Mid-day Herald, 15 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 371 1 Till] MID-HAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. •j- H p; f publication of the ujftD-DAI HERALD 11 is at No. 10, the "Daily Adai as, m of Publication is at 2 .i.h and .it noon on Saturdays. subscription is $1 a r local and 1L25 for outj'ic> 1< cents each. me oo business
      371 words
    • 532 1 pENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour THE mail steamers may be expected j to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1895 1895. Pekin Mar 18th. Rohilla Mar. 20th Uosetta April Ist. Ravenna April B id KaisAr-i
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    • 318 1 OE KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Undkr Contbact with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J.DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Date De Carpentier Batavia June 9 Batavia, Cheribon, tt'ransrand S'baya. llth Bila, June 15 Paneh, Bila, Aa'han, Belawan, Deli 18th G.
      318 words
    • 610 1 RRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QNE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Taniong Pagar VV harf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 345 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hoxckonq. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, Mathe«o* Co The undesigned having lx»eu appointed Agents for the above Couipauj are prepared to accept mariue rlakd at current rates. A Bonus ie annually paid o all con
      345 words

  • 666 2 Singapore, Thursday Aug., 15, 1895 The Legislative Council. A few days a^o we touched a little on the members of this important body, and then we pointed out that it would probably bo to the advantage of tho Colon} r were some change to be made m the official members.
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  • 1503 2 Abstract of the pn ceediu^ of tho Municipal Commissioners :it an OrJiuary meeting held yesterday. Present. A. Gentle Esq., President. The Inspector General of Police, Colonel Peoiielather. J. P. Joaquim Esq A. C. Moses E-q C. G. Puterson E-q. W. Evans E-q. Tuu Jiak Kirn Eg Seah L'au£
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 935 2 TFIE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Thk premises of the Company are lite sled at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining tho Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a qu trter and is divided by the entrances totheGraving Docks into three parts. The West Wharf; over one mile in
      935 words
    • 563 2 Pine Old Scotch Whisky. Messrs. John Robertson Son Have pleasure m stating that they have again secured'the very important contract for tho exclusive supply of Vr i- A It 1 am. I j^_ to Messrs. J. LYONS cV: CO., LTD during the run of tho v Orient" at Olympia; and
      563 words
    • 190 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E. y is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Dkseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheumatism, Spinal affections, Hysteric. Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural, gia, Piles, Exhaustion, Melancholia, Stomach Distention, Liver Torpidity, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 140 2 MEMO: OF THE WEUK. Thursday, A.Bg, l">th. High Water,"— 4.4 J a, 4.:7 p. Lady Mitchell's vAt Home." S V A&»ia 13. L. Gun-drill. Philharmouie Orchestra, 8.3 J p. mFriday, Au^. 16th,— High Water,— 2l a.. 5.4b* p. S V. A. Maxim guudrill, 5.15 p.m. Soldiers Home Anuiwrsay, y p.
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  • 1179 3 Ladj Mitchell will hold a teoeption at Government [loose this afternoon I at the u^uui hour. theses. Pentscjtta arrived this morning from d'eutta. She has a baby elephant on board, l 'J^ l >:< dto provide a hospital a: K.mpar ntx' yearao 1 t tite iur it
    L. & C. Express  -  1,179 words
  • 268 3 Soldiers and Sailors Home Anniversary. The Second Anniversary of the opening ol th« Soldiers an I Sailors H me under i r- present management will be held en Friday the 16 b instant at I) p. m m the Soldiers and Sailors m 51. H II Str t. 11. E.
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  • 63 3 London 4 mouth's sight Bank bills 2/1$ m o Private Paper 221 tM)days* sight Documents.•« 2/<!£ *> 2/2 demand Bauk bills 212 T T 2/lfl France, demand 2.M Juva L 3) Penang o,'o pro a India 105 Hongkong 0/0 preui Manila 5 0/0 prom Shanghai 71} TokohaiM par
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 493 3 Wanted, I TOANTED within sasy distance of To«nasmall house. Ront $15 to $25. 1). I., c 0 this piper. Singapore, 13th August, I3LJJ. EASTERN SCHOOL THE KAsTftto*, BINQAPOBt. EVENING CLASSES IN ENGLISH, CHINESE, AND HALAY. QWING to a-i enlargement of th teaching stiff m this sohoil, applications will now be
      493 words
    • 375 3 latent TEMPERANCE. Dbmorbst Medal CoNTasT, 'pHE Second Temperance DHjlamition Contest for v Silver ..1 1 i U trill b |l on Thurs liy v im th i L 5 instant, at >i <>V, i tui*e Hi Ji of the Anglo Cain :a i i -ajjK Coleman Street. The public are
      375 words
    • 597 3 MUNICIPAL N fttOZ. CLOSING OF OftWVPJaO BU[U 18. npHE public are hereby infor<n 'd .li it tins Bi i Ige will !>• clow i to traffic from M l.;v the idtli instant until further notice, for the purpose «>f repairs. By or ler ♦F. POLGL VSB, M 1 nci[) ti
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 38 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close to-morrow for Labaan. LfttlU, 10 v m Labuan, Guya Kudat, Sandakan ft Darvel Bay HandjoriuaHtiiik, Ham Malaoca, Klang and T A«i«on Hyo Leoti^;, 3pm Labuan, fciand;vkan. >Sulu, Meuado, utc Teresa, b p Hi
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 487 4 Powell &Go. Si.MQAPORE. FORXITOBE MANUFACTORIES A LARGE it ock of Houeebold ami Oiii .■<.■ i'si> liture alwayM on baud tirdt-r- p d lx Xecuted for the b it description «>t furniture. D/si_ns and Estimate* iuppli >\ free <>i oh ir^f. The Chinese W -kni n employed at the O chtrd
      487 words
    • 439 4 MILLWRIGI] ENGINEERS, lIION FOUNDERS, CO In Til ACTORS. NOTICE TO USEBB OF BELTING o^r 3* a herewith vo somo convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of thereof Belts. The following genuine extract is taken from Hut tons v Works Managers Handbook 0 as
      439 words
    • 148 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronageo^ Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Ag-ent. To those Furnishing'. A rare and ehoico collection of drawing, dining and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for cash.
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    • 143 4 Notice, pUNBRAL arrau^ciueuts unlertwen om the shortest possible notice and on very moderate terns. Having m view the restricted circuinslauucs of the very large m ijority of the community, the uoderauned is prepared, where circumstances demaod it, to allow ere. lit tor a reasonable period aod to accept payment by
      143 words
    • 467 4 MEDICAL NOTlcfe. D V A. PILLAY, L M.&S can be c.MH-i1f.,1 a t Rny day or nifirht, a( Raffles Dispenaai 7i>, Worth li.il.- Road. Singupore, 29th March, Is 1 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 X UPPER'S BE EH CHop"p AY ONG, n the boor which received ;ui V ay at the
      467 words