Mid-day Herald, 23 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 17 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD vol.. r.] •—n »->.-. v:; —5 *r**T >-— r. singapoiie; Tuesday" aphil 23, 1895. [NO. 139
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 424 1 THE MID-DAY IIKKALD, SINGAPORE. Ihe office of publication of the Ml D-D AY HBB kLD ifl at No. P.», i etreet, late the Daily Ad--1868 FKBBB. hour of Publication is at 2 iij and st noon on Saturdays. of subscription is $1 a r heal and BUS for outi ies
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    • 539 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL .STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowna, New Harbour THB mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 18H5 189"). Pekin Mar 18th. Rohilla Mar. 99th Rosttta Ap'illst. Ravenna April 3rd K;ii>ar i-Hind April lf.th
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    • 357 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ. Dvdbb Contract with thk Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J. DAENDELS < A Co., 8-3 Collyer Quay. Steamer Fiom Expected Will be despatched for D..te Medan, Panjermassiu. April 18 B'masein, Puln Laut, Cotei* Brow, Bolongan. ?2na Van Goens Penang April 21 Batavia.
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    • 631 1 p DRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. IO PENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA ONE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to ill ports m India and Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 369 1 fIANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Heao Office, Honokong. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, Matheson a Co The andeisigned having beeu appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid o all
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  • 688 2 Singapore, Thursday, April 23 The Armenian Outrages. WHAT is tho world to think now ot tho ••unspeakable" Turk? Some months ago, when it was first whispered that the liendishness of the Bazi. bazouks had found a vent and was exercising itself m Armenia, Oil tbo defenceless Christians, m a manner
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  • 536 2 A vsry powerful European coalition has, according to Renter, boon formed ■trains! J ipin. It is sai Ith it Russia, France., and Germany havo agreed to work m eonOHft to protect their inter. esta m the Fist. If this has auy tig nificance* it is a threat
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  • 263 2 Shanghai, April LO.— l lias been r« ceived that the IncJo.l ■teamer Yiksitt-j tc.pt. R c. D Bradley) hss been seixed by a J» ns cruiser i aftide Tska The V sang was on voyags Irom Shingii to Tien' si n with what
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  • 569 2 Tbe Horrors cf War. A Correspondent of the N. 0. Daily News" (jivre some sigi ft-^nt details of the fighting outeide Newchwssji which, if true, ani >unt to ;i aeri itt-i i''diet ment ol the Japanese aoldiere* H«J O.i 7th and Bth Marc\s portionel the Second Army
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 947 2 *I—mai ma i ii mOmmm warn THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THI premises oi the Company are g tuated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore, The Wharf extendi to one mile ami qu liter and is divided by the entrances lotheGruving Docksiuto three pans Ths West Wharf;
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    • 365 2 "RALEIGH" CYCLES. FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. I THEN STUDY THESE. 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. A total of 09*2 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's Average this out, and remember that tho snrne skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction ot roadsters, aiui that
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    • 208 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. Hansa I B. LAMPS, The Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, 11l all size?, round corner oval Coeval Glasses, Od Paintings, Pictures. Stationery, Shi rti Ui**s, Euihroi lered Curtains, Plated* ware. FANCY UOOD.S. Toys, a sjtieu iid
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  • 334 3 o, A iii d. A >cor«ling to It spi tie- L DjK-ror, bj* i\ ica i t Prince K'i ig, !l iS urdere i .tion ol' ihe present Board of nail v l ai .1 v- dess i ipense mis. ua- ill i- now no tl
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  • 316 3 Shangh tt Mercnry) I reason lo believe that Prance, and Russia, as Ihe three nation? most nearly con, > working m joint aeit the basis of a common i landing has been arrived at. 1 views ol the Great Powers are not m accord with
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  • 719 3 Thk s s Vyner brought coal tliis moinipg Irom Hsdoeg, The triple uu lers* and ing m Europe ugainst Jnpaaese expansion looks ominous. '1 Hi s s lerbei us from Bangkok was put m quarantine I his m iruiug owing to a death oceurriug at sea. In>i\ciou
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  • 631 3 Special Telegrams to the Pinang Gazette." Batu Gajah* 19th April. R an ours re probable s -rvico changes are to the ■JT ct that Mr. E. \V. Treocheil will replaefl Mr. Uu ne at lo di, and Itr. Knajgi/fl will replace Mr. Parr m the Land Office, as Lnth Mr.
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  • 73 3 London I inoutlTs sight ttaalc bids 2 2} d Private Paper 2'4| todays* eight Djoaaants M ?/2j a 2*l demand Bauk bills 2\i T. T 2'lj France, demand 7(1 Java L«l Penang o ,'o pre v India I<J> Hongkong 1 o/O pre v Manila lo o/o pre v
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  • 88 3 LATEST MARKET QUOTATION Produce. Qambior, I*B-45 do Cube So. L 12 ib do do 250.2 I.b Copra Ball, suu dried **>§. do EVmtianak, >>dj Pepper Black, 1 76 Sago Flour, So. I ....•*> 27 Pearl tiago, do. Coffee Bali, Picked -iU J Coffee Ltberiaa, pio^ol 4a.d laptooe email Flaice,... •4->
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 H- D. CHOPARD, Agent and Valuer. Sales and xMortgages effected. Rant collected and money lent or! £>od security. 24, MALACCA STIiEET.
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    • 589 3 Jatrtl Jiducili-icmente. INDO-CHINA_S. N. CO. LTD. FOR PENANG ik CALCUTTA. The Company's Stea ncr "KUT. BANG, M l,P.»:> tons, Cap Payxh, having left Hongkong on the 23rd inst., m iy be sxpsoted to arrive here on or about he 2.th inst., and will have prompt despatch (fo* tlu above ports
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    • 662 3 i latest MUNICIPAL NO I ICE. "NJOIK'E is hereby Liven that m terms of sections dd snd S4 of Oiilinaice XVII of 1889, an election of one Municipal Commit*! nier lor the Taujaag Pagar (No. 1; Wild of ihe Town ot Siugapore, vice T. Shelford, I Esq ,C. at. G-,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 56 3 Mails will close to-morrow for Malacca, P. Diokaoo A K!an^\ Amherst, 2 pm Pen. me. RaagiKM a-Caloutta, PaatakoUt, 3 p m Maiacca, P. Die kson, Kiauj* A T Aii.-un Malacc i, I p. vi Deli, Calypso, 3pm batavia, ehenbou A Samaran-, Giang Ann 4 p m Lalman, Kudat. Sandakau fc
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    • 860 3 SHIBPINO ARIUVAL> April M British steamer R»j i a llro Ice, Jsyee from Sarawak, Lim lava Co Biitisb st. Hye Leon*;, N-jsoitt* fro n Peaang*! S. S. s. Co Biitish str Projion-tis, Karri ad, fro.v II mgkong, Lim Len and Co Bntiah st PMau% Diulop* fr n Sainarnng, Tau Kirn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 358 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &CO- KUPPER'S BEER <JHor-*PAYONGr tlltJ onI >* beer which reoeii 9d any award al 1 lie Chicago Exhibition. C 11 U IJ B a IKON BAPES AND LOCKS rTho host m tho world. APOLLINARIS WATER. The uneeu ol table waters, a most he 1 th? and ref rsiiing
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    • 403 4 Powell &Co, SINCAPORE. :o: I'I.KASK ItBAD THKBB KKNV LINKS AND BEAR THEM IN MIND. :o: /\ER FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is tbe largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Bawm, Lathes, Ac therefore Contracts and large orders can be
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    • 772 4 i m* urn co. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users ol Bolts. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttons 'Works Managers Handbook* as to the respective
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    • 444 4 NOTICE OF REMG^P I GOWANS, ALEXANDER I vi I PROPRIETOR! tot Dispensary 1(A1K[) v BX>TTL£R-i,IMPOUIEBB Ml, beg lo intimate thai thevk.*, rein v (i their lOWN l)|»(jT I Ne. 8, BAI {l>U) The new <>th< Sup-ervie-oii uireut iS I column »ieati( \v"'' I H^d Office, wii°;^L chanue. \r+ Samples ol
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