Malaya Tribune, 30 January 1951

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Malaya Tribune
  • 51 1 MALAYA TRIBUNE f PEOPLE 1 I EOR THE J THAN ANY 1 AFTERNOON J PAPER IN J tMALAYAjI lei: •Tribune- B'pore. Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. Phone: 5811/3 nine line*. SIX PAGES. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1951 PRICE TEN CENTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE TUESDAY, Jan. 30,
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  • 598 1 NEW APPEAL BY RAU AS U.S. PICKS UP POWERFUL SUPPORT U.P. i *,1 LAKE SUCCESS, Monday. THE I nited States picked up powerful British-French support today in its demand for a United Nationos tag: of aggressor on Red China. Thi > came despite
    U.P.  -  598 words
  • 109 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Mon. I?r SIDENT TRUMAN and Rene Pleven today anj a "fundamental idenpolicy" between their mentfl on problems in and Indo-China. v the end of their first ml r< nee session, the Iwo ad ra authorised a stat* r and issued by Mr. Truai
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 30 1 A.P. n DON. Mon.—A Fo; spokesman announced [i night that Foreign Secre- Ernest Bevin's condition ni satisfactory and his rnture is normal. Bevin n undergoing treatrnt for pneumonia.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 64 1 A.P. NEW DELHI. Mon. A swarm of locusts some trn miles long swirled over India's capital today and headed toward the Punjab wheat harvest. The f!oucf*"W* insects .»o thick that it delayed departing commercial planes came from the south. Warnings were wired to agricultural agents In the
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 23 1 The State Department today trictrri Hungarian diplomat in the United Siatcs to an area within an IS-mile redius of White House.
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  • 132 1 U.S. Radio 'Suppressed' News So He Quit A.P. FRANKFURT. Monday. WILLIAM Minehau. American journalist employed by the journalist employed by the l .S. Armed Forces Radio network in Europe, said today he has resigned because of the network's po icy of increasing suppression of legitimate news.'' Among many examples he
    A.P.  -  132 words
  • 118 1 U.P. HONG KONG. Mon. THB Burma Road, Free China's lifeline to the outside world during World War 11, has been put back into use by the Chinese Communists. informed sources said today. The Reds have cleared away the jungle which crept over the road after it
    U.P.  -  118 words
  • 187 1 U.P. PARIS, Monday. AMERICAN diplomats from behind the Iron Cumn tain gathered here tonight for a three-day exchange of information on whether a general conflict between the Soviet bloc and the West appears imminent or inevitable. The diplomats including the Ambassador to Moscow Alan
    U.P.  -  187 words
  • 64 1 Black smoke belches from (he Mount Lamington Volcano. New Guinea. The picture was made from one of tjV few planes that was able to ily through the thick ash cloud over the area Over 60 Kuropeans and 3.000 native:, have been killed IB this eruption, the
    —A.P. Photo.  -  64 words
  • 260 1 U.P. and A.P. ON THE WESTERN FRONT. Monday. DI'ERTO Rican troops pushed farther north of Suwon against stiffening resistance today. Napalm attack? from the air and artillery aided the advance against elements of the ,"3tn Chinese army which last night had strut's heavily against advance
    U.P. and A.P.  -  260 words
  • 187 1 A.P. LOS ANGELES. Mon THE threat of material shortages la going to result in some wispy clothes for American women this summer, say west coast fashion experts. Complete costumes, including topcoat on display at the California apparel creators' spring fashion show often weigh less
    A.P.  -  187 words
  • 96 1 A.P. TOKIO. Monday. JAPANESE Prime Minister Yoshida's Liberal Party J today asked that the Ryukyu Islands, including strategic American-occupied Okinawa, be returned to Japan in the prospective peace treaty. The party also wants baex the Soviet-held Kurile Island.-. I off Hokkaido. Japan's northern island, and the
    A.P.  -  96 words
  • 60 1 A.P. LOS ANGLES. Monday. The short, unhappy marriage of actress Elizabeth Taylor ended in divorce today after she told the judge her husband, Nick Hilton, hotel heir, was abusive and neglectful. The actress said Hilton picked arguments for no apparent reason. Tears filled her eyes as
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 155 1 Reuter. PIRBRIGHT, SURREY, Monday. DFENWICK, 19-year-old Scots Guardsman, wno missed his second draft to Malaya because he celebrated too hard tne previous night, told a eou't martial today he "enjoyed it very much" out there. "His greatest punishment had been hia missing the draft,"
    Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 107 1 A.P. MANILA. Monday. PRESIDENT Soekarno of Indonesia, in a speech to the Philippine Congress, appealed voday to all nations of Southeast Asia to join in wiping out the last remnants of colonialism. He said Indonesia hoped all nations which "have from personal experience known
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 65 1 A.P. IX)NDON. Mon. The Rootes Company announced it has received an order totalling "several million pounds" from the Ministry oi Supply to manuiacture new one-ton military vehicle. Work on the vehicle began three years ago behind closed doors and It has been undergoing secret tests
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 NATIONAL EMPLOYER'S ml Insurance Association Ltd. Tpnratcrl -n Rngland) |pi MOIOH OHKMISmN o LO >l|*K.\nation PEMKMfAL ACCIDENI •hamber». Kaffirs Pl a < H |,o re ig«r: N. S. WISE Phone ***** from mc. Jm T On tap round the clock Doctoring* an exacting job all right. When there's time for
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  • 709 2 gENEKAL Mac Arthur, Allied Supremo in the Korea war, and brilliant warehief and strategist, occasionally says things which commonsense dictates should never be said. He got into hot water with his false prophecy a couple of months ago when he told his fighting men in Korea they
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  • 789 2  -  -By- E. HOBERECHT U.P. TOKYO. COR many decades Russia has been trying to gain an upper hand in this part of Asia, and the Korean war >ryes to emphasize the role -hat the United States has played to preserve the independence of Far East na'lons. Russia,
    U.P.  -  789 words
  • 639 2 A.P. CAIRO. FORTY camels and a virgin 1 girl is the penalty fcr murder of a m;in to th [a day among many tf.sert Bedouins. The Bedouins. spread through the vast areas of the Middle East irom the straits of Gibraltar to the Persian
    A.P.  -  639 words
  • 108 2 What the Chines? Press is saying today. THE Nanyang Siang Pau congratulates the Chung Cheng High School on their new venture in establishing a university preparatory class. Said the paper: 'It is one of tht greatest strides in Maeducation history."' Stressing that the time is appropriate, the
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  • 740 2 A.P. PARIS. AN a quirt left-bank resider.- tial street, next door to a girl's school, a sturdy French ex-serviceman Is pushing the biggest anti-Communist campaign France has ever s^en. Jean-Paul David. 38-year-old ex-tank corps man. Mayor of Mantes and deputy in the French National
    A.P.  -  740 words
  • 340 2 A.P. LONDON. BARBARA Goalan. Britain's No. 1 cover girl, wants to stay off the covers. Dark and .sloe-eyed, her face is as familiar to Britons as Winston Churchill's. That is just her trouble. In a country where the top newspapers and magazines get into every home,
    A.P.  -  340 words
  • 845 2 THE United State* has been debating crucial issues of preparedness and defence, which have been raised for the free world by the challenge of communist aggression. This week the Nation began to move from discussion to decision. It has been a week of renewed faith and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 50 Years of IntegrityDrink Gola Leaf and r>t sure of consistent quality— The quality of Gold Leat ranks highest among Teas of Topmost Choice j'/He «.gents:— r. A. BARTHOLOMEW/ Ltd., 6-A, Change Alley, Singapore, j PMRATELY CHANGE OF ADDRESS. The Stamp Business of W. L. CRICK will be conducted from
      97 words
    • 70 2 > 9>; COLOURS: I" \w Pschy> Pink Ginger Tea Trur R Jji Red Banana PnI P Cream Henrtbi C J M Naturell* Regency p«)- Jj Firewood Dark Firr Clover /"sfiaW > Vintage Victorian Rose jlßf < Vail Po i=h c; 7 H J Oil Dry 51 7 J J Satin
      70 words

  • 454 3 ,A FINE JOB TOO fl largest pumpX.* stoti<" tod with Wtingapore Water Works W.,n danger of complete BLon during the floods X I st week. I .ndftl the area on tht entrant? out six lengths Wtl, diameter concrete H <v>d tu-o cul\ I ra ity in
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  • 70 3 A.P. MANILA. Monday. rO ICE-CJtEAM vendors fought in a La Union province bus station over the sal* of a 10-cent ice cream bar. On© of the vendors. Leonard Cerezo. 19. died of Knife wounds. The other, Francisco Tatunay, 23. was charged with murder. And,
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • 331 3 YOUNG MONTREAL." an American ex-boxer, who claims to have punched the heads of six world champions in a career of sixteen years in the professional boxing ring, is now busy puncning dough as second cook on the American ship. "Almeira Lykes," now loading in Singapore. Now-not-so-Young
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  • 78 3 A.P. FRANKFURT, Monday. WEST German tax advisers whose business is to save their client's money had better ha soft-spoken about how they do it. One such enterprising counsellor proudly bared in a newspaper advertisement his tricks for easing the taxpayer's burden. State authorities promptly brought suit
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 93 3 A.P. DALLAS. TEXAS, Monday. rS the truth, said a dentist, truth serum is better than laughing gas to make a patient amiable. Dr. Joy Roy Bourgoyne described the results of the use of sodium pentothal the real name of truth serum —at a dental clinic. The
    A.P.  -  93 words
  • 72 3 U.P. PORT CLINTON. Ohio, Monday. FIVE men were killed "yesterday when a flying Air Force C-45 passenger plane apparently developed moicr trouble and crashed into ?n apple orchard, eight mik'S west of Ohio. The twin-engined craft was on a routine cross coumry flight from Selfrldge Field.
    U.P.  -  72 words
  • 130 3 U.P. WITH MACARTHUR IN KOREA. Monday. GENERAL Douglas Mac Arthur inspected brass horns used by the Chinese to make noise on the battlefield when he visited a forward regimental command post today. The eight-inch instrument was shown tne General by Regimental Commander Colonel Gerald
    U.P.  -  130 words
  • 66 3 Reuter-AAP. Warwick. Queensland. Mon. THREE half-grown pigs are grunting angrily at the loss of their milk supply—a heifer which was suckling them. A few weeks before the heifer's calf was due the pigs were taken away but the heifer fretted until they were returned to her.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  66 words
  • 43 3 A.P. WILLIAMSPORT. MARYLAND, Monday. GEORGE MAGOUTAS' pet torn cat left its favourite place under the refrigerator two years ago and stalked out of the house The other da> the cat came back and resumed ita interrupted nap under the refrigerator. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 30 3 VANCOUVER, Monday. CONSTABLES were called to a house here yesterday to investigate the common complaint of a "noisy party"They found a woman p!a>in< bymne on a record player.—
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  • 237 3 A.P. TEHERAN, IRAN, Monday. THE Shah, long reported to be Iran's biggest single landowner, said yesterday he will split up his vast royal estates and sell small farms to the peasants who have been working for them. The ruler's offer of a long overdue land reform
    A.P.  -  237 words
  • 68 3 Reuter. COLOMBO. Monday. MR. Norman Cousins, Editor of the American "Saturday review of Literature", lecturing here, said there was a growing mom-nt in the United States which believed that "World Law is the only way of attaining peace." The people of the United States, he added,
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 59 3 AGA'S LAND OF MILK HONEY A.P. SRINAGAR, KASHMIR, Monday. THE Aga Khan, head v! che Ismail Muslims, has a large following among the warlike tribes of Hunza state in Gilgit agency, northernmost frontier ot Kashmir. Hunza state, occupied by Pakistani troops in October, 1047 has been described as "the land
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 42 3 Reuter. HONGKONG, Monday. PEKING Radio r«.porl.ed that 3.313.000 people hnd joined the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association up to November, 1950. This was almost five times the number of members at the time of the Association's foundation in October, 1949.- Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 199 3 SPEND YOUR HOLIDAY AT jj SINGAPORE "CONEY ISLAND" j P Newest Singapore Holiday Resort S First Ckss Bar Excellent Cuisine Best Service j; I Launch Service A 10 minute di:tance from Pooggcl 5 Point to the island 5 S Town Office:— 34-B. Market Street, Phone *****. J I SEND YOUR
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 246 4 A.P. CLEVELAND. Monday. steel mills have posted their second all-time production record within two weeks, the M Steel Magazine declared on Sunday. Ingot production last week amounted to an estimated 2,000,000 ingot tons, the metal working journal said. The previous week a new record
    A.P.  -  246 words
  • 142 4 A.P. MEW York. Mon.—The StocK. l Market advanced moderately on Monday with steel and railroad shares leading the way. Most issues advanced a few cents to above US$l.5O. The volume was 2.500.000 shares. Steels advanced on the announcement that the Industry expects to produce 2.025 000
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • 147 4 SINGAPORE. Monday THE share market openedthe week quietly with only a limited amount of business passing. Industrials and rubters were steady but tins were inclined to ease. Ihe days price changps were: INmSTRIALS H ken? iS hai Bank .mi B«yr< >pilfr» (HkonK re?.) «7u.i-.icd Kohinson Co. Ord«. ?io
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  • 106 4 THE rubber commodity market was rather quiet yesterday but closed steady two cents above Saturday's closing. South America was in the market but Hongkong was out. But indications however are that a period of good buying is imminent and firm markets are likely. Rubber futures in New Yor*
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  • 58 4 A.P. HONGKONG. Mon. DAD weather delayed for the v third day In a row the arrival here yesterday of four Vampire jet fighter planes en route from the United Kingdom via Indo-China. The planes are now expected to arrive in Hongkong some time today. Th c pianes
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 69 4 Reuter. /'HIEF of the United SUtei l r Ar ™y information lection Major General Flovd Parks confirmed "press reports from London that General Dwjgv, Lisenhower has appointed v.scount Montgomery and Ger,er .w *L iem4 Juin o f France to the Supreme Headquarters Command Staff. Lodndon reports
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 149 4 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. Apart from Giltcdsod, the Stock Market began weak on a quietly firm note whilst awaiting the Prime Minister's statement on Britain's armament j-rogramme. British funds were unsettled by the failure of Southern Rhodesia's loan of 43 r r of .C 5.000.000 issues was left
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 121 4 U.P. LONDON, Moncay. IN a violently strong market 1 spot tin jumped £75 pet ton to £1,347 > a and tms on a turnover of only 15 tons Tbree months tin jumped £77 to £l.."ia on a turnover of lis tons The noon closing prices were
    U.P.  -  121 words
  • 148 4 AP. Umton ,nH r ,rade authority estimated, the estUrated Zn2 an f Inr said after a *>™y me five-year average in the pre-war years of 1935-39 was 34.050.000 tons. The Lamborn survey found that sugar production in the British Empire has advanced steadily since the war
    AP.  -  148 words
  • 72 4 A.P. MANILA. Mon. A MILITARY intelligence rt lieutenant was ordered laileri and courtmartialled by the National Defence Secretary Ramon Magsaysay today lor allegedly using force on one of the 28 persons rounded up three days ago and "invited" to Camp Murphy for questioning. Magsaysay said an
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 30 4 HONGKONG. Mon. The following were toda\ v closing prices on the Hong Kong Money Exchange: oSi per U.S. Uoi lar. HK515.30 per pound sterung. HK5321.5 per tael of gold.—
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  • 208 4 Reuter. HONGKONG Monday. Mr. Raymond W. Miller. I iTI consultant of the Food and Agriculture Organisation I of the United Nations will recommend the Hongkong Government's marketing scheme to the United States the Philippines and Japan for adoption, according to the English-language newspaper Hongkong Standard.
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 57 4 The Government of India have decided to fully license the quota of 120 million yards of coarse and medium cloth tut all licences will be for shipment from April 1951 onwards, the Indian Trade Commissioner in Singapore said yesterday. The Government will not issue any more export
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  • 66 4 In porf.-Mentakab (45), Merkur (44), Larut (ESADE), Landbris (Sheers), Kuys (42/3), Tung Song (40/41), Glaueaus (88/9), Ettriekbank (86). Tjiba. dak (38/4), 'iv-lops (81/2), Sil. verteak (17 18), Gorgon (19/ 20), S.H.B. Craft (21/2). Tjiteng (23/4). Selandia (25/6), Ronloyal (27/8), Stanrealm (29/30), Almeira Lyke 8 (15/ 16), President Harding
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  • 36 4 AP. LONDON Monday. The British Ford Motor Co. exported 146.000 cars, trucks and tractors in 1950. the company said. This was an increase of 48,000 vehicles over the previous record year, 1949. —AP
    AP.  -  36 words
  • 29 4 AP. NEW DELHI. Monday. Indian notes in circulation during December. 1950. showed an increase of 495.000,000 rupees (US$104,000,000) to 11.632.500.000 rupees (US$2.--450.000.000), official sources said here.—AP.
    AP.  -  29 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 710 4 i—i ii i<- lt mOTi j* .1 ».< ajL MANSFIELD CO., LTD. PHONE: 24<J5 (Lntorporat. j m ciui^aport) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carriers' 'option to proceed vie other oort? to load and dJacha-ge cargo Sailings foi LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW CONTINENTAL PORTS "Cyclops" c a ls for Casablanca. London Holland ...Feb. 1 •Antflochus"..
      710 words
    • 660 4 IT— 1 SAILINGS FROM BCANDINAVIA/TJJi./CONTINENT. Spore Sham Penan* India" 'or Bangkok, Hongkong, Manila 12-16 Feb. Kambodia" for Hongkong, Kobe and Yokohama 21-24 Feb. "Lalandla" for Bangkok 28 Feb.-l Mar. 27-27 Feb. 24-26 Feb "Fionia" for Saigon Bangkok 7-8 Mar. 6-6 Mar. 5-5 Mar. Kvernaas" for Saigon and Bangkok 8-12 Mar.
      660 words
    • 578 4 CLASSIFIED ADVTS WANTED WANTED t 0 Plm Semi-Permanent n i 8? AtUa dential Area pfees» Appiy Box Cl*, TrZ^gS New Brick w«. Room, Servanr= H g Sanitation. Apply iT* G. 2 Tribune. S pore Ai 1950 ISBU e Nai,„ n Magaxme. Phon* JS" FOR SALE 25.670 square tee, Vs ,«f
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  • 709 5  -  By flit Ki /1 4 r\ An SCOOP an all-out bid to>earnia decision that has t j,pped «hrough their hands three times, the iC-C- fle,d •< reshuffled but stronger forward f W ith only one change in the team when
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  • 109 5 SYDNEY. Mon. BOTH the Australian and United State* champions, Frank Sedgman and Art Larsen. wore beaten in the semifinal of the mens singles in the Australian lawn tennis championship here today. D. Gavitt of the "United States beat Sedgman 2 —6. 7 -5 i_6,
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  • 23 5 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. BRIGHTON defeated St. Guys Hospital by nine points to three in a Rugby Union match played today—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 57 5 HUTTON OUT: English batsman Len Hutton (centre) is caught by Don Taffon, from Jack Iverson, during England* second innings in the Third Test at Sydney. Iverson, unorthodox spin bowler, took 6 wirkets for 27 run* England lost the third test, Australia winning by an inning* and IS runs.—A.P. Pho<o. lIU
    ■ lIU H»?»* « 111" I HI I —A.P. Photo.  -  57 words
  • 441 5 ADELAIDE. Monday. AFTER gaining first innings lead of 85 runs the n MCC scored 108 for no wicket in their second innings by the close of play on the second day mt their return four-day match against South
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  • 78 5 A.P. MANILA. Mon. |X)RWARD Domingo Imperial F Jr.. of the All-Manila footballers booted a goal in the last few seconds of play last night to hold the visiting Singapore amateur soccer team to a 1-1 draw in its final appearance nerc. Singapore won three and
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 27 5 Reuter. BANGALORE. Mon. THE Commonwealth cricket team brat the My.orv Siair XI by nine wickets here 'odny. Iff Commonwealth MO and M tm i.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 189 5 Reuter-AAP. 111 Tnns It.CC. 211. SOUTH AUSTRALIA Ist Inning?. Pinrh lbw h Closh 1 Dansie b Wright 44 Du'idig lbw b Statham 4 Hole c Mclntyrc b Tattersall 20 Riding not out 26 Michael lbw h Wris-ht 0 Smart o Tattersall 1 LJowlcv st Mclntyre b Hollies 4 Mclean
    Reuter-AAP.  -  189 words
  • 54 5 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. The All-England badmin- ton championships will be held at the Emprrs% Hall. Earls Court. Lon- i don. on March 7 to 10. Worn Pen* Soon of Singapore who holds l the men's singles title > is expected to defend his title. A large overseas
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 151 5 Reuter. LONDON, Mon The England Rugby Union team to meet Irelanu at Dublin on February 10 shows a good many changes irom that defeated by Wales. Two players wno were compelled by injury or illness til withdriw from the Swansea match are restored to th
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 182 5 Reuter. LONDON, Monday. THE Football Association Cup holders, Arsenal, 1 have at last been drawn away after a remarkable run in which they were drawn at home every time possible last season and in the third and fourth rounds this season. In the
    Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 182 5 SERVICES teams dominated the first day's Dlay of tne S.C.C. "Seven-a-Sido" Ruucy tournamem nlaved on the Padang yesterday. A feature of the five matches played was all the lowers tailed to register a slush' point in their resnectfve game. Below are the brief results: R.A.F. Changi beat
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  • 47 5 LONDON. Mon. ■pHK Cambridge tennis blur and badminton star. K. t, Kbons. r.f Ipoli and .St. John'a. and another Malayan. S. LIQ, entered \t\c final of lh«> men* d<>tih!»«.<« in the M ddl*»et County badminton i hampion.«hipa. but were beaten by A. Barron
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  • 627 5 Weights for all eight race* l«r I he firs,! day. Saturla.i. Feh .V «f the Solan* or Turf Club'a Goll up ISM meei.n*; are:— CLAM L DIV. 1 7 FIRS. TAR A STREET 9 07 I FOI R O LtM'K II 07 HAPPY TRAVELLER 8.11 KINDER GOLD
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  • 53 5 |IO HO basketball toam will clash with Nanynng Sians Pan in a matrh at the Happy World St*d urn on Fe*>. 4 under the sponsorship of the Singapore Chinese Amateur Athletic Federation. This basketball matrh is in a d of the S.O.S.C. Fund to the Asian Game?
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  • 58 5 QIRL.S Sports Club defeated S.G.C. Women in a second team hockey encounter on the Padang yesterday by three goals to one. Two snap goals bv Mis* Patsy Oordeiro and another poal by Miss H. da S l\a for the G.S.C. made •ur« of the
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  • 40 5 COLONY goalkeeper. B. Noronna, selected to represent the South in the annual Malayan hotkey rtaaaic acralnst the North at Ipoli on Jfeh. 3. is unavailable He will he repla< cd by Ali b n Vatim of Negri Sembilan.
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  • 38 5 fHE postponed All-M a 1 a y a n Archery Championships will bft held at the Royal Johorr Internat <»nal Club on Sunday. Feb. < The men and women champions ar» expected to defend their title*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 Woo Hing Brothers I- rs n ill KiDds of clocks watches and -pare part* Wholesale Retail I nth Bridge Road ?6 Campbell Street Singapore. Penang. J ISeyer TRADING CO., s^Vill I CECIL STREET SINGAPORE
      34 words
    • 249 5 tfUMJk TODAY 11 A.M. 1.45 4.15 6.45 SPECTACLE IN IMCPW^^ EVERY SCENE!! Sflt yff Vff 7T| Ipiu?! I IAn Excellent Swimming A 'c-° m eu n Short 'Water Speed". |jTliril IMlll t u NEXT CHANGE! SHOCKING.... STARTLING CHINESE NEW YEAR 1010J1NIOU ATTRACTION "°2S SENSATIONAL SOMiS USUI including hosuhci msiwui iW\
      249 words

  • 284 6 U.P. HONGKONG, Monday. THE Chinese Communists today warned the United States through their official organ, the People's Daily, that if she pushed through her plans for Japanese rearmament and a separat? peace with Japan, "a tense situation would ensue in the East." The Communists
    U.P.  -  284 words
  • 65 6 Peter Cator. 26-year-o'd son of Sir Geoffrey Cator. formerly of the Malayan Ctvil Service, flew from Nigeria for his w dding, on 'an. Vi-s Kathenn Coke ,of Cheam. Surrey, at London's Saint .V..rtin-in-the-Fclds Church. The Rridc. r.ycar-old daughter of Captain Reginald Coke, wore a full-sleeved frown of gold and while
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  • 83 6 REPRESENTATIVES of 279 Chinese associations decided yesterday to petition the Secretary of State for the Colonies to reconsider the new Visa Regulations which came into efTeet in Singapore and the Federation last October. Th? Five-man committee elected by the associations said that the associations had
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  • 113 6 WASHINGTON* Monday. Captain* Don s Gentile, famed U.S. World War II ace in Europe, once called "Captain Courageous" by President Roosevelt, was killed in the crash of his jet plane at nearby Forestville, Maryland, Captain Gentile had taken off just 20 minutes earlier from Andrews Air Force
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  • 81 6 I>HE Head of the Central Statistical Branch oi tne Air tuUniatry, Mr. S. A. Day. arnv > in Singapore today on a week's visit to Heaaqua: Far East Air Force. He is coming here to confer upon new developments ar. I general questions arlectins his department's
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  • 396 6 U.P. LONDON. Monday. MUST Britain choose between the United S iTI and India? There were times during this last week when the British felt the United States was pushing them toward such a decision. With some modification of the official United States position en
    U.P.  -  396 words
  • 66 6 A.P. LONDON. Mon. British iron and steel production shot up to a record last 'year. Weekly average production ol pig iron and blast furnace fr'nd ferro-alloys was 185.200 tons in 1950 compared with ".82.700 tons in 1949 indus ry sources said. Average production of steel
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 188 6 A.P. WASHINGTON, Mon. PLANS for a government gunyule rubber production pro. gramme in South Texas were announced by Senator Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson, Chairman of th.' Senate Preparedness Commit tee .said in a statement th°t T..H00 acres in the irrigated win tci garden area would be
    A.P.  -  188 words
  • 533 6 Reuter. LONDON. Mtmda DRITAIN is to call up 235.000 reservists for 15 D days training with the forces this Summer, Prime" Minister Clement Attlee announced in the House of Commons today. Giving the long awaited details cf the new defence programme, he said that the total
    Reuter.  -  533 words
  • 174 6 A.P. MOSCOW, Monday DRAVDA charged today that General MacArtViu- ordered the Japanese government in Derembe, to immediately form a million-man army, a htjr. million-ton navy and a thousand-plane air force A Tass dispatch in the Communist p arty organ said it had
    A.P.  -  174 words
  • 68 6 \IK VioMarshal K. B. Blucke. who has just ta'.:cn over as Air Offer Commanding the R.A.F. in Malaya, flies to Kuala Lumour today to inspect the R.A.F. Station mere and visit Advanced Air Headquarters. He will remain in Kuala Lumpur until Thursday, when he lues on
    68 words
  • 92 6 SINGAPORE ART SOCIETY: Photographic Exhibit on British Council Hall 9.00 to 5.HO. .MtKUMTY OF MALAYA: Special convocation Oei Tlong Hani Hall, 2 p.m. ST. A.*I>KEWS' CIVIC CU B: "Australian University" by Mr. J. Chetliali, Woodsvilie, ,"».15 p.m. CHINESE YMCA: Body bu:!dins 5.30 p.m. Y.M C.A.: First
    92 words
  • 64 6 CATHAY: 'Tripoli' at 11, 1.45. 4.15. 6 45 and 9.30. CAPITOL: "Woman in Hiding" at 11 1.45. 4.00. 6.30 ard 9.30. PAVILION: "The Paradine Case" at 2. 4 15. 6.30 and 9.15. REX: "Sir Galahad at 10. 1.45, 5.30 and 9.15. ATLANTIC: "Phantom Eider'' at 6 and 9. SI
    64 words
  • 108 6 BRITISH and American craft arc searching th* off the Erst coast of Formo«a for an R.A.F. Sunderland flying boat which is overdue «n flight from lwakum. Japan, to riong Kong. The Sunderland left hm on Sunday, and was last feted by radio late in the it
    108 words
  • 134 6 T»HE Chief J I Charles Murray Aymfej, yesterday granted a Atm nisi to Victor Grosz a G ernment servant, who prttioned the court lor a dissolution of his marriage with wife. Hilda Gesina Gross, 1 he ground of desertion. The decree nisi is to be made
    134 words
  • 43 6 Reuter. PERMIDA, mot, 4 MYSTERY explosion li forecastle peak began I fire in the 5.700 ton Ibv s'earner Meir Dizengo:' put into St. Georses hanVui here with three holds Two men were sent to hospital with injuries recent* th- explosion.—Keuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 29 6 Weary infantrymen of an untitled Patrol rest in a Wonju Street, Jan 19. After a tough 10-mTc; mare* to retake the hat »ere<l railway huh on Korea centra" mm*.
    29 words
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    • 155 6 v joBbT JiB* Jh^hBsBbI AND FOGG RUBBER CO LTD. SB LONDON ENGLAND. SL- LOW TjjjjCjjMjj LTD. Bigger Food Value with ln«4t« food—QookerOcU- t gJ^MmM your whole famil> gets at i Uiu co<t Wev food rBTZ -^~~~-^/BV^^tBBW« tials needed for GOOD QUICK rnrt^&9Ĕ HEALTH. No other /7 K^^ii^ii{y)l7i^^P/ whole grain ereal
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    • 19 6 BLOOD BANK Group A—26 Bottles: Of (dp B 6 Bottles Group AB n bottles; Group 0--4J Bottles. Donors -21.
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