Mid-day Herald, 11 July 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 17 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD itm -Tjiii-^^ ~^^E_JfT ".ni __^»fja"*L__ifS^^^^ VOL M SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1895. [NO. 203
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 334 1 TIIE MID-DAY lIEKALD, SINGAPORE. jffp I publication of the EIBRALD l- at Xo. 11), late the Daily Ad- of Pablicmtioa is at 2 ;it n<»oii on Saturdays. Tl, e Bubecri^tion is $1 a pouth il Mid 1L25 Tor out.oh. di <.n bmin«M matter m to the Manager. I :'t of
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    • 545 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION GO. Office, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour The mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and loave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1895 1895. Pekin Mar 18th. Rohilla Mar. 20th X-• tta April Ist. Ravenna April 3rd Kaisar-i-Hind April
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    • 354 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ, Undeh Contbact with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J. DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Dat De Carpentier Batavia June 9 Batavia. Cheribon, S'rang and S'baya. lltr Hak Bila, June 15 P*neh, Bila, As' ban,
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    • 633 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA /~\NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by c the above steamers at through rates to I all ports m India and Ceylon, also to j
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    • 366 1 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICE KJ LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agenti Messrs. Jardine, Mathe^on Co The iindei signed having been appc inted Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is annual \j
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  • 868 2 Singapore, Thursday, July 11, 1895 The European Contingent. At the close of last year the European Contingent was practically disposed of. The rocommendation of Mr. Maxwell, M ci devant." Inspector General of Police, added to that of the Retrench men t Committee, reduced the force to Inspectors and a few
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  • 266 2 x.ie nuaaian lv,< s Pfl opinio* aa to nhv Id.', much about to 3e cu re l J? ourg w dsoiasthat an v^niage i, to b, J* transaction dowa to 1{ PuU tiaj deaiie to prom He Friend- 1 1 with China. Tha 'V i on the
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  • 161 2 This event has been brotgat ibotf as it was certain it must be, and the new Government is nj.? m the Hill of the country. The eteoton have Lord Salisbury's progran;ne before th)m, and uale«s tiijy hive i ft a.ift leuce m the individual there doubt
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  • 133 2 There has boen som now crwtifl m the way of rucounts aal i has been made. Lord Koitsfocim<l Sir Henry ICitthewi htf« h vance 1 to tho former dittty, Henry J.iaios to the Utter. Knubsford will be rememberc I Secretary of tho Colooiei ur. last admiaistr«tioa of L
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  • 165 2 Th 9 China Miil" m i the outbreak ot C er;v IB* menfc has some v.-.y appro;" marks on thoabanrdi y as a preventive tot iho sease. Ihs writer pom such M ataaiUand > never entirely irea fr i o yet they are rot qa ir i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 895 2 THE TANJOXG PAOAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of tho Company are 6>tuHtel at Taojong Pagar, adjoining tho Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a qu itcr ami is divided by the entrance* l olbs Offering Doeksinto three parts. Tho West Wharf o? er on« mils
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    • 535 2 Fine Old Scotch Whisky. Messrs. John Robertson Son Have pleasure iv stating that they have again secured tho very important contract for the exclusive supply of SCOTCH D WHISKY TRADE MARK to MEBBBB. J. LYONS <fc CO., LTD, dating the ran of the 'Orient" at Olympia; and also, that their
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    • 283 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT, M. E., is now on a visit to this City. Specialist m all Nervous Deseasks. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheumatism, Spinal affections, Hysteric, Dyspepsia, Nervous Dehility, Neural. gia, Piles, Exhaustion, JVkhncholia, Stomach Distortion, Liver Torpidity, Local \Voakness, laa paired Vitality, Men suliVriu^r from the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 102 2 MEMO: OF PHE WEEK. S A Drill Tanjoog K:ttoug, launch at 5 p il Gaiety Con. pany. Town Hall, 9 p in Friday, July 12th, Ass ciation Cup Tie— S. C. C. v. Fosiliera I. Lodge Zetland Regnlar, 8.3 p. m S V a Cigarette Smoker, i' p m Gaiet}
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  • 138 3 iti >nil senrtestes are being exlnU' r J'|dw.u.n Italy Snd Grout Brin{) ooeaMoaol the v«-it oftue nlii Iron to Portsmouth, where ]TXX cordi.ll> receited. This of goo^ feeliog between «of good omen. Italy'• aa be of great assistance to ritaio m ihe event ot serious 2!
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  • 182 3 Cruelty to poultry is recognised. A g^i, Wi- fined -"> ceuts for carrying (nrfa be* downward* erliy the 9. L' aa arrived |\—.1.11)4 with 120 oallucks, 40 v lsi; pigf. rntor arrived from Jed. d ►roiug with 714 pilgrim* on Nitre were vino deaths during the I
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  • 1241 3 iio^ a ICiin named Veuda- waa bclur« Mr.l met on a on iii.mi arc-ctoti ot trutt iv fdSIJ. iii« case was traui I u>two ma^iMiatea. BaiJ §590. ial Llits s. s Waotiu who 13 ooavicted of euiuggiiu^ opiaa from Swatow irai iue captain aud stosvard ■tfis itUu obarg«d but acqaitted,
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  • 222 3 A curious prodigy was brought into the tvorld the other day m Sandakan (May sth) the father bein* a Brunei Malay and the mother a B ijow. fhisjnfant (a mile) whilst showing a lar^e crop of hair oa the scalp aud an unusual Inirioess of Uu skin
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  • 326 3 A9 stated 10 our last issue, it is uautiderstood thai H. E. the Governor has failed to s»*e the uece^sity foi au Assistant Auditor and stuff m Kioto, No dju >t the geueral publio eta iui. derstand the decision of the Gjvern->r. But why not transfer tho Auiit Djpartment to
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  • 77 3 Loulou 4 month/a -si^Ut liaak bilU 2/2 o Private Paper 2 2* h oj dayd' diglit Djjuiq jtiti 2 2< W 2/2^" demand Bauk bills 2 li France, demand 2.68 J^ v 1.30 Peiiaug a u a pre a India 105 Hongkong o/o pre. a Mauila M l,j
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  • 86 3 Gambler, 9^. do Cube Xo. i 12.50 do do No. 2 -lib J Copra Bali, sua ddel o.95 do Pontiauuk, o.O'J PepperBlaolc, 11.0. Sago Flour, So. 1 ts oUj Pearl Sago 3.6 Coffee Bali, Picked u2.*JU Coilee Liberiau, piciiel 44. J Tapioca saull Flake, 4.dll do do
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 520 3 MAX STERN Co. SINGAPORE. j Sendiri seja ada jadi Wakil sama Orang Puja. DUUKOPP punia Kreta Lsreng Diana. Tilam sama lain lain pakakas suda Bcdia pasaog bauia kuat sama bania bagus gunia kreta Lereng yang ada perna kerim. Messrs. DUBKOPP Co. roda ju,l mi Kreta Lereng dalam taun 18 IH
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    • 401 3 Notice, r plIK undersigned hrn discov»'ro[> MVISBABATBY NIBAHAHA SUNJBBVI," or a Specific for Cn >ler;«, and has cured numoroiH cases m India with unfailing nucooiw, an 1 now proceeds to make it known to the pub. lie. Ho requests that a f »ir trial m iv be tjiven t«» his
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 41 3 MAI L~ NOTICE. I Mails will close to-morrow for Batu Pahat, Sultana, 1 P m Malacca, i. Diokson Klaug. Willo'the Wisp, p 3 m Mulaooa, P Dicksou, Klang. Penang Sri Pegataa 3 pin Sourabaya. Specialist, 3pm bataviu, ainaiaug Suurabaja, Stentor, 4pm
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    • 220 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS July 8 British str Sinjaporj, Main, fro t. Bangkok, Seng Chan British str Ban Seu^ Gtaan, Oc.iry, from Bangkok, Ban Seng German steamer Wuotao, Otto, tfooft Amoy, Kho Aik Seng July i) Dutoh steamer Sri Pegatan, Flak fro n Palembang, Wee l>iu and Co British str Chow Pftya,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 407 4 Powell d Go. SINGAPORE. :o: Pi<kask RFAi> tttttM FtW tt»M iMI WEMM THEM IN MIND. :o: fjUS FUnNITUKK FVCTORY is In Orobard Road, and is the largest :\n(i mo,st compU'te. It ia supplied with stc;im powei to drivo our WoodworkiMg Maohim-s, Sitws, Lathes, &c, therefore Contructß and l (t> re
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    • 828 4 l m. urn m. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON POUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Bolts. The following genuine extract is taken from Iluttons Works Managers Handbook' as to the respective
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    • 468 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. D^- V A. PII.TvY, L M.fes can be consiilted at any tim," day or aiurht, at lt:ffl tfS Disnenaar 7D, North B,id^ e Ui(l li P en «*ry Singapore, S9Ui Mtreb, ls^j. HUTTENBACH BROS, ft CO KUPPEFTS BEER Ohop-payong," theo ri!} beer which received Q y UxV;uM at
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