Malaya Tribune, 4 January 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 75 1 MALAYA TRIBUNE Kythei r PEOPLE 1 Ivor the j Tel: 'Tribune' S*pore. f THAN ANY I AFTERNOON I PAPER IN J Phone: 5811/3 nine lines. Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 PRICE TEN CENTS I THE MALAYA TRIBUNE nr-nrrervTi TIVE
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  • 362 1 REDS RACE TO CUT RETREAT UP. TOKIO, Today. THE I nited States Eighth Army abandoned Seoul early today. It with- drew under the pressure of a three-day-old Chinese Communist frontal assault combined with an outflanking move by the Mongolian cavalry in the east. American, British
    UP.  -  362 words
  • 95 1 TOKIO. Wed. r SITED Nations forces were fighting: advancing Communists on the northern outskirts of Seoul today as the capital went up in flames from Ores lit by fleeing citizen*. (.uns of I'nited Nations fleet lying off Inchon backed up the defenders. Columbia Broadcasting
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  • 54 1 TOKIO, Today. I'MTED Nations Naval forces v are rrady "to redeploy our *ronnd troops by sea." should Korean war development make that necessary. Rear Admiral I. V Ehackrey said lan nieht. He said ships of several U.N. Nations are lying off-shore, waiting to do what they can
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  • 101 1 UP. WASHINGTON, Wed PRESIDENT Truman today signed a new excess profits tax bill and warned that "the task ahead of us will require more and much heavier taxes He said that even new taxes might have to be considered. The bill which he has signed is designed
    UP.  -  101 words
  • 172 1 'Passengers' Turn Firebugs Tribune Staff Reporter TERRORISTS set fire to another Tay Koh Vat Bus along Rochore Canal Road at about 7.45 a.m. today. The conductor said that one person got on the bus at Java Street and sat down. The bus was quite full at the
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  • 41 1 A.P. NEW DELHI, Wed.—lndian newspapers have been ordered by the government to limit editions to 60 pages a week. The government explained this was necessary to consrve newsprint stocks in the country in view of the world shortage.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 111 1 UP. SAIGON, Wednesday. FRENCH forces at the China Sea port of Tienyen were reported today to have beaten back a Dowerful Vietminh Communist attack after four days of bitter fighting. I French military headquar- ters. which has clamped a security blackout on the fighting in the
    UP.  -  111 words
  • 26 1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Wed. —U.S. Attorney-General McGrath today announced a plan for breaking up Warner Brothers Motion Picture Corporation into two separate concerns.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 95 1 BONN, Wed. The release ftom Prison of Marthan Harke, the 36-year-old German woman convicted of atrocities in the infamous women's concentration camp of Ravensbrueck. has been ordered by the British authorities, it was officially stated today v. Her' release was ordered by the British High Commissioner Sir
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  • 114 1 NEW DELHI, Wednesday. IMEPALESE authorities have agreed to the return of deposed King Tribhuvana to the thrcne and to replace the present parliament with a constitUenNeapaf,lbowing to Indian government demands for democratic reforms, has promised to establish a constituent assembly within 18 months Nepal Council
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  • 80 1 A.P. BANGKOK. Wed. Four American firms here have been ordered by their head offices to evacuate wives and children of American personnel immediately. A spokesman of one of the firms said the action was a "commonsense move." He pointed out many of those affected had
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 84 1 A.P. RANGOON. Wed.—Burmese weavers want the importation of textiles to be controlled, charging unrestricted importation is a threat to the indigenous handloom weaving industry. The Burmese government decontrolled textile imports last August to stockpile cloth, fearing a cloth famine in the event of war. A
    A.P.  -  84 words
  • 182 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. SECRETARY of State Dean Acheson said today that the Soviet Union has ignored the West's invitation for world peace talks and *lt is obvious that we must have further clarification of the Soviet position." Acheson told a press conference that "the Soviet note makes
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  • 191 1 UP. LONDON, Wednesday. INDIAN Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and I British Prime Minister Clement AtUee met tonight to Pakistan's absence from the conference of Commonwealth Premiers. An official source said it was believed they would send a cable to Pakistan Premier Liaquat All Khan to
    UP.  -  191 words
  • 76 1 4,000 Awards Unclaimed LONDON, Wednesday. YEARLY £4,000 sterling lies li unclaimed at the London Headquarters of the British Admiralty awards to crews who saved 1 million sterling in silver bullion. Only 20 of the 120 former I officers and men who salvag- ed the bullion carrying s.s. Samsylarna after an
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  • 159 1 Co-operation Not Possible Jakarta JAKARTA, Wednesday. PREMIER Mohammed Natsir told Parliament today that co-operation between Indonesia and the Netherlands was no longer possible since the Dutch have refused to accept Indonesian proposals for a settlement of the New Guinea issue. The statement is causing great apprehension in foreign quarters. It
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  • 47 1 ANKARA. Wed. Democratic members of Parliament yelling '-You are a liar" shouted down former Turkish President Ismet Inonu when he was defending himself in the National Assembly here toI night against charges of calli ous behaviour and graft during the 1939 Erzincan earth- quake disaster.
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  • 125 1 U.P. PARIS. Wed. THE French cabinet today rejected Russian charges that France had violated the 1944 Franco-Soviet friendship pact by agreeing to German rearmament and membership in the Atlantic Pact. The Cabinet did not release the text of the reply to Russia's protest of December 15
    U.P.  -  125 words
  • 31 1 Tribune Staff Reporter The Singapore Police want a woman who telephoned the officer in charge cf Beach Road Station on January 2, regarding 'an offence,' .to contact him.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 111 1 NATIONAL EMPLOYER'S Mutual General Insurance Association Ltd (incorporated 'n England) H K« MOIOK \YOK Iv M K.S S COMI*E> SATION I KKSONAL ACCIDENT Chamber*. Raffles Place, Spore. Manager: N. S. WISE Phone 2835. The Famous Old Man "BAN SIEVV TONG" Insists on this Brand for Health I jĔi!L\m£L TAY MIANG
      111 words
    • 12 1 ■ITflJovaTbest buy I mm For quenching Ifl#?r:s3i I come first there's always
      12 words

  • 227 2 CUXHAVEN (GERMANY), Wednesday. JWO British public safety officers and fifteen German policemen set out from here today to end the thirteen-day-old siege of Heligoland. The British border patrol boat, Eileen, carrying the party to the reeky Sea Island, set sail in a heavy snow
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  • 67 2 U.P. HONGKONG. Wed. THE New China News Agency reported today that Comi munist authorities in Shangl hal seized control of all 115 1 American firms in the city in I accordance with the new Peking order freezing all American property and assets in China. The firms were
    U.P.  -  67 words
  • 38 2 A.P. TOKIO, Wed. NEARLY two-thirds of the Japanese questioned in a public opinion poll conducted by a big Tokio newspaper said Russia and the Western powers can never agree on a peace treaty for Japan.—A P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 90 2 CHOULD Municipal Officers a who joined service in January 1949 be exempted from the examination bars" The Municipal Examinations' Committee has asked Municipal Department heads for their views. A doubt has been created in the Salaries Revision Committee Report, which permits an officer aged 25.
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  • 102 2 Reu- TAIPEH, Wed. RATIONALIST General, Tan 1" En-po today warned in an article that the Chinese Communists may be directed by the Russians to invade Japan. The General said that since Japan is the base of the United Nations troops fighting in Korea, the
    Reu-  -  102 words
  • 28 2 Reuter. LONDON, Wed. THE Prime Minister Mr. 1 Clement Attlee, was 68 today. Today was also the birthday of the 63-year-old Deputy:P-eirae. Minister. Mr. Herbert Morrison.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 146 2 U.P. WASHINGTON, Wed. THE Economic Stabilization Administration reported today that the government's voluntary price control programme is making little progress. It said only a small number of the nation's biggest concerns have rolled back their prices to the December 1 levels or agreed to
    U.P.  -  146 words
  • 77 2 U.P. HONGKONO, Wed. CHINESE Communists have forbidden Roman Catholics in the Hankow area to attend mass and receive other church sacraments. An informed source here said he did not know whether the ban was in effect in other areas or whether similar restrictions had been
    U.P.  -  77 words
  • 103 2 THREE special constables P and two auxiliary policemen were seriously injured when a radio patrol van crashed into a pillar at Jalan Ibrahim, in Johore Bahru last night. Another policeman, a Sikh, who was also in the van. escaped with minor facial injuries.
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  • 82 2 Reuter. TAIPEH, Wed. THE "China Union Press" today said that the former editor-in-chief of a Shanghai Chinese newspaper had been compelled to write an article of repentance. The Communists had chosen him to make an example because he had been a correspondent for leading agencies
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 64 2 THREE Indians, two of them detectives, were admitted to the General Hospital with knife wounds last night. The first detective was stabbed by a compatriot outside the Garrick theatre, in Geylang, at about 9.30 p.m., while the other two Indians were involved in a knife duel
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  • 49 2 WASHINGTON.—The eightysecond Congress goes to work today amid Democratic pleas for national unity and Republican demands that President Truman clarify his international aims. One of the major battles is expected to be fought over how much—if any—American aid should be given to other nations.
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  • 405 2 QNE of the biggest S.I.T. building schemes costing $12,500,000 with acccmv modation fcr 10,000 p:ople is to begin in two months time. Mr. L. Page, the S.I. T. architect and planner, told the Tribune yesterday, that this plan is thi
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  • 24 2 The Cominisaioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mj-cDona'd, declaring open the Bach Bicentenary Festival at tbe Victoria Memorial Hail last night. (See page 4.)
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  • 252 2 A.P. WASHINGTON, Thursday. THE Western hemisphere produced a record 6.2 million tons of rice in 1949—50 and the outlook for this year is bright, says the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Brazil, the largest rice-growing country in the Western hemisphere and the
    A.P.  -  252 words
  • 52 2 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Wed. THE White House announced last night that President Truman would deliver his annual State of the Union message in person before a Joint session of the new Congress on January 8. The President's annual budget message will be sent to Congress on January
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 34 2 U.P. LONDON, Wed. THE Pan-American stratocruiser, "Washington," carrying nine crew membf rs but no passengers, crashlanded at London airport shortly after 7 a.m. today. None was injured, but the stewardess was "shaken."—U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 36 2 MR. A. H. Harrison, the Registrar of Companies and Businesses Names, said that Singapore firms which do not register are liable to prosecution and stricter measures will be taken against them this year.
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  • 92 2 UP P HONGKONG, Wed. Ai4-American Airways today repatriated the dependents of all Its American perconnel In Hongkong because s o nuaXn. orsenißB Far Eastern It was the first firm as far as is known to order such a step. The United States Consulate said it was not
    UP  -  92 words
  • 70 2 UP. TAIPEH, Wednesday. HIGH Chinese Nationalist military leaders were reported today trying to persuade Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to attack the Chinese mainland to catch the Communists off balance in their preparations to invade Indo-China. A military source reported "feverish activity" on the part of 200.000
    UP.  -  70 words
  • 77 2 Reuter. TAIPEH. Wed. ON the pretext of ridding the towns and cities under their jurisdiction of underground workers, the Chinese Communists have recently arrested 50,000 intellectuals the "China Union Press" asserted today. Arrests had simultaneously been made in the metropolitan cities of Hankow, Chungking, Changsha
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 77 2 A.P. WASHINGTON, Wed. MR. Joseph Wasmer, a Member of the French Chamber of Deputies, on Tuesday described moral rearmament as the answer to the hatred of Germany held by many Europeans. That hatred and fear, because of paat wars, he said, has hampered post-war efforts
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 43 2 Reuter. SAN FRANCISCO. Wed. MAYOR Elmer E. Robinson 111 today declared a state of emergency to permit the speedy installation of air raid sirens. He said he believed the possibility of atomic bombing sufficiently serious to justify his action. Reuter
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 35 2 1 PPLICATION forms for adrl mission to the University of Malaya this year are to be submitted to the Registrar by Feb. 10, 1951. The forms can be got from the Registrar.
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  • 99 2 A.P. CALCUTTA, Wed. RED China has linked her Korean adventure with a drastic purge of her own Communist party, according to reliable reports. Peking is stated to have directed party leaders to slash Communist card-holders in China from 6.000.000 to 3.000,000 in order to
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • 45 2 A.P. BONN, GERMANY, Wed FIELD-MARSHAL Viscount Montgomery is due to arrive at Wahn Airport near Bonn today to meet West German Chancellor, 'Dr. Konrad Adenauer. He will stay at the official residence of the British High Commissioner, Sir Ivone Kirkpatrick.—AP.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 16 2 WASHINGTON Wed fJENERAL Dwight D.' Eisen- hower will leave for Europe on Saturday
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  • 225 2 U.P. WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE United States today worked on a new note to Russia aimed at getting the Kremlin state in precise language whether it will accept the West's proposal for Big Four talks on world problems. Preliminary conferences at the State Department on the
    U.P.  -  225 words
  • 60 2 A.P. CAIRO, Wed. PANDIT Jawaharlal Nehru passed through Cairo yesterday en route to the Commonwealth conference opening in London tomorrow. Asked about Pakistan Premier boycotting the conference, he said: "What can I say except that I am sorry if he does not come?" His plane left
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 47 2 A.P. KARACHI. Wed. PAKISTAN'S Premier Liaquat Ali Khan said that he felt that unless the London talks deal also with the Kashmir problem. "I could make no useful contribution." "I am too busy to go to London on a Sunday 'flop'", he said. A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 160 2 jMlflflfli TODAY 5 SHOWS AT 11 A.M.—1.45—4.15—«.45 Jfc 9.50 PM 7th HAPPY DAY! THE GREAT STAGE MUSICAL EVEN GREATER ON THE £l Tour Gun LMi^JL BETTY H UTTON jMßtlf* HOWARD KEEL P7io:?c reservations must be picked up 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the show. "sat, at midnight t•
      160 words
    • 105 2 ws&srn, i Last 3 Shows: 3, 6.15 ft 9.15 p.m. "MADAME BOYARY' —OPENING TO-MORROW— Columbia's "BATMAN AND ROBIN" —1 p.m. 5 p.m. ft 9.15 p.m.— SUN. Jan. 7th at 10 am. Warner Bros. "ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON" (In Technicolor) PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME! I*l 4 1 STARTS J 1 -7J
      105 words
    • 54 2 TO-DAY 11 1.45 4.00 6-30 9.30 ULTRA—ULTRAULTRA—MODERN COLUMBIA'S TECKKICOLOUR SPECIAL WITH HOST CUMMIK6S 4 JOArt CAULHELD NEXT CHANGE^ \lflL f CecileAybry L; Jack Ha»» SATURDAY M'NITE Nahas nlm s present "BABA ABI*" The Ist Egyptian Picture to be filmed in COLOR with English Sub-title* starring NAIMA AXEF j CAMELIA j
      54 words

  • 65 3 Jurk sh soldiers arrh ed by Hastings at the Changi Airport yesterday teated in the ambula.ite tchich carried them to the Changi Hospxlal The Turks get off the Hastings at Changi. Centre: A wounded Turk is-carried ou:. D ur n. Marine Hayes one of the two
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  • 380 3 I HASTINGS "flying ambulance" aircraft which d at Changi yesterday brought 22 serious.ded men of the Turkish Brigade from the warfront on the first lap of their trio home, I The aircraft also made history in the R.A.F.'s U-range casualty air evacuation scheme, since 5
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  • 53 3 BSONS with Indonesian i ?ued before Jan. 1, Icmpted ;rom chancery, i and landing fees, to n official an■cement by Dr. Mohamed ral for the in Singa--uiUions will who possess contilo the Riau borders cf students' I ■"tog fees shall be col)lien entering cept those
    53 words
  • 52 3 IVE charge of robplained to an I bin Abdul 19. and two Chinaged 17, Hood Soo aged 24, speared m the Sec,™ice Court yesterday. -d to have N'goh Ov of $7.55 on of Geylarfg Road Avenue on Tuesday »er P rr m inrled in Po "BUI
    52 words
  • 43 3 Reuter-AAP. w>ce iL'! n arrested b y r e on suspicion of k 2 Vp 1 >n the recent H& t m Sour abaya rupiahs were br oad daylight from of the circulaNtE?? p° rsons in'Etosi, lnfl °n«ians and
    Reuter-AAP.  -  43 words
  • 37 3 A.P. TOKIO, Wed. >AT ION3 planes '•mated 1.200 in sweeping Allied de- S struck supply h A Ut Nor th Korea. T9\* lr Forc e pilots p OB dama ged or
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 32 3 PrVl an 3ged 30 2*ht n h° llce Co «rt ycs--3 fitted mishj*B L£. fJ,,Zf, n suit ft to p Wor th 51? 03 be =nd Com to
    32 words
  • 83 3 THERE are more than 90 civil suits on the High Court case list to be disposed of during the current month and the following months. Dates for the hearing of these cases are to be fixed by the Registrar today. There are seven divorce
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  • 86 3 MALACCA, Wed. TWO Malays who stole a towkay's car and used it as a taxi were today sent to jail for eighteen months by Mr. F. A. Chua. Sessions judge. The Malays. Ahmad bin Jafar and Mohamed bin Gaus, were stated to have taken Mr.
    86 words
  • 155 3 FIVE of 15 men held by the Singapore Police over r the New Year Holidays for identity card thefts have been identified by their victims at a parade held at the C.I.D. Headquarters on Tuesday .More than 100 men, women and children attended tne narade. Said
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  • 44 3 The Clyde Terrace Market roda fountain is to be converted into a stall to sell cold drinks and Singapore Cold Storage reconstituted milk. But though Commissioners have approved this conversion they still think that stalls should not be permitted in markets
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  • 231 3 THE year, 1950 has been a very uneventful year for the Customs at Kallang Airport. There was not a single case of smuggling reported in their diary. But revenue collected over dutiable goods totalled over $2,400. The absence of smuggling is due to the strength
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  • 53 3 BISHOP Glenn Phillips, who is to attend the Methodist Conference here, arrived in Singapore yesterday and said that the climate was rather warm. A close 'riend of Dr. Stanley Jones, Bishop Glenn Phillips is also to visit the Missionary works, institutions, schools and churches during his
    53 words
  • 31 3 A.P. HONGKONG. Wed. (iJUNESE Communist anti- aircraft batteries, only 80 miles north of the Colony were reported today to have held a seven-hour firing practice with live shells.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 100 3 AN inquest into the death of j Peter Hugh Bell, a corporal j in the R.A.F. Maintenance Base Seletar was heard before Mr. I Choor Singh in the Singapore j Coroner's Court yesterday. Inspector Yahya, said that on the night of Dec. 12 while on i
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  • 59 3 OSMAN bin Abdullah Hamid. a young Malay was jailed for three months in the Second Police Court yesterday when he admitted trespassing into a Killiney Road house on Dec. 8. An occupant of the house noticed a figure dodging about, near the kitchen. He switched on
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  • 66 3 MRS. Feng Sia Bei— Tseng will give a recital at Anglo Ch nese School au\ tonurn at Barker Road on Monday after the presentation of a $7,000 grand piano to the School by architect Mr. Ng Keng Siang and three others. Mrs. Feng a
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  • 164 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. BANDITS opened Are with sten guns and rifles on a security forces convoy in the Grik district of Pcrak today. The convoy came to a halt, while the bandits were chased off. There were no casualties or damage. In the Triang area
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  • 92 3 SEE P-oon Kirn. a middle-aged Hokkien was bound over for MOO and given a day's simple imprisonment in court for stealing a tin and two packets of cigarettes from R. Govindasamy at Enggor Street on Nov. 15. See went to Govindasamy's stall and asked for
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  • 75 3 PRINCE Dhani Nivat, Rotary District Governor, in a message to the Rotary Club of Singapore before his departure, admired the community service of the local Club. He said: "I congratulate you on the fine building and more so on the humanitarian undertaking accomplished in a true
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  • 67 3 HERDERS, who let their cattle stray Into Municipal cemetrles had better watch out. The police have been asked by the Commissioners to look out for them Commissioners last year were thinking of erecting 122 notice boards costing $9,150 at Bidadari, Bukit Brown and Coronation Road Cemetries
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  • 61 3 PEONS of the Municipal Town Cleansing Department may get some of the labourers quarters nov{ under construction. Recently Commissioners allowed shelter keepers pf the Town Cleansing Department to occupy extra rooms In the new labourers quarters at Lorong Lalat at a monthly rental of six per cent
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  • 31 3 LOW Yeow Siah, an elderly Hokklen was jailed for two months yesterday for stealing $200 worth of rubber sheets from Low Chong*Ham at Boat Quay on Nov. 15.
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  • 26 3 MANILA, Wed. THE shipwrecked Greek seamen from the freighter Kostis Lemos are being flown to Singapore, from Manila says an Associated Press re--1 port.
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  • 156 3 MUNICIPAL Commissioners will exempt from examination Municipal officers who because of their long service find it difficult to take examinations it their age. This exempts will only apply to officers Lb the Clerical D'vision T'me Scale and those officers in service before Jan. 1,
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  • 219 3 AFTER flying 8, 000 miles from London to Singan pore without mishap, a tiny plane piloted by two young Australians got stuck on the Kallang runway yesterday and had to be to wed into the hangar. The Australians, F. S. Burt and L. McTaggarty who
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  • 71 3 PL Ovsiannikoff. a seaman aged 23, who admitted running up a bill for $163.20 at the Majestic Hotel, was fined $500 in default two months' jail in the Second Police Court yesterday. He stayed at the hotel for five days in November on the
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  • 52 3 METHODIST Bishop of Denver, Glen R. Phillips, who was in Singapore yesterday, told Rotarians at the Capitol Blue Room that there were stains on American history. He added that America was not a land to be exploited or a myth to be exploded but a spirit to
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  • 26 3 A.P. RABAT. 'French Morocco). Wed.—Seventy-one people died and 60 arc missing in floods that ravaged Nonh-West Morocco, it was reported today.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 124 3 MosquitoesSo Squatters Must Go MUNICIPAL Commissioners have decided on priority for the $15,000 anU-malarial drain works in the Toa Payoh ravine area. Work is to start in July this year. So market gardeners, vegetable growers and pig rearers in the area will get three months' notice to clear their crops
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  • 43 3 SINGAPORE Police want Mr. Wong Ban Choon to collect his Sheaffers fountain pen stolen at the last Turf Club meeting. The pen among other things was recovered when plain clothes men nabbed a pick pocket at the meeting.
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  • 50 3 THERE were four identity card thefts yesterday. Nine cards were stolen from a Rowell Road house, one card from a Malay by three Chinese, six cards from a Chinese Sinms Avenue home by two Chinese and four cards by two Chinese from a house in Lorong 28, Geylang.
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  • 37 3 A.P. SAN JUAN, Wed. THE U.S. Navy said that the relief ship 'Opportune' has radioed that a series of earthquakes shook the British Islands of Nevis and St. Kitts in the Leeward Group. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 SINGAPORE SHIPPING COMPANY LTD. (Incorporated In the Colony of Singapore). (Under European Supervision). International Freight Forwarders Clearing Agents. Complete door-to-door freight and baggage transport and personal travel service. Agents in all parts of the world. 338/342. Telok Ayer St., Spore. Phones: 223*8 7006. SEND YOUR RADIO FOR REPAIRS TO NEW
      111 words

  • 505 4 THERE will be extreme d Commission of l 7^ t ed te the immediate Singapore cannot be expected m future. tV ot a on the Commission but nave not yen h SSScSft Shave a n a mission. t It is still not known when the .Commission will
    505 words
  • 1833 4 Full Text of a Memorandum by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce to the Select Committee on the Immigration (Control) Bill WE have considered carefully the provisions of this Bill, and in the result we are satisfied that the provisions of Parts 2 and
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  • 590 4 THERE is a dignity in words the misapplication of which makes mock of their purpose. One swallow does not make a summer; still less does one programme make a fertival. no matter how many per- formers there be or now talented. It would have been less pretentious
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  • 335 4 Germ Becomes 'Guinea Pig A.P. ITHACA. NEW YORK. ECOLI. a germ thit every human carries in his digestive system, is a new guinea pig at Cornell Univer- sityHe is a target for the atomic rays produced in Cornells' laboratory of nuclear studies. Professor Philip Morrison, a wartime atomic bomb scientist,
    A.P.  -  335 words
  • 309 4 the ssssfSß Slang Pau looks antly toward! monwealth Prime conference whlch^f* The paper expresses tv., I that majw^oJS 1 will be thrashed outlSß conference. The the world, it saysw for ££*M However, the paper jf the United Kingdom ."B the crossroads. V On the one hand, her
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 27 4 »»^»»*»^»^'■»^■'»l BLOCKS The Malaya Tribune Pro-eaa L»euartment offers you Dne ox the best blockmaking HfWl in Singapore at very competitive rates Your enquiries and orders sre welcome.
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  • 135 5 Reuter. KINGSTON. Jamaica. Wt& iRMED police used tear gas A and batons to beat back ndreds of striking caneters who attacked strikejcers with sticks and aca at Worthy Park sugar estate. Jamaica. T let was read to disoutants and some arroSts were made. Some people w
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 72 5 r.sapore Music Circle banning a number of r music recitals during ar public response is favourable. The Circle Is presenting its concert for this year m 19 at the Victoria M?rr.or:al Hall. Artistes included in this pr are Miss Noreen pianist, Goh Soen Toe. violin, and
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  • 25 5 A.P. WASHINGTON, Wea. THE U.S. 81st Congress adjourned yesterday. The S2nd Congress, including w members elected in nber 1050, will convene tod AP.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 221 5 Reuter. JERUSALEM. Wednesday. ISRAEL'S Premier, Mr. David Ben Gurion, said last 1 night that Israel would be able to defend her independence if her neighbours attempted invasion during the confusion of a world conflagration. Addressing the Israeli ParMr. Gurion. who so Minister for Defence, said
    Reuter.  -  221 words
  • 27 5 An Inspector and four i Police constables were called °ut yesterday to control >wd gathered outside Stamford Girls School in Street to obtain registration forms.
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  • 190 5 A.P. lINITEn <?t at w. l^ SUCCESS, Wednesday. jjmifcD stages demands tor stronger Untied NatatfTZSS** aga nSt Col ™*t X Several U.N. members, especially amona thp toTanTO^ d^sionin£ S K he a ss °r in Korea and a yto be put off for
    A.P.  -  190 words
  • 109 5 Reuter. LONDON. Wed. DRITISH scientists have W produced important developments in their attempts to drive engines with atomic power it was revealed here today, in the annual report issued by Lloyds Register of Shipping. It said no early application of atom bomb power to ship's engines
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 74 5 A.P. NEW YORK, Wed. PRICES in the Stock Market lost a little of their bounce today in spite of a brilliant show of strength. Losses ranged from fractions to around one or even more points in some cases. But there were generous scattered gains which blunted
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 173 5 Reuter. CASABLANCA. Wed. CHOCK formations of MorocO can "Istiqlal" Nationalists barricaded main streets in the capital city, Rabat, yesterday, to prevent local rulers from taking New Year greetings to Resident General Alphonse Juin. It was the first serious Nationalists incident since 1944. "Istiqlal" ("freedom "1
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 84 5 Reuter. TOKIO, Wednesday. A SOUTH KOREAN lighthouse .crew has sent flowers to the Canadian destroyer Cayuga, flagship of the Canadian three-destroyer squadron with the United Nations naval forces in Korean waters. The floral gift expressed the gratitude of the lighthouse men to the Cayuga
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 42 5 Three Chinese were each fined $25 by tho Fourth Police Magistrate yesterday for gambling at "chi-kee" in a Coffee shop in Thomson Road on Jan. 2. The three men, Oei Kum Teck, Poh Yee Teow and Lim Chwee Lai pleaded guilty.
    42 words
  • 274 5 AN inquest into the deaths of an Army officer attached to the Seaforth Highlander Regt., and a retired Eurasian engineer was heard before Mr. Choor Singh in the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday. This is the second riot death' inquiry to be held. The Officer was
    274 words
  • 30 5 Methodist Women's Conference was held at the Wesley Church. Fort Canning, yesterday. Women Representative:; from various Methodist Churches were present. Mrs. Loh Poon Lip spoke on "Christian Community".
    30 words
  • 116 5 A seventeen year old Malay, Ratmat bin Awang, was given the choice of paying a fine of $50 or going to jail for two weeks by the Fourth Police Magistrate yesterday for insulting the modesty of a woman, Selamat binti Yusof, by gesticulating with i his hands.
    116 words
  • 98 5 WASHINGTON. Wed. MRS. Roosevelt on Monday told millions throughout the U.S.A. that no people have made greater sacrifices for their ideals than the British. She was speaking over the radio from New York about Britain's contribution to the defence of the Western world. "What is even more
    98 words
  • 162 5 ENTRIES for the Singapore Art Society's second Open Photographic Exhibition to b- held on Jan. 26 should be delivered at the British Council Centre In Stamford Road, Singapore, today or tomorrow. This year the Society will award a silver medal for the best picture in portraiture,
    162 words
  • 53 5 Reuter. LONDON, Wed. PRIME Minister Clement Attlee today received at No. 10, Downing Street the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand, Mr. R. Mcnzies and Mr. Sidney Holland, Dr. T. E. Donges, who is representing Dr. Malan, of South Africa, at the Commonwealth Prime' Ministers
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 189 5 U.P. AUSTIN NEW YORK, Wednesday. UfARREN Austin, United States representative to f the United Nations, promised American fighting men in Korea today "we will carry tnem through that fight. We will not abandon Asia to tyranny." Austin addressed New York City Boy Scouts at a
    U.P.  -  189 words
  • 36 5 A.P. WASHINGTON, Wed. WOOL, and guayule seeds used in developing a substitute for rubber have been placed on the top of the priority list for the national war stockpile, the Munitions Board announced today.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 46 5 A.P. BRUSSELS, Wed. LUMEMBOURGS Grand Duchess Charlotte's daugter, 21-year-old Princess Alix, who was married on Aug. 17, 1950. to 25-year-old Prince Antoine de Ligny was reliably reported on Wednesday to be expecting a baby. The baby will be the Grand Duchess' first granchild.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 119 5 Reuter. LONDON, Wed. MR. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, Prime Minister of India, arrived at Hum airport near Bournemouth. Dorset, for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers conference today. His plane had been diverted from London airport, closed after a Pan-American stratocruiser had crash-landed thi» morning. On his way from Geneva on
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 31 5 A.P. TAIPEI, Thurs. UNOFFICIAL reports -said last night that the Chinese Communists have arrested 50,--000 people in an unprecedented purge of those classified as individuals of doubtful loyalty. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 177 5 THE Teaching Aid Exhibition was opened yesterday at the Gan Eng Seng School, Waterloo Street, Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, the Supervisor of Schools Singapore Mr. N. L Low said that this exhibition was for the purpose of improving the teaching methods in Government
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 50 5 YOU want wore sales? iT n as anxious to buy at you are to sell. The more know about your promts, the better I can J y wisely, and the more lhln Bs I can get to help grease the pleasure of !IVl ng. Let's meet often ln the Tribunr
      50 words
    • 16 5 BLOOD BANK Group A—11 Bottle», Group B—1 Bottle, Group AR—2 Bottles, -33 Bottlea. j Donors—10 Bottles.
      16 words
    • 112 5 Do you know thaf^^^y /MW is employing 500 people in its modem rubber shoe factory at Klang Together with a leather factory and Head Office in Singapore, and a Sales Organisation Colony and trY Federation; regular employment is provided for over 1 000 people r i Days yearly over $1.500
      112 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 300 6 Com monwea Ith The Only Hope U.P. WASHINGTON, Wednesday. INDIAN officials have virtually given up hope ct getting grain from the United States to stave cfT famine in their country. They said Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, promised to explore the possibility of
    U.P.  -  300 words
  • 158 6 A.P. MELBOURNE, Wed. THE former Miss Barbara Ward. ex-BBC Governor, said here in an interview today that television is something civilised people could very well do without, and Australia is lucky not to have it. Now Mrs. R. G. A. Jackson, wife of the Secretary of
    A.P.  -  158 words
  • 57 6 U.P. OTTAWA, Wed. THE Government approved the construction today of the nation's third atomic pile to boost plutonium production. Trade Minister, Mr. C. D. Howe, said the new $30,000,000 pile at the atomic plant at Chal River, Ontario, would provide Canada with all the Plutonium
    U.P.  -  57 words
  • 62 6 UP. HONGKONG, Wednesday. THE Chinese Communist retaliatory embargo against exports to the United States Is having a serious effect on south China's economy, according to Canton reports. Citing figures since the Imposition of the embargo in midDecember, the reports said, a serious reduction was evident
    UP.  -  62 words
  • 173 6 THE rubber commodity market was easier yesterday on a rather small market. The opening was at 185 cents done for January. On a little factory buying in the morning the price moved up half a cent but latterly eased off to 182 cents done at one time in
    173 words
  • 144 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. PRICES in the share market were generally lower in sympathy with London. The following were the price changes: Robinson Co. Ist Pref. 6<~ f 4.60 4.80 2nd Pref. S<-' 0 9.30 9.50 Ord. stock 2.20 2.25 Bangnn 19 6 20 3 cd Batu Selangor .69 .«3
    144 words
  • 108 6 U.P. LONDON. Wed.—Tin prices rose at the morning session reflecting good demand for 185 tons, of which 125 tons were spot tin. The official closings at noon were: Spot £1.140 buyers and £1,145 sellers with business at 1.150 to £1,140. Three months—£l.lls buyers and £1.125 sellers with
    U.P.  -  108 words
  • 63 6 AP. DUBLIN. Wednesday. EIRE today froze a long list of commodity prices at Dec. 2 levels in an effort to curb rising costs. The freeze affects food, clothing, fuel, light, power, household goods, industrial raw materials, building materials, agricultural goods, automobiles and accessories, and entertainment. All
    AP.  -  63 words
  • 46 6 A.P. HONGKONG. Wed.—Water will be available in Hongkong, only from 6.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. and from 5.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. An official announcement noted that restrictions were being put into effect "because the existing storage is insufficient for daily consumption".—A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 140 6 TAIPEI. Wed. rERE is no doubt that the people of Formosa are going to have to pull their belts much tighter this year, with steadily mounting taxation and fresh levies to feed Chiang's war machine. The island, which used to yield the Japanese a net profit
    140 words
  • 64 6 In Port:- Steel Recorder (44), Landbrls (Sheers), Meliskeiit (41/8), Mertlmau (40), Sumpitan (41), Selandia (88 9), Maron (86), Automedon (88/4), Soestdljk (81/2), Benreoch (17/ 18), S.H.B- Craft < 18/80), S*echuan (21 2), Panama (28/4), BeHevP'e (25/6), Fa»atria (27/ 8) Pachumba (29/80), Breconshire (15 16) Anking (18/14), Sa'attga
    64 words
  • 31 6 U.P. HONGKONG, Wed. THE following were today's closing prices on the Hong kong Money Exchange: HKS6.OH/6.03 per U.S. dolllar. HK515.20 per pound sterling. HK5312.5 per tael of gold. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 26 6 U.P. NEW YORK, Wed. PAN-AMERICAN Airways inauguruated yesterday a direct service to Rome with the departure of a double-decked "Clipper" carrying 15 passengers.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  26 words
  • 159 6 Reuter. LONDON. Wed. The new account on the London Stock Exchange made a bright start today. Gains were widespread following overnight improvement on Wall Street and some good dividends. British funds were widely one-eighth to three-sixteenths higher and there were several strong features in industrials. Associated Portland
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 97 6 A.P. HONGKONG, Wed. REVENUE officers today raided a small coastal steamer, all set sail for Singapore, and seized illegal cargo estimated at HK52.250.000. Hidden in various parts of the ship were: 600 taels gold, valued at HK$2.000,000: 5.000 taels opium, worth HK$lOO.--000. and $100,000
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 679 6 EVERETT ORIENT LIRE EVERETTSTAR LINE For freight passage, please apoiy to:GUTHRIE CO., LTD.. Phone Singapore 5131 Malacca Kuala Lumpur 3348 Port >^ 3(W Penang 1146 Port Swettenaa» JvUNSHELD CO., LTD. PHONE: 240 ft Uncorpow ,n *>'"b*P° re > BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carriers option to proceed via other ports to load
      679 words
    • 1588 6 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE Lloyds Agents In Singapore. Ticket Agents For Malayan Railways GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOB ADEN, LONDON, ANTWERP fiOTTI. DAM, HAMBURG BRECONSHIRE ..Gdn. 15/16..... J aiL GLENEARN —Due cKUto U.ftv. FOB STB AITS. HONGKONG. AND 'AHas Due juti, RADNORSHIRE _Pt. Sham InPPotr t JaiTl Singapore Jan. 5 J
      1,588 words

  • 325 7 Reuter. i SYDNEY, Wednesday. £T no time during this tour had England s prosu > SS. SS!S* 80 bri ht as It did on the eve of her third Test against Australia. Although unable to force a win against New South Wales
    Reuter.  -  325 words
  • 70 7 PENAN'G. Wed. gfrAL of IS horses were rwfl by a class acthe litest re-classifi-J** j the S.R.A. issl to Class 2: J" uw prince Eugene, JL Bo Ora and Token. [JT C;n=? to Ci; f.vs Coureur dv Bois, Lcre The Biessing, ST Lucky Ace,
    70 words
  • 57 7 Life Society Exaa conducted by Mr. |ni it the Mount Emily gating Pool in December, flowing candidates #i their tests: giR TO AWARD MERIT Ken Meng <4th year). Itt Jon Meng (2nd year). Sjeog Poh Kin (Ist y Seonje Foong Kwok Heng ARD OF
    57 words
  • 183 7 Reuter. CALCUTTA. Wed. X HE Commonwealth-India "Test" ended in a draw here today Commonwealth Ist Innnps—227. SCOREBOARD India l«t Inninga—467 for 7 declared. c Commonwealth ln& Inninc* Oimbiett h Mankad 40 Emmett lbw Chowdhury A Worrell lbw Haaare 68 Aires c Adhikari b
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 40 7 rE quarter-final S.H.A. knockout match between S.C.R.C. and 222 R.O.D. "B" scheduled for today haa been postponed to tomorrow (Friday. Jan. 5) at the Alexandria Road ground and not St. George's Road as announced previously.
    40 words
  • 64 7 THE sth Committee meeting of the Singapore Hockey Association win be held at the S.R.C. premises on Monday, Jan. 8 at 6 p.m. The meeting will receive reports from the Umpire Board. Disciplinary Board. Selection Committee, Knockout Competition Committee, Schools Sub-Committee, representative on the S.O.S.C. Board of
    64 words
  • 64 7 IJ.A.F. Changi scored a 12 points (four tries) to 3 (a try) win over G.H.Q. Signals in a rugby match at Changi yesterday. Score at interval was three-all, each side scoring an unconverted try through Smith (Signals) and Gravner. Tbi Airmen crossed the line for tout-ndowns three
    64 words
  • 75 7 HTHE following will represent Raffles Institution in their annual rugby match against Old Raffle.- ans on Sunday on their home ground at 5 p.m.: Chan Wah Tens: Philip Thompson. Loke Ah Yew. Leong Kok Wing. Boon Kok Peow; Lye Pak Meng. S. A. Rahman; Yeo Wee Hons,
    75 words
  • 52 7 THE Cosmopolitan Cycling Club will hold their annual danc* and prise distribution of tht belt Singapore All-Rounders competition on Sunday Jan. 14. at the Adelplu Hotf>l roof garden at 8 p.m. Tickets mav be obtained at the entrance at $2 a couple. Datin Pajrlar will give away
    52 words
  • 94 7 pLATINO with uVompietc-d S njrapore Harbor.r Board XV "chMed" out Chaser* to Ml narrow aix points (two tries) to three (a try) victory in a scrappy ruRby at tfeppel Harbour ground >e SH r B a> ied 3-0 at interval throueh an 'unconverted try by Jamieson
    94 words
  • 79 7 Reuter, AAP MELBOURNE. Wed. VICTORIA beat South Australia by T nine wickets in their Sheffield Sh<eid match here today. South Auitrai'a'a remaining three wickets fell today for the addition of f0 runs to the overniaht score of 199 for .'even. CoMn Pinch was unsafe* ted with Ht.
    Reuter, AAP  -  79 words
  • 44 7 NKVV DELHI. Wed. f|YDERABAD Pol co won the Durand Football Tournament when thev defeated Mohan Baxan of Calcutta, one of the country's oremier teams, by one roal to nil h«. r on New Year s Day after a UaiiUin. encounter.—G.I.I.5.
    44 words
  • 677 7  -  AUSTRALIANS HAIL SIMPSON AS ENGLAND'S "BRADMAN" (By REGINALD HAYTER SYDNEY, Wednesday. AN the eve of the third Test, the M.C.C. made a u gallant but vain bid to beat New South Wales, the Sheffield Shield champions here. The match ended in a draw will
    677 words
  • Article, Illustration
    428 7 SCC Women Beat Changi Ladies 2-0 SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB Women (Ist Team) played better hockey to infilct a twonil defeat on Changi Ladies in a keenly-contested game on the Padang yesterday. Factors which contributed to the S C.C. victory were their steady and tight defence and the bright
    428 words
  • 82 7 THE following have been serepresent S.C.R.C. in their quarter-final Knockout hockey match against 223 8.0.D. "B" on the Alexandria Road tomorrow Tang Chee Yuen; Dr. Ong Swee Lf.w, Chua Eng Cheng; Uan Fook Choon, Goh Chin Chye, Lav Hock Chye; Swee Urn Swang, Chal Hon Yam,
    82 words
  • 53 7 A.P. NEW YORK, Wed. LIGHTWEIGHT champion Ike WllHams and Jose Getica of Argentina have been pronounced fit for Fr'day's non-tltla bout at the Madison Square Garden. Getica. weighing I*3 ibi, was examined yesterday by Dr. Vincent Nardiello Of the New York State Athletic Comm'sston. Williams was
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 380 7 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS ■< Ar.wic» bta «itn«ri«nd Mac Kottprd»m Rotterdam *»ster«»» I ULIFAX. BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA P* I TTMORE, MOBILE NEW ORLEANS 1 < por H 9'fcarr B tdjk i HAL) Gdn. 31/32 7/8 Jan. 9/10 Feb. ■fcgkep (SMN) 18/24 Jan. 25/26 Jan. 27/28 Jan I 714 Feb.
      380 words
    • 718 7 SITS: VACANT Experienced Book-keeper required by large Agency Hous e M'ut be able to prepare Com oantes' Income Tax computa tions. Please apply in own hand writing, with copies of references, stating past experience and salary expected. Box A. 136, Tribune, Singap^'. NOTICES SCIENCE EVENING CLASSES, I VICTORIA SCHOOL. IT
      718 words
    • 596 7 I NOTICE NOTICE The Services of Mr, Dixon Chen alias Tan Teik Suan, Clerk, have terminated with these companies from the Ist January. 1951. Sin Giap Co., Hai Thong Steamship Co., 51-B. Market Street, Spore 1. NOTICE JOHORE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Tenders are invited for the carrying out of burials of
      596 words

  • 524 8 U.P LAKE SUCCESS, Wednesday. fOMMUNIST China has refused to discuss an ci L i n w-nrPQ inpiiidine the establishment of a 20-mue Dimer north« ttaMth ParalTel'the United Nations Ceasefire Commission report--6d Beneeal Rau of India made the disclosu re as
    U.P  -  524 words
  • 101 8 A.P. LONDON. Thur. rGOSLAVIA'S Communist Party last night condemned Communist China's rejection of the United Nation s appeal for a ceasefire in Korea. It was equally critical of the North Korean invasion of its neighbour, which it said was backed by Soviet arms, and ot General
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 144 8 U.P. TOKIO. Wed. FIFTH Air Force headquarters in Korea reported that more than 1.200 Communist troops were slain today by fighter bombers and light bombers of the Fifth Air Force a s they met the attacking Communists with air assaults all along the battlelines, Major General
    U.P.  -  144 words
  • 41 8 A.P. PRAGUE, Thurs. THE Rev. Vaclav Pulda, Roman Catholic Dean of Prestice near Plzen (Pilsen), has joined the local co-operative farm with his three hectares (7.4 acres) of meadow, the official Czechoslovak news agen. cy reports. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 252 8 THE scores made by the j Colony teams in the Inter-Colonial Rifle and Re- volver matches 1950 are as i follows: .303 RIFLE MATCHES S.R. "A" TEAM Score. Capt. McGee (R-O.A.C) 134 Capt. Lowe (Beds Herts) «5 W/Cdr Mills (R.A.F.) 129 F Lt.
    252 words
  • 65 8 A.P. PORTLAND. OREGON. Wed. WILLY Sm th. 163 lbs., of California, stopped fighting?, jumped from the ring and ran to his dressing room on Tuesday night in the Bth round of a match of D'mes benefit boxing bout with Archie Moore. 182 lbs. Ohio. The referee
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 530 8 S.C.C 11 ARMY 6 nESPITE a rousing all-out rally in the closing W stages of the glme, Army just failed to catch up with S.C.C.'s 113 lead to save the bacon when the two teams met in a hotly-contested and gruellinir rurbv match on
    530 words
  • 128 8 A.P. CARMARTHAN. Wales, Wed. j THE current shortage of ccal In Great Britain may cause I the Eddie Thomas Michele Palermo European Middleweight title fight to be moved from Carmarthen to Porth. The fight is scheduled for February 19. Promoter Albert Davies said the
    A.P.  -  128 words
  • 141 8 A.P. NEY YORK. Wed.—Bradley's unbeaten basketball team, winner of the Anal Associated Press poll in 1950, is back on top as the No. 1 college five in the United States. The r.ewly-crowned Sugar Bowl champions, who knocked off five opponents in the last i
    A.P.  -  141 words
  • 95 8 Reuter-AAP. MELBOURNE. Wed. WEST INDIES cricketers may not tour Australia next season because star players including Everton Weekes. Frank Worrell and Sonny Ramadhin may not be available. This was stated today by the added the shock possible caused the .«ec>-et six-day meeting of the Australian Board of
    Reuter-AAP.  -  95 words
  • 117 8 A.P. RANGOON. Wed. I THE Burmese Government announced last night security measures in the North Burma district of Monywa, where Communist disturbances have taken out. The Government said that three major towns came under simultaneous Red attack. "Strong forces'" of Communists directed their main attack
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 54 8 Reuter. NEW YORK, Wed. NEW YORK today began recruiting 500,000 volunteers for a civil defence force. The volunteers will be asked to sign a loyalty oath swearing allegiance to the constitutions of tne States and the nation and saying they have never advocated violent overthrow
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 44 8 CHICAGO, Wed. THE worst storm of the season lashed the Pacific northwest today and storm earnings flew from Canada to Monterey California. The storm hit the Washington and Oregon coastlines on Tuesday endangering sh pping and causing power and communications failures.
    44 words
  • 301 8 U.P., A.P. DETROIT, Wed. JOE LOUIS, trim and confident, predicted yesterday that he will knock out Freddie Beshore tonight in a 10-round "comeback fight at Olympia, Having melted off nearly 6 lbs. from his midriff and legs in three weeks of intensive training,
    U.P., A.P.  -  301 words
  • 202 8 U.P. LONDON, WedrccH WORTH Korean Premier Kirn II Sung called y i 11 Korean people for further sacrifices and a n he out effort to win the Korean war, which v dieted would be a "bitter struggle," Radio Mn pre reported today. Kirn's exhortations were
    U.P.  -  202 words
  • 158 8 Reuter. OTTAWA. Wed GOVERNMENT official? for*, cast that Canada n her most important ml tional role when the Cmmoowealth conference opens li London tomorrow. Caught between two giant comrades each of whoa] had divergent view? on foreipj trade and other policies it a predicted here
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 159 8 GENERAL COCKTAIL PABT» Mr. Henry Lawrence a« House, orante Koai- lANCMEO*: Bur: dence Day luncheon at Restaurant 10 A MfcTHOi>l>r A"'- 1 FEKENCE: 11 a.m. r vice, noon address hy the Harry Haines. 2 P.m. «*g meetings. 3 p.m. >™^ r te flj 5.30 p.m. Bishop
    159 words
  • 42 8 I CATANIA, RED hot laV t a heS V cS 2 ped crest oi cut volcano. Mt. n inland road J*» z»2; Sicilian coast D^ aglo ssa. j rana and L»n8 J t K ani miles north of cau
    42 words
  • 253 8 A.P. NEW DELHI, Thurs. UNLESS India's President intervenes, 12 Indian youths will hang together soon in Hyderabad for murders they committed two years' ago in connection with Communist activity there. They were arrested in the j two Communist-infested districts of Warangel and Nalgonda during the
    A.P.  -  253 words
  • 91 8 PENANG'S SIN HAW MEET F N TODAY SIN HAW Badminton Team of Penang will meet Fraser Neave in a match at the F N. hall. Trafalgar Street, today at 6 p.m. The following will represent the visitors: Heah Hock Aun. Lim Ah Soo. Victor Teh, Khoo Eng Chin. Teh Keng
    91 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 410 8 ON THE AIR TODAY j ni I I MFTWORK 12« Tamil Flhn Hits; 12.15 HinBLiUL. I\LinUlVl\ dustant Songs: 12.30 Newi; 12.40 ENGLISH PHOGBAMMES Tamil Song; 12.45 Close Down. 10.00 a.m. News from Singapore 500 p m Programme Snmrnarv; followed by the Emergency Ne»> xamll Songs Variety; 5.35 from Hut's Lumpur;
      410 words
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