Mid-day Herald, 20 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 IRALD, the So i.'. u ou v Lays. ■■r 1 a tor y 01 I •1 literary r publi" i pub. ion. nsaal mmui Local and be earefullj In sh« r: tv; ry b to bring the make a neenl with in ormed. f ab- circulai on. orm it and
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    • 503 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Collyer Quay. New Harbour The mail steamers may be expected to srrive outwards and leave Singapore i ewards on the following dates outwardB Homewards 1896 P«WB 181 Mar. 20th Rosetta April Ist. i: i AprH I 1 1' Ai•. 1 1 I7:!i A{'. I
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    • 346 1 Posada Wine Company WINES FROM Till- WOOD TO THE GLASS fctoPOBTS, VINTAGE 1886.1874 INVALID PORTS lo.tK' I 2"> Jg^ h l^«|i) 'U5 20 alUKCiilel #># J 4- On 1M xv'|, K J p orta Sinra ];;<i(l ]lo W j- r 'y a ii'oo [Jo lo 1; s^'co J 20.00 2
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    • 641 1 T>RITISH INDIA STEAM XAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. IoTENANO, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QNE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wliarf every week. and Cargo are booked by the above Bteamers at through rates to "all ports j;i India and Ci-ylon, also to Ka-t African Ports, Mauritius olf
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    • 313 1 (^AXTOX [NSURANCB OFPICB LIMITED. b'piTAL Subscribed ?2.:»<" Amount paid up s 500,000 RbsebyeFukd soo (Xi Head Office, Hongkong. Genesal Amenta Messrs. Jardinb, M\tiik s on &Co 'Imj; andei signed having beeu appcinted Agents for the abore < are prepared to aooept marine risfa current rates. A Bonm if annually pai
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  • 686 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Tuesday Aug., 20, 1895 Gambling Morality. The Straits Maritime Journal" in dealing with the question makes a lew remarks which may well claim the attention of the Legislative lody ot the Colony. The following observations are pregnant with common sense. "The morality of gambling is an
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  • Correspondence.
    • 296 2 Sin, L:i reading yuur report of th I Municipal Commissioners' meeting on Wednesday, it seems to me that tho subsidy o #!<)<> per month asked by the Secretary or the Santa Uecilia's Band, tor a weekly performance an 1 an extra performance by moonlight, is a Very
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  • 857 2 ©TATKMKXT.S Hi Ml Si ine statement oi the 1 1 Phillip*, of the Chan Mission, is as follow I n a house five minutes 1 walk i r Stewarts, At balf-put IM i day morning I beard ohcn direction and set out 0 the matter. 1 met
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 912 2 THB TANJONO PAOAB DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Tine premises of the Company aft situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining tlu* Town of Singapore. The Wharf exteods to one mile an I quarter and tsdiyided by the entrances totheGraTing Doeksinto three parts The West Wharf over one mile in length with from 85
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    • 736 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE Bkos to inform the public tint a larsrestoe'c of the choioast brands of Ci^ar-? bas been received by the last Manila liiil from the leading factories of Li Intnlar and La Perl.i del Oriente winch his just
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    • 228 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S, Dk JUQ UILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist in all Nervous Deseases. Permanent euro of Paralysis Rheu niiitism, Spinal affections. Hysteric. Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural, eta, Piles, Exhaustion, Melancholia, fcttomaeh Diateutiun, Liver Torpidity, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 146 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK, Tuesday, Aug. 20th.— ITi_ r h Water,">lo.32 a., 10.0 p. New Moon, 7.1."> p m B. V. A. ICaxim LJ n drill. Wednesdar, An:. 21th,— Hiirh Water,— ll.6 ki.;,_) p. I'. A O. Mail Homeirard^ Thurs lay, Aug. 22n 1. High W.t; ll.:;» tt 11.36 p.
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  • 228 3 Cm ntnbuted. Thk Pawnbroker, ire heard on all sides io which jawnbrokers leal with those who are unfortunate Iwve rec< ur.-e to them. A man who puwoi an article of value more than one half of its I ue. When the article get bands the person who pawns
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  • 138 3 'nee the new Liquors Ordinance »nie into operation, licensed dealers not quite scrupulous about price an-1 quality. Wl>y this should be so, "we than any oue can tell, except 1 -'at the new Ordinance serves as a iur charging exorbitanc rates. *re seems to be no fixed charge for
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  • 398 3 ihe presence of disease in cur midst J i-uI«J not turprtte any one considering tie way in which human habitations built in Singapore. Taka Victoria for instance, where several 1 cholera have occurred. The JPPW end is densely packed. The luw and ill. ventilated, and to the comparativelv low
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  • 729 3 There was only one case of cholera reported to the i>olice yesterday. A man was yosierd.iy fined $">O, in default 6 weeks, tor beiug in possession of b J unstamped letters. Tho German mail s. 3. Oldenburg left Colombo on the 17th instant, and is expected to
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  • 169 3 Trip of the S.S. Juno to the Native States. A passenger by this vessel wntes- The Juno loit Singapore at 8.30 p.m. on the 13ih instant, arriving at Malacca at 830 the next morning. After discharging and taking in car^o which occupied two hours she resumed her voyage and aniv^d
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  • 196 3 The residents of Ballestier Road are getting up a petition applying for street lamps, on the plea that the intense darkness which prevails offers facilities for bad cbancters to ply their unlawful calling with impuniry. The petition is a very reasonable one, when it is borne iu mind that many
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  • 63 3 London 4 month's sight BankbilU 2'lf n o Private Paper 2'2<Jj 00 days' sight Documents.. 2/3| M 'W M 2/2 demand Bank bills 21J France, demand 2.68 Java ..1.3) Penang o/o pre a ludia 195 Hongkong J o/o prein Manila 5 o/o pro d Shanghai 71 Yokohama par
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  • 84 3 PItODUOK. Gambior, 9.3) do Cube No. 1 12.50 do do No. 2 10.50 Copra Bali, sun dried 5.95 do Pontiuiiak, s.tk) Pepper Black, 10$. Sago Flour, Xo. 1 m 3.0) Pearl Sago, 3.^ Cotfoe Bali, Picked 43 0 Coffee Liberiau, pickel 42.0 Tapioca small Flake,... 4.5J do
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 567 3 latest MUNICIPAL NOTICE. PARTIAL CLOSING OF THOMSON ROAD. is hereby given that Thompson Road, will shortly be partially closed at the undermentioned places, while Certain works in connection with the 24 main are being carried out. (1) At the Bridge closs to the Tannery, near the :srd mi'e .Hone. (2)
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    • 266 3 latest EASTERN SCHOOL THH MANSION, SINUAPORK. EVENING CLASSES IN ENO LISA CHINESE, AND MALAY. QWING to an enlargement of the teaching stiff ia this school, applications will now be received from young men desirous of joining evening cinwra. Should a sufficient number of pupils come forward, a special class would
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    • 410 3 Y. SHIBUYA, Wholesale j 1 Hetail DBALCH IN ALL KINDS OF JAPANESE_CURIOS. No. 40-F, High Street, Singapore. SPECIALITIES. Ivory Carvings, Gold Lacquered .md Hard-wood Cabinets, Porcelain and Bronze Wares, Silk £inrhrotd»re<i aud Hand-painted Screens, Silic II nbroidered and Hand-painted BfcTbllp, hfeuifi Ruga and Birnboo Wares, B infboo aril Bead Curtains,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 56 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close to-morrow for Batu Pahat, Sultana, 11 a m Muar. Kian Yang, 2 pm Penang, Rangoon Pentakota, 3 p ra Malacca. P. Dick.*on, Klang A T. An son Malacca, 3 p, m Malacca, P Dickson A Klang Boon San II 3pm lndragiri, Benuit 3 p m
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    • 136 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS Ang 18 British str Gordon, Jacicson, from Bangkok, W. Mansfield A Co British etr. tfiain, Mcs-*er, froui Swatow. British str Giang Ann, FoUfett. fr^na Batavia, Tan Kim Tiun and 80M British str Pakan, Brnot, fro.n Pakan, Wee Bin and Co Ang 19 Sarawak str Rajah Brooke, Joyce from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 527 4 Powell &1/0. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS A LARGE itock of II mscbold aid O!h ;r- Furm.iir-' :»l-.v »ys «»n band (> d».!> c.n be executed the best cri|>tiou ol Furuiture. D^si^ns and HlHttm iUsi »up| li i free ol ».-u u Th i Ciii'K'-e W >rk ;> n employ -U at
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    • 762 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. j NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith givo some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Bolts. The following genuine extract is taken from Kuttons Works Managers Handbook*' as to the respective Strengths of one
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    • 459 4 MEDI JAL NOTICE. f)U. V. A. PILLAY. L M.fcs can be con«nlt«4 An y i day or nisrht, at R, ffles Dis|ien il'. N .nh Bridge Road. Wingajwre, 29tb March, Ism:,. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C0 K UPPER 3 BESR Ciiop-PAYONG/' ihe beer wliicli received auy av ut the Chicago Exhibition, Gil
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