Mid-day Herald, 1 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 21 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD fc x p II I C^\\^ .+*Z^~— *niT.(i.»ii\-«ii-v, liaglUno, \.'L I.] SINGAPORE, M'oNljaV, ~APRIL 1, 1895 [NO. 123
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  • 67 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. THB ollice of publication of the "Mid-dat Herald 11 is at No. 19, M.been. fetreet, late the "Daily AdKRTIBKB I'KKSS.' The Jj"nr of Publication i 8 at 2 n, daily nnd at noon on Saturdays. rate of Fubscription is $1 a for heal and for out-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 407 1 Rate of Ai»vehtiskments. f 1 inch or part of an in<-h, Two rs j er Dionl b, and for long periods m duction i.^ allowed. advertiM m< nla will be ii gertcd ft duccd rates. i m mmonicatione on Kteracy fersor on Facti intended for übli. ,au. n to be
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    • 541 1 OKNINSULAR AND OUiENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour THE mail steamer* may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards I*os 1*95. PeUn Mar ISth. Rohilla M»r. -iOtii j UoHt-tta Ap il Ist. Havenna April 3rd Kftisar
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    • 350 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Undkr Contract with tub Nbthkulanus India Government. Agents at Sixgapoue, Ships Agexcy, late J.DAENDELS Co., 2 3 Collyer Quay. Steamer Fiona Expected Will be despatched for Date Generaal Pel. Penang liar. 23 Batavia. ('heribon, and. Sourabaya 2 Gth I Sink Bila, |far. 23 Paneh, Bila, Assahai),
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    • 655 1 TIRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TIOX CO., LIMITED. lO PEKANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA /~\NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by tlie above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 405 1 f^ANTON INSITRANCI OFFICE vy LIMITED. Tpital Subscribed J2,500,0vX) Amount paid up 500,00'j Reserve Funp J 50u,(X^ Hkad Office, Hongkong General AgontH Messrs. Jardine, Mathb^on Oo The undeisijrned having been appc inted Agents for the above C'ouipauj ;»r^ prepjired to accept iiiariue riaki at current rates. A Bonus is annually paul
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  • 1655 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Monday, April 1 The Police. IN Saturday's issue wo stated that a butch of twenty men Cor the European Contingent had been applied tor fro.m home, Edinburgh or Glasgow is presumed. This points to the t"act that tho European force has been reduced to such an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 887 2 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are toatad at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town *>f Singapore. Tlm Wharf extenda to one mile and v qu trtor and is divded by the entrances totheGraving Docks into three parts The Weal Wharf; over one mile m length
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    • 372 2 "RALEIGH" CYCLES. I FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. %lEN STUDY TJfiESE, i 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. 341 FIRST PRIZES 342 SECOND PRIZES. A total of 692 Firsts and Seconds won by 21 of Italy's "Rat t^ t i~^ tt q Average this out, and romembcr that tho same skill which enables a maker to
      372 words
    • 196 2 POSTAGE STAMPS Qld used postage stamps of the years *****4, of Straits Settlements and of all other countries are bought Jit tho highest prices, m any quantity. Offers and consignments are settled by return of post. I also g\v» m exchange Gold and Silver Watches, Jewellery, Picture*, Cloth"* and any
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 131 2 MEMO: OFTHE WEELv. Prince Bism:irk's B«'th Birthday. No Philharmouic Oboir prmciic^. P.A O. Mail Outwards. >, V. A. Maxim and Cjdista drill, o.l'y p. iv. Tuesday. April 2nd,— Church \Vf»:k AiisociatiOD, 4 p.m. S. A, Maxim Gun Dr 111,5,10 p m. Wednesday, A;»ril Srd, Ifoon, Firsi Q larujr, *i 3.*2
      131 words

  • 972 3 ft* Rangoon. March 13 .-At a meeting |iew member* •>» ihc London Oonncil yc*Urd»yi Mr. Arthur 1 v is elected <hmmin and Mr. i 111 i .n IM.p.v,ccc:,i,1 M.p.v,ccc:,i, |V,i! I .»r,l'n.w,c-.v^ N j been received that Ihc „y ol the confederation 1 f ;i: ,:l a! ,l
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  • 483 3 Mk J Ridger, the Acting Britiah R«aideut| Selangor, has been Lid up with t ytentary. I THE i.a. Lady Mitehell is to he put on lhe oil trad* between Sumatra acd Bin^apore. Aciivk military preparaiioni are g(»in^ on ill Java, The ol>j -ctiV. j>oiut i> ciilier Bill
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  • 395 3 In the lu^t issue ot" the F )rt St. Georga Gazette appenn tho tollowiog notification: Thi Hijht H<>oora4>la the (iovernor. iu-Council deairei th it it nay ho andoratood.',by offioara of all grades m the public s rvic that ihey will be held raapofiaibfo tor
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  • 422 3 Pope L 'u XI II. has received a magnificent present fro v the I'resi dtriil of ihe (Transvaal Republic. The pres -at consists of a diamond of 971 cumis, which Wit found iti t ho mines i>: Ja<;ersfonteiti by an African chief. This diamond,
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  • 626 3 Bombay, March 12.— Admiral Iv -n. n.-K- to .lay pre«ente'J uioJaU to ibe Captain and crow of the Nllbu i'»r llie gallant Fescue of tb« crew of the Shnh.io.Bbah m the Iroo^hly m M »y, IH.>;>. Tiie Admiral remarked ibat med*U for sivin_j life at
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  • 87 3 i. .iJJJJ... Gambler, I 8. 0 d> Uuao X). L -2.">J do do So. J \i j Copra iJaii, huu JrLsi jo ao l\>:Uiauuc J.2.' Pepper Blaoic, L W 6a o r <_> kUoar, JJo. 1 iVari Oiigo, •> 4 Uotfett dali, l*icUe I 0 J Uoiiee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 208 3 ITONGKOX AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID QP CAPITAI $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,500,U00 RESERVE LI ABU 1 LITY OF PRO- ...$lO,OOO vim PRIl£ TORS Court of Dibbctobh. Ciairmw -C.J iIOLMDVY, Esq. Deputy Ch aimta*-.! s MO ris, k* a U M (i ay. Esq. Juli iir Kcmmei Rn, H. Efoppias, Kaq.
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    • 497 3 latest S ALE OF VRRY VALUABLE aOUSEHOLI? FURNITURE The Property of A S. M-jiuuv, Ivsq., Ai B»l«eUv», Dalvejr Bead. SATURDAY, <>ni Ari;n., at 1.30 p m. '|MIE under»ij*Med are instructed by A. Murray, K-q.., to li by suction at Bulaciava, Dulvey Roa.l, v>ii Saturauy, <>iU April, oomsreuciu vi LHO p.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 136 3 MAIL N J riCE. Mails will close om Monday Suiirilay.i. Bali, Lombok, lV Macii^dar, etc. Japan s. a vi Malacca, P l>ick&oa .v. Klang Bo >n San 11, ;> p n Malacca, Klang auJ P«aang Hye Irtnng, V* p on Catavia, Cheribon <i bamarang, Uiang Ann TO- DAY'S BiOa\N Hi
      136 words
    • 861 3 SHIPPING ARiIIVAL,* Marc!) 24 British sir Fob Ana, *o?prtt, fro* So lira bay a Nor. Bt<ri:n:r FnKFiMir, > inTi z'<sen f from Bangkok, lion,' L CbM British sir Ban Shu,' (r ml, O«W| ttimi Bangkok, Yon" Sang Britnli *tr sin *}> )r^« 1111 r' Q Bangkok, Seng Chan Briiinh steamer
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C i KUPPER'S BEER; l iioi» 4 PAYONGr tlle (m] y \wi-r which received any award at ihe Chicago Exhibition. B QBB'S IRON SAPKB AND LOCKS FThe best m the world. APOLLINARIS WATER. The queen of t ii>le waters, a m<>>t iiealthy and ivlrsliiiu' drink m tropical countries.
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    • 389 4 Powell &00. SINGAPORE. :o: PLRASI MAD Hill FEW LINKS AMI) JEAR THKM IN MIND. 11 •i QOR KrUNITUHK FACTORY is In Orchard Road, and is the largest i\n-\ most complete. It is supplied witi' ■team power to drive oni Woodworking Machines, Saws. I. at!"-, i^c, therefore Contracts ami large orders
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    • 765 4 I* ll* ITffl CO. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDEItS, CONTBACTOBS. NOTICE TO USBItS OF BELTING We herewith give somo coavincing facts relating to our OBIOIXAL SOLID WOVEN OOTTON BELTING for the ediaoation of Users of Balta. The following genuine extract is taken from Buttons "Works Managers Handbook" 1 as to the
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    • 350 4 NOTICE OF REMO^T" GOWANS, ALEXANDER Cj Proprietors, The Dispensary lerated iv Company, BOTTLERS, M po UrElls begtowtimatelhatthey| l;iV€ removed their i'OWN D£Pot NY. 8, BATI'LiiV UO.\D, Tb.cn, w offitei ..iv under V Sii|ierTwiou vi din direct t."' ciniimuiiieatioi] with the W iK-i um,v. Mwtii change. Simple;. »l ■ud dealt m
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