Mid-day Herald, 8 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 18 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD u- m-J^o/fif l fc *"*"*'***^__»_L*~ j > VOL. I.] SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1895. [NO. 129
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  • 65 1 The office of publication of the "Milm>av Jlkkald" is at No. 19, k b'treet, late tin- Daily Ad-»-.it' j>i;i; Press." jhe boor of Pablieatiofl is at 2 i!:i»l) and at noon on Saturdays. mtv of sul serijition is $1 a for heal and $l.*Jf> for out?ubtcrib
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 376 1 katb of Advertisements. wry inch or part of an inch. Two per month, and for long periods reduction is allowed. sdrertitemeotfl will be irserttd fcblj reduced rates. comronnicmtions on literary on facta intended for publi. ion to be addressed to u The Editor" ist be signed with the name nJ
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    • 536 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL L STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Colljer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour The mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards aud leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1895 1895. Pekin Mar 18th. Rohilla Mar. StUi llosttta April Ist. Ravenna April 3.il Kaisar i-llind
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    • 338 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ, Undku Contract wits tub Netherlands India Govkhnmknt. Agents at Singapore, Ships agency, late J. DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. Stean>er Fiom Expected Will be despatched for Date Van liiebeeek. Sourabava, Apiil 3 Bawean, S'baya, B'msasin, Pulu Laut, Pasalr, Cotei. 7th Siak. Bengkalis, April 6 Pengkalis, Siak,
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    • 621 1 TMIITISH INDIA STEAM NA.VIGA TION 'JO., LIMITED. TO TENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA (^NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Taojoag Pagai \Vli;irf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to Kaat African Ports,
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    • 398 1 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICE vy LllflTED. L'PITALSUBSCBtBBD 11,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Hksehve Fund S 50u,(H)v) Head Qjlficb, HONOKOVO. Gen^rul Agouti Messrs. Jardine, MATHBgOH Co The andeiaigned baTing been uppcinied Agents for tlie ahove Company ar^ prep;ired to accept marine riskd At cv.rent rates. A Bonus is annually paid o all
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  • 765 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Monday, April 8. Prison Administration. THE report of tho Straits Prisoui for last year is published, ami, taken all round, it is as satisfactory as such records usually are. Tho total revenue was $36,391, thus Singapore $26,544. Penanig $9,471. Malao a $376. The total expenditure was
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  • 216 2 Tho details of the recent revers?, m which Cupt. Ktjss an»l a detachntoat of Sikhs Wtfje killed, are to hand. It ap{ eais th it Captain It. U jss ami Lirot 11 J. J .ties with 60 men of the 14;h Sikbi advanced trom Buni on Bih
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  • 1114 2 Thk following extract it take. t[ a native paper cai It- 1 n r tl It will^by no mean, he i„ our readers, but our ol-i- 0 t in u in ar itisto S lH>w^, WL ,o..l^ r v'' ,Kl1recognised hv the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 928 2 THR TANJONG PAOAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are r tuated at Tanjoii£ Pagar, adjoining tho Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a tju uter anil is divided by the entrances to the Graving Docks into three parts. The VVt st Wharf; over
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    • 365 2 v "DAT PTOTT f^^NTT I'^ FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. A toU\l of 692 Firsts aud Seconds won by 21 of Italy's leading riders on Average this out, and remember that tho same skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction ot roadsters, and that
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    • 81 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. N Hansa I B. LAMPS, Tho Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all size?, round corner oval. •X I O ■11 F*£ S FANCY (JOODS. Toys, a splendid assortment. Haud Ba A s. Pnotagraph Alburns, •t
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 91 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Monday. April Bth 77th BirthcU? ol tbo King of Dennnrk Hawthorne Co., To ore Haii, 9 p. m. Tuesday, April Ith,— 60th Birthday «,f the King of Denmark. Full Moon. ;;>.7 p. m. Freuch Mail Homewards. Jewish Festival of PsSSortT. Detain* Social. Unseam 8 31 p.
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  • 343 3 An Interesting Case to Provision Dealers. n ih S i.;,i; ii- >■ heard l»v Mr. Justice Liwon Friday la«t was ■v)' which -ill- mt I•• i f interest to provision dealers The plaintiff, an Achtnese named S'*gn Ahmad, sued Mt-s-r^. C W lift Co. tor ssti, being (l<imii,'cs foi breach
    Pinang Gazette  -  343 words
  • 329 3 vid Rangoon. London, March jj.—The Times pul l.slies a leitvlinir a. tide on the j re•cnt ■itamtioa m Chitrul. It considers v ree m which Ibpt Rots and a uncut of »S khs were killed un ml, except .-o fa- a* it m.iv m BritUh prestige with the
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  • 429 3 (To the Editor of the "Huang 1 Gazette. "> Tapah, 2nd April, 18«J5. Dear Sir,— Aa impression seems to be going abroad that because wo bra Balled i\d extraordinary meotin^ of tin: above Cjutpeaj, to consider the beet appliances to adopt for saving |fa
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  • 1610 3 A proossio'i repr«a»attn<g sinn part of the «tory of the P*aaioil toolc pi ice at the Portuguese Church last evening. Ocu new Colonial is -pect.Nl K^re by the n x* P. ma jl strainer due abmt tho 15th instant. It ia ninvwred that C\ r. WaWh, who
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  • 85 3 Lj;i lon 1 iao nil's Bi<at iiii c !>, i; 2 1!) .1 o t'nvate- L J tpj.- t[| U i ,iy.s "cjijj.it D >j_ n ':i v s \i m > 2 1 daman I Lta \.<. bills 2Lj C -<l| Francj, denLiud oO Java 12, j^ttAlM
    85 words
  • 95 3 i.' »i J it J J Uambiur, a.j Cuoj Xj. L 125J «ij do _NO J 11 0 OopraUaii, sau driei 0.0.3 do i'olluaU. »t_, ,"> '2j Pepper LJi.kjii, 1 7J 6.i^>j l^lour, Xo. 1 z.l j Peari 6.1^0, 3 4 Uotfee i>aU, Piokei -io J Ooifeti
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 191 3 X Firm of ROXA.BIO PcTtason l'o. w.ll no lou^t*r cmtinue to carry on business under the same styl.*, but will, from this date, be styled L. A. D'ROZARIO Co. Any claims againat the old Finn must be pafi iv within three months from this date, otherwise the new Finn wi'l
      191 words
    • 628 3 SALK OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c, The Property ot H. O Nkwlan'D, Ksq. Superintendent of P,>li<^, SATURDAY, 13 ni April, at 1.30 p. H. 'I^IIK underpinned are instructed l>y tt. O. Ncvvland, E;q to sell by suction at hi* quarter*, Sepoy Li(ies. on Satorday, I3tb April, oamoieneinr at 1 o(J p.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 46 3 MAIL NJTICE. Mails will closi£ to-morrow for P«.iang, ytgwpatam, Kiirioul. Porto RotoI'ou Uuh«i iv. M.i Ir.n, ttaoa ldra, 2u iv liun^k »k, ii.m .Sea^ Guan Noon Malacca, I' Dicji-.oii t v lihui,; Ho m San 11, li p ill lUlaaaa, Klaag A P«aaag, P^sja, 3u m
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    • 812 3 SHIPPING ARRIVAL < Qormin steamer Libck, S: i, n f from Pontranak, Da! in i:it» and (*»> British ntr Saint Lfone, PitsjerAkl, from Koohtnotso, GHlftlUn W&oi&oa March W Biit/ish st. Hye beon^, Mosbiit, t to n. Peaaoff, s. .>." Co BriLish i.i v 1. (J.is 3, fr ni Hongkong, P.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 325 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C KUPPER'S BEER Chop PAYONC/' Urn »'y beer wliicU received any award al ilio Chicago Exhibition. C li 0 B B 8 IKON SAFES AND LOCKS PThe best m the frorld. APOLLINABIS WATER. Tlit' queeu of t iblo waters, m *t heal* thy ;ui>l refmhiug drink [q tropioil
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    • 367 4 Powell &Go. SINGAPORE. PIkAJI MAD tii;:sk ke«v mn'i:< and hk.vu THEM m minp. :o: r\VU FURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the largest and most. oompleU. It is supplied With sti;in\ })o\vt>r to ilr'we our Woodworking Machine*, Saws, 1 Athet, «Vc, therein Cool cacti aud large orden can
      367 words
    • 461 4 MILLWKIOHTB, ENGTNEEKS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTBACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith srivo some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTOIJ BELTING for the edification of Usersof Baits. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttons fti Works Managers Handbook" as to the respective Strengths of one square
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    • 155 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, I oder the most diatingnished patronage u^ siu Cecil Clbmbnti Smith, O.C.M.GU late Gorernor of the .Straits Settlements, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A. rare and ch-.ice collection ol drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices
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    • 162 4 G, 11. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS, l'.Y BPSCfAL APPOTNTMniT TO H. M. THE KI-TG OF SIAM A\ F > H. H. THE 3ULTANOF JOHO RE GEESHAM HOUSE, BATTERY &D Office Hours VVt> k tla > 7 :>>;) ;l -"> to p.m i Sundays 7.30 a.m. to n ton Most writable time
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    • 338 4 NOTICE OF REMOVAL." GOWANS, ALEXANDER v proprieto The Dispensary BOTTLERS, IMI»OU ll beg io intimate lhal they h renioVtfil ihoir i < >\\'\ |> j« X«. 8, BATI'ERY U(j Til ii t \v officer ar«- mi bii|>» i -visiow und m din <\ c<fiuniuiii^utioii w.ih i|].. Hc%4 Office, mwcSl v.
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