Malaya Tribune, 19 January 1951

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Malaya Tribune
  • 50 1 MALAYA Tribune f PEOPLE I I FOR THE J i'ei: ••Tribune" Spore. jrIARGER Sfttisl THAN ANT AFTERBOON PAPER IN feMALAYAJ Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. Six Pages SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. JANUARY 19. 1951. Phone: 5811/3 nine line*. PRICE TEN CENTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE FRIDAY JANUARY 19, IttL
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  • 66 1 A.P. LONDON. Thurs. Radio said yesterTl that Communist has dfcreerl new regulations to "enpuragi and develop private whch is helpful to ttional economy. The radio, heard in London, la Peking dispatch which !dded that "the government itect the property and activities of these prirpriaes, the
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 176 1 UP. WASHINGTON, Thursday. JHK Air Fore? announced today that all its remaining i reserve winges and most air national rd wings a total of 150,000 men will be called to active duty between March 1 and May 15. rh call-up includes 11 air nai guard wings.
    UP.  -  176 words
  • 59 1 A.P. HON, Thurs—The BrusBity Organisation antodc.v the Chief s-of-f the Western European ;avc approved an interlining programme, announcement said the requirement of f .be proa that each army :nlor?tand the methods ema of the other allied dual inter-allied trainT=j previously, take the hrnr exchanges of regimeu- staff
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 124 1 U.P. PUSAN. Thursday. THE South Korean National j Assembly today overrode 1 President Syngman Rhee's veto on a provision ror a. oouble tnai system for wartime crimes by a vote of 11> to 1 Last Novemoer. the Legis- j lature pas.tad a revised v.:«r- time criminal code"
    U.P.  -  124 words
  • 48 1 A.P. NEW DELHI. Thurs. The 16-year-old Dalai Lama has undertaken a seven-day fast in solitude at Tungkara Monastery, five miles from Yatung. reports reaching here today said. He will seek inspiration from Buddha, to guide the destinities of his country, the reports added. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 445 1 Cease-Fire Effort Has Failed Says Austin U.P. LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. THE United States delegate Warren Austin told the Main Political Committee of 1 the United Nations Gene rai Assembly today that the ceese-fiTe effort has failed and demanded that the United Nations condemn Communist
    U.P.  -  445 words
  • 106 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. ThursdayAmerica Is to build a tion base to produce 50,000 warplanes and 35.000 tanks a yp sir This will be included in an $87 000.000.000 programme to be spent on buying arms needed immediately, according to the Defence Department. ...1. It will
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 292 1 UP. and Reuter. PARIS. Thursday. INDIAN Prime Minister Sri Jawaharlal Nehru told the West today that it was not too late to negotiate with Communist China and warned the United Nations against plunging into "any precipitate action" against the Peking Government. Canada's External Affairs Minister
    UP. and Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 101 1 UP. LONDON. Thursday. —South Airican Interior Minister Dr. T. E. Donges called on tfM democracies today to "receive into their fold" Germany. Spain and Japan to strengthen the Une-UD against Communism. "A settlement with Germany and Japan should be concluded with the least possible
    UP.  -  101 words
  • 148 1 Reuter-AAP. DARWIN, Thurs. A threeday strike of aborigines of the Bernmah Reserve coiiapsed today, the men returning to work on pre-strike conditions. No concessions were cavrantled and two man were put on trial. The aborigines demanded a minimum wage of A£7 (5.125.) a week and equal right
    Reuter-AAP.  -  148 words
  • 56 1 AP. MOSCOW. Thurs Pravda published prominently today news of the formation of a preparatory committee of Peace Partisans in Egypt, including the former Egyptian Minister to Moscow. S. Pasha. A Tass article said partisans of the peace movement in Egypt, notwithstanding persecution by the authorities, nre
    AP.  -  56 words
  • 26 1 A detective corporal wa.s shot by a Chinese at 8.55 a.m. today at Fraser Street. He was taken to hospital in a critical condition.
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  • 165 1 U.P. I HELSINKI. Thurs. PREMIER Urho Kekkonen's new four-party coalitloo government announced today 1 six-point programme aimed at stabilizing Finland s economy and fostering friendly relations with Russia Th" government which now includes seven numbers of kekkonen's Agrarian ParU. seven Social Democrats, two Swcdishspcaking
    U.P.  -  165 words
  • 158 1 U.P. LONDON. Thursday. fOMMUNIST China's Foreign Minister Chou En-lai issued today another defiant warning to the United Nations that actions taken without Red China's participation will be "illegal, null and void." In a telegram to the United Nations New York headquarters for transmission to members,
    U.P.  -  158 words
  • 69 1 CHEERS FOR THE PERONS. General Juan Domingo Peron (standing in car at left) uivip* lint till I'rRONS Oneral Juan fbinungo Peron (standlnc in e»r lei I MSSi-aJWS^^ <rowd a». lite» tottr the Mr-nrf..r.i province of Argentine I he astnu wa* tlie in of ,h dr.Ah »1 the nulrona. hero General
    — At* Phola».  -  69 words
  • 177 1 Thurs. COMMUNIST-LED Vietminh forces unleashed new assaults today at three points on the' vital French "beachhead" around the northern capital of Hanoi. A French communique said the rebels "manifested great new activity" on widespread fronts along the 350-mile defence perimeter. It said French forces last
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  • 32 1 TOKIO. Thurs. Yusuke Tsurumi. popular writer, lecturer and influential political demanded the immediate depurging of all wartime leaders still on the purge in a speech before a Tokio audience yesterday.
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  • 121 1 U.P. WASHINGTON. Thurs. PRESIDENT Truman said today that wage and price controls will be imposed as quickly as practicable. The President was asked at a news conference about reports that controls might be ordered within a few days. Truman said he thought defence mobilizer Charles
    U.P.  -  121 words
  • 38 1 A.P. WASHINGTON. Thurs The entire American soft coal industry ha* agreed to a US$l.6O daily wage increase for John Li. L/Jvis' miners. The voluntary agreement affects 400.000 members of the United Mrneworkers' Union. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 202 1 TOKIO, Thursday, f OMMUNIST troops began an ominous southward surge all across Korea yesterday. They almost trapped a United Nations armoured patrol in rapidly filling the no-man's-land south ot Seoul The patrol fought its way out of Kumyangjang, 23 miles southeast of Seoul against two companies
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  • 114 1 Store Tells People 'Don't Buy' U.P. NEW YORK, Thurs. The world's largest department i store took fullpagp ads in newspapers here today to tell the I people to quit buying so much, i R. H. Macy and Company Inc. j also told the public in the same, j ads that
    U.P.  -  114 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 WORLD FAMOUS < i so Agenu: CHUN CHONG 53 South Bridge Road, Spore. /fA- GREEN'S and Custard Powder! Jelly and custard to a with children-not only for I**"" hut for almost any meat Andl it easy to give them what they bkcif you Green's Jelly Crystals, rnej a» solve
      65 words
    • 105 1 For Ac..rat- EyeaiKht Examination. Votrne in Evewear. Consult. PIH PIN OPTICAL CO., 91. North Bridge Rd. Sport. i.Oppos.te to Adelphi Hotel. "I enjoy them makes a dv Manner ho different. I know better titan to argue with a BP* jfl the reason why a dv Maurier remains .^EjS^R^ cool and
      105 words

  • 633 2 A.P. THE Japanese are sharply divided on the matter of rearming their country. But they believe unanimously that if an when rearmament comes it should be planned and carried out by the Japanese themselves. They see it coming closer. General Mac Arthur told
    A.P.  -  633 words
  • 742 2 mechanics of the mind of Mr. Andrew Gilmour, Singapore's acting Financial Secretary, are rather diflieult to understand. In the Legislative Council this w\*ek, he moved an amendment to a motion seeking immediate price controls on foodstuffs and other essential commodities. The amendment cf Mr. Gilmour. which
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  • 205 2 What the Chinese Press are saying today. THE Nanyang Siang Pau commenting on Peking's counter proposals to the United Nations cease-fire appeal believes that there is Still one last hope for peace— that the U.N. Political Committee give careful study to tho counter-proposals and work out, if
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  • 878 2 A.P. HNEW YORK. OU accurate were the prophets of 1900 as they peeped Into the new century? Now that we have come to the scientific half-way mark may be you can decide the validity of predictions made 50 years ago. One thing seems certain. Even as you
    A.P.  -  878 words
  • 725 2 AP. New York. THE men and women of 62 countries who keep United Nations cvery-day work go>ng t veil when the diplomats stop talking have all but complett d their move into the new international skyscraper Capitol here. All except 600 of the polyglot lot
    AP.  -  725 words
  • 636 2 GENERAL de Lattre de Tassigny, the new High Commissioner for France in Indochina, in a tour of inspection north of Saigon had no need of notes, for his message was s.mple: it was that the new National Army of Vietnam must- be built up
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  • 510 2 Reuter. THE English—as others see us and hay seen us in the past 450 yeirs That is the theme of a highly entertaining ''Visitor?; BooTT' compiled by Harry Ballam and Roy Lewis and just published in London by Marx Parris (15/-). The authors have
    Reuter.  -  510 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 184 3 U.P. I NEW YORK, Thurs. WTRIPPS Howard newspapers 3 reported from Wonju Korea, today that Dutch units ip employing sneak war-•-■cks that are causing casualties and confusion among North Koreans The dispatch related several instances of how Indonesia &d hardened Dutch soldiers lv fighting
    U.P.  -  184 words
  • 175 3 MALACCA, Thursday. ip. Justice Abbott in the Ma•fi lacca High Court today •quitted 8. D. Augustine, Ins- r of Indian Schools after J common jury had returned > majority verdict of six to one 'not guilty. He was tried on Jo charges of criminal breach
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  • 30 3 U.P. fi—». TOKIO, Thurs IkaING Radio broadcast today that Foreign Min«*r Chou En-lai gave a party .ring Clements Rezzongcp. Envoy Extraordinary and ■glister Plenipotentiary of in China.—U.P. j
    U.P.  -  30 words
  • 158 3 rrsmAL Dwight D. Thur sday. (i tonight to discuss lta?rr c on?HH V f? in juropean defence army in an »tml lbu tlon to hi? slo n created by Communist effo? ?t°' Phere <* ten-' protest demonstrations. cuort s to organize vast The Reds managed
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  • 79 3 Eighth United States Army ffft, Pinned a si™? First 11 0n F rench Army at the Fourth Field Hospital on Monday, accordSf a <l«layed report received here today The bearded French officer ooked up silently fromi his hospnai bed to thetlnThre h iSm f Gen f
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  • 18 3 Reuter— AAP. jyA-noNAusT Foreign Mlnis Cgam Communist reply to £f proposals would bring th»t
    Reuter—AAP.  -  18 words
  • 186 3 Reuter. IJNITED States Thur *day. V said tonight SSt Acheson, the reply to' j has "revealed t2f for Korea regard for the world-wide demand for iSce 1 11 S r-J? 5Mr Ach «on« second en °n Peking's counterproposals for a settlement of today^° rean flghtin Published
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 79 3 MALAY ON BREAK IN CHARGE SAGA bin Othman was tentatively charged in the Fourth Police Court yesterday with breaking into the house of Mohamed Ali bin Abdullah in Woodlands Road in the early hours of the morning ol Jan 10 in order to steal ;wo watches worth about $100. Saga
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  • 111 3 U.P. nr fDlft) MANILA, Thurs. I I UMBER exporters have been requested to leave at once for Yokohama to prepare for a schedule bidding on January on lumber purchases by SCAP. the Foreign Affairs Department announced. The Philippines can participate in the bid for
    U.P.  -  111 words
  • 71 3 Reuter —AAP. TATPEH. Thursday. A NATIONALIST military spokesman today revealed that the Chinese Communists on Amoy on Jan. 1« shelled "little Quemoy island," a lonely Nationalist outpost close to the mainland. The spokesman, Lieut.-Geu. Chang Yi-ting, said the Communists fired only two shells and inflicted
    Reuter—AAP.  -  71 words
  • 412 3 fpm young Johnny Gherardi's father, a Gunner's Mate m the U.S. Navy, gathered the kid* setts, U.S.A., on hia visits home on leave and Z n*?t l n£Sl adventures and explofis "th'SK himself WaS m re lm P ress ed than Johnny u< Although
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  • 108 3 U.P. OHIO, Thurs. DAUL Henri Spaak, former Belgian Foreign Minister. gredicted yesterday that ussia will not attack Western Europe at this time, because the Soviets know they could not win a war with the United States. He told newsmen. "The real war is not one with
    U.P.  -  108 words
  • 106 3 TOUR Czechoslovakian danr cers arrived on the Jardine Matheson ship, the Eastern Queen, when the ship called here yesterday. Under their manager, Mr. Franscesco Bubla. these girls toured Europe and England, before going to India, wnere they toured alt the principal cities. These stars. Misses Dagmar.
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  • 55 3 DUE to unexpected heavy licensing for fine and super, fine cloth the Government of tndia discontinuing further exports. This does not, however, mean a ban on exports and does not affect exports against licences already issued. Position regard, ing outstanding commitments is under examination,
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  • 63 3 Senggariuig (45), Blitar (44), Laru t (ESADE), Landbri* (Sheers), City of Liverpool (48/ 8), Fenutiream (40/41), Benrin. nee (88/9), Benattow (86), Steel Hover (83/4), Rajula 31/ 8), Benvenue (17/18), S.H.B. Craft (19/20), Belaga (81/8), Anshuin (23/4), Orestes (26/6), Kilwa (27/28), Norden (87/8) Katong (16/16), Glenearn (18/ 14),
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  • 131 3 U.P. WASHINGTON. Thurs HEFENCE mobiliaer Charles v E. Wilson announced tonight that mandatory wage price controls will be imposed with all possible speed, and high government sources laid some scarce items may have to be rationed within the months, Wilson flashed the go-ahead on anti-inflation curbs in
    U.P.  -  131 words
  • 145 3 THE Chines? YMCA had se- lected the following pieces for their piano competition, which will be held some time in April. Merry Peasant for Happy Farmer), (2) Soldiers March; scenes from childhood—6cnumann, and (3) Minuet in G— Anna Magdalena NotebooK— Bach, are for contestants
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  • 348 3 U.P. c hina s «rj£si*Lif r f turn t0 the mainland reached another stage today with the establishment of a special section of the Defense Ministry to coordinate the work of the mainland guerillas Known as the "Mainland Combat Section" the new unit has the
    U.P.  -  348 words
  • 82 3 /JOH Chin Juay, a 23-year-u old Chinese was tentatively charged in the Fourth Police Court yesterday for robbing a young Chinese woman, Kong Lay Keng of a diamond ring worth $410 and a wristlet watch valued at $150 and $30 in cash at Chalton Road on
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  • 55 3 A KARUPPIAH was charged v in the Fourth Police Court yesterday with being in fraudulent possession of one carpenter's brace and two wood planes worth about $30 at the Junction of Orchard Road and Clemenceau Avenue on Jan. 17. The Indian claimed trial and was allowed bail
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 319 3 The Oriental Optical Co., (Optometrist* Manuiitct tiring Opticians and Scientific Eye Examination with U.S.A. 1951 Model Modern Equipment) 348, NOKIj HHIDUL KOAJJ 162, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD TELEPHONES 8232 t ***** Singapore, Penang Siam. P. O. Box 387. A. IT A\IST D h TfULINJJ pistrftutors: CHART CO i MALAYAN CMKl^^ MILLION
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 160 4 THE rubber commodity was erratic yesterday but closed steady with a gain of six cents from the previous day's closing. The market In the mommy moved up to 203 cents a pouna buyers for January. tnen dropped to 201 and steadied in the afternoon. Hongkong was still
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  • 78 4 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY. Thurs. Supply Minister Howard Beale said today Australia was not able to get as much raw rubber as she wanted for defence stockpiling. Australia wanted to buy Jointly with Britain but the British Supply Ministry either would not or could not fit in arrangements,
    Reuter-AAP.  -  78 words
  • 106 4 A GENERAL cargo was brought to Singapore, when the Netherlands freighter the Blitar called here a lew days ago. A total of about 1.170 tons was brought here. Included in the above figure were 1.235 kegs of nails, 1.761 cases of liquors. 326 cases of matches.
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  • 364 4 U.P. LONDON, Thursday. PEAR of war, of inflation and uncertainty over the r future of the dollar have boosted gold on the free market to record levels in a swift new boom, a survey showed today. Hoarders and speculators were reported to be paying from
    U.P.  -  364 words
  • 173 4 Reuter. LONDON, Thurs.—Peking's rejection of the cease-fire proposals called a temporary halt today to the recent upswing in the London stock market. But after a spell of hesitancy in the morning many sections once again started their upward trend. British industrials were well to the fore in
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 110 4 Reuter, WASHINGTON, Thurs.—The United States may allow between 200,000 and 500,000 bales of cotton to be exported tills marketing year in addition to 3,496.000 already allotted for shipment. This forecast was made by Agriculture Department cotton experts today. A final decision would depend on whether
    Reuter,  -  110 words
  • 173 4 SINGAPORE. Jan. 19. THE local tin share market following London's optimistic lead showed gains in most counters, but adverse political news later in the day brught out sellers. The market closed easier. The day's price movements were the following: Fr.ser*Ne»ve Henry Waugh 215 2.25 Straits Trade s l±M
    173 words
  • 47 4 LONDON, Thurs.—The tin maitcet was firmer. Spot $1,235 £1.245. Tnree Months: £1,215—1,--220. Total Sales: 345 tons. Rubber was quiet was steady. No. 1 R S.S. settlements: Spot—6ld—62d. Feb.—60 3 id—6ld. March 59d—59i 2 d. Apr./June—s6 J 2 d—57d. July/Sept. 52d 52 1 2 d.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 689 4 SHIPPING tTor UJL/CONTLNENT: Spore P. Sham Penang Henvenue for London, Antwerp Rotterdam, H'burg. Hull -Gdns. 17/18 21-22 Jan. 23-24 Jan. «ienarty for Havre, London. Antwerp. Hamburg, M'brougn I G. 13/14 22-23 Jan. Benlawers for L'pool Glasgow, Dublin. Rotterdam. Antwerp 26-27 Jan. 28-29 Jan. 30 Jan.-l Feb. Benloroond for L'pool Avonmouth,
      689 words
    • 410 4 ORIENT LINE EVERETT STAR LINE fl rtongKong. Japan Vor Hongkong. Japan "Leneverett'' 28/31 Jan. "Star Betelgeuse" "19/21 Jan. Kor Colombo, o<ocnin, Bombay «?«>r t'enang Kantoon Calcutta. Karachi Bahrein, Kowett Madras. iasrah Khoramshanr "Rebeverett" 14/16 Feb. "Star Arcturu?" Outer Roads Nordstjernan" 1/4 Feb. For irelgnt passage, please ap~>iy to:— GUTHRIE CO.,
      410 words
    • 471 4 mmmwM® SITUATIONS VACANT European firm requires capable Lad y Secretary immediately. Knowledge of good English and business letterwritms essential. Box Tribune. S pore. D WANTED. Experienced Practical Ladies Hairdresser For Beamy Salon Capable Taking Charge Also Lady Facials. Apply Box" No. A.190 M.T., Spore WANTED: Mac Junior Stenographer With
      471 words
    • 419 4 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS BotlertUm HoU»«*-Ami»rlc* Lib* *"><leri»inl i Kot.l itor er«»» Clovfl Rotterdam. A»,ter*j« HALIFAX, BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE, MOBILE NEW ORLEANS. d'por- K. B'baxo eena DR tSlamat (XL) 7/14 Feb. 15/16 Feb. 17/ifi Feh Madoera ;SMN) 17/23 Feb. 24/25 Feb. 26 27 Feh t Calls Genoa Marseilles
      419 words
    • 197 4 I HnXMAN MINX IM7 Wjj i Excellent Condition <■• taxed appb Swee 151 Te. I Street. Singapore FOR SALE Plymj£»» y 1948 Registered Wt) Decarbonised Mileasre 158» W Good Tyres Rornac RadioiFW Offer Over S6oO> Tc» P.W.D., Singapore Tel. »J e Morris six h.p. December 1950 Under 1« Major Elliott.
      197 words

  • 149 5 Reuter-AAP. *IWT,tSS SLBOURNE T°daVUMPIRE middle-weight champion Dave Sands may make a return visit to England in May. His manager Tom Maguire said he expected to discuss plans for the trip with English promoter Jack Solomons when he visits Australia shortly. Maguire said Sands would probably
    Reuter-AAP.  -  149 words
  • 144 5 LONDON, Today. AN AUSTRALIAN Women's Cricket team in due in Britain in May. Three Test matches are to ho played against players chosen by the England's Women's Cricket Association at the Oval, Scarborough and Worcester. of the youngest of Britain's team will be Miss
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  • 87 5 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, Thurs. BIGGEST international golf entry since the war has been received for this year's McWllliam's Wines £A 2,500 tournament The tournament, which is richest, will be played on Sydney's Kensington links from Mar. 3. and overseas entries include Britain's Dai Rces and Max Faulkner,
    Reuter-AAP.  -  87 words
  • 44 5 A.P. LONDON. Thurs. f If(«8. Kendal-Carpenier. captain J of the English rugby team 10 i,Kv Walca in Swansea on .satur- V baa Withdraw, from the game U ,'uJe he haa .nf'mnsa. *M« tor* will meet toniaht to choose a deputy forward A.P
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 370 5 jsJKIPPER William Fung saved South XV from defeat with a fine try in the annual Intra-Varsity rugby "classic" against North XV on the Sepoy Lines ground (Medical College) yesterday. me nnai score was tnreeall. each side scoring a try. On their
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  • 88 5 Reuter-AAP. MELBOURNE. Today. Australians won 12 first places in 25 athletic events against international competition at the Centennial Games, Canteroury. New Zealand. Western Australian sprinter Shirley Strickland, who twice defeated world record-hold-ing "Lithstow Flyer Marjorle Jackson, picked up three of her wins on the last
    Reuter-AAP.  -  88 words
  • 17 5 untitled and South teams which took untitled and *o«th teams vthleh f""*» k M|| h sU Th»»
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  • 121 5 IPOH. Today. The heavy shower which fell yesterday and continued till late last night made the heavy when training was held here this morning. If it should rain again the track will bp on the soft side on Saturday. Trainer Lewis' horses- Father Rvan, Loch Oarra. Bain
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  • 82 5 THE following are elected officials of Dunlop Sports Club for 1951 President Mr. C. E. Hudson. Vice-Presidents Mr. Teo Kirn Heng and Mr. Koh JtftJc Seng. Hon Secretary: Mr. Fu W« Chti; Hon. Treasurer Mr. L. C Lake. Committee: Mr. A. V. Fe".«ey. Mr. Eric Wee.
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  • 89 5 Reuter. TOKIO. Thurs. Japanese tennis stars will participate in tho Davis Cup this year for the firt time since international competition was resumed after World War 11. The Japan Lawn Tennis Association announced today that Australia, present holder of the Cup. has accepted
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 95 5 TENNIS girl Patsy Rodgers wi!i be married on February 3 to Lieutenant Eddie Ford. Scots Greys, just a year after she announced her engagement. The ceremony will be at Holy Trinity, Beckenham, Kent, and the couple will spend their honeymoon on the Continent. The couple have
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  • 54 5 g.C.R.C. twi. c lucky in their semifinal an Qtinter asratnst 8 C.1.. will meet them agin at the Padang today in the Colony knockout hockey second replay. A thrilling tuaele >s anticipated. In the previous cames the score mas one all on both oei
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  • 56 5 THE Young Men Muslim Associatlon will hold Itl first open tennis tournament beginning Sunday. February 11. 1951. The tournament will be opened o all members of the Association and those des.rinz to <ompete are requested to contact th« tennis captain c o 20. Malacca Street. Singapore. Entries will
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  • 72 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tnurs. gELANGOR Club sained the distinction of being the lir?t nam in defeat the Combined at rugby this season by regirtcrma a nine points (three tf'ea) to three (one try) victory in a keenly-con-tested and robust ru;by match un the Padang here tOOS?. Browne, and
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  • 67 5 A.P. LONDON, Today. rjI.A.MOr.G ANSHIRE County Crc ket Club announced yes?erdav that gate receipts w re down £4.000 m the 1950 .Ticket vn*on. Th;s was niainlv Jue. -n la.ny weather which seriously n lettered with their home eamea. Total receiDt» for the NKM mere (11 ISo. of
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 67 5 A.P. P.armiscli-rartenkin hen. Germsrv. Today. ■JOUKD Andersson of ■vetfaO WOO an 18-kilometre ekl race yesterday acairut 46 akiers from eijfht nations. Swedes and F nn? wnn the first ■•even places in the race which was run through hoavv rain over Hie same course used for the
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 47 5 CHARLES MAXIM FIGHT A.P. fI.EVKI.AND. OHIO. Tniaj. I IGHT heavyweight champ.on Joey definitely will fight RaOard Charles for the heavyweight champ onship this summer, it was need \csterdav The match has not been signed vet but "it is a sure thing." said nn informed source. A.P
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 59 5 MANILA. Today. THK visit Tiff Chinese Air For re Ba?ke<bn!l Team romped away from the Chinese Volunteer Toam here by a lopsided score of W to 43 for the second straight victory at the YM£A GymnuluA. In the first f? here tpe Cb nee* A!r Force
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  • 61 5 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY. Thriu A proposal to hold all-day Saturdav ra<-e meetings has born turned dowr. by the Sydney Turf Club committee. A deputation of New South Wales owner4 and ainers wanted the all-dav fixture* to Ri*e owners of moderate performers opportuniI ty to win prize monev. Rejecting
    Reuter-AAP.  -  61 words
  • 113 5 THE Singapore hockey team to take part in the Triangular I Meeting with Negri Scmbilan, and Malacca to be held in I Seremhnn. and Malacca to be I held in Sefemban over the weekI end, will be without the services I of three of their
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  • 606 5  -  By BEN PHLEGAR A.P. LONDON, Today. DRITISH sportsmen arc looking forward to better D things this year, forward being about the only direction they can look to after ft bad time last year. Things got so bad in 1950 that even the
    A.P.  -  606 words
  • 139 5 Reuter. MADRAS. Thurs. THE fourth official Test between India and thr Commonwealth touring team will open tomorrow on a "hard and true" pitch here. The -match is vital for both ildefl since it may decide the rubber. The Commonwealth, unbeaten on the tour, are one up
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 39 5 U.P. yr r>j iiT. ThurS. IR1?H ROB MtTRPttT Unrx k*d Out jtaru*" lt«ary Bnmni in th* ,Vh round Inst ntfrrit t<> iwlnier Ins i larm f<>r a titf* ■W»1 at hchthe«vvwe»frtt champion, J<M] Maxim.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 493 5 < KiUo. JP. aged 72. t 1 v peacefully at 2.15 at nis daughter s I'fgAMDHAS) resid- A rerunning Road, f 2 n craporr. The cortege r* *^J P Katong Catholic IjfJ- internment at Bida\°oo ?m- on 19 1 51 -;intrv pape" P'.case Copy. tai feneTsd meetIJthp Oxford and Cam,rf
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  • 156 6 Reuter-AAP. With the Australian Battalion in Korea, Thurs. OTRANGE things happened on the silent peaceful Australian positions in South Korea in the last few days when the temperature drop ped to 46 degrees below freezing. Men froze to their weapons, eggs froze in their shells and
    Reuter-AAP.  -  156 words
  • 261 6 Reuter, gain LONDON, Thursday. MALAYA will receive $410,000 under the Marshall Plan aid for a new roadbuilding programme, the American Economic Co-operation mission to Britain announced today. The programme is designed to strengthen Malayan economy by opening up new sources for strategic materials and
    Reuter, gain  -  261 words
  • 27 6 The Bubla Ballet Revue which was delayed in Penang ii now due. to arrive on the Eastern Queen at 7 a.m. today at 6.30 p.m.
    27 words
  • 83 6 TOKIO. Thursday. SURPASSING their previous day's record by two sorties, British Sea Furies and Fireflies from Urn light-carrier Theseus mounted 60 flights against the Communists in Korea on Tuesday. General Mac Arthur announced today. The British carrier-borne pilots in a series of attacks in the Seoul area
    83 words
  • 56 6 A.P. PARIS. Thurs Traffic through the Suez Canal in November 1950 dropped below the record set the month before, the Canal Company announced on Thursday. Ships totalling 7,158.000 tons net passed 'hrough. 5.5 per cent Mm than in October. Compared with the previous November, however, traffic showed
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 38 6 Reuter. GIBRALTAR. Thurs—Ships of the United States 6th. Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral John Ballentine aboard the cruiser Newport News, began arriving at Gibraltar today and will stay until Jan. 23— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 28 6 A.P. MOSCOW. Thurs. Marshal Stalin has agreed to run for the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Republic from the Kirov election district in Leningrad. A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 150 6 THE Communist Vietminh 1 forces have cut a great part i of Indo-China into their own hands, but 25 miles south j from the string of French outposts the town of Hanoi takes its afternoon siesta as lif the were a million miles away. The
    150 words
  • 179 6 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Thursday. JHE United States State Department announced last night that American diplomatic officials in Europe and the Middle East would meet at three informal conferences within the next month. Chiefs of United States missions in Eastern Europe will confer in Paris between
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 159 6 EXTREMELY bad weather in the wild Thailand border country again foiled all attempts yesterday to get positive identification from the air of wreckage believed to be that of the Singapore Standard Dakota missing since January 13. R.A.F. Dakotas made four attempts during the day to fly
    159 words
  • 91 6 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Thurs. announced American combat casualties in Korea rose to 45.137 today. The total, disclosed by the Department of Defence, as based on notifications to next of kin up to Jan. 12. It II 224 more than the figure for the previous week.
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 113 6 UP. HONGKONG. Thursday. It was reported today that France had banned the export of metal wares and industrial mw materials to Hong and Communist China. Telegraphic messages to this effect have been received by several firms here but there was no official confirmation. The telegraphic
    UP.  -  113 words
  • 65 6 ni TCH telepathist Peter Van Der HurK has left for London to lend Scotland Yard a hand in the search for the coronation stone, which was stolen from Westminister Abbey last Christmas and has since been missing. "I am convinced I can at least give them
    65 words
  • 138 6 THE crew of an R.A.F. Dakota based at Changi battled shocking flying weather yesterday to drop urgently-need-ed food nd supplies to an isolated police post in Pahang. The posts-only transport link with the outside world is by river, which is at present in flood owing
    138 words
  • 62 6 Reuter. A.P. TAIPEH Thurs. Communist military authori--1 ties In Kukong city. 100 miles north of Canion. staged three-day air defence manoeuvres between Jan. 8 a-nd 10. the "China Union Press reported her? today. The agency said the manoeuvres took place after the erection of air warning lookout
    Reuter. A.P.  -  62 words
  • 55 6 Reuter. LONDON. Wed. THE death of Major-Gen« ral 1 Sir Ernest Swinton. a pioneer in the development of the tank, was announced here today. He was 82 years old. He served in South Africa from 1899 to 1902 and became Chichele Professor of MiliUrv History in the
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 15 6 Group A 38 Bottles AB 3 b n h 0 42 DONORS: 10.
    15 words
  • 583 6 TAN Quek Ec, the wife ot a trisha rider 1 ed by the Chief Justice, Sir Charles Aynsley, in the High Court, yesterday y damages for the loss of her husband who ws» t OOO at Anson ,Road on June 28 last when a
    583 words
  • 56 6 U.P. LONDON. Thurs. »Sever«! of the Soviet Embassy «awere among hundreds of persons at Northolt airport tod*. 1 to watch a United States «r force giant B-36 bomber a demonstration flight. As the bomber flyinp low the field dipped the wing* salute, one Russian r\( in
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 74 6 wit «INfi RXIUMTII'* AI«TIUIJI»I H»'t, R«»in> T* i twiui. rtnrrw w«u? imxi t Ktk •JTv. -jg p m M*mur n CMIKKAK >1« > PMKIC 1MM J >• t m aliuli <iii vii' n.»i. >M»mi»-» Jti it, r»i i. On lur) *"t< t jim Mlltar 1» lUlk((4lli<'lil I
    74 words
  • 67 6 CATHAY: "Rock I«'« nd 41f (Malay) at 11. 1.45. 4.15. 9.30 j m. u>il»" X I.HAM HK A "Tersn* I.45. 4.15. and 9.15 p.m. i PAVILION: "Seven f Noon" 2. 4.15. and 9.3° P C APITOL: -The Whit* II. 1.45, 4.00. 6.30 and HEX: Pembalasam" a' 6.30. 9.30 p
    67 words
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    • 354 6 GANDHI ASTROLOGER ®Un family, prolessiyn. love, heexpected fortune, numbers, colours, lotteries. races and other Important matters in inonthlv details $4. Weekly details Answers to S questions re: future Si. State date of birth, sex. ace. profession, and time of writing. M.O. or dollar t-otes accepted. K. SATAtaH'ACHAIfIAIt Hamimathupasi. H.4M MAN
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 372 6 BLUE NETWORK 10.00 a.m. News Singapore follonrd by th* Emergency Ve M) from Kuala Lumpur; 10.1« close Malay 1 n n *iL° 6 P S iffht Mu,,c I* Time S'gna and .News; 1.4.-, i> an(c Mu r played by Bob Chester Orchestra; 01» p.m r ov 1) <IWB f N
      372 words
    • 53 6 SUPERMAN by Wayne Boring MILLION BUCKS SMEAR AN' V v, 4' nou%l7' vom7« -J 7 ADIOS,AMIGOS.':''/--AS SAY IT'S 1 \f 7MAR'f> NO "I l> L i ii h BIG VaP:MG "EM BACK TH'GOOMBO IN TH'aTr DOUBTS EF TH' lift ag^sp^s^V v KEEP >TUR ISN'T Sue VLGOK.'J SS5 C7ED NO ENGLISHMAN
      53 words
    • 25 6 TIDE 7.21 a.m. <R f», 4 »n.> 9.54 p,m, <7 ft. I in > TOMORROW R.23 A.m. <S ft. m.' 10.43 p.m. <7 ft. 8 in >
      25 words