Mid-day Herald, 10 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 326 1 ;Hi \lll>-!>AY HERALD, SINGAPORE. rj.p. publication of the kLD M l- NO. T.>, Daily Ad- P blication is at 2 on Saturdays. i- £1 a and $1.25 for out--i'io-> matter the Manager. IDVERTISEMESTT8. of an inch, Two and For long periodj n Is^wi lerted iced n -omunications on "literary icta
      326 words
    • 523 1 pEN T ISSUIAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. OflTioe, Colljer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Ilarbonr THE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards oil the following dates Outwards Hombwards 1805 ISOS. PeUn Mar 18th. Rohilla Mar. '20th K-. tta Ap il Ist. Ravenna Apvil
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    • 645 1 TSRITISII INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED, TO PENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjoag Pagar V\"harf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports, Mauritius
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    • 366 1 (X\NTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed J2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 &BBBBYB Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hongkong. GeneKil Agents Messrs. Jardine, Matheson Co THE andeiltgned having been appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus id annually pai I o all
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, m The C<»np:iny\< fwUM s r inter* K»h, M.iru.... 1,*****7 E. Wilson Haswell. B*iki*M*r».. 1,919 887 Qeorse W. Coamr. i Ytk«\mnt Mmru -',308 26."> K. Swaiu,
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  • 649 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Saturday Aug., 10, 1895. The Legislative Council. Presumably this legisla. tive body will be again established and the machinery of Government set going as heretofore. Men will now be found to take a seat, since it is generally agreed that the 17£ 0/0 contribution suits all
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  • 305 2 News from Washington say* that Miss Virginia L>wery is at last goin^ to marry the D.ike d'Arcos, the Spanish Minister to Mexico. Wuen he was at tirst attentive to lur, a dukedom w.is no 1 dreauiid of. fcL* was plain Bronetti, always kind and g 'Utlemauly. and
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  • 860 2 A reiv summers at?a ti» awful row Rinon^ J* w* N of jeilousy b tween some w U U employed i u D' AWi.U s, U m Ot.er, working i.roM.erQ^ since thfl previjus tIQ JJ *"^i eve, insane retu-ns ii tt.-.ted tb.TVk Ml been hree young f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 914 2 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THE premises of the Company are gloated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile aud B quarter and is divided by the entrances totheGmvins Docks into three parts. The West Wharf; over one mile in length with
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    • 558 2 Fine Old Scotch Whisky. Messrs. John Robertson Son Have pleasure In stating that they have again secured the very important contract for the exclusive supply of SCOTCH D R WHISKY TRADE MARK to Messrs. J. LYONS CO., LTD during the run of tho u Orient" at Olyrupia and also, that
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    • 314 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist in all Nervous Des eases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheumatism, Spinal affections, Hysteric, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, Piles, Exhaustion, Melancholia, Stomach Disteotion, Liver Torpidity. Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Meiv suffering from the results
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  • 403 3 4 Rangoon.) Petersbsrg, July 20.— The S W.pvi publishes a despatch N v'ii'liv' st>cl; ct '^i«e: that Japan I( r army and fleet to a war A blown Bp the fortifications Irthor. and now intends to of l t l K >«ea and hold the King a telfgrani
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  • 1390 3 U will arrive here fomJeUdab. disputed tiut the case imported d. was really choloru. 'l'rail who lias been in the for»<toat 40 years will na peoeioo, I >! e xt M*»"'uhase is announced lay next at 5.15 p. m., and ttkCnMi R»ad, Tungliiv mini tor the Philippines
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  • 68 3 Loii'-loii A month's si <ht kistak biiU 2/1$ ii -> L'rivato L'lpo.' 22j o*J days' sight Doouiiuius... 2/.| *> 2/2 demand Batik bilU 21| M t. r m\ Franco, demand 2.i>6 Java 1.3 Peuaii^ I 0,0 pie n ludia 15)5 HongkoQ^ o/o proa M.uiii.k 5 of<) pro u
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  • 86 3 PRODUCE Uambior, 9 3J do Cube So. 1 12.00 do do No. 1 U.aJ Copra Buli, sua diiol 5.9j do Pontianak, 5.6 j Pepper -Black lOf, JSiiejo Floar, Xo. 1...... 30. Pearl Sai;o, 3.0 0 (Jutfoa liuli, Picked. 43 J (Joti'ee Liberiau, picliel 4^.0 Lapioca small Flakd,...
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 Art Photography. Corner of Stamford Road Hill Street. Platinos Aristos A SPECIALITY. Sittings from 7 a. m. till 5 p. m. ROBT. LENZ ClE, INDO-CHINA_S.N.CO. LTD FOR PENAXG CALCUTTA, The Company's steamer KUTSANG. 1,495 tons, Captain PaYN t E, havin? left Hongkong on the 2 ad inst., may bo expected
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    • 301 3 Safest Fou Sale, J^ SMALL compound house at Se. ranguon, about 2± milesfrom town. Water supply good and abjndant, Apply to H. W. G., c/o"Mid-duy Herald." Singapore, 10th Aug., 1895. SANTA CECILIA'S BAND O P 20 trained Minila musioians is °P°n for Soirees, Bulls Theatre, Funerals, Baptisms, Weddings, Pienict, &j.
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    • 690 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. r pHE Municipal Commissioners hereby give notice that, the provisions of sections 123 and 124 ot the Municipal Ordiir, n :e, and Njs. 1, 2, 3, and •4 of the Rjad and General Conservancy By. laws, are now being strictly enforced within that district of tho Town, bounded
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    • 608 3 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS' A LARGE stock of Household and Office Furniture always on haud. Orders can be executed tor the beat description of Furniture. D^si^ns and Estimates supplied fr«o of ouar^o. The Chinese Workmen employ sd at the Orchard R>ad Factory includo several skilled Cabinet Makers, Car, vert»,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 49 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will closb on Monday for pMUMftf, Ne^apatam, Knn.a!, A Madras <. ainorta, 2 p i>» M;iUoc:i. Klan,; tt f An« i i N ra. 3pm > M'- »i>nva. ll.iii -in I Mac. i lux McAli t>r. 3 pm rort I>. Klaug A T Anuso, Bii Hong Ann
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 380 4 MAX STERN Co. SINGAPORE. Sendiri seja ada jadi Wakil sama Orang Paju. DUUKOPP punia KreU Lereng Diana. Tilam suma lain lain pakakas eudsi sodia pasau£ bania kuat sama bania bngus jgiinia kreta Lerenij yang ada perna koritn. Messrs. DUUKOPP Co. suda j«*l ini Krera Lereu*s dalam taun 1894 lebeli den
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    • 804 4 J. ffi. LYOH CO. J MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING r E herewith give somo convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Usersof Belts. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttons "Works Managers Handbook'' as to the
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    • 456 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. Y)\\. V. A. PILL.VY, L M. S can be consulted at any time day or niffht, at Raffles Disnensarv 79, North Bridge Road, t Singapore, 29th March, IS JS. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C0 KUPPER'S BEER Ohop"PAYONG," the w»U beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. CHUBB'S IRON
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