Malaya Tribune, 26 January 1951

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Malaya Tribune
  • 49 1 MALAYA TRIBUNE f PEOPLE 1 I FOR THE j upboplbJ 'LARGCRSftIES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN J Tel: "Tribune* B'pore. Published simultaneously at Singapore,.Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. 'hone: ***** nine lines. SIX PAGES. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1951 PRICE TEN CENTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1951.
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 1 n persons, In- i nii'i, tur of loyal family, an general and an ha\ I '..< <n inln Cairo on eknrgcf of taud, sqnandf ung goiment money and pi ring to supply tian army uith jreapens and iMiriiien during the >tine war. auto shows: Lews 'nr General) IbraSaad el
    VP. Pnoto  -  70 words
  • 104 1 LONDON, Thursday. EE B itish Cabinet worked tonight on a new deprogramme aimed at putting a million tder arms and equipping .them by the sum- 195° i new expanded programme is to defence spending of £4.soo,uGu,uuu to iOO.OOO in the next two years. rime
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  • 148 1 Reuter. CAPETOWN, Thursday. THE South African Prime Minister, Dr. Daniel Malan, told the assembly today that the international situation was 1 grave but he was convinced it would not lead to world war. Dr. Malan was moving an amendment to a motion of censure
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 49 1 Paris, Thurs. QPAiN was tcday invited to d attend the sixth general conference of the United Nations Educational. Scientific, and Cultural Organisation UNESCO I. to be held here from June 13 to July 10. Spain will be among the non-member nations to attend the meeting.
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  • 287 1 PRIORITY SO UGHT FOR DEBATE ON PEACE PARLEY A.P. LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. INDIA'S Sir Senegal N. Ran told the United Nations today it should take advantage of the present military lull in Korea to begin direct talks with the Chinese Communists on a Far
    A.P.  -  287 words
  • 115 1 A.P. WASHINGTON. Thurs THE U.S. Air Force and Na\y are reported be speeding up the construction of projects costing mere ihan U551.000.000.000. including some new overseas bases. This report :ame from a closed 90-minute meeting of the Senate Armed Service Committee. There was immediate
    A.P.  -  115 words
  • 104 1 BELGRADE. Thursday. A military court here charged exiled King Peter and Yugoslav emigrants today with making a determined effort to overthrow Marshal Titos Communist government and return to power Two former Cabinet Ministers a general who commanded Yugoslavia's pre-war police force and 14 others went on
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  • 77 1 A.P. CAIRO, Tliurs. COMMUNIST China's delegate was voted a seat in the Universal Postal Union's conference today. Nationalist China was rejected Five nations voted for Communist China and three tor the Nationalists. There were three abstentions and one spoiled ballot. There was no announcement
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 27 1 PUSAN. Thurs. The South Korean Government announced today that more than '-'.000.000 refugees from the Communist conquered areas nl Korea had been resettled in South Korea.
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  • 48 1 bvea in the midst of war wo men must try and carry on (heir normal household duties. These Korean women here do their laundry in a South Korean stream, under th>* shadow of a knocked out Russian made T-34 tank. A.P. Photo. A.P.-Photo.
    A.P.-Photo.  -  48 words
  • 373 1 Reuter. LONDON, Thursday. PRIME MINISTER Mr. Clement Attlee has received from the Indian Prime Minister Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, full details of the fresh communication from the Chinese Government on Korea, an official spokesman said today. The despatch was handed to Mr. Attlee byMr. V. K.
    Reuter.  -  373 words
  • 126 1 THE East-West Brain Trust were divided last night as to who doefl the most talking —the men or the women. The Trust consisting of Mr. v v Davie*. Mrs. H. B. Amstut*. Sir Han Hoe Urn and Frof. B. Holttum, had this to say: Mrs.
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  • 31 1 CEYLON, Thursday. Sir Francis Molamure, Speaker of the Ceylon House of Rrepresentatives, died here tonight aged 6"). He collapsed in the House on Tuesday with a paralytic stroke.
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  • 29 1 A.P. DETROIT, Thurs. The Ford Motor Company today an. nounced it has received now army contracts for more than U5531,000.000 worth of Ford trucks and buses.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 104 1 They Need Billion To Fly To Moon A.P. STUTTGART. Thurs. STUGGART. Thurs. If they had U551,000,000,000. German scientists beiieve they could fly to the moon. The German Society for Interplantary Research was told at its annual meeting that new discoveries have made such a flight possible. In fact, plans have
    A.P.  -  104 words
  • 208 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Thursday. PRESIDENT Truman told a press conference tor day: "I believe in calling an aggressor an aggressor." The President made this comment at a news conference in connection with the problem of the Chinese Communist action in Korea which is being discussed
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. NEW YORK Thurs. CONTROL of infantile paralyses "is not too far off." Mr. Basil O'Connor, president of the Carnegie Foundation for Infantile paralysis said today. He said that reseerch supported by the foundation ha I brought that day "definitely nearer than ever before."—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 237 1 A.P. UNITED States warships shelled Seoul's port of Inchon on the west coast of Korea today, as Allied ground patrols roamed freely through a deepening no man's land, for an enemy that, seemed to have vanished. General Mac Arthur, the U.N. Commander, said in a
    A.P.  -  237 words
  • 51 1 A.P. BFI HRADF. Thurs. Premier Marshal Tito, in an interview here today, said: This will be a dangerous year" for the peace of Europe and the world. The Marshal's warning was reported by U.S. Represen l aUve John F. Kennedy. Democrat. Massachusets. who conducted a press conference.
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 129 1 U.P. WASHINGTON. Thurs. STUNG by India's criticism on the United States stand against Communist China, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee refused to take early action today on India's request for 2.000.000 tons of American wheat. Instead. Chairman Tom Connally told reporters, the subcommittee has been instructed
    U.P.  -  129 words
  • 39 1 A.P. j KARACHI. Thurs.—Pakis- tan's Communicaticns Ministry announced today that the Government has decided to j nationalise motor transport in three provinces—the Punjab i Sind and the North-West j Frontier out of the nation's 1 five provinces.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 S3. SOOTH BKiDGI fiO .SPO*? PMQHj 228G8. *> WHEN MRS. YONG PHONES MRS. YOUNG AND INVITES fS HER TO CALL IN FOR A 'HINESE NEW YEAR, J-P like all good house- wives, she orders lots of i/ /4& different biscuits which she knows will r k be popular with both
      71 words
    • 118 1 For A' <;i: Eye#fifht Examination. Vopnie in Evewear. Consult. PIN PIN OPTICAL CO., 91. North RridK*! Ret., Spore, (.Opposjie to Adelphi Hotel). MM MMMHMMMHMMimMi| I RIDE A I RALEIGH j j THE ALL STEEL BICYCLE j Built lor i/0u... j I j! 1 in the J j World's Largest j
      118 words

  • 757 2 ALL Asians throughout Malaya will welcome the decision of the Federal Legislative Council this week approving the principle of a ministerial form of Government for Malaya. But let not joy at such a forward and progressive step towards self-government cloud our view of the dangers which can accompany
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  • 925 2 A.P. NEW DELHI. INDIA, with many of its growinl; pains behind it. stands on firmer ground as it enters its second year as a republic today. Much has been done by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's government since the constitution of the Republic of India was
    A.P.  -  925 words
  • 786 2  -  By^ E. ATKINSON LONDON. Thursday. OVER the next three months. J the new pattern of Bri- tish national activity will be set. kl The revised and vastly in- j creased rearmament pro- i gramme will have been relat- ed to the capacities of the economy at
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  • 111 2 ANEW system of motor vehicle suspension which uses rubber to replace the normal leaf springs is now under experiment in the Midland Omnibus Company's manufacturers works. The working of the new system is described at some length in the current edition of "Rubber Developments" issued by
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  • 1343 2  -  -BY- JAGJIVAN RAM Minister of Labour. India. I THE welfare of the common J man nas been tin objec- j i tive «I the Constiiu'ion or j the Republic ot India. Fvery I eltireii has hit assurance oi j social and economic justices i j under its
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  • 320 2 What thr Chinese Press ts saying today. IFHAT are the chances of a peace treaty with Japan. queries the Nanyang Siang Pau. Commenting on John Foster Dulles' trip to Tokio, th t daily points out that most of the stipulations advocated by the United States in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 The Oriental Optical Co., tOptuuietrntU aiatuuiacturiiig Opticians and Scientific fcye ExamUiatlu* with 1..5.A. IVSJ Model Modern bquJprnent) 34», >OKl> UKUMJU. KOAU Lte! SOUTH BRIIMJfc BOAJU .ThJLEPHONfcS 3232 ***** Singapore, Pertang Siam. P. O. Box 387. Vigour Restored, Glands Hade Young In 24 Hours j It is no longer nocesonry to
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    • 0 2
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 38 2 Strange As It Seems SMRDAW/ /ntstfr /nstrintr W aid at'zen of Bng/arra, I emisH recap?tated Wl THE WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND T^Jf FiNAUY MEB3IN6 WflHlHt W*R J&dtf \jS] OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION WHICH V WT INVOLVED OTHER EUROPEAN PMCES/
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  • 54 3 ,SE her husband was "loved and there was take care of her F (jhinese woman decidsuicide, by drink- Solution of lysol. *was stated in the Se''toiice Court yesterday 'vje woman 22-year-old h King pleaded guilty ted suicide, at Java ion J» n 24 LTwas bound over in
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  • 63 3 #-Rev A.P. TOKIO. Thursday. I 5448-ton Kansal Mara Kansal IClsen ComI 'is scheduled to leave rt. Kyushu, next Ljay for Singapore with J tons of cement, local rcies said. J ship on her way bat* ictll at Bangkok to take 'tSCO tons of Siamese rice
    #-Rev; A.P.  -  63 words
  • 201 3 A.P. NEW YORK. Thursday. V international syndicate smuggling fabulous 1 cuantitiea of diamonds frcm Europe to the hi! d States came to light after the arrest of iree persons bringing gems into this country riled in shoes. Officials said that diamonds confiscated at Nefc
    A.P.  -  201 words
  • 74 3 AAP. TOKIO, Thurs. RIME Minister Shigeru Yoahida today formally fee i Attorney General ikeo Ohashi as Minister in arge of National Police berve. tinn il Police Reserve i force of 75,000 which Rwral Mac Arthur authorised ist year just after -»ak of the Korean Th?
    AAP.  -  74 words
  • 98 3 TOR selling a katly of sugar T eighteen rents above the controlled price. 30-year-old Tan Slong Poh was sentence in the First District Coilft yesterday to one month s imprisonment. It was stated that on Jan. 24 a Food Control Inspector went to a sundry
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  • 41 3 BUENOS AIRES. Thurs. government operated railways were crippled yesterday when most of the country's 160.000 railwayworkers went on strike. The Ministry 6f called the strike illegal and asked Federal police to protect rail* waymen who wanted to worK.—•
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  • 139 3 AP. MIW DELHI. Thurs. A GROUP of Istanbul children has wtfttSll "Uncte N lru" a letter thanking him "in thp name of all the Turkish children" for the rftbyelephant. Mohini. recently presented by the Indian Prime Minister as a gift from the children of India. The letter
    AP.  -  139 words
  • 40 3 SALT CLOTH TRADE ARRESTS AP. SINAGAR. (Kashmir), Thursday. UOME 40 persons have been •3 arrested by state polics in Indian-held Northern Kashmir on charges of carrying on illicit trade in Indian cloth and Pakistani rock salt across the ceasefire line.—AP.
    AP.  -  40 words
  • 40 3 NEW DELHI, Thurs. THE Dalai Lama, who has completed seven days of fasting, meditation and prayers in a monastery near Kalimpong, is still engrossed in concentration of his country s next step, it was reported from Kalimpong yesterday.
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  • 270 3 A.P. —JNehru NEW DELHI, Thursday. INDIAN Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru, levelled a 1 broadside ot criticism at th 3 United States policies in Asia and said the African prop:s*l for The U.N. to declare Red China an aigrewor can fcrlng only increased conflict. He
    A.P.  -  270 words
  • 68 3 SIXTY-year-old Ten Ken Swee who pleaded guilty In the First District Court yesterday to failing to register lor an identity card was sent to Jail for one month. Tĕo told the court that he had lost his card, and had forgotten the number. He
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  • 61 3 AP. NEW DELHI, Thurf. AN agreement making Point Four assistance available to Nepal was signed here on Tuesday by American Ambassador Loy Henderson and Nepaiese Ambassador Shingha Shumshero. An initial project will be a preliminary survey of mineral resources by Robert Sanford of the
    AP.  -  61 words
  • 65 3 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Thurs. J A resolution to withdraw Jl United States membersnip from the United Nations has been introduced in the United States House of Representatives by Mr. J. E. Rankin. Democrat of Mississippi. Mr. Rankin told the House yesterday that the United Nations has
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 133 3 TAIPEI, Thurs. THE Nationalists sounded today fresh warnings to the I'nited Nations against Red China's cease-fire formula for Korea. The Central Daily News, mouthpiece of the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Party, said the Communist proposal was another trick aimed it divldir-j; the free world "B; firm.
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  • 39 3 A.P. WASHINGTON, Thurs. THE House of Representatives passed by a roll call V6J4 of 3(7-0 on Tuesday a bill to recover any c:;crfcsivc profits on defence contrictf The legislation goes to tne Senate. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 104 3 LOCALLY -MADE soap has shot up 30 per cent in price. Manufacturers maintain that the industry is facing a crisis, because of a shortage or oil and soda. The buik of the oils produced locally is exported, thus putting the local market in snort supply. Soda,
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  • 176 3 U.P. WASHINGTON. Thursday. EFFORTS of Asian countries to achieve a WJJJV able trade balance with the United States thereby boosting their dollar reserves, weakened somewhat during November, the U.S. Department of Commerce reported today. Th» Department said Asian shinments to the United States in
    U.P.  -  176 words
  • 77 3 A.P. SRINAOAR. Thursday. MOHAMAD Amin Bdgra, for* mer Nationalist Deputy Governor of Sinkiang Province, claimed today that nearly 25.000 Soviet troops Are now occupying that V\est China province. Bogra. who Is now a refugee here, said in in Interview that reliable information from Sinkiang
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 27 3 LONDON, Thur?. SIM Mohamed Zafrullah Khan. Pakistan's Foreign Minister, said that China's present position on a ceasefire in Korea "holds out a glimmer of hope".
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  • 287 3 fHE R.A.F. regiment guard of honour drawn up at 1 the shin's side had been inspected by Sir Frank Mellersh, ex-AOC, Malaya, and stcod at ease, he had shaken hands with his successor, Air Vic?-Marshal Blucke, and other top Air Force officers and their wives,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 141 3 I TUITION. MERCANTILE INSTITUTION 20«. Queen street, fhone ***** Morning ft Evening Cla*»ea Prepares students (or all leading e\am'nations AuuLi KNOLIfeM CLASBhiS: Rannmr from Primary and upward. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND MATHEMATICS and oilier tuhje<is for Pre-Scnior a sp<*-iaiity. STUDY IN YOUR SPARE TIME. Shorthand. Typewriting, Book- OVERSEAS BANDSPREAD RECEIVER 6
      141 words
    • 28 3 RITA POMADE FOR BUST DEVELOPMENT Also EROSIA BUST CREAM $4 each. Ask your dealer or CHAKI t 0., Post Box 123, 29, Robinson Rd., Singapore. i I J
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 457 4 THE recent announcement of proposals for tho Direction of Manpower in Malaya had led to a wave of increased interest in \oluntary recruitmuii in the Royal Air Force (Malaya), *ar East Air Force Headquarters said last night. Applicants have written from all parts of the
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  • 111 4 -Reuter. BOMBAY. Thursday. rE Bombay Millowners Association declared here today that a "serious crisis looms in India's textile industry because of the Government's textile policy. It termed "inadequate the recent increase in cloth and yarn prices allowed by the Government. "Because of the Government's
    -Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 80 4 In Portt-Mentakab (451, Flying Cloud (44), Larul (ESADE), Landbris (Sheers), Rnvs (42 3), Benveg (40/41), Giaucus (38 9), Eurickbank (86), Steel Vendor (33 4), British Prince (31 2), Islander (17 18), Gorgon (19/50), S.H. B Craft (81 22 >, Star Betelgeus (23 4), Orerte* (25 6), Benlyoal
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  • 45 4 HONGKONG. Thursday. SHIPPERS announced a widescale 15 per cent freight increase covering Far Eastern and Middle Eastern shipments from Hongkong today. The increased rates affect all members of the Far East, Gulf. Aden and Red Sea Ports conferences effective from Jan. 23.
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  • 42 4 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY. Thurs. WOOL made another world prire record today, closing day of the Sydney sales, with 266 Australian pence a pound for lc bales oi greasy Merino fleece. Values of all descriptions continued firm at yesterday's hign prices.—Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  42 words
  • 101 4 U.P. LONDON, Thura. SPOT tin eased some £5 to £1,257-1 2 at this morning scssiori whiie three months was unchanged at £1,232-1/2. The turnover for cash was only 10 tons while IDS tons changed hands in the forward market. The noon closing prices were: Spot—£l,2ss buyers and £1.260
    U.P.  -  101 words
  • 43 4 Reuter. BUDAPEST, Thurs. Hungary ha s signed a trade agreement with the Chinese Peoples Republic under which China will send Hungary raw materials and domestic products. Hungary will export raw materials and machinery under the agreement, signed in Peking on Monday.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 29 4 BOMBAY, Thurs. THE 55th birthday of Sudhas Chandra Bose. who organised the Indian National Army in Singapore during the Japanese occupation was celebrated all over India yesterday.
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  • 121 4 Reuter. LONDON. Thursday. ALTHOUGH active interest in the London Stock Exchange was restricted by international and domestic political situations today, industrial shares emerged with buoyancy. Provincial support for textiles gave the market a lead which was followed by several other industrial groups. Selected mis. cellaneous leaders including
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 211 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. rE tin and rubber sections of the local market were very firm and prices showed improvement in most issues. Industrials were also firm but overwhelmed by the interest in tins and rubbers. The day's price changes were: F. B. Petrol 40 9 41 9 Fraser and
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  • 23 4 U.P. HONGKONG, Thurs Money market quotations were: HKS6.OI 6.01 per US«I. HK115.40 per Sterling. HKS33O 00 per tael of gold. —UP.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • 25 4 YEW Ching Seah, a 36-year-old Chinese, was fined $15 in j the Fourth Police Court yester- day for cruelty to fowls.
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  • 164 4 A.P. RANGOON, Thursday. DURMA'S overdue first General Elections will take place in April this year, if the Government accepts a recommendation by the Elections Advisory Commission, according to a s:urce close to the commission. He said the commision had advised that government elections
    A.P.  -  164 words
  • 30 4 A large crowd of policemen andTriends came on board the Corfu to say farewell to A.S.P. J. W. Chilton and his wife who are going on a holiday.
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  • 150 4 VERY happy and glad to be back in Singapore, after an absence of nine years, were two Malay pearl divers, who returned to Singapore, on the Blue Funnel ship the Gorgon. With a broad grin on his face Layman bin Sirat. said that his home
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  • 155 4 THE rubber commodity mar- ket was easier yesterday closing at 206 buyers a pound for February and 207 sellers. Hongkong was out c T the market but there were some orders from South America which were responsible for the intiaial steadiness. The stalemate between Far Eastern shippers and
    155 words
  • 49 4 How Food Cheong. aged 22. was charged in the Second Folice Court yesterday with stealing a pen worth $30 belonging to Noordin Jalnansah on Jan. 24. How claimed trial and th j case was postponed to Feb. 3. Bail of $100 was fixed.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 651 4 SHIPPING For U.K./CONTTNENT: S pore P. Sham Penang Benarty for Havre. London, Antwerp. Hamburg, M'brougn sails 28 Jan Beniawers for L'pool Glasgow, Dublin. Rotterdam, Antwerp -8-29 Jan. 30 Jan.-l Feb. Benlomond for L'pool Avonmouth, Ant- werp. Rotterdam 31 Jan.-8 Feb. 9 -10 Feb. 11-13 Feb. Benattow for London, Antwerp, Rotterdam.
      651 words
    • 631 4 EVERETT ORIENT LINE EVERETT STAR LINE cv tiungKonu Japan For Hongkong. Japan "Leneverett" 30 Jan./2 Feb. "Star Alcyone" 20/24 Feb. bm Colombo, Cochin, Bom nay tor Penang. Kangoon. Calcutta, Karachi Bahrein, Kowett Madras. I iasrab Khommshanr "Rcbeverett" 17/19 Feb. "Star Arcturus" God own 17/18 "Nordstjernan" 6/9 Feb. For rrelght passage,
      631 words
    • 528 4 CLASSIFIED ADVlsl COIFFURE. YUEN TING fc«l toir wav, nR indtS P »**»fll call at m 3 Singapore. fl flj WANTED inbune. B^W FOR SAliB MEDICAL JOm»w», »100.. Joiu-na Amor,; ~I JJ tcS to 1949. «or!. Med. Ahfll Phone: 4446. U N Goodnch Dun.on'% n v I size 900x13 price B
      528 words

  • 184 5 WITH a view of sending a vrolony water-polo team to the Asian Games at New Delhi, a Selection Committee of *he Singapore Amateur Swimming Association comprising Dr. M. C Bain. Messrs. Tan Wee Chwet, Tan Sin Whatt and G. L McCabe (Hon. Secretary) met on
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  • 24 5 Reuter. LONDON Thurs. LEICESTER defeated Royal At Force by 21 points to 3 in a Rii»;bv Union game played today.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 636 5  -  By n rvn* m. REGINALD HAYTER Reuter-A.A.P. THF M rr 5'^ 0uth Australia, Thursday. l fhX,f ai fd thflr third successive win and South n t! ie tour when thc y defeated a il" Country XI today by an inning /lis with about
    Reuter-A.A.P.  -  636 words
  • 87 5 A.P. SCARBOROUGH. ENGLAND. Today. Around robin professional coif tournament matching British men and against American women was proposed here yesterday. The town of Scarborough offered to put up £1.000 in prize money, plus expenses for the eventThe tournament would provide action for
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 171 5 M" AGNIFICIENT built, 26--year-old Maung Thaung, Burma s 135 lb. hghtwcignt Champion, and latest importation by local promoter Wally Oanes arrived by Malayan Airways plane yesterday lor a series of light engagements in Singapore Wally said last night that Maung Thaung's first
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  • 137 5 Reuter. NEW DELHI, Thurs. INDIA today announced sweeping changes fur me fifth and last match in the unoificiai Test series against the Commonwealth touring team Witt the Commonw-ai'ih one up. India must win bhtl match to draw the series. Five players who
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 45 5 BARCELONA. SPAIN. Thurs. LUIS Romero of Spain. European bantamweight champion, .stopp-'1 LeWia Lyton South Afr <an champion, in the sixth round of a scheduled 10-round bout here last nighl. Lyton was floored four times in the fifth round and three in the
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  • 53 5 A.P. BROOKLYN. Thurs. ROY CAMPAiN r.1.1.A. Hiookivn I dcpi i iable rtr«t string catcher, vepterday sighed his contract for a reported US$lB,OOO .-alary. Campanella luckily escaped «erious injury er-pntlv when a hot water heater n his homr exploded ns he tried to relight it. He suffered face and
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 744 5  -  SCRC SHOULD HAVE WON By SCOOP OPINIONS were divided before the start as to who would win the second replay of the Colony knockout hockcy semi-final match on the Padang > between the S.C.R.C. and the S.C.C. yesterday. Some predicted a draw,
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  • 50 5 nnm ww■ vvvv««> ww-- fODAY'S scheduled «occer match between the Kampong Bahru Sports Club and Tfcmil Brotherhood Association for the Nair Cup donated by Munic.pal Commissioner M. P. D. Nair, has been postponed to Feb. 4 on the Railway Institute ground at Kampong Bahru.
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  • 69 5 THE recond Annual Swimming I Gala of the Singapore Batta- tion of the Boys' Brigade will < be held on Saturday JAn. 27 at 2.15 p.m. at the Gillman Barracks Pool, Alexandra Road. Companies will compete for the Shield presented by the Officers of the Singapore Engineer
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  • 41 5 fJRIFFITHR School (P. M. Session* Staff will hold a Danre and Social tomorrow at the Trade School Hall, Balestier Road, at 8 p m. This Dance and Social party is jointly sponsored by the "B" Remove Students. T.T.C.
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  • 23 5 fHE Royal Air Force Malnva Boxin? Chamtilonshipa will be h»!d at R.A.F. Chans:i on Friday, February 16 at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 33 5 fHE 2nd annual general meeting of the Indian Recreation Club will be held of Sunday, 28. at No. 6. Race Course Lane, at 9.20 a.rii. All members are kindly Invited.
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  • 39 5 A.P. PARIS, Thurs. •pKE Middleweight bout arranged for Monday between British f «rhter. Albert Finch, and Robert Viilemain of France has b*en called off It was today. Viilemain was reported to be suffering from rheumatism.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 38 5 A.P. CHICAGO. Thura. JOHNNY Bratton, Chicago's welterweight championship aspirant, won by a sensational one-round technical knockout over Bobby Dykes of M ami. Florida, in their scheduled 10-round bout in the Chicago Stadium last night.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 66 5 A.P. SYDNEY Thurs. RAIN again prevented play in the auarter-finals of the Australian Tennis Singles Champ onrhips at thf» White City courts here todav. The quarter-fina's were originally fixed for Wednesday but w ll now be decided on Friday, weather permitting. The matches include clashes between American
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 38 5 A.P. NEW YORK, Thurs. QDESSA Calloway, a 25-year-old Nesrro *omAn eolfer. ha? sued Joe Lou for USJIOO.OOO alleging; he beat hrr in a Cleveland hotel room on Ju)v 4, 1950. during a golf tourney.—A. P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 130 5 A.P. LOS ANGELES, Thurs. PASADENA'S Tournament of Roses Association may seek the support of the deep south if the Pacific Coast Conference votes next month to abandon Its tie-up with the Rose Bowl football game. Paul Zimmerman. sports editor of the Los Angeles Times,
    A.P.  -  130 words
  • 454 5 IPOH, Thurs. THE following are the 1 weights for all the elffht races tomorrow, concluding day of the Perak Turf Club January i meeting: CLASS 2. DIV. 1 •> FIRS. LADIES FLAME 307 MAJESTIC SCHOLAR Ml CHARLFMVGNE I AIB MAIL 8.10 IMEBCEBBIDGE MM ASSIZE MJ
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 472 5 NOTICES p rV i\ KRSITY OF L MALAYA ppp k s arc invited for of 3.600 library ,t!, of" varying sizes durFin'sh to be in half [i r ami cloth binding with V gold leaf lettering. A will be supplied University Librarian on t an .i this should be re«rith
      472 words
    • 196 5 NOTICES j BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (C HAPTER 45) I In the High Court of the Colony of Singapore. Island of Singapore. IN BANKRUPTCY. No. 117 of 1950. 1 Re: M. A. Rahim Khan. Receiving Order made 24th November. 1050. Date of Order for Summary Administration 17th January, j 1951. Date of
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  • 60 6 U.P. HONG KONG, Thurs. THE Chinese Communist government has begun issuing passports for Chinese going j abroad—for the first time since the inauguration of the government in October, 1949Applications may be forwarded to the Foreign Affairs Department of the Shanghai Municipal Government, accompanied by pertinent documents
    U.P.  -  60 words
  • 356 6 CIR Henry Gurney, Federation High Commis- sioner last night told the Federal Legislative Council that there is a feeling atroad toiay Vhat "somethins: is reaily happening" in trn fie.d of "united effort to stamp out our enemies." Here is what he had
    356 words
  • 79 6 Reuter. BIRKENHEAD, Thurs PIFTY FIREMEN fought a docksidc blaze here today and saved Britain"? biggest industrial grease plant. It was the most severe fire PincA the war on the Birkenhead side of the River Ifersey, one of Britain's greatest port areas on the northwest coast. The
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 213 6 VVRY happy and glad to be back in Singapore, after an absence of nine years, were two Malay pearl tiivers. who returned to Singapore on MM Blue Funnel snip, the Gorgon. With a broad grin on his fa c I.iyman bin Sirat. told pressmen, that
    213 words
  • 18 6 Group A—23 Dot Jes. Group AB— 1 bottle. Group B 7 bottles. Group 0—34 bottles. Donors—lB.
    18 words
  • 171 6 THE freighter the Almeria Lykes, which belongs to the Lykes Orient Lin?, nas v nea*lv a week in Singapore's outer roads for a berthing space. The very bad weather has been responsible fcr the hold-up of a very larse number of shins, and no berthing
    171 words
  • 67 6 Reuter. NSW DELHI, Thurs. BRITISH ■irlinea will operate service* to and across India under a new agreement signed between British and Indian Gov. ernment representatives here today. Indian airine* will operate services to «nd across the Inited Kingdom to the Tinted States and also to
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 263 6 A.P. MILLIONS in Europe-are sneeziZ temperatures and some thousands hi rUnm an influenza epidemic which appears tr. 3 ing its peak in a number of cSSSes The United Kingdom seems tn k\. by the highly infectious through communities with startiin* sinV* ee Ps laying low
    A.P.  -  263 words
  • 73 6 Reuter. LONDON. Thursday. A CONFERENCE :o organise the defence of Africa will !be held in Nairobi. Kenya, in I the Spring, it was authoritatively learned here last night. Countries expected to take part are Britain. South Africa. Egypt. France. Belgium, Italy j and Portugal. It was
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 178 6 AP. Reykjavik. Iceland, Thurs. I GENERAL Dwighf D. Eis-r.--u hower flew into sn.'wroverod Iceland today. his principal aim being to hep prereni this island Republic trom tai'ing into tho hands of the Russians in case o: a world war. Thre is no question of Iceland—one of the
    AP.  -  178 words
  • 125 6 jHt Federation ca which wi.i serve in this country T on where in deface of Mag™ me Federal t Council lasuJSL L **ti b.m giving !h n f„ h gN sion-r powers >o s rtmi fore<\ Su up I I The Force win jin c
    125 words
  • 61 6 5.15:*Raf?i'; e Q*'ajT* 2 J r.A.: M'jpir rjj kWrSi MNGAPORE art mwi.T Piiotopraphic exhibition rff opening by Mr. w T pv, SSi!"» P 2r" INOIAX RKPI Rur IMV P h £m f R I C New W W'ESLEY MYF: Fourth Com, rion meetine. WesW Ha" »i
    61 words
  • 69 6 CATHAY: "Tripoli «t 11 6 «and 9. .30 p.m. «I ii y Dau Kht»r J" nl,- 4 6 ai"l 'OK: Her Wonderful L ard ?3n ML c nn r Galahad'' at 1«. U 5.30 and 9.1.i p.m NEU STAR: "Hawk of VV ildernesa" at 6.15 and 9.15 u
    69 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 THE TAVERN I (European Residential Hotel) Open to Non-Resident* All Rooms Are Connected with Tel. Exchange. S Our Coiffeur de Dames i, operated by American trained S Miss Ethne. S Meals ALa Cartp served up to Midnight. Special Dinner Every Wednesday and Saturday. 7/17, Tanjrlin Rd. TTlfliltll rf—!■! Mi Cable
      151 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 83 6 LIX ABNER ai *y AI Capp POWERFUL STOrF.r- r /V VUuE V-YO' UCF• :XSN.-T LEAP INTO L a rV AM HC DOKfT, 5 r F T-TAKE WEED NO -4-? H** IT EASY. KTJ) V V) *S A >7>^v I /UJXY THIS V VH j£mm+M °^"i UKE y f p S!END,
      83 words
    • 26 6 TIDE r TODAY H.W.: 1.0R, <S ft. II in.) 12.30 p m. tin ft.) TT tomorrow H.W.: 1.34 a <9 ft,) 1.07 p.m. (10 ft >
      26 words