Mid-day Herald, 20 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 12 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD Vol, I.] SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1895. [NO. 137
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 451 1 THE MID-DAT HEBALD, SINGAPORE. The office of pel li< ition of the Mjd-d.o HBRALD i- at No li*, ICCa Mleet, late the ,4 DAILY Al>- kk 1 isBB Press." yi., hour of Publication is at I Ij and at noon on S.. turd ays. ite of subscription is $1 a
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    • 540 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL L STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour The mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1895 1895. Tekin Mar isth. Rohilla Mar. 20th Rosetta April let. Ravenna April 30l Kaisar i-Hind
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    • 381 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ. Undke Contract with thk Netherlands India Govuunmrnt. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J. DAENDELS Co., 2 3 Collyer Quay. Steamer Fiom Expected Will be despatched for Date Medan, Panjermassin. April 18 B'maesin, Puln Laut, Cotei, Brow, Bolongan* 22nd Van Goens Penang April 21 Batavia. Cheril
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    • 636 1 DRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. rO PBNA.HO, RANGOON, ANU CALCUTTA i (")NE of tlie Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by t the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to East
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    • 373 1 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICB vy LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500.000 Reserve Fund S 500,000 Head Officb, Hongkong General Ageuts .Messrs. Jardine, Matheson a Co The undeisigned having been appointed Agents for the above Company ars prepared to accept marine risks at correal rates. A Bonus is annually paid
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  • 622 2 Singapore, Saturday, April 20 The Colonial Secretary. THE Hon. J. A. Swctteuham, C.m.G. arrived last Sunday from Ceylon to take up the second appointment m the Colony. This gentleman has spent a hall a life time m Ceylon, but not m vain. Ho comes to us with a record which
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  • 1383 2 The tone taken by the Russian press is a pretty clear indication of the intentions ot the Russian Government, since the newspapers ot that country only publish vvlnt they are permitted to. It seems to be decided that no matter what arrangements Japan aud Cnina may make
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 882 2 THK TANJONG PAOAB DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are tuated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Tovrn of Singapore. The Wharf extendi to one mile and »ju oter and is div.ded by the entrances i o the Graving Docks into three parts The West Wharf; UfOf one mile
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    • 377 2 "RALEIGH" CYCLES. FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. I THEN STUDY THESE. 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. 341 FIKST PRIZES. 342 SECOND PRIZES. A total of 692 Firsts aud Seconds won by 21 of Italy's loading riders on "BALEIGHS'' I IN 1894.' Avenge this out, and remembor that the srtmo skill which enables a maker to
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    • 158 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA RICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. Hansa I A: 11. LAMPS, Tho Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all sizes, round corner oval Cheval Glasses, Oil Paintings, Pictures. Stationery, Shirtings, EmbroiJered Curtains, Plated- wa.e. nMnsnsnt FANCY GOODS. Toys, a splendid assortment. Trays,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 60 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Saturday, April 20th; Cricket S I C. 2 p in S.L.G.C. First Tie*, Mr Colljer'i Prise close Nominations close. Municipal Election Harmston's Vaudeville Co 9 p m Sunday, April 2 1st Low Suuday. Monday, April 22nd, Schools re-open, Tuesday, April 23rd,— St. Qeorge'a Day- I French
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  • 167 3 WE learn that H. EL the Saltan of Kedab aud suite, accompanied by Mr. Apcar ths Siamese Consul, w ro w. 1 received by H E. the Lieut. G »vern r ol Bengal, and a few days later by 11. E. Lord Elgin, the
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  • 311 3 (via luanijoon.) Lon lon, A^ril 5. The Archbi«ho( ot Canterbury has written a letter oi the Jtihject of the ritualist movement iv favour of the reunion of the Angli can with the Rjansl Church, m whict i Oram says that the iJoa of a cor porsts reunion of
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  • 508 3 Mr- James Alexiodor S.vettenham, M.G., Colonial Secretary, arrived m tiie Colony on the 12th, and assumed »uo duties of his Office on the loth instant His Excellency the Governor, m accordance with power vastrd m him hy his Commission, has been pleased io appoint Mr. Andrew
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  • 1237 3 It is to be regretted that Inspector Maxwell of H chore i- ill, may probably have to go to E trope. Inspector McGregor now on leave to Europe has been granted au extension of leave lor three months. P. S. Beattie had 29 individuals up yesterday for
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  • 92 3 LATEST MARKET QUOTATION Produce. Gambier, $8.35 do Cui>o Xo. L VZlo do do So. I Ij.5J Copra Bali, sun driei ss. do Poutianak, .5.30 Pepper Black, I 75 nago Flour, So. 1 2.70 Pearl Sa^o, 3.5 J Coil* se Bali, Picked 4t> OJ Coifee Liberiau, picked 45.0) Lapiooa small Fiasco,...
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 591 3 Sate# iiducTti^mcutfi. WANTED. Q.OOD second-hand Pneumatic Safety. Cash Particulars, R. C. Cook, c/o W. Robinson Co., Music Warehouse. Singapore, 19th April, 1895. NOTICE. undersigned notifies that his cashier Wah Ycng has absconded with bills and cash to the extent of $252 and now gives notice that he will not be
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    • 639 3 a .t -ffi im, i m Satai MUNICIPAL NO 1 1 UK. lUE is hereby given that m terms of sections 33 and 34 of Ordinance XVII ef 1889, an election of one Municipal Commissioner lor the Tanjong Pngnr (No. 1) Ward of the Town of Singapore, vice T. Shelford,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 48 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close on Monday for Malacca, A Linggi, Cecil C Smith, 2pm Malacca, Klang T. Anson, Neera, 3pm Bangkok, Ban Seng Guan 3pm Sambas A Pontianik, B, W. Hin, 4pm Bandjermasun, Pulau Laut, Passir, etc. Meden 4 pm Paneh, Bilah, Asahan, «fcDsu, Siak, 4ip m
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    • 652 3 TO-DAY'S BXOHASOdt Lou ion 4 month's sialic Ban* bills t 3 Private Paper 2-j oo days' sight Documents -'/ii n »J 2,2 demand Bauk bills 2/l| T. T 2/l| France, demand 2.65 Java 1.30 Penang M oo pre a India 192 Honglsuuj f 9 o/o prj n Mau. la 15
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 326 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C KUPPER'S BEER CHOP^AYONG," taie only beer which receive I any award ut the Chicago Exhibition, C IL D B n'S IRON SAFES AND LOCKS The bent io ihe world, APOLLINARIS WATER. The queen ol tame waters, a most healthy and rsfrahing drink m tropical i-ouni rien. $15.00
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    • 414 4 Powell &€o. SINCAPORE. Pi.kask BBAB tubs b f W 1. 1 g sand BBAB Til KM IN MIND. r\rn furniture factory is m Orchard Road, and ia Uhe largest and most complete. It is supplied with iteam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saw-. Latins, Ac. thsrof ore Contracts and
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    • 729 4 Millwrights, engineers, iron founders, contractors. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING AYE herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BEATING for the edrfioation of Useraof IMts. The tallowing genuine extract is taken from Huttons 4l Works Managers Handbook" as to -the respective Strengths of one square
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    • 221 4 NO! I GOWANS, hLc, r: TH* .>,,,. BOTTLER beg lo ml imai i, rein» v -.i m i fpryr. N-. BATI'EI un 1 1 The ii w otfic Supen imou i communis ,i v .cddeali m blm k kepi lor ilk supply ii quii i nun is THE PIOT4 E
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