Mid-day Herald, 17 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 20 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD -<g ————lMflpaaa— I I \l T~ V\ HT" I 0 \A SINGAPORE, SAruaOAiT, 17, I8j;, [NO. V\\
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 vi\(i.\roui;. >n of the .t No 19, "1> \ILY AU- 1' i ation i^ at 2 S tnrdays. $1 a for uut- eas matter M ERTISRMBIffTB. an inch, Two long periods M .(I on liteiarv c ntendfil tor pabli" The Lditov" with the name r, not tor pub. v i
      235 words
    • 541 1 pKXIXSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Ofioe, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godownt, New Harbour THB mail steamers may be e xpected to arrive outwards und Nave Siimupore bomewards on the following dates OUTWAKI- HOMKWAI D 8 T.Kin Mar l>fi. Rohilla Mar BOtb Royetts ap il I*l RaTenwi April 3 J
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    • 448 1 Posada Wine Company 0 WINES FROM THE WOOD TO THE GLASS RED PORTS. VINTAGE 18H8 1874. INVALID PORTS. do/,kn. Botti c Dock glass Lort Dry Tawny. t fc'l 2"> 2? rUS h i.ir, 20 31iisala t tt 10 ()0* 100 J K I p I: <vi I+Oq i'Tn 15 la.ra^nas
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    • 648 1 UTtITISH INDIA STEAM NA VIGA TION CO.. LIMITED, 'TO PEXANO, RANGOON', AND CALCUTTA of rhe Company'i Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Fagar F p Wharf every werk. Passengers and Cargo are booked by flic tfnote Bteamen at through rates to iil ports m India and Ceylon, «lso to Kast
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    • 371 1 (^ANTON INSURANCE OFFIOK LIMITED. CpitalSubschihed 12,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Keserve Fund 5 500,000 Head Office, HOKQKONQ. Genepal A^onts .Messrs. Jardini:, IfATHBgOS 4Co The undei signed baring been appcinted Amenta for the shore Company ■ire prepared to accept marine risks .a. current rates. A Bonus is annually pai 1 0
      371 words

  • 706 2 Singapore, Saturday Aug., 17, 1895. The Chinese Burials Bill. Last week we alluded to this matter, merely remarking thai the ghost of this question was about to be raised again. At Wednesday's meeting of the Commissioners it was brought forward, and the President of the Board exhausted himself ill laying
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  • 728 2 Minutes ot Proceeding* of t!>Municipal Co ninis*ioncn at an Ordinary Meeting ou Wednesday. 3 1st July, ISl>:>. Present. A. G mile E*q Vio<\d >ut. The Inspector 'ocoueral of Police, Colonel Penuefather. W. Wiii^on I]mj. W. Bvan i E g. r.ui Jiak Kun X <i 1 M. Meyer \i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 713 2 THH TANJONG PAGAB D OMPANY, LIMITED I hi: premises of the Company I si Tanjong Pagar, adjoini tli I ipor The Wharf extends to one mile and d I ia div ded by tie i ntrai :ks into three parts The V: i one mile in length witl 5 feet
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    • 441 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Nucvoli:.l a ,,,|Xu.w, n..bau,,V«'lnß.a;e, -.a. S#l)OriWi Pine Old Scotchlviiiskjr John Robertson Son Hay«. Pleasure m stating that they have again secured the very important contract lor tho exclusive supply of J R SCOTCH D WHISKY TRADE MARK *°Od£K»
      441 words
    • 135 2 ml-nicipaln-otio-' rhKTV(( ,7~ UISINQ OB (CRAWFORD BIUI) ;E. T 111 I hereby informed that c J">'^« will he eloted to traf,Jl° m Mo ndlfc 7 ««th insUnt until Ulrther notice, for thj purpose of re P airs h y onlor J. POLGLASE, Municipal Secretory, a Municipal Office, Bin ««P«*. «*th
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    • 224 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Diseases. Permanent euro of Paralysis' Rheu njatism, Spinal affections, Hystenc. 2* N J? r I°°« WiiWijr. Neural. Ria, Kile., Exhaustion, Melancholia, bocaJ Weakness, Impaired Vitality' Men suffering from the results
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 60 2 MEMO; OF mi; WEEK, 8 up! iv. Aug 1 7th, Hi \v. s t S. 0. C C S. H. A. 5 S. G. C G Sn I Uijsr. 18i Hi»h Wa v I 1 Sun „v ifi Ti s(!ch Birth the Km > g rj S. V, A.:,;, h1:
      60 words

    • 1042 3 faff was l'^' 1 i:1 tl,e Hotne in Hill i hd ai/ht, n"d a very considerunumber af b» «'<-■« an 1 gentlemen or s 1m in,M1 of tlie >orvicea c u< ns by ilieir sbsenoa in iV m th ngli iro'-abfy a number i staoding about the rJj
      1,042 words
    • 310 3 The Rev. G. M. R=jth then addressed the meeting. He observed that he had accepted Mr. Huoson's invitation and afterwards repented. He was much in tho n ajitioe of the t? 0 KSJT h,,,f^nfro,.u scaffold. When he reacned tho ground f Tvm«v 0, J?
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  • 558 3 Four men wore yesterday fined $50 Owing to pressuie on oar space we are compelled to hold over the cation or our u>iul weekly "Novelette" tiil Monday. U the last issue of Urn Government Uazetto rules for {the management o f t.unur .Coffee, Boarding, and Lodgmg uouses
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 SANTA CECILIA'S BAND QF 20 trained Manila musicians open to engagements for Soiree., Balls Theatres Funerals, Baptiems Weddings, Picnics, c Communications to TABAQUEIUA UNIVERSAL No. 8. Raffles P/aoe. Aug, 9.
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    • 474 3 Stint THE SINGAPORE7tEAT SUPPrv COMPANY bUPPLY No. 30, Orchard Road. SUin>LY Fresh meat of (he very l*«t quahty at moderate rates ALL Orders Promptly Attended TO. Siugaporo, 17th Aaguft, 1895. EAsriux^. HOOL MAKBIOH, SI^OAPORB. CHINESE, AND MALAY. (WING to an eaUijMm of the teaching Btt ff m this iohooU ap!
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    • 290 3 3fafwl RANTED irilbio easy .Stance of to *>5 a BlUliil hOUBe Rent i 5 <-.. f this paper. Singapore, lath August, 18 J5. For Sale, SMALL com pound house at Se rmngooo v »boa| 2 J miles fr>m town* Water supp'y %ood and abundant, Apply l.i H. W c/o M
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    • 502 3 Y. SilfliUVA, IN ALL KINDS QT JAPANESE^ RIO 3. .Na.4O.F, HyhjStreofc, Si.^re. BPBCIALITIESI l*s? rj rv A fl s (i^ J Ucqaeredand |j rmv/ T! i-orct-laiii and Br *c Wares bilk Embroidered ani ereduna tfaadpainted S&roll^ H*imi ting., &c, Ji;)an 3e Mit WILL AT«»ro TO SHIPPING OK GOODS. PoweH&Ca. SINGAPORE.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 31 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close on Monday FOR Malacca, Linggi Helene, x\oon PortT r! £>ont J a ak A B W Soon Noon, gpm. 8 Annso.Sri Hong Ann Bangkok Singapore, 3pm
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    • 127 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS British etr Kong Ben?, Chic War fromSwatow, Behn M rcUw Britidistr Pentakota, Gavin, f roil Calcutta, BoußUnvd co. BritUb sto.imer Klan Yang, Houuan fr(»ra Mmir, Wee Bin uid Co Br.tish st r Hod- Wan, Peters, from Palembun?, Wee Bin A co. British str Q.ieon Victoria, Qathrio frcm M«.ji
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 381 4 MAX STERX Co. SINGAPORE. rtendiri soja ada jadi Wakil satna Oran<» Paia. DUHKOPP punia Kreta Leren^ Diana. Tilam satna lain laiu pakakat i s^'dia pasang' bauia kuat sainu baoia bagut #ania kreta Lereu^ yang :\da perni kerim. Messrs. J)i; R KOPP Co. suda ju U iai Kreta L^reti^ dalaui taun
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    • 364 4 i. M7IYOM CO. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING SOLID WOVEN e COTTON SfpTTmn 6 V £*S%*J M to our ORIGINAL «»iiuine oittr-^t U tikmT Pr h? Or tho cdinciltion of Uuoreof Bolts. The following St-^ Handbook' as to the reactive SBobl Leather Belt Best Stout
      364 words
    • 133 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most, distinguished patronageo* Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlement* Furniture Dealer and Commission Ag-ent. To those Furnishing.— A rare and choice collection of drawing, tiniZ and bed room furniture at the lowest pncea for cash
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    • 143 4 JpUNERAL arrangements u?tderfci*. en 0:4 the shortest possible notice and on very molorato terms. Havin r IP view the restricted circuiin'ances of thn very large mijoiifcy of the com muuity, the under*uutjd j 3 prepared, wher*- oireuuaitdnce9 de/n itid it, to allow creiifcfor a reasonable perio 1 aud to accept
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    • 447 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. D* V A. WLLAY, L M. fes can be consulted »ny ii, n Y Kingi.pore, 2fhh March, 1895. HUTTENBACHBROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER CHOP«p A YONG,' thconiv beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition,- C II ÜBB'S IKON 84FE5 AND LOCKS The best m tho wurM.
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