Mid-day Herald, 2 March 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 444 1 THE MID-DAY HEBALD, SINGAPOU ti. THE office of publication ol the MI D-DAY HBBAtD at No. 19, y ;il;tl t Street, late th.« "Daily AdI HMBfl PJUEM boor of Publication is at 2 l\ ami ut noun on Saturdays. of rabaei iptioo is $1 U cal and $1*25 for outtcribera,
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    • 394 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL .STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Otfice, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, New Harbour THE mail steamers may l>e expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homeward* on the following dates Outwards Homkwauds 1894 1804 Uavinna Nov. V 2 j Ros.tta N»w. 14 Siaai Nov. :2»» i Surat N»v. 18
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    • 118 1 RALEIGH CYCLES. 15, Battery Road. Posada Wine Company PF.R BOTTLE PKR CASE Golden Malaga 0.70 TM Muscatel 1.10 12-00 Brandy Cusnier (duty paid) 1.00 11.00 Scotch Whisky (duty paid) 0.80 9.00 Posada Champagne, quart 2.00 24.00 Hampers of 12 bottles assorted Wines and Spirits at §8, $10, $12, $15, $25,
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    • 610 1 DRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIOA TION CO.. LIMITED. rO I'EXANG, RANGOON, ANI.» CALCUTTA /"\NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to ill ports m India and Ceylon, -ilso to Kast African Ports,
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    • 394 1 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICE KJ LIMITED. cpital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up S 5<>0,000 J. Hksehve Fund 50o,(X)0 II HAD OFFICE, IIo.N'JKO.VG. General Ageiitl v Mkssrs. Jahdine, MathksON &Co < Tbm andei signed haying been up- 7. pointed Agent! Cor the above Company iir^ prepared to accept marice risks aft k
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  • 926 2  -  THE premises of the Company are situated m Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a qu Liter and if divided by the eatreaoes I otbe Graving Docks into three parts The West Wharf over one mile
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  • 709 2 Singapore, Saturday, March 2. Petroleum Installations. AN application has beeii made by Messrs. GuthrieA Co. on behalf of a svmiieate fora license for a petroleum installation on the reclaimed land at Tanjong Pagar. Such v permit can be given only with the mutual consent of the Municipal Commissioners and the
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  • 178 2 The following is the report presented to the Shareholders at th* Fourth Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday, 1-t May," 1 804. The Direoton have the pleasure to |o.y before the tsharehol ers a statement ot the Company's Accounts tor the year ended 31st March,
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  • 25 2 (We doHiwitto bebor,oi,,, ui:i Bottin^ lotU-rs we «lo not couv y 4 favourdble 10 11!..-^ OiMitaU, aord selves responsible lot Hi-.- residents. l J
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  • 179 2 Si;t,- A tridod ot mm travelled ia one <>t v, t i, )Cil tWCO Malaga,.! UiJ that be vv»> thookoJ v v, c tJ wb.c.i the IJipUMi treated Hie r pause n^era on arrival Ucr«. As is usually ih.j cwt», t!i n pa<sou«rers are eager to g vt's.sel
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  • 123 2 Sir,-— lt m sai I Lliat t: away right merrily Bu I some c.i red v-rv httle toi t so tii.it they cto n i ii they w-re a little dist i ilumberi by thd n »ise oi :ie u iuttraments. Cousiiering tint the cv oiice a \em\
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  • 426 2 (From an mul C>m *p C*>nseq leut u,h) i the eUiamitiuj vi Grammar inj.u the > i i uad t*l thai Uie l J riuc'4Uis vi ili i: schools intend te petition iii- lwr« i ruinent tor a recous dci i i <i nil r tf-r Ni c.ti.nut
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 424 2 FIGURES ARE CONVINCING. THEN STUDY THESE. I 9 CHAMPIONSHIPS. 341 FIRST PRIZES. 342 SECOND PRIZES. 1 A total of 092 Firsts aud Seconds won by 21 of Italy's ±J 111 X vT XX Average this out. aud rcmembeu that the same skill which enables a maker to build last racing
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    • 112 2 H- D. CHOPARD, gSTATE Agent and Valuer. Sales and Mortgages ttfaeted. Rent collected and money lent on cnod security. 24, MALACCA STfiEET. THE HALF-WAY HOUSE. lO'l, MIDDLE UOAD. \VTINES, beer, of various qualities sold off the premises at prices comparable with tht? lo.vo^t ruling rates. Orders attended to without delay.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 123 2 MEMO: OF Pltß VVI^BK. Saturday, March 2nd;— L L. T. C Tuornamenl Cricket, B?njufield*a XI Maetaggart's xvi coits: 8 A. Maxim [ftindrUl, 4 n 18. Regimental Band Esplanade. Sumlav, March 3rd Ist Sunday m Lent. P. A 0. Mail Outwards S. V. A.S^iu gundrill, 6,45 p. m. Monday, March 4th
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  • 1028 3 MlNirril of the proceedings of the Municipal -ommissioners at an ordi- t> meeting held on Wednesday the i ;t'li rVbruary, l*W« r >. I'KF.SKNT. p he Preaideul A. Gentle E-q. Win. N inson Ksq Hare fc>q > nh bang Scab E-q 1\ Shelford, c. H. <;. Jtak Kirn
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  • 751 3 Tan s. s. Kong Beag aaoso m ye-*--terday from Hongkong bnngi;i^ 66j Chinese inimi^rantSa Full introducing iv.baeeo into the lock-up, L'iieo Poa Was fined $1.5. U:iihei au nxpenaive experiment. Iris not site to h.iv.* eliandu m cue's possession. Oii^ Ah Qn w.*> yesteidiv ftnoJ $-•> to«" hiving
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  • 113 3 M 1 hk Ij«-w lttHU tJliib,'' Singapore, and ••Tile High Sc.ool Chinese Football Uiub/ 1 M ilacciv, aro exenijit^d horn r^i^islnii i"ii Daniel de la Podrafa sssnm^d charge ot the 8 •aiwH Um^ulate at <>n the 27ih l^ebru iry. 18'J.> >>n. \V. 11 >id, M. A
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  • 166 3 A well establised or nhronic case ot red uom» i.« an ut as diflicult t<> Cttrsj as any chronic ailinenl ill the world. Often, iudce 1, if ol long standing, it i* iuenraiile. R>A n>»se is, like Various^ vein-, more ot h BUTgisal troti'de thin medical. Varic«*S6 veins
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  • 210 3 It is :-u; i nay men ot science thai the inoun'aiuj are uaiiy wonldrr* intr down, ns ;t wore, and tnat m lime this earth will be. as level a, a tennis lawn. Tiwaghts of 'his need n»t keep readers awake at nighr, boeauie
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  • 307 3 It won! 1 be interesting to know Something ab>ut AdtUl and Eve's appearance. Uafortuntttoly, thongh there is no lack of descriptions, thnra is a complete lack of barmony amongnt th-.'in. S»mrt au'-lurilies bold that Ad im and Eve were created on the same day,
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  • 66 3 o I'nv.itj Paper 20£ lAlibji t»i^!iL 'J >Ja a >Ati Oi n «> 20^ dttUlMi] !!<i:ik bills 1114 T.T ill* Fiuaoe, dtfufcutd .41 Jiiva m 1.1-j PeoAQi i orfj p.- -v indU fv> Hou^koa^ o/,i a Aiauil.w l.> >/^ |»fa ,i Sliau^iuii 72^ Yoivoii iuj, AusLimlU 111^ Amoy
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  • 80 3 (iiijubtcr, S.sJ> do Uubj X > L j;j do Uo No i I>OJ Copra Mali, suu driel 6.<h> do L\>!iti;iu;ik, .">.6 FepperßUck, W2t Sago Flour, No. L J.b Pearl Sago, :i I > Cotlco Buii, I'ioUc I 47 0 I Colfoe iiiberiiki, pi-jxei 4/.^' TapiOvM s.uili b'liv-i,...
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 760 3 latest AcU'ertftcmento. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TSVOKJta will h& received by tho u«*ent tor tin; Portuguese Mission* Victoria Street, Si'ii*af>ore, up to 10 a.m. on WvHues lay h M -rcli, fir the construction of a schoo* and out houses m Middle lUil. I'lans and specification miy be seen at the Mission
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    • 548 3 $atat VyE the undersigned Chinese Indies and Gentlemen \vi>h t<» publish our appreciation of the kinclueti done, to the Chinese community l>y the efforts of Mrs. Mcßroed. A'»out (wo yean aj*o she opened a I roe School for Chinese buys who could notaff.nl to pay the Fee charged m other
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    • 67 3 POSTAGE STAMPS L 850.94, ol .Straits g>ttitf*.'nw and of all oihor co'inti'ios are !>>n^!it ;it tl»o bi||beft |>ri<;.;.-*, m ANY lintit/. Off-rs v.ii oJHii^moo it-t aim nil I 1 by ivlu.ii ol po.-<t. I ,iUi i v i;i O*« Jewellery, LNciurv, UtiMhM a.i I a:iy article* dfMira i From L
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 497 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close on ICDNdav fok Miihvoci. Klui>^ .v T Aviso, Sii II »,i x n -i |> m. llalnooa, Klang »t T. Anson, Xt >ra. 3 p Muliiooa. >V L.ii^-i, Cecil C. Smith, 2 p m PASSENGERS ARRIVED. IV r Purni., Mr. Z...-I, M- Xv *r, Mra.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &CO- KUPPERS BEER Chop "PAYONG," the only beer which received any award ai the Chicago Exhibition. c 11 v r> B s lilON B4FKB AND LOCKS The best m the world. APOLLINARIS WATER. The «puon of table wateci, a moit Ue.iltUy uii'l rafnhing drink In tropioal countries. 1
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    • 381 4 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. :o: PLRASR READ THKStt FEW LINKS AND BKAIt THKM IN MIND. :o: QUUFURNITURE FACTORY is m Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam power to drive onr Woodworking Machines, Saws, Lathes, &c therefore Contracts and lanre orders eau be put
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    • 770 4 I. M. LYOH m MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. I NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING r E herewith give some convincing facts rebitin^ to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of User* of Rjlts. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttons "Works Managers Handbook 0 as
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    • 487 4 NOTICE OF REMOVAL I GOWANS, ALEXANDER k PROfHICTORS The Dispensary Derated w Company, BOTTLERS, IMPOUTERS^ bt-g lo intimate thai l l.ryh IVI rcmov.u their TOWN D2POT Ho.B,BATrE«Y I((, U) Th(»iie\v offices are >ir U r g Supervision uud m ilir«rci e.-mmuiii'Mtion u;t!, i| lt V r" H-J Office, -wJa wi^
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