Malaya Tribune, 12 September 1950

Total Pages: 20
1 8 Malaya Tribune
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  • 671 1  -  By FRANK TREMAINE U.P. I nited Press Staff Correspondent TOKIO, Today. VOKTH Koorean forces north of Taegu stepped up their artillery barrage by 400 per cent today in the wild battle for the key city on the hinge of the United Nations Korean defence
    U.P.  -  671 words
  • 86 1 54,000 CHAP-JI-KI CHITS Tribun- <taff Reporter THIEF inspector C.W. Such t P. Claque, the Magistrate that chapfor fifty four ars weie seized irty which raided red attap hut at Road on August fere Mr. P Cla- Chinese who used of ass sting ment of a illePVBbUc lottery. 1 were: Gwee
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  • 20 1 F LAGS AT HALF-MAST /V' flown at half|m n for General n Smuts who died Ut h S firm near
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  • 89 1 |sxfe, Staff Reporter i •ncmed into P--1 Council STL* 0 Vlcw Place W v v irs Admiral accepted «3« surrender. In the chamber on the raised dais where Mountbatten sat was a copy of the surrender instrument. Cards on the sides flanking the dais
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 1 One hundred and twenty-nine men were trapped under ground in the Knookshinneck Coal Mine, near New Cum nock Ayrshire, Scotland. The cause of the disaster was landslide which flooded part of the pit. Photo show*: Masses of straw and rubble bumped into a hw cavity in the ground
    A.P. Photo  -  70 words
  • 177 1 Reuter. PRETORIA, Today. TWO South African Cabinet Ministers today re--1 buked British War Minister *ohn Strachey for saying that he "very much disliked the policy of the present South African Government." Economic Affairs Minister Eric Louw said his reply was: "Mind your own business and keep
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 164 1 MR. Thio Chan Bee (Noif* minated) will ask Government at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Tusday to grant housing loans at low interest to those who have contributed to Government approved Provident Funds for more than a specific number of years. Mr. Thio
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  • 137 1 A.P. HONGKONG, Today. TWO field squadrons of Gurkha engineers arrived in Hongkong from Singapore yesterday, but they weren't too pleased about the transfer. "We thought we would go further than this," said one British N.C.O. "We prefer Korea to Hongkong." A British officer said "Hongkong is
    A.P.  -  137 words

  • 251 2 A.P. Di'KBAN, Today. UTAKNIMi that growing antagonism between Indians and Europeans in Natal has created a situation "trans'*l with danger for South Africa" was given yesterday by Dr. L. N. Fisher, Bishop of Natal. Dr. Fisher, brother of th? Archbishop of Canterbury, was addressing
    A.P.  -  251 words
  • 47 2 Reuter. Canada's regular navy, army and -ii force have Ixvd placed on a war footing and Canada Korean commitment has been Widened to allow the sending of a total of 15XJ00 men. it was disclosed in the Canadian House of Commons on Satur- >!.>. Renter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 91 2 A.P. BOMBAY Today. A SPECIAL tribunal C&ed Bit imprisonment jest rdJaj for Sy. d Mohrrrmv cl Qiiaaln Raa- i. fiery Moslem uttorruy Who led i private army in Hyderabad's brief attempt to remain outside the dominion of India in 1948. RaKvi. who is 45. tips
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • 44 2 PATNA BundSj More thai 13 m.n<w krtea4lo'.i schemes havr be* oomph: ed m Bihar 10m April \9W to the end of July at a cost, of R5.4.4 mill on. extendi; 4 rngatio») faeiiities by more tha» 600.0€0 >C*i 4 lav fl GIIS>.
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  • 51 2 Reuter AAP. MANILA. Todiy A 16--year-old boy died of foot! poisoning this morning in hospital afur eating native! sausages. Five members of his family who partook of the usages also suffered from food poisoning. Tney winrushed tc hospital but are now reporLU to be getting better. Reuter
    Reuter & AAP.  -  51 words
  • 96 2 A.P. CALCUTTA. Today. FINAL eoun of the casualties in Saturday's Chittagong train smash shows 37 killed and 70 injured, live of them seriously afl official statement said yesterday. It fens the first big rail dtaastei since Pakistan gained independence and was otneialiy described as a
    A.P.  -  96 words
  • 48 2 BOMBAY Mon. Addn > ing the innual general meeting of the Anglo-Indian Association at Bombay. Mr. Frank Anthony the AngloIndian Le »der. said that the eommun.ty has found a "very definite place in new India". Fhe community, he added, iaa been "very generously treated with 'unique safeguards
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  • 182 2 Reuter. JHE newspaper Al Zaman said Egyptian Government had sent w memorandum claiming that India, L'/ r of recognising Israel—maintenance of national peace-had no basis in view alleged expulsion of 4.000 Arabs from U& True paper claimed tha* E-.'ypt had told India she expfetted
    Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 186 2 GUS CALCUTTA, Monday. RESPITE unfavourable factors, such as heavy rain, late sowing etc. there has been an appreciable increase in jute acreage in India this year, said Sardar Datar Singh. Additional Secretary. Ministry of Agriculture and Chairman of the Central Jute Committee. Addressing the 27th genera!
    GUS  -  186 words
  • 28 2 Reuter. HA.\'(?oo.*. Today. Communists who attacked a village in the Tavoy district of Burma were beaten off and suffered casualties, according to reports reaching here Rente)
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 27 2 U.P Al Jolson left Hollywood last night for the Korean battlefront, the first prominent American entertainer to appear before soldier* fighting there. U.P
    U.P  -  27 words
  • 23 2 A.P. President Syngman Rhee said yesterday that U.N. i forces are "almost ready to I strike in an all-out offensive."—A.P. 1
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 87 2 GUS KANPUR. Toaay. Th National Air Race of India Wil] be held on February 17. next year. It has been decided that the 1,130-mile race will start from Chaaen aerodrome at Kanpur and follow the Gwaiior JaipurBikaner Delhi Agra and Kanpur '■cute. The Willington Trophy Race of
    GUS  -  87 words
  • 23 2 The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company has made a loan of IS.OOO 000 without tat st to to the Persian Government. Reuter.
    23 words
  • 60 2 GfcWEVA Bond 11 old friend of Kir- fV.i E ->T-t. checked oui JT hotel last Saturd r > Ran* w < Wss S -i, k (j I b the company of her J Man Kamel Sadek Egyptian imbass 10, Italy, Badrie Boy l wife. Officials at their ho)
    60 words
  • 85 2 THE rh 1 leav. k Singapore mainly TtU leers from ihe ReyaJ M Ordnance Corps"- rj told in a farewell mtsaj by General Sir Joan Hil ing. C. in C FARELF day to be prepared fend themselves who I were in Korea. The Commandi:.. I
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  • 25 2 MADRAS Monday Madi..s. the Pilot Agncuial Extension Service Scsei short... eminent v> ill ppo.n: Z7 m who will demonstrate I p a£ncultur:<l «GIIS' <
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  • 30 2 LUCKNOW M .-i<lt table proj,rcs< lM mad.' in sotting up th*- «J factory nl 5 ment i> Rs 11 milUon on the p<j factory will start worn rva
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  • 12 2 in commemoration jw ■amversary of the L I ot Singapore.
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  • 82 2 NEW DELHI, Today.- Twelve nies for displaced persons from West r have sprung up in and around Delhi dun past one year. The net-work of housing construction was started last year and today 9,500 tenements have been completed and allotted to displaced persons in these colonies.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 Jl Breathe in Comfort Clear Na**i *Vv \//v| Congestion tk* Modern Way Feel y<m JL hardly t>raaibe Nose Mußy Worried with Per>'*tent <.Utarrh ox Hea4 Coldi You can clc*r jWf.-,v vUf noJC a few r (rondi *"h iuM t lew miffs F^*iJ o1 ,ht nfW PenfU <4 Inhaler. The medicated
      144 words

  • 275 3 TRADE. FINANCE AND MARKETS A.P. SYDNEY, Australia, Today, i report published here yesterday said the A united states had asked Australia for a high P vel secret conference on wool. tv. rt, which lacked confirmation from racial sources, came as grease wool hit a
    A.P.  -  275 words
  • 253 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. f Taylor at the Court today Rubber SuLng Board ft bound to hear a licence before they cancel his kence and if they fail to J In, an order of mandaffis will issue to enforce klk os c's rights. ige was giving
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  • 78 3 RUBBER TODAY'S MARKETS THE rubber commodity market opened very steady at 154 cents foi September following rise in New York of two gold cents. The market eased a little towards lunch br«jak in rumours still unconfirmed that Java strik? are nearing settlement. Prices at lunch break: Buyers sellers. No. 1
    78 words
  • 63 3 London 5till remained on the tin market as a buyer and their bid has shown further advance locally though the market is quiet in this section. There has been slightly better inquiry but no keeness to supply London's requirements as holders are still waiting for better pcVm Rubber shares
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  • 16 3 Tin price was $390i per picul -up $8 7.8. London price: £787 per ton--up £14.
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  • 9 3 Gold: $193 per tahil pure rol J bars.
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  • 85 3 A.P. CANBERRA. Today. rE Sydney Sun's Canberra correspondent reported early today that the Federal government is budgeting for a defence expenditure of between £120 and £130 million. The correspondent said this will be the biggest peacetime defence expenditure in Austialian history in any one year.
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 217 3 BANGKOK, Monday. DIVER training without embankment on siltII Sparine hill stream, a method of nood con trol pe™iaTto Burma was inspected by the Chief of the Bureau of Flood r>r Shen-Yi and Messrs. A. Normandin, B. k.. Kanur and P T. Tan, experts, during
    217 words
  • 71 3 Lermontov (44), (Sheers), Glengarry (*2/3), Sin Soon Lee (40/41), Polyphemus (08 9), (36/7), Kepong (S3), kihva (312), Hoegh Silverstream (17/18), N Urn bank (19 20), Maxwell Krander (21 2), Glenville (23 4), v ha*tine Maer>k "(25 6), Hoegh Silverspray (27 8), Khyber (29 SO), Kin in 11
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  • 41 3 The Dutch cargo shir>, the Roepat, la loading 1,500 tons of rubber and copra which is consigned for Holland. The Roepat is also taking back to Holland about 18 Dutch Army vehicles. including armoured cars from Indonesia.
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  • 103 3 A.P. KARACHI, Today. THE question of devaluing the Pakistan rupee "does not arise," said Premier Liaquat All Khan yesterday, because its value wat fixed "after taking into account all the economic and financial aspects of Pakistan economy." The Prime Minister, who was addressing the nation on
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 28 3 U.P. HONGKONG, Mon.—The following were today's quotations on the Hongkong Money Exchange: HK56.33 per U.S. dollar. HK515.60 per pound sterling. HK$29l per tael of gold. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 139 3 Reuter. PARIS, Today. ]M. CAMILLE GI'TT, Belgium managing director iTI of the International Monetary Fund, said here today that redistribution of the world's gold had begun. America was losing gold at the rate of 52,000,000,000 a year, he added. Mr. Gutt, speaking at a press
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 <nCHINGSKIN This wonderful liquid healer Are you suffering 'he agony of 1 -aing Skin? Does it irritate you all day? Does p. it stop you sloping at night Then ICeCP UeSt t,lis f« moua healing remedy which J fot will give you instant relief. SK c"NtS WHY IT ACTS SO
      132 words

  • 682 4 U.P. HOLLY WOOD Beauty Perc Westmore remarks wistfuHy. is a state of mind." Wh.a he mean.- is that ughn< ss can turn to beauty and beauty to ugliman as a result ot feelings, of West more wiil tell yeu that he hu* had m my cases
    U.P.  -  682 words
  • Article, Illustration
    932 4  -  WOMAN'S PAGE By IOA BAILEY ALLEH "A BASKET ol pears d'Auiou. Madame. fr«oh irom the market/ exclaimd the Chef as he placed -t >n the table. Naturally; I lm very partial to tfeese pears because they original y came irom Franc,* Ho.veV< r. the Anjou pears I have
    932 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 117 4 ECZEMA, SORES Rash, Irritation Jt) f<^\ Pimples, rashes, spots, skin W J U—• i irritation aid even distressing J£* s\ j\ eczema quickly yield to Z.mi-Buk >': S (v. treatment. This herbal ointment ->T>SiSK ihould be smeared over the afTcc- MMUiH 1 *Vv ted parts before retiring at night \cV
      117 words
    • 82 4 A Jg 1 the loveliest thing about you fl Carry perfume in your har, your lipstick, mc often to fragrandy lovely all day v 3« Q3aW Goya's lovely perfumes «n 5 ir difference between looking your best beautiful for lilting Goya fragrances lend to everyday occasions wearing thrm are —alluring.
      82 words

  • 1535 5  -  TODAY'S SHORT STORY BY PATRICK LINGTON i wheezing pressure T ...p. with its aalo of flies and the ants' wngs !e ci life fallen petals la base, stank of pa- threw a hard n the mud-walls of ican hut. U it un two camp-beds d
    1,535 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 40 5 SUPERMAN Wa ne S«J AFRAID X L-LET M-ME QO.'J GO OFF ANY J |T. J get THE WHOLE 10^ ALLEY OOP by V T H«^ in by CapP 1 I eCT W/ 1 nF LiriH TED A looks like: 9g
      40 words

  • 9472 6 SECOND DAY OF SPORE RACES SNOWY OWL II «>.07 IT &HMRaaapl *t/l 'i IMI gi mini t» T uij. -(su\y» urns oqi 61 t """J t Aia *i *»»u < vu«* u1,,,, i r» Swod S *-■-■<• <«X«> SECOND: J7.WO, B'P««, IJ. Donnelly* eia.-n I. i
    9,472 words

  • 141 9 HEE HOE yt T'p- cojis r&rret. ycs--1 a sumraoivs Pirst Dis.rict ang a false det un a Ce.tifito enable two Su w Choo and whom ire At* his aaiura'.-hoin »to Singapore. r H faced a .«-**ond U.r.2 a false unity to both
    141 words
  • 63 9 Reuter. IGTQM Man. rican World Ai: nys announced yesterday lid t> gin sef fHe ptember 25 over ihe slant routes now **>#>- t ticsJl Oversia> iirttnes Tto wot A.O.A. to PJLA for 517.450.000 was approved by Pres.W rtuman and the Civil ronautics Board. 1 'ompan?
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 32 9 A.P. ND, OHio. Today can Veterans of *«W Wai Two have voted uppioving the use torrric hcmb "if in the our nations use should be re':onal and vvorid A P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 48 9 A untitled Korea, b v m s follovvim, mvtet hits by raefccfci Mud •mm iron ranks fighter and barabn- of the I rued States < eventli licit. as United, v. Ms forces eoadape thsir attacks as miti Itars tta hi areas h*M h.> North Korean omnia nst forces.
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  • 174 9 THE rush oi applications for the renewal of ration cards resulting in the public having to wait for days at a time in long queues at the Rationing Office will be the subject ot a query by Mr. Tan Chin Titan at the next meeting o*
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  • 222 9 SECOND Police Magistrate. Mr. a E. Tea. yesterday sentenced Tony Cheong Ko*. 25-yeai-o Id accountant to three months ri"o"ous imprisonment on a charge oi or. ach of mis ot 51.682.73 irom Crichton md Go., «m August 4. Mr Teh postponed sentenced to September 9 to
    222 words
  • 221 9 J Cicada" a a ama based on of the famous d novel "The The Three Kingvividty presented pup r tkw Chin, se L Dguasje School at Theatre last I j Mrs. Ruth T. and directed by •Ch San, the drama ndoua success. chos< ii cosTiitiahi
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  • 45 9 U.P. BELGRADE, Today The Croatian Parliament to.vght voted t-»v r« moval from office Vice Premier DfIMIHBD Bvlue and two OOMBC* ministefl accuse 1 of being Soviet agents. The voted pav?i the wav for their arrest and trial by removing their parliamentary immunity.- U.P
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 97 9 Hair getting thin? Picture yourself in ten years I Baldness is bound to overtake you unless C f j you do something to stop falling hair now. W Andyou can do something to stop it Hair rK J falls out because it is starved out. I J starved of the
      97 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 794 9 T Share dark, lit mwWmmwmmm I mm i: mv is miioMim-ti. "j you will b» u-ven .1 :.iin.|.-e BLUE NETWORK ..ehind.lhe <»...;.. Ml muninm by a MrarU-bor.;» < hiii.->- i«j>o.«er; >.:w MMrliHtv; ii.«il» Proj;rainmw Summary; 7 ;IC Bh> thni Parade —A > are* k'i.ttJ. I.isi. ni'i> 1 lioioe si-.i lv
      794 words

  • 1915 10 BEST BETS: BILLY CAROL, ABBOTSFORD AND LA-WAN By 'SPOT' SNOWY OWL 11, owned by Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Foo, should follow up his 13 success by winning the main sprint for "cracks" at Bukit Timah tomorrow, second day of the Singapore
    1,915 words
  • 961 10 The Double Tote wiU be held n R am 1 and Eight, Big Sweep on Raee Seven RACE 1—Horses Class 2, Div. 5—6 Furs v B PICTURE GOKK 8.1! 'Shaw A V 4 5 Us E BATTLE FRONT (late H on Mr V B Capt. Beeher) 8.11.
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  • 214 11 BOMBAY. Monday. u AV VS Thomas Cup hopeful Tan Jin Eong ?r; 1S Western India badminton singles title r-idian champion Devinder Mohan today, an easy 15-7, 15-7 victory for the sixIndian who took advantage of his air "to Stagger his Malayan adversary with
    214 words
  • 154 11 Xl i Tenmm ye*i miay de- I Town Rm an S.C -oais to two n j» vir Cup lie :»i tleyian'ii held th ii|>n.Th-»!vi .it with .h»- Town tkffli; away <>« caslou- t'd n the ivn minute. tiding in a ha; J d«Ve »»> rt. Ed
    154 words
  • 26 11 IVN England. Mon. -..;ay the Turkish team, were beaten *o nil but not atari ihey met HuH evening in 'he tch of their to.:r.
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  • 314 11 rKIN'G '.he held •th naM play.-rs. SXGJLC. yesterday scored a well-dre -ed six-tv! victory over Oistoms FpartsChtb in a hotkey encounter a Hon, Lim 'rreen. Top-scorer for tie CM vast entre-forward Harry Fan-;, who netted rour indud'nt; a hat Tri-k—nrs: of the new s<
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  • 39 11 DETROIT. Mon. The National Boxing Association's convention voted today that the winner of Wednesday's middleweight title fight between champion Jake Lamotta and Laurent Dauthullc must nvke his first defence against Ray Robinson within six months.
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  • 32 11 U.P. DUBLIN. Mon.- A Yugoslav soccer team ;eheduled to play in Dublin next month has been '.old it is not wanted here, the Irish Football Association said today.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 364 11 a tna ties i n the SBA [I-- will oe played <IT ,i Union Hall this V H I KBAI at HI P Busier Doubles < Final >: Lim and Mak long .*■< r) v. Ron c Foowr Koh Won?; Peng >ah Peng Kooi (MayLav Teng Siah
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  • 217 11 Singapore Indians wool down owetfl to Singapore BnrnoiMm in a PAPA Community Lmigoe tie oB the pmtami >» wu inonomi wora a ahajjo i» t in their ta< klm< Bad I M and shou'd have coma away lite w nners only eornbin- 1.
    217 words
  • 71 11 sVD.N'KY. Ben. Tl). ,nVan NV»r». herly Willia--1 n pound.", stopped Hat 117 3 1 fH.umh. m »h slit I ,ound of a ie roxmd nathl «vdnev stadium lonm' it. When referee BJTI Ilenueo. y the ng*t hwl after he 52? 3 the eighth round reappeared 10
    71 words
  • 74 11 A.P. LONIX)N, Mon. Results Of today's English football If igtie nvdehos (home team nV*t). Division 1 Stofco City 1. Southampton 0. Sciti'' Division Blackburn Rover 1. Southampton 0; ChesterfVd 2, Preston North End 0; Coventry City :'> BitiiiinghMm City 1: Sheffiehi United 0. Done aster Rovers 0. i
    A.P.  -  74 words

  • 359 12 A.P. NEW YORK, Today. gRIG ADIER General Carlos P. Romulo, President of the United Nations General Assembly, said here:..."The choice before the free world is to admit Asia as an equal partner or run the risk of losing its allegiance and support." Writing in the
    A.P.  -  359 words
  • 60 12 MONTERAL, Today. NEARLY 50 per cent, of the world's shipping tonnage now under construction, is being built in the United Kingdom, Sir Ronald Garett, chairman of Lloyd's Register of Shipping, told newsmen here. He said this put Britain far ahead of any other nation in shipbuilding,
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  • 8 12
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  • 221 12 A nineteen-year-old Hainanese. Lee Ah Chuan alias Lee Teck Chuan this morning faced a charge in the Relief Court of attempted arson on a police hut at Jervois Road on the night of July 7. Senior Inspector Lai Beh art Singh for the prosecution told Magistrate
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  • 46 12 There will be a special Service of Thanksgiving in St. Andrew's Cathedral today at 5.30 p.m. The Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. H. W. Baines will preach. Bishop R. L. Archer will read the Lesson and the Rev. R. Greei will read the prayers.
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  • 17 12 NEW DELHI. Monday. Mrs. Hannah Sen has been elected President of the AllIndia Women's Conference.
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  • 121 12 U.P. mm NIS > Yugoslavia. Today. T^n^H l de oi a croup of seven alleged Yugoslav Cominform spies testis at a trial here today that his instructions *S2 postpone important action against Yugoslav* 1 until an imperialist war breaks out." Stojadin
    U.P.  -  121 words
  • 119 12  -  By "Spot" TpHE Malayan Jockeys Aa- sociation Annual Charity Dance held at Raffles Hotel last night was a great success. The proceeds—over $10,000-.vii go to the State Welfare Hoi.c for the the Blind, Johore and St. Nicholas' Home for U'ind Children, Penang. Jockey Arthur Avres. on
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  • 135 12 JOHORE BAHRU. Today fflf GOH Peck Hian. a Police interpreter attached to the office of the O.CPD. m at Kota Tinggi. claimed trial before Mr. W. B Sutherland in the Sessions Court today on three charges of illegal gratifies- m tion. M The charges were that
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  • 26 12 j b Roberta British Consul at Medal since November ""J be replaced by L. H. more, the Dutch agency. Aneta said ftmV***
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  • 28 12 A.P. PravJa accused tin IW dent and the r.S. povcrmntrt yesterday cf carrying by step plans to ****j2J War 111 to be onUtled •Preventive Wai. A.r.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 37 12 TABOU, Today, Strung Imisioii < <nint< rat la: kc<« thin morning MgauMt eneim hill poMitlonit s« \.-u miles Mor-h of Om hoar alter tin- assjult In-Run, a ■pnhriamf said the Cavalry wer. moving a'mil "sattsiaetoriiy." A.l*
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    • 44 1 MALAYA Tribune Tefc 'Tribune" Spore. Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lump**; ipoh ana Penang. f LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA Phone 5811/3 Nine Una EIGHT PAGES. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1950 PRICE TEN CENTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE TUESDAY, SEPT. 12. 1930
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    • 726 1 Russia's Demand Is Re jected U.P. and Reuter. LAKE SUCCESS, Monday. THE United Nations Security Council tonight rejected Russia's demand that it invite Red China here for a hearing on two Chinese Communist charges of American aggression—in Manchuria a id Formosa. Russia, Britain,
      U.P. and Reuter.  -  726 words
    • 101 1 Reuter. ORLY AIRFIELD. Paris. Monday. THE Soviet Foreign Minister Vyshinsky arrived here tonight by air from Berlin on his way to the United Nations General Assembly at Lake Success. M. Vyshinsky refused to reply to questions on peace prospects and the length' of his
      Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 30 1 A.P. IRAN. TEHERAN. Today.— Iranian army reported today that Orajni tribesmen nave joined troops in fighting against the rebellious uavanloodi near the Iraqi border in western Iran. —A.P.
      A.P.  -  30 words
    • 181 1 Reuter. M ,\v Gymnock, Ayshirc. Mon. RAIN* water draining into the mud-blocked workings of Knockshinnodl castle colliery forced rearwc parties to p their search for 13 missing Scottish miners. Relatives huddled together In the driving rain watched "suicide squad" ,< red up from the 300 yard
      Reuter.  -  181 words
    • 72 1 A.P. GENEVA. Monday. ajARRIHAN Sadek, 17-year-ii old friend of King Farouk Egypt, checked out of her hotel last Saturday, it was k mcd Coda v. S««cK hud been staying here for several days in the company of her uncle. Mustf i Kamel Sadek. and the Egyptian ambassador to
      A.P.  -  72 words
    • 18 1 A.P. King earouk. travelling ID Fmt I Almisri. in Spain yesterday for ;bort visit.-— AJt.
      A.P.  -  18 words
    • 12 1 Sti Franklin Gimaoa returned by ur from l'enang ye j-
      12 words
    • 203 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Monday. SECRETARY of State Dean Acheson told Con--3 cress foreign policy leaders today that American policy at the Big Three Foreign Ministers meeting this week would be to continue support for Nationalist China's representation in tne United Nations. Before leaving for the "Big Three"
      Reuter.  -  203 words
    • 32 1 Reuter. LEIGH, LANCASHIRE. Today— *n escape of gas in \lbert coal pit, near Le gh. earfy today killed two colliery Bremen inspecting the workings before the morning -htft went down.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 89 1 A.P. i o kt OON Today. SOME 950 British Guardsmen jammed into the Members' sef*< and F*!l*rt'* of the new House of Commons ;or further tests of its acoustics and air conditionins today. During the test. Dr. Oscar Faber. an engineer, told them Quit the direction
      A.P.  -  89 words
    • 27 1 U.P. Al Jolson ieft Hollywood last night for the Korean battlefront, the first prominent American entertainer to appear before soldiers fightin,, U»fP\ Ij.P
      U.P.  -  27 words
    • 23 1 Reuter. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company has made a loan of t«,000.000 without intif st to to the Persian Government. Renter.
      Reuter.  -  23 words
    • 47 1 Reuter. Canada's regular navy, army nnd air force have been placed on a war footing and Canada's Korean commitment has been widened to allow the sending Of a total of Ifi.OOO men, it was disclosed in the Canadian House of Commons on Saturday.- Renter.
      Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 28 1 Reuter. RANGOON. Today. Communists who attacked a village in the Tavoy district of Burma were beaten off and suffered casualties, according to reports reaching here. Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  28 words
    • 34 1 A.P. SYRIA. Today. -The Syrian House on Monday gave a vote of confidence to the new Koudst government by 62 votes to six after debating the government's statement of policy. —A.P.
      A.P.  -  34 words
    • 160 1 25 Die In Train Crash Reuter. COSHCTON. Ohio. Mon. AT LEAST 25 Amerlcon National Guard mm (Territorials) were killed in a train crash here today on their way to a training camp in Indiana. In addition ibout 60 men were injured. The men had been called
      Reuter.  -  160 words
    • 43 1 SAIGON Monday. t-our bandits witn guns heid up Saigon's Central Post Oificc ""av and made off with 410,--000 piastres (about Straits *au.i»oo). Late in the afternoon, the bandits' black escape car was discovered abandoned. It contained ID.OOO piast *ci
      43 words
    • 32 1 J. B. Roberts. British Consul at Medal since j November 1946, will shortly be replaced by L. H. Dis- more, the Dutch News j agency, Aneta said yesterday.
      32 words
    • 30 1 A.P. Pravda accused the President and the U.S. government yesterday of carrying out step by step plans to unleash World War 111 to be entitled Preventive Wai." —A.P.
      A.P.  -  30 words
    • 48 1 A Teochew was picked up at the junction ot Lavender Street and Jalan Besar at about 8.25 p.m. last night. The man was groaning and alleged that someone had thrown acid into his face. He was rushed to the General Hospital. He is 'progressing satisfactorily.
      48 words
    • 51 1 Tribune Staff Reporter A total of about 700 troops from Singapore and Malaya with their families began embarking on the Devonshire this morning to go back to the United Kingdom. The ship leaves this evening. From the Royal Navy a total of 140 Commandos will be
      51 words
    • 90 1 THE first unit of men to leave for Korea from Singapore mainly volunteers from the Royal Army Ordnance Corps were told in a farewell message by General Sir John Harding. C. in C. FARELF, yesterday to be prepared to defend themselves when they were in
      90 words
    • 39 1 Reuter. The Japanese government under the direction of MacArthur's headquarters has restored 14,788 kilograms of phoshorus ore, 5,970 kllo- grams of zircon crystals and 600 kilograms of beryllium ore to the French government, it was announced yesterday.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 153 1 PRETORIA, Monday. CI ELD MARSHAL Smuts, statesman and soidier for three decades, died tonight at his farm hnmp near Pretoria. I liUIllc ucdi ricwuo. Gen. Smuts died from sudden heart collapse. He had spent a happy day with Mrs. Smuts and his family. Soon after
      153 words
    • 48 1 r DAY'S late afternoon edition of the Tribune will contain the seratchings and order of running for tomorrow's races at Bukit Timah. It will also carry the usual three exciusivc features short story, the superman comic strip and "Home Town News from Britain", meant specially for troops.
      48 words
    • 52 1 Reuter AAP. MANILA. Today. A 16--year-old boy died of food poisoning this morning in hospital after cnting native sausages. Five members of his family who partook of the sausages" also suffered from fowl poisoning. They were rushed to hospital but are now reported to be getting better.-
      Reuter & AAP.  -  52 words
    • 18 1 All schools were closed today in commemoration of the M.h inniversary of the Liberation of Singapore.
      18 words
    • 26 1 Reuter. The six-man Pakistan trade, mission now in Japan to negotiate a new trade agreement l>etween the two countries arrived in Osaka, yesterday.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  26 words
    • 29 1 Reuter. Britain and Egypt will start negotiations in November for a long-term permanent settlement of Egypt B sterling balances, it was officially announced in Alexandria yesterday. —Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  29 words
    • 5 1 Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  5 words
    • 19 1 President Syngman Rhte said yesterday that U.N. ferces are "almost ready to strike in an all-out offensive."—A.P.
      19 words
    • 31 1 Reuter. Hongkong's depleted garrison was further strengthened yesterday following the arrival of 500 Gurkhas of the Royal Engineer Independc nt Field Squadron aboard the Kutsang from Singapore.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  31 words
    • 29 1 Reuter. Wilhelm Pieck, East German President, yesterday declared to a Soviet Zone peace rally in Saxony that East Germany must become strong to ward off American aggression.—Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  29 words
    • 239 1 REDS REPORTED WITHDRAWING ON 3 FRONTS AROUND TAEGU U.P. TOKIO, Today. ALLIED warplancs new a record 670 sorties yesterday, the Air Force disclosed today, as fighter bombers roared from Japan bases to blast, and fry Red troops reported withdrawing on three fronts. Monday's record air effort
      U.P.  -  239 words
    • 151 1 A.P. TOKIO. Tuesday AMERICAN Worth Korean artillery roared in angry duels seven to 12 miles north of Taegu, foi the second straight day yesterday. while ground forces clashed bitterly but inconclusively. As* this action thundered along the northwest pivot of the United Nations beachhead in Korea.
      A.P.  -  151 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 33 1 National Mutual \s>lN IATtON I TU. H r»r|*»r*l*J >» I'U»UHfI) m»vm ttataOm. Kali en Mm*, *'pore. M.naC" N- > I'hon» iMXV GOLD FLAKE mm in eneumf B" LIFEGUARD MILK 4%. H Pif RAISE YOUR CHILD
        33 words
      • 97 1 WE RAVE TNE LATEST SELECTION OF DIAMOND-SET PLATINUM LAD IKS' WRIST WATCHES TO SUIT ALL G. C. de SUVA. BROS. JEWKLLF.ns j 3. Raffles Place, Singapore. ftw f Pilsner «4 rnt only genuine ms&B* j Beer brewed rjnd boiled bg the r PILSNER BREWERIES J V NATIONAL CORPORATION J PLZEN
        97 words
    • 168 2 rfHE rush ot applications I for the renewal of ration cards resulting In tM public having to ™it lor lavs at a time in long uuSes at the Rationing will be the subject of a auery by Mr. Tan Chin Tuan at the next meeting of
      168 words
    • 131 2 Dr Saartnwaawi Pre dent of the Singapore gae*pav CmmmeU tald ta* MTC Civil S<T\ie;- Avsoe.ati >n y«rt>riaj thai Be had emnmu the matter of backpaj witn the laaarn Party ParliamentarN Com£M*** tluriag his. rtaj in the Halted Kwjrd«wn. I»r. SandoshaMi retaraed in -in th.-
      131 words
    • 672 2 Trttmme Stall «^2«T n SIR FRANKUN CUMSON, Governor of Singapore. v iv open the colony's uvrgest nchool the new mdlmn-dol-lar Analo-Chinese School ot Barker Road, with a goldm key 04) Friday. Sept. 29. at TkU k* v X ill
      672 words
    • 53 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Following a request from trade unions. Interim Joint Council met recently to consider the question of an upward revision of wagt.s for daily rated employees of the Governments. Discussions continued for another two day?. Agreed recommendations are being submitted tc- the
      53 words
    • 165 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. BRITISH soldier was killed and six others we re injured when a vehicle in a military convoy overturned during a bandit attack in Pahang yesterday afternoon. Bandits murdered two civilians and seriously wounded two others in Selangor and Perak. One <>i their
      165 words
    • 99 2 Fighter bombers of the Royal Air Force carried out several devastating air attacks on bandit concentrations in Johore in support of security forces during the past two days. The selected targets were subjected to continuous bombing and strafing for several hours. Ground observers reported accurate bombing
      99 words
    • 120 2 AX assurance to the Coveminent tnat the Sinhalese in the country are behind it in its efforts to eradicate terrorism mt: bring the I mergency to an end, "■as given by Mr. M. S. Mendis, President of the Malayan Sinhalese Association, at. a tea-party Riven
      120 words
    • 53 2 The Streathem Hill brought a full cargo of 9.000 tor- o{ cement for Penang and Singapore. At piesent she is discharging the balance nt N r cargo at godown 11. and she will leave for Java to pick 7.000 tons of copra whi?'i she will taKe beck
      53 words
    • 99 2 Two boys, Quek Ah Kwai. 17, and May Nai Chee. 16. were each sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment by the Second Police Court for stealing $60 worth of motor accessories from a lorry belonging to Ong Hock Choon on September 3. It was stated
      99 words
    • 211 2 I EGISLATIVE Councillor, Mr. Balwant Singh. L will ask the Government a number of questions on the recent sutrar crisis in the Colony: He will ask: Can Government state how the crisis in sugar supply arose, why it was allowed to develop and
      211 words
    • 83 2 After a preliminary hearing in the Relief Court into the deaths of Baskaran and Abu Bakar. during a gang right at 4i mile Telok Blangah Road on July 2. four Indians were committed to stand trial at the Assizes. They were Utharapathi Retnam, Ramiah
      83 words
    • 44 2 MR. P. Claque, the Fourth Police Magistrate, yesterday acquitted and discharged a European, B. W. N. Allen, and a woman. Betty T. Smalley, on two charges of trespass and mischief at the home of Wong Chin Tong at Henderson Road on July 2.
      44 words
    • 91 2 The Singapore Police want information on 54-year-old seaman. Edward Reid McDiarmid who was found dead in a back lane off Bencoolen Street on Sunday morning. Police stated that McDiarmid has been in Singapore since October last year when, he was paid off the s.s. Kingsbury.
      91 words
    • 68 2 The Singapore Police yesterday issued a warning that members of the public should not accept original documents bearing stamped signatures. A Police officer said: "Such documents are valueless." He pointed out that recently the Police found a rubber stamp bearing the signature of a Police officer
      68 words
    • 44 2 HAD REVOLVER CHARGE Two Chinese. Tan Kian Chay and Tan Ah Tat. were, produced in the Relief Court yesterday ob a charge of having a .38 revolver at 11 mile Woodlands Read on September 10. They were remanded in police custody until Sentem-. bcr.
      44 words
    • 33 2 Mr. Noel D. Jones, Ovinias head office sales controller trnved yesterday by Constellation from Sydney to attend tne Far Eastern and Australian Traffic Conference of International Transport to be held to-day.
      33 words
    • 278 2 A MAN whom the defence described as accustomed to a high standard of living was yesterday sentenced to 18 months rigorous imprisonment by Judge Tan Ah Tah in the Second District Court on two counts of breach of tru.sL of $11,995. 9. He was a book-keeper
      278 words
    • 628 2 #Sir Franklin GOVERNOR of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson. v in a statement issued on Commemoration Day today asked the people of Singapore to resolve anew to stand firm against Communist forces, who seek to out-Jap the Japanese in Malaya and to rob the peoples
      628 words
    • 69 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— A four-year-old male buffalo belonging to a Kctua kampong of Uiu Klawang, Jelebu, was. adjudged the best exhibit at the Mukim Livestock Show held at the Malay School, Ulu Klawang, recentThe first show cf its kind in Jelebu, it was held in conjunction
      69 words
    • 91 2 Commodore G i> Hr hard. Chut s Command* r-.. East Station. left by air fr the United Kxi.gdorn yesier day morning, h comniaiii d hard. At the KaUang airport to see them oil were admire Sir Patrick B, C-in-C. and tn< mbei v staff.
      91 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 84 2 TODAY jflfflyyil £.T«ff 4 ■■iiwiniii ■■lit)imn]---' W6uUinE ***** SFENdRTrVCf JOAN BENNETT CHIMP *nrt th* ELIZABETii'KiIbR. 1? .„«ue Biiir CTatl, OT oft!«oßri«k> v LAUGHS RING FORTH. -MEX*IP~ CHARISE i ■ifiMfMigfiiit j PRE-PREMIERE ■dßllilrf SATURDAY Tag am^L^> I LAST VA'O SHOWS G?AVlLinai 1 G. 30 p.m. I *?v^^<JLJl\| I I COMEDY OF
        84 words
      • 123 2 ATLANTIC Great World Today 2 Show- 8.30 §jj "DON WINSLOW OF THB NAVY" (Sotia!i SL T N Netf World Today 2 Bhow SJO A<i v TOUNG EAGLE" (Serial) ROYAL 3 ::u ;0 "MANTHRI KUMART (Tamil* STARTS TODAY 11—1.45—4—6.30 9M THE SCREEN'S GREATEST GLORY STORY! PTSI LAST LuLXJ 5 SHOWS! 11—1.45—4—6.30—9.30
        123 words
    • 768 3 Colony—U.K. Link For Service Patients THE last vital link in the Far East Air Force's air casualty evacuation scheme will be forged tomorrow morning at Changi, when a Hastings aircraft loaded with stretcher cases flies off to England. From then on, evacuation of casualties from
      768 words
    • 58 3 PENANG, Mon. WHEN the Municipal elections come round in December, 1951, the workers of George Town would carry out the elections in a true democratic way, said the Trade Union Officer, Mr. Abdul Rahman. He added: "This is being achieved by the secret ballot system that is playing
      58 words
    • 57 3 PENANG. Fri. THE Municipality has is- sued a booklet entithct the Epitome of Accounts and General Financial Statistics" for 1949. The book states that the total revenue of the Genera! Departments showed an increase Jt $315.287 over 194 ft, th< hguiv being 53.438.412 for 1949. against $3,123,125 for
      57 words
    • 33 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The Alor Gajah Welfare Week Committee raised $4 700.83 during Welfare Week from July 29 to August 5. This about $1,700 more than the amount collected last year.
      33 words
    • 269 3 MR. L. C. Goh the retiring President of the Singapore Civil Service Association, who wilf*be leaving for Ihe United Kingdom to-morrow on a study tour, gave a few tips to his fellow workers yesterday. Mr. Goh welcomed Government's policy of giving scholarships to
      269 words
    • 40 3 PENANG, Mon. The funeral of the late Mr. Khoo Heng Teik, former well known race-hcrse owner took place on Saturday at the Khoo will be buried at the Khoo Cemetery at Thean Teik Estate, Kampong Bharu.
      40 words
    • 63 3 WASHINGTON, Mon. The Department of Commerce reported yesterday that Ceylon's copra and coconut oil production dropped sharply during the first six months of 1950. In a review of world crops and markets, the department said insufficient and poor distribution of rainfall were mostly to blame. It
      63 words
    • 60 3 PENANG. Men. CH'.LDREiN like WOiO: n dentists. They are not afro id to sit in the dentist's chair, when a woman is attending on them, said 'At. C. F. Mummery, the Chief Dental Omcei ot the Federation. He said, the Nurses's D ntal Training Class had
      60 words
    • 139 3 Mr. K. M. Byrne, a former Magistrate and Clerk of Councils, was yesterday elected President of the Singapore Civil Service Association by a unanimous vote. The other members of the committee of management are: First Vice-President. Mr. M. T. Pillay: second VicePresident, Mr. N.
      139 words
    • 50 3 The Singapore Civil Service Association paid an Income Tax of $526.24 in the last two years. Mr. L. C. Gch the retiring President said that this was a great blow to the Association. Despite representations made, the Comptroller of Income Tax could not grant exemption.
      50 words
    • 322 3 Two fctevernment agricultural experts from northern Malaya have been awarded grants by the United States Department of Agriculture to study the most advanced methods of farming in America. Tne men selected are Salim Akjb, aced 35. of Alor Star agricultural assistant in Kedah and
      322 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 497 3 SITS. VACANT. by large engineer,n<* company fairly experienced .female) Stenographer. Good v with provident fund. Transport provided. Applicato be addresaed to Box Ti ibune Singapore. MEDICAL \K*FkR CONFINEMENT take I mi' llcrto, Herbtonic. ju, and Obatpriok. pllent results to perfect h are widely known. D. Company, 24 p Street, Singapore.
        497 words
      • 318 3 NOTICES THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (Chap. 45) In the High Court of the Colony of Singapore. Island of Singapore. In Bankruptcy No. 109 of 1950. Re U) Chan Wah Hock. Receiving Order made 25th August. 1950. Date of Adjudication 25th August. 1950. Date and place of First Meeting 19th September. 1950,
        318 words
      • 261 3 tfUk iv/. j frunf Styled to please and engineered to Perfection the Ariel way---you get trouble-free performance always. Distributors j— George Lee Motors, Singapore. South Motor Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur. Hock Hoe Co.. Ipoh. Segamat Store Agency, Penang. Heng Seng Co., Kotn Bharu Factory Representatives:— T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD.
        261 words
    • 661 4 MALAYA'S little business men have goeu reason to be Phased at the news (first published in the Sunday Tnbune) that plans are considered to help them break into new markets The idea is that we should have an exports credit guarantee system, similar to that now vorkin! in
      661 words
    • 662 4  -  Nehru Discusses Korea, The Security Council, Mao Tse-Tung Russia, Indochina, And... by PANDIT NEHRU Reuter. Indian Prime Minister WASHINGTON, Monday. THE Prime Mincer of EOT of the Korean method for a s iMc whether the United Nations Secun* C U Th'; interview was published
      Reuter.  -  662 words
    • 1000 4  -  by ERNEST ATKINSON LONDON. Today ITNDOUBTKDLT the Government *'ernment will have to be much cone« rned ar»out the adverse vote hi Urn Trades Union Congress on the "Wage H'rr.-zr*'. It is Uve, as Mr Attlee reminded the Oongrass V7he9 spoke to it in the capacity of
      1,000 words
    • 1483 4 BIOGRAPHY OF FIELD MARSHAL SMOTS, WHO DIED LAST NIGHT, AGED 80 A.P. FROM a sny md ratrn r delicate boyhood. Jan Chris' ian c'muts emerged to a dominant position in world attars as a stat?s;nan -»ho iwtce headed the Jmon of So-rh Africa and carried the torch
      A.P.  -  1,483 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 41 4 For a mild Cigarette Smoke "DOMINOS"! It means a cooler smoke and good cigarette value. Agents; F.A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD. Singapore. JiPviELOS 1 \PS£) Staph* BUT 1 EFFICIENT 6£TOME FOB EVERY OES« Malaga »«*A*o« )480 j 41S0 »1 UMLi lUMPUR t PEHWt
        41 words
        62 words
    • 142 5 BANGKOK, Monday. Handicrafts Marketing u tMn t of ECAFE. Mr. vwad, left Bangkok by air on Wednesday for New pilhi to discuss with Govern„t of India omcials. and mtcrei ted parties, matrelating to the export of ft produced in that country. While in India he is
      142 words
    • 118 5 running method of r rK pocketing by bumping tnothCT person and Ihi n removing his money. was j sterday revealed by mpl ilnant Pow Char X >?»" in the Second Police Court. pow told Magistrate Teh that while walking along North Bridge Road on the [tomoon of
      118 words
    • 71 5 Pi NANG. Mon. Adding to the present recreational s oi the 35 Indians the Leper Settlement ol Pulau Jereiak is a nintvah( radio set presented bj Indian Community thr ugh the efforts of the Indian Chamber of Comgitt was made as a r suit oi
      71 words
    • 50 5 PENANG, M<">. About I MX) was spent on piling ft on tlx- site of the new iatic telephone exchange in M;i<lrrts Ivine. ire now being calln! fi l tin constructs a of exchange building icli on completion will be up to date telephone exch inge building in Malaya.
      50 words
    • 207 5 Tribune Staff Reporter WITH six gun mountings clearly visible, but without any guns showing, the 3,000-ton Russian ship "Lcrmontov" docked at Singapore wharves yesterday. She <s tf Icing a large consignment of rubber from Singapore and Malaya for Russia. A Tribune reporter once
      207 words
    • 80 5 PENANG. Mon. Anew General Post Office will be built in Penang under the Development plan, when funds are Sl'ailable, said Mr. M. L. Durrant. the Controller of Posts. Northern Division. The present General Post Dfliec is housed in a converted Japanese godown. The old General Post
      80 words
    • 322 5 JHREE hundred members of the Singapore Medical Services Union at a mass meeting yesterday unanimously protested against Government's delay in implementing step for step conversion for Hospital Assistants to the Council on June 20. Meeting amidst posters which carried such statements
      322 words
    • 58 5 PENANG. Mon.—Community leaders of Sungei Pinans which was affected by recent rains and floods, intend to request Government tor the immediate improvement oi their living conditions. The 8.000 people of this affected of which about 6.000 are mostly wage-earning Malays in George Town, feel that authorities
      58 words
    • 183 5 A large crowd lined the Chinese Swimming Club Pool ;it Amber Road on Fridaylast to see sixteen of the Sub's young men being examined for tne Bronze Medallion of the Royal Life Saving Society. The boys wore prepared for the test by Mr. Tan Chong Chake and
      183 words
    • 205 5  -  -Says Teachers' Union THE Singapore Teachers' Union has written to 1 Government and heads of Mission schools attacking Government's attitude in forcing aided-school-teachers to accept the new salary scales contained in the Benham Salaries Report. They pointed out that since the
      205 words
    • 81 5 AT the Annual General Meeting of the Ramakrlshns Mission held at the Mission premises recently, the xfollowing were elected to constitute the Advisory Committer for the year, IMO. President. Swuni Varnadevnnanda; Vice-President, Mr. V. Pakirisamy Pillay, Hor.y. Secretary. Mr. M. T. Pillay; and Hony. Treasurer. Mr. R.
      81 words
    • 505 5 WOMAN TELLS COURT A PRETTY young Chinese woman. Tan Ah Lek. who was "described by the prosecution as the main Crown witness, at the trial of Ho Lee Kwee for the alleged murder of her actor husband, Lee Kirn Wah. on February 16, 194&
      505 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 40 5 HEW SHIPMENT Citric Acid Crystals B.P. quality. Tartaric Acid, i United quantity Only 11ade i aquiriea tu.— J G. KIAT CO. rtli Bridge Road. Singapore. i SELL your Unwanted TOOLS iw" in the TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS lowest Costs Best Results
        40 words
      • 85 5 lb THE KINTA ELECTRICAL DISTRIBtJTION CO., LTD., 1, Station Road, Ipoh. Trtephonea 9M. Agents in Perak of THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD.. OF ENGLAND QUAKER OATS kmhmt (®L make children f— 5 health BENEFUS w l SEE B» G HtA y-, ..J 1 f-dr«m«Ms 1 •-fT Boil 2 caps of
        85 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 153 6 The recent publicity about forged 50-cent notes has revived public misapprehension as to the genuineness of 50-cent notes issued by the Board in view of the fact that the words "lima puloh sen" printed in Jawi script differ as between two printings. One printing includes
      153 words
    • 116 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. It was a dull and disappointing day in the local share market with prices showing practically no change in all sections. The day's price changes were: SIM. A I'Olt X, m. caQa i lcobia*aa rv».. Ui, Pfi. >•• Law 2;xl Pi i* l h*.'2s> < d
      116 words
    • 133 6 The rubber commodity market was easier but closed steady at lower levels ycsterd r.. There was considerable liquidation in evidence, especially from upcountry. Dealers are again finding it difficult to finance rubber neat the 150 cents 'evcl. The market opened it 150 cents a pound for £'ept?mber first
      133 words
    • 19 6 The price of tin yesterday was $390i 8 per picul ex-smel-ter—a rise of $2 on the picul.
      19 words
    • 87 6 Copra was slightly steadier in Singapore yesterday though trading was veryquiet. Sellers asked $48 pei picul f.cb. Sept.-Oct. while reported buyers were at $47 1 with no business passing. Coconut oil was a market with bids at $72 per picul f.o.b. Sept. ct. and prices asked at $72^».
      87 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 633 6 m H £xrt JHS AS I «KUJ^a^ For Saigon. Hongkong. Japan. Betel geuse" 1./20 Sept. •••Rebeverett- t Bombay, P. Sham; For Penang. Rangoon. Calcutta. Karachi. Khoramghanr rftt Madrai 17/19 Sept. "Nordstjernan" 8,12 Oct. "Leneverett m Oct -Bradeverett" \£,i£e please apply to:For freight, pam»K' > i GUTHRIE CO., Liu., 103/eii 5J31
        633 words
      • 353 6 ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD Aden, Port Said, Rotterdam Amsterdam. S pore P. S'ha- Penang •KERTOSONO 21-22 Sept. v •VANT HOFF 10/12 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. P4POET 2b H Oct. 3 utl SAJ» loading for Port Sudan direct. Agents: ROTTERDAM TRADING CO. (M) LTD. Shipping Oept Tel: 5071. Ext. 19. I*
        353 words
      • 1188 6 j SAILINGS FROM BOANMNIVIA I X (OMim n, Spor.- p. frhmm m "Annam" for Horn; K<»n-. Kobe Yokohama 22 2' Sept. •Kan.bodia' for Bangkok. Man la Honn K©n« 2V29 Sept. ••Lalandia" for Saigon Ban kok T-S Ort. 5-6 (Vt. 1-1 O i ••Nordvesi" for Saigon Bnnckok 11-12 Ort. 9-I''» O.
        1,188 words
      • 188 6 OFFICE room races* Place. also Mx: roon xiaaatety two desks' S" Apply Box A 399". Tribune. S'|OT*. < FURN*: Room to let. No iMMitn. Self-caterini:. inunedi»! Bjx 3HS«. M.T.. S*po' VACANT: In buret* house self-ronsa at <i do Kith private ketbraori suitable fassilj Bfiti' situation 1 entrsl. Apnl Xo.3Mfe, Tribune.
        188 words
    • 10486 7 Class 1 Oiv. I—S1 —S Furs 5 Yds. .NOW V OWL 119.07 .I-: ii\H: 27.5J0. S>.ro. ?.(»2 v fiiy) Class L Dat, x. I lv Yards. The SumWon by Per* an Lord. Time 1 m,n. 18 Diat. 1. I. I. (***** II started. „M»: tgCO, C.03
      10,486 words
    • 2068 8 REST BETS: BILLY CAROL, ABBOTSFORD AND LA-WAN B> jmMhlS K. Fw. should follow up l>is onoWV OWL U, owned I» or crac is" at Bukit Timah to•S "access by winning the SP™« "j, Cv MMWJ. second day of «'^"f R P 0
      2,068 words
    • 39 8 DETROIT. Mon. The National Boxing Association's convention voted today that the winner of Wednesday's middleweight title fight between champion Jake Lamottu and Laurent Dauthulle must make his first defence against Ray Robinson within six months.
      39 words
    • 30 8 THE followii.R horses nft»3 .iot KO to the tapes tomorrow: Ambassador Mala Hart, Hirer >lo»»n. Royal Hush. Game Law. Grand l>a>. Bright House and r.s>ptiaiv Uueen.
      30 words
    • 92 8 THE Malayan Jockeys' Association's Annual Charity Dance held at Raines Hotel last night was a success. The entire proceeds, which amounted to approximately $8,000. will go to the Welfare Home for the Blind Jooorv and i; Nicholas Home tot Blind Children. Penang. a HtTYe 'atlvr'nz
      92 words
    • 365 8 A few good gallops were seen at Bukit Timah this morning. The goin» was good. Workouts were done on Nos. 1 and 2 tracks. STEEL AGE (Jones) did a winning gallop when she returned 37 4 5 sees, for the last three after pace work
      365 words
    • 59 8 The Mayflower Badminton Party is holding a dinner on Thursday, at the Tai Tong Restaurant, Happy World Park at 8 p.m. in honour of Wong Peng Soon for his success in the 1950 Malayan Championships. Members who wish to join the dinner arc requested to contact Mr.
      59 words
    • 137 8 A.P. LONDON. Mon. Rain on this evening stopped great struggle on the second d:*y of the West Indies match against HQ Eves<vi Cowers XI At the eiose. the West Indies tour inns behind with two wickets to fall. Pritchard, who has recovered from the slight stra.n
      A.P.  -  137 words
    • 25 8 Kampong Bahru Sports Club defeated the Army RAF Embarkation .by three goals to two. in a return game of soccer at Tanglin Barracks.
      25 words
    • 577 8 UONGKONG Chinese with ihe services ol fou Singapore Chinese—Chee Sen-. Boon LeonJ Hcod and Chong Kum— scored a 9 victory over a Singapore XI at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The came was played at a cracking )1(T with the Chinese combination having
      577 words
    • 133 8 tWlA, KalTle- Wa> farcrs' meeting. 2.JW r.i' 1 uaiiroom dancing. 5..1M P*' 1 S1NGAPORK STAJtl* < I all auction meet inc. tmuv J-i taurant. 5 p ni. YMCA. Orchard rSoaJ L»mrii of Directors' extraordinv.y rut ins. 5*15 p.m. YMt'A. Road basketball. 3.30 0.1.1.. ><"> oruan cla.s.«.
      133 words
    • 108 8 CATHAY: "Father of the liridt at 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.1a. b.45 and y.3u p.m. v ALHAHBK A: 'Denver Kul ai 1, 3.15. 7 and 9 p.m. 1>/iUUOA: "A woman of rieiiiKtion" at 2, 6.30 and J.<> P CAPITOL: "Oung Ho" at 11 а.m.. 1.45. 4. 6.30 and 'J.» p.m.
      108 words
    • 47 8 SOCC'EK: Community l*at'«t Malays v. Royal Navy at Besar: Business Hoube A: HKf Standard v. Shell at Bus. House B: Cubic Jit V/ircitss v. Oversea Chinese Bank at ground: Jnr. Cup-tie: Aston Ac v. Roeklites at St. George Ed. HOCKEY: SCC v. RbME «n padang.
      47 words
    • 8 8 HW, 1.22 &.nt. «8ft. Insi. 11 p.m.
      8 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 95 8 HOMEUTE carrvable SELF-PRIMING 3" CENTRIFUGAL PUMP I WITH BUILT-IN ENGINE WEIGHS ONLY 05 LUS 1 Rt IT OPERATES ON DIESEL OIL. CAPACITY—IS,OOO G.P.H. j V SUCTION LIFT—2B FEET t)ijL\ TOTAL HEAD 1,1,1 FEET j I **mt H VjCH I>um P for all jobs is 1 tn pump with these feature.-.
        95 words
      • 11 8 BLOOD BANK A Group »1 B f jab I DONORS- Jl
        11 words