Mid-day Herald, 30 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 413 1 D-DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE, -]HK office publication of the ,m ijmm Hkrai ii at No. 19, j I -Daily Ad- 1 fl nr of I'ublication is at 2 ii noon on ci.. turd ays. ol ftobecriptkm ia $1 a local and $1.25 for oot- Dl on buBine»f;B matter set d to
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    • 543 1 PENINBULAR AND ORIENTAL L STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collver Quay. Wharves and Godowne, New Harbour The mail steamers maj T be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore borne wards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1805 1895. Pekin Mar 18th. Roliilla Mar 20th Hosetta April Ist. Ravenna April Sid
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    • 312 1 DIANA IX X DURKOPP CYCLES, 7 8 inch Rubber Tyros $100 5 4 inch Cushion Tyres $125 Pneumatic Durkopp's Patent $160 inclusive of L intern, Bjllor Horn, Turnscrews, Keys Oilcan. PACKING FREE. These CYCLES have boon adopted by several European Armies, and recently contracted for by the German Army. TIIE
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    • 622 1 RRITISII INDIA STEAM NAVIGA X> TION CO., LIMITED. TO PEXAXG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA ONE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 353 1 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICE vy LIMITED. cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 5u0,00u Reserve Fund 500,00* Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, Mathbson (Jo THE undeiHigued hafing beeu appointed Agents for the above Compau? are prepared to accept marine riakd at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid o all
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  • 757 2 The Mid-day Herald Singapore, Tuesday, April 30 The Christian Cemetery. IN yesterday's issue of this paper appeared a paragraph announcing to all whom it may concern, and we are of opinion that it will concern many, that the Municipal .Commissioners have sanctioned the resumption of a portion of the New
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  • 699 2 (via licwjoon.) London, April 18. The leading London commercial houses doing business with the -E.ist are of opinion that according to one of the oondiliqna of tho treaty of peace foreign commerce will pr >fh by the opening up of China, notwithstanding thfl special advantages which bad been
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  • 666 2 We take ihe following from tba K«lm Mail of 27ih ult. about one Penang'i former resident* It is our me!aucho!v duty to the sleuth of Mr. J. J. E Brown Boiebank which took pi ice hi bis ram* deuce hi re at an early hour cm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 905 2 THK TANJONG PAOAB DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Thr premises of the Company are 9 timtod at Tanjong Pagar, adjoiniug the Town (»f Singapore. The Wharf extends to ono mile and a qu ilia? and isdlTided by the ciitniDCes lotheOraving Docks into three parts The West Wharfs over one mils m length
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    • 303 2 i ■*A*SB^asj^B^aj^^^-^fv FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. 9 CHAMPIOXSIIIPS. 341 FIRST PRIZES. A total of 692 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's leading riders on Average this out, aud remember that the snme skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction of roadsters,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 25 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Wednesday, M%y Ist,— P. vV O. MaiJ Homeirardu. Thnndar, May 2nd,— Moon, Firsi Quarter. Bpteial Meeting Masonic Club 8.30 p.m j
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  • 753 3 M Tionethshire arrived 1 this m ruing with coal, Hecate arrived from Bmg. ttio^ with 8J heai Zi four lepers were sent to LoJerajah ve*t rd iv. A police esmritfa them. was charged by Morrii for the theft of a g worth JlOO. e Admiral Tyrtoffhas been
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  • 399 3 (F om thd L. v y 0. Express.) Tiu diecuasioo iv theHuuir of Con. moils on 29J1 ult. 011 ihc y>ci of the Straiti Military Contrtboiioo doei not a»id inueh to our knowledge of the sul»ject. JSir Charles D 4 lk*i and s>i r (Jteo. B iden-Powell, wh
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  • 414 3 Aii Odessa correspondent toletrraphs, under date March 111"The. "The RassiaA volunteer cnr.ser Moskva has ji>t d -parted from O les-u with up- wards ol 1,^0) men, «uti3, military carts, ammunition, an 1 other require! ments fur active service to Wla 'iwoat >ck, and on 2id in**. the cruiser Nijni
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  • 150 3 The Koloische is of opinion thit the J.ip.i'i-'S' 1 Fi»'t will find it tnnch more ilitii Milt, to imd troops m F >r. m >sa thi:i on the Uuines.i c a->t. The bar at the m >vi of tho Tatinui liver is serious obstacle to vessels ot deep jranjfht,
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  • 128 3 Most of the French newspapers express the opinion lint Japan has gran* ted a partial armistice only because the fanner has do m»»re m >ney to continue thj war. The Figaro expresses the opinion tnat it is now that the d:ifi ulties createJ by the war for Europe are
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  • 73 3 LiOUiiou luontti a tfi<t»t DHaK Mili -»/L^ i* I'nvate Pbp«r 2lj u days' aii^lit Uoou:u.mL>.. */lf mi Bl| duiiicind Bank billi 8;lf T. T J5/l| France, dtfUttnd 2.tQ Java 1.31 Peuaa^ o/o pre n iudia lUi HougkoQ^ i o/° l )1%0 li Aiuuilu I.) o/o ore v Bhaugliai
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  • 89 3 i ilOiJ'J J (jiiiubior, Jj. do Cubti No. L J."> do do iSo. Z 1 ,bJ Copra Bali, saadriei > s do l'ontum.tk >„iJ Pepper Black, lu.tid Sago Flour, Xo. 1 2.1 t Pearl Jingo, «5.5J Culler liuli, Picked -iCO* Coffee Liberiau, picol -kJA) > L'ftpio&t suuUi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 146 3 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESBktVfl FUND 4,500,000 EIBSfiRVE LIAIU-") LITY OF PRO-{.....^10,0i)J00J PRIETORS J Court of Dirkctors. OnAUMAW— C. J HOLLIDAY, Esq. DIPUTT ChaiRMAW-1 S. MO>blS, bU\ It. 11. <».r.v. Km\. Julius Kramer Ksq, I H. Hoppiiu, Km. II >n A. lieOtfpaeliu. I 11, 11. Jotaph,
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    • 640 3 latest TJIE CENTRAL DELIVERY COMPANY. Tho Central Delivery Company sehaj i pertama gndtog oran^ puieli ian^ adi jual baraii^ liumii^ win^ tunai, sekarang nan junl dia punis HQ^ala inaeham baring bining dna l»uloh lima per cent leheh inurah deri pada lain Fadang ijudan^. BEDIKII DKUI K£TA PUNIA BABANG LANG BAGUS.
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    • 429 3 CENTRAL DELIVERY Co! DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. llansa I tt B. LAMPS, The Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all bizes, round corner oval 'hcvul Glasses, Oil Paintings, Pictures. Stationery, Shirtingf, tEnjbroilered Curtains, VANK'V <tOni)^ X V X V-J V-/ V,/ \S Toys,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 571 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS April 23 Dutch steamer van Go uh. Siuit. fron B.itavia, Daendels Co British st'iii- 1 1 A^tnicuin, Ran, from Batonm, Syme A: Co Gel-in m str Elelane Ric'cmers Ribbel* nsai d, from May port, Behn Meyer Biir, tvtr Vytior, Mo >re, t*r n >.i I >a.^ P. Simons
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 322 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C KUPPER'S BEER Cuor-'PAYONG," tlu on»y beer which received uny avrard «ii the CLjcugo Bxhibitipu. C El r B K3 S I RON > v PBS AN i> LOCK S R b »st m ilio work) APOLLINARIS WATER. t D" ij;u .-,i t>f ta a iters, modt lie
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    • 400 4 Powell &00. SINGAPORE. Please riad thkm raw links ani BRAR THKM IN MIX I). jl'K PURNITURS FACTORY ii < >r«- 1 nr<\ Eload, and is t,h«' largest ■n<l most complete. It is mppliec with iteam power to drive «>ni Wood working Mn<-l)iiit'b, Saws loathes, kc., bherefore ContracUand large ordtn fa»i
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    • 680 4 MfLLVVBIGHTS, ENGINEEH^ IKON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. > NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING WE herewith crivo somo oonvincinir facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COITON BELTING for the edification of Qaeraof Baits. The !i>llowin« genuine extract is token from Hut tons "Works Managers Handbook" as to the respective Strong ttis of
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    • 408 4 I NOTICL OF Remc, GOWANS, ALEXANDti BOTTLER*. Un 0( Reg t« intimate tli n r ninoV v iheir lO\\ No s < BATIKUY o Ti; offices and m uimunieatioii v..ii k tt^dOfllce^a.wai uhan^e. Sj«niplr« ol nil ,r,,, I un<J dealt m w.li'V .luck k^i for the nun, rtquiicnunu IIUl THE
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