Mid-day Herald, 19 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 473 1 Till: MID-DAY lIEKALD, SINGAPORE. JME oflice of publication of the Mlb-DAY HBBALD" II at No. VJ yiteoea Street, lata the "Daily Ad- > ,H(i IS Kit I'HKSS." boar of Publication is at 2 ly and si noon on Saturdays. tte of subscription is $1 a i local and *1«25 for
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    • 542 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL L STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour The mail steamers may lie expected :o arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1895 1895. Pekin Mar ISsS, Rohilla Mar. 20th Roaetta Apiil Ist. Ravenna April 3rd Kai^ar i-Hind
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    • 367 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ. Undf.b Contract with thr Netherlands India Govkrnmknt. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J. DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Date Medan. Panjermassin. April 18 B'maesin, Puln Laut, Cotei, Brow, Bolongan. 22nd Van Goens Penang April 21 Batavia. Cheribon. K'rßSJjr,
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    • 625 1 T^RITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. TO FENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QNE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 369 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICB LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, Matheson A Co The undeisigned having been appointed Agents for the above Compauy are prepared to accept marice risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually pai I o
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  • 667 2 Singapore, Friday, April 19 The Water-Rate. Yesterday we gave spaco to a modestly written letter, tho writer ol which, representing apparently a largo section of the community, respectfully asks tho Municipal Commissioners to reconsider tho question of tho method ol collecting the water- rate. It is urged that a great
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  • 1261 2 Thb peace negociations betsrsen Japan and China bid fair to same to a satistaetory conclusion. Japan seems to bo getting all sha askol for, while at the same time she shews herself anxious to a certain eXleut to moot the views of China. So far things are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 928 2 THK TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining tbe Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile aud a qu irter and is divided by the entrances to the Graving Docks into three parts Tho West Wharf; over one mils
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    • 254 2 _S^^%m^a^^^^^^^'^^^af^f^ rt** RALEIGH CYCLES. FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. THEX STUDY THESE. 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. 341 FIRST PRIZES. f 342 SECOND PRIZES. 1 A total of 692 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's leading riders on TV I QOJ. Average this out, and remember that the same skill which enables a
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    • 138 2 WANTED. Turnout Pony, pl.neton, barno c s, &c. Apply to P. H., c/o Midday Herald." MEDICAL APPOINTMENT WANTED. ADVERTISER is desirous of being x employed as Assistant to a Medical Practitioner or iv a Pharmacy also willing to take Medical charge of au Estate or pilgrim ship. For p.irti culars
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    • 149 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern s Improved Singer. Hansa I B. LAMPS, The Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all sizes, round corner oval Cheval Glasses, Oil Paintings, Pictures. Stationery, Shirtings, EmbroiJered Curtains Plated-ware. FANCY GOODS. Toys, a splendid assortment. Trays, v Haud
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 57 2 MEMO: OF THE WEKK. Friday, April 19th,— Harmstoaa Vaudeville Co p in Tsnglia Club Dance, l J p. m Cricket S < '.C. 2 p m S.L.G.C. First Ties, Mr Collyer's Priss clo^e Nominations close, IfaaioipsJ Election Sunday, April 21st Low Sunday. Monday, April 22ud,— Schools re-open. Tuesday, April 23id,
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  • 123 3 irould appear, to judgn trorn reI thai \w Imve hear 1 made from „,1 Government tut*, as if the compensation had been made t liberal ac de. This is cvi lea*. i icl tii it they regret the -Mt ris*: 'ii exchange because they »r dollarr, r\a exchaa
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  • 238 3 According to reliable accounts a-* well as tc; una ithentio rum. mis, 11 is Holiness the Pope is assuredly likely tosstonish the world before long. Ths M ides ol the Pope's, sccording to ths Home Ntws, is ;o abolish the law of i lUtpelsory celibacy for the
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  • 428 3 >n.) L m loi .1 i ia Hin n Armenia es. lim; tea i a- A Cal v l 3 b»fd y< sterday, j^ I- is uiwas calle 1 to •;:-ce>> the Armenian a ii X r i; Aor. 1— lv tes were held through ut Germ try
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  • 1370 3 Thk s s Catherine sYpear arrived from Calcutta this morning with 500 sheep and <;oats. THI s s Ohiang Chaw arrived this moruing from A noy with 1,065 Uhtuesc immigrants. Tin; s b Dilliion arrived from Pulo Brandon this morning with 5,019 cases aud 12/J2O tins of
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  • 84 3 laTßdon 1 mouth's sight Uuuk bids 2 2 d Private Paper 22\ I„ \aj daya* eight Documents 21 H »U demand Bank bills 2H n A. 1* ,/Li France, demand 2.65 v l n 7.77. 1.30 li *3 n i O/O pre a ik 192 liougkong i o/u
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  • 86 3 LATEST MARKET QUOTATION Produce. Gambler, 58.&J do Caosi S>. i 12 Jo do do -So. I 1 Copra frm, ausfdrieJ &4. Uo iroiitianak, d.dj Pepper Black, 1 7o bsgo Flour, Xo. 1 ~.t Pearl Sa^o, Sb Coffee Bali, Picked Jo J Coffee laiberiau, picked ao.U tapioca small fc*la*o,.., -±.2 >
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 73 3 POSTAGE_S TAMPS QLD used postage stamps of tbe years L6~d) 94, of Straits Settlements md ol till other countries are bought it the highest prices, iv ANY quantity. JOers and consignments are settled by return ol post. 1 als; give iv ex:hange Q >ld and Silver Watches, I Jewellery, Picture*,
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    • 630 3 FSairit ::/.j WANTED. Q.OOD second-hand Pneumatic Safety. Cash Particulars, R. C. »»ok, c/o VV. RrjMMBOB Co., Music arehouse. Singapore, li)th April, ISDS. NOTICE. 'JMIE undersigned notifies thai his cashier Wan V n^ has absconded With bdls and cash to the extent of §2dl and now gives uotice that he will
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    • 659 3 Sfotrst MUNICIPAL NO t ICE. jhXOTICE is herehy given that m terms of sections od and di of Ordinance XVII of 1889, an election of one Municipal Commissioner lor the Tanjong Pager (No. 1) Waid of the Town of Singapore, vice T. Sbelford, Bsq.,C. M. G, reetemed* will take place
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 47 3 MAIL NOTIOE. Mails will close to-morrow FOX Djambie. Kian Ann, 11am Malacca, a Klang, Sappho, 3p m Deli Hebe. 9 p m liungkuK. Hydra, A p m Sourabaya, ttali A Macassar, Poh Ana, 3 p in lWiuiviaChaibjuant Baa* iraag Cdestial 4pm Muntok iic L'ttlemjan o',0 HtaS/ 4pm
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    • 870 3 P.,i-.ii. m+OOA SHIPPING ArtßlV tl i April 11 Britis!. Btr Ade.i, ilili, I II ra kon<r, P A O Co British steamer Alboin, HI BS, fro:rt Bangkok, Borneo Co British st Peffo, Wii; t front Penanj, Straits S S Co GsVasan sti merWaotan* Ofct, fron Swatow, Ktjaoo ik 'nz arid
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 355 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C KUPPER'S BEER U I UOP 44 PAYONG>" the only beer which received any award •it the Chieti^o Exhibition. 0 II v r> B 3 [ROM SAFES AND LOGICS The hest m tho world, APOLLINARIS WATER. The queen of table water-, a most he ilthy und refrshing drink
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    • 404 4 Powell i&Oo. SINGAPORE. :o:— PLItASR ItBAD THESE FEW LINES AND HEAR THEM IN MIND. f\im FUHNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is fee largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Machines, Saws. Lathes, Ac, therefore Contracts ami lurge orders can be put
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    • 429 4 i. m. mm co. i MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING WE herewith sjive some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN CO TTON BELTING for the edification of Usersof Belts. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttons Works Managers Handbook' as to the
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    • 152 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage of Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, 0.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agrent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection <>f drswing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 142 4 G, li. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS, BY SPKCIAL APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KI^G OF SIAM AND H. H. THE 3ULTANOF JOHO RE GRESHAM HOOSE, BATTERY Rd Office Hours. 1?• **7* 7 m m to p.m (Mimlays 7.3«) a.m. to noon Most suitable time for taking portraits From 7.80 a.m. to
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    • 371 4 GOWANS, ALEXANDER.™ lUX DISPLNSABN t beg to intimate thai tl lt .yj, removed their 1< r()| I Themwoffi lf|i|ii Supervision m:d m I DoUimuiik-ation wu|, u "I I Head Office, MWt l;i I Samples ol nil snddeslt m will I stock kepiiorth^u; r» qmii'iiaiils I I WK ARE THE P!OiME£
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