Mid-day Herald, 5 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 13 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD dasfdhfjdhasfd Vol I] SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1895 LNO. 223
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 330 1 Mil) DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. f publication of the Her ild ii al No. 19, b, late \\w v Daily Ad. i KESS." of Publication is at 2 ii noon on Saturdays, iscription i> $1 s fur i cal and for otits, Ai. us oi bnsi nes| matter BBtd t(. the
      330 words
    • 553 1 pRtU<?BUIAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Colljer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour The mail steamers may Ik> expected to strive outwards snd leavo Singapore lioniewanls on the fv.llowiiiir dates O U TW AR DS Ho M EWA R M 1895 LBM Pekin Mai l*it >. RohilU Mar. 20th
      553 words
    • 301 1 I OE KOiNINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. rsi)KH Contract with mi NiTHBBLalfDfl India Govkunment. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J.DAENDELS A Co., 2 o Collyer Quay. Steamer Fiora Expected Will be despatched for Date De Carpentier Betavia Jane 9 Ratavia. Cheribon, h*ranir and S'baya. llth BUa, Jane 1"> Punch, Bila, A.s*han,
      301 words
    • 628 1 DRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION 'JO.. LIMITED. TO TEXANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA Q\E of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are hooked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to Kast African Ports,
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    • 393 1 MANTOS [NSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. L'pitalBubscbibbd 12,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Kesehve Fund s(K>,U(>u Head office, HOHGKOVG. General AgeaU Messrs. Jardikk, IfATHBsOS Co The Qodeiiigned baling been aj>-IK-inted Agentl for the above Company ara prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Boom is annually pail o all con trilmtors
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  • 24 2 Domestic Occurrence. Death. O.\ Saturday Ihe 4 h instant at 11a, Wilkie R. )aci. Thkod >ra the beloved wife ot Mk J. 8, GOODBNOUGU.
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  • 697 2 Singatore, Monday, August 4, 1895 In Friday's i^sao we published a paragraph alluding to the action of a crowd of Cm-nes-e m respect to Chinese females who were walking along the sea- wall at the Es. planude on Wednesday evening, and we mentioned that oao of the rowdy
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  • 962 2 Annual Report of the Government Analyst, for the Year 1895. WATER Analysis Forty-three sampled were analysed and reported upon. In some cases, closure of the source*, and, m others, measures towards improvement ot the BUppljr were suj^ested. lv my report tor IS9B, an, analysis of ihtf wat.r from tho Ma
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 897 2 TffK TANJONG PAG.VR DOCK < w'.fi'AXV. LIUITBD. THE premiss of the Company arestunted at Tanjong Pagar, adjoiaing the T )wa «>t Singapor >. The Wharf extends to one mile and h ,i irtef :iii-l i« div.ded by the entraaoei lotbeG iviny Docks into three parti The West Wharf oTer one
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    • 576 2 Pine Old Scotch Whisky. John Robertson Son Have pleasure m atatiog that they have agaia secured the very important contract i'or the exclusive BUpply of J R SCOTCH n WHISKY v TRADE MARK to Messrs. J. LYONS A: CO., LTD, during tho run of the •Orient" at Olympia; ami al>o.
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    • 260 2 Medical ELECTiaciTY. PROFESSOR S. DE JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a vi*it to this City Specialist m all Nervous diseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rlieu rnntUm, Spinal aff-c*io:is, Hvstenc, Dyspepsin, Nervous Debility, Ncuril. oia, Piles, Exhaustion, M«4enohcliu, Stomach Ojttenliun, Liver Tor|»idity. Local \Veakues?, L n paired Vitality. Men taffrtrin^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 43 2 MEMO: OF THE WCKK. M lay, A:i sth, Full Mo<»n. X.46 p m. Philharmouio Society Concert, 9 p m Tuesday, An? 6th.— District Bornrd of General Purposes, E m, 9 m Wednetcbr, U j. rth,— P. A O. Mail Homewards Thnralay, Ang, Bth.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 108 3 j ill miu r ijr. at Mliy employed »t ofices m committee i t the above libra thl ir Wi y n the reading room, say at i ry morning, and p rl unity to tbo*a [ho paper* be! ire ih^ir daily w »rk. It would no
      108 words
  • 109 3 iv od tr.^m :;i r; J~4 pig*. i id La \y Mil- v is Ik .m .m was ti:i.<d i IS i -t v C MlC'Tt lowa Hall at 9 119 is quors. We s yesterday K. Bircb, lh« surer, returned and C'.ipl L) rrived from Dutch
    109 words
  • 878 3 Imn-i a portion I ou the analyses of il various timet m r on the >üb. ouoluh to morrow, own observations. 1^ kaown that A ■Mini, ofthd Po>W LOO men under its I* takes into Imient, men on leave, St. John's, and those Mana Hjbby" i 3 !0l
    878 words
  • 827 3 Tins w.is given on Saturday ni^ht und was thrown open to the public at a nominal admission fee of 2"> c utg. Perhaps I<M persons availed them* selves of tho opportunity. Thii meant persons other than members of tha Society, performerij &c. \V> had hoped to
    827 words
  • 75 3 LooJon 4 luontli's si^ht Baakbiilj 2 1 1 o Private P«pev 2 l^- oodayd*«ijfht DoodiUJUU.M -,1| Mi 2/l| demand Bank bills 11% T. T m\ France, demand ~.t'»o Java 1. 8, Penan^ n o o pr<) n India lU."> Qougkong L o/o pro a Manila l.> o/-> pns
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  • 93 3 Giiinbior, 9 3> do Qabe Xo. L J-2 50 do do So. 2 10.5 J Copra Dal i, Ida driei r >.&> do i'ontiauak, o.OJ Pepper BUclc, lO|. Btego b'lour, So. I '.'>o) Pearl 8ag0, 3.6 J Coffee Bali, Picked Coifee Siberian, pickoJ '-.0 lapiooa suutll KLtke
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 17 3 FOR BALE. Horses. Horses. Horses. Tj ba sold at moderato pricj* ur, Li'a l j)rt's Livory S^ijlos.
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    • 741 3 81NGAP0RE VVATBB SUPPLY, JIjOTICE is hereby that to allow of some necessary works cjnnected with F.lters beini^ carried I out the supply ot w^tertoTown will be eat off as noted below. Suuday 4th Aii'us, from 1 a m. till 2 p. m. Mouday s:h August trom (j a. m. till
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    • 716 3 INDO-CHINAS. N.CO. LTD j FOR PSNANG CAWUrrv. the Ojro pan j*s steamer Xi T-AXd. j IJ'.'"» tons, Captain PaYXB, having left Hougkoug ou the 2id inst., 111 1» bd expectttd to arrive here on or about the ft( li inst., and will have prompt deep&itoh for the above ports For
      716 words
    • 349 3 Y. SiniJUVA, WlloLß^ALi S- K••; 1 Air. \r IN JAPANESE J":3S. N'). 40 F, Hi^'lj Street, S» i^apare( SPECIALITIES. Ivory (lirvings, (i f,l(l I.ic<|tisred and I la: (l-woo(J Cabinets, Puroelain nud lir(»nz^ Warts, Silk Binbroider^d and II md painted Screens, Silic lOnl)ri*ilrred and 11 m I painted Scroll*, H-Mnp Ra^s
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 42 3 MAM IVJITIP" HAILS WILL CLOSE ON MONDAY KOR Billiton It PontUUUtk, B. W Soon Noon, L'ciuiu^ and Deli Hebe, I j> m MaUooa. KUmg, T. An^on. Amherst, 3 p m Bangkok, Baa Seng Qomu Spm Malacca A Klan^, Juno. I n ni
      42 words
    • 201 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS Aug I British Bteamer Sri Tria^anu, Wdlock, from T,gann, Oasf Kee rl><b Cj H itisli steamer Cti'iu^ Hock Kiltr, Kunath, from Amoy, ElapSeaug ft 00 British steamer F*utee, L'illut, from Knantan, Kirn Sen^ British Baeamer Jnno, Whyte, fron Dundee, S. S. 8. (lo British steamer Will o' tlie
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 364 4 MAX BTERN Co. SINGAPORE. Sendiri seja nda j*di Wakil saina Orang Paj 1. ftKOPP pania Kreti L*renj{ Diiiiu Tilara mma Uia lain pakaK«i t-v.Ai irtiia paminsfj bauiu kuat miui banid batfUi n^\u* kreta L.rciu' yan^ ;.Ja 1 c-r 11:1 kerim. Ai,-M». DUBKOPP& Co. suda ju A iui Kreta L-rcn^ daluia
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    • 485 4 MILLWRIGHTS, EXCHXEERS, IRON POUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERB OF BELTING Wb herewith <zivo somo convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Userst>£ Bolts. Tho following ponuine extract is taken from Huttohs Works Managers Etandbook" as to the respective Strengths of one square inch
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    • 151 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronageot Sir Cecil Clrmexti S.aiith, (J.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Ag-ent. To those Furnishing. A. rare and shoice collection of drawing, dining, md bed room f ami hire at the lowest prioet
      151 words
    • 147 4 G. B. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS, F>Y SPIXfAL APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KISG OF SIAM AND H. H. THE SULTAN OF JOHO RE GRESHAM HOUSE, BATTERY Rd Office Hours. J aa y s 730 a m to 5. p.ffl I9ond«7i 7.30 a.m. to noon Most suitable time for taking portraits
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    • 468 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. jyi V. A. PILLAY, L M, can ho consnittnl at nny ii m day or niirbt, at U,iil... Dispensary t iK a niii Bridje lioad. Singapore, 29th Mireh, is;is. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER CIIOP-PAYONG,' the only beer which received auy award at the Chicago Exhibition. C
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