Mid-day Herald, 2 May 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 138 1 S on o! the m No 19 m Daily AD- I I is at 2 I on turd ays. H| :,1 |I^s for outd» on bnsinetf matter |^h d to Ihe Manager. 9b advertiskbbkts. I m inch, Two and for long periodi I in* nti 111
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 159 1 I PRYE RIVER DOCK, 9 Mtnated m Province I the entrance of th--5 ly beeu lengthened 8 "I. ;u.«i isg i l() \v of tlie fohow--8 8 blocks 530 feet B Lrauce &U v B U r i. mII at 8 *l» r mg tides... 15 B "cap tides L
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    • 534 1 DENIXSULAR AND ORIENTAL .STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Colljer Quay. Wliarves and Bodowxu, New Harbour THI mail t?te;:niers may bo expected* to urrive out wards aiul leave Singapore bome^ardfl on the following dates Outwards Homewahds 1^95 IH JS. Pekm Mar l*th. Rohilla Mar. 20th Hosetta Apiillfrt. Huvenna April 3id Knisar i
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    • 332 1 j DIANA IX X DURKOPP CYCLES, 7 8 inch Rubber Tyres $100 5 4 inch Cushion Tyres $Il>s Pneumatic Durkopp's Patent $1(30 inclusive of L intern, Bjllor Bora, Turnserows, Keys Oilcan. PACKING FREE. These CYCLES have been adopted by several European Armies, and recently contracted for by the German Army.
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    • 658 1 DRITIBH INDIA STEAIf NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED, rO TENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA r\NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all parts m India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 385 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICB w LIMITED. CPfTAL BPBBCRIBBD .$2,500,000 Amount paid up S Kesekve Fund 500,000 Plead Office, Hongkovq. General Agents Mp:ssrs. Jardine, Mathe^on A Co The uiuleiKiimed haTing been app( inted Agentl for the ;ibove Compaay ■irz prepared to accept marine riska at current rates. A Bonus is annually paul
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  • 867 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Thurday, May 2. The Military Contribution. THE recent action m the House of Commons shews that the Colony has friends and that eiiorts are being made to brin&r the Home Government to a sen>e ot their duty to the colonies m general. A perusal oi the
    867 words
  • 531 2 I hroe events <>f Vor I t ■tunny the nasttw,lr« J* I great .trogirle, b.,,-,, c lv «W I which hasUt j«*t l)e U V I ber.,ofthe S.niUry li! ir i I twttotlm action -.t th,, fj Uill Pv I 111 appointing Ueul'li I slnuldhe in.i,,,^!..,,; of T *i
    531 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 466 2 Sir lt is gratifying to i de£rei 1 1 1 observe how promptly tl«<' Muni' CoSOlitM^nefl b»ve av.iilel ilk'iii. B selves oi tiie constitution toeoafew i B meeting m order to give espieesioa to B their opinions retMrlin^ !be w -> rtl B and ability of
      466 words
    • 231 3 I. C t,jr press April .">. y t I'luvasMfUX* Secretary. General ..^(fjvernmfut of Lido-China, U to Ins PO"* 1 b Y a koH which ;.>j!ice on ist inst. Utf will be \by Metars. Bri€*e and B>ul. die, HeMient Superi m, who are ame B«Tvieo ot the Governor* 5nL
      231 words
    • 549 3 A Far East Cricketing Tour in England. Time* Qj'''jl>n, April Slh.) Dr. Pol, the Sir. iiis cricketer, was ben tu-cj.iy with hii wife, the> beinjj f>r Ba^laad by ihtf Wnite >.tr liner Oceanic, winch is goiug aif f.)r rep»\M mi paving U uiiusuti cm. l al Ojr Nsileni will rememb
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 931 2 THK TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premisca of tho Company are tii abed at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining ♦he Town of ISingapore. The Wharf extendn to one mile and h (jmrter and is divided by the entranced to the Graving Docks m to three parts The West Wharf; ovor one
      931 words
    • 303 2 "RALEIGH" CYCLES. ;Q; f FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. THEN STUDY THESE. 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. A total of 692 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's leading riders on "RAL E I G H S IX ISJ)-t. Average this out, and remember that the snmo skill which enables a maker to build
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 50 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Thursday, U»y 2n<i 9 M«x>n, First Quarter. Social Msrting Masonic Club 8.30 p.m Friday. May 3rd, X. G. L. Mail Outwards D.ilhousie H. A Chapter Regular, 8.30 p. m. Saturday, Hay 4th;— Inter- Settlement Riti^ match 2.30 p ra «i N. G. L. Mail liomt" wards.
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  • 1471 3 ihe Brie Wards" huv* arrived and will play at tho Town Hall on Saturday next. Tne a s Queen Vic'oria, which arrived from Glasgow yesterday brought 2000 ke* 8 of gunpowder and Idl dotonaurs lor Singapore. Contraband chandu cases are frog lent- The Opium Farmer's agents urc
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  • 91 3 Uambicr, „i)J. do (JuLkj So. 1 l'Z Zb do do No. JL 1 .b) Copra Mali, aim diiol )f. Uo PontuiLuk, 1).6J Pepper lilac k, 1 .65 Sago Flour, So. L M Z.I, Peari fcJago, lib Cotfee bill i, Picked 46 0 (Jolfee Ijibcriau, pio.iol io.J lapiocM
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 643 3 THE CENTRAL DELIVERY COMPANY. The Central Delivery Company sohaji pert.irnii gur! m_j orally puteli iaug ada jual barais* h»rnn^ win^ tunai, sekarantf Ml juml dia punia se^ala maclum baran^ baran^ dua puloh lima per cent lebeh inurah deri pada lain r«4anf jfiidan^. SEDIKLT DEHI KITX PUNIA BAKAXG lANG BAGUS. Lam;m
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    • 417 3 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA BICYCLB& SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. Hanau I At 15. LAMPS, Thrt Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRUOttS, In all size?, round corner ov.il Chevul Glasses, Oil Paintings, Pictures. Stationery, Shirting*, EtobroiJcreti Curtains, Plated- ware. Toys, a splendid assortment. Photograph Album*. Harness, single
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    • 68 3 QoWans, Alexander Co. f 8 LOCALLY BOTTLEIU SPECIALITIES. Tonnent^ Pale Ate Pints $I.Mf Do. Qn-irta MJ Tenueut'a Stont Pint* l.7<r Do Quarts i*.. r >. r r Light Shamly PinU 1.2») Do. Quarts 'l.U't Dark Shandy Pints 1.2(r Do. Quarts 5.&5 Cider Piuts 1.7, r f Do. Quarts 5.5a Brewed
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 81 3 TO-DAY'S SXOHA^GIS. Louiou i uiouiu'a «4i>jht iiau.c Out i ti\\ n m Private i'.ipc/ 2 uod.iyd' si^ht LJoou.Uiuu »M n t,\l deiaaud Bauk bilU 21 i *i* -Mi I 4 raace, deiaaud 2 CO J*v* ..1.31 Peuau^j ao j y rj a i"dU li)iJ Hongkou^ i a o/.> pre: a
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    • 654 3 m 11 1 at SHIPPING ARRIVAL! April 25 Dufceh sfceanior van Go ng. Suiit. froiL Batavia, Daendels Co British stjjtner taUMkhao, E/m, from Batoum, Syme A. Co German str Hel«ne Kio'cmors Ribbel^ macd, from Ifayport, Behn Meyer Sjip. Btr Vyner, Mojre f fr>m i^ia.l4 P. Simons Co British Btr Cerberus,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 352 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &CO- KUPPERS BEER Chop ie PAYONG," the only I beer which received any award u( the Chicago Exhibition. c ii v c jr s IRON 3AKKB AND LOCKS Tho best m the \vorl<L APOLLINARI3 WATER. Tar qnean of table waters, a most he.iltliv and rotisiiiu^ drink iv tropical
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    • 380 4 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. SOS I'lkask rkad tbimim few links and IBAB Til KM IN MINI). QUR FITRXITURK FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the largest and nmst complete. It is supplied with Steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Haws, Lath**, &c., therefore Contracts and lHri:e orders can be
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    • 1037 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith give somo convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Belts. The following genuine extract is taken from Iluttons "Works Managers Handbook" as to the respective Strengths of one square
      1,037 words
    • 529 4 NOTICE OF REM^" GOWANS, ALEXANDER Proprietors The D^pen^ry Uratrd Wa, < Oi4PAXY, I BOTTLER^ IMl'OttTKKi be* to imimate that they bit. t L: rvmwVed their i()\VN Dgp(jT No. 8, BATTERY U(, U) The new oHiccs a.,- B Supervision and m direct t,^' communication with ih« \v' ;>l umn^e. m ot
      529 words