Mid-day Herald, 3 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 14 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD vK •••*^B^ VOL l.j SINGAPOIIE, WEDNESDAY, APItIL 3, 1895. [NO. 125
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  • 67 1 THE M ID-DA Y HERALD, SINGAPORE. Ihe office of publication of the -iii> day Herald is at No. 19, i iccn btreet, late tho "Daily AdKRTIBEB PRESS," boar of Publication m at 2 ,11. Jsilyand st noon on Saturdays. i(e of subscription is $1 a r U oal and $1*25
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 383 1 r II \I I OF AhVKkTlsf-MKXTS. Qchoi part <»f an inch, Two I month, and for long periods i < duction is s))ow< udvertkemenle will be ii terted ,> reduci d rates. I f communications on literary f ttTsoi on fsctt intended for publi. be :n\i\v> smh] to "The Editor
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    • 538 1 pEXIXSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Col Iyer Quay. Wharves and Godownt, New Harbour TllK mail steamers may ho expected to hi rive <mt wards juul leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards HOMBWARM I8»fi ls«tr>. PeVcin Mar lsth. Rohilla Mar. 20th Uoft.'tta A]»:illst. Ravenna April 3.d Kiusar
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    • 332 1 DE KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ, Undkh Contract with thb NttttßßLAVDfl India Qovbknmrnt. Agexts at Singapore, Ships agency, late J.DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyeu Quay. Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Date Uu ■"•beeefc. Sourabavn, April 3 Bawoan, S^baya, irmr.ssin, Puln Laufc, c Paesir, Cotei. 7th ak Bengkalis, April 6 I'engkalLs Siak,
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    • 667 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED. TO TENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QNE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar SVharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by tlie above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, ulso to East African Ports,
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    • 390 1 (^ANTON INSURANCE OFFKJfi LIMITED. CpitalSubscrihed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 000,000 Kksekve Fund 5U0,0U0 Head Office, HOKOKOVQ. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, Mathe^on a Co The andeisigned baring beta ap\k intod Agent! for the above Couipany are prepared to aooepc marine riaks ac current rates. A Bonus is annually pail o all
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  • Correspondence.
    • 382 2 Sut, lii tbe Municipal Health O.Tid-r's report for J ktiuiry hs', publ.ahe I m tli- i<kQe >">! the (iovermnent GLz-tteot tho 2y h M ucii. uppeard the to lowing Hie nine theatres m ti l i 9 town hive been inspected an-.i ported on. They were all, eapocially Lho
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  • 195 2 THB Perak Pioneei «yi :-MF- W. Tadhot, Assistant Auditor,^ I b.>en appointed to rh jj..... Suj«srei I'j ,m 4 and -ri Si a sal iry oi |I,GOO per nnnum, ret, m; Mr. Trotter who Ukei Mr V place m Selaagor. Mr. I but 3J years km vice m the States
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  • 737 2 TH3 Pre.-ile»t ihe 51 (!orotnisftionert, m bis rt (or jiu. ii.iiv, aavs ci\s Contract. T!-e new contract wi hi (\»!n;.riv has be«n lu'y i the Directors, an 1 xo arc no« imlt ooder it It- pfofiii ms •umniAnMd thw The itre»t lamps to be krptbtrt. in^ lor 11
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  • 684 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Wednesday, April 3 Rowdyism. This topic his often been touched upon, coiuraenteJ upon, roprobuieJ, condom ned, but to no purpose, h flourishes like a bay tree. It is a relic ol: the Secret Societies, These with great difficulty were suppressed, and witb thorough repressive measures, their
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 914 2 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK J COMPANY. LIMITED. TIIE premises of the Company are R tuated at. Tanjoilg Fftgar, adjoining the Town of Singapore, Dhe WTmmtl exleudi to one mile Mid a t^u rti-r nud jl di Tided by the ttttlftftotti lotbeGtrnfiag Docksintothfee j);nts The \\»'Kt Wharf; oter one mile m
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    • 364 2 v RALEIGH M CYCLES. .0. FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. 9 CIIAMPIOXSIITRS. 341 FIRST PRIZES. 342 SECOND PRIZES. A total of (392 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's Average this out, and remember that the snme skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the
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    • 168 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO.' DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. Hants I 4 B. L AMI'S, The Marvel and other Brands. CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all sizes, round corner oval. Cheval (Hastes, 0.1 Paintings, Picf ures. Stationery, iiiubroi !ered Curtains, Plated- ware. I'u) s, a sptaidid a-isortmdnt. I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Wednesday, April 3rd,— Ifoon, Fifii Qaarcer, 2.32 p. m. P. i o. Mail Uomesrunls. 8. V. A. Sqaa I aad Oyciisii Drill. 5.15 pi n. S. V. A. Sqoa I and M ixini DiilU9 p.m. Tbarsday, April 4:h,— Hockey, E pianade, "».I"> p. m B. VA.
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  • 1739 3 THE Telograph steamer Siie.ard n born relumed tro.n Maine JU jrester. day. LAN T C<S;rj«;i'it Forbes, of the European contingent of the Police Force, proceeds Immm to day Yesterday the Inspector Gener il of Police prosecuted one Mirimuti ior driving oi\ tlfcj wrong ai.Jo of tlu road.
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  • 769 3 {Pinang G zette.) THE iuiormution conveyed m the grain which we l-sued as slip >Mt:i s ,n»e ok" our Saturday's number, and which we publish to-lay, is of a nature the importance ot winch it is impossible to eatinate. From oue point 04 view it
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  • 81 3 Liou Jon 1 ojoiitu'd si^ht iliak bi.u 2 2 ti «i i'nvate L J »pyr 2(i\ oU dayj' di^ht U.joa. ujUls 2 y if dcaiaud Lla.ik bilU Ilj D r.x ».ij l'rauco, do.uand 2.tif) Jllv^ 1.3J I^UIU^ I (||»g pfa a lu dia VJ) Hmtftoat m g a/o
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  • 86 3 Uambior, 8. 0 do Cube So. I i2o) do do No.-' 11 J > Copra B»li, suadiiel.. i..5j do Poiitiauik, b1 > F«t»pt;rliUok, 1 23 Sa^o Flour, Xo. 1 z.l > IVarl Ba^o, ivl i'uilco iidii, I'ickel -id J Coilej Liborub.i, piovol &J.J LUpiOOti SlU.ill Flav^,... *.-i-»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 POSTAGE STAMPS QLD used postage ptamps of the years 1850.94, of Straits S. ttleaients and of all other countries ore bought Jit tho highest prices, m any quantity. Offers and consignments are settled by return of post. I also give m exchange Gold and Silver Watches, Jewellery, Picture 6 Cfotbtf*
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    • 631 3 latest MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Noticb is hereoy fiven tlufc thu Revised Lists of persons duly qualified to be el.cted Municipal ronifniisionors for the Town of Singapore, and of persons jduly qualified to vote at Municipal Elections for the several Wards of the Singapore Municipality, have been published m the Government G
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 43 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will closd on Monday FOR Batu Pahat, Sultana, 11am Malacca. A Ling>;i, Cecil V. Smith, 2pm l'ontianak, Sri Sintan^, 2pm Malacca A Klan^. Chow I'nyu 2 p ra Deli Hebe, 3 p in Asahan <k Deli, Sumatra, 4 ji m
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    • 838 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS March 24 British «tr Siugupora, afaUsj fr"j it Bangkok, S€ng Chan BritiHh steamer Baa WhaU Soort, Delmage, from Bi!liton f Ban rfitlj British »tr Pntiaug, Djulop, tro n &i:narang, Tan Kirn Tian aud &o:ih Dutch str Siak, Kamtniuga, from Deli, Daendulsutid Co Dutch «tr Japan Houthoff, f ro
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 382 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER (Mioi^PAYONG," the ci.lv beer which receive I any award »i iho Chicago Exhibition. c 11 r b B s IRON SA Fi;s AND LOCK > The best m the world. APOLLIXARIS WATER. queen ol 1 1 v> i v a most Ke.il* :i!i I
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    • 383 4 Powell 400. SINGAPORE. :o: Plbasi rkad raw raw links and BBAB THKM IN MIND. f)UR FURNITURE FACTORt is m Orchard Road, and is fcbe largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive our Woodworking Maehioei, Sa\\>. Lathes, Jbe^ therefore Coutractsand large ofden oaa be put through
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    • 751 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENOINEERS, IHON POUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith £ive some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Belts. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttoris l; Works Managers Handbook** as to the respective Strengths of one
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    • 261 4 NOT| 2E OF REMOVa^ GOWANS, ALEXA I I Propriety beg to intimate iliaiil, Pyh |f .mwv.J their rOWN !i Supervision IM m.. f conimuiii'-.itiun chnnj c. rniil (Wttll m will V j rtock kept ior v,. Bup, h r* quite* men ts i THE PIOsNEE R I Oh LOCAL BEKR
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