Mid-day Herald, 7 June 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD ghg fghg VOL 11 SINGAPORE, FIIIUAY, JUNE 7, 1895. "'P-* I 119
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 349 1 rH E MID-DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. pcblication of the -•yilMMl HBBALD M is at No. 19, late the -Daily Adi'l.i of Pablicutiea is at 2 tt noon on b.iturdays. ite ot Bnbscriptiou is $1 a i lor local aud $1*25 tor out- ribera, ationi on business rn-tcr kin --< d to
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    • 526 1 pKNINBUL<VR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Oliicc, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour THK mail steamers may be expected to arrive out wards and leave Singapore i homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1895 1895. Poldn Mar 18th. Roliilla Mar 20th Iloßctta Ap il Ist. Ravenna April 3id
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    • 347 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ, Undkr Contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J. DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. Steamer Fiom Expected Will be despatclied for Date De Carpentier IVatavia June 9 Batavia. Cheribon, S'rang and S'bava. llth riak Bila, June 15 Paneh, Bila, As'han, Muemn,
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    • 632 1 I fIRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO.. LIMITED. 10 PENANG, RANGOON, ANL> CALCUTTA *-^\NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, aiso to East African
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    • 378 1 n ANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. CPITAL SUBBCRIBED 12*600,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Resehve Fund r -00,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents .Messrs. Jardine, Matheson A Co The undeisigned having been appointed Aleuts for the above Ootnpaay aTS prepared to accept marine risks ac current rat* ss. A Bonus is annually
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  • 912 2 THR premises of the Company ire tuated at Tenjotlg Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends Is one mile and tin -iter and in divided by the entrances io the Graving Dockriinto three partß. Tho West Wharf; over one mile in length
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  • 815 2 Singapore, Friday June 7, 1895 The Temper of the Chinese. This seemingly is beginning to manifest itself. The tidiu^s as they are conveyed Ly means of a manifesto published in tho "Singapore Free Press" do not afford matter for surprise. Mora than once lately wo have stated in these columns
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  • 1688 2 Minute, of t| le proneed*** _t A Municipal Commissi >ners "S narj meetAUg held at' U* ft*« K>ou ou Wednesdiy t|„. Mr Paasavi Tne Presilout^Arx. <»,.*.,.. In; Inspector U 5 ldral uJ MWColoualPennetaii J \> m. Nar*avq E q. J, P. J 'aquim, E q. Tan Jiak Km,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 297 2 RALEIGH CYCLES. FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. 0 v_iixVx>irioNSlllPS. A total of 092 Firsts aud Seconds won by 21 of Italy's Average this out, and remembor that tho anme skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed iu the construction of roadsters, and that ••RALEIGii" Roadsters and R:ieers
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    • 284 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT, M. E„ is now on a visit to this City Specialist in all Nervous Dkseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rlipu matism, Spinal aff-ctions, Hysteric, Dyspepsia^ Nervous Debility, Neural gia, Piles, Exhaustion, Melancholia, Stomach Distention, Liver Torpidity, Local Weakness, In pai red Vitality, Men snfteiino
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 68 2 .MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Full Mo<jn,r>.s4 p.m Sale of Work. Town Hall, 4 p.m Horse sale. Abrams' Yard Ciicket Esplanade. Sunday, June 9th Trinity Sunday Monday. June lOrh. WA O. Mail Oatwardfi. Philharmonic /hoir 5 5 p ni Tuesday, June 11th,— Raffles School Sporti Golf Club, Ladies com pot it
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  • 506 3 ineiortebas tendered an "apot y for the SWirate committed on the re preventatives of Great Britain, F oca IUSd Ru.s.a at Jeddah, and promised Itopnm.h the active w lif but be. yond thisissthieay ,eem, to have beon i done. Jhe fact that there was imni nentd-m-er that an attack
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  • 837 3 The Spanish cruiser Maria Theresi has been ordered to reinforce the equadrou on the Pnilippiue statiou. Thee ise against police constable li.ii' Sin^h tor estorti >n aul receiving au illegal oratific ition was postponed. Bui allowed $200 The German cruiser Princess Wilbelsa is expected here any nmneut,
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  • 83 3 London 4 month's eight Baa c bi li 2/2 3 Private Paper 2 ti I„ OOdiys' sight Docam*ut-» 2,2} m v i» im de naud Bau_ bills ij T -ft gift] ranee, demand 2.70 J iv i Penang m o/o pre a -"din lij-j Hougicoug 0 /o Drj
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  • 83 3 LATEST MARKET QUOTATION Produce. (iaubier, g do Cube So. L 1*2 25 do do So.l ifjj^i CopraBali, suu driol 5,y > Uo Pontiana-, PepperBlack, u* tiugo Flour, So. 1 m 2.7 Pearl Sago, 3.5 Coifss Hals, Piolced -I4.J Codec Liberies, picket 440 Tapioca small Fla..e,... 4.3.J Uo do Bit iiaahty
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 383 3 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C0KUPPER'S BEER CHOP'-PAYONG," the only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. dHUBB'B IKON SAFES AND LOCKS The best in the world, APOLLINARIS WATER. The queen of table w.itors. a most healthy and refrshing drink in tropical countries. 1 1 5. 0U percase ol IQO -flnss
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    • 480 3 Safest I INDO-CHIN^S- N. G3. LTD FOR PENANG CALCUTTA. The Cmpanv's Steamer "CHE. LYDRA," 1,57d tons Cap',. Oass, having left Hongkong on the 2nd insr., may be expected to arrive here on or about he Bth inst., and will have prompt despatch for tha above ports. For freight or passnae
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    • 212 3 HONGKONG ArfD SHAtfOrtAl BANKING CORPORATION. I PAID-UP CAPITAL..., .ikIO.OWjWJ RESKRTB FUND, 4,.*3)0,06\> RESERVE LIABI-) LITY OF PRO-t ..iIOIWOOW PRIETORS j Court op Di a ko?i i Chalr3|\n-0. .1 HOLLIDAY, Kef. I Deputy Oha!BBU»~J S MOt£i.at»] jt M. ti ny. Vrtq. j .Jnli ls IraaMS Eaq, Hoppiu*. Eh..,. ii 0 A
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 37 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close to.morrow FOR K. rakauj, PaßanA Triaggaee, Lady ta-*eaua, 3pm Muar, iiian Yang, 3pm Latavia, Cheribou Samarang, ttiaug Ann lpm lluntuk Jc t'alciubant-, Ruby 4pm l»iihioii jc I'outiauaii, li. W Svonl p m
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    • 540 3 SHIPPING ARRIVAL May 20 Biitish steamer Raj iti Broo'fe, Joyce from Sarawak, Lim Lan st Co Dutch steamer Sri Sin tang, Muhlen bein, from Pontianak, Ban Sen*-* Norstr Lyderhorn, llammerail frotr Ku hinotzu. Boa tead an.l co Britishjstr Gienesk, Webster, r o.a l.ondor, Boustead and Co French steamor Qo-Kvery, Ftogli
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 306 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. i*LEA.4I WtLKO tUKSR It Y l.'.N''-> A S I ['.KM IN MIND. /vi FURXITPRE FA< TORT ii In \r the \'A" I ke. It BnppHfl I v r to «lri\-t" ow b, Saws. I ro Coittracriaiid r be put Kurongh I»EED. I \i;v::i:saivl Sbang- V.KKUS*ofwIK>TO T 10,
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    • 790 4 1. M. LYOS CO. MILLWRIGHTS, EXdINEEr^, ITION FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. l NOTICE TO USI-TvS OF BELTIXG We herewith fcive some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Usersof B^lts. The following ponuine extract is taken from Huttons '-Works Managers* Handbook' as to tho respective
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    • 530 4 NOTICE OF REMQVAL. SOWANS, ALEXANDER Cj Proprietors, ;mk Dispensary Ibratbo \V\ Company, BOTTLER^ LMPORTBII3, t>eg to intimate that they have t'n > removed their TOWN DEPOT I Ne. 8, BATTERY ROAD, The new olßces are under Eur< i Supervision and in direct teiepu communication with the Wo ks \w\ Head
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