Mid-day Herald, 14 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 323 1 [HE mid DAY REBALD, SINGAPORE. publication of the M ,u- Herald ii at No. 19, lai th< v Daily Adof Publication is ;it 2 dooo on Saturdays. script ion is £1 a i .tl and £l.\?-*» f«>r out- entfl each. MB egged t< :.<. Bfanaf op adt SKMEjrre of an
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    • 531 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. OlVicc, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour THE mail steamers niay be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards IBM 189*. Prkin Mar lHth. Kohilla Mar. 20th B A^'illst. Ravenna kyx\\ 3id Kaisar-i-Hind April 15th. Pekin
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    • 318 1 DE KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J.DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Date DeOftrpeatier Batavia Juue 9 Batavia. Cheribon, S'baya. Jlth Bila, June 15 Paueh, Bila, Aa'han, Belawan, Deli 18th G. G. Jacob
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    • 620 1 1 fIRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. TO PEXANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA i O^^ tne Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 361 1 (^ANTON INSORAKCE OFFICfi LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed 12,500,000 Amount paid vr Soo,ooo Kbsebve Fund 5l)u,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, Mathe^on Co The undei signed baring been appointed Agents far the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks ut current rates. A Bonus is annually pai.l o all
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  • 790 2 Singapore, Wednesday Aug., 14, 1895. The Egyptian Question. AGAIN tho restless French Press are raising this question, or rather playing with it, for they never let it rest. They have now decided to have tho matter discussed at tho opening of tho French Parliament which takes placo shortly. France, Russia
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  • 90 2 On the sth instant two unfortunate Chettiea came to dire disaster noar Menjilembu They were ridiog m a Jinriksha when two Chinese footpadl came up and explored their pet sons. The investigation mast havo hotn satisfactory to the Mongolians as they found $650 m notes besides a small trinket m
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  • 808 2 THE ANTI-MISSIONARY OUL RAGES NEAR FOOCHOW. *0 MW3IW OUTBIQaTt* 1 X Mr. Ore,., -6 report* tUt «i thirl M rv v uooa of the u t foreign i.li the.r houses h ,v, b-er I teen mn.u'es Uter -x n apU stated he a i 0 t£ <, nher* h ulU
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 922 2 THE TANJONG PAGAH DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Thr premises of the Company are Situated al Tanjong Pagar, adjoining tho Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a qu nter and is divided by the entrances (O the Grating Docks into three parte. The West Wharf; over one mile
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    • 553 2 Fine Old Scotch Whisky. Messrs. John Robertson Son Have pleasure m stating that they have again secured the very important contract tor tho exclusive supply of to Messrs. J. LYONS CO.. LTD, during the run of tho 'Orient" at Olvoipia and also, that their Whisky was exclusively used at^the Lord
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    • 226 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E M is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Deseases. Permanent care of Paralysis Rheu matism, Spinal affections, Hysteric. Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural! gia, Piles, Exhaustion, Melancholia, Stomach Distention, Liver Torpidity,' Local Weakuess, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 147 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEIv. Wednesday, Aug. Uth,^ Hiilh Water, -A.J7 a X'2s p. Moon, Last Qiurter, U.IS a. in. Municipal Commission, 2-30 p. m. Paper Chase, Orchard Road, Police Station, 5.15 pm S. V. A. Squad Drill Than lav, Aug. 15th,—High Water, —4.42 a., 4.-7 p. Ladj BfitcheU*a w AI
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  • 634 3 19th July. the late Sultan of > gathered at S a: noo 18th met ISI 'es| a to his w.i> CMVeyeJ m ir horse« from 'it had been em. l »o station was r »a.'. attached. tl ttf pro. Libert Docks. It ty the Duo
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  • 929 3 A L'arU firm of photographers announces to the public, "we speak American here/ The Panoreh tse at 5.1"> pm, this afternoon will meet at the Orchard H iad V »lica Station, and not at the Cross X j»iir« as previously aunounccil. The B Mile li chol ra
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  • 366 3 Soldiers and Sailors Home Anniversary. The Second Anniversary of the opening of the Soldiers and Sailor. H »me under its present management wul be held on Friday the 16th instant at 9 p. m in the Soldiers and Sailors II me, 51. Hill Street. II. E. Maj H. T. JonesVaughan,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 22 3 H- D. CHOPARD, PJSTATE Agent aud Vainer. Sales an«l Mortgages effected. Rent collected uml money lent on good security. 21, MALACCA STIiEKT.
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    • 599 3 3'atejit T cr L tijicmcntfi. Wanted, IyAXTED within easy distance of To/vu a sm.ill house. Rent $15 to $*>5. D. P., c/o this paper. Singapore, l;jth August, 18'J5. EASTERN WCHOOL THE MANSION, SINGAPORE. EVENING CLASSES IN ENGLISH CHINESE, AND MALAY. QWING to an enlargement of the teaching stiff i a
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    • 277 3 r TEMPERANCE. Demorest Medal Contest, rpilE Second Tempenaoe Declamation Contest for a Silver Medal will be held on Thursday evening, the l. r > ii mutant, at 8 o'clock, m the Lecture Sail of the An^lo Chinese School, Colemau Street. The public are iuvire I to attend. Mrs. R. W.
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    • 535 3 Y. SHLBUY/A, Whole.sate S RbtaYl DSALSH IN ALL KINDS ob JAPANESE CURIOS. Zffo. 40- F, Hi^h Street, Singapore. SPECIALITIES. Ivory (l&nriogs, Gold Lacquered no i Hard-wood Cabinet*, PoroeUia sad Bronze Wares, Silk Embroidered ami Hmd painted Screens, Siltc Bubrmlered and Haul piintod 3oro)l#, H unD Hu^g and Bdtaboo Wares, Bin!)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 33 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close to-morrow FOR Batavia, Godavery, Ham Malacca, Linggi Helene, Noon Penan*;, Olehleu and PaUang, etc. Generaal Pel I p in Malacca Klanp Ban Hin Guan, 3pm Bangkok, Hecate, 4pm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 Eowell&Co. SINGAPORE. FURNiTO i\ LOTUBfiaS J^ LARGE ck of 1] lehold and 1 'i- on haod (>. i- r the b 'si Ow»si b ni and Esi tharge. ■•up: at i O v iuclud x I I ikert, Car Poii md UphoL I li ig n »tic« -re taken tram
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    • 259 4 i P *m' X 7 }S U f i°^ Haitons •.'.Worh [anagers Handbook"a S to the re,p*ii> strengths oi one square inch m section of various Belts Best Leather Bel! .> n Best Stout Stitched Cotton Bolt p son J>csL Stout Solid Woven Cotton Belt i^ fy p* *^*iri* i-
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    • 137 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the mosi distinguished patronageo^ *ni Cecil Clemexti Smith, Late Governor of the Straits Settieraen j Furniture Doalor and Co.:imission Ag-ent. To those Furnishing.— A rare an 1 choice colle rtion of drawing ditii and bed room furnUttre at the !ov. Prtcei
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    • 116 4 G- R. Lambert Go. PHOTOGRAPHERS, IV SPKCfAL APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE XI 7G OF SIAM AND H.H.THESOXTAtfOFJOTIORE *HAM IF >gSBj BATTERY Rd Office Hour--. I' v 7.80 a.m toi! nra 7.30a mi t)n,,, u Most suitable time for taking portraits ;-'-toia ;11l r )r ni lKl l m tj
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    • 204 4 iTtCE. At Li HUTT ov KUPP an;, ay al i lJ I LOCK worl APOLLI WATER. m 7.50 fj 50 PER. .11 3r &0 f ne. A tati READ BROTHER 3 ALE AND ST O U I A Is Li. >l and iti every tin. by 3ft. rican Harness The
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