Malaya Tribune, 9 January 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 54 1 MALAYA Tribune FBY f PEOPLE fc FOR THE .PEOPLE, LARGER SAIEvJ THAN ANY 1 AFTERNOON PAPER IN J kMALAYAjj l'el: •"iTibune'- Spore. Published simultaneously at Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. Phone: ***** nine lines. I EIGHT PAGES. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1951 PRICE TEN CENTS. I THE MALAYA TRIBUNE
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  • 155 1 SIX-POINT PEACE PLAN Reuter. x U w, LONDON, Monday, i plan for solving the problems of Korea and Communist China was nreA sented to the Commonwealth Prime Ministers here today The plan, presented by the British Foreign Secretary, Mr Ernest as a memorandum, consists of six
    Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 97 1 A.P. PARIS, Mon. GENERAL Dwight D. Eisenhower got down to brisk talks with the French today on just what they are going to do to help defend the West against any push from the East. American military sources said the answers he got helped to support
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 162 1 THE TEST SYDNEY. Today. > not-out batsI r and Johnson, 1 dog the depleted rk when the fourth of the Third Test v rv.-umod their first p nzs this morning. an hour, they I tralia's overnight for six wickets to v ow is short of
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  • 127 1 A.P. LONDON. Mon. PRIME Minister D. S. Senanayake of Ceylon said tonight the great nations could break the "vicious circle of balance of power, fear of insecurity and armament race" by sacrificing some prestige and privilege. He Is attending the British Commonwealth Premiers' conference here.
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 28 1 A.P. SIR Benegal Rau, India's U ft. delegate, said last night he plans to fly to London this week for consultations with Pandit Nehru.—AP.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 50 1 U.P. TOKIO, Mon. A moderately strong earthquake rocked the Tokio area at 3.31 a.m. today, setting the city's taller buildings swaying continw 1 sly for nearly 3fJ seconds. It was not Immediately determined where the quake was centred and whether any considerable damage had been done. UP.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 207 1 A.P. and U.P. T£>KIO, Today. THE Far East Air Force warplanes streaked over Korean Communist positions today despite a forecast of cloudy weather to carry the newest aerial offensive against the Reds into its eigth day. United Nations planes made more than 650 sorties
    A.P. and U.P.  -  207 words
  • 139 1 Reuter. PARIS, Mon. THE French Government won three confidence votes from the House of Assemhy tonight to its 740 milliard -000 000 sterling) rearmament Dili, which thus became law. The Upper House (Council of the Republic) on Friday approved the total amount but rejected Government proposals
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 144 1 A.P. NEW DELHI, Monday. aTEPAL'S Prime Minister, N Mohun Shumshere Jung BahadSr Rana, last night issued a 2 000-word declaration from Khatmandu announcing reJSms in his country r which the Foreign Ministry said are m «.?hSantlal agreement with the S3£ tendered by the Govern- ment of India"
    A.P.  -  144 words
  • 50 1 A French relief column, striking 20 miles oS?ilrd Daphuc after Commnoist-led Vietminh *£%th Capital, the key post guarding the northern■ P soldier of Photo shows—Six hours after the battle for uapnuc, a n is Photo, the French mobUe reserve unit, looks at ruined in_tne town. *r.
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  • 117 1 FOR more people were detained last night. They are-Dr Maggie Lim, Lady Health Officer, Lim KUn y Ch™ng (teacher), Lim Kwan Yu, Municipal officer and Won! Keng Sam. of the Import anExport Denartment They were arrested at their nomes^ P TOs brings the total
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  • 159 1 A.P. Augsburg, Germany, Mon. PROSECUTION attempts to convict Use Koch, "the witch of Buechenwald. oi having concentration camp prisoners killed to obtain their tattoed skins received a Jolting setback today. Presiding judge George Maglnot commented from the German court bench that so far the
    A.P.  -  159 words
  • 23 1 Mon.—The United States is pressing the Netherlands to settle the dis- pute over the future status of Western New Guinea.
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  • 45 1 Reuter. LONDON. Mon.— A sunspot of moderate size which was reported during the weekend was probably responsible for a certain amount of deterioration on certain circuits, particularly those to the East. It is anticipated, disturbances will continue up to Jan. 9 or 10. —fteutcr.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 194 1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Monday. A new U552,000,000,000 U.S. navy shipbuilding A programme, including so-called super aircraftcarriers was outlined in a bill introduced in the House of Representatives today by Representative Carl Vinson, Democrat, Georgia. Vinson said the bill was ap- proved by both the Defence
    A.P.  -  194 words
  • 51 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Monday. A "POINT FOUR" agreement for American technical assistance to Pakistan will be signed in Karachi soon, probably within a tortnighf, a State Department spokesman said today. it will br similar to the agreement between the United States and India signed on Dec.
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 120 1 AP. WASHINGTON. Monday, rvEMOCRATS and Republicans 1/ ra the U.S. Congress today puickly supported President Truman's general proposition tint the ITnited States must be mride strong enough to meet any threat from Soviet Ruasia. Administration Democrat* generally applauded the state-of-tht-unlon message a» "powerful." "uplifting" and "magnificent,"
    AP.  -  120 words
  • 35 1 HOLLYWOOD, Mon. DANNY Kaye has been signed to play Hans Anderson opposite Sadlers Wells' Ballerina Moira Shearer in the colour film of the Danish fairy tale writer's life that Sam Goldwyn is producing.
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  • 471 1 U.P. LAKE SUCCESS, Monday. DRITAIN expressed cautious support today for a 7point Israeli proposal for ending the Korean war but Russia rejected it on grounds that it did not demand the immediate withdrawal of United States forces from Korea. The declarations by Britain's Sir Gladwyn
    U.P.  -  471 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 EMPLOYER'S rjcncral Insurance Association Ltd. (InC nrporated <n England) MOTOR 4 U)K*> IhVIS C'OMFJfiNSATION PERSONAL ACCIDENT ■t ambera. Raffles Place. S pore. M«n«Ker. N. S. WISE Phone 2835. An attractive glass will be «0B given free with every four |\\JjJi oxen f b N. drinks purchased between 10th tf 31st
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  • 160 2 Reuter WASHINGTON, Monday. RAPID creation of great United States military power with an adequate H share for Europe was called for here by 33 prominent Americans calling themselves the committee on the present danger. The group includes Mr. Tracy S. Voorhees, former Under-Secretary of War.
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 79 2 THREE Chinese. Chiam Teng Swee. Tay Wah Qeok and Tan Ah Tay were sentenced to nine months' imprisonment by Mr. H. A. Form in the First Police Court yesterday for assisting to run a chap-Jl-ki lottery. When a Police party raided shophouse in Tras Street on
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  • 27 2 The Blood Bank registered a number of 3.721 donors for 1950. The greatest number of recipients were the Chinese. Six medals were awarded last year.
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  • 232 2 ABOUT 1.500 persona took the BCG vaccination since j its introduction here In May 1949, sates the SATA annual j report. Though children form- I ed the majority of those vacci- j nated, not a s'ngle child cried, j and no abcess or other com- i
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  • 45 2 MR. Tom Harrison. Government Ethnologist and Curator of the Sarawak Muse- J urn. will lecture at the University on Friday on "The Ethics Of Head-Hunting The lecture will be onen to j members of the University and It the general public
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  • 36 2 MR. Tan Ah Tan, Second District Judge, assumed I duties yesterday as Civil District Judge in place of Mr. A. j W. Bellamy who had left for the United Kingdom on furlough.
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  • 41 2 FUR Chinese youths were each fined $10 in the Second Police Court yesterday, when they admitted fighting at Geylang Road on Jan. 6. They were Lee Wee King. Ho Ah Chai. Ho Ah Lock, and Ng Tong Tee.
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  • 29 2 JOHORE BAHRU, Monday. ALL English schools reopened today after the Christj mas vacation and the first j term of the year finds every school filled to capacity.
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  • 35 2 TAN Peng Chuan. aged 26 1 was fined $30 in the First District Court yesterday for falling to notify a change of address on his identity card, at Beach Road on last Sunday.
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  • 28 2 PR placing 22 fowls in a basket at South Bridge Road last Sunday 23-year-old Teo Teow was fined $25 In the Second Police Court yesterday.
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  • 17 2 rE Governor has appointed Che Abu Bakar bin Pawanchee as Secretary of the Muslim Advisory Board
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  • 56 2 Reuter—AAP. JAKARTA. Mon. HAJI Agus Salim. Indonesian Foreign Affairs adviser, told Aneta News Agency that Indonesia favoured, in principle, the admission of Communist China in the United Nations. He said the source of all trouble in Korea was the fact that Communist China had not been
    Reuter—AAP.  -  56 words
  • 58 2 TAN Kirn Meow, a Chinese woman was given the choice of paying a fine of $200 or going to jail for one month by the Third Police Magistrate yesterday for having three gallons of sumsu. The sumsu was in three mo-tor-car tyre tubes and in a
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  • 34 2 A.P. THE HAGUE, Mon. THE U.S. Government has submitted a note to tne Dutch and Indonesian Govern- I ments expressing "concern" over the breaking off of negotiations on the New Guinea issue.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 235 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. r'O armed Chinese were arrested by police and a number of other arrests were made in the Federation in the past twenty-four noura. The two Chinese were chased by police through a rubber estate in Johore. They threw their guns into a
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  • 23 2 Dr. A.C. Kayacan, a mem ber of the United Nations Housing Board, speaking at the Victoria Memorial Hall on the problem of housing.
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  • 92 2 TWO Hokklens, Lim Kai Huat aged 22, and Ong Ah Huat aged 21. claimed trial in the Second Police Court yesterday when charged with criminally misappropriating a purse containing $5 and an identity card belonging to Cneong Yong Choy at Cheng Van Place on Jan. 0.
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  • 168 2 ReuerAAP. JAKARTA, Monday. A MEMBER of the Indonesian Parliament, Mr. n Djokporawiro, told Aneta news agency here today that about 5,000 Dyak tribesmen in Indonesian Borneo, were preparing to migrate illegally to Sarawak in British Borneo. He alleged that the reason for this mass exodus
    Reuer- AAP.  -  168 words
  • 42 2 A.P. MANILA, Mon. PRESIDENT Elpldio Quirlno gave instructions to Claro M. Recto. newly-appointed Ambassador ie Spain at a conference In the Malacanan Palace today. The Malacanan said the date of Rector's departure for Madrid has not been decided. A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 29 2 U.P. TAIPEI, Mon. THE military information service of the National Defence Ministry today claimed that the Nationalist guerilla force on the mainland now numbers 0.000,000 men.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 27 2 AP. TAIPEI, Mon. WORD received here today reported the safe arrival at Pusan of Chinese Nationalist Ambassador Sheu Yu-Un, wiio left Seoul last Wednesday. AP.
    AP.  -  27 words
  • 33 2 Reuter. SAIGON, Mon. TWO Vietmlnh supporters who threw grenades into a popular confectionary store here ten days ago tv va heen arrested by Vietname*" police, it A/as reported here today. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 160 2 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. MR. R. Gardexier Medwin, chief architect of the Department of Health, Scotland, Professor Tysee, of the Indonesian University, Professor Kayanan, Chief Town Planner of the Philippines who were accompanied by Mr. F. M. Fraser. oi the Singapore Municipality and Mr. T. Concannon,
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  • 81 2 UP. WASHINGTON. Monday. NAVY sources said today that the sale of United States light cruisers to South American nations would provide a strong hemispheric defence against enemy submarines. Under the present, plans. Argentina. Brazil and Chile each will buy two light cruisers. Other South
    UP.  -  81 words
  • 60 2 NOcUllSTOWN. PEN SYLVAN I A, Mon. DR. Philip Jaiaohn, former adviser to the Emperor of Korea, died here agcni ea. Dr Jaiaohn, a native of Korea, declined to run for the ...ncy of Korea tn 194a which he was chief adv.gcr on Korean /iff/iir.-» to LieutenantCh
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 31 2 lUAN Tai Keng, a Chinese aged 26 was acquitted by the Fourth Police Magistrate, Mr. P. Claque of intimidating with a knife Wang Foon Fong an Orchard Road photographer.
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  • 26 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. THE Mentri Besar, Johore. has approved of the Home Guard Regulations being applied to Jemaluang village on the Johore Bahru—Mersing Road
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  • 35 2 A.P. TOKIO, Mon. THE first British troops from Korea arrived here today for a five-day rest. They are three officers and IS enlisted men of the First Battalion the Middlesex Regiment.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 85 2 I'EO Yung Teck. a Chinese aged 43 acmitted in the Third Police Court yesterday to having a still without a licence. Teo was given tne option of paying a fine of $100 or eioing to jail for two weeks. He also had 80 gallons
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  • 84 2 AP. WASHINGTON. Monday. GORDON DEAN, Chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, said here last night the purpose of the billion dollar atomic programme President Truman put before Congress last month "is to acquire all the uranium available in the Western
    AP.  -  84 words
  • 75 2 UP. TAIPEI, Monday. p ENERALISBIMO Chiang Kai-shek today warned his countrymen not to pin all hopes on a third world war but work hard for national revival and recovery of the mainland. Addressing hundreds of Kuomintang members and government officials today, Chiang said the international situation
    UP.  -  75 words
  • 217 2 THE Secretary of State for the Colonies Ifr To,*, 1 Griffiths, has informed the Chinese i of Commerce and the Malayan Chinese Assort that he does not think it is necessary to apootm Royal Commission to consider constitutional ri*L a lopments in Malaya.
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  • 80 2 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. WONG Chsw Fah and Cha Kam Wan were committed today to the Assizes charged with having on Dec. 7at the 74th mile Johore Bahru—Mers. ing Road a rifle without licence, 56 rounds of .303 ammunition and a hand grenade. Both men
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  • 43 2 U.P. HONGKONG. Mon. A belated dispatch Smm P«Bf kok dated December 30 I the leftist paper, Ta Kung Psa today alleged that formrt Nationalist troops who fled into Siam via Burma were now being organized into an anu-Commu< nist army.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
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  • 300 3 PROFESSOR T H Silcock, Vice Chancellor of the 1 University of Malaya, yesterday told 600 students d the University at an emergency general meeting t hat expressing left wing opinions was not an offence under the Emergency Regulations. Cc But. he
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  • 94 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. foo Kia Chiang, of the Johore Cold Storage who Court Char f, e v? in the ge po!ice Court with selling a one pound tin of icing sugar for a dollar-70 cents above the $250 imUm PriCe wa£ flned He
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  • 94 3 A.P. JAKARTA. Mori. INDONESIAN Minster Pelau- pcssy today said his deputy Ruslan Abdulgani was definitely not speaking for the Government when he said on Sunday the Government regards Communism in Asia as a system which tries to bring social justice based on nationalism. When
    A.P.  -  94 words
  • 159 3 jp. Lee Kong Chian. a Singapore rubber magnate jesterday backed the proposal for more Chinese Force" *****0 bS recruited into the Singapore Police The proposal was made by Mr. D. W. Macintosh, -ne Police Commissioner of Hongkong who was mm for consultations by Sir Franklin Gimson,
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  • 77 3 A.P. TAIPEI. Monday. 1 cotton mill equipped machinery imported g«t Japan started operation L 1 Taipei area today un--2 tne supervision of Japaa «se technicians. we mill, wnich has 10,000 Wes. was built by the rextile Corporation to Formosa self-sufficient products by June jus
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 179 3 DELHr. Mon. India trad 1 inri h ave ratified the Crment concluded bewl. thp tw <> countries in last. the P r agreement, both to will endeavour two r 1 lrade between the l«aho s and commodities upply in one countr y tin oth ed
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  • 152 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Monday. /JOH Peck Hian, Interpreter attached to the Police v Station, Kota Tinggi, who was charged in the Sessions Court, Johore Bahru, with agreeing on July 1 to accept $1,000 and with accepting $500 on July 16 from a Chinese woman in
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  • 68 3 A.P. FLICE found a suitcase In London's big Huston' railroad station last night containing eleven sticks of gelignite, eighty detonators, rolls of fuse wire and electric batteries. Police seized it after Edinburgh police sent them the baggage check. It was believed the ticket came from
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 382 3 C.I.D. DETAIN 11 MEN Eber Sarma, UndergradsAnd Newsman Among Those Held Arrests Also In Federation S ■f'u Brancn men ye sterday arrested eight men. They are a lawyer, Mr. John Eber, four teachers—Mr. P. V. Sarma, president of the Singapore 1 o^ C v ers nion Mr Devan Nair, general
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  • 47 3 NEW YORK. Monday. THE United States in the last nine months sent more than 1,600 tanks and combat vehicles to West Europe under the mutual defence programme, John Ohly, the State Department's Acting Director of the Programme, said here last night.
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  • 200 3 STEERING WHEEL FAILED DRIVER THE story of how a defective steering wheel caused a car to run into an embankment on the Changi Road on Dec. 25 was yesterday related to the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter at an inquest held into the deaths of Lai Chan, aged 79,
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  • 52 3 THE Commander in Chief, Far East Land Forces, General Sir John Harding left Singapore yesterday. After meeting the new High Commissioner and Commander In Chief in Indo-China, General de Lattre de Tassigny, he will visit Tonkin, on his way to Hongkong. He will be away for about
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  • 74 3 MALACCA, Mon. LEE Hock Swee, a clerk In the Malacca Social Welfare office was charged before the Circuit Magistrate, Mr. Bon Bernard today with criminal breach of trust in respect of $8629.10 being trust monies. Lee faced a second charge of misappropriating $351.30 being wages
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  • 35 3 MALACCA, Mon. WOO Chang Wee, an 18-year-old boy, was charged in the Circuit Magistrate's Court today with attempted robbery and intimidation. He has been sent to remand up to Jan. 13.
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  • 193 3 MEMBERS of the International Fortnightly Club, most of them wives of Government officials, were considerably worried when they heard Lady Pepler tel.them yesterday, that housing problem is still acute in London. Lady Pepler was giving a talk on "house planning in London" to members of
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  • 135 3 Reuter. NEW DELHI. Mon. THE Nepalese Parliament has agreed to King Tribhuvana's return to the throne, authoritative Nepalese source* said here toaay. These source* said Parliament took this decision yesterday ana wes understood to have accepted the Government of India's memorandum of Dec. 8 to
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 64 3 A.P. NEW DELHI. Mon. NEPALESE insurgents have captured Tansen, headquarters of the West Nepal province of Pklpa. 100 miles west of Katmandu. Nepalese Congress sources said today. The report said the coup was organized by General Rudra Shumshere, former Governor of Palpa and Commander-in-Chief of Nepal.
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 43 3 THE number of trisha riders decreased from 8952 to 7,536, according to figures issued by the Municipal Registrar of Vehicles for 1950. On the other hand there Is a marked increase in the registration of motor-cars, motor cycles and bicycles.
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  • 54 3 Reuter. PARIS, Monday. GENERAL Dwight D. Eisenhower. Supreme Commander of the North Atlantic Pact Army in Europe, spent several hours in conference with French Cabinet Ministers today. He called in turn on Prime Minister Rene Pleven. Foreign Minister Robert Schuman and Defence Minister Jules Moch and leading service
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 47 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. A CURFEW has been imposed north of Kluang. All persons must remain indoors between the hours of 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. This order does not apply to the Town Board area of Paloh or within a mile radius of Niyor village.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 269 3 difference lombia is a fabric to revise your fr iffifei ideas of rayon—it has a character Hi all its own. In frcslily styled Wr^^ l| o^?^s^^BS^/7" plain shade?, woven stripes fland checks, with a subtle and Y^Sm^ij&n//// unusual texture*equally -mtet) /gyw to tailored lines or soft folds, fjHHi AFM^v^B^L this
      269 words

  • 630 4 JHE rift in the Allied camp over the Peking regime of Mao Tse-tung threatens to grow. As the United States hardens its attitude and tails for Peking to be branded as aggressor, Britain and her Commonwealth partners are reported to be opposed to it at any cost
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  • 811 4  -  By DR. PERCIVAL SPEAR. Selwyn college, Combrudge. THE ceremony of December 23rd at Saigon at which the conventions providing for the transfer of the remaining federal services from the French to Vietnamese hands were signed, is rightly regarded as an occasion ol first importance. It
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  • 302 4 What the Chinese Press are saying today THE Nanyang Siang Pan com- pliments Government on the housing exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall, and throws an extra bouquet for her blueprints of city planning and housing. Said the paper: "In ten years' time, Singapore should show signs
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  • 835 4 TN a broadcast talk on "Far Eastern Affairs" from the BBC, London, recently, Geoffrey Hudson, well-known radio commentator and Fellow of All Souls' College. Oxford, said that the Chinese Communist Party claimed that Europe and America had no capacity to wage war, even in
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  • 854 4  -  BY Gordon Cummings AGRICULTURE remains the world's most essential actlvitly. In some regions, food production has fallen while the population has grown. Even in those more fortunate areas where there is full, or near full employment, or where industrial output is now at record levels, there
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  • 554 4 MANCHURIA ASIA'S CRADLE OF CONFLICT WASHINGTON, D.C. j IN srving as th e springboard I 1 for Chinese Communist aggression against U.N. Korean forces, Manchuria is living up to its age-old reputation as a breeding ground of war invasion, and international intrigue. Traditionally this ancient Land of the Manchus is
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  • 93 4 DESIGNED to help blind and partically-blind people to understand some of the developments in modern industrial chemistry, a novel exhibition was recently staged at the Science Museum in South Kensington, London. The 100 exhibits were so dispersed that each could be touched by the sightless visitors. Each
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 50 Years of IntegrityDrink Gold and he sure of consistent quality— The quality of Gold Leaf ranks highest among Teas of Topmost Choice Sole /*.gent»:~ F. V BARTHOLOMEWS/. Ltd., H-A, Change Alley. Singapore. I $4>s*'7 *>*4<Hy J DO YOU? j &a3 copvho*/
      42 words
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  • 608 5 UP. 4-1 WASHINGTON, Monday. DRESIDENT Truman said today that the "strength of the free nations I is the world s best hope of peace." In a speech to Congress he outlined a 10-point programme for the reservation of peace by building
    UP.  -  608 words
  • 61 5 .cr< r Mon. cut vrorktaf l r,«t ruJdedTTin»mUin ski *JT »t wan m« Mr Led» ..,..1 bf feared nmph. 27. had <•*•.:» taiw» aad Oordon Bang? 26 Naval Test e» China Lake, «kilne hoU- w i, ho «aw JJSr <o rritiav morning Hg«] tO Rft icft
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  • 46 5 Reuter-AAP TAIPEH. Mon. firing squad I rday executed four :,s on charges of press reared here today. executed were all In and were arrested Formosan peace pren corps after their ala series 1 rohberies in central last September, the said—Reuter —AAP
    Reuter-AAP  -  46 words
  • 22 5 AAP. TAIPEH. KVENTY-EIGHT per cent of eligible voted on i mayoralty and coun- flections in three d four counties.— Reu-:e:-AAP.
    AAP.  -  22 words
  • 232 5 A.P. LONDON, Monday. BRITAIN'S national press today unanimously apD plauded Prime Minister Liaquat All Khan's decision to attend the< Commonwealth Primiers Conference in London. "His decision to come after long hesitation proclaims again the strength of the Commonwealth bond, and his presence will greatly
    A.P.  -  232 words
  • 290 5 AP. LONDON. Monday. "VERY interesting." murV mured the bobby, and set out on a dead run for Scotland Yard. The object which had aroused the interest of the blue-uniformed London policeman was a plaque, stuck jauntily sideways among the rubble of a bomb-site in Westminster.
    AP.  -  290 words
  • 122 5 AT the emergency meeting of the University of Malaya Students' Union held yesterday, it was unanimously decided that steps will be taken to ensure that members of its Union, who have been detained by the Police under the Emergency Regulations, will get adequate living conditions while
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  • 50 5 A.P. FRANKFURT. Tues. TURKEY is ready to resume her "traditionally good" trade relations with Germany, the Turkish Minister here said Monday. The Minister Mr. Karajamanoglo, heads a Turkish delegation which arrived here on Sunday to begin preliminary trade discussion with the West German Government. AP.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 341 5 A.P. WASHINGTON, Monday. THE speed with which General Dwight D. Eisenhower's Western European Command gets battleready new divisions will be governed in a great measure by how fast they can be equipped. That this has been given priority among the multitude of problems confronting
    A.P.  -  341 words
  • 31 5 PARIS, Mon. rE French Communist Party and the Communistdominated trade unions summoned a meeting for tonight to organise a protest strike against Gen. Dwight Eisenhower's arrival in Paris.
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  • 32 5 U.P. TAIPEI, Mon. NATIONALIST China today replied to the United States memorandum to nonCommunist members of the United Nations asking their support in branding the Peking regime the aggressor.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 149 5 U.P. PARIS. Mon. GENERAL Eisenhower got his first taste today of indecision, fears, uncertainty, reluctance and unpreparedness that threaten European rearmament with the old plague, too little too late. France's prize example Is the Atlantic Pact's greatest weakness—unwillingness to go ailout on rearmament. As Eisenhower
    U.P.  -  149 words
  • 86 5 TOKIO, Men A high government source told the Jljl press today that the Government, was not considering out-lawlng the Communist Party at this time, it was reported. Even if the outlawing of the party becomes a matter of imperative necessity, tne source said, the Government
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  • 31 5 A.P. THE China Union Press said Hospitals in Peiping, Tientsin and the Manchurian cities of Chanaflhun and Mukden were fulr%f wounded Chinese Communist soldiers from the Korean front. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 88 5 BASUDEV GUPTA COMPANY HA. Canning Street, Calcutta. (India) Exports Gunnies, Hessian dm. Jute Twine to all countries. Address enquiries. tress: "SITSAFX" Calcutta. Send Your Suits i 5 for Cleaning to J iooWcoDry Cleaning? 1 Laundry 1 j H Selegie Road, "l j Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sj i l JONG MEE TAILOR
      88 words
    • 147 5 HAGEMEYER TRADING CO., mm LTD. 129, 135 CECIL STREET SINGAPORE TEL. 6874» i IMALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION! I MILLION LOTTERY I ij Ist Prize 5250.000/- 2nd Prize SI 50,000/- ji I 3rd Prize S 50,000/- 4th Prize S 20,000/-1 I; Also ;I j! 2 Prizes ot $10,000/- jj j; 10 Prizes
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 122 5 AIAEY OOP by V T Hamli» -T J" T Sl< r r M£ct MP f FiNE T AM.' f BUT FlffST I'VE §mmjt TEXR-N<> i£f MY f OUMPS ON TH" MEND I <*- GC" TFIND 'IM irf., f -I VOO ARE SAVEff JWE ARE J /tL DCTATCR NOT YET, CUSS
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  • 156 6 HONGKONG, Monday. A SURVEY of market conditions here today showed an all round steep climb of prices of imported goods as a result of the United States export ban and the consequent resurgence of speculation and hoarding by local merchants. The upward fluctuations ranged from
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  • 114 6 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. LAST week's upward movement in industrial equities on the London Stock Exchange was continued today. Although buying was more selective it continued to favour shipping shares following good week-end press references to these issues, textiles, irons and steels. Gains were numerous and generally well held
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 83 6 A.P. SYDNEY,£fon. THE External Affairs Minister, Mr. Percy Spender, said today that Australia atiM seeßs a Pacific pact with the United States. Mr. Spender said: "We have had full and detailed discussions with the American Administration on the question of a Pacific pact. The matter
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 83 6 A.P. NEW DELHI, Mon. HIGH Tibetan officials who have been in Kaiimpong for months left yesterday for Yatung to confer with the Dalai Lama, ruler of their Commu-nist-invaded land, reports from Gangtok said on Sunday. The Dalai Lama reached Y/atung, primitive mountain village, one day's
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 347 6 AP. NEW YORK, Monday. THE United Nations moved officially into its U5i65,000,000 Manhattan- Headquarters today, but the organisation's crowd drawing activities still will take place at Lake Success. Meeting rooms for the Security Council, the Economic and Social
    AP.  -  347 words
  • 81 6 CAIRO, Mon. I 1 ROYAL decree, effective as ;r\ from yesterday increased i from £4 to £8 per 100 kilos I the export tax on Egyptian j cotton. A note, explaining the measure, said it was taken to compensate for the recent abolition of the excess profit
    81 words
  • 66 6 In Port: Sin Soon Lee (45), Muswell Hill (44) L»P»* (Cheers), City of Liverpool (42 43). Cuaeam (40/41), Slamat (SB/S9), Maron (36), Steel Recorder (33/34) Autolycus (31/82), Benreoch (17/18), S.H.B. Craft (19/20), Benveg (21/22), Jaladurjja (23/24), Danholm (25/26) Falstria (27/28), Kilwa (29/30), Tantalus (15/16) Querimba (13/14), Warora
    66 words
  • 32 6 U.P. HONG KONG, Mon. THE following were todays quotaUons on the Hong 4 \ong Money Exchange: HK$6.O5/6.06 per U.S. dollar. HK315.40 per pound sterling. HK$33B per tael of gold. U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 188 6 LONDON, Monday. TRADITIONAL paints based 1 on linseed oil and the newer synthetic resin paints ht-ve various technical shortcomings: they take a considerable time to dry (which increases labour costs if several coats are to be applied): they give rise to unsightly brush marks
    188 words
  • 129 6 SINGAPORE, Monday. rE share market opened the week very quietly with only limited business passing. There were small buyers of rubber shares following the rise in the commodity. L X\n days price changes WCrC: SINGAPORE. Mon. 1.85 LM 6 2-85 295 Henry Waugh 2.00 2.10 Hkong A Jfhal
    129 words
  • 131 6 rE rubber commodity market was very firm yesterday in the morning rising to 208 cents a pound done for January, but eased a little in the afternoon to close at 204 cents sellers. There was good buying inter- est from consuming countries all over the world,
    131 words
  • 75 6 U.P. LONDON, Tues. THE tin market absorbed 135 tons of cash tin this morning without moving the short prices at £1,172-1/2. But 65 tons of tin wanted for three months lifted that price from £1.142-1/2 to £1,160 per ton. The noon closing prices were spot £1,170 buyers £1,175
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 49 6 Reuter—AAP SYDNEY, Mon. rE price of wool Jumped 10 to 15 percent at the opening of the Sydney wool sales today. It was the latest movement upward in the trend of wool prices which began with the opening of the Australian wool sale season last August.—Reuter—AAP
    Reuter—AAP  -  49 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 732 6 Wot 0.K./CONTINENT: S pore P. Sham Penang Benreoch fcr Avonmouth, Lpool, H'burg Gdna. 17/18 12-13 Jan. U-16 Jan. Senvenue for London, Antwerp Rotterdam. H'burg, v Hull Import 16-17 Jan. 18-20 Jan. ♦lenarty for Havre, London, Antwerp, Hamburg, M'brougn ......In Port 14-15 Jan. Kenlawers for Lpool Glasgow, DubUn. Rotterdam. 9A VaVl
      732 words
    • 481 6 ss 1 WmWKRB snuATiois ntk*\ WANTED Clerk-Typist, knowledge of book-keeping essenu*\. Mafe Female. Apply Box Al«7. Tribune. Singapore. VfrgPj WANTED. Young lady teacher helper for children* home. Apply in writing The Salvation Array P.O. Box 645. S pore. (U J n) t WANTED foreman of works. Must be experienced in
      481 words
    • 1129 6 SHIPPING BOUSTEAD fclioTlTD. SINGAPORE Lloyds Agents In Singapore. Ticket Agenta For Malayan Railways GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOR ADEN, LONDON, ANTWERP KOTT»» DAM, HAMBURG. GLENEARN Due —_J»« •GLENGARRY due ZZTjanl. Calls Genoa. D b ROM U.tL FOR STRAIT 8, HONGKONG, AND lAPas Due Sails RADNORSHIRE Singapore In Port Jan v CARRIERS
      1,129 words

  • 170 7 K ordnance Depot CiviR A an association scored a 0 chine six-nil win Young Men Christian As-Jat-on on their home ground j CSne was not so one- Z *l the score may suggest. •JSta forwards made better «ftheir scoring chances 5 displayed better combina*Lhanges
    170 words
  • 93 7 AAP. MCC: Ist. Inning* 290 Australia: Ist. Innings. Morris b Bedser 0 Archer c Evans b Bedser 48 Hassett c Bedser b Brown 70 Harvey b Bedser 39 Miller not out 95 Loxton c Bedser b Brawn 17 Tallon lbw b Bedser 18 Johnson not out 64 Extra 10
    AAP.  -  93 words
  • 21 7 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. RESULT of FA. Cup 3rd Round replay game: Port Vale 0. Stoke City I—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 676 7 MILLER, JOHNSON FLOG TIRED DEPLETED ENGLAND ATTACK SYDNEY, Monday. 4EITH Miller and lan Johnson flogged a tired. depleted England attack to add 110 in an unfinished seventh Australian wicket stand in the third Test today after the earlier batsmen had been kept on
    676 words
  • 58 7 PRIZE GIVING: Picture shows th- prise f Motion at the third anniversary tea-party of the Singapore talay Badminton Association at the Airport Hotel on Sunday On the left is Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Mohd. Said, first president of the S.M.B.A giving away Challenge Shield captain of Bournemouth Rangers
    58 words
  • 394 7 K.O. Hockey TWICE in arrears, Police turned apparent defeat into 1 victory with two quick goals in the closing stages of their second round knockout hockey match against University "A" played on their home ground yesterM. day. Play was extremely
    394 words
  • 106 7 Reuter. LONDON, Monday. ROY Tattersall. offspinner, and Brian Statham, fastmedium, both of Lancashire, have been invited by the Marylebone Cricket Club to Join the *MCC party in Australia. This follows a request by Freddie Brown, captain of the .ourists. Earlier today Brown made a
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 78 7 LONDON, Mon. ENGLAND'S Rugby Union team to meet Wales at Swansea on Jan. 80 was selected today as follows: EN. Hewitt (Coventry), C.G. Woodruff (Hariequina), L.F. Oakley (Bedford), B. Boobbyer (Oxford University), V.R. Tindall (Liverpool University), I» Preeoe (Coventry). QRiminer (Waterloo) R V. Stirling (RAF Leicester), T.
    78 words
  • 167 7 U.P. lOWA, Monday. LATE John Trent, 1949 captain of the Army Team, who "carried the spirit of football into the battlefield,'' was named the 1950 "Man of the Year" yesterday by the Football Writers Association of America. Trent was killed
    U.P.  -  167 words
  • 246 7 HOPES of sending a Colony hockey team to compete in the Asian Games at New Delhi seem faint but the Singapore Hockey Association has not given up entirely. < s Officials of the Association were told by the president. Mr. G. E.
    246 words
  • 265 7 LONDON, Monday. THE draw was made today for the fourth round of the 1 Football Association Cup competition. The matches will be played Saturday, January 27. Arsenal present holders of I the Cup. still have not settled their round engagement against Carlisle United. Their match
    265 words
  • 191 7 THE final games of the 1950 Singapore Badminton Championships will be played off as follows: SATURDAY, JAN. 13 at 7-30 p.m. Inter-club Final: Bournemouth B.P. v Eclipse B.P. Tournament Official: Poh Kirn Keat. Umpire Louis Loh. Referee: Ho Choy Kian. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17 at 7-30 p.m. Men's
    191 words
  • 85 7 mm bnw mm m BRISBANE, Mon. SOUTH AUSTRALIA, all out for 234, followed on 159 runs behind Queensland's total of 393 and scored 203 for two wickets in the Sheffield Shield match here today. With one day left for play, South Australia lead by
    85 words
  • 65 7 fjOMMISSIONKR-General Malcolm MacDonald has donated a Challenge Trophy for the City of Singapore versus University of Malaya chess match on January 23. The match will be played over 30 boards at Harrower Hall. It is being organised by the University of Malaya Chess Club.
    65 words
  • 65 7 SINGAPORE Cricket Club "A" defeated R.E.M.E. by eight points, (foal and try) to three (penalty) in a robust rugby ganie cn th« Fadang yesterday. REME opened «coring through Bennett (penalty goal) but* Harding gave the Club the lead with a try which Gould comerted. Harding
    65 words
  • 47 7 J]NTRIES for the S.C.C, seven-a-side rugby competition will close on Jan. 20. They should be *ent to the Hon. Secretary. Rugby Section. S C.C f The' "sevens" tournament -will start on Monday. Jan. 29. This tournament is open to all civilian and Services sides.
    47 words
  • 61 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. CELANGOK Club were held to a one-all draw by Comb ned Services In a fast but acrappy hockey game on the Padang yesterday. Wright opened the scoring for the Club five minutes from the start. Services equalised !n the second half through
    61 words
  • 37 7 SEREMBAN, Mon. ANYANG Siang Pau basketball team compris ng Hongkong and Singapore stars whipped Negri Sembilan by 78 point» to 38 in a fast game on the Chung Hwa School court last night.
    37 words
  • 55 7 A.P. NEW YORK. Mon. WORLD welterweight champion Sugar Ray Robinson withdrew from a scheduled title bout against Bobby Dykes at Miami, Florida, on January 15 on the grounds that it would leave too short a time to get his weight back for h's Middleweight title fight wth Jake
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 56 7 A.P. LONDON. Mon. ]V|ASTER of Sport Leonid Meshkov haa eet up a new world *wimmingr record for the 100 metres butterfly stroke of one m nute 6.6 seconds—one-fifth of a second better than his previous record made last year, according to a Tass dispatch from Moscow distributed
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 64 7 Reuter-AAP. MELBOURNE, Mon. flERMANY and Japan, who were re-admitted to the International Lawn Tennis Federation last year, have challenged Australia in the 1951 Davis Cup compet'tion. India is also among the 13 nations who have so far challenged. The others are: South Africa Britain, Yugoslavia. Austria, the
    Reuter-AAP.  -  64 words
  • 77 7 U.P. NEW YORK, Mon. THIS week's boxing will be featured by the Ezzard Charles-Lee Oma heavyweight title fight at Madison Square Garden on Friday "'charles. defending his crown for the sixth t me. was favoured at to one yesterday to beat the 34-year-o'd challenger from
    U.P.  -  77 words
  • 79 7 CHARLES —OMA TITLE FIGHT A.P. PITTSBURGH, Moil. WORLD heavyweight champion Ezzard Charles, who defends his crown against Lee Oma in New York next Friday, has been offered a USJ125.000 (£44.650) guarantee for a title flcht with lightheavyweight champion Joey Maxim here next summer. J Jake Mintz, co-manager of Charles, said
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 80 7 A.P. BtTENTOS AIRES, Mon. EUROPEAN football associations are queuing up to get the Argentine team, which plays England in a Festival of Britain game, on May 9. to visit the continent. Ireland have asked for a game, the French Federation has suggested a match six days later,
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 57 7 A.P. AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Monday. THE University of California's rowing crew was beaten on Sunday for the third time by the strong Australian Eight. The Aussies spurted ahead at the finish in a neck-and-neck race for the New Zealand championship. The Australian* twice beat the Americans
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 77 7 A.P. BOMBAY, Monday. SVEN Davidson, who won India's national singles tennis championship at Calcutta recently, yesterday took the All-India hard courts singles championship after a ding-dong struggle with Fred Kovalcski. The Bwede was extended to the full five sets by the rising American. The score
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 121 7 Mr PANG CHENG YEAN a director of the United Chinese Bank Ltd., and of Batu Pahat Bank Ltd.. passed away peacefully at his residence No. 1 Balmoral Road. Singapore, on the Bth January 1951 at the age of 62, leaving behind his mother madame Koh Toh Neo a wife
    121 words
  • 38 7 Mr. Chan Kui Chuan and brothers sincerely thank all relatives, and friends' for their kind expressions of sympathy, telegrams and letters of condolence night visits, wreaths, scrolls "etc., and attendance at the funeral of their beloved mother
    38 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 336 7 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS KoitrrtUn RotUrdMt. 4««ter*A» IALTFAX BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA pat 'tTMORE, MOBILE NEW ORLEANS spor< S'luur ••< (HAD 8 /.y_ (RL) 7/14 Feb. 15/16 Feb. 17/18 Feb ■Sra (SMN) 17/23 Feb. 24/25 Feb. 26/27 Feb excellent passenger accommodation t Calls Marseilles. tor X.L H.AO. ftttfltfi ■tftnili '.OITERDA
      336 words
    • 321 7 PERSONAL Mr. Mrs. Albert Da Silva are much grieved at the death of Beryl. They send their deep sympathy to her mother, Mrs. K. Webb. SITS: VACT Required by expanding Insurance Department of large Merchant House a young, intelligent clerk, preferably with insurance experience. Provident Fund Local Leave, Sports Club,
      321 words

  • 160 8 AP. MANILA. Monday. DOLICE worried that fist fights and kidnappings on the Manila waterfront might develop into gunfights, today confiscated firearms from three dock unions. Submachine-guns, a rifle, two carbines and 26 pistols— previously issued by the Constabulary—were seized at the headquarters of the Union de Obreos
    AP.  -  160 words
  • 186 8 U.P. SAIGON, Tuesday. TRENCH Commander-in-chief Jean de Lattre de 1 Tassigny announced last night that French forces had crushed an offensive launched by at least 20 Vietminh battalions. Tassigny who was rushed to Indo-China to stem the growing Communist threat, said the rebel attack, begun
    U.P.  -  186 words
  • 26 8 A.P. LONDON. Tuesday. AUSTRALIA Prime Minister Robert Menzies was ill with influenza and unable to attend the conference of Commonwealth Premiers yesterday. —AP.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 225 8 Reuter DJARKATA, Mon. A DUTCH spcf :esman said here today that Ambonese members of the former Royal Netherlands Indonesian Army were "restless" and that there had been "minor incidents" and cases of disobedience to orders. The spokesman denied that the Ambonese had rebelled and started shooting at
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 427 8  -  (By ARCHIE QUICKY LONDON, Today. THE lowest ebb in all sport is Britain has been reach by lawn tennis. It is not as much the overpowering quality and quantity of American women and Australian men as our own complete lack of a
    427 words
  • 74 8 A.P. LONDON. Mon. US. Republican leader Harold Stassen wound up today a five-week "study trip of Asia and Africa, on which he will report to Republican leaders in the United States. The President of the University of Pennsylvania, a 1948 Presidential aspirant, left the United States
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 236 8 U.P. MANILA, Tuesday. FOREIGN Secretary Carlos P. Romulo warned the 1 Filipino people that the international situation is "extremely explosive and "war clouds are hovering over us". Addressing the Club Escolta Walking Corporation last night at a dinner in his honour, prior to his
    U.P.  -  236 words
  • 93 8 Reuter, A.P. MANILA. Monday. GOVERNMENT forces launched a punitive expedition against Communist Hukbalahaps. who killed seven Philippine Army soldiers in an ambush yesterday 50 miles south-east of Manila. An army spokesman said two of the Huk band were slain by Constabulary troops. The bodies of
    Reuter, A.P.  -  93 words
  • 53 8 Reuter. LONDON, Monday. Sir John Balfour, formerly British Ambassador to Argentina, was tonight officially appointed Ambassador to Madrid. Britain withdrew her Ambassador from Madrid in 1946 to comply with a resolution by the United Nations Assembly condemning the France regime. The Assembly revoked this resolution last
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 134 8 A.P. GENEVA, Tuesday. PAUL Ruegger, President of the International Red Crfss Committee, has asked the North Korean Government for permission to fly to Pyongyang. His object, cabled to North Korean Foreign Minister Par Hcun Young, is "to examine the problems of prisoners
    A.P.  -  134 words
  • 16 8 Group A —6 bottles Gjvup AB—2 bottles. Group B—o. Group O—l2 bottles, Donors —12.
    16 words
  • 193 8 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE State Department disclosed last night that it has again called upon the Netherlands and Indonesia to negotiate a peaceful settlement of the future status of Western New Guinea. Press Officer Michael McDermott confirmed that the Department, over the weekend,
    193 words
  • 61 8 AP. HSIEH KWAN-YI. a mainlander who completed his education at the University of Michigan, was elected mayor of the north coast port of Keelung, 17,000 votes ahead of the runner-up. Two other mayoral posts, however, went to Formosans, each at his own birthplace. Yeh Tlng-kwei was
    AP.  -  61 words
  • 154 8 U.P. HOLLYWOOD, Mon. PRETTY Shirley Collier, 16--year-old "Shirley Temple of South Africa," was abducted by her rejected suitor, police said today, but escaped by leaping from the youth's speeding car. An officer said Martin del Campo, 23. forced Miss Collier, an actress who came here from
    U.P.  -  154 words
  • 360 8 Reuter. JT is understood that a 1 the Middle East and the Eastern Meojtemn f emerging out of the informal defence talks S some of the Commonwealth statesmen had vL h and this morning with Mr. Attlee and British rw of Staff. im
    Reuter.  -  360 words
  • 67 8 A.P. DRITAIN wS?K units among the forced wil place under GeS] Dwight D. EisenhowersS Atlantic Forces Comma A Defence Ministry spow man said the number S types of units had not fi decided and that consul-? Uon with Gen. BbSS when he comes to London
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 53 8 AP. VATICAN CITY. Monc.v OIR John Victor Thomas »J Perownc. British v to the Vatican, died ndfesjh his home here today. The elus* of his death was not bas* diately known. Sir John Victor pr leaf credentials to the Pontiff June 30. 1947. He was
    AP.  -  53 words
  • 113 8 SINGAPORE m n SI v^ orlS M» 9 Christmas Orator o rial Hall. 8.45 p.m. t<vr8 -ur< Y.W.C.A.: Chmo.-' p.m.. Ballroom Dam HOUSING rto 8 p.m. Mr. R-W™ r chief planner of tfte d rf n'ng Commit tee of H n j pates of the U.N-
    113 words
  • 61 8 CATHAY: Gun" at 11 I- 45 -j" 9.30 p.m. Arf Pn"'" ALHAMBBA- jjj n 3.30. 4.4.30 and v V ,r* f PAVII.IONt T fi JO Divided' at 3 -i >t jv P CAPITOL: n l d ,n J>i ''BOXY: 3.00. CIS A firib*" 7 d pV-' BOY A I.
    61 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 338 8 EL world renowned not on!/ for its beauty WH|MM||^Mff4^^' IwSfßi c f appearance, but for its bard-wearing «1 hHPB qualities so important in the manufacture of handbags and other travel accessories W| mHA DURAPLEX "is available in a wide range «H HA of leather and fancy grains. The following WLwk
      338 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      67 words
    • 227 8 1 LCI MIVOBI I.1MI fin laea ».m >•-•»» in h, ii.» fmn, Kv*l« Lumpur l|» la| Him»; U.oe r-»i »*>••• ■alai p m rs l I* ll.i,, «..c»!! *H* iiait.* .in».* i iwraa CSS pa. I iMC\l a.w r.rr-. i S 11... Xl|M.I V-» Matt.t U»p..ii i.- Th« M»»«
      227 words