Mid-day Herald, 13 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 13 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD llffi!^ VOL. I SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1805 [NO. 2;^o
    13 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 251 1 THE MID-DAY JI^R'ALD, ORE. iblicaHon of th it No. 19, tiu- Daily ad- is al 2 S iturdays. i- a for otitM matter I the Manager. MEKTfI inch, Two 1 tiods wi i lerted i, n literary r i übli" fhe Bditor" with th<a name i ab. icati the 'i-
      251 words
    • 541 1 OENMXsrLAK AND ORIENTAL .STEAM NAVIGATION. CO. Offioe, Collyer Qnay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour THB mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1895 1898. Pekin Mar l>th. Rohilla Mar. SOth R Aj> ls( Knvonna April Br4 Kai*ar-i-Hind April 15th
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    • 320 1 DE KONIMKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract wnn thb Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J.DAENDELS A Co., 2-3 Collyeii Quay. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Date Pc Carpentier l.atavia Juue 9 Batavia. Cheribon, s'ran^ and B*bava. lllh Bll;l I,"> P.meh, Bila. As'lian, Belawan, Deli 18th
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    • 639 1 BRITISH INDIA STKAM XAVIGA WON 'JO., LIMITED, TO PEXANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QXE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, ulso to Kast African Ports,
      639 words
    • 384 1 QANTOH INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. i'pital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up S 500,000 Rbbbbtb Fund 500,000 Head Office, Ho^okohq. Qeneval Agents Messrs. Jardixe, MATHBgOS Co The a ndei signed haTing been ap-pc-inted Agents tot the abote Company s?e prepared to accept marine riskd at enrrwrt rates. A Bonus is annually pai
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  • 685 2 Singapore, Tuesday Aug., 13, 1895. The Sale of Poisons. In his annual report Dr. Bott touches on this very \m. portant matter. After what he has said, it would be superlluous to add anything, but it may support his views on tho necessity of having supervision exercised, and tho greatest
    685 words
  • 942 2 What Cabinet Ministers do for their money. TJE RIGHT ]»lON J C3AMBIRLAIM M. V OOLOSTIAL btCRETARY. £5,C30 a YV;\it (Westminster Budget.) As Mr. Chamberlain hat taken possession of hi? new offioe. the following notes may be iDterotttng j'^t no.v. An loiAl SIGRITARY. Tho work vi' tho Colonial Ofiijo is rich
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 895 2 TrlK TANJONG PAGAH DOCK S COMPANY, LIMITED. THB premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pager, adjoining tie- Town of Singapore. Tiie Wharf extends to one mile and a qu oter and is divided by the entrances to the Graving Doeks into three parts. The West Wharf; over one
      895 words
    • 553 2 Pine Old Scotch Whisky. Have pleasure m stating that thoy have again secured the Tory important contract for the exclusive supply of 1 F? to Messrs. J, LYONS A CO., LTD, during the run of the v Orient" at Olvmpia; and aiso, that their Whisky was exclusively used abthe Lord
      553 words
    • 248 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Deseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheumatism, Spinal affeotioao, Hysteric. Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural, gift, Piles, Exhaustion, Mebncholia, Stomach Disteution, Liver Torpidity, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from the results ot
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 60 2 MEMO: OF THE VVEBrC Tuesday, Ang 13th.— French Hail Outwarda. French Mail Homewards. W< dneadaj, Ang. lkh,^ Moon, Lest Quarter, L 2.13 a m. 8, V. A. Bquad Diill Thnn laj, Ang. 15th. La ly MitchelPi MAI Borne.* 1 S V A S^iu B. L. (i.i.ninll. Pbilharaoaic Orchestra, >.;»j p.
      60 words

  • 151 3 I _i i dera preraill at va. v f throughout Chirm, but ,,«t with the virulence in man or in the French r Hongkong. i -i: ;i the disease baa been I a( the Pescadores. Hue the Japanese the Pescadoree, and tra t< (1 :it rainsui and Tai-
    China Mail  -  151 words
  • 121 3 ai "v particulars i ,t ido Prye I I red ay, nation given to in Bahru, the cor« le went to I lie i way they carrying h ku:fo, to the corlb.: he had murtli c rporal her lliuI r was c >ining I
    Pinang Gazette  -  121 words
  • 1238 3 "iv« i MM. mail learner ked at Tanjouy i: s r aud painting. T. Bogurdt, M.L.C, thid moruing for c about 70 Municipal the file thio morning, premises, ii yeterday seaten. mouths imprisonment for lurthertermof6 months lihood. -itorsutTanjoncrKlu,. Mr Robert Palmer rbot :1" inches. This to people
    Pinang Gazette  -  1,238 words
  • 294 3 The China Mail 11 of th? 5h instciiit m uliuiin^ to these says all the mUsiou property was burnt, four ot th* murdered missionaries beia^ still m. side the buildings. The trouble seems to hive arisen amon<; a bigoted act of Budihistd, strict vegetarians, who had been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 FOR SALE. Horses. Horses. Horses. To b 3 at m o lon to prices at L import's Liv r ory Stylos. TKNGQUHE Co., QPIRITS, winos uiil milt liii >rs of the bost brand cm hi hid daily from 6 a. m to 6 p. m. with pMJ immediately. Provisions of
      84 words
    • 379 3 $atts\ Wanted, ANTED within easy distance of To >na am all house. Kjnt^ls D. P., c/o this paper. Singapore, l;iih August, ISJJ. EASTERN SCHOOL THE MANSION, SIXQAPORK. BVBNINO CLASSES IN ENQLI3H, OHINKBE, AND MALAY. QWING to an eaU&rgement of tho teaching «t .if ia tiii.s sch) >1, applications will now
      379 words
    • 544 3 To JLet. IMMEDIATE KN TRY. A lar^e compound house, No. 010, situated about 2}j miles 01 the Qaylang Koad, with cocoanntand other fruit tiees. Kent modorate. Ap;>!y by letter to V. P., care of this offlje Singapore, 12th August, 132~>. For Sale. A SMALL compound house at Be. ranguon^ about
      544 words
    • 539 3 Y. SHEBUYA, WllOL«8ALl Et&TAIIi Ds\UZ\ 1^ ALL KINDS OK JAPANESE_CURIOS. >*>. V) l\ High Street, Sin^a^)rj. SPECIALITIES. Ivory Cartings, Gold Licquarel an I H:ird*wood Cabinets, Poroelaid and Bronze Wares, Silk Btnbroi lered an I 11 iid painted Screen*, Hii*c B nbroi'4ered tnj Haol p tinta i Sor »li^, II *n
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 142 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close on Monday for Bangkok K"»n^s^e 9am Teuaui; and Deli lit be. 3 p m Malacca. 1* Diokioa ft Klan o Bo^n San II 3 p iv Malacca. P. Die kon, Klang A T. Arison Malaco i, 3 p. m ourabaya A Bali. Poh Hin Guan,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 510 4 Powell &00. SINGAPORE. RTRNITORH MAXUF.VrL'UiIEfIS A LARGE *t<»ek of Household and Ofioe F uniitur c ahvjys on lutid. O.dcr> cv be < i X "euied lor the best description, of Furniture. Djsi^ns and Estimates supplied free of uli irge. Tii Cltine-o Workmen employed at ihe Oicliird Hjal Factory include s
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    • 364 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING a^rrr.^^r™ er( with 2 ivo some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL BOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edifu-uion of Usersof Halts. The following gonumc extract is taken from Huttons "Works Managers Handbook" as to the re*D3Ctive htrengtns of one
      364 words
    • 148 4 A. FJUNKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most, distinguished patronageo* Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, 0.0. M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rape and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed loom furniture ut the lowest pricoa for
      148 words
    • 121 4 Gr. R. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KISG OF SIAM AND H. H. THE 3ULTANOF JOHO RE OBESHAM HOQSB, BATTERY Rd Office Hours. f VGk d ays 7.30 a.m to Bn m tMm.lays 7.30 a.m. to noon Most suitable time for taking portraits Ja m
      121 words
    • 484 4 I MEDI N I I D R v A. PILL m.j can be consult. >H llr day nr ni<f!it, at It. |B es i, Singapore, 29Ui A! HUTTENBACH BROS. ft C O KUPPER'S RE-r CIiOP'.pAYONG,- the on" beer which received my aWilrJ at the Chicago Bxhibitioo C 11 D B
      484 words