Mid-day Herald, 16 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 346 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. Tun office of publication of the n Herald ia at No. 19, kte the M Daily Adof Publication is at 2 at uo«>n on Saturdays. ibacription is SI a i cal and $1*25 for outit 1 (.ents each. una on business matter d to the Manager.
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    • 559 1 I pENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO Offioe, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour Thb mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 18 95 1895 Pekin Mar 18th. Rohilla Mar. 20th Rosette Ap il 1st. Ravenna April 3rd
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    • 391 1 Posada Wine Company WINES FROM THE WOOD TO THE GLASS DOCK GLASSES USED. RED PORTS, VINTAGE 1838 1874. INVALID PORTS. Pn ny T dozen. Bottle Dock glass Per Dry Taw D y. 15 00 $150 25 orte 12 00 1.15 20 10 00 1.00 15 fj ala^ a 14(0 1.40
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    • 611 1 TJKITI&H INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. TO PENANQ, RANGOON, ANL> CALCUTTA QNE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 354 1 (JANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,00U Head Office, Hongkong. Genesal Agents Messrs. Jardink, Mathb s on Co The undei signed having been appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually puij
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  • 816 2 Singapore, Friday Aug,, 16, 1895. The Chinese Butcheries. REUTER'S message to our local contemporaries on Wednesday states tbat the" Times" concurs with the protests of the European community m China auaiust the inadequate nature of the demands made by Britain and other Powers upo 1 the Chinese Government by way
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  • 958 2 Soldiers and Sailors Home Anniversary. Th*> Second Anniversary of tho opening ot tho Soldiers and Sailor! H<>ine under its present management will be held on Friday the 10th instant at 9 p- m m the Soldiers and Sailofl Home, 51. Hill Street. 11. E. Maj >r- General H. T. JonesVau«;hun,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 925 2 JUtt TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are Situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining |na Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a qu >i ter and is divided by the entrances loaheGraving Docks into three parts. The West Wharf; over one mile in
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    • 741 2 WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Begs to inform the public th*t I I:ir«»e stoc'< of the choicest brands of Cigars has been received hy the la«t Manila Miil from the leading factories of Li Insular and La Perla del Oriente which has just been
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    • 224 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S, De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervoos Deseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheumatism, Spinal affections, Hysteric. Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, Files, Exhaustion, Melancholia, Stomach Distention, Liver Torpidity, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from the results ot"
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Friday, ang. 16th, High Water, 6.2J a ">.4G p. S V. A M ixim LT'imlriil, ."».ir> p.m« Soldiers llonu Aun.v. rsay, l J p. m Satnrdaj, A.ag I T r I High Water,— 8 .y 1 7.2 p. S. C. C Cricket p m. B, X
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  • 737 3 »übt intereal the Chinese kil wing, whi(h from i iiit ola Shanghai ooa> 'i- i^>> 1 told )on that, UOUchi and corrupt jrned uu: ot ihe Palace (j chani(« t>r the uood i t nt, which i^ idt' nto i i w \\a< occuru my aialemeut I I
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  • 1233 3 The torpedo hoat t\*i tiii£ left this Morning ior Tiensin. The a. 4. Bucephalus arrived yesterday truin Bjduejf witu 1 1 i» horses. Tbe BIQ SeOtf Guao arrived from Bangkok this morning with 100 bul. locks. Serjeant B^attie is active; he hail 41 persons before tho Magistrates
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  • 225 3 Thi>* cm petition was 'd m the Icruro hill of the Ai > Chinese School la»t evening bel r» a very reapeotable audience of between two to three tiundrtd persona. AX. R Allon took iho cnair. Th<* judges were Him B own, Mr ft. Allen and Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 486 3 latest EASTEHX BCHOOL THK MANSION, SINGAPORE. EVENING CLASSES IN ENGLISH, UHINBBB, AND MALAY. QWINO to an enlargement of the teaehinx at iff m tuU aohool, applications will now be received from young 1 men d. sirous oi joiaia,' evening classes. Shoul 1 a Bottoient amub^r of pupiU come forward, a
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    • 311 3 Wanted, \\rANTED within easy diatanc€ of To .Tii a small house. Beot $15 to $20. D. P.. o/o this piper. Singapore, 13th August, L 895. For Sale. A SMALL compound house a*. Se rangooo 9 aboai2| milesfrjiu town. Water supply good and abjnd.int, Apply to H. W. G., c/o" Mid-day
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    • 426 3 MAX BTEBN Co. SINGAPORE. Scn<!iri Boja ada jaii Wi'^il sain.i Drang raj i. Dl RivOlM' pt n\t Kreto L m<? Hiiiiia. Tilara saina laia i" n pal Kuda Scdta p.i-s.ili'^ b.i'iin M iD'l bania bagut yttnia kr«'t>i \j n uda perna kerji i. liewra. EHJRKOPP& j«»l mi Kreta L--ron r
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 33 3 1 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close to-morrow for DMi. SJak, 2 p to M U njca, A- Klanx, Sappho, 3pm Mi iliaoa. a Uaax< W«>d t \Van, 3pm Dili. Culy^so, i p vi
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    • 164 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS Ajag 14 British rtr Sappho, Shepherd, from Klang, Straits Steamship Cp British str Hye Leong, NeaUitt, from TAn son, S Sco British «tr Kong Ben?, Obiohetter from SwatoW, Bohn M ycr k co. German Htr Wuotan,* Koper Dorko, from Amoy. Au^f li> Biitish Htr Pentakota, Gavin, fro a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 516 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE lIANUFAOTURBBB A LARGE itock of Household and Ofliee Furniture alwaya on haod O r- e.n be eXeottted lot the beat de crij.ti. n bj Furniture. Designs and E i mates auppliin] free of charge, Chinese Workmen employ »d at th Orchard Bond Factory include *r\ iUkillod
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    • 357 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING SOlinire°narmv 8&?»mS?J?* convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL .is uinr ?tT.r^ f i UkLTIXO for tho edification of Usewot Bolts. The following ™!h^r™ x° m lluttons "Works Managers Handbook' as to tho respective btrengtlis of one square inch m section
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    • 148 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage o* Sir Cecil Cleme.vti Smith, late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing.— A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for cash.
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    • 146 4 Notice. PUNBRAL arrangements utidertvcen ou the shortest passible notice and on very m titrate leroM. riftviiitf m view the restricted circumstances of the very large m ijoiity of the community, the UQiierMUQttd 13 prepared, where oirououUncef demand it, to allow ere lit (or a reasonable period and to accept payment
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    • 444 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. J)ft. v A. WLM\ M #fcg can be consult* r Anytime 79, North Bridge Road. Singapore, 2iHh M.irch, W95, HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'3 BEER CHOP"PAYONG f the only beer which receive. i any award at the Chicago Exhibition. C li p BBS f IRON SAFES AND LOGMvS
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