Mid-day Herald, 21 June 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 328 1 IRALD, I H ■>n of the No [LT Al>I of Publication is At 2 ni doou oo B <turdaya. t subtcri] t n is $1 a and £1.^5 for out- emti each. buslneei matter to th« Manager. I DVERTISRMBHTS. <<f an inch, Two >ng peiioda I i Mftcd on 8
      328 words
    • 533 1 pENINSULAB AND ORIENTAL 9TEAJI NAVIGATION CO. Office, Oollyer Quay. WhtfTM and Qodowns, New Harbour THK mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapbte l.gmewards on the following dates Outwards Homewahds 1 191 MM PeV*in Mar !Bti. Rohilla Mar Mttl Rosttta Ap i! Ist Ravenna Ap il I<l
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    • 330 1 DE KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. j UKOftB CONTRACT WITH THE N T KTKKRLAKDS Is'DIA GoVKKN Ml- N'T. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, Iate.I.DAENDELS Co., 2 3 Collyer Quay. Sn-amer Fiom Exacted Will be itipfttefctd l or JW* D« Carpeatier Brtavii Juue 9 Hatavia. Cheribon, > s 'n«n? nnd S Ima. Jllh
      330 words
    • 636 1 "ORITISH tXDIA RTBA.M NAVtGA 13 TION CO., L!MlTi:i\ fO PENAN*'!, UAN(iOON, ANl> CALCUTTA AXE of t!'»; Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar i vVliarf every week. Passeugerfl and Cargo are booked by 1 1 a'-rove steamers at through rates to ill ports m India and Ceylon, alao- to
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    • 383 1 p ANTON [NSURANCK OFFICK KJ LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed $2,000^000 Amount paid up 500,000 Uksekve Fund 500,000 Head Office, HONOKOVO. General A .rents Messrs. Jardinb, Matii^sON Co The mdkmigimil bmng been appc Juted Agents for the ;il»< v ve Company UTa prepuivd to MOept vi.ii i tie risk* tft LUirrcnt rab'S.
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  • 824 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Friday June 21, 1895 The Government and the Municipal Health Officer. AT the meeting of the Maui. cipal Commissioners on Wedneeduy a letter was ivad commeiiting on the hi^h death rate reported by Dr. Middleton tor April last. It w 11 perhaps be reuie nbered that
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  • Correspondence
    • 264 2 Sir, —N) doubt the m'litary tathirities mi tuoviiiJK ii» the rigln iir.x;rioi ia thu:. put*lD^ our u\ b mi i Is HI »at of tho gro.;sh i,), «i-id tiv^ris gtyljj a-> 'hutt'ts' m Uu t >wti. [{.a i'ier» iiouo aspect t>i the mm whicij seems io have been fot^oiUtn, namely,
      264 words
  • 883 2 The Eruption of Krakatoa. Described byan eye witness. "the mJ&M SfflVg eruption ol tht «rev vafeun of' 4 katao, d .^ribe.l t,M| 1!( i, v an eye- witness. Mr JnnVt,. the author of rl^^Hopersons 9 ,mH off by U,c Data? eminent to uke eei«i t fie oWt THi volcvnoiv utupno*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 925 2 TAN JONG I'AGAR DOCK VVY, LIMITED. T» j remisefl of the Coin pan y are Situate 1 i Tanjoug Pagar, adpiuing The Tows of Singapore. the Wl'jirf extends to one mile and it qg M ter anil is ili v.ded by the entrances toLhe<- .»ving Docks iv to three parta
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    • 493 2 Pine Old Scotch Whisky. J r TRADE MARK D John Robertson Son. DUNDEE. 11 an!) 12, Qbrat Tower Strkit, London, EC, \*ru .Jan., 1885. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. fwrtby certify that I Imv» MbaittUd to a vrry c i^ful and searching chemical nnnlyma Miaple ot FINE OLD SCO.IM WHISKY, as *ppliol
      493 words
    • 233 2 Medical Electricity. PHOFESSOB S. [)\i JUQUILLOT, M. E., is now on a vi>it to \\i\< City. Specialist m all Nervous Okseasss. Permanent euro of Paralysis Rhcu m.aisin. Spinal arT.'C(i>:is," Hv^teric, Dyspepsiii, Nervous Debility, Neural «ia, Piles, Exhaustion, Melsnehnlia, Stomach Disteutiun, Liver Torpidity' Local Weaknett*, In paired Vifulity' Men t«ufreriiitr from
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 80 2 memo: of nil-; IrfiKiL Saturday. .Tnne.22ud,— S C. C. At hh tie >j .on*. Popular Or hestral Concert, 9 p. m. Jom Shfdgel J t Sonday, June 23rd, 2':d Sun iav after Trinity Kew Moon, 4.(L' i m. French Mail Oatwards, Monday, Jane 34tb, Mohamnie dan New Year (131S) Comnie
      80 words

  • 972 3 I llgS of 4 VJ Ml!- a» an Orflia.nv do b I ly, a 5 1 »i PseskKT. V i-x O little E •i 'ii >r*4 >)i t* Aim I Pcaaafath :r. 1H q. B?q. 1 i, Ksq. li:sr. i|. ..i i S lilfl Ijflll Jv 1 :n
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  • 820 3 The monopoly oi the Slaughter Houses OMMIot i>.» tanned. A Special Meeting .»f tbe Muok ll GammiMtonen will he held at the. i».-ard Room, it 2,-Jd p.m. t;i day, The d«'ath*rate 1 isi week 1 r.ce>rJi ig to Dr. ■iJdteton w.is 7o per tlioQiadJ! I' is questionable
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  • 67 3 Lou ion i mouth's rii^ht ikij c oi|U 2i\\ M .i L'nv\ite LapS- J I n ;i > 2/i r.rl*:^ */ii l\n ui^ v o [>iv n m Lia. li»l tloii^k ki,' o.'j pru v M niu.k \'i > > |>;v ii S.KIU^iUU 11 Y'J.voal :l\ l) i
    67 words
  • 71 3 u.i.u'oior, {^i «i Cut*) N>• 1- l2.«iU do i!j No. 1- .^J Copra liaii, suu ilriei > ao foutiauaic, J (J Pepperbiikolc, 11 Sua i fc'ioar, So. I I\.a\ afci^a, jfcd UotftMi liiili, L'iokc i v'uitej Liberuui pic.;«i >- L'apiaoa s.u.ilt L-'iii-. a j Lst tjuali v
    71 words
  • 296 3 sale of valuable household njrmituke, &c, Tuc I'Dperly of David U Keave, B-q., At Claoy Hou*,Clony KmJ Tliursvi .v, th; i7ibJaoe, n I oJ p. m r l^ilK an Jerri*; tied are ins rueted by Divil O. NVaw, Ksq., 10 > 11 by Aur.i »n, at Cl iiy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 564 3 latest Qalucriiscmcnta. J)U. fAUL, latts Civil Star*eon M >. l><ui i :iiil Ri >y Mine District, Medicii Uffijor to the \lojoun_j L vy, (JncovinaiTm] C Vil M-dic*! S-rvici, Burtnah, cia t> eui-uUbd at \V it ori- v Strrei <v the following bour*: Waftk il .y> 7 t«* I<> a m.,
      564 words
    • 474 3 Notice. riMLM iftttltfraijpfed he£s to inform hi* patrOMS aiul the 'public m jfunural t hut U-i has now <>l>tai:ied the lull privilege of his Liens;? an I is ?*t?l iin sjiiritious and Fermented liquors ell ill: pr« mists (rum ii m. to p.m. <ldiiy. IMcea aro cjm|»arahlo -wa li ihe
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    • 283 3 NOTICK. 1 -W.H.d from T.\Y Tys .;>nv ti.o ir.hul.viM jukl itock. in-trnl ot Loop Vf-oft- Uu -m" carry i-j-; *.1 blWlie*! :rs a Spirit Sli'ip at N». 149, MIMU All per so nf having uijr cliiins <>r demand:* against the *aM Chap tfeon^Gatn are r^ri 1 ••••!'•< l loteou m
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 465 3 MAIL iVU t tLrt, Hails will close to-morrow 1 o i «fe Samn u:i^r, Penaog 1 p m X i -run.-, iV I'l.vf.'ni, ,t iy LoAgd I p ju Malacca A Klu'._' cv B tngkufc Hteuba t p i Muniijk ft t'aieJO'cii/ by I j> m SI IPPING ARLftlVAIri Dr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 443 4 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. IV MSI READ TttKSK Wx I.ISI> AY» IRAB TURM 13 MINI*. U PDRNITURE PACTORV L« In Orchard (load, and is the largos! nnd mo*l complete. It i^ inppMoji Nvith ■teaiß power to drive imr Woodworking Machines, Saws, l«athc«i &c lheref«»re CoutritcUattH !:iv— orden «san be pal through
      443 words
    • 485 4 J. ffi. LYfll CO. MILLWRIGHTS, ENOINCSIRS, LUON FOUNDERS, C ACTORS. NOTICE TO [JSfcitg OF iiKLTIXU V/n herewith jtive sonic convincing f;u*ts rotating bd out UIttGUfAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the odification of r.soisoi BjUs, Tbe following genuine extract is taken frcm lluttons Works Mfiii;igoi\s Handbook'' as to the rebpectivti
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    • 158 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, ITi^.n. i iVi-rtjajprnhnrt potroua^u. f Cecil Olemen-ti Smith, 0.0. M.G., late Governor of tho Straits Seftleinont,, Furniture Dealer and Commission Ag-ent. To those Fnrni Bhi8 hi, 1? ,_v raft nn*\ choice collection of drawing, dinin/ tnd bed room fnroUare at t.l, e
      158 words
    • 136 4 I 1 G. K. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS, ISY SPKCfAL APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE XI TG OF SIAM A\r> H. H.THE 3LTLTANOF JOHORE (JKHSHAM HOTSE, BATTERY Hd Office Roan, f v Vet>k **f 7.30 a.m to -p m 'Mm<l ;l ys r.:u a. m t-),,,,,,, HostsaifcaWa time for taking portraits
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    • 534 4 NOTICE OF REMO\ GOWANS, ALE//,, rKOI'HILTCK'-, i'CM*ANY, BOTTLERS, LVU 1 tit I" bfcg to inf isrsate ti* v icniuv.d i heir VOW! U Nt 8j BA'J The itt w office <: j m 11 -t'l Office, a- v w > uncles nt *H -U n. a::(i drall m will t:
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