Mid-day Herald, 11 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 13 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD dfgdfg r OL L] fiIUKSDAY, APIUL 11, 1895. [NO. 132
    13 words
  • 52 1 B (> publication of the „y EIERALD'* M S< NO H», i. "II.MIA'AU. tsa of Publication is at 2 iv mid st i'""«i oh ISiiturdays. Bubscription is $1 a oca! and ?\.~'> for otitriber*. lets lit cents each. ioi s on buaine«s matter 1 s <
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 394 1 I OF ADVBRTIBKMENTB. inch or part of an mch t Twn r.- )»r month, and for long periods i (ii.rt i< is allows m. ments will be i. rted i y reduced rateSi rofpmnnications on litersry rsi,r un facts intended t* r i In to '*The Kditor" mw I 1
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    • 539 1 DENINSULAB AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. OHice, Colljer Quay. WharvoH ami Qodowns, Sew Harbour THE mail Bsetmen m ;y »•<> expected to srriYe outwards ami leave Siugapore liomewards on tho following dates OUTWARDS HOMBWARM 1895 l^' r >- r.kin Mar isth. Rohilla Mar. sUh ttotittS A]villst. HtiM-una April 3rd j
      539 words
    • 308 1 DE KONhMKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I'ndku Contract WITB Tfll NITHKELAXDCI India. QovgRHMIMT. Agbnts at Singapore, Ships agency, IatbJ.DAENDELS i'o., 2-3 Collyer Quay. Steamer Fiom Expected Will be despatched for Date G. Gk Jacob [Repairing*! tSourabava, Hvili, Lomh >k, sf^eassar, and Moluccas via BliWdaQ l6*b Both. Ratavia. April 14 Batavia. Cheril.o-i, >'rane,
      308 words
    • 628 1 RRITISH INDIA STRAM NAVIOA 1J TION CJO., LIMITED, TO TENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA ANK of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Paasengera and Cargo are booked by tlie above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to Kast African
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    • 372 1 p ANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Upital Subscribed 52,r>00,(MK) Amount taid up 500,000 EtBSBRVE Fund SUo,(HK» Head Officb, Hohokovq. Qeneral Agenti MBABRB. jAKDINIfi, MAIHKsON Co TilE undemi^riied having been i*pp( inted Agents for the above Company nv3 prepared to accept marine riakd at cnrrent rates. A Bonus is annually paid 0
      372 words

  • 736 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Thursday, April 11 Alien Paupers. The number of unknown shelterless starving* paupers who die on the streets of this town during a year is appal. lino-, acd it points to a condition of things that should not be permitted to go longer unchecked. That these poor
    736 words
  • 974 2 I HESK begin to morrow, and will be continued on Saturday aud Monday, the 13th and Lsth instant, making it alto- j gether a spell of four consecutive clays. All the Govern* ment offices, with a few exceptions, the .Banks, tho legal offices, and most of tho
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 923 2 THK TANJOUG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are s'tuated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and h «ju titer and il divided by the entrances lotbtGraving Doeks into three parts The West Wharf; over one mile in length
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    • 379 2 J^ "^^^^l M BALBIOH M CYCLES. :o: FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. j A total of 692 Firsts and Seconds wou by 21 of Italy's I Average this out, and remember that the snme skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction ot roadsters, and
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    • 155 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA BICYCLES. BIWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. Hansa I B. LAMPS, Tho Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all sizes, round corner oval Cheval Glasses, Oil Painting*, Pictures. Stationery, Suirtingf, LCmbroi lered Curtains, Toys, a sple.iiiil assortment. Photograph*Alburos. Harness, tingle and double. Auto-li.it
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 97 2 MEMO: OF THE VVEKK. Tharad 17, April 11 h.— Hawthorne Co Town Hall, 9 p.m. G< rm»n M til H tnewarda arrives Ctic t Ks: ianade. Aafociation FootbalL^S. C. C. r. R, K. •*>. i*» p. m, Lol.e Zetland Regular, 8.30 p, m. v Captain Swiff," Town Ball, 'j p,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 26 3 kt borne m mind that by i<] r-. w• do not roriv>v aiv opinion lotben ftirntswtt, nordo we aoU our-.-ibl« for tha opiuiocu of our curktij
      26 words
    • 105 3 S The influenl* epidemic is .m n^-vt v-, as is ividenced by aber i t iiaiid-; absent trom t h o i r li\ i the '>■ Those who are i iii ot>taioing remedies i-onn get ofer if, hut th >s who try to pochthe id a ol a
      105 words
  • 460 3 Mks. Bishop nrritea from Seoul on J m. ttit—As) t As I eotercd Seoul, a i< y;i| |»roces«ioii| with which the King visit, tome ot the ai.ee itral totnbt, wm& turaiag by auotiioi n.-, li> nov«l was ibat the .Minister ot War iv Kuropeaa evening dress %nd s
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  • 940 3 Tub s. 3. Victon arrived to-day with coal for Messrs Guthrie Co. THE s. 9. Borneo brought Go head of CUttle thia morning from Bangkok. U M. S. Scyllo, left Gihralter on the Hth March f,>r Bombay and China touching at Singapore, A vkry large number of
    940 words
  • 389 3 The French Chamber ot Deputies has beeo engage i on lhe N »vy JOstimite« t ant according to s l J arn correspondent, iho sj>et'ch ini'lrt l-y M. Look* roy, torn) 4 MinUter of Marine, has caused a •?u»atiott m Parliamentary circles. il)drevv a comparison hviweeo the
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  • 79 3 Lami lou 4 ujo iLh'isi.^ut i3aa»vi)iili 2/l| 3 Privato Pipe/ 2 2^ 'U days' di^'ht Ujca.UJULs SJ/2^ n 2 2 demand Batik billa 2l\ n T. T 2<L. France, demand J. 04 Java m i.-jo J uo pro s i«*di» i9i) Hongkong o/o pi-o v Manila l^ o
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  • 91 3 _'ao_ co_. Gambisr, 18.27 j do Cube Xo. 1 i2o) do do NO. J 11 d» CopraBali, suu driei do Pontianak, _o._J Popper _Uaok, 1 7-i Sago flour, Xo. 1 i J earl Sago, 3.4 Coiteo Dali, Picked 16 0 Codec Liberian, picket l->d tapioca small Visa
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 19 3 WAX TED. A competent Comp^ounder with some knowledge of accounts. Apply to THE PRIVATE DISPENSARY, No 103 Waterloo Street.
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    • 713 3 SitejM MUNICIPAL NO i ICE. is hereby given that m terms of auctions tf:J und 34 of Ordinance XVII of 188.9, an election of one Municipal Cotttai*evmer tor the Taajong Pagar (No. 1) W^.d of the Town of Singapore, vice T. ShelforJ, Esq., C. M. G-, resigned, will take place
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    • 631 3 latest SALE OF BOUSEHOLD FUftNITUIIE, &c, The Properly of H. O. Nkwland, Esq. Superintendent of Polio*, Saturday, 13tu April, at 1.30 p. m r |MIE underpinned are instructed by li. O. Ncwland, K^q, to sell by auction at hu quarters, &#p»y Lines. I on Saturday, 13th April, oounnenciu r at
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 37 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close to-morrow FOR Djambie. Kian Ann, 11 a m Malacca, A Klan^, Sappho, 3pm baugkuk, Frognet. 4 p m batavia, Cheribou ot Sauiarang, Giang Aan i p ra Muntok A. Pulcmbang, Ituby 4pm
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    • 813 3 BHIPFING ARRIVAL^ March :U German Htr Picoiola, Huv fr > U Saigon, ICon Teck I'ye British ftoamor Blax, Daniel, from Hongkong, Syme and Co British Mt.vi nor S^> indilu.-f, Eloaksa, fron Bosgkoogi Synii Co April 1 British Htr IMc.n, B/ttoe, fron P kau. Wee Bin an. l Co British str
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 352 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &CO- KUPPER'S BEER CHOP kt PAYONG," the only beer which received any award Hi the Chicago Exhibition. C Ii DBB'S j lUON BAFK9 AND LOCKS The best m the world. APOLLINAIUS WATER. The qaeen of table writers, I noat iio.il\\x\- and refrsiiiiig drink In ironical coanuriea. 1 15.00
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    • 386 4 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. i'LK.VSK UK AD THKBK KRW LINKS ANt> BKAII THEM IN MIND. :o: r)UB FURNITURE FACTORY is ia On kawd Koad, and is ft* largest :n<l most coraploto. It. is supplied with steam j>ower to drive our Woodworking Machines, Sawa, Lathes, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders can
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    • 746 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith privo some convincing 1 facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Balta. The following genuino extract is taken from Huttons 'Works Managers Handbook' as to the respective Strengths of one
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    • 463 4 NOTICE OF REMQvXp" GOWAMS, ALEXANDER a■ I I PROPRIETORS riIR niM>lN c-:;-,;:r -^-l BOrTLKKS jlMl (>lu Kl(s B beg lo iniiroau that they h, fU rtinovvd their IX)\VN DRpQT I Nc 8, BATILuy U, IM) I The new oOcea an- v. H l,. r r Supervision and m 111r t
      463 words