Malaya Tribune, 17 January 1951

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Malaya Tribune
  • 56 1 MALAYA Tribune Kythe^ I PEOPLE 1 i FOR THE j Tel: •Tribune" S pore. ■Flaroirsaus^l F THAN ANY I AFTER BOON J PAPER IN J feMALAYAJI phone: 5811/3 nine lines. Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. Six Pages Singapore, WEDNESDAY JANUARY, 17, 1951 PRICE TEN CENTS. THE
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  • 187 1 Third Chinese Army South Of Seoul U.P. TOKIO, Today, i United Nations tank artillery and infantry task A force, which entered Suwon this afternoon, withdrew as darkness fell. Before pulling out, artillery was fired at an estimated company of Reds retreating out the north end
    U.P.  -  187 words
  • 107 1 A.P. I NEW YORK. Tues. -Business failures rose sharply in the week ended January 11 and were at the highest weekly level since last August, Dun and Brcdstrcet reported I The business credit reportinp; agency said failures numbered j 193, compared with 144 the J preceding
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 87 1 AP. SANTA MONICA. California. Today.—Actress Betty Huttoti testified in court that her husband wanted to "eat and run" when they dined with film executives. She won a divorce from camera maker Ted Briskin, 31. The trial was the couples second in ten months.
    AP.  -  87 words
  • 72 1 A.P. GIBRALTAR, Tue*. THE crew of six bclonginlg to an R.A.F. Halifax bomber had a miraculous escape when the aircraft fell in the sea between Gibraltar and Algeciras shortly after taking off on an operational flight toaay. It is thought the aircraft lost height due to engine trouble
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 37 1 U.P. LONDON. Tues.—lnfluenza and Pneumonia struck down hundreds more throughout Britain today and overworked hospital staffs and undertakers reported today they could no* cope with the mounting list of the dangerously ill and dead U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 11 1 Princes, E.izabeth. the Puke, of M.nbnrjh »nd the.r £J- on No
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  • 71 1 A.P. >EW DELHI. Tues. ft Nopalese insurgent MT. Koirala. to- a'.ed to all rebels to hostilities immediately, course of his stateda ?aid this action pt by Indian Prime !\< aharlal Nehru's ippeal from London j an uary 11 to direct his wards peaceful coand progress
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 133 1 THE HAGVE, Tuesaay. «R M Van Der Goes Van Naters "of the Western Dutch oolicv in the dispute wun J N a! W U Burger, former Cabinet Minister, pointed in his P 1 by rep ercussions The shake-up was foU°^ a deluded the rethat,
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  • 58 1 A.P. WASHINGTON. Tues.—The Ambassador. Athanese said in an address '■odav that Communist vicworld struggle would lark centuries 01. B d ;he League of RfMHican Women Voters: i hpe wf shall not have to go ts *ar again. But if need be is ready to fight. She vc
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 82 1 A.P LONDON. Tuesday.—Britain today answered Poland's expulsion of two Bntons-by exP statement disclosed that two Poles Edward Rudski. a clerk in the Polish Embassy in London, and the other named Bourmfu. an AUache at the Polish Consu General's office here, have already left for Poland^ The statement
    A.P  -  82 words
  • 126 1 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. Thousands of Britons who served in the war may get an unexpected rebate from the Treasury if it can be found they paid too much taxes during the w&r Some 1.000 Inland Revenue officials are going through the pay documents of exservicemen
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 109 1 AP. WASHINGTON, Today. MR. John Dulles and Mr. Romulo conferred on Japan treaty but made no announcement. It was understood they talked over their respective positions, outlining possible differences for further consideration. The American position appears to be for a so-called easy peace allowing the
    AP.  -  109 words
  • 37 1 UP. LONDON, Fri.—Nehru saw Bevin today. The subject of the talks were not disclosed, but it was reported that Nehru had receivd communication from Pckuig on a proposed bigpower Far East conference. U.P.
    UP.  -  37 words
  • 123 1 U.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. IHisassasrsas Vi nvO vate law Practice here VolD® emphasized that he and technic. p XD ert on atomic matters. But he is familiar with the broad issuer of atomic policy. He said, '.'Sing .tin that the hypothptical "super bomb can made, the
    U.P.  -  123 words
  • 19 1 FOOGIA. Italy. Tuesday. Two strong earth shocks woke the population In the area of Northern Apulia early today.
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  • 184 1 U.P. LONDON, Tuesday. SIX American B-36 atomic bombers with full wartime crews and a "simulation of complete combat armament" landed in Britain for the first time today after a 5,000-mile flight from the United States. It was the first time the worlds biggest bombers—with six propelloi
    U.P.  -  184 words
  • 74 1 SIAM police and ground troops are this morning moving toward a position near Hungei Tadl, about seven miles north of the Thailand border where it was yesterday reported that aircraft wreckage had been spotted. Aircrait of the FEAF sad civilian planes are in the air
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  • 233 1 U.P. LONDON Tuesday. PRIME Minister Liaquat Ali Khan said today Umt Pakistan could make no contribution to-Com-mnn wealth defence because of the deadlock over KaTmfcaused by India's flat rejection of al reasonable" proposals for a solution of this tnree year-old dispute. He told a
    U.P.  -  233 words
  • 67 1 AP. MELBOURNE. Today .-Because some Australian wiyes "object to walking with unneccessarily portly husbands sales of male girdles have fckyr°Uneiike'his American coun-ter-part, the Australian girdle-conscious male calls it -abdominal belt." The American refers to it bashfully as b shops in Melbourne have reported Increased salts
    AP.  -  67 words
  • 89 1 A.P. CALCUTTA. Tue.x. NEARLY 2,600 people have died in Calcutta since November 11 when smallpox became an epidemic. During the week ending January 13, although official figures put deaths to 253. a drop of nearly hundred on the proceeding week, the incidence of disease continues to
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 102 1 A.P. HANOI, Indo-China, Tuesday. OTnnKr French frontier-attacks yesterday evenS T^° s N a G n d F t r oSay smashed bad: the huge forces, which had driven to the ™>nFrench de fence line 25 miles northwest of Hanm mmwm the road which the rebels
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 72 1 U.P. Hongkong. Today.—Mr. Aw Boon Haw has cabled a personal appeal to Phibul Songgram, Prime Minister of Thailand, to facilitate the rescue of thofce in the Singapore Standard p'-me. He also expressed heartfelt thanks to the RAF and the Malayan authorities who took
    U.P.  -  72 words
  • 143 1 TRUMAN PLAYING POLITICS DEWEY UP. ALBANY. New York. Today. GOVERNOR Thomas E. Dew- ey today charged President Truman with playing partisan politics with the national emergency. Dewey said he was deeply disturbed" that the President included in his budget "vast increases in non-defence expenditures of the government at a time
    UP.  -  143 words
  • 36 1 U.P. LONDON, Tuesday. Th<* Conservative Daily Mall joked today: "Watch for a move by President Truman for diplomatic representation in Tokio. He is anxious to have a Yainke» at the court of King MacArthur."—U.P.
    U.P.  -  36 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 Quality t t\m\\\TSM Manufacturers of %Jo2m Set Jewellery. Gold le DI t Signet rings and earrings, etc j
      18 words
    • 101 1 P I F C O t:ritisn Mad< 527.50 Sole Distributors: (^fiiM Tan Cheng Mob Electric I?.. 152. Cross Street, Singapore. Phone: RIDE A RALEIGH j THE ALL STEEL BICYCLE Built lor ifmi... j in l j World's Largest j The leading specialists in IIFIL. I cycle construction have built the
      101 words

  • 448 2 THE future of this country and its six million people depends upon whether we are to have war or peace. The answer to that question is also likely to be clearer in the next few months. The eyes of Malayans are today, at least for the time being,
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  • 275 2 AT a conference in Kuala Lumpur a few days A ago Mr. G. Shelley, the President of the Eurasian Association of Malaya, spoke for the community on their place in the new Malaya. Numerically the Eurasians are a minor community, but their progress in the professional and cultural
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  • 858 2  -  By WARREN WHITE AAP. WHETHER Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's COO.OOO- j strong army on Formosa could become a military factor in the Far Eastern situation Is the subject of hot debate among foreign observers htre. A year ago. as Chiangs defeated army re-grouped on
    AAP.  -  858 words
  • 447 2 TRAILERS C.S.M. LAND snails enjoyed trailer life centuries before we ever thought of building portable homes. The builders of these handsome trailers have solved the problems of housing taxes, locomotion and protection from enemies. They lead a free and independent life travel where they will, are
    C.S.M.  -  447 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1402 2 BOTH the Roman town of Camboritum and i t s Saxon successor had been places of some military importance but it is hard to say why. situated on the edge of that unattractive and unhealthy area of treacherous bog and stagnant lakes known as the Fens. Cambridge should have
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  • 241 2 What the Chine* P rtu are iuyxng today T HE Nanyang Siang Pau 1 tWs is no time tor t sitting. The paper wan» s that Cos-- nism Is spreading tbjZj all countries. The final *W« the wresting of political er which will be with all means
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  • 130 2 A painting- by Rubens that year wa? bought at I sale for 2.900 guineas has jut been re-sold to the r«i States cf America for £39.000. It is entitled "Prometheus chained to the rock being ittacked by the eagle.' and was Rubens to reach England. It one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 86 2 PRISMATIC BINOCULARS OF VARIOUS MAGNIFICATIONS »V ALL LEAPING MAKERS SOS*. ZEISS, BARB ft HTBOID. Etc. (Specialists la Cleaning RinocatarO New China Optical Co--71 St.. Soore. Phone 225 M Capitol Optical Co., 15». N©rt* Hridire Rd. Fhoae WVaVWWaV^"dVVWVUWW\ TUITION. MERCANTILE INSTITUTION 2W. Queen Street, Pbone ***** Evening School re-open* January S,
      86 words
    • 52 2 roLorR.S: r// I \\\Red Banana Pa'e C ream H.arthr^J <>Z I\ Naturelle Regency T f < J m •Vi 11 F,re 1 f vlnt *S* Victorian Rot* f S Ntr > *'t S Lubricant PoW»h Remover J < Lubricant cutic<*> R.'"'<^ r '< 5 200 < Jj Manicure oil S
      52 words

  • 209 3 MUNICIPAL Commissioner, iTI Mr. K. Jagatheesan told the Tribune yesterday that if he could get the btcking of one more City Father he will move a motion in the January meeting of the Board to negative the decision taken by Commissioners to pay themselves an allowance.
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  • 330 3 I Want My Wife Back Husband A EUROPEAN business man told the Chief Justice, Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley, in the Singapore High Court yesterday that he was very much attached to his wife and he want* her back. He is Robert John Isherwood, who is asking the court to dismiss Elizabeth
    330 words
  • 88 3 MONO KONG. Tues. COMMANDANT of the Hong t> Kong garrison. Lieut. Gen, Sir Robert Mansergh. departed for a 10-day visit to General MacArtuhr and British troops in Korea, aboard' a BO AC. mi* An Army spokesman said the visit has no particular significance this time, but observers
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  • 53 3 Reuter-AAP. TOKIO, Tub#. Auitralian Mustangs today lighted unietifled ftfhtefi. Commu. nlst tot the ft ret timft ttt the Korean war. The Mustangs saw two flghtm heading wuth over on the M»t coast When in veftifatea they turned north ih« eas'ly out speeded thc Aus tfiiiAn mAChines.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  53 words
  • 32 3 CANADIAN Tne Malayan Exchange BarL:s Association announced yesterday the following interLt for the Canadian dollar BUYING TT »4 U_*« Aftf MAIL O.D. 34 13/16 §6 D/it I %_U_NG TT./OJS. M */8 Ready
    32 words
  • 67 3 More than 800 people attended the annual dinner given jointly by Messrs. Gutwirth Trading Co. < Malaya) Ltd., The Clipper Trading Company Limited and Champion Motors at the Tal Tong Restaurant (Happy World) recently. The occasion was also in the nature of a farewell party to Mr. J.
    67 words
  • 136 3 L Court Told A MUNICIPAL lorry driver Muthusamy Angappan told the Relief Magistrate yesterday that a riotous mob took control of his vehicle on Orchard Road on the first day of Singapore's riots and drove it away. In the dock stood eight men, the second
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  • 40 3 COLONEL William E. McDonald has been appointed as Air Liaison Officer to the America Consulate Gentral here. It is expected that Colonel McDonald will assume this duty about March 1. He will be accompanied by his family.
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  • 28 3 Mr. A. H. W. Lilly. Chief Surveyor, Grade 11. Malayan Survey Service has been promoted to be a Chief Surveyor, Grade L with effect from November 10.
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  • 33 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.Inche Harun bin Uda Isa, Mr. S. D. Scott and Mr. feon Cheang Kang, have been ap. pointed JPs on the 61st birthday of the Sultan of Perak.
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  • 347 3 THE 6even-man committee appointed by the 1 University of Malaya to study the question of catering at the students' hostels has concluded its investigations and is now drafting its report for submission to the University authorities. The committee which had two representatives from the under-graduates in
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  • 80 3 UP. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. FRMER Prime Minister of Belgium, Paul Henri Spaak, •Aid he had a full exchange of views oc the international situation at a private dinner which the Secretary of State, Dean Acheson. gave him on Sunday. He said he could not comment at this
    UP.  -  80 words
  • 46 3 U.P. TOKIO, Tues. rE British Commonwealth headquarters .announced that the first New Zealand casualties in Korea occurred on Saturday night when administrative vehicles of the 16th Fisld Regiment were ambushed. Two men were killed and two slightly wounded. -U. P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 51 3 Reuter LONDON, Tues. ABOUT 4.540.000 Londoners travelled 12,500.000.000 miles on buees end the Underground railways in 1950. according to the London Transport Board. This record Is equal to 500. 000 times round the world. Of the total 2, went by bus, 696.000,000 by Underground and 857.000. 000 by
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 95 3 I WORK has begun on Binga- I pore s $90-millton power I plant on the ten- acre site opposite the Alexandra Brick- I works at Pasir Panjang. A Wlmpey spokeman told the Tribune yesterday that in small wav the work has started. Soon
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  • 55 3 Reuter—AAP. TOKIO, Tues.—Prime Minister Shlgeru Yoshida's Liberal Party today formally, opened negotiations with the People s Democratic Party to enlist the Democrats' co-operation in preparing Japan's atUtude for the peace treaty. The Democratic Party, the largest opposition group In the Diet, is conservatively inclined, as the
    Reuter—AAP.  -  55 words
  • 154 3 A.P. HONOKONO. Tues. AN 80-year-old Frenchman and an Italian priest arrived in Hongkong yesterday after being deported from Red C o??obe Oarian Eugene Thoureck who had been in Chino ?o-more than 40 years Mian Of the PelpingHanLow Railway was deponed for allegedly assaulting a Chinsse Communist 11
    A.P.  -  154 words
  • 143 3 30 DaysStill Silence MR. N. Kularajah, general secretary of the Singapore Government Servants Co-oper-ative Society told the Tribune yesterday that the Society was anxiously awaiting Government's reply to its month-old request for a $200,000 loan. The money when got will be used to help members in the low income group!
    143 words
  • 180 3 THE Singapore Government Officers' Co-operative 1 Housing Society is planning to put up a $500,000 building to be called The Singapore Co-operative Building." m Later similar buildings will go up in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang and Seremban as part of a scheme under which all
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  • 75 3 WHEN the Singspore Government Servants Co-operaUve Society held their Silver Jubilee Dinner at the Victoria Memorial Hall recently this was the menu I "Silver Jubilee Chicken" Money lenders" Fins "Dividend"' Pig "Co-op" Chicken "Surety" Sausage "Chairman's Dilemma" "Quack-quack Member" "Loan" Soup "Committee's Delight*' "Sgsctlsl" Jelly.
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  • 28 3 Mr. Run Run Shaw who has been on a combined business and pleasure trip to Manila and Hongkong will arrive tomorrow at noon on the TJitjalengka.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 S7 M Street. Singapore. TiL No. 7135 ypjerts in all taelionalle Perfect cittin*. Ckarges moderate tiJffjliw YEAR 1951.? "RABBIT" YEAR WITH ITS "CALMNESS" yill soothe the critical MADAME FLORENCE advise you ip all your personal official affairs PHONE: ***** Flat "M" Hereen Bldg. nrrhard Rd., Singapore. MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION MILLION
      165 words
    • 244 3 Tkl Oriental Optical Co., .Optometrists MaautttcturUig 1 Opticians »nd Scientific Eye Examination with U.S.A. 1951 Mftdel Modern Equipment) S4». NOkl» BKIDUE KOAU fit *OUTH BRIDGE ROAD TELEPHONES 5232 l 808» P. O. Box 387. Singapore, Penang 6 Siam. BLOCKS! PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH CTE MALAYA TRIBUNE PROCESS DEPT. AMAZING HEW
      244 words

  • 136 4 THE rubber commodity market was steady at the decline yesterday closing at 216 cents for January and 204 buyers for February. Hongkong was in the market and is expected to stay for some time. But there was however some let up in U. 3. Government buying because the
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  • 132 4 A committee was recently set up under the chairmanship of Mr. J. A. Harvey. Commissioner of Lands, to review the position of private and public burial grounds in Singapore and to consider among other things whether any should be closed. It was also to consider
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  • 124 4 rFHE Department of Educa i 1 tion states that there are vacancies in Primary I in the following Schools:— Geylang Afternoon. Gan Eng Seng Afternoon, Winstedt Road Afternoon. Balestier Road Afternoon. Tanjong Rhu Afternoon. Playfair Road Afternoon. Jurong Road and Dunearn Road. There are also vacancies In
    124 words
  • 222 4 THE Trade Union representative on the Legisla--1 tive Council Mr. Lim Yew Hock was criticised by Mr. N. A. Mallal for having threaten--3d to defy law and order. Mr. Lim recently said that should it be neces sary they would go against the law which
    222 words
  • 85 4 U.P. LONDON, Tues. BOTH spot and three months tin declined sharply in the morning session and closed at the common price of £1,177 H a drop of £25 for spot and of £15 for three months. The noon closing prices were spot £1.175 buyers £1,180 sellers with
    U.P.  -  85 words
  • 44 4 A.P. The following persons have been appointed to serve as rtr abers of the Visiting Committee of the Hospitals Board. Dr Chia Boon Leong (Chairman). Mr. A. P. Rajah, Mr. E. Galistan, Lady Han Hoe Lim. Mr. Ong Van Keng. JP.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 123 4 Reuter. LONDON. Wed.—The undertone of the London Stock Exchange remained fairly solid today but there was little breadth or depth to business. With little in the news to excite or upset markets the end of the account was the rftain preoccupation with operators. Oil shares moved rather
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 103 4 MR. THIO CHAN BEE told the Legislative Council yesterday that the Normal teachers had agreed to certain amendments to the Unified Education Service after private negotiations between representative of the Singapore Teachers Union and some unofficial Legislative Councillors. These amendments would not cause any material
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  • 33 4 UP. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE Defence Department today identified 566 more casualties in the Korean war. The 201 st casualty list reported 35 dead; 65 wounded. 16 injured and 566 missing.—UP.
    UP.  -  33 words
  • 22 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tucs. THE Malacca Poppy Day Appeal Fund, collected $8.335.40 during last year in the Settlement for 1950.
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  • 177 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. WITH support from London local tin and rubber shares again in many cases showed further gains, but the volume of business was restricted by lack of scrip. Industrials continued steady. The following were the day s price changes: A, preT lo im L» Ords 2.05 2.10
    177 words
  • 99 4 THE Commissioner General Mr Malcolm Mac Donald left by air yesterday for Rangoon. For the first two days of his stay in Burma he wiil be the guest of the President of the Union of Burma and afterwards of the United Kingdom Ambassador, Mr. R. L.
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  • 58 4 Reuter-AAP TOKYO. Tues. COMMONWEALTH pilots scored excellent results in air attacks yesterday on Communists forces in a wide radius around Seoul. abandoned South Korean capital, it was officially announced today. Flying Mustang fighters planes, the Royal Australian Air Force No. 77 and South African Air Force
    Reuter-AAP  -  58 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 632 4 For U.K/CONTINI_N'I: Spore Penang Benreocb fcr Avonmouth, 17 18 J&n L'pool. H'burg Benvenu* for London Antwerp Rotterdam, i?/lg 20 2l Jan 22-24 Jan BenartyloT" Havre. London. Antwerp. Hamburg 21 23 j a n M'brougn SET Benlawers for L'pool Glasgow, Dublin. R° tterdam g. 27Jan 28 .29 Jan. 30 Jan.-l Feb.
      632 words
    • 196 4 B. I. MADRAS/NAGAFATTINAM STRAITS SERVICE INWARDS:— Madras Nagapattlnam Penang Singapore Rajula 8-1-51 9-1-51 14-1-51 17-1-51 j OUTWARDS:— Singapore Pt Sham Penang Nagapattlnam Madras Rajula 20-1~51 21-1-51 22-1-51 28-1-51 29-1-51 Principal Agents: ISLAY, KERR CO., LTD.. (Inc. in Singapore). I 11A COLLYER QUAY. SINGAPORE. Tel:" Paasage «455. Freight MM, 5458 And
      196 words
    • 341 4 S3 5Z w QW77 a 60t l0 ST* SIIUATIONS VkCAKI i "WANTED Qualified Lady Teacher to teach Mathematicsi in Standards VIII and School Cfrtiflcate. Anplv to Principal. Methodist CHrla' School. 11. Mount Sophia. Singapore, statin? Qualifications age and experience. (B V WANTED: a junior office clerK. able to type and
      341 words
    • 250 4 SITUATIONS WANTED Englishman Seeks Employment. Willing. To lr> Anything Anywhere. Reply B° x *JE.506. Tribune. Smgai>ore. EUROPEAN Requires w f eK :C" d and. or evenm? employraen Anything considered. Reply to PM A 179. Tribune. Spore. l*« ™<> MISCELLANEOUS Ladies. Why be fat: you ran become slim with wat bath.
      250 words
    • 551 4 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD, SINGAPORE Lloyds Agents in Singapore. Ticket Agents For Malayan Railways GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOR ADEN, LONDON, ANTWERP r O TT*d DAM, HAMBURG. 88 GLENEARN 0 V m t GLENGARRY due F h J Calls Genoa. 2 t Calls Havre. >KnM a X FOR HTRAITR BONGKONO. AND lAt
      551 words

  • Article, Illustration
    48 5 \RLY OUT: Keitn gilier lover right) dives ,in aitempt to catch Engand> Irevor Bailey off lan Johnson (top right) on the t daj oi the thi.d Test aatch at Sydney Jan. sth. The ball fell short. At the op wicket is seen England imp?" Freddie Brown.
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  • 13 5 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. ■OOTBALL Reault;— Dlvkdoa Northern: 2 Chester U.—Keuter.
    Reuter.  -  13 words
  • 759 5 Reuter. HOB ART, Tasmania, Tuesday. THE MCC gained the third (second first cla«s) 1 win of their tour here today when they beat Tasmania by nine wickets. Set to get 188 in 177 minutes, the MCC achieved the task with half an hour
    Reuter.  -  759 words
  • 41 5 Reutcr-AAP. SYDNEY, Today. MEMBERS of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition at Macquarie Island play cricket on a wicket cons.sting of a piece of ragged matting laid down In mud. If the batsman hits a seal its a six—Reuter-AAP.
    Reutcr-AAP.  -  41 words
  • 136 5 A.P. SYDNEY. Tues. ENGLISH Cricket Test team re nforcetnents Roy Tattersall and Brian Statham were among the 65 passengers and 19 crew who had their tcmpertures taken when two airliners reached Darwin last night. The temperature test »s one of the precautions Australia is taking
    A.P.  -  136 words
  • 696 5  -  ONC POH LIM DETERMINED TO WIN HIS FIRST COLONY TITLE By SHUTTLE fHEONG Hock Leng, youthful challenger from Eclipse Badminton Party for the Colony badminton singles crown, has a herculean task when he meets the defending champion, Wong Peng Soon (Mayflower B.P.) in the
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  • 54 5 IPOH, Today. NO fast work was recorded during this morning's training here. The following horses did slow and pace work: Actor (Spencer). The Blessing (R. Boy», Alphonsus (Percival). Rising Glory (Mawii. Twelfth of August (Mawl), Chance (Tjoa), Warwick Or c!e (Healey). Mac Scott (Tulloh). Knight Gallant (E Donnelly)
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  • 76 5 ROOKING extremely fit after the long 12,000 mile journey from London. Colonel Daly, a 4-year-old brown thoroughbred gelding and Penang milhoaire Mr. Yap Ho< k Hoe s "hope' for the reh Peruk Derby. arrived at Kallang Airport yesterday by special BOAC York aircraft. Colonel Daly
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  • 60 5 CINGAPORE Amateur Weight Lift* ing Federation yesterday sehcied five Co'ony champions who passed the S.O.S.C. qualifying standards and "Mr. Sngapore 1U50" (Tay Teo Chuan) for the Colony contingent to the Asian Games at New Delhi. They are: Lons* bin Mohammed (bantamweight). Chay Weng Yew (featherweight), Peter Ho <!i*htweight).
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  • 43 5 YESTERDAYS Padang K.O. hockey replay between S C.R.C. and S.C.C. was postponed to rnday. .Jan. 19. on account of bad weatucr and unsuitable ground conditions. It unlikely there will be any further changes to the teams announced in yesterday's papers.
    43 words
  • 31 5 »LI. clubs, parties and Service Units desiring to arrange football fixtures wth the Hingm> Cold Storage Sports Club please contact the football "Convenor at I ,ard Road branch.
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  • 45 5 A.P. MONTREAL, Tues. PANADA S eniry into I he Walker Cup -now I mited to golfer? from the United States and the i Kingdom—will be dtscursed at ihe annual meeiine of the Royal Canadian Golf Assonat on here on Feb. 9.—A. P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 29 5 A. P. SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Tues. RKX Lavne. Uiih heavyweight. -.cored a knockout oter Bill Roberts of lndianapohs in an eight round bout here.—A.P.
    A. P.  -  29 words
  • 49 5 A.P. OSAKA. JAPAN. Tiiei". FEAtHERWKIGHT boxer K yoaki Niikaniphi and Noboru Miyamoto knorked each other out >n the fourth round of their scheduled e.sjht-round lijfht here. Thev *xehan*ed blows and fHl to tht? canvas ind each was counted The referee called it a draw.A P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 70 5 A.P. OTTAWA. Tups. RACE track winning" are taxable whfn betting is an integral part of the taxpayers business. Canada income Tax Appeal Boaid has A Member of the Board Fablo Monet ga d he thosht track losses under* the siipe d!Wfn*t«ncej „hou'd be d-dnctsbie, but the
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • 97 5 SELECTION of tho Colony contingent to the Asian Games at New Delhi on Match 4-11 will be made at a meeting of the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council this eyening. The names of those recommended by their clubs and associations foi consideration sire ATHLETICS: L.O. Lloyd,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 379 5 R. P.M. LINE Royal Packet Navigation Coy. (Incorporated in the Netherlands) ffj Or Ilk 1, Finlayson Green, 111 IMi jit P O. Box 72, Singapore Tel. 5975—9 cable: Taketvaart/' Singapore. ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Jan. 17 f Bandjer- Ln f r p on tianak Singfrom Rengat. Tern- Jan. M Pr. Radja. To
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  • 329 6 MR Tan Chin Tuans motion that people who held Certificates of Admission before Sept. 20 last year and who were out of the Colony should j be permitted to return without being affected by j the Passport Regulations, was turned down at
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  • 106 6 ACCORDING to private advices received in Singapore this morning estate production on the vital and rich East Coast of Sumatra is now practically at a standstill following a general protest strike called by the Indonesian General Trade Union Syndicate, the SARBUPRIAt least 89 rubber, palmoil. tea
    106 words
  • 358 6 THE Federation's Secretary for Defence, Mr. D. C. Wathcrston last night refuted a story published in the Chicago Tribune recently on the emergency in Malaya. Mr. Watherson said that the report Ls "entirely incorrect in I many respects and in others a I grave distortion
    358 words
  • 322 6 THE Legislative Council yesterday approved a 1 motion by Mr. N. A. Mallal, as amended by Mr. A Gilmour, to appoint a committee to investigate price controls in respect of all essential foodstuffs and essential commodities. The committee will -make a report to the Council
    322 words
  • 52 6 POLICEMAN John Palmer had his helmet knocked ofT and his dignity ruffled so often by low shep blinds that he took to carrying a tape measure around him on his beat. P.C. Palmer stands six feet two inches in his socits. and blind* must be eight feet above
    52 words
  • 262 6 65-year-W old Canadian cyclist John (Shorty) Rodden, was a passenger on the Surriento, wnich called at Singapore yesterday. Shortly after the ship, docked he took his cycle and headed for Singapore city, which he was going to see. in spite of the bad weather.
    262 words
  • 170 6 GENERAL HOISINO EXHIBITION, Victoria Hall. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. V.M.C.A.: Orchard Road, chess club. 5 p.m. art club. 6 p.m.. educat onal film show. 8 p.m. CHINESE V.M.C.A.: Selegie Road, basketball. 5 p.m.. students badminton tournament, 5.30 p.m.. stur dents' table-tennis, 7.30 p.m.. tabletennis tournament, 7.30
    170 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 383 6 The man who likes to be not «dressy/ fashionable, but not fantastic, will appreciate the sound styling of men's wear by Tootal. Handsome dressing gowns and scarves of rayon, four ranges of ties to flatter hi< personality and pocket; unrivalled pyramid handkerchiefs that look and wear so well, and welcome
      383 words
    • 18 6 BLOOD BANK Group A—42 Bottles. Group AB—6 Bottles: Group B-10 I Bottles: Group O—42 Bottles. I Donors —19.
      18 words
    • 423 6 ENGAGEMENT. K TAN LIN: The EngaTT" I is announced betweea lfr H Tock San, third son of th, M }S Mr. Tan Ean Kiam of Sin and Miss Lin Fe,. eldc« 1 ter of Professor I, n Hui |s£ J of Amoy University. B NOTICES I Re: CHIN U| I
      423 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      141 words
    • 412 6 BLUE NETWOi»Iv ENGLISH PROGRAMMES 10.11 a.m. News from Singapore folloved by the Emergency New* from knil* Lumpur; 10.10 (lose Down; It 45 For the School*.:—Have Some Fun. Literature for Standard 2 and dreat People of the Past; 12.00 noon Programmes in Malay. 1.00 p.m. Dance Music played by George Barnes
      412 words
    • 213 6 STARTLING PREDICTIONS IN YOUR HOROSCOPE four Real Life Told Free, Would ye. like to the stars md.late for you. wh JJg you will be successful and MfW and what is indicated for gj" business, love. niamape. enemies. i,»k-v and unlu-s> r»" what pitfalls r to avoid, what I op portuniues
      213 words