Mid-day Herald, 29 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 387 1 mE mid DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. nE ..l.lication of the Herald n is at No. 19, -Daily Ad- of Pablicatioa is Rt 2 at DOOO oil S.itUrdaVS. of lubscripiion is $1 a 1 and $1.25 for out- j i>. c 8 10 oenti each. ationi on bnaineai matter Iretti <1 to
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    • 517 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. 1 Oftice, Col Iyer Quay. Wbarves and Gcnlowns, New Harbour The mail atoaaafi may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore Loincwards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1*95 ISM. rekin Mar isth. Uobilla Mar. 20tli lU'Sttla Apillst. Ravenna April 3rd Kaisav i
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    • 302 1 DIANA IX X DURKOPP CYCLES, 7 8 inch Rubber Tyros $100 5 4 inch Cushion Tyres $125 Pneumatic Durkopp's Patent $160 inclusive ot'L intern, Bjlior Born, Turnscrews, Keys Oilcan. PACKING FUEE. These CYCLES have been adopted by several European Uxorn CosrtftACT witu THI Netherlands India Govkrsmknt. Agents at Singapore, Ships
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    • 607 1 T>RITISH INDIA STEAM XAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. TO TEXANG, RANGOON. AND CALCUTTA /")NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Taajong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 353 1 (IANTON INSURANCE OFFICE v^ LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up T>oo,ooo Resebve Fund 500,000 Head Ofpich, Hongkong. General Agents .Messrs. Jardine, Mathe^on Oo The uudeisi^ned having been appointed Agouti for the above Cumpaaj ar3 prepared to accept mariLt ris?ka ur current raiM. A lion us is annually pail o
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  • 697 2 The Mid-day Herald Singapore, Monday, April 29 Monopolies. Theke have been the cause of no end ol trouble iv Eu^land as elsewhere ever s<nce Qoyern meats found them a useful and easy means ol' rais. ing money. 'History records bow tho virgin Qaeen* Glorious Besa revel.cd m them iiiitil tho
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  • 2079 2 TO! new? that China is now he-!-tatiag about ratifying the term* of pe-ict that have been sett led between the two coautriefl At her earliest solid, tat ion takes no one hy surprise, m t ic' if ;t had beta otherwise it would hive been m re
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 955 2 THE TAN.!ON T O PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITID. Thk premiss of the Company are I'taated ai i;iuj »nir Pagari adjoining the Town <>f $iqgapore I'hc Wharf extends to ono mile aii(l a qu rtvr and is «liv <led by the etftranoes iothe(ii;wiu_' Doeksiatothree parts The Wi-st Wharf i oter one
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    • 324 2 r nri?xr wttthv tulv^ 6VA biIiCOJNI) PIiIZLS. A total of <J92 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's Average this out, and remember that the smno skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction ot roadsters, and that "BALEIGtI" Roadsters and Baoers
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    • 111 2 JOHN LITTLE Co., LIMITED. O MILLINERY AND DRAPERY DEPI\ I GREAT fCK-TAKINC Ist to 318T May. HARDWARE, LAMPS, JAPANESE CURIOS, CREPE SHIRTS. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS! GREAT BARGAINS! EECEIVED PER S.B. "BBLLEROPHON" AND NOW ON VIEW, A •plcndid a.*aortinent oi tqaare •ml oval Mirror*, and lar** ani 6n! flection oi Picture., Enj.rav.ngi
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  • 1212 3 The outward P. ft O. lk R .billa" left Peuung ai /> p. m, yesterday. The M M strain t T'bre brought 213 pig"* I'r >m Saigon this morning. "On dit" there is infiuerzi m l'enang, imported Irom Singapore. Ti>e outw.ri Germ m Packet lvi'lg ruh« left
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  • 231 3 [via Rangoon.) London, April 12, lutens? enthusiasm prevailed at Marseilles yester. day on the departure ot G Mieral Duchesue. The vend conveying him was bestrewn with thr? choicest oi' flowers, aud wine and co^uac were lavished on the soldiers who accompany linn to Madagascar. It ia reported that
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  • 61 3 London 4 month's ai.^ht :>.!uctoi m i| »U ;i/2 iomaud liauk biiU -4/i T. T. t */lf Fiance, dcjoand ....<? ...1.31 Peuuu^ o'o pre v iudi:i 192 Hoiigkoa^ o/o pro q MmoiU \j o/o prn? a Siiuiignui 7^5 \uvi:nui M par Australia 2/1 Amov 1 o/o pituu Bangkuk
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  • 91 3 LATEST MARK ET QUOTATION. L JttMMIJM. (iuinbior, •tfj. do Uabe No. L 12 -i r j dO <i-> -No. l,;.jj Copra Ball, suu driel ;">s. do Pontiauak J.4J Popper Black, K.G.i Sago Flour, Xo. 1 2./ > I'e.iri Sago, ii.i> J Uoffee Is;ili, I'icUed 4GO' Uotifoe Ijiberiau. pici£«l 4U.0 iwpioca
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 631 3 Safest TnECENTKAL DELIVERY COMPANY. The Central Delivery Company sehaj i pertama gud*ng orang putea iang adi juil Uaranif birun^ wring tunai, sekarang mai jual dia punia se^ala niach.un baring barang dm puloh lima per cent lebell murah deri pada lain pavtang gndan^. BEDIKIT DKRI KITA PUNIA BARANG lANG BAB US.
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    • 384 3 CENTRAL DELIVERY C 0! DIANA BICYCLIS. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. Hanaa ÜB. LAMPS, The Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIBtiOBS, In all sizes, round corner 8c ovil Chcval (i!a<se-, Oil Paintings, Stationery, Shirtiugp, Embroi lero.l Curtains, FANCY UOODS. Toys, a uplesidid a<Mortmjnt. Hand Bi^s. inoL igraph
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 40 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will CLOSE to-moruow FOR S:\raA vk, tajik Brooke, 8a m liutavia. Oheribua, Samar&ng Ml. Van Dion^nt. 111 Sour.il.aja. Hili, L-jmbjk. .t Mi .-v t-tc cir.ii van Ujlanilt, 11a m Malacca, P Dickion x Kl»O| B^ m 11,
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    • 547 3 SHIPPING AKIUVAL4 British str Ponti'<otJ, «>iviti, frjrn Calcutta, Bi instead and Co Dutch str BuidfenrtisAiri, Ivr.un k r f ttom Labu m, \V Mansfield A- co Spuiida itr' 14 i d) 4in Uin, L>'ichamps from Miiila, Kail H Bins*. kindt Dutch steamer van Gona. Sioii. fro:i Batavia, Daendela Co British
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 290 4 HUTTLNBACH BROS. &C KUPPER'S BEER 'hop m PAYONC," only <t whirli received ;mv award (he Chicago Exhibition, vii i* b r> a I lon s.v f;;s an i» lock i '\'\\r b '.-t in thr worl.l. APOLLIXARIS WATER. I lie queen ol t:iUt' waters, ;i most be < ii t
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    • 370 4 Powell C&o. SINGAPORE, :o: KASI RCAD THMI FBW LINK> AN5> BKAR THKM IN A!I\!». U T B FURNITURE FACTOUY Uin I Orchard Road, and ii the lar^eat iiinl most complete. It is ■npplie I with steam powei to drive oni Woodworking Machlnca, s-.tw-. [jathes, fee., therefore Contract* and large orders
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    • 437 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON ForXDKiiS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith, give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Usersof Bjlts. The following ponuine extract is taken from Huttons 4fc Works Managers Handbook" as to the respective StrengtdB o( one square
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    • 152 4 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronagftof > s m Cecil Clement] smith, G.C.M.G., Jute Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Ag-ent. To those Furnishing. V r-.im mil choice collection of drawing, dining and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for cash.
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    • 134 4 1 Cr. U. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS, BY SFhVI AI, AIM' •IVTMi: M- T) H. M. THE KIsQ OF SIAM A N D H.H.THESULTANOFJOHORE ORBSHAM HOfTSE, BATTERY Rd Oilieo Hours. I VVt "lv■~ 'l > a.m to S•> m lSon«Ujr« r.SO».m t, Most suitable time for taking portrait rJa l fo
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    • 363 4 NOTICE OF REL: GOWANS, ALEXANDiih i■ I Tin, l>r,; N li'.ni.ii.:-. l»eg m intim tie rein > ioWN I; I Tbc IK w officer r Sll|iVl-vi»!OII til (1 I mil uui'MticMi w;:!, H,..iUUi,,, f change. I uihl den ll m will i Ol| I stock kepi lor tlu su, THE
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