Mid-day Herald, 10 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD m^mMmm-Lm-* tmmm ~^mmm**^^^ Vol. I.] SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APJiIL 10, 1895. [NO. 131
    15 words
  • 60 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. THB office of publication <>f the day Hbrald i- al No. I.*, Street, Isto the "Daily Ad.k'i jsi;k Press boor of Publication is at 2 i\ »nd at noon on S.tunlnys. le of subscription is $1 I lor local and £I.l\"> for outbribers. i<* Jt> (tuts
    60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 358 1 ];\ti. of Ai'vmrnsKMKNTS. iiirli Or part of an ineli, Two month, :m<i for long periods i dnction if ;ill< a\< d. 1 ili ertisements will Ik.- ii serted hl' y r» u m t il rates* mmnnicattons on litersry n fscta intended U»r pablintc be addressed to l4 The Kditor*
      358 words
    • 547 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL L STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowna, New Harbour The mail steamers may !*> expected to arrive outwards ami leave Singapore homewards on the following dates O UTW A ItDS lIOM KWAH DS !>!•.-) 18 l .tr>. P«Ua 31<ii istli. Roliilla Mar. SOth Rosctts
      547 words
    • 329 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ, I\\dku Contract with tub Nkthkulands India Govkunmkst. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J. DAENDELS cV: Co., 2 3 Collyer Quay. Steamer Fiom Kxj>ected Will be despatched for D..te G. G JacoD [Repairing.] Sourubayn, Bill, Lo rib ik, M .icaaaar, and Ifolucoas yin Baweaii lOtb Roth,
      329 words
    • 660 1 I^IUTISH INDIA BTBAM NAVIGA TION CO.. LIMITED, TO PENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA f\NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo ;ire hooked by t)ie above steam«jrs at throogh rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, nlso to Kast African Ports,
      660 words
    • 373 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICB v> LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed 12,500,000 Amount paid vv 5u0,00U Reserve Fund s r )Ou 1 000 Head officb, Hovokovq (ietienil Aleuts Messrs. Jardine, MATUBgOH Uo The undttsigntd having been uppemted Agent! for tlie above Company irj prepared to accept marine ridkd at current rates. A Uoiiiis is
      373 words

  • 824 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Wednesday, April 10 The Hongkong Strike. The Hongkong Government is for the mo m cut engage;! m a contest w ith the coolies. It arose out ot an effort on tbe part of the President of tbe Sanitary Hoard to enforce a sanitary rule, that is,
    824 words
  • 850 2 Tony ih.it, R, X i md engaged ia vv lr v >IJ(J I Jit it it nevertheless tanu For the w-munt the cwS" 'nov,,^ be, *4ii I a'th^hmuch i, XT?** from the natives vvi, r B«hl, theic is tho ?°S f\^whw«nlwli^itlril| ICi t| h j:i<t at tha h-inni,,. tf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 924 2 THM TAXJONG PAOAB DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of tho Company are S tuated at Tanjoug Pagar, adjoiniug the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to ono mile and I on .iter and is divided by the entrances lotheGmving Dockllnto three parts The West Wharf; over one mile in length
      924 words
    • 360 2 FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. oil rlKol I KJ/_hS. 342 SECOND PRIZES. A total of (592 Firsts and Seconds >von by 2l ot* Italy's Average this out, and remember that the same skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction of roadsters, and that '-RALEIGH."
      360 words
    • 144 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Storn's Improved Singer. n Hansa I B. LAMPS, T\u) Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all size?, round corner oval. Cheval Glasses, 0.1 Paintings, Pictures. .Stationery, Sliiriingp, Emhroi.Jereil Curtains, Platod- ware. FANCY GOODS. Toys, a sple.iJid assortm^ut. trays, Hand
      144 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 89 2 .MEMO: OF TIIK WEKK. Wednesday, April 10th,— Hockey, E-piau ».je, r > L p m Theodora,' I'owu iia4J. p. vi. Smoking CoDoert^ Marino ufab y p. m. Thandar, April ll;h,— Hawthorn* Co Town Hall, n m German Miil H >mewarda arrived Cricket Esplanade, Association Football.— S. C. C v X
      89 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 30 3 i b tn« m mind that by i-» do not eoai j ;i ly opmi m I'M co ite kt nor do wa Ii >li oor- inioilfl of our coi-
      30 words
    • 468 3 V\ itli defercnc i to the ho*e w!u have from tim > written not only m your paper ur In c :4. il«o, the -u 1 ject ol the coming p (»t iho P*#*t i s*k y<> be peimitted to > Ices not see <> ht* c-i-
      468 words
  • 470 3 r i Ihe Editor ot the 4t London und < hina Express.") v iu.— Soino people difl hare?, and these m y be counted the lor ut the Strait, Times/ 1 It was f who started the phiuiUsy t'.at the cted States of iho Malay Peoin»W be
    470 words
  • 1287 3 Tai >. s. Vulcan arrived tlrs morning from Barry with 1,120 tons of CJal THB s. B. 11- He arrived from Bnn^lcok this mottling with 150 hea 1 i 1 o.»tLle. THE outward I> &O Packet Kiieri I'olomVj a. 10 p m on the 7i li instant.
    1,287 words
  • 254 3 ihe Faskerj *%e\ cute recently concluded m London is at once amusing audjsensational. Not every jrouoc man conies m for a fortune of* £700,000 aod it is to be hoped that cases are still fes/er in which -nm^y is got rid of at the rate of
    254 words
  • 87 3 »-«oa t ou iiu j.iLii'.s si ;»r uacotitj "2 l| <j I'nv'.itd Paipsr 21\ UM days' di^ht Ujja v :uu 21 1\ H "2 t deouuid lliuk bllU 21) T. T 55. Fraucj, ele.iuuJ 264 Java .1.20 X u 'iv,' 2 i 0/0 1» t"«U» io Kou^kon^ o
    87 words
  • 99 3 l' >./ v. Ji. Gaaiuicr, c S !>") ii Uubo -N> L t2 -> i do tio au. i i i Copra Bali, sum Idol .>..5> do l\>uuiui\ •> > Pepper Blautc, 1 7> 6u o > tioar, Sj. I A Pearl ttejo, »4 Uoif«s lliii, PiokeJ
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 FOR SALE. PVXCV >ml (!..i,,, 1M Picons. A». ply at Nj. 7, PrtDMp Strct.
      14 words
    • 361 3 WANTED. A competent CamooanHor with some kr.uwliiL' 1 uf account*. THE PRIVATE DISPENSARY, No H>:3 Waterloo Street. C. JOHNS, ARCUITE T, CONTRACTOR, AND SURVEYOR, Raffles Place. Xo d. (near Klioi v Brydges Singapore, l'S.u ataroS, W35. POSTAGE STAMPS Qld »:<(hl nost^.^" ptamps of the years W5O 91, of Strait!) St
      361 words
    • 696 3 sat«l f ieinont. f SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c, The Property ot H. O Nbwlasd, Esq. (Superintendent of Polic**, Saturday, I3tu April, at 1.80 p. if. '^1110 nndtM-i^ned are instructed by 11. O. Rowland, E-»q to Bell by auction at hi- q mrters, .Vp .y Lin I. on Saturday, Idih
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 40 3 Mails will CLOSE TO-MORROW FOR M:i:i-'i. .V T/M-i. Cecil O. Xnsh. 2 pa RUI IOOa A- Kin... CIIOW :vi 2 n tn D-li !£•!>•. t .< m M l J J°* l *-*>wkwa*Klv.ig Willo'tha Wup, a^ahaa A t>,-li, Bamatra, I |i ta
      40 words
    • 803 3 BHIPPING ARUIVALI March 31 Grerman Btr Picoiola, li i^-,, from Saigon, Iv'ou Tsck l*ye British rtaamer Blax, lAmiel, ffoa Hongkong, Syme and Co I > i 1 1 r^ i st ;i n:r S 4 lilus, Elookea, fro ii Hongkong, Sym A Co April 1 BritUh str p.ikj i, U.-uje,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C KUPPER'S BEER Chop 4t PAYONG f M (>li 'y beer which received any award -it i i j c Chicago Exhibition. c ii v b r> s IRON SAFES AXi) LOCKS PThe boat m the world. APOLLINARIS WATER. queen of I tl4e wil I most i\ il*
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    • 394 4 FoweU&Co. SINGAPORE. :o: PtlASl READ TIIKSK KKW LINKS AND BBAB TBKM IN MIND. fkUB FTJBNITURE FACTORY is m v Orcltard Road, an^ is the largest md nx»st complete. It ii mpplied With steam power to drive OUF Woodworking Macblnei, Baws, L tl.es &0., therefore Contracts and |»rg ordert can be
      394 words
    • 745 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS* CONTRACTORS. NOTICE T(» USEUS OF BELTING AVi<: herewith p:ivo some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users oi: Bjlts. The rollowiiig genuine extract is taken from Buttons <4 Works Managers Handbook* as to the respective Strengtds of one
      745 words
    • 295 4 NOTICE OF R| GOWANS, ALEXANDER L I'ROPRII i, THK 1. rco BOTTLERS, IMI'OK I r-. -.".I v■! their ii >\\ \s, Nr.B,BATfBHY Ml Suptrvitiou aid m ;r etnum^nication w tli th u-' Head Office, aawdl M Vl k<i -I ehan/ h 'h,. S«niple« r,l nil i; U ui.ddt-all m will
      295 words