD CALCUTTA /^VXE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagac Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are hooked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 377 1 pAXTOX INSURANCE OFFICE vy LIMITKD. Upital Subscribed 12,500,000 AIIOUNT I'AID UP 500,000 Resbbvr Fund 3 500,000 Head Office, HONGKONG. Genegal Agents Messrs:. JaRDINB, MATHBgON Sz Co The tindei signed baring been appcinted Agents for the above Company arj prepared lo accept marioe risks at current rates. A Bonns is annually
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  • Correspondence.
    • 129 2 Blß,— I have read your leader of Wednesday with very great interest, and iho regret is tint nothing can be done to Liin^ tiio young mm to book for his frivolity. There seems to be a sort of predilection on the part of some stripling! to annoy young
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  • 774 2 SixGAroiii:, Friday Alt.., 20, 1803. Some tiino back tvvo articles appeared in these columns having reference to possible trouble in China alter the conclusion of tho war. It was not difficult Co predict such the air was full of ominous rumour. That there are
    774 words
  • 713 2 IDEALS OF SANITARY REFORM. A va!tt«l»1 e lrti i Richardson nn s M l l 1 1 I •*<* the «trao ri |i^/ a^ I sinitarv arienc* an] E cliirinir th- lifeti m6 I KmhoMoiod h v i!,, out lui i a n f 1 1 cure of „i^ |lf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 872 2 Tills TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. CHI premises of the Company are liiaated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Towa <>f Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and i qu .iter and ii divided by the sntraaoes to the Graving Doekaintothree parU Tlie West Wharf; over one mile in length
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    • 732 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE I\ THE TRADE. Bncsto inform the public tl^t a kr*estoc'< of the choicest brands of Cigars bas been received hj the last M.nih Mill From the leading factories of Li Insular and La Perln del Oriente which has just been
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    • 198 2 Medical Electuicity. PiiOFESSOR S, Dk JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a vi^ifc to this City Specialist in all Nervous Diseases Permanent cure of Paralysis Rhou m,»tism. Spinal aff.ctions, Hysteric* Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural* Files, Exhaustion, Meleneholia" Stomach Distention, Liver Torpidity,* Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from the results
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 129 2 MEMO: OP THE WEBK, Friday, Ang, 83rd,— Hii:l, Water,— o.l2 qoou Goit —Final Mrs. Ma*th< wa Pri« BY A ,vin V>. L. Guiudrill. Lodge StGeor-e Regular, p m Saturday, Aug. 24th,— High Water,— o.2l miduight; 0.46 p Cricket, Batavia Team v. The litst '■i 111 suaday, Aug. 2"t h, High
      129 words

  • 605 3 Serious Disturbance on Board the "Caledonien." K.bo, 27th July. leek of the Mosß* K eries teamer Caledoui n, which I 5 from Yokohama vaster. rilU t to Nj-:^->ki and Stung. ]an unusual tOOOC last >j,ij(l«'nt and aggressive o f here and cl«e- 0 uii ch refer ice lna been j
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  • 147 3 At a Special mooting of t\w Municipal Commissioners held on Wednesday decided to adopt the report iop \,y the sub committee. It is f ne effect that th« Uommismoeri 11 purchase certain land from the r »ment for public purposes, at 10 tyt toot, and that houses on
    147 words
  • 1188 3 to^r;^S raW -^rted i'he steamers P O r ci wh^ l :ot^ it r n 3 J s^^>M.s.L. heie on fn iya 1S ex P«Cted The Tamil Church of Our U(J of tunics winch has been for some tune unier extension and renovatioT WUI, we understand, bi
    1,188 words
  • 226 3 Magic Lantern En tertainment. Last night the lecture hall in the AnglouCbintise Sobool w»s orammed. principally with the boys of the school, and a sprinkling ,t outsiders. 1 A few Europeans managed to tiud places. Toe K-v. Mr. Kelso started the alf lirai 7 K> l.y haying 1 »me pieces
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  • 72 3 London 4 mouth's sis'ht iiank bills %t\l m 3 m Pritmia Paper 2/2^ <io days' sight Uocaiuauts... 2/jJ »0 2 2 demand Bank bills 2li m i« -'M France, demand 2.7u Java 1.3) Penaag j o/o pre.-n India 195 Hongkong o/o pre.a Manila 5 o/o pre a Shuughai
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 Art Photography. Corner op Stamford Road Hill Street. Platinos Aristos A SPECIALITY. Sittings from* 7 a. m. till 5 p. m. ROBT. LENZ CIE.
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    • 267 3 Juitcst giccrti<icmcnt!i. MRS. AZUMA, Lady Pjotoorapher, No. 93, North Bridge Road. Sittings from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Photographs Coloured. Singapore, 23rd August, 1895. GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. VOYAGE A ROUND THE WORLD. J^"O one should fail to visit this most surprising exhibition, vividly il laminated sketches of the great
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    • 608 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. PARTIAL CLOSING OF THOMSON ROAD. "J^OTICK u hereby given tluit Thompson Road, will shortly be partially clo?ed at the undermentioned places, while certain works in connection with the 'J4: main are being carried out. (1) At the Bridge closs to the Tannery, near the 3rd mi'e -tone. (2)
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    • 417 3 MAX BTBBN Co. SINGAPORE. Bendiri soja ada iadi Wakil sama Orang Paja. DORKOPP paoia Kreta Lsreng Diana. Tllam tama lain lairi pakakja ivda sodia pawing bani.i Uuat saina baoiabagtMg&uia kreta Larvng y^n o ada pcrna kerim. Meem. DUUKOL'P Co. ittda )u vl ini Kreta Lereng dalam taun 181) 1» lebeh
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 49 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close to-morrow for Cheribon Sc Samarang, Penanj 1 p m Malacca, A Klan£, Sappho, 3 pm' Asahan Deli, Sumatra, I p in Bangkok, Hydra, 4 p in Muntuk L'alemlittii*;, Ruby 4pm Ceylon. Aden, Egypt A via Naples for Europe etc. Pr eussen. B p in
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    • 84 3 SHIPPING ARRIVAL* Aug 22 11. I. M. Cruoeer, Rjnda, from Kor« ■akofl, Rritish str lilue Cross, Smith, from Cardiff, British str Hong Wan, Peten, from PaJembang, Wee I'»in co. IJritish str PC C Klao. PlgOt, from Swatow, Behn Meyer ami 00* Ang 23 Italian str BiaagQO, Doderd, frotn Htm^kong. Behn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 508 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. Y\ liX iTL T EtE MAX (JFAOTURBBS A LARGE «tock of Household and Office Furnitnw always on band Oidcr> oitn be «X**eated !<>•• the best C dcsortpliun <>f Furniture. Djsi^Ol and c lO'tiin.jtfs supplied free o' oharge. jTin* Chinese NVoikillvn employ d at the Oichard Hoad Factor.-
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    • 772 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO DSBRB OF BELTING i We herewith Rive some eonYinclng facto *4«tUfr J%h2S2h£ JOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the ediflcatioa ot L^wot I>ult«. lbo ™"£™f ronoine extract is taken from Buttons "Works Managers Handbook as to tho respective UrengttlS of ouo square inch in
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    • 470 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. [)U. V. A. PILLAY, L M, can We consnlt«*d at any i iiiv or niirht, at Ruffles Diai sflsarv 7 J, North Bridire Road. Singapore, 29th Murcb, 1895, HUTTENBACH BROS. 4CO KUPPER's bes;r Chop-payONG," the oi beer vrhich received unv award at the Chicago Exhibition C 11 U
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