Mid-day Herald, 9 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 13 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD fdgfdg VOL I] SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APIUL 9, 1895. [NO. 130
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  • 58 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. IMF! office of publication of the Midday HbRALD" is at No. IL>, icca Street, lata the "DailyAu- [BKB PBJC8&" boar of PnbUcation is at 2 m. daily and at noon ou Saturdays. of ambscription is $1 a local and §1,25 for outribem, .< I JO cents
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 372 1 Kate <»p Advbrtiskmixts. inch or part of :»n inch, Two r month, and for long periods Inction is allowed. ertiM meats will be ii serted d< rmblj reduced rates. A commnnicmtions on literary or dn fact> intended for j.ul-li. n io be addressed to "Tlio Editor" must be ifffned with
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    • 533 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collyer Quay. WliArves and Godowns, New Harbour The mail steamers may he expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards ou the following dates Outwards Homewards Tekin Mar mh. Rohilla Mar. '20th Roaetta April Ist. Ravenna April 3i J Kaisar i-llind April IJHh
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    • 363 1 DE KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ, Undku Coxtbact with tub N T BxaKRLASD3 India Qovkrnmbnt. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J.DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. Steamer Fiom Expected Will be despatched for Date Van Riebeeck. Sourabaya, Apiil 3 Baweuu, S'baya, li'maesin, Pnlu La\it, Paseir, Cotei. 7th Siak. Bengkalia. April 6 Tengkalis,
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    • 625 1 11KITISH INDIA STEAM XAVIGA TION CO.. LIMITED. TO TEN A NO, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QXE of the Company 'B Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar SVharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all port* m India and Ceylon, also to
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    • 363 1 (^ANTON INSUKAXCE OPFICE LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 RMBHTB Fund 500,000 Head Officb, IIon<;koj?g. General Amenta Messrs. Jardine, Mathe^ok A Co The nndei signed hiving beeu appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonm is annually paid o
      363 words

  • 855 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Tuesday, April 6. Great Britain and France. It is strange, remarkably so, that France, or rather' tho French press, will not go on quietly with their own busi ness, but will meddle and interfere m matters which should really give them no particular concern. La Belle
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  • 1018 2 Extracts From the Prison Report of 1894. MOAVM There were no escape f Prison <lu,iu. the year, Mt,'; m record "per contra" tlvttth T l > was entered on the ni^ht of,! September. som, pe^,,, who umlo th*ir wa i t, t, lnkl^n, ward and obt allied poa<M i tentioa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 928 2 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THE premises of tho Company are •situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extendi to ono mile and a t-u uter ami is div. did by the entrances tetbeGmving Docks into thine ]>arts The Weet Wharf- over one mile in
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    • 249 2 'it "RALEIGH" CYCLES. FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. THEN STUDY THESE. 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. A total of t>92 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 oC Italy's leading riders on 1 L O -M. A. KJ K7 A. Average this out, and remember that the same skill which enables a maker to build fast
      249 words
    • 137 2 WANTED. Turnout Poof, pbtttbn, harness, &c Apply to P. JL, e/o Mid-da/ Herald." MEDICAL APPOINTMENT WANTED. is desirous of being employed as Assistant to a M »dl— I cal Practitioner or m a Pharmaoj also willing to take Meiioal obirge of au Estate or pilgrim ship. For particulars apply to
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    • 154 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. Haass I B. LAMPS, Tho Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all sizes, round corner oval. Cheval Glasses, 0,1 Painting*. Pictures. Stationery, Suiriingr, EuibroiJered Curtains, Plated* ware. FANCY GOODS. Toys, a spleaditl assortment. Trays, Hand B.i^s.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 68 2 .MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Tuesday, April tl«,— ,<> th Biiilidaf of the King of Denmirk. Full Mood, ;'»\7 p. m. French Mail Homewards. Jewish Festival of Passover. Debating Society Maseam s.;^ p. m. Hawthorne Co loan Hall, 9 p. m. Wednesday, April 10th,— Jewish F«stival of Ha lover. French MaU
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  • 594 3 m It nits.) rl n, Mach lo- —In reviewing Ibe the Heichst^;' to compliment Bistnai k on hifl eightieth birth- i i.-im <•. Pi dw-. I!- on the ution il imp »rtai t ih Em i Will i ii'g desj itch bi openly itiu^the Rt*icb*tagVi represeuta. «>.' ihc
    Perak Pioneer  -  594 words
  • 270 3 Tuii opinion is gaining i«l that the on-table V^atawa Siflifh. recently mui-vleruil on the (iopeng-Batu Gij 1 bridle |>ath, was killed by the tlir«;e men m his CUtody m a mornont of negligenot m the perfornMnce of his duty. Hit i'i juries consisted of some wounds o'i the face and
    270 words
  • 841 3 In is satisfactory 10 learn liui ih.garrison atChitral is tafe« The s s Daritii arrival from C.iL cutia tiis morning with 910 thetp and goats. This morning Mr. L moa fine! *2 nun s'2 each and <> women $"> each for gambling m a cj.n.iuii gaining house.
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  • 641 3 In* ihiihtrJ tuna of low exchange cvay device is reajrteJ :<> as aa es|*diem to cover the defieii caused by the I ill ol silver. Phe 140,1 lemen <»t tUc luujj rolw t-i kI to add .1 certain pcrceuujo ti» their bilU of eojta and with sympathy rejfMrdlesi
    641 words
  • 106 3 You hive I think appropriately caliel attention to the :>u über of people who leave Singapore for J hore, the MonU* vrJo of Sin^ipore, weke\y with tht? :iv>)\Vf<l intention uf bling. Th DimbtfT ieeoM to increasa woukly. The powerful influeooi uf passion for gAinbliOj| is well known, one Un w*
    Vox  -  106 words
  • 92 3 I"*JU io.i i luo.uti'.-* .-*!<. it .Jm.c .t,.n '2 I m L'ru'.itj k>Ap4i.' I i\ MJday.s 'si^lit U >ja.U3tit'i \l\ n *l 1 2 demand Bank bills 2 L^ T. X Z'\ Franc 3, de an t id 'Z *U Jiwa m 1.-Jo P«daiy M v o/«i p.-e
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  • 98 3 Ghuubior, j BJJS «A > Uuuj L .j > do do Ho. ii J i Uopra IJa-ii, sun driej .»..>•} dv I'oiiiuin i.v 2j Peppdr Blaoic, 1 7> tta^o Kloif, X>. I £7 l'<-.i.i\ Sa^o, .^4 Ulilfott Hail, I'iOaC I J Caitoj Libarukti, pio*ei *o 0 L'apiOOA
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 352 3 satHl WANTED. A competent Componnidr with suine ktsowled^e of aceounta. Apply to TilE PRIVATE DISPENSARY, No K>i Waterloo Street. ARCUiTIv 'T. C( )N Hi \CTOR, AND SURVEYOR, Raffles Place, So 9, (near Kliorv Bryd^es j Singaporv, zSAi March, L 835. POSTAGE STAMPS Qld Dted postage stamps of the years 1850.94,
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    • 656 3 SALE OF QOUSEHOLD furniture:, c The Property ot 11. O. Nbwland, Bsq. j Superintendent of Policr, Satobday, 18th Apuil, at 1.30 p. n. 'J^MIK nnder-imied are instructed by U. New land, B<q to sell by Mucliou at Uu qaarters, 6t>p*>y Lines, on Saturday, lolli April, oomoien* ein.- at 1 '60
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 52 3 MAIL NOTICE Mails will close to-morrow fo:< Uaiuvia .v EkinanuiA «..shivoiv, 11 h m MftUooa, i 1 Dio^kHi a K.hi.'. A .110.3-., 2p m MaUcw-a P. DmJmud, HU-.i- .v j' Amuqo Alatacc 3 m i;.itavi 1 Cil rio <ia 1 Samaia 1- C J«stUl 4a m Hau c 'kuk i
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    • 870 3 SHIPPING ARRIVAL^ Mar»: '28 (t<'vmiik steaflßer Loboolc, St 'i? f from Pontiadak, Dilrumti and <* British *U- Siint Iroiic?, r*ito/oMld, frn;n Kaoliinotsa, GilnMlan \V(»)d,fc <• > tturolj 1 1 J Biitish sL t i >n o N-jdbitt, fro i* Penang, s. «<. s. c<» Britisii Bteimer M i'.m-i, Oavs, from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 377 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &COJ X UPPER'S BEER Chop PAYONG/ 1 the only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. Cil '_> 1> 1> h IRON safks and locks The best m (ho world. APOLLU T ARI3 WATER. The queeu of table •i, ft most he*!- I rail .14 iriuk
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    • 392 4 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. :o: I'leask keai> tiiksk kk\v_ links anp IBAI THKM IN MINIt. :o: QUR FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Hoad. and it tbe (truest ami m<»st complete. It ii soppttad with strain power to drive our Woodworking Machines. Saw*, Lathes, \e therefore Contracts and large orden can be
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    • 466 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Baits. The following genuine extract is taken from Muttons "Works Managers Handbook** as to the respective Strengths of one equate
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    • 151 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage of Bib Cecil Clkmkxti Smith, 0.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements, Furn yure Dealer and Commission Ag^ent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, diniiue. and bed room farnitare at the lowest, prices
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    • 142 4 G. li. Lambert (Jo. PHOTOGRAPHERS, BY BPBCf&L APPOtNTM«NT TO H. M. THE XI 7G OF BIAH AND H.H.THE3ULTANOFJOHORE OUKSHAM no 'SK, BATTERY Rd < )!!ict- Boon Wt? k (Ihvs 7 M I> p.m i Sfmdayi ".80 am t> n M>>st suitable time for taking portrhta Prom 7 :ti)a m. to
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    • 442 4 NOTICE OF RE! GOWANS, ALEXANDER C Proprietors, The Dispensary \v< I'Oi4PA BOTI'LER^IMPOiUEUS, be^j lo iniimate llial re mu Veil ihoir I*. N No. s, BATTEHY lU)\d The -nw offices -r« undo, Sti|ierviBioii vi d m ilirect t,.;,.,, ommuiii'Mtioii w.lli W Hemti Office^ a.wu M VI i ckaßpe. Sam Je? ol
      442 words