Mid-day Herald, 3 May 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 11 1 MID-DAY HERALD I I.] SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1895. [NO. 148
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  • 186 1 Hr ttion of the I „n iii.KAi.;. ■iiat No 19, X the Daily AdB of Publication is at J n> ii en cxitnraayii B Mil st-ription is $1 a WMr cal Mid tl*2s for otttW m cents each. He tifl on bnsineM matter I I t
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 171 1 HE PRYE RIVER DOCK, I THE ill Ik, k. Kitaated m Proviiuv- at the entrance of tb*i ly beeu k-n-tliencii i ed, and is now of the follow* -Hi on the blocks MO fee* adtli al enirauoe Xl "!''li ul water on Hill at wdinarj spring tides... l« r >
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    • 540 1 pENISSULAti AND OHIEXTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CU. Office, Colljer Quay. Wbmnrei and G<>d«>\wi^ Now Harbour Till mail steamers may W expected to arrive Outwards and leave Singapore home wards on the following dates Outwards Homkwards HH 1895. VeVxn Mar lstiv Rohilla Mar. 20th i Rostttft Ap i! Ist. Ravonna April 3rd
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    • 335 1 I DIANA IX X DURKOPP CYCLES, 7 8 inch Jlubber Tyros $100 54 inch Cushion Tyres $125 Pneumatic Durkopp's Patent $160 inclusive of L intern, Bill or Bora, Turnscrews, Keys <fc Oilcan. PACKING FREE. These CYCLES have been adopted by several European Armies, and recently contracted for by the German
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    • 619 1 HRITIBB INDIA STKAM NAVIOA TION 'JO., LIMITED. TO TENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA /~\XE of the Company's Steamers i.s intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, c»iso to Kast African Ports,
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    • 376 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Tpita i, Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 RBBKBYI Fund 500,000 Head Office, Homokovq. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, llathbsOJl (Jo The andei signed having been appc inted Acrents for the above Company ;ir^ prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually pai
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  • 1432 2 The Mid-day Herald. The Late Municipal Engineer. Yesterday we published a letter from our correspoudeat u Nemo" on tho loss of the much Lamented Mr. Macßitchie. liulisfiusitiou preveated our representative from attending tho m tot ing of the Com. missioners held on Tuesday, hence no report appeared m our columns.
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  • 836 2 Its PIOPMCISIJO&ttDBRED Kxfr.n An old aud wall known C planter iv an interesting letter t> Ceylon contomti >rary, teils about U* growth of, itiMJ eropj on bibenan Uoff«*C trees and n» prospect* I l Sumatra, He My p: In my last LtUteJ tint my friend ii
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 931 2 THE TANJONG PAGAU DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THE premises of tho Company Rre. I tuated ni Taajong Pagftit adjoining tiie Town of Bingapore, The Wharf extends to one mile and n qu irter and is divided by the entrances lolaeOrafittg Docks iato three parts The West Wharf; over one mile m
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    • 331 2 "RALEIGH" CYCLES. FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. A total of W> Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's loading riders on 1\ A L lilu 110 Average this out, and remember that the s.mie skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed id the construction
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 83 2 memo: of tiu: week. I'rila}', May Brd, Phtiharmouic Coinoi ttee 5.15 p. m football. S.C.C. v. Regt Esplanade 5.1. r > p. m. Do R, B, v R _t., R. C. grouaa, r> p m. D.ilhousio R. A Chaptei Regular, 5.30 p. m. Baturday, Mnv 4tli-. Cricket, OAoers ?T lln
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  • 27 3 •r e m mi id that bj la i > not QO&TO> iv 0p.. 1' i s, nor'lo wo hoM oat' I thi upinijM, of our oar
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  • 581 3 '•t— ln your yesterday's ittttt api' u i a paragraph referring to re"IUK le by the magistrate regard- ncy ol i^saulU com- |*üblic servuu.s by tba men Fusilieri, it is to lie c i lhat these occur, and it must o of auxiety mixed with »the colooel nod
    581 words
  • 1334 3 Mr. A: ol c*ry AngtH ii.i, bten ste«i lo Ihe Lnnutic Asylum, tice M;-. Pcstann, transferred to Penaog. Tlv mill of 3rd Apiil from Singa. pto to Lo.i >a n i> delivered oa 29' h idem. It\vv3 stated a 1 rw dajfl a^o that the report t
    1,334 words
  • 92 3 i '.iJ'U'JJt!,. |<^ do Cube Mo. t 12~S> do dv -\o. 1 L Copra Diiii, •andricj iio L'ouu;iu,ii;, i).6J Pepper Black, Ltf.tiA »^.i_;<» b'lour, Xo. I z.~i > l'uun dago, .5 o> Uoileo Ji.ni, PickeJ -iiii)) (Joll'eo Liberia-.!, pic.ttt I !•> 0 > LltpiOCA SiU.IU I'i.i^J, I.i»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 Notice. J^pUNERAL arranifeaenti nnderLilt« eu OH ihc shortest possible notice on very moderate tarns. Hiving m view (lie restricted circumstances of the very Urge m ij >iity of the com ■unity, the uoderzti^ned is prepared, where circumstances denviud it, to allow credit lor a reaaooabla period and to accept payment
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    • 693 3 latest QAtyfiitmtvt*. POLICE NOTICE. J^ SEIZLIIM of property believed fc~> be etclen by car^o^ b »at and sa'.Qpan men has been mad*. Tins pro. party ejn-iists of dried, ii h, copra, horns, beteL nuts, surrar, siifo. m batf3 and capes. Btt'ropean and Chi. nese Merchant! who havo 1< st tuch
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    • 397 3 Jatf^ Jiduer L ti;;ementf). CENTRAL DELIVERY C& DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, JMern Improved Singer. Sanaa I 15. LAMPS, Tin* Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS. Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, Iv all sizes, round corner oval I ;ieVal GIa^SCS, Skirling, Bmbroi lored Curtains, Plated- \vu;e. Toys, a sjile.iJid a-i^artni;nt. The Central Delivery
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 29 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close TO-MORROW roR I)j:iml)i»'. Kian Ann, lift m fiourabayu. Kont»HtH). 3 p ni li;m«k')k, Him Sei o Guiu 4p m Datavia, (^heribua rtanHTHf. GHMg A
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    • 677 3 fO- DAY'S BXOHAKJ& Lou lou i luoubir.s st<lit lUaivbiiii 2/1J M .5 i'nvMto P«pt/ 21$ 'Utlays' tight Docmii -uu ?/lf' 2tj doinaaU 13a:ik bilU 2,1^ T. L\ France, domain] 2i>(> Java M i.ai i^'iui-j I o/o pr« n India M lj;j Hongkanj rt /o praa ftiuuiia n t ij qJ(
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 345 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C KUPPER'S BEER Cil()I> PAYONG," the only beer which received any award :it the Chicago Exhibition. C li U B B S 1 ftON s\ PEB AXi) LOCK 8 Ri> boat m the worW. LUNAEI3 WATER. TUe queen of table w tters, h m thy ,'m I refrshiaj
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    • 400 4 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. I'I.KASK UK AD BUM fIW [.tN*P.< AN"l~> BKAB riIKM IN M1N1». :o:QUR FURKITURE FACTORY is m v Orcltard Hoad, and is tbo largest and most complete. It is tupptled with steam power to drive on? Woodworking Machine*, Bawa, 1-atlirs \»v. tliswforeContra«toand large onlers can be pat fctttoagtt
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    • 768 4 MILLWRIGHTS, UNGINEEHS, IRON POUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith privo some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Bjits. The following Pennine extract is taken from Huttons 44 Works Managers Handbook'' as to the respective Strengths of one
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    • 522 4 NOTICE OF REMOVAL^ I GOWANS, ALEXANDER c I Pro pr m n 1 The Dispensary m RAIEn v I Company, a BOrrLERS, LMPOUI I beg lo intimate that they ha* remuVed their I'OWN DSPfiT I The n w officer »r« un«| > r f Supervision und m I couimtiniciitiou wad
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