Mid-day Herald, 25 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 12 1 MID-DAY HERALD 3 --^jt^EßTlS^V^^ \<-; f A I J^ f_^ t^« [^O. 141
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 290 1 MID-DAT EiEKALD, SINGAPORE. HE office of publication ol the Herald is al x<> 19, -ii.. t. I iti the DAILI Ad- />r;/; I.-.. boor ol Publication m al 2 iilj aud a i nooij on > t ardays. ol Mil'>< lilt i>>n i> a .< ..d aud Jr l."J."» for
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    • 512 1 PENINSULAR AM) ORIENTAL STSAM NAVIGATION CO. Ofloe, 1 «»llyi>r Quay. Wliarvrs and Qodowna, X*\v Harbour THI mail ■teamen may be expected to ■rrivc oatwarda and leave Siugapose Uomewardi <m the follotring dates Outwards Homswabdci lv- r > lBMk r "m Mar 18th. BoUUa Mar 90th Roßetta Apiillst Kavoiina April Ird
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    • 334 1 "DIANA IX X DURKOPP CYCLES, 7 S inch Rubber Tyres Jiop 5 1 inch Cushion Tyres J125 Pneumatic Durkopp'a Patent $160 inclusive of LiDtern, Bailor Horn, Tarrwcrewa, Keyrtb Oilcan. PACKING FIIEE. Those CYCLES have been adopted by several European Annies, and recently contracted for by the German Army. TUX CENTKAL
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    • 636 1 fjUITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION 'JO., LIMITED. TO TENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QNE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave TsjajOßg Ptett Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to Kast African Ports,
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    • 388 1 (UNTON r^SURAKCB OFFICK LIMITED. CPITAL StTBSCRIBID $2,, r >oo,ooo Amount paid up 500,000 Resbrve Fund 500,000 Head Opficb, Hokgkohq. General Agents MBBBBB. JABDIHK, MATUsH(O9 <!b Do Thb andeisigned having beeo ap-pc-inted Agents f«>r tla- above Company ura prepared to jiccepi marice risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually pai
      388 words

  • 727 2 The Block. Singapore, T hursday, April 25 The Block. By this title wo intend to convey the idea that the working of the Government is block, ed, owing to the non-existence for the present oLa Legislative Council. This as all know is due to the, resignation ot the unofficial by
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  • 258 2 Great Britain and the Treaty. SINCB tiiu terms of the treaty between Ciiiu i and Japan were niado known, much unxiety has been felt to know what position i^.i. la.ii intended to uko m respect ;o Japan and iur peace arrangements, il i??u, b\.ino" and G^rmauy were not slow t
    258 words
  • 705 2 ABCTftACr ol thj i> r nf 7 meeting heij The Present- V n W iv. N mson I-;. B« o. x. a,,, i- iA.C Mo, s> i; PoluK B: H. Be:l r^nJiik X T. SUelf.r,*i X- q J.FraserE Tuo minutes »n beld OQthe LO i V confirmed. allenin.-th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 971 2 TUR TANJONO PAGAR DOCK COMiWNY, I.IMITKD. TRI premises of the Company ;\ro I'laated at Tanj m >; Pagar, adjoining Ihe Town of Singapore. The Wharf^xtenda t,o one mils and a <jii tier and i« divided hy fcheentraaoes lotheGrmvtDg 1 k>eka into three parts The West Wharf; oter <»i!i> mile m
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    • 313 2 "BALEIGII" CYCLES. ixllliiN oiuiJi IJIEbrJ. 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. ill FIRST PRIZES. A total of 692 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's Average this out. and remember that the same skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction of roadsters, and that "RALEIGH"
      313 words
    • 143 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO, DIAXA BICYCLBSk SEWING MACHINES, Siorn's Improved Singer. Hansu I 13. i LAMPS, The Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all sizes, round corner oval Cbeval li!;iss<«<, Oil Paint i ;j 0* Pictures. Stationery, Suii t in j? Tiie Central Delivery CO. pANCY :m
      143 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 53 2 MEMO; OF THE WEEK. Thursday, A| ril 25th Ne w vi > !a. m. Cric el Ea] Meeting Presbyterian Churcn, 8.45 pm Friday, April 2Ctli,— •Municipal Election, 10 a m to 5 p m Baturday, April 27th;— V. A. Maxim Gun competition, ivm C *P^and Officer, of H.M.3. Mercury At
      53 words

  • 1853 3 The B roeo arrived from Brooke* too tins morning with c »al. Ttll IS ArgUt arrive 1 fiotn Melbourne this moruiog with 42 hories. The i»i Pftkthaa arrived trotn S^vitow lesterday wilh 6M ChiiMvM imiui" gi inn Tbero were ivi i more prosecution! iposin^ an\i me li-".i
    1,853 words
  • 80 3 Loq.lou 4 moath's sijjut .i.i l>;.li 2/3 J Privato Pipe 2'^i U d.iys' di^Ut L) KM v -iiLi l^'i^ »U '--I dctnauiil Batilc bilU li 1^ l 1 I* raaco, aeioanj ZTO J»m Ull iVu i;i_j o o pOJ U ludU l»2 Uougkoa^ 9 o/o prji Mttaii* lj
    80 words
  • 75 3 LA TES T MARKE T QUOTATION Gatnbier, foSJ do Cube No. I 1- ~i> do do So.l 1 (Jopr.i Lia-ii, suu diiol do l'onuaa.ik, «»■»*-> peppur Black, I-** Sago fcioufH So. 1 Pearl Sa-o, Coffee Bali, Ticked M Coffee Liberia*!, pio\el I'apioca stu.iU FUfce, ±Jtl do do Ist iiiality 00
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 C. JOHNS, ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR, AND SURVEYOR, Raffles Place, No. 9, (near Kliory Brydges Singapore, '26:h March, 18J5. H- D. CHOPARD, JJ^TATB Agent and Valuer. Ra]« mil ICortgagni effected. Rent i collected and money lent on mod socu- rity. Si, MALACCA STItEET. MOON A PAKBB MUST AN CO of No. u32.5,
      98 words
    • 372 3 Abceiveo pe:< s.s. *bbllrrOPHON" AND NOW OX VtlW, A splendid assortment of square and oval Mirror-, and a lar^ m J line collection oi Picture-, Engraringi and Oilpainlillip, also silver plate gla=3 for Mirrors m all siz »s, I CENTRAL DELIVERY CO, Raffles Place JOHN LITTLE Co., 1 LIMITED. <
      372 words
    • 647 3 latest MUNICIPAL NO i HE. JOTH-K is hereby given thnfc m terms of BtOttOM «J i and \M of Nrdioaroe XVI L i f ISB*.», an election of lie Municipal CoiumUsionor lor the bajong P»gav (No. 1) W.nd of the .'own ot Singapore, vice T. Sheiford, Ssq., C. M. Q-,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 30 3 Mails will close to-morrow FOR Malacca, P. Dicksoa Jc Klang. Willo'lhe Wi*p, p 3 m Utuigkiilis (I- Hawaii, Hanoi, 3 p iv I'ulan Laut, Pa<s|r«l Coti iia.avicr, 3 p m
      30 words
    • 822 3 SHIPPIS'J ARRIVAL April 1 British sto\m.ir lUj* i from Sarawak, Linn Li i Go BiitUli su If/o Lj >n N..0 l: L'O v Penang, S. <. S. Co Biirish Htr Propuatift) Kirn i I, fro 0 Hongkong Lin l-mi inni ''< British i* r P >na 1:, t) mli) fr«>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &CO- X UPPER'S BEER CHOP"PAYONGr the only 1 soi V.- I any awa I Exhibition. 1 RON > A I"i:.s AX D LOCK > The best m tiio worl i POLLINARI3 WATER. ;in 1 m ti f- S.UU per case of 100 7.50 PERRIE rO A hi t:»i»<»:i
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    • 327 4 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. <> 'I READ TMMSK FKW lASK< AND BEAB TBKM IN' MIND. :<>:- (\V\l FURNITURE FACTORT it m x Orchard Road, and is the Largest I most complete. It it mpplled wi;l iteam power lo drive ooi Woodworking Macbinet, Saws. tatties, *c., therefore Contracts and luivc orden can
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    • 476 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENQIN^ERS, IRON PODNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith <jz'\yo soir.o convincing facts relating to our SOLID WOVEN COTTO2J BELTING for the edification of UsersoE Bjlts. Cho rollowing ponuine extract is taken from Hut ton a* 4 Works Managers Handbook I as to the respective Strengths of
      476 words
    • 155 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. "7 Baker and Confectioner, -Under the most dutinguished patronage o* Bib Cbcil CLEMKJfTi Smith, late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Ag-ent. To those Furnishing. .V rare and choice collection ol drawing, dining, itinl bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 147 4 G. li. Lambert Co, PHOTOGRAPHERS, BY BPKCfAL APPOINTMENT T<) H. M. THE XI fO O? SIAM AND H. lI. THE 3ULTANOP JOIIO RE GRESHAM HOaSE, BATTEUY Rd Offioa Hours. S.P-m Sandays 7.:; Ii tn toman Most suitable time for taking portrait!! Prom 7.80a tn. to [0a m ft Orchard Rd.
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    • 318 4 NOTICE OF REMOVAL/" I GOWANS, ALE' I The Diskns^j I BOTI'LER^ LMI'OH I beg lo n.' im I rem v .1 ill -ir i I No. 8, BATIKUY U0 I The 11 w office I Sup' >oii :u ,1 ■<-. I inmui.toatiou w 1 fhui^ fficei usw I Bmnplei ol
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