Malaya Tribune, 13 September 1950

Total Pages: 28
1 8 Malaya Tribune
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  • 482 1 North Admits Hard U.N. Blows A.P. By Frank T rim ame TJ.P. Star! Correspondent. TOKIO, Today. IJNITED Nations forces pounded a weakening enemy today with guns, planes and bombs. rhe Red line sagged in the North under re from American and South Korean
    A.P.  -  482 words
  • 68 1 m IS-year-oki a drowned in River, last night, i b was badly, ts recovered at r.orning. I crew of a i:ng rubber .one godown, pped and fell. s the •Taikong' Two crews re working on mg at about night. As we th< hatch with Ah Kho.
    68 words
  • 30 1 |$>H| '.HRU. Wed. r S year old RenNarayaa the Magis- day when tvilting an Ylurayaee, at kmenuoa H. modesty on $200 j Booed wa3 P° st
    30 words
  • 169 1 U.P. WASHINGTON. Tuesday. LS. Defence Secretary Louis .Johnson and his deputy Stephen Early have resigned, effective from Sept. 19 and Sept. 30 respectively. President Truman is appointing General George Marshall to succeed Mi Johnson. Mi. Johnson's letter of resignation dated today
    U.P.  -  169 words
  • 51 1 Hedtnal history for Ihe Far East was made at Changi airport today whan a Hastings transport aircraft iit*"d out as a flying hospital took off on a five-day fligh* for (he U K. Picture shows members ot the crew and some of the sick men going
    51 words
  • 57 1 U.P. THERE was a strange 41--minute display of coloured flares by the enemy west of Changnyong at 3 a.m. today. However, there was no subsequent action by the Communists such as the one Which followed a torchlight display on the night of August 31 before the
    U.P.  -  57 words
  • 210 1 U.P. NEW YORK, Today. SECRETARY of State Dean Acheson at the first 13 Big Three session today informed the British and French delegates of the American programme for increasing Western Europe's defences against Communist aggression and asked what the Europeans were going to do. This
    U.P.  -  210 words
  • 29 1 U.P. Sirens were banned in New York City yesterday a c a civil defence measure and the action will have an unusual nationwide reaction. r.p.
    U.P.  -  29 words

  • 672 3  -  BY HAL BOYLE A.P. SOMEWHERE IN KOREA. rHERt is c indit-hunting air vei Korea as re ll as on the ground. And any isn't always fast Russian-made rican artillerymen cub grasshopper planes trer the front id sr. I enemy field tanks. And some rhe
    A.P.  -  672 words
  • 47 3 I f ln imnrovisod barrr-d-wire enclosure under North Korean prisoners squat in a i R*»d drive on longsan cn r Ul I military policemen after tht :r ir background.—A.P. I'hoto. K,r '»s V.k'ong River. ISA tanks move along the road in s -A.P. A'hoto.
    -A.P. A'hoto.  -  47 words
  • 133 3 ler Lane is being demolished after effort, to have it reserved as a historic building had failed. 11.100 Wages StbVn. took about £1.100 for Wftgei from North. Gawbcr Colliery office, near B;trr.slcy. CMi Haul.—Thieves broke into the house of A. E. Vende, a dentist,
    133 words
  • 77 3 SIR Harold Scott. Commissioner of Meuopolitan Police, announced last week that 'iOs. of tax. will be paid to an; serving or rettred officer, or a member of the Special Constabulary wl* introduces a recruit. The reward will be paid only if the candidate i
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  • 77 3 THE OLD THE HEW T Low Moor. Bradlord. A Yorkafcire, 20 exservTcemen have worked nine a day during the local B-wl ing Tide Holidays on buh'ang bouse* for themselves. Working on a co-operative basis, they have pooled money and labour and. under a '-killed building foreman who U one of
    77 words
  • 139 3 A.P. BARI, ITALY—Filippo Del Giudice, the British pro a er. said he has asked Sir Laurence Olivier to take over the leading rol? in his new teehnicolour film "Frederick The Second Del Giudice said he 'banned to make the film in oathcm Apulia, where
    A.P.  -  139 words
  • 73 3 A.P. HOLLYWOOD. 'l ton Webb isn t receiving guests on the "For Heaven's Sake set—he is pantlesa of the time. Cast as a natty angel, the actor wears a gray ensemble that must be kept absolutely wrink'e-free Director George Seeton. spotting some unsigntly corrugations in
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 TO YOUR MAKE-UP S. tiff/A maniculed fmin CUTEX Magic-wear CUTEX, so easy to apply give* beauty to your fingertips. This incredibly long-wearing polish resists chipping and peeling. Stays perfect longer—CLTEX's deal, A\\\ non-fading shades never seem to lose their brilliant lustre. ILjf j CU¥EK ipj I V VTGrU's most popular
      55 words

  • 694 4 'SARDS OF IWO JIM A." r public's remarkable story >: Marin O which. Las its premier- at the Cathay at rmdnighi i vi o; the reilly groat war pic: v res of the a j Mad" Aith the corrmle».? co-operation, of the U.S.
    694 words
  • 70 4 JUNE HAVER .ias sign d j a contract to design the interior decoration o: 10 homes for George Froiev. Beverly Hills contractor. Sew will begin the job upon completion of her curivn production Til Get By." th" musical in Technicolor sh* is making with Williaeo Lundigan. Glorie DeHaven
    70 words
  • 484 4 HEARSAY: Frank Sinai: ft isn'L thm only one *h<> may be highly Interested in Ava Gardner. Stewart Granger is in the running. 100 Gilbert Roland just bought himself a 90 acre ranch in San Fernando Valley Marlene Dietrich spends her spare moments in New York wheeling her grandchild
    484 words
  • 15 4 classy <» A> t !> v «ic Ca»OC rririv.;'!Lt£ dts.riplivMitl-:' state* WO i
    15 words

  • 1225 5  -  TODAY'S SHORT STORY BY ARTHUR CATHERALL I person more F tner that an I' must be wary n countryman; 1 include been buying and for a long met rogues, stttte business 19 the average rda whom one kind, because ki, nothing about v.nri do not try
    1,225 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 82 5 SUPERMAN b Y Wayne Borinj, .CVS MINUTES AGO- N T CAUGHT MeJroUCE?THAT_ D ES UXEY OOP oy w. OUT HIS NBCKLKC6. V* J /~^Cgkm by 211 Gapp S Hi ABNER Py i i..... .1 Pthanks FO'Th' lift- in yore BACK CHIEFSI STk^^^ Tw t do you want wore head statingr
      82 words

  • 778 6 The Commons' Debate Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. CRITICISM of Government's defence preparations and Prime Minister Attlee's speech (see oage 4 for full report) in Parliament today came trom Mr. Churchill. Conservative Opposition leader. Mr. Churchill asked why ihe Government first offered Parliament a £100.000,JOO plan, and a few dayi
    Reuter.  -  778 words
  • 1419 6  -  by CLEMENT ATTLEE. British Prime Minister LONDON. Tues DRIME Minister Attlee today told a crowded emergency session it mont today that he had every confidence that aggression in X would be halted and "a salutary lesson given to would-be aeu: "No propaganda can
    1,419 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 88 6 SORE THROATfe^^ quickly eased and Jylgs fl protected (feS Comfort and guard your fore rtHTJtt Iff l^mW Uking Peps antiseptic breathcable tablet*. 4 4gß Dissolving in the mouth, i Pcpt release* '^^HM^'V rich medicinal essences which soothe soretk» W^WKĔm^' j XĔ •nd quickly restore the delicate membranes: to f Jwalth.
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  • 380 7  -  SAYS MALIK U.P. LAKE SUCCESS. Today. BUSSIA yesterday derided the United States contention that an American plane attacked Communist-held Manchuria by mistake and declared its impression was that the incident was provocation prepared beforehand. Soviet delegate Jacob Malik served notice that he would veto the
    U.P.  -  380 words
  • 104 7 U.P. i.a Kb: success. Tues. NORTH KOREA tol<» the United Nations today that all its industry and most of its medium and light industry have been "completely destroyed" by the American Air Force. This startling acknowledgement was contained in a demand from Pak ll«-n Nen. Foreign
    U.P.  -  104 words
  • 38 7 Reuter. Alan Whicker. ExchangtTelegraph correspondent, turned up in Tokio last night saying he had been in a spot of trouble" but like Mark Tw; in. reports of his death and capture were "greatly exaggerated." router.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 24 7 For the first time since the end of the war a troupe of Japanese circus left Japan for Hawaii yesterday.
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  • 164 7 Reuter. LONDON 7 Tuei. IN the course of his speech tin Parliament today. Prime Minister Attlee sala Communism made olay very often with some of tne finest aspirations ol mankind. ,i a. It used the national aspirations oi peopies a* means of drawing thaw
    Reuter.  -  164 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 loveliest thing about you fl Carry perfume is your handbag just as you do MH your lipstick, use it as ottrn to keep you KgKO fragrantly lovely all day through aIK Goya's loveiy perfumes can make the subtle difference between looking your best and being beautiful for lilting G«ya fragrances
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 814 7 1I c j m. The Radio Orchestra. YWjljQfflY m .Ii a pi 'urn of Light Mtt- B»*«n T j ni-- in iml mImIImM from I "i.n.v.i of Ice" by I^tischaeri BLUE NETWORK •••<• X£2! ffS w«w»: Mi Kaaic l»> Alber; Nark Orchestra; FNi.LISH raOGfttMMEM Mww n G.uo ~.n, mgrMHn 000
      814 words

  • 21 9 untitled-year-old Rome Zoo elephant Juliet gave birth to her second baby on Septempber he strives gamely to stau.l up.—AJ -A.P. Ptaoin.
    -A.P. Ptaoin.  -  21 words
  • 520 9 A.P. IKHEOAN. j i ATES nelo to I 1i en put into i.i an attemi.t to i the weakest Iran piogr imme, :!i dcs assist in ?e in arming and i icney n affect ?d by i ftarcup. rvv. 'op- In iar East have
    A.P.  -  520 words
  • 654 9  - HIDE SEEK IN NO MAN'S LAND 8? Hal Boyle, A.P Correspondent. A.P. WITH AA!i-.KiCAX i-ONCE* IX KOREA OX the Xiktong Rivet i'roht Jthcre art two stii-vhcs of no-man s laud. One is on the Allied eastern side where th? Amcri'tar i:-id the South Korean so dicis aie holding defer aye
    A.P.  -  654 words
  • 60 9 PENANG. Tues. f?jrtnftc adults wljo have had no chance of education would soon be provided with an opportunity to educate themselves whi d the Malayan Chinese Association introduces free night classes. Tins matter was discussed at o General Committee meeting r>f the MCA Penang Province VVellesky.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 126 9 Hair getting thin Picture yourself in ten years! Z^k^i Baldness is bound to overtake you unless f v you do something to stop falling hair now. f %m J And you cam do something to stop it. Hair Vyav falls out because it is starved out. starved of the natural
      126 words

  • 102 11 Jockey' Dance Nets 10,000 ;•>• "Spot" j M dayan Jockeys' As- ation Annual Charity held at Raffles Hotel was a great sueTh: proceeds- -over $1 -.vii go to the Weltare hou.c for the Glint:. Johore and St. is' Home for Bind :< n. Penang. Aithur Ay re-, on "of tli<-
    102 words
  • 42 11 Indian Recreation Club ;<v a friendly game of inst R.A.F. Chanu: Fairer Yiik. A uam to the Indians will be from the following. in, V» 100. .sodarajah. Balan, .ani. Rahim, In. Param. S. V. Aii. I. Osteon, Awthar Balalrrishaa, Rrhchna,
    42 words
  • 34 11 lm have b> rii select- sent tb« S.H.B.K.F.C. Si c Soon today, a' Keppel Harbour >ates, B nullum. Saunl Eh I Vrcher; Reed. Mat-Donald. Farwel). Peek. Trevor, M«_- Omar. Khamid. South.
    34 words
  • 29 11 ING, Toes. Dr. T. ng, will take over ihe -a »1 the Chief Medical sht :i Dr. C. H. Wil- tis goes on a short leave istraHa.
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  • 18 11 Football and Table teams lefl Singapore for le rat ion by Inl jrnationil p.irt Dakota yeMerday.
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  • 30 11 L.BOURNE, Tuee. Abdul lia i"day entered the of the men.-? s o-les a -;ralian oocn Squash "phitithfn here Bari Porter of Melbourne 9 ■'•>■ in the quarter ttnai ater.
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  • 25 11 Chinese Bunk Sports ted ('able and Wire- oah to one in a House B" Lea eve on BO DC A nan j_
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  • 18 11 Cricks Club ycgnl •j HEME by to nil n a hockey i on i be .adami.-
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  • 319 11 ES ranging from gent's batswing fancy ties to a brooch in shape of a Scotciier have been discovered by the ShigaPolice in the home of a burglar whom they rj recently. member of the public who believes he any of the recovered property may
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  • 79 11 Brigadier E. C. Catlrell-H H, Chief of Staff. Head-laari ira 81alava, .yon the Individual SU r. shooting contest over 3> yards al the Aimv Kifb* > outside Kuala Lumpur ret Tilly. The runner-up was A. Parish. Other results were: Ist. Major t (t Lyons; 2nd. Capt.
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  • 387 11 U.P. BOMBAY, Tuesday. MALAYAN badminton stars Tan Jin Eong and A Piruz won the Western Inriia badminton doubles championship by beating pevinder Mohan and George L. Lewis of India, 15-9, 15-b, before a packed gallery today. In the mixed doubles. Tan and Miss Suman
    U.P.  -  387 words
  • 313 11 TIQER Standard maintained their unbeaten record lerday wb»-i: tb*»s «H'Ore»i a convincing 7 1 victory over Shell S.C. in a Bus oeaa House "A" League lixt ur»: a? Gey lan;' Stadium. Although Ui.'y ntti ni ?e\en vtoals, Tigws never went a;I qui. The losers, however, played detecmind
    313 words
  • 98 11 P T Sports club defeated ROfi Uparta <~lub by three frames ly>o Su iriendly ■-•>• e of bptbhiaton ov< r the v >'d. The reaußa arete »P T ulayjpr? lueniioawd fUsO: Goh Tun. Sen 4>s; to Ismail I*l 15, la ■1—15: John Loh beat Sim Wee .1* S,
    98 words
  • 33 11 The Singapore Chinese Football Association i »urtag rtde wi!'. leave Kalian A rpart at 8..; 1 am. by air totaorr >w for then ten day tour of Bangkok and Burma.
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  • 321 11 MALAYS, shocked Royal Navy yesterday, when they notched two quick goais in the last minute to chalk Up a three-nil victory in their Community League game at Jalan Besar. Royal Navy, who took the field favourites, Were all al «ea yesterday, and never showed
    321 words
  • 58 11 Reuter. London, The*. FoaAbafl results: TII IK 11 DIVISION (Southern ieotleal "outbend United 4. Aldersho» 2 TlllKlt division ilterthern Sccti«»a): OldhsJU Aihleiii 3. Scunthorpe United Southport 4. Barrow 1: Trunin. Rovers 12. Rotherham United L OL (MOW CI P (flam Mail): Rangers 2. Partick Thistle HIIMM ftOIJ)
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 224 11 ■NHfNGfi v,. r. on ihe Qiitel ide Bukit Tiniah this m imieg, but tra k wateliors we re warded for the.r trouble when T\R\ STREET did his f«rsi L-a!lo:> sm. t vain ing start, d. With \V. Bagby in the saddle, this Flamenco raiding wen!
    224 words
  • 130 11 A.P. SCABBROUGH, Ties. W -r Indies cawed out tlieir En rlish ;ot:r today b> drawing their '.am againi the All-Star ream, got together by H.D.G. Leves »nGower. the rued ri< k*>t legJslato r Clyde Walcott. West I: Ilea burly wtekei-neeper, and flow bowler, Sonny Ramadhin. wore
    A.P.  -  130 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 25 11 dramatise your natural loveliness Dramatic, brilliant and satin.smooth glowing finish to your natural loveliue** YARD LEYJlp&tic/c (in nine lovely colour*) filtlll OL» lOXB ITIIH tO«l»l
      25 words

  • 311 12 THE All-India table tennis rimk--1 ed Ffth in the world, arrived at KaUang Airport by a Malayan Airways Dakota from Kuala Lumpur this morning. They participated in the World Championships in Budapest Hungary. They left Calcutta on the s.s. Sirdhana on August 31 and
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  • 55 12 TODAY'S MARKETS RUBBER market opened with buyers keen and sellers scarce. The market then moved up to the level with pood undertone. Prices at lunch break: Buyers Sellers cents cents No. 1 RSS FOB Sept. 150 151 No. 2 RSS FOB Sept. H9 150 No 3 RSS FOB Sept.
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  • 15 12 Tin price was S31MJ per picul down $5. London: tTTH per run —down 19.
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  • 27 12 L<ondon continues to display interest in t n and rubber shares but lot-ally there isno particular enthusiasm. Industrials are flight ly firmer and rubbers quietly steady.
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  • 6 12 Gold prce: $191 per tahi!
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  • 118 12 Reuter AAP. HONGKONG. Wed. AIRCRAFT of the United States 7th Fleet began round-the-clock patrols over the Formosan Straits, and many ships come under the scrutiny of American observation planes, according to crew members of the vessel Cheung Hing. which has rr vod here from the north.
    Reuter & AAP.  -  118 words
  • 60 12 No stamps of high value were offered at yesterday Singapore Stamp Club auction held at the Cathay Restaurant. A few stamps. how changed hands after some brisk bidding The Club received six ip',,ications lor membership. Among those present were Mr. WJt Langdon, U.S. Consul General, Mr. A.
    60 words
  • 95 12 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. r IRTY YEAR OLD Ho Yuen Lim a clerk interpreter attached to the Detention Camp at Kluang. was sentenced by Mr. W. 3. Sutherland in the Sessions Court at Kluang yesterday to eight months rigorous imprisonment for cheating a squatter at
    95 words
  • 309 12 RACE ONE CI. 2. Div. 5—6 Furs, and 5 Yds. 571-362 ONGSVILLE 8.05 (8) Tulloh 1 244-209 Coastguard 8.09 <4) Ellery 2 215-198 GUian 8.08 (5) Lansdown 3 818-363 La-Wan 7.12 (3) Dunwoodie 4 255-204 Envoy 7.12 (1) Woods —i 5 303-234 Baba
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

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    • 1084 1 Day Of Small Di vidends SINGAPORE, Today. f ROY DON (Bagby) created a record this afteron when he clipped a fifth of a seond off wrn 1949 record by running 6 furs and 3 jards in mm. 13 seconds in today's big race.
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    • Article, Illustration
      54 1 Mr. Chen Chi Chang, who arrived in Singapore by a Pan American Airways Clipper after a four-year predental course in Morningside College of lowa. At the airport to welcome him were his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Chen Su Lan, his sister Chi Chin and his brothers, Chi
      54 words
    • 65 1 SINGAPORE. Today. A MALAY labourer of the Base Ammunition D<>not. Kranji. was arrested today after he had been stopped at thi. guard house as he went out ior lunch and searched A new grenade was found under his cloihing. Two other men, both Chinese and
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    • 85 1 A.P. i NE. Tociav. 1 avelled 0.000 a Brisbane and he nod The couole is First Lieutenant R. O. Walton and willowy blonde 24 year-old Betty Usher. Said the lieutenant: "A buddy of mine back home >tUte£ us off. He had a pin-up of
      A.P.  -  85 words
    • 130 1 A.P.P. flAtnmi TOKIO, Wednesnday. SOUTH KOREAN forces, northeast of the beleaguered city of Taegu, have advanced from one to five miles, and established a defence line "in force" 12 miles east of Yongchon. The U.S. First Cavalry trooops dug in on a hill
      A.P.P.  -  130 words
    • 295 1 SINGAPORE, Today. JUDGMENT in favour of twelve occupants of rooms in house No. 130, Sophia Road, holding that they had the right of tenancy against the landlord, was delivered by Mr. Justice Evana in the High Court today in the suit brought by Madame Goh Suat
      295 words
    • 29 1 TOKIO, Wednesday. TYPHOON Kczia has dissipated intc a tropica'' .-torni while still south of Japan s soutnern island of Kyushu, the Japanese Central meteorological obaervnt v town
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    • 45 2 Carrying flags of the untitled State*. l l n*eu Nations, and the tteptrtjfce ot Korea, an honwr *«Rrtt ol soldiers (»1 the Republic >ta nds ai attention as a Uoop transport carrying I'nited States \1 •n» v docks at a port in thKepMblk of ivorea.
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    • 101 2 Reuter MELBOURNE. Professor If; D. Goldman of Melbourne I nivi is'ty and Dr. O. Spindler of Sydney University found that they could understand each other in 16 d.Ji'er-t-nt languages when they met for the first time at a conference of foreign langu >g< 1-eturers German.
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 331 2 A.P. NEW YORK. AN electrical arm and nylon hand for amputees has A been announced by the International Business Machines Company. The electrical machinery is housed in a hollow artificial forearm. Inside nylon fingers of an almost perfect-looking hand, there are
      A.P.  -  331 words
    • 28 2 Reuter. Wilholm Pfeck, East German yesterday declared to a Soviet Zone peace rally in Saxony that East Germany must become strong to ward off American* aggression.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  28 words
    • 115 2 HOLLYWOOD, [T IS the wedding scene for "Father Of The Bride." Elizabeth Taylor, dressed in her satin bridal attire. is limbing- up the stairs of her home and preparing to fling her bridal bouquet into the oatst:etched aims of bride maids and guests l.clow. i'nine.- the
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    • 382 2 -If You Do Not Mmd Riots, Snakes And Aggressive Cows A.P. HOLLY WOOF) a picture in India is great fun Hollywood actor Tommy Breen, "if you dot* mind riots, sweltering heat, deadly snakes and X cows. Tommy has just returned from making the
      A.P.  -  382 words
    • 55 2 A.P. HOLLY WOOD. Vtveca Lmdfors wa? touring WRY naurtae at the Navy- Pt mis.-iio test I iHoil whore she acted in "The flylog Missile •Like 'f' asked the tub command sr. I've never teen such C .».azc of .gadgets in my life, -she replied. 'Cut there's net a
      A.P.  -  55 words
    • 324 2 IIEOPLE I lago of rhaxted. Est England can sleep p-;<. fully now with the Itaorledge that 'he 'Vlrph. mystery" has been ntvi I For we eks now a Btfai nocturnal apparition a elephant 12 leet long feet high nai b en > *n walking through the dark
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    • 1405 3  -  TODAY'S SHORT STORY BY ARTHUR CATHERALL is one person more another that an dealer must be wary the countryman. rj d term l include been buying <nd itiques for s long i have met rogues, pit tons, astute business an II is the average person towards
      1,405 words
    • 663 4 Behind The Silver Screen SANDS OF IWO JIMA." R< public's remarkable story ol 'he Iftar which has its premiere at the Cathay at midnight next Barardaj sill rani ol the really great war pictures of the age. Made with the complete co-operation of the U.S. Marine Corps
      663 words
    • 67 4 JUNE HAVER lias signed a contract to design the interior decoration of 10 homes for George Froley. Beverly Hills contractor. She will begin the job upon completion of her curren" production "I'll Get By." the musical in Technicolor she is making with William Glorie DeHaven and Dennis Day.
      67 words
    • 434 4 HEARSAY: Frank Sinatra isn't the only one who may be highly interested Id Ava Gardner. Stewart Granger is in the running too Gilbert Roland just bought himself a 90 acre ranch in San Fernando Valley Marlene Dietrich spends her spare moments in New York wheeling her grandchild in
      434 words
    • 35 4 CLASSY CHASIS Ilollvwood sterlet rw R ie Castle receive* descriptive title v Class* Chassis r some experts ss 1 subject ai. ir the United L'nion ol seven w states. Kice fcoys
      35 words
    • 34 5 untitled-year-old Rome Zoo elephant Juliet gave birth to her second baby, on September U .J,. M Borne R r a boy of about pounds, rnoio, UDhe i d by Zoo attendants as -A.P. Photo.
      -A.P. Photo.  -  34 words
    • 514 5 A.P. TEHERAN, i STATES nelp to I been put into i l an attempt to f the weakest coii war f: rits. programme, a l ies assistance in inning and money been affected by an flarenp. Ocv. 'opI ar East have the pac« hows
      A.P.  -  514 words
    • 486 5 VEARLY 100 delegates from 43 countries in the free world are holding their own Shoemen's UNO in Paris this week. They are the representatives of over 50.000 people, who work in the factories and distributive companies *>f the world-wide Bata orgatttfia* tion. Every year they meet in
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    • 58 5 PENANG. Tues. Chinese adults who have had no chance of education would soon be provided with an opportunity to educate themselves when the Malayan Chinese Association introduces free night classes. This matter was discussed at a General Committee meeting of the MCA Penang Province Wellesley. held
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    • 53 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. PORTY-FIVE year old RenT gan son of Narayaa claimed trial in the Magistrates' Court today when charged with assaulting an Indian \xoman. Murayatv. at Bukit Chagar with intention to outrage her modesty. He was released on $200 hail when tru case was postponed
      53 words
    • 169 6 facolj A Malik >. from left U table, hand raised. Russian delegate to the L'nited Nations Beeurit) Council, cast* his counir> Hth veto at Lake Success. Neu York ou Sept. b. as in votes "no" on a ISA proposal before the Council calling on all
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    • Article, Illustration
      83 6 Here is i Be meuiber v! Use X IF who arrived in sinu i •ore on the Trooper "Oranna" yesterday uh«>m the tropical climate of IHalaya will not disturb rery much lie is l \le\ Al.ipini. and lie hails iron. Nigeria. West Africa. \le\ went to England to
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    • 174 6 A MOVE to form a oranrh of the U.M.N.O. in Singapore has been made by six organising committee members which include Dato Syed Ahmad Alsagoff. Sidik Haji Abdul Hamid. President of the Malay Welfare Council, Singapore. Syed Ali Aiatas. Drills Sheriff. Ibrahim Mohamed and Syed
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    • 64 6 PENANG, Tuc?. The Salvation Army Boy.-' Home in Sunge: Pinang has been presented with EMraJve G.E.C. radio set by Mr. Tom Crosslcy of the British Engineering Co-operation. Penar\' r ihe f>9 boys of Ure Home listen in to the radio in then leisure time and
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    • 36 6 Mr H. T Koss. Government Printer. Federation of Malaya, anil broadcast IB the series "What the Departments are doing' on Friday. The talk will be b/Jadclst over the blue Nttwork of Itadio Malaya-
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    • 79 6 Dr. s. Appudurai who is attached to the Medical Department Johore,. left for U.K. on Sept. 9 on a Departmental study leave for a period of fifteen months. .The Doctor said that he will attached to the Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond St. London. He expects to finish his
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    • 81 6 Reuter. OATJHATI. fa j Mr. A. Kingdon Wi :"g r tish botanist un d awS and bis me pod at Rima the Assam t> Landslidi 5 ca sed I earthquake cay report/ j r s 1 "j A rescm party oj i, >a linemen led
      Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 96 6 untitled XFW DLHI Dsns] The Government of In«m have permitted aaothei beta ot 0.000 red nt Ifuslim rsntS from T'tt v Pr,!.! return io the State ir, I ptember and October. Thej will be given permit and rsiw.ty ticket fact] ti a m n given to
      untitled  -  96 words
    • 83 6 U.P. Arna. LUCKNOW Tues MAJOR-GENERAL G. S Dhillon. Commseder, W tar Pradesh Area, hsi allowed to retire from U dian Army on grounds of ij health. Oaramiiwiaacd years ago from Sandhurst, ho is I veteran of sewn* frontier operatic- t During the has served in the
      U.P. Arna.  -  83 words
    • 663 7  -  BY HAL BOYLE A.P. IN KOREA. i ad it- hunting r Korea as mound. And isn't always Russian-made artillerymen chopper planes ver the front. enemy field -inks. And some Reds have i naged to obfew cub Planes ot own which they paint American markings
      A.P.  -  663 words
    • 83 7 HOME TOWN NEWS FROM BRITAIN Sir Harold Scott, Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, announced last week that -<>s. frc> cf tax. will be paid lo an serving or retired offieei or a member of the Special Constaludavv v. introduces a rocnut. TTK reward will
      83 words
    • 213 7 THE Oiß THE NEW AT -Low Moot. Bradford, York.* He. 2S mob have WtWi flhe VJjrs a d iV during the local B wlhcWs for th-mselv^ Working on a co-op- v< .1-.. they have pooled rnonej and laTtfW and. under a -Wiled t:uiidinf foreman who U| r tberr M are
      213 words
    • 37 7 j harr t l-uire enclosure unuVr North Kor,an P---- squ. in MdrW, on Y^san Isa military |K&ceme. Ml *tW r rM in the to*** AJ 1 v.K»,m- Kiv-r. FSA tanks move H-'»aff A.P. Photo.
      A.P. Photo.  -  37 words
    • 144 7 A.P. BAKb IT AI A' F.lippo Del C.iudice. vhc British prokner. Id he h- i asked Sir Laurence Otlvler lo lake over the a ins rola in his new tcchn colour tlftn "Frederick The Second Del Giudice said he .Vanned to make the film
      A.P.  -  144 words
    • 78 7 A.P. HOLLYWOOD. "-ton Webb isnt receiving guests on the "For Heaven s Sake" set —he s pantless moat of the time. Cast as a natty angel, the actor wears a gray ensemble that must be kept absolutely w i inkle-free Director George See ton. spotting
      A.P.  -  78 words
    • 92 8 A.P. WASHINGTON. Wednesday. GENERAL GEORGE C. Marshall aid he will accept a Presidential request to become Secretary of Defence if Louis Johnson resigns and Congress passes a law to permit him la serve. Congressional leaders promised speedy action to clear the way ior Marshall's appointment. There
      A.P.  -  92 words
    • 41 8 i-1 TON. Wednesday. 4 physici in attending Bernard Shaw said i-xlav there was no chance he would quit his bed for at least 14 days. "He is still very weak," the decto- pointed out A P WASHINGTON, Wednesday'
      41 words
    • 60 8 Governor Sir Franklin Gimson who performed the opening ceremony of the "Hollandsche Club Singapore" at Adam Road last night at the -R ir of the new Club. On his right is the Acting Consul General for t» Netherlands Mr. J. van der Gaag. On the extreme left is Mr F
      60 words
    • 91 8 MALACCA. Tues. A gross sum of $4,700.83 was raised during Welfare Wet it (July 29— Aug. 5) in Alor Gajah district. This sum is about $1,700 in excess of tha traised last year. A sum of $1,150.26 was raised by the sale of flags and
      91 words
    • 54 8 Four toy pistols found on six Indonesian po'.icemen who arrived by a Pan-American Clipper wire taken off from them by the customs officials. They had bought the toy pistols in Manila, The pistol." will ho returned when they leave fcr Indonesia today. They wen on a
      54 words
    • 67 8 A.P. LOS ANGELES, Wed. U S. Senator Olim Johnston. Dcmoei it, South Carolina, said tbe Pnitcd States should immediately warn Russia that the next act of aggression will mean that the United States "will carry the fight to the very heart of Communist aggression,
      A.P.  -  67 words
    • 443 8 A.P. TOKIO, Wednesday. IINITED Nations forces today were mopping up rear areas from which they had driven North Korean Communists trying to crack the 125-mile Allied perimeter. The American First Cavalry Division, battling grimly to defend Taegu, last night were pushed from two hill positions
      A.P.  -  443 words
    • 39 8 A.P. KORZA. Wcdn THE r.s. Army can© fice beer ration froi day and an imm -<i;at of protest v/ent up from the soldiers. The army acted because of adv< r lie opinion in the I States.—A.P
      A.P.  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 48 1 BIG SWEEP Total Pool *385,255.00 1st. Prize: *****5 $173,364 2nd *****1 86,682 3rd. *****5 48,156 Starter*: $4,377.00 each: *****6, *****3, *****3, *****1, *****5, *****8, *****6, *****5, *****7, *****3, *****6. Consolation: S2.889.00 #»ach: *****8, *****0, *****1, *****1, *****7, *****8, *****5, *****2, *****5, *****0. Double Tote: 138 tickets— S109 each.
      48 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 102 2 Clf 111 illHifiv IStIN 73i/5 wonderful liquid healer *m <dim yo, t (mmkm; Are -•t ,v 'i '.ing I Siiin? I »0»»-n initnif <lny? l>oes t "Q.O* it st>>i» y<> i Uaening «i likdu I Then Ivcci 7 1 try tliv- Faromi -1* AMg iMMdy which lv few" give
      102 words

  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 40 3 SUPERMAN by Wayne Borinc* -MJ PLAKTCO THE )U1 T«= VAULT- "Xd 'glgiySTOe 1 THE <.«TeSoW TURNWB WAS_«UjTE V »V V. T. Hamlin 1 fT o /aTßJtfii UK ABNER by 111 Capp BACW CHIE y i r-i^i^V^ K l] |lF^3 N^
      40 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 100 5 Hair getting thin fc Picture yourself in ten years! C^3^) Baldness is bound to overtake you unless f gB I youdosoinctbingtostopfamnghairNOW. Andyou can do something to stop it. Hair jf 2 falls out because it is starved out. J starved of the natural foods on J which it lives. Silvikrin
      100 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 64 6 Who's been at the How tl.e family loves Huntley and Palmers' 'Barley Biscuits The only trouble is they go so quickly with children around. Not that you can really mind thesedelicious biscuits arc so nourishing, and are the most economical way of providing the goodness that children need. HUNTLEY ft
      64 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 CUTEX Magic-weax CUTEX, so easy to apply —gives beauty to your fingertips. This incredibly long-wearing polish resists chipping and peeling. Stays perfect longcr-CUTEX's clear, /flh non-fading shades never seem Hi| to lose their brilliant lustre. T^asjV 1 CUTEX PI) World'i most popular nail polish. fj gjSj 1
      47 words

    • 68 1 MALAYA Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Ttk TribyntjJ S 'p°^3r Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh ana Penang. UUtCmX SAIJ2 MaN any afihrnoon PAPIJt IN MAI A YA Phone 5811/3 Nine Unci EIGHT PA^gjjjjy SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1950 PRICE TEN CENTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE
      68 words
    • 220 1 Marshall Succeeds Johnson: Enemies Forced Resignation U.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE U.S. Defence Secretary Mr. Louis Johnson r signed today, and President Truman announced the selection of General George C. Marshall to succeed him. The White House also announced that Pr isident Truman will we*
      U.P.  -  220 words
    • 157 1 Reuter. LONDON. Tuts. IN the course of his Epeech in Parliament today. Prime Minister Attlee said Communism made Dlay very often with some of the finest aspirations ol mankind. It used the national aspirations of peopc?s at a means of drawing thus* with no
      Reuter.  -  157 words
    • 606 1  -  THE MYSTERY OF THE KOREAN WAR i*y Julian Bates. Reuter-AAP Correspondent Reuter-AAP. th rn S0Uth rean Second Corps advanced* s vostVrH v r™ Mall ff 1 resistance on the north-east front in Korea MacAithur s HQ announced this morning. t: K reans ca
      Reuter-AAP.  -  606 words
    • 132 1 A.P. Cairo. Wednesday. ISRAELI .TROOPS in an attack begun on Aug. 27 Invaded" Hashemite lian and seized a vital i near the important nberg hydro-electric project, the Arab News Agency said last night. The 'ericy in a Damascus dispatch jaid the Jewish s were driven out
      A.P.  -  132 words
    • 35 1 i»» SiOi La-Wan (Race I) Billy Carol (Race 3) Abbotslord p, ce .>> B> "LONGSBOT" r S Quin «Hace 3> ißacj 4» worth 'Race 8» ging very good if weaSEE PAG E SEVEN
      35 words
    • 63 1 I'll EKE will be iwo extra rllttons of the Malay I Tribune today. The first vs the usual 3.30 edition which will Hitry of the first few races Bukit Timali tou iy. lit on to all the latest world -ccond edition will t>e .round seven o'ciocK
      63 words
    • 17 1 Till: Commissioner General. Mi Miltolm MncDonald. v. to work in a helicopter morning.
      17 words
    • 103 1 U.P. LAKE SUCCESS. Tucs. NORTH .KOREA told the United Nations today that all its industry and most of its medium and light industry have been "completely destroyed" by the American Air Force. This startling acknowledgement was contained in a demand from Pak Hen Nen. Foreign Minister
      U.P.  -  103 words
    • 37 1 Reuter. Alan Whickcj", ExchangeTelegraph correspondent, turned up in Tokio last night saying he "had been in a spot of trouble" but like Mark Twain, reports of his death and capture were "greatly exaggerated."- Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 177 1 Tribune Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S aided-school »3 teachers are fighting mad over government.; altitude in forcing them to accept the Benham salary scales. The Singapore Teachers' Union, half of whose 600 members are aided-school teachers, is to hold an extraordinary general meeting to 'protest against Government's
      177 words
    • 26 1 Renter. The newly recruited Siamese Korea force of 4.000 volunteers is now beginning their training to become a first class lighting unit. Reuter.
      Renter.  -  26 words
    • 315 1 COMMISSION RECOMMENDS.... Tribune Staff Reporter. rTHP Mnaaoort Hawkers Inquiry Commission. T H f t fs understood, has recommended the licenSing A° t f there are ab our 2 P o r ooo n unlieensed h aw k ers again* 7.500 licensed hawkers in the Colony.
      315 words
    • 39 1 STOP PRESS U.P. KOREA FRONT: The Communists lost 12.240 troop> killed or captured in the past week, during whiea their all-out offensive was stopped on the 10-miie front, according to ontcial statistics.—U.P.
      U.P.  -  39 words
    • 63 1 LAKE SUCCESS. Today.— Russia used its 45th United Nations veto yesterday to kill the American proposal for an on-thc-spo; United Nations inquiry into the Chinese Communist charges that American planes had attacked Manchuria. The Security Council then smothered a Soviet counter proposal to condemn the United States for
      63 words
    • 156 1 U.P. LAKE SUCCESS. Today RUSSIA withheld its vtto today and content d itself with abstention as the United Nations Secutity Council approved iti annual report to the General Assembly. Soviet delegate Jacob A. Malik, who had thieatened a "double veto" jf tie report when the
      U.P.  -  156 words
    • 34 1 Reuter. Prime Minister Clement Attlee yesterday called upon private meeting of the 315 strong Parliamentary Lahout Party to give 100 per cent backing to the Government's new £3.400.000.000 rearmament plans. Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 776 1 The Commons' Debate Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. /CRITICISM of Government's defence preparations and Prime Minister Attlee's speech (see page 4 for full report) in Parliament today came from Mr. Churchill, Conservative < I leader. Mr. Churchill asked why the Government Qrst offered Parliament a £100.000,--000 plan, and a few
      Reuter.  -  776 words
    • 44 1 U.P. Aviation experts took a long look at Britain's "fastest interceptor plane in the world in London yesterday and said that Russia may have developed one almost as fast from the jet engines shipped to Moscow by the Labour Government. —U.P.
      U.P.  -  44 words
    • 219 1 SINGAPORE, Wed. MEDICAL history for the Far East was made at Changl early today when a Hastings transport aircraft fitted out as a flying hospital took off on a five-day flight back to U.K. She carried as passengers nineteen sick and wounded servicemen 14
      219 words
    • 24 1 For the first time since the end of the war a troupe of Japanese circus left Japan for Hawaii yesterday.
      24 words
    • 16 1 Reuter. The Japunese Cabinet yesterday decided to ban bicycle racing in Japan.--Reutei.
      Reuter.  -  16 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 51 1 TOMC CUAN 23-10, COLCMAN 9TRCCT, gINGAPOae.Tci.3SI2. VIOLIN OUTFITS a^B NNN^(Jjj^^ Each Outfit consists of One Violin Omßw. One Case; the violin is E-strlng Adjuster and is supplied with of Rosin. Six Models available from stocks. S6O, SEO, $95, 5125, $165, $225, (Postage Packing $2.-each) T M A LTD VIENNA MUSIC
        51 words
      • 72 1 pirco $27.50 Brit Sole Distributors: Tan Cherg Men Electric Cc, 152. Cross Street, Singapore. RIDE A RALEIGH THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE THERE NEVER WAS A BETTER BICYCLE MADE AND THERE NEVER WILL BE This is the trade mark of Britain's supreme bicycle. Produced in the World's /iIL largest cycle factory. For
        72 words
    • 262 2 SUNGEI SIPUT, Tuesaay. OUNGEI Siput C.I.D. men accom P a !J* e^_„. t c S jungle squads arrested four Chinese Students of Heng Chung High School here y e st erc *ay. Students were suspected of having writt two threatening letters to-two teachers of
      262 words
    • 78 2 Ht rp is i ne member ol the RAF who arrived in Singanore on the Troonev "Ortlnna" yes*°rdny whom the tropical climate of >»alaya wiM not disturb very much. He is AC I. Alex Alapini. and he hails from Nigeria. West Africa. Alex went to England to Radio Engineering at
      78 words
    • 167 2 Curving foXy-two passengers for Fremantle. Australia and nine passengers for Djakarta, the Dutch Royal Inter-Ocean Line motor vessel Maetsuyekcr". saile<! from S.ngapore for Fremantle via EMakarta at four o'clock yesterday afternoon. Among the passengers goIng to Australia were Mr. H. O. V. Jenkins. Senior Trade
      167 words
    • 91 2 Ml s. Hilda X Mooe.iead. Agent In Wanly* and sfam uf the International Pre -ident jf the Tin csophical Society, left yesterday for India by air. Mrs. Moot head will jo r the International Headqm.rters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, South India, as
      91 words
    • 48 2 PENANG. Tues. The "Sirdhana'* which wa.s to have lelt for Singapore on Sunday got stuck on a mudbank in the roads. It is understood' that the Sirdhan i nas been towed iway irom the mud. but it will be still in the roads lor an kndeftnite period.
      48 words
    • 139 2 The Go\crnor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Ginuon. in a letter to Mr. Steya \M Acting Rercesentattve of the South African Government in Singapore, on the deaih of Field Marshal Smuts, 1; •T do not need to attempt to eulogise Ms outstan nng career-he is too well known,
      139 words
    • 256 2 Reason: Our Men Are Still There THE tight-lipped silence that has been characteristic of the many large parties of Chinese Communist Government envoys and officials that have passed through Singapore in recent weeks on their way to establish Red Embassies in neighbouring South-East
      256 words
    • 363 2 —Woman Tells Court Six Chinese, Gwee Say vaig, 34, Tan 800 Yong. 42, Yeo Yong Huat, 22, Lime Yit Lye, 14. Tan Chek Sin. 35, and Li c Kong Geek, 37 claimed trial in the Fourth Police Court yesterday, when charged with* helping tc run an
      363 words
    • 63 2 The police are looking for 11-year-old Berty March who has been missing from his home. 87 Joo Chiat Road, since the morning of September 8. Berty w r ho is an Indian boy is described as of thai build and about 4ft. 6ins. tall. When he
      63 words
    • 238 2 BY the quayside where the Troopship Devonshire wa.s making preparations for sailing yesterday afternoon with 700 troops and their families bound for the United Kingdom, stood a lone melancholy figure at a discreet distance piping a farewell to his friend. He was R.A.F. Sergeant
      238 words
    • 94 2 HCXDREDS streamed into the Municipal Council Chamber from early yesterday morning to view the place where five years ago Admiral Louis Mountbatten accepted the Japanese surrender. In the chamber on the raised dais where Mountbatten pat was a copy of the surrender instrument. Cards on the
      94 words
    • 77 2 GOVERNOR Sir Franklin Gimson last night op ned the $200,000 Ho'.landsche at Adam Road High Government Officials, Consular Representatives, Municipal Officers. Representatives from the Services, Legislative Councillors and Municipal Commissioners weie a mon,.; those present The President of the Club, Mr. J. van der Lean said that
      77 words
    • 220 2 KILL TWO, WOUND TWO JOHORE BAHRU. Tuesday" DANDITS trapped r.nd attacked a Police party v in Johore yesterday afternoon. They killed two Police Constables and wounded two Extrn Police Constables. A British-other-rank was wounded when bandits fired at a security forces' patrol in an area in
      220 words
    • 123 2 AN impressive lenriee oi Thanksgiving lor the liberation of Singapore was held at St. Andrews Cathedral yesterday. The Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. R. W. Baines delivered the sermon. Reverend Baines recalled the memories of the occupation and expressed appreciation in the way in which
      123 words
    • 178 2 Coroner Tola MR W. G. PORTER, the Singapore Coroner yesterday held an inquest intc, the death ot 37-year-old Lieutenant Ronald Smith of tw Royal Navy. At ihe time oCttM the Commanding Officer of H.M.S. Banunc which was carvine out demolition worK. Commancer of the
      178 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 246 2 C? f Cj> M.CM presents 9 V f I WfI^UJL th* romantic comedy of the year! fW ■I|| Jj| SrTOßmy E x-tr ELIZABETrI WLDR. n a.m.. L«fc 4.15, t* 9.30. CeI J O DAY S OPENING TOMORROW 1 GABLE'S KX<!tTING HIT FIGHTING* LOVING GAMBLING. V*""** M-G-M's virile romantic drama! Mm*
        246 words
      • 10 2 ANQLO-FRENCH TRADING CO.. LTP-. Singapore Kuala Lumpur. Malacca Penang ip«
        10 words
    • 260 3 HOUSEHOLD REMOVAL-BY AIB tt </ Borneo village of I Siangan, almost tut off ti p. outside world, can on* of th< most uphousehohi rem oca I ation* on record. Borneo Government recentU d to st nd a European trici Officer to the area, the Indonesian border,
      260 words
    • 92 3 PENANG. Tues. The Resident Commission.!r. Ft P. Bingham, penning the opening cereV of the Art Exhibition ■invent School recently d Miss D. J. Aikman having brought the exhi- to Penang. He said: "It i? Of great ir- to ;dult? and of even interest to our school
      92 words
    • 154 3 VIVACIOU3 Miss Viola Keats, V famous English stage star arrived in Singaoor* by Qantas BOAC Constellation ves'.crday for a stay in the Colony on n -r way back to her New \t i home. She ius. finished playing '•St r '»ctcar Named Desire, in
      154 words
    • 102 3 .V. 4, Sprt" Thf Itelavsn Jockeys" Association nnual Charity OC VI T- baffles rK>t«l Dan nHv w great suQproc g ee f s--over Nicholas Home Children, p.-nang. Tockev Arthur Aytei, op tJhSf Of th«- Association, tanked Mr. J. Mason DirPCtOI 'I L.IH 0 utl1 Co Ltd.
      102 words
    • 36 3 The East West Society w nroDCse that "immediate ?teps should be taken to abohKawkcrs from finm™ .t i debate with the Karnes University of Malaya, orf Sept. 14 at the British Council Hall.
      36 words
    • 331 3 ARTICLES ranging from gent's batswing fancy A bcw ties to a brooch in shape of a Scottish soldier have been discovered by the Singapore Police in the home of a burglar whom they arrested recently. Any member of the public who believes he cwns
      331 words
    • 46 3 There was a lot of excitement in crowded China and Church Streets yesterday afternoon, when a gas main near the junction of the two streets burst into flames. People standing by however put out the fire before the arrival of two fire engines.
      46 words
    • 103 3 Court Told .iOHOrU: B..HRC Tuesday chaiv o attempltd *vii» cide g;j >.-t r>r-year oui CheMah fhj&t was" read out in the M igr ..rates Court to day. Court In. et:tor M 4M§. Ttthir laid that ChelHah attempted o kill himse>f .n his house
      103 words
    • 52 3 PENANG. Tueß. A middle-aged Chinese, \mi Kck Cheng, who was alleged to have put Ong Chye Chon. pig-rearer and a sundryshop cwmr in fear of death by sending threatening letters with intent to commit extortion was recently found guilty and sentenced to three yearsimprisonment, at
      52 words
    • 236 3 MORE than 200 men ciad in jungle green will iTI fight it out in the jungle and swamp lands of the island at Tanjong Balai in a two-day exercise called "Operation Evader" commencing on Saturday morning. Three±, v.ill he in voiced in Operation Evador.
      236 words
    • 71 3 The London DOUnd Qo.ntas BOAC Conciliation \v< r h twenty-tin «Hj passengers op jard* failed U take off this morning because ot slight uginc trcntiic'. The plane after taxiing BUtng the r ay, returned to tbe tarma :,au unloaded its passongrs. among whom
      71 words
    • 29 3 Mr. M. Machsoes. Trade Representative of the Republic of Indonesia in Penang left Singapore yesterday morning by KLM Constellation to Jakarta to attend his mother's funeral.
      29 words
    • 29 3 S. M. S.imat died in the General Hospital following a AotOr cycle accident in Jalan Eunns recently. He played right-back for the 8.0.D. in then first team.
      29 words
    • 215 3  -  Says Chief Justice TWO Chinese. Lim Ah Oh and Teo Eng Hui. who appealed against a sentence of three years' rigorous imprisonment for robbery were set free by the Court of Appeal yesterday. The conviction and sentence were set aside in each case. The appeal was against
      215 words
    • 360 3 ACTOR MURDER TRIAL HO Lee Kwee, who was tried in the Assize Court for the alleged murder of a 31-year-old actor, Lee Kirn Wah. on February 16, 1948, was found not guilty and discharged yesterday. Mr. Justice Evans, the trial judge, told Ho, in discharging
      360 words
    • 40 3 A course of home nursing lectures will be held nt the Jenerak Hospital on September 2C. at 5 P-nv Those mterested should communicate with the honar- iv secretary St. John Ambulance Headquarters —Stnmlord Road. Singapore. Te! No. 304;."
      40 words
    • 157 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. TWENTY -TWO year old Mansoor bin Saiim, an c*> Sapper of the Royal Engineers at Singapore Eteed an amended charge in th> Magistrate Court today. Instead of tne original charge of cau#ig hurt, he was charged with cuUS'ng the death of Manisah btntc
      157 words
    • 125 3 JOHORE BAHRC *TueS. GOH Peck Hian, a Police interpreter attached to the office of the O.C.P.D. at Kota Tinggi. claimed trial before Mr. W. B. Sutherland in the Sessions Court today on three charges of illegal gratification. The charges were that he accepted for himself $1,000.
      125 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 84 3 SOUTHERN LAND Boarding House. Nt accommodation First Class rooms, furnished with bath.oms attached (Modern I tatios) all rooms fitted j ceiling f >ns. Sp icious 1 compound 2 minutes from Roxy cinema. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD 61, MARSHALL RD., KATONG, SPORE. (Opposite Roxy) TEL. *****. |h«t standard of horn« e«e
        84 words
      • 259 3 This NEW PARKER Q/ is a triumph! NEW FEATURES I 11 |W NEW PRECISION V NEW BEAUTY j I Tmf Parkfr "51" has always been the world's tJj j most perfect pen. Now—here's a triumph— with the great new Aero-metnc Ink System. j*-"^^ the NhW Parker "51" is even liner,
        259 words
    • 551 4 DKOBLEM posed by a reader of this column: how big is a cube? The question was prompted by our recent comments on the-cube sugar that is now selling off the ration at 80-cents a pound. ''If no one has fixed the size of a cube," says this inquiring mind,
      551 words
    • 1828 4  -  by CLEMENT ATTLEE. British Prime Minister LONDON, Tuesday. DRIME Minister Attlee today told a crowded emergency session of Parlia"merit todav that he had every confidence that aggression in Korea would be halted and "a salutary lesson given to w >uld-be aggiessois. "No propaganda can alter
      1,828 words
    • 338 4  -  SAYS MALIK U.P. LAKE SUCCESS, Today DUSSIA yesterday derided the United states contention that an American plane attacked Communist-held Manchuria by mistake and declared its impression was that the incident was provocation prepared beforehand. Soviet delegate Jacob Malik served notice that he would veto the
      U.P.  -  338 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 58 4 GARRARD Automatic Record Changer. Model RC7OA/AC With cabme» &94.50 Cash $105 00 Instalments 12 Mcnths Guarantee. Sole Agents KEE HUAT RADIO CO., S. nga pore —Penang Kuala Lumpur. PRISMATIC DINOCULARS OF VARIOUS MAGNIFICATIONS' BY ALL LEADING MAKERS BO,s>. EKIBS, BABR s i KOI I». l it. MMcalanii. New China Optical
        58 words
      • 57 4 We Specialise rA in \Mm Bridal Veils /lT\ \I and Head Dresses DELICATELY WAXED BRIDAL ORANGE BLOSSOM Head Dresses From $7.50 To 22.50 Art Silk Embroidered j Bridal Veils in a variety of sizes From $15.00 To $4750 WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF BRIDAL WEAR SUITABLE FOR THE ALL
        57 words
    • 82 5 Two British destroyers which were on active service in Korean waters are scheduled to arrive in Singapore today and tomorrow. H.MS. Hart <Cmdr. H. H. Mulleneux. D.S.C. R.N.) will arrive from Hongkong at 7 p.m. today. She saw service in Korean waters in the early
      82 words
    • 160 5 A 23-year-old Indian. Veeran Ramiah was yesterday sent to iail lor six months for using criminal force on a 2irl with the Intention of outraging her modesty and house breaking by First District Judge Kinadon. Mr. N. Rajah said that Veeran, who was employed
      160 words
    • 156 5 U.P. TAIPEI. Sun. THE Provincial Finance Commissioner. Ten Hsien-chtin. today ontltaed to a weekly party memorial meeting now financial measures tor closing the gap between expenditures and revenues in the provincial budict. Jen said economic stability has been achieved but the budget remains to be
      U.P.  -  156 words
    • 48 5 Tender, for Cotony oi Singapore b s were accepted by the Financial Secretary S l n f^P n n to the cxten, of *3.*****n_ Tenders at the rate of .75 per cent per annum w re aUotcd in full- The Bins were issued on September nth.
      48 words
    • 122 5 Flight Sister Marjorie McLaren, of Port* <-mouth, and Warrant UOle. r I.. A. Smith, of Marlborough, whti «ere in t u a r V >*»S Pitients aboard the first "hospital aircraft" to leave I.E.A.F. for Uie U.K. the aire rait iook oil frnm t'hangi this morning. This new air casualty
      -RAF P. R. Picture.  -  122 words
    • 57 5 PENANG. Tucs. Lee Wene In th? Session Court claimed trial recently to a a charge of olfering Illegal gratification to a Customs Outdoor Officer to release him. He had previously pleaaed guilty io the charge of having 6 dross chandu and was bound over in
      57 words
    • 437 5 Court Told THE story of how a 18-year-old Hainanese was shot at and injured in the abdomen while running away, was narrated in the Kelief Court yesterday by Senior Inspector Lai Behari Singh, while prosecuting him on a charge of attempted arson on a police
      437 words
    • 170 5 A MOVE to form a brunch of the U.M.N.O. in A Singapore has been made by six organising committee members which include Dato Syed Ahmad AlsagofT, Sidik Haji Abdul Hamid, President of the' Malay Welfare Council Sved Ali Aiatas, Dt-us Sheriff Ibrahim Mohamed and Sved
      170 words
    • 163 5 MR. Thio Chan Bee (Nominated) will ask Government at the Legislative Council on Tuesday to grant housing loans at low interest to those who have contributed to Government approved Provident Funds for more than a specific number of years. Mr. Thio Chan
      163 words
    • 156 5 TAN Then Kiam who said he used a knife in selfdefence while being attacked by four others, was yesterday sentenced to one day's simple imprisonment and $40 fine in the Second Police Court. He was accused of causing hurt to Pay Peng Hoey with
      156 words
    • 100 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues^POLICE sergeant Mohd. Said and Corporal Rashid were tried lor bribery in the Magistrates Court. tSbj were jointly rhw d wl th accepting a $20 bribe lrom a dentist VJW Cliia on December JO lasi ve-ir They were alleged tn have threatened to
      100 words
    • 28 5 A 29-vcar-old Chinese woman was found hag her room early yestcraay morning. k#„i« ni The woman s body Jja The woman leaves behind two children.
      28 words
    • 16 5 Oflicer. when Dr. C. H. WU Hams goes on a short .cay( to Australia
      16 words
    • 36 5 Mr H. T Ross, Government Printer Federation of Malaya*. will broadcast in the series "What the Departments are doing on Friday. The talk will be b/>adc*st over the blue Network of Radio Malaya.
      36 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 395 5 Learn the French* they speak in France... No textbook can teach you tc gpeak a foreign language correctly. To do that you must hear the rhythm, the lilt, the everyday speech of ordinary people. Linguaphone teaches you by this quick, thorough, effortless method. In half the usual time, it enables
        395 words
      • 188 5 NIGRIS r J f| comb KJ»; with y Balsamic VL Kxpress Oil A and B w applied to grey or white hair gives the natural colour and sheen to your hair as when you were in your teens. $8 set. For falling hair, baldness, cte use Dr. Lavi.i's Pomade CAPILLOGENA
        188 words
      • 27 5 CO tTO. fc»«tUi llrMr* T«l WW* K»l.-»Mi»hr«t If-' B ?J I gctfentOc MHMWt— tkm with i BHMM up lo dale < 'i'ii|irin ni. Lobkw nxucHencc better mi vice
        27 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 199 6 TRADE, FINANCE AND MARKETS Reuter-AAP. JAKARTA, Tuesday. niRECT negotiations between estate owners and V the trade union SARBUPRI were resumed here today in an attempt to settle the estate the estate workers* strike now in its third week, according to Aneta news agency. The negotiations took
      Reuter-AAP.  -  199 words
    • 66 6 The market in copra opened quiet yesterday with buyers at $47 Then it rose steadily to $48 buyers and sellers holding out for $48 per picul f.o.b. Business in coconut oil was massed at $73 per picul f.o.b. There were further sellers at $73 U -wi'h buyers holding off.
      66 words
    • 159 6 London remained a persistent buyer of tin shares and their bids again showed improvement. This has created a better sentiment locally. But the volume of business done remained small with buyers predominating. Industrials and rubbers also came in for some inquiry. SIX;. I POM K. -ei.t. l.\ Honrs- Waugh
      159 words
    • 324 6 Chairman. Mr. H. Eric Miller ,at the thirty-fifth annual general meeting oi The So.'ngei Rarnpah Kuober r i:id Joconut Plantations Company. Limited, h» Id recently in London said: --Although ther,- wa* an appreciable decline during 19-19 In the labour force resident on Soengei Kampah estate
      324 words
    • 53 6 The Directcrs of the Bikam Estate, Limited, have declared an Interim dividend of ten per cent. 2-2, 5d per 2/stock less income tax in the pound for the financial year ending October 31. 1950, payable on October 10, 1950. Last day for lodging transfers
      53 words
    • 565 6 MR H Eric Miller, the Chairman of the Company presiding at the thirty-ninth annual general meeting of Mendaris (Sumatra) Rubber and Produce Estates, Limited, held recently at the registered office of the company, London, I >jirs from 191" onward* ir«> .«til! Saiu. ,t an«l funhrr
      565 words
    • 80 6 Indo Jap Trade (GIIS) NEW DELHI, Tues.-The total value of India's trade with Japan during the eleven months ending May 1950. aggregated 31.0 million dollars. Of these. Indian exports amounted to 14.2 million dollars and imports 16.8 million dollar^. Items of export from India were: raw cotton, oil seeds, manganese
      (GIIS)  -  80 words
    • 117 6 The rubber commodity market yesterday opened steady nt 154* and closed easy at 150 cents a pound for first graele sheet September. Around noon the market was easier and in the early afternoon steady at 152 cents. Towards the close the market cased on the news that the
      117 words
    • 72 6 Hang Sang (45), Sumpitan (44), Aldegonda (Sheers), Glengarry (42/3), Tobali (40), Sin Soon Lee (41), Polyphemus (88/9), GlenarTric (36/7). Meonia (34/5), Kepong (32/3), Kilwa (31 2), Hoegh SUverstream (17/18), Nairnbank (19 20), Maxwell Brancler (21/2), Gtomille (23/4), L?rmontov (25 6), Haegh Silversprav (27/8), Khyber (29/30), Landbris (15),
      72 words
    • 17 6 Tin veplerdiiv was S3fn\ I>er picul—-w $8,778. London price on Ttirwliy C 787 per tonup £14.
      17 words
    • 9 6 Goid: $193 per taliil pure srold hats yesterday.
      9 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 654 6 j,,* w-- —1* For Saigon Hongkong Japan x 17 /20 Sept. •"Rebeverett 7/ 7/« net "Noreverett" c /6 For Colombo, Cochin Bombay, Calls P. Sham. Karachi, Bahrein, Kowett. For Penang, Rangoon, Gal .alia. B&araht Khoramshanr. adraa -1-19 Sept Nordstjernarr 8/12 Oct. •Leneverett" 17/™ bepi. apply to:GUTHRIE CO., LTD., sm Malacca
        654 words
      • 94 6 w THE SARAWAK STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Sarawak). Weekly passengers freight service to Kuching, Rejang River Ports and Bintalu (with transhipment at Kuching). Due Sails Rajah Brooke for Kuching In Port 1700 Sept. 16 Angby from Kuching for Sibu In Port 1200 Sept. 13 Beiaga for Sarekei, Binataog, Siba
        94 words
      • 1196 6 ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD Aden, Port Said, Rotterdam Amsterdam. Spore P 3'ha** Penang •KERTOSONO 21/22 Sept. ♦VAN'T HOFF 10/12 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 oct GAROET 26/27 Oct. 28 Oct. 2!» o t •Also loading for For. Sudan direct. Agents ROTTERDAM TRADING CO. (M) LTD. Shipping Dept Tel: 6071. Ext. 19. j
        1,196 words
      • 200 6 OFFICE room vacant Place, also next room hive liiproximately two desks' vpoee ho let. Appiv Box A C°l" Tr:i lie, u;.-'v FURX: Room to let So rhfldi Self-catering, unnaediate Box .1988. M.T.. S i•<.i VACANT: In Eurof iMI house seli-i onta Bed doui with private bathroom \erandah suitable family with
        200 words
    • 532 7  -  Good Bet' For Today By "SPOT" I a-WAN (Race 1), k BIIXY CAROL (Race 3) and ABBOTSFORD (Race 5) are my three best bets for today, the second day of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting. A nice-looking bay by Challenge, La-Wan has been
      532 words
    • 162 7 T GS wi re on tho quiet ide I Timah this mornin?. out track watchers we -elre* their trouble when l \K\ SI Kill did Ins Ir. i dm-e training »l* n < w W. Bagby in the s iddle Flamenco gelding wen. ai ail
      162 words
    • 83 7 A.P. iROUGH Tufr. I oui tl»eir drawing ST m V the All-Star teATO, .b> H.D.G Levp ,1 rrickel V Wnlcott. -b< eper and s.iifv Ramadhtn. of the la 4 day's new i n We'd India* r n..t out tU, XI second inning* foui wicket- for 4»
      A.P.  -  83 words
    • 136 7 I »sj«OT" "MIKfc" "l/OWOHHOT" l; I w\\ CuANTfil:\KI» l.\-W\N UKKI. MPS». R..>al Lin; (.AW(i(UN r** i, k KKI IIOHF ~£rkl nosv. «eamham. ri.vrit llr.mili;ill Hyct Mr,r..|,eU Ply,» U.-.i.t Mar mI Imlia >-\xm "irM«e «ILI.V IAKO!. HILLY \MO! Mi.vKIt Sfc(|t I* C«4«OW <;lrn NfWt«« •H«rrl «Ai'i'v ii wtvfci.i.F.u <**m;i7
      136 words
    • 1346 7 RACE ONE 2.15 P.M. CLASS 2 DIVISION. 5-6 FURLONGS. 5 YARDS j 403 Picture Goer Avres) "Shaw Y;:n Stable" Spencer Ha- good < banco <D -0 Battle Front < Charles) «11 Don. Mr. Y. C. Cheong ft .Mi Leonft Hobb Still to show up »11 :t©o
      1,346 words
    • 309 7 MALAYS, shocked Royal Navy yesterday, when 111 they notched two quick goals in the last minute to chalk up a three-nil victory in their Community League game at Jalan Besar. Royal Navy, who took the field favourites, were all at sea yesterday, and never
      309 words
    • 62 7 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. Pool ball results:— THIRD DIVISION (Soatherii section) Southend United 4, Aide shot 2. THIRD DI\I>ION i North, in Section): Oldham Athletic. Seuhthorpe United 4: Bouthnort t. Barrow l: Tranmere Rovers J. Rotherham United 1. (iI.ASGUVV tt I" (Semifinal): Rangers 2. Pnitick Vtii 1. 2.
      Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 95 7 P T Sports ciub defeated EOS Sports Club by three to two in a friendly Maine ol badminton over the we The results were 'P T uiayers mentioned first >: Gob TisiiS Seng lost to Ismail 10 1 4—15; John Loh beat Sim Wee Lee 15 5.
      95 words
    • 45 7 Reuter. MEI.EOUKNT-;. Toes. Abdul, Bari of India today enter< i he semi-finals of the men m in the Australian Open Bqoasli Rackets championship here Pan b. at I. Porter of Melboui M B 3. 9.0. 9-2 in the dUS! t llnal round. Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 29 7 Overseas Chinese Bank Sporl Club defeated Cable and Wire leal hv five goals to one m a Business House "B" 1• gatne yesterday on BOULJt) ground.
      29 words
    • 23 7 Crr k v Club l terdav went down to RJMfE two goals to nil n a liOCKey encounter on the padawg.
      23 words
    • 31 7 Th* Singapore Chin. 1•oj bail Association touring rloe 'v. ill leave Kallang A'rporl al 8.30 am. by air teenorraw for their ten-day tour ot P.angKok and But ma.
      31 words
    • 303 7 /|>IGER Standard piain.aincd their unbeaten record yesterday, wnen .hey scared a convincing 7 1 victory 6ver Shell S.C. in a Business Tloiiso "A" League fixture at GeyYanV, Stadium. Although they nctt >d seven goals. Tigers never w»nt all 04». The losers, however, jrluveil tootball. The kick-off saw
      303 words
    • 77 7 Brigadier R. C Canrdl-H It, Chief of Staff. Headquarter* Malaya, won the individual Btec shooting contest over 30 yards at the Army Rifle outside Kuala Lumpur re» 'ntly. The iunner-up was kSM, A. Parish. Other results were: Ist. Major T G. Lyons; 2nd. Capt. P. Walsh:
      77 words
    • 55 7 The Indian Recreation Club will play a friendly game ot soccer against R.A.F. today at Farrer Par.;. A team lo represent the Indians will be drawn from the following. Narayanan. Veloo, .sa.larajah. Muthiaii, Balan. '.am. Raliim. Salahudin, Param, I*. "i. An. Murthee. M. 1. Osman Awihar S
      55 words
    • 46 7 The following have t** d ed to represent the 5.H.8.): 1 XV against Nee BOOh today, al 5.15 p.m. on Keppe! Harbour ground. Scaife; Oates. Bingham. r»unders. Bird: Bell. Archor: Read. Hooper. Ma-Donald. Jerweli. Brookes, Peek, Trevor. H< Reserves: Omar. Khamid. Bromley, Smith.
      46 words
    • 19 7 Hongkong Football and Table Tennis teams left Singajore rot the Federation by International Air Transport Dakota ye.'tcrday.
      19 words
    • 394 7 U.P. BOMBAY, Tuesday. MALAYAN badminton stars Tan Jin Eong and iTI A Piruz won the Western India badminton doubles championship by beating Devinder Mohan and George L. Lewis of India, 15- I J, id-o. before a packed gallery today. In the mixed doubles, Tan
      U.P.  -  394 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 662 7 jg| K. P. M. LINE AVirVSI UI (Royal Packet Navigation Coy. ■fjyw (Incorporated in the Netheilands) 1, Finlayson Green, Singapore. P.O. Box 72. Tel. 6975. Due Sails "Van Rlemsdijk'for Muntok, Djakarta, Semarang, Surabaia, Bocleleng, Maccassar and Sorong Sept. 13 "Kotanica" for Djambl Sept. 13 "Demta" for Pontianak, Singkawang and Sambas-
        662 words
    • 68 8 Dr. Gorton S. ifilllli T nt e nationality lamou* M Sur ß" who is »cci. d hy the B«MM govrnmer.t o! elaborating with r h Harms The 0.-vca-oiU Vm. rican d.Cor wasarr-t-d at Ma ho pltal at Namkhi n Lhino-Borma border towns in Mie Northr. .1
      v.r. rh(»to.  -  68 words
    • 344 8 A.P. NEW DELHI. Today. PANDIT Nehru yesterday called .on the national convention of the Congress Party at Nasik next week to state clearly its policies in international, economic and communal matters. He made the request in a statement to the press issued as a private citizen
      A.P.  -  344 words
    • 82 8 U.P CALCUTTA Tuesday. THE much-heralded "So-cialist-led general strik»" liz/led out today. Socialist unions which called th*' on -day strike in support of Bombay's idle textile workers claim to control moro than half of Calcutta's 2 000.000 industrial and whit" collar workers but it was doubtful whether even
      U.P  -  82 words
    • 295 8 KUALA LL'MPUB, Tuesday. T1IK Sclcct Committee appointed by the tedera T Lej-tolative Counc» to the Housing Trust Bill has re tEfu'.h. Trust MUingr iiouses. committee —Mr. Kh °Teik 0I Ee-has opposed the clause requiring of certain lands to develop them or pay a gWes four
      295 words
    • 218 8 A 44-year-old former employee of the Municipality was found with his throat slit with a knife at his home in Lorong Limau at 7.15 p.m. yesterday exactly four days after he left the Tan Tock Seng Hospital where he had been treated for Tuberculosis.
      218 words
    • 263 8 A.P. DUBLIN, Today. A heated argument developed between a British n and an Egyptian delegate enlivened the debate yesterday as the inter-parliamentary conference considered a proposed resolution dealing with colonial government. The resolution invited parliaments of countries responsible for the administration of non-s^if-govern-ing territories to
      A.P.  -  263 words
    • 3 8
      3 words
    • 278 8 GENLftAL h tlilNEsK VMC'A, V Road. joint staff J a.m.. b«sKctbau. u p.m *ja iimmo:i. p.m. YMCA, Onlurd Roah. «-hc.--.*- Club. 3 p m.. art club, life cUw. li u.iu. Y\Vt'\, tlroupa mrd ins. St. H Ida s School. Ciyion K XLl'MNi ASSOCIATION of Kins Kdwafd VII of Medieino showing
      278 words
    • 82 8 DEATH Madam Mah Tan passed away iieacefullv 1.15 p.m. on 12th Sept Ifsj 1 No 7. Wilkie Terrao' behind four sons, Mah K< Keng of Chung Xiauw Kank Mah Kee Kiat of Kota Dr. Mah Kee Yong and Dr Mah Kee Lui. tv. Madam Koh Giok Eng Bee M a
      82 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 203 8 £28 feoig? —i Obtainable p and "GEORGE PAYNE" CEYLON TEA. Best in the world LOW TANGCHANG LIMITED Singapore lYnang. JL Look Right! Ii Feel Right! ilk Vmmlm%%»hk t°*stn ><"«- wr-il f m A miU Minr iwirww anrt (ffjnL sm; rt. K\pcri«*ncr«t cult it and F t;ul-r and •> "'dr "MH"
        203 words
      • 14 8 BLOOD BANK Group A 37 Bottles B 20 AB 10 O 29 DONORS 10
        14 words
      • 436 8 TUITION MERCANTILE INSTITUTION *M, Queen Street, Phone 28"n ymu rp*re lim* wnh ua »nd mere*?* your r»horih*nd and Tvnfn** Skill nr tak»> cf midio" in K"ooin-. Knd?l< Me Cla«°«."> «rr adju-fd n •our rrq.ntoritonip. «nd »r« ry»a 0 in any *uni?ct c«>mn*nein« from tlie rrry bog.nn nNOTICES Re: J. kTSAWDIAS
        436 words
      • 541 8 ENGAGEMENT^ Tho engagement is ed between Mr. Chi. S J, n eldest son nf Mr. and Mis m Keok Wan and MiSf r, Wong. 2nd daughter of Mrs. Wong Siew Leon* pore. in S»- SITS. VACANT. WANTED by hn£ees«hie* ing company fairly rinnhim (female) Stenographer. Good salary with provident fund
        541 words