Mid-day Herald, 2 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 14 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD fd rgdfdg SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1895. [NO. 124 VOL. I.]
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  • 66 1 THB office of publication of the Mid-dat Herald ii al No. 19, Hatoca street, lat« the DAILY ABi IBBR PBBS*.' boar of Publication is at 2 v Jail) and at noon on Saturdays. ite of Bnbscription i* $1 a eal and $1*25 Cor oott gcribera, 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 410 1 Rati OF Advkhtiskmknts p,.r yen inch or part of an inch, Two and t<»r long periods i Mil n duction is allowed. ■ht rti.H ments ill 1r- ii lerted reduced rates. All commnnications on literary n t.i. la intended lor publii ati< n to be addn seed to "The Editor"
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    • 534 1 DKKISBOLA.R AND ORIENTAL I L STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Ofllee, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour The mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1895 l*y- r >. P.'Un Mftr 18th. Rohilla Mar. 20th Rost tta April let. Ravenna
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    • 343 1 DE KONhMKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Un-dku Costkact with thk Nkthkrlanus India Govbrnmbnt, t Agents at Singapore, Ships agency, late J.DAENDELS Co., 2-3 CollyebQuay. n Steamer From Expected Will be despatched for Date Van Kiubeeek. SSourabayn, April 3 Bawean, S'baya, B'maesin, Pulu Laufc, Pat-sir, Cot©i. ith Siak. Bengkalis, April 6 F-enykalis, Siak,
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    • 633 1 OKITISII IMMA M'KAM >AVIUA 3 TION 'JO., LIMITED, O TENANG, RANGOON, *J(IJ CALCUTTA of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tunjong Pagur Yliarf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by he above steamers at through rates to ill ports m India and Ceylon, also to Kast African Ports,
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    • 373 1 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICE KJ LIMITED. CriTALSUBSCUIDED $2,500,000 Amount paid up S 500,000 Bbsbbvi Fund 500,000 IIBAD OFFICE, HOKQKOVa. General Airents Messrs. Jahdine, MathesjON A Oo The padmtigaed baying been app( •intetl Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept inarir.e risks at current rates. A Bonus ia annually paid
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  • 794 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Tuesday, April 2 The Armistice. THE news tbattho Emperor of Japan has deemed an un. couditional suspensiou of arms will tako the world by surprise. This step has been taken to atone m a measure for the cowardly an 1 dastardly outrage committed on the person
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  • 284 2 Mr. H n-.nk r ii Mlou asked the Uiulor-SorretfH V ot Si, tte for tli Colonies whether he biJ recuivjil copy of ihd |»etition ad Iretsed by ratepayer* of llw Crowa C > 1 > 1 y of II >n^. kudj{ prmyiug for repressntativ^ ifoverntnent; im I
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  • 156 2 The Cost of Telegrams From the East. In Committee of Su mJv a,, h J. W. Ltwthjr MkeJ wbM »n caweol thi.lv- expe«dit^s diflkufl io state th« .ctuUca^y due io the prucJL Ul I l^-t.-M, r.G. Bowie- tjgbu number to tell the n ih e ,c gram* ware nuout 11.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 319 2 Sir, Y'-ie.d.iy'--* mb leader m v Muidiy Herald," though m*al w keeping itu qu?*tiou well io ihe iroai ■tented to imply lhas tin Ihnil ji'iih.ntiei rv*pon»ible for Military irntg* meati are d>t doin< all they cm and ou^lu to meet any eaerfi tint may artee. Probably ihw pre»*ion was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 928 2 THE TANJONG lUGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITKD. The premises of the Company are tuated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and qu liter and m div.ded hy the entrances tot he Graving Docks into three parts The West Wharf over one mile m
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    • 353 2 r'rtrrr- FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. A total of 692 Firsts aud Seconds won by 21 of Italy's Average this out, and remembor that the snmo skill which enables a maker to build fast racing machines is employed m the construction ot roadsters, and that M RALEIGd" Roadsters and Baoen alike are
      353 words
    • 75 2 CENTRAL DELIVERY CO. DIANA BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, Stern's Improved Singer. >♦ Hanaa I B. i LAMPS, j The Marvel and othor Brands. I CLOCKS, Fancy and Alarm. MIRRORS, In all sizes, round corner oval. Qberal Glares, 0.1 Paintings, Pictures. Stationery, Shirting*, EmbroiJered Curtains, loys, d spi«»:iilid assortniaut. •> Frames. Harness,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 96 2 MEMO: OF Till: WEEK. Taesdar, April 2nd,— Church \V ,rk A-ociation, 4 p.m. SV. A. sUximQao Dri11, 5, 15 pm. Weduesday, April Srd,— Ifoon, Fir^i Quarter, 23.2 p. m. P. vV 0. Mail iloiue.v.irJs. S. V. A. Squad and CyctUfc Drill, 5.15 p- m. 5. V. A. Bqoad and Maxim
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  • 354 3 mostdastsrdly assault hy a tliief -a, committed early on tl.o morniag i ;;i. nil i" Rirquhar Street It, ap« lii»t ;it about i i 'i-m. that nior. sir. ll;"tl<-y, oi" the Qovernment v ,7' ii School, heard someone walk- house. He rose snd saw a ut
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  • 179 3 ill -at )\i atfkH lh; l";ider Iji- liie Ujloniea whether modification of Ihe po icy ot thj i;>rcr^nicnl iv regard to the proposal ta ;B itish dollar at y the bou, mem> r. ia m the II >Qso ot 1( .15, l.s<Ji, had been •1 ir
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  • 182 3 Court. Mr Jusuee K'onedy delivered lent m Ihe action brought by Mrs. Fuller, professionally known as h»i Lawrence, against the BlackWinter Gardens aud Pavilion 1 -"Ijhuv for damages for allowing g"D My Bell," ot whioh shj >ijht of singing, to be it their place of entertainment
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  • 132 3 other ki.-Mujf ca<e. Tie scene v Uyderabad, anl the I ii described as v a senior sr.d rerj influential man.' 1 tr-» to have nude de*. love m vo.y ou' spoken l to til.* young and pr« tJy mother officer, and actudly 11 and subsequently a g
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  • 673 3 1 TaR s. h. Gympio arrived this morn ing with the shipwrecked crew ut the s s. Tai ]ong Penan g. TIIB ease of Dr. V.i X udy a^rani B il»u for bringing a false ch-trge whs withdrawn yesterday. Tit,. Captain u» tbo >. s. Hung Wan
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  • 1165 3 A spider was responsible for a curious circumstance at Cape Town recently. The Inhabitant! were greatly surprued at thy firing 1 f the midday timj before th'- appoioted hour and for a period the BiliaJl were equally puzzled at the extraordinary occurrence. It transpired
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  • 98 3 Gambler, 8. 0 dj Cuuj So. L .2 Ji tlo do .So. J 11 J Copra l>a.ii, suu tlrioj <>.oo uo Pofltiaiiik, ."> '-i i\'[»i»otvBi.io:x, 1 'io 6ogo Flour, Xo. 1 ~7> IVari kja^o, SJ.4 Collet; Iniu, L'lolco i t »6 J (JoHlv LikMrukti, oio <o I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 336 3 POSTAGE STAMPS 1^50.91, of Strata S ttieawnts sodofnjl other countries sre l)(»u,ri lt ;.t rhe highest prices, m any qnsntity. Offers and consignments are settled by return ol post. I also riv* j n exchange Gold and Silver Wntehea, Jewellery, Picture*, Cloth < and any article! desire i from London.
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    • 654 3 MUNICIPAL MOTICB. NoTIOI is horebv <:ive:i tint the Revised Ivists of persons duly qualified to be elected Munieiual Comir.i.i.sioners for the Town of Singapore, and of pi rs >tn jduly <ju ilified to vole at Municipal Elections tor the several Warttsol the Singapore Municipality, have been published m the "(i
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 163 3 TO-DAV'B E.vUil\N T >^. Lou.lon 4 mouth's si<ut iJ.iuscbiti 2 2 m L'riv.ue L*.ipei- 2 l\ (Od iy.i' di^lit O Joan ;au 1 1 n *l 22^ i demand Bailc bills 2i\ i. i' 2M g Franc, do.u:k:id 2 0 5 Jtva 1.30 Itoifcmj 00 p .\t .1 iudia. LJ
      163 words
    • 875 3 SHIPPING ARHiVALS March U Nor. stetmw Progner, (Ji'lL-'-csen. from Bangkok, Bong 1^ Cbad liritish sir tiati So.i^' OuaQ, (Hisff from Bangkok, Yong Ban^ Britinh str Sin^ i-> >r,j, Miin, fr>ii Bangkok, Seng Chan Britiiih sttMiuier Ban What* Soon, Deltnage, from Billit m, Bin i^eng BritUh sr P' i\ r, Dltilop,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 330 4 HUTTEN BACH BROS. &C KUPPER'S BEER CHO* PAYONG," *c on'-J beer which received any award al the Chicago Exhibition. 0 11 U B B 8 j IRON SAFES AND LOCK* The beat m the world, APOLLJNARI9 WATER. The tint en ol I ible waters, s rnosl Ueal»ijv and '.vfrsiiin' driuk
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    • 400 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. I^.l'AsK READ THKSK FEW UMKB AND BEAR TIIKM IN MIND. :o: QUB FURNItURK FACTORY ii m Orchard Road, and iH the largest nu<l most complete. It is supplied with Steam power to drive oOf Woodworking Machines, Saws Latins, Jbe., therefore Contracts and laiiip ordon can bo pot
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    • 758 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USKRS OF BELTING \VK h(»rowith ffi^o sonio convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN OOTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Belts. The rollowing genuine extract is taken from Huttons <4 Works Managers Handbook* as to tliu respective Strengths of one
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    • 314 4 Hropr.kto liir- Dispensary i I BOTCLI beg In ihiimatethai v!l h-moved their I'OW.N I Th^iicw office. Su|iervii»oii mi n I commu ii Nation WU I J/r H««l Office, »Z I ch:irne. I M S :tn i-!«-s ol .mul Uenh m will I Block kepi lor m nquii tmviits I THE
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