Mid-day Herald, 6 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 13 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD ffdgdfgfdgdfdgdfgfdg VOL. 1.1 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL G, 1895. [NO. 128
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  • 60 1 IHB i Hire of publication of the MID-DAY HBRALD IS at No I., i t f. lute the "Daily Au--i;j; ri.hss." I oar of Publication is at 2 ud at noon on ts.turdays. ••f subscription is $1 J« cal and $1«25 for ont- ribers. i- J" centi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 331 1 I OP AD\ BRTIBEMBXTB. mcli or part of an inch, Two r m< nth, him] for long periods ti linn ion i>- all< wed. h i t ti- lin* uts ill be ii setted acid rali p. i mmunications on literary Facts intended for pniili- "The Editor*' 1 with the
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    • 555 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL .STEAM NAVIGATION CO. OMioe, Collyer Quay. luirvts and Godowns, New Hiirbour THE mail steamers may bt expected to arrive outwards and le;ive Singapore bOßMWafdl ou the following dates Ot'TWAUDS IIoMEWAHDS !-!>.-> I§9C VoUn Mai lstii. Bohill* Mur. 'JOth i RawMi Ap ii Ist. BavwuM April 3id Kaisur
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    • 374 1 DE KONIMKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. UVDBB CoKTBACT WITH TBl NICTBfULANDa INDIA GoVi:r.XMRNT. \GENTS AT SIXGAPOUE, SHIPS AGENCY, LATE J. DAENDELS Co., 2 Collyeu Quay. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Date Van Kiebtcek. Sourabaya, Apiil o BaWaan, b'baya, lJ'nuis^in, Puln Tiaufc, Pa^sir, Cotel. 7th Siak. Bengkals, A]>ril 6 Bengkalia, Siak,
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    • 641 1 I^IIITISH INDIA STBAM NAVIGA iy TIOX I C, LIMITED, TO PEXANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA ANK of the Cpmpany*^ Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Fagar Wharf every week. Pasaengers and Cargu are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, «lso to Kast
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    • 415 1 INSURANCE OFFICE rriTAi, Subsciuhed 12*500,000 7> Amount paid up S 500,000 cfc ÜBSBHTI Fund 5Oo,lK)i) fy Head Officb, Hongkong. Qeoeral Agents < »jv MSSSBS. JARDINK, MATUCgOS A Co Tm nndeiiigned having been ap- > pointed Agents for the above Company afa prepared to accept marice risks at current rates. ■>'
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  • 612 2 The Mid-day Herald. The Women's Protection Ordinance. A paragraph m yesterday's issue to tbe effect that no less than twenty men were before the Magistrate for house trespass and extortion from a section of the community, and that consisting of women, points to a state of affairs that is not
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  • 849 2 TUB WSBK. Local iffairs h^vo o.i the whole been neither interesting nor of a nature to c vise one even lo take noto of th'.-ni. Th J on'y exciting event was the depart ttro ot VI f. Shelford anJ ll r. Cutbbertaon with those belongioj{ to
    849 words
  • 234 2 After :ill, tlie pro nisei armistice is not such ;i i*reit l>j>n M it l *J*J s-emed to be. It only c >v<3r*a li -nitcl portion of the fighting arci an i olosM m a short time. Itlojkjd at \\-> f k v^ry reckl Ms srrangenunt to mac*
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  • 187 2 "BHlerbetwfiibckyU*^ an old bat tie ayin* A ra^rapl. Hat.i.4 t» the pro Mr. F W ralbol to tin Sun.^i Qjaogmnl N Tli« s'ej> •eemi tv »»*>i» •ilirv. Ir-is bii Itt^ lll> number of men, b»*Miior*bj vvmv, wllO Invo I'foii P' 1 1.1" 1 ii-i^ 1 Well the ohanoei »«"«>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 924 2 THB TAXJOXO PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The prerolscß of the Company are Btuated at IWIJOBg Pagar, adjoining th* Town of Singapore. The Wharf extend* to one mile and a qu tiler and is div ded by the entrances tOtbeGraVtng Docks into three parts The West Wharf; over one mile m
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    • 382 2 v RALEIGH CYCLES. FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. A total of 692 Firsts aud Seconds won by 21 of Italy's leading riders on i I I Average this out, and remember that the snmo skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction ot roadsters, and
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    • 135 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. Hansa I B. LAMPS, The Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all sizes, round corner oval. Cheval Glasses, Oil Paintings, Pictures. Stationery, Shirt ings, Curtains, Plated, ware. FANCY GOODS, foys, a splendid assort m Hand Baits.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 118 2 UDMO i or* Tim t^Ooil, Satnrdar, April Cth;— K.G. I* Mail Homewards B. V. A. Inspection, X3op. m. Golf.— Monthly Medal Handicap. Hawthorne Co Town Hull. 9 p m Bandar, April 7th Monday, April Bth iith BiriadaT of the King of Denmark Hawthorne Co., Tow.; Hall, 9 p. ra. Tnesd.iy,
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  • 165 3 the way, Sir, Hditor, your article „n this su^jeofi "U.-.liL to hive souu m((1 1 nc on tin-- m.uds and the actiooi ►re.i «>t young men just entering life, wuo seem to bo inlected with a ir.z: tor play. Ihe danger that al>A.,v 1 exitti ol being led beyond
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  • 173 3 !i' w.iy, Hoina d iys ago it wai a t'.ucii <»i twenty policemen ■1 tor Irotn home, v not »i any rat-j pnvaiely. I be. bu the ca>e, aud providing m tii it they be ot mixed served, I am glad, v the general publij will tufied. The attempts
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  • 198 3 1 1 1 arugraph ap- l'-r.ik Pi >;,.,.," touobi:i I promotion of Mr the Po*< m*st tfr Generalship > raita Sotileaienu. The wril •;i 1 ing :h it merit should bo i;-i i ronglysupp< rte«il tevicw ""■•j wh > 1 aid Ueavily for his i a prior c! iim
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  • 186 3 Iv the way, lam glad, and lam "<J m this that you are. Mr Uitor, eodettToartßg to tench the ritMl tint all creatures, whether men or women, wh -th »r conveottoually le or otherwise, irhotber they "m mansion or a but, whether J sleep on down or to
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  • 1018 3 Til S;m H rile arrive d this morning from more with Captain Crawford on board. Toi Russian ironclad Nicholas I, with Admiral Ktmaruff, leaves ;*t d iy. h^ht to-morrow, proceeding direct to N i^i.-aki. E. P. (U M ick.-y and Witt, who le t the Straits Police
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  • 742 3 In aci.rduiv with tho provisions of "The Hjiidiys Ordiu.iuie of i 187 i* the folsuwn^ days will obs. rv. led as Public nn i limit Holidays throughout the CA ny F.iiiy, l^tli A,)-i!, (Good F.ilay) JS iturd «y, l&h A,>ri>, M .ut.iv Istu April, (BaHer MMay)
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  • 93 3 i'.i J.i J J J.. (iuiiibiur, $8.27* Uj Uuoj X >. L 12 5 J ilo <io _\'o. li (Jopiu lUii, suu Jriai o.oo u*> i\mtuu i.i., .")^j Pepper iiUjlc, l 7j 8.1,') L-'loir, \j. L a LVun dajo, ;i 4 Uuifot Bull, PiokeJ 40 j Coil'oo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 405 3 JatfSt i^duertwemcitts. No!k E. rpHE Firm of lloz.irio Pktirsdti Uo. W'.l I no lo *\st 0 itin ie to carry on busioesf under the same Biyl*, [ut will, t><»in tin-; date, be •tyled L A. D'ROZARI Uo. Any claims against tbd uld i 1 'ir'n inu-t bci ;.;r. ia with.n
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    • 669 3 Jatcst Jtdrcrti'icmnitii. MUNICIPAL NOIICB. KOTICI is hereby t ive:i tint tho Revised L'sts of porsot»s duly qirilMi I to he t)«*cted Municipal Commissioners for the 'Town of Sirg:ipor» i and of pc rs >ns duly qualified to vote at Muuieipal Elections for the several Warns of the Singapore Municipality, have
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 142 3 to-day's Bij iv\ r ;:<: UMdOd k ai-j.iLir.4 .si<.it .iiric «j. v 2 1 4 rrivito l/ijj^v 21} oodiy.^' si^lit O >^x ii niGs ?/lj n W :i ij dotuaud Ba.ilc bills 21 l i h T. T. Z't\ France, deaiani Z GO Java i 2 s JJ p d
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    • 830 3 SHIPPING AK!!lVAii> Marefa 86 British str StratliiKjvis, I'attio, Kewcastlsj MoAiister an I c<> Nfor« str Jins Mnnicii, Tot'tc, fru.H Bangkok, fan Tay and Co B; itish it i im it 1> )J A6 S aitli, trj Bangkok, Lw\\ Sinn Not str Dr. >t, II ins. i. fron Muiili, (liuthrie and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &CO- KUPPER'S BEER Chop "PAYONC/ 1 the <>" y beer which received any award ul the Chicago Exhibition. I RON 8 A FES AND LOCKS The best m the world, APOLLINARIS WATER. I'm- queen of tab »t >■• I.-- I refi aliiug drink ia t ropio 1! <■.
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    • 384 4 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. PtCASI MAD T!i f -:s!<: fkw links ant* BfcAß TUKM IN MI»D. r\CR TORKITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is tne lar^otl and mosl complete. It is lapplied with steam power t»» drive onr Woodworking Machines, Saw-. tatbet, fte., therefore CoutrocUasjd large otden can l>e pnt
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    • 745 4 I MILLWRIGHTS, EXGIXKERS, IRON POUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. j NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING Wfi herewith give Borne convincing facts relating to our ORKIINAL SOLID WOVEN OOTTON BELTING for the edification of Usersof B^lts. The roUowiag Pennine extract is token from Iluttons 'Works Managers Handbook'' as to the respective Strengths of one
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    • 292 4 notioe or I GOWANS, ALEXAi I BOTTLERS, IMP i beg to m! n im. v .1 th ir i( No. 8, BATTEHY Ko^ r i h* 1 i) w uiiiced mi Siij.ervuioii uud n coiumu»i<Mliun w;i i, v H«d Office, change. 8 miplea o! ii buil deah m v..1. tluckhi-pi
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