Malaya Tribune, 7 September 1950

Total Pages: 19
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 7 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE, Thursday. Sept. 7. 1950
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  • 1178 1 Press, Radio And Screen Campaign Will Be Launched Reuter AAP. MELB»» JRNE. A nationwide pr ss. r. u\o and screen a aied it boosting the home forces from 20.000 to 50. W>. is to be launched here shortly. Australia'.;
    Reuter & AAP.  -  1,178 words
  • 164 1 U.P ZACTECAS. Mexico, THE v ivalry betw «fl politic d I patties in ZacahecaS state 1 may flare Into a "pocket revolution," local authentic:; 1 said yesterday. Already one matt his been killed and an and *teri.lined number wounded in a seraof gun battles throughout the state. The
    U.P  -  164 words
  • 112 1 U.P. HONGKONG.- The World Health Org.miz nion tm S established its Wetten fie region .1 office in HonKong. Dr. L C. Fang graduate of Peking m Medical College. H rv w University and the Loofca School of Public Heilth. been named regional ctM. Dt.
    U.P.  -  112 words
  • 100 1 NEW DELHI. Tut- Exports ot tea from the north Indian gardens totalled 72.47 million lbs from April to August 12. 1950. Deajotcfca to the dollar area show, improvement. Canada and USA taking up 3.2 million and 5.5 million lbs E pat to UK amounted b
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  • 203 1 NEW DELHI. ALL major industries in India except textiles *wf> A ed increase in production during the nr* nan of this year, according to official figures. Coal, steel, cement and papre were among twentvfive important industries that 0 upward trend in production in the
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  • 16 1 atHE advances P' The Coaun ITnit Lieutenant ok>'' earlier ia tne "^1
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  • 14 1 A.P. paid the »nc* o. *j (Straitopening or (England* ye«ru«« bred sales.—a.i
    A.P.  -  14 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 28 1 dramatise your natural loveliness Dramatic, brilliant and satin smooth a glowing finish to your natural loveliness YARDLEY fofjS tick (in nine lovely colour*) YAlftLa OLD 191» lIIIIT LOIIIi
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  • 1246 2 CHANNEL SWIMMING IS NO LONGER AN ECCENTRICITY France Dubs It A Sport Reuter. PAlilo p<{ \\'NK > SWIMMING is I tins 80 many asrnnts ever) season, that the Swimming Federaton h»7 decided to recognise the famous marathon of the sea -port and not an eccen- 1990 mark in etcnw dng
    Reuter.  -  1,246 words
  • 115 2 HOLLYWOOD, [I 3 iton. on the set of P Ooldwyn Mayer's r Little Words." was lim- Ine of nid wa i'- < nee as a soldier, explaining why he was only star to \rmy as a private C 0! t>ut the same way. •median remembered s
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  • 257 2 A.P. ANE great earthquake a year is what humans should expect right now. The earth seems to have settled into that dance routine of big shakes for the time being, Dr. Hugo Benioff, Associate Professor of Seismology at the California Institute of Technology, finds. This one-a-year
    A.P.  -  257 words
  • 63 2 UP. HONGKONG.- An employee of the Ward Koad Jail m Shanghai was recently sent to jail for extortion. Lee Hou-sun. an otnce worker in the prison, was found guilty r «s vm money from a relative of one of the convicts after claiming that he could
    UP.  -  63 words
  • 94 2 AP. HONG KONG, FOUR Hong K>r»;> police officers nave seen, transferred to the Malaya Federation Police force on promotion io rank of Assistant Superintendent of Felice Two of them, J. R. Wall and W. 1.. Klnlock. left for Singapore on Sunday in the liner Canton.
    AP.  -  94 words
  • 132 2 Reuter. BERLIN, EAST German Minister of Planning. Herr Hoinnch. Rau. said today that East Germany was "prepared to light in case of aggression against our homeland with the same unanimity and energy as the North Koreans." Speaking to 500 local planning officials from all districts of the
    Reuter.  -  132 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 64 2 Who's been at the (^PHĔ&L go**"* tm How the family love* Huntley and PalmetV 'Barley Biscuits The only trouble is they go so quickly with children around. Not that you can really mind these delicious biscuits are so nourishing, and are the most economical way of providing the goodness that
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  • 5058 4  -  TODAY'S SHORT STORY -BY- F.E. KNIGHT HI\RLEY. our wharf roanParugerot brought hoar-, Manrico. th" convoany's doctor, came rHunger for you,*' Harsaid, and handed the han's papers to the skipper. I was cUef officer of the it r it the time, so I was -kiooer's cabin wh.-n they arrived.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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  • 191 5 SPECIAL NEWS SERVICE FROM INDIA... ICUS. HYDERABAD, Wednesday. THE method of payment of the total commutation of about Rs. 180 million, payable to the Hyderabad Jagirdars (landlords), whose estates were taken over by the Government, was announced at a Press conference in Hyderabad on September 4
    ICUS.  -  191 words
  • 37 5 AP. KARACHI, To-d;iy. APAKISTAN-Indonesia Cultural Association will be formed here shortly by the Pakistan Cultural Relations Committee. Already functioning are associations designed to further cultural relations bet-w.-en Pakistan and Iran. Turkey, Afghanistan and Arabi.i —AF.
    AP.  -  37 words
  • 129 5 NEW DELHI. Wed. ntHE Government of India have appointed. Mi. Anad Mohan Sahay hs taw far Commissioner in British West fndies, including British Guinea. Mr. Mahay will be proceeding to British West fndies shortly. Mr. Anand Mohan Sah .y will succeed Professor Satya Charan,
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  • 69 5 AP. Srinagar. Kashmir. Wed. rE K;ishmir Government is arranging with Tibet for the visit of a trado mission, from Ladakh. Buddhist Province of Kashmir, to Ihasa. Tibet's capital. A Tibetan Trade Mission recently visited Ladkh Trade Is carted on in tea, woollen goods, carpets, nides, fruit
    AP.  -  69 words
  • 61 5 AP. NEW DELHI. Wednesday. THREE south Indian motorcyclists axe starting on a world tour, via Pakistan, tho Middle East and Europe. They are D. M. W T agle of Bombay and Frank Knmarappan and P. Diwakar of Madras. They are taking with them documentary films on
    AP.  -  61 words
  • 215 5 (GIIS). ALLAHABAD, Wednesday. PNISHLNG touches are now being given to the first India-produced glider at Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. Designed in the Research and Test Laboratory of the Civil Aviation Directorate in New Delhi, the glider is the first of the five prototype gliders and
    (GIIS).  -  215 words
  • 37 5 GIIS). SHILLONG, Wed.—Almost all pillars of the well-known Buddha. Vihara at Desangpani Gaon in Sibsagar district in Upper Assam have cracked due to the earthquake of Aug. 15. reports the Press Trust of India, —GITS).
    GIIS).  -  37 words
  • 147 5 A seven-man trade commission from India, including leading industrialists and a member of the Indian Parliament, passed through Singapore this morning by a XX.M. Constellation on their way to Jakarta for trade talks. The commission, headed by Mr. P. A. Narielwal, director of Tata and
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  • 226 5 (GUS) DEHRA DUN, Wednesday. A NEW raw material for the manufacture ol'newsprint has been brought to light as a result of experiments recently carried out at the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun (Uttar Pradesh). Investigations have shown that the paper mulberry wood (Broussonetia Papyriferai is
    (GUS)  -  226 words
  • 104 5 KUALA I mHPUR W 1 R.A.A.F. Lincoln medium bomb rs attached to Malaya Air Com inane Dew out in fore* and* d at bandit tarf»'ts in a juatjte area south of Kuala Lumpur town from last night till early this morning. The explosions of
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  • 6 5 n H I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 thing about you m Carry perfume m your handbag just as you do |h||» year lipstick, uk k as often to keep you fragrantly lovely all day through. jER Goya's lovely perfume* can make the subtle H jftiium between looking 'your best' and being beautiful for Kiting Goya fragrances lend
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 199 5 TODAY Bit!. NETWORK j I M.I.I>H PROGRAMME \jm\ p.m. *nmfn»' j i« Hj Mfl niidrrn's Prvur .nm;. luti Calling All Hospital* ■MMtj for pat-ent*: JJ" •U| Mniftl, Xfw» X raft; < Mirk* Report; MS Th.- K. BCAaWtJa* di-iiwn* A Un,m of th« AJr-wH* a p-*J naart of four member* to
      199 words

  • 532 6 TRADE, FINANCE AND MARKETS Reuter. PARIS, Today, j EAIMNG financial experts of 48 countries, including t zeehoslovakia but excluding the Soviet rnion, met at the Bank of France here today for the tilth annual meeting of the International Monetary Tumi and the World Bank for development
    Reuter.  -  532 words
  • 45 6 DJAKARTA. Wed.- Workers of the marine establishment at Sourabaya resumed work today after a one-day strike yesterday, according to Aneta news acrencv. 'From nine o'clock till two o'clock yesterday aftomoon the strike was total but after two o'clock many workers resumed work.
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  • 155 6 TODAY'S MARKETS The. rubber commodity marI km again lunched 150 rents a I :>ound this morning showing a I ri.*e of five cents since yesterday's closine. The market opened at 147 POMS for Setn. ana eased to 146 I 1/4 for a while on the publico-
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  • 57 6 The tin metal market Ml tirni ttiij* mornirlg in Singapore with the prioc gaining $11 8 on the picul. Tho prioe de< at noo't toiay was J.IS4 7 8 pr picul ex-nmettor. i ne. nrioc of thtoo month's ten i:i London la*t night was fJgS hid t>er tor
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  • 35 6 The tin share market was ■jciia firm today from London. B- tier bids were received but locally the response was slight. Euyiness was still difHcult. Industrials remained steady and rubbers had little chang»
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  • 25 6 The gold market was unchanged though moderate business wa.<* passing. The WFhpiegale price per tael was $200 for KfW quality I ar*
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  • 195 6 Reuter. LONDON, Wednesday. THE London Times in a leading a* tide said that disturbance in several countries of Southeast Asia had affected rice production sc. seriously that there was reason to fear a worldwide snortage among the growing copulations whose staple food was rice.
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 26 6 HONGKONG. Wed.—The following were today's quotations on the Hongkong Money Exchange: HK56.35 per U.S. dollar. HK515.60 per pound sterling. HK$3OO per tael of gold.—
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  • 188 6 PENANG. Wednesday. AT a special general meeting of the Penang A Chamber of Commerce Mr. D A. Mackay was elected to be recommended to tie High Commissioner for appointment as an unofficial member of the Federal Legislative Council in place of Mr. Jules Martin
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  • 112 6 A.P. MA Nil .A. Wed. Philp nes import controls and j p\«*hange regulations reduced the unfavourable balance of u*d* for the first half of 1950 to U5548,967,034 compared to a deficit of U*****,224,070 for j the same period the previous I year. The Bureau of Census and
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 29 6 NEW DELHI. Wed. India will send 13,000 U*M of lute to Egypt in exchange for 60.000 tons of rice, the Indian Food Ministry announced on Wednesday.-
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  • 139 6 Reuter AAP. TOKIO, Wednesday—A sixman Pakistan trade delegation arrived in TokjO today to renew the trade agreement with Japan which expired in June. Mr S H. Hasnie. Secretary of th" Ministry of Commerce, headed the Pakistani delegation. Ttw vroi'n is scheduled '"'o n<"otiattnns with
    Reuter; AAP.  -  139 words
  • 139 6 STOCKS Reuter. NEW YORK, To-day. GOOD Corporate news which has been the prop behind the Stock Market's recent strength—failed to hold prices to-day. A bout of moderately heavy selling during the morning sent markets stfding downwards and losses passed thej dollar mark ha some before the pressure
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 48 6 LONDON LATE IMPROVEMENT AP. LONDON, To-day HE industrial shares led in a late improvement ir* the London stock market yesterday, after a sluggish start. Spot tin sold at £766—76« per ton. Three months—■ The Tin market closed firm* £765 -766. Straits £767—. Total sales were 235 tons. AF.
    AP.  -  48 words
  • 121 6 Reuter-AAP. HONGKONG. W*d\—Qui sfr*n?n of repayments of prewar bank deposits in China are expected to be clarified 04 vie Chinese Peoples Government shortly, ac- <« >iumg to Chines? reports... A3 whole issue now hinges on the rate at which pre-war deposits will be refunded
    Reuter-AAP.  -  121 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 6290 7 Class 1, Div. 1-1 M. 6 6 yd. FOUR O'CLOCK 9.07 WON: 27-5-50, S'fwT*. f°- s (Tulioh) Class 1 Div. I, 1J mil* a 36 Yds. 2nd: Millwall. 8.10 (Faunerv) Tim** I .mns. 15 2 B sees. D si. hd.. 2. 1. Coins heavy. 10 started.
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  • 129 8 HOME TOWN NEWS FROM BRITAIN ONE of the forgotten railways of the Midlands, the Shropshire and Montgomeryshire line, has a special interest for the Royal Engineers. For some years it was in their care, as a military railway, and to-day it remains a responsibility of the War
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  • 122 8 ABOUT 30,000 recruits for the National Hospital Service are hoped for as a result ol a Ministry of Health campaign in the early autumn. At present there are 3.000 recruits, though accoiding to a Ministry official people are becoming conscious of the need for this type
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  • 65 8 A number of live turtles will be arriving in London soon from the Cayman Isi lands, West Indies. Their ultimate fate: to become soup. Before that the; will nave a quiet tim- in a tank, at the British Food Fair. Olympia, opening next week- Near their tank
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  • 44 9 Pro»*bU|IBI Sgstart «h' H,.ntk..nt < J-J .lalan Hesaf is «n follows: n Cheng xl «a( ThUn '^;*s' Yam <* P»r«- t X wIL» v JSSSI,' Hi mm ispen-.. Wrtf (I k« gssng. Hum rn_ >po rr. Hoo »11
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  • 38 9 last years hocKey i had a hock. n team the teason. WJJ ours drew three-au. Whites bj J Almt Hi J La Brooy. fl)r I {U id S. Hope t* l I ours. I
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  • 554 10  -  By “SPOT” number of tryouts were seen at Bukit Timah this morning, when A for the first day of the Singapore Gold Cup Meeting—were given jJ]f final The weather was fine, but No. 2 and 3 tracks were «till On the soft 1 <
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  • 252 10  -  By JIM CHAMBERS A.P. LONDON, Wednesday. CONNY Ramadhin. the West Indies slow bowler, grabbed himself some more cheap wickets today in the tourists' match against the. Minor Counties representative team. Bowling off-breaks, now and again varied witn a leg break, he took seven
    A.P.  -  252 words
  • 47 10 ir, a of missed opportuniCable and Wireless .S.C. and Mansneld S.C. jfe** *3 hvn Business Ho.tse r> i-viu r. Geylanu y«**T™*' c Exchanges were l Ca b le i n the first half, out UW« and w"rel-V- showed oetter < omthem the g-'.ne.
    47 words
  • 281 10 Ten horses worth watching a' the Singapore Turf Ciub Gold Cut. meet thrv- day are: idi v OTLOI X Cat.- Strandloss) B vr. b.e.u. by Cohimcille Princess Anne. Won Peneng Gold Cup with 9.1 over IM. :;f. Won Spore Governors Cup with 85 i:\TTi.KSHir (late Guiscaid)
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  • 552 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Council of the Football Association of Selangor issued a closely-typewritten three-page statement tonight in reply to reports that have appeared in the local press recently "so as to clear the atmosphere." The Council met in secret last night (as reported Wednesday's
    552 words
  • 122 10 LONDON. Wed. SpAOT«3 football result- (LNu.MSII LE AS» UlVttlON: Arsenal 2 Ev'rtoß 1. Derby 5 Chart*on o. Liverpool 2 L brou-h Wecl prom. Newcastle 6 Hudderaflerd Wolverhampton 2 Sunderland 1. SECOND DIVISION: B*rnsley o Brentfor l Birmiiy,'h*m 1 Coventry I, Bury o. (Jneens P. li i Grimstap l
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  • 97 10 THE Singapoe Hockey Association has formed a Ey ciplinary Board to deal with misconduct and breach of rules. The Board is composed of Mr G E. N. Oehlers < chairman i Mi. John Pillai. Lt. Col. D V Henehlev. Mr. G. K. Gossain and
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  • 73 10 Dollan Don. Johore's star ratreSonrsrd. will not be aMe to make the Rangoon lour^Uh the Sinrapore Chine- otomt Asse iat ion. Tins was ennouneeo. •>> Yon Nairn Djfe*. S.C.K.A. I oacn. yesterday. m i lU n Mr. Yon,' said v ?S Dollah decided to
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  • 60 10 Pulau Bukom toat their Business House Leegu« .a, m to the Malayan Brevv. ru s hv he odd goal m live. utbouKb tnVJ weM awarded two ?>en lea. They were not < onverted. Star for th. Malayan Breweries vvn J-mr.- fortrart JaUb who performed a hat
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  • 54 10 IPOH. Wed. The MCA. sweepstake committee was onsn'uva today to Org*»*<" °f sweepstake to be dr;.\vn PMfl B January. It wa< decided to toopl s lea member.- of Perak bt ii h into m% m p roniniittec wta n SUU imder haiimansh p «f Honour.fe|, ||r Kboo Teik
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  • 26 10 DONCASTER. ENGLAND. Wed. American-owned Big Dippct. the best two-year-old in English racings won the Six Furlongs Champagne Stakes a clussific for youngsters. -to-d;i>.
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  • 35 10 A.P. CAP GRIS NES. FRANCE. Wed.—Abel Moniem. 28--year-old Egyptian lifeguard. Wednesday gave up i?« attempt to swim the aagßjh Channel from west to east less than three miles from the French shore.—a.f.
    A.P.  -  35 words

  • 232 11 A.P. LONDON, Today. THE British Commonwealth of Nations began drawing up a six-year programme yesterday for helping Southeast Asia to raise living standards and so beat back Communism. Experts met to measure the gap between the resources and the requirements of non-Communist countries in
    A.P.  -  232 words
  • 159 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Today. SIX Special Constables were charged in the Sessions Court today with the theft of 69 tins of milk valued at $37.95 from a storehouse at Sungei Titam Estate. Plentong area, during August. They were all employed as guards on the estate. The thefts
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  • 32 11 A.P. NEW DELHI. Today.- Th? Tibetan delegation here to negotiate with the Chinese Communist Ambassador on the future 3l their countiy paid courtesy call Wednesday on Charge d'Axlairts Chen Chien.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 123 11 U.P. WASHINGTON. Today SECRETARY ot State Dean Acheson said yesterday that American shipments ol gasolene to Formosa were being made to the extent that General Douglas MacArthur deemed such supplies necessary to aid the Chinese Nationalists in repelling an attack from the Communist-held mainland. But.
    U.P.  -  123 words
  • 159 11 U.P. WASHINGTON. Today. THE Senate Preparedness 1 Committee yesterday blasted Defence officials for their "business as usual" attitude towards surplus World War II equipment and the stockpiling of rubber supplies. In its first report since its formation, the Committee headed by Senator Lyndon Johnson, criticized
    U.P.  -  159 words
  • 243 11 EIGHT new classifications have been registered by the Straits Racing Association in their latest amendment issued yesterday. Of these eight. Master Bruce will be making his Malayan debut on Saturday, the opening day of the Singapore (Gold Cup) Meeting. They are: CLASS 1
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  • 80 11 Seventeen mmrtrni troops a mixed bag*' as one Army spokesman described their, disembarked in Singapore at nine o'clock this morning otT ti.e Troopship Devonshire. In the contingent w--re WRENS. WRAFS. Roy.ii Signals. RAT.. 14 18 Hussars. R.M.P's.. RAEC. RAPC RAMC. Royal Marines, and the Devons. The
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  • 120 11 IPOH, To-day. The following is the list of passes of tho Second Year Normal Class Examinations, ir>f>o. for Perak ELKM I X f AIT DKI'AKTHBOr: Miss Au Phaik Cheng, Chen Voon Son. Lee Hoo Keat. Miss Lim Ah Ngon. Mrs. Mary Ng. Yuen Sze Tuen. Lee Kirn
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  • 55 11 Fresh conscripts fur tkt Kepubi «»f larea'i „> ua\» and >inj; as |kej feS a'ong a gn-at «indin« rr«4 ironi .h«- Masaa area .in \yav |a PaaM trainint; amp. Th»> caaaerjpli nn nM up from \;iiaj;es n»ar Ms* j iklc 1h I s 25'h iS j is
    AP Photo.  -  55 words
  • 100 11 JOHORE BAHRU Today CIVE Chinese iaoourm Wen arraigned on chandu charge in the Sosions Court today. Thfj claimed trial. Lim Poon. Lai Kow Lot Tong. Lee Seek, and Boer Seek were arrested by th? Police during a raid on i kongsi house at the Bth rnik
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  • 28 11 POLICE art- still investigating the disappearanceo. 18-year-old Mrs. Khor M Teck. abducted by J young Chinese who pos« as detectives from her tm in Clement Road ftmrnM
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  • 45 11 Dr. A. A. BandosgM the University of yesterday returned alter two-year course at the M» don School of Tropical Me dicine and Hygiene-*- 1 11 Misunderstood jjfl will be assigned to m partment of parasitoW; the Faculty of Me*a*« the University of Malay*
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  • 27 11 Reuter, AAP. HONGKONG AN official t«r A alis; Mm muiiication.v wno lv» in the colons Chinese shll g* tailed in h •> cordin? to sources. itc»w*>
    Reuter, AAP.  -  27 words

    • 66 1 MALAYA TRIBUNE BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Ttfc "Tribgne" Sport r 1 larger sales THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MAIA YA Phone 5811/3 Nine l«M KKailrVAJEs Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpwr, Ipoh and Penang. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1950. m, IM<I«:<: W-M OKNTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE
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    • 823 1 MOSCOW VERSION: FULL REPORT U.P,. A.P. LONDON, Wednesday. i)l SSIA today claimed that a U.S. fighter patrol, in an unprovoked attack, shot down a twin-engined Soviet plane and killed the crew of three in the Korean area on Monday. It warned the United States
      U.P,. A.P.  -  823 words
    • 53 1 A.P LTARRITZ, To-day. King F.trouk of Egypt lunched yesterday in on*' of the town's most noted restaurants (Parako» and put in his usual session at the Bellevue Casino. Later the King mad' 1 for the gaming room and played stakes of 100.000 francs I £100) and was reported
      A.P  -  53 words
    • 28 1 AP. TEHERAN. To-day. Informed Iranian officials claimed yesterday that main resistance of the Javanroodi Kurds has been crushed by prompt army action in Western Iran. AP.
      AP.  -  28 words
    • 600 1 AP —UP —Reuter. LAKE SUCCESS, Wednesday. THE United Nations Security Council convened at 7.25 p.m. GMT tonight (Singapore time 1.55 a.m. todav. Thursday). Russia's Jakob Malik immediately asked the Assistant Secretary-General to read a Soviet communication. which turned out to be a copy of
      AP—UP—Reuter.  -  600 words
    • 418 1 Security Council Hears Charges A.P., U.P. and Reuter. LAKE SUCCESS. Wed. DR. T. F. Tsiang, the Nationalist Chinese delegate, openly charged in the Security Council tonight that Chinese Communist divisions were now in action with the North Koreans. Dr. Ts.\ng said the North Korean
      A.P., U.P. and Reuter.  -  418 words
    • 19 1 MR. VYSHINSKY Sovhi Foeign Minister who handed Russian note to th( U.S. A mbusstul'tr, trhich i/vf.s n j> rtrd.
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    • 82 1 A.P. WASHINGTON. Today. PRESIDENT Truman apo logised yesterday for his criticism of the Marine Corps. mi letter to General Clifton Cates. Marine Corps Commandant, the President said: "I sincerely regret the unfortunate choice of language I used in my letter of August 29 to Congressman McDonough
      A.P.  -  82 words
    • 46 1 AP. WASHINGTON. To-day The U.S. State Department si id yesterday that American diplomatic and consular officers in North Africa will meet at Tangier from October 2 to Oct. 7 tn discuss political, economic and cultural relations with the countries of North Africa. AP.
      AP.  -  46 words
    • 23 1 NEW YORK. To-day- An air raid warning system wdl operate in New York City from next Monday.
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    • 53 1 AP. LONDON. To-day.- Britain has extended to all Pacific countries her ban on the export of fuel oil supplies from HangkCNt, 10 R,<l China. A (foreign Office spokesman said yesterday all British-held oil stocks in the Far East arc being used by Royal Navy units engaged in the
      AP.  -  53 words
    • 315 1 Tribune Staff Reporter RICE dealers in Singapore yesterday were surprised at Government's denial of a Tribune report that the Malayan Governments may consider a cut in the rice ration, of half a katti per person per week. The opinion of thp trade was that this would be
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    • 184 1 AP. BERLIN, Thursday. NUDISTS and non-nudists are waging a battle for Teufelssce-the Devil's Lake-in West Her it. The nudists have estaDll neti ;I sun-bathing resort on the western hanks of tho lake in Grunewald Forest. It la surrounded by a three-foot fence and marked "off
      AP.  -  184 words
    • 207 1 A.P. WARRINGTON, ENGLAND, Today. AN AMERICAN soldier was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment yesterday :>n a charge that he stripped a young English chorus girl and sexually abused her aboard a speeding train. The defendant, corporal Robert R. Jones, o' ;Vartburg, Tennessee, s%» was sentenced by an
      A.P.  -  207 words
    • 337 1  -  (By JACK MACBETH. A.P. Reporter A.P. Reuter-AAP. Korean Warfront, Today. North Korean Reds brought the first British troops in North Korea under heavy artillery and machinegun fire on Tuesday night. No direct hits on emplacements were reported. The Reds also made a night attack in small force,
      A.P. & Reuter-AAP.  -  337 words
    • 53 1 WASHINGTON. Today. THE United States Defence Department said yesterday that 8.863 American casualties in the Korean war had been reported to the next-of-kin up to September Ist. The latest summary showed 599 listed as kille d in action. 5.366 wounded of whom 83 havt since died, and 2.898
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    • 235 1  -  (By Frank Tremaine) U.P. TOKIO, Thursday. AMERICAN and South Korean troops, support, d by a thundering aerial offensive and bi£ new tanks, fought desperately today to hold the north front while the Communists launched new attack in the south. j A heavy Red attack
      U.P.  -  235 words
    • 17 1 JERUSALEM. Today.—lsrael demanded yesterday "drastic action" by Jordan authorities against infiltrators into Israeli territory.
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    • 98 1 U.P. SAO PAULO, Brazil. Wed. AT least 36 persons were killed and 100 injured today when an express train jumped the tracks near here and plowed into several high tension poles. Police said that 36 bodies had been taken from the demolished cars. Some injured
      U.P.  -  98 words
    • 59 1 A.P. With the 2nd Uiv.. Today. T1IE Second Division .icadquartcrs estimated on Thursday that the enemy had lost 7300 casualties dead and wounded sine** their offensr.r began on August 31 on the centra! NaKtang River front. Division -ipoxesman said this was a "conservative" estimate and covers
      A.P.  -  59 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 95 1 National En> jM^ and otli«j^a|J^S^ INSURJKE The Famous Old Man "BAN SIEW TONG" Insists on this Brand for Health! fft* ,#*o TAY MI ANG HL AT, LTD. IS, I pper miliar Koad. N'njcapore. rose; ah co ltd ny mi»«k Guaa Co.. lji Rod-el S'ip<i IN HO. Kainponu Fantei. X Lumpur.
        95 words
      • 42 1 ICE CRf AM SINGAPOhiKUALA LUMPi'R When you've won I or lost relax. I Watch others fight it out take it easy with a Berkelo. I l Singapor o: 30 cents per 10 s packet Federation: 35 cents per 10's packet i mi
        42 words
    • 76 2 4i I \Ki ITA .•"in in- aircrs. A ol Malaya Ail Com mand Bylßt N°m l :l,>u: ll! ißorneo 1 to Changi was verted t<> Kuching (Sarawak) yesterday ultcrnoon to pick up a licit Police Ollic I requiring specialist treatment. Mm The sick man
      76 words
    • 39 2 Mr (l M Yourv-',. Senior Education Officer. Special Grade Malayan Education Service to ac as Chairman Designate Public Commission. Singapore, with effect Jroni June n. 1950 in addition to his own duties as ActtOJ Director >>t Education.
      39 words
    • 249 2 MUNICIPAL Commissioners have turned down a m proposal to convert the green surrounding the Dalhotisie Memorial at Empress Place into a car park. This proposal came from tin xrafhc authorities who submitted two proposals for a car park. The first one would enable
      249 words
    • 81 2 MM Lira Lean Teng of Penang nas given $20 LOO to the" University of Malaya. He had in January this year contributed $30.000-' for the General Fund. The present cheque of $20,000 is to endow a scholarship Xo be called "The Lim Lean Teng Scholarship" limited
      81 words
    • 33 2 Air Vice Marshal R. L. kagg, Senior Air Start Officer of Royal Air Force base at Changi. n turned to Singapore yesterday from the United Kingdom by u.O.A.C. Constellation.
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    • 20 2 Tho Y.W.C.A. has postponed their monthly dance, tl was originally planned to be held on Friday Sept. 8.
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    • 346 2 M.C.s. Study New Scheme T T ONG BAHRU residents may have a bus service I, again if a proposal before Municipal Commissioners is accepted. It has been suggested that a one -way loop service will be suitable for this area. The proposed bl u
      346 words
    • 171 2 rpHE Secretary for I Affairs will hold the annual examination under tne Scheme for Chinese Interrupters in the beginning of December Interpreters presenting Uv maehrea for exapiination will be advised later as to the exact date nnci place of examination. SueC 4 sa in examination
      171 words
    • 21 2 The Governor in Council lias approved ihe appemtment 01 l&r S-G. Bur'jck. M.C.S., as Deputy Chairman. Rural Board.
      21 words
    • 447 2 ONE of the two Chinese. Nai Kang Teo, charged with management of an unlawful society. wa*- sentenced to three, years' prison by the First District Judge yesterday. He was alloweri bail of $5,000 in two sureties, pendine appeal. J The other man was acquitted
      447 words
    • 134 2 CLAIMS and objections at electoral list centres were slow in coming during the first day of display vesierday. Eight centres have been named by Government where electoral lists will be open for public inspection Claims may be made by persons whose names do not appear in
      134 words
    • 120 2 IOHORE BAHRU. Wed. THE wounded soldier, >vho was to have been cv muted by helicopter from a jungle in Johore yesterday evening died at dawn today. A helicopter attached to the Far East Air Force made an unsuccessful attempt to iowtr a doctor to attend
      120 words
    • 98 2 Mr. Tchoy Tchi Tchor. a member of the Red Chirm embassy in Jakarta arrived in Singapore from Jakarta yesterday on his way back to China by Qantas 8.0.AC. Constellation. He was all smiles whin approached by reporters at Kallang. When asked what his official capacity was. he
      98 words
    • 309 2 MAGISTRATE I OW Kian Seng who faced a summons charge ol naving an unjust weighing scale at Victoria Street on May 16. was yesterday acquitted by Mr. S. E Teh. the SingaDore Second Police Magistrate. Mr. C. H. Koh appeared lor Low Inspector Lee Cheng Teen,
      309 words
    • 106 2 A fourteen Hokkien girl. Lip Ah Sai alias Ah Sens, was ound wandering in the Serangoon Road area on the night of Jwh I She is now under the care ol the Social Welfare Department. According: to the girl, she is •in orphan,
      106 words
    • 119 2 THERE will be a special stall for archers at a bazaar to be held in aid of the Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School new building and social hall. There will be a mcrry-go-tound. two air-rifle shooting stalls, coconut shies stall and games of skill.
      119 words
    • 76 2 Three cargo ships now loading rubber, bulk latex and tin in Singapore will be carrying a total of over forty-four mifhon dollar's worth of this cargo when they complete loading in Malayan ai!d Indonesian ports and clear for the United States. One of
      76 words
    • 32 2 Bound for Saigon on the French hospital ship Chantilly are about 600 French troops with their families. They are returning for duty after spending their leave in France,
      32 words
    • 35 2 An Indian, Krishnan Arnasalam accused of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to another Indian, L. Su->n:an with a vegetable knife was w-terdav acquitted hy the Second Di.-tiiet Court >ithout his defence being collect.
      35 words
    • 182 2 Becanse They Caught No Fish MALACCA Wodft ids* TWOCh,ms- Low Boon K W£ 1 and Chia Ah Teck chare -a with piracy on Feb 5 near Pulau Ketam of <■> le* worth of rubber and coffe, beans from a junk, told Justice C. T. Abbott in High
      182 words
    • 92 2 PKNANG. Wed. Mr Qoi Tian Siew, who is going to the United Kingdom on British Trade Union Scholarship, was felicitated at ten party recently. Mr. Ooi is in Government service. Mr. P. P. Narayanan, President of the Malayan Trade Unions Council. MM that the
      92 words
    • 40 2 For using insulting words to a BOtiCC constable on September 5. at the Time Office G ill Singapore Harbour Board. SS* year-old Wong Jim Wal WU fined |1S by Mi. R. B. 1." Pates, the Thiol Police Magistrate.
      40 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 93 2 I JOIN the WEDDING MARCH C&TIIHl S, m r~ a IOKN BENNETT mm) C ELIZABETH TAYLOR C Fathcrof Hießride j I AAA- H,t l'lX'S! For evtra good nicasurc I "HATCH CP VOIR TROIT'LES." tne runniest M.C..M. Tom_& Jerry" Cartoon yet. j MIDNIGHT SATURDAY 1 10PPER J Uf x ifv ttr
        93 words
      • 67 2 Last 3 Shows: 3. 6.15 9.15 p.m. "THE CAPTURE" starring Lew Ayres. Teresa Wright. Opening To-morrow Columbia's ROGUES OF SHERWOOD FOREST" In Technicolor. IjlJ_X.-5 SHOWING 11 _i .45—4 —6.30—9.30 BAL TABARIN" French Film with English Sub-Titles. AtLXnTIC Great World Today 2 Shows: 7.00 9.10 "KIDNAPPED". sl t N New World
        67 words
      • 52 2 NOW SHOWING 11—1 45 —J—6.30 930 TRIPLE ATTRACTION 50 MINCTES OF BLOOD ft SWEAT "THE RECAPTURE OF TARAWA" AND W i !t!t'<; j| SATURDAY M'NIfE V ".PHOVI-C ***** HYIMH»» Today: 3, 6.30 J*£j£2i I John Payno Gad R in "EL PASO (In Cinccolort Action-Filled Thrilling Western Prania"lrvr.LE GIKL Tome:tow: Ji
        52 words
    • 136 3 T U f British Red Cross in Singapore, who are workconjunction with the T „di in Rod Cross in Calcutta, I„ eetting a steady response from the local public in the U"v of food, clothing, and ■h for tnc vicUms C Jrthquake in Assam,
      136 words
    • 225 3 AP LONDON, Today. rE British Trades Union Congress voted after a stormy debate yesterday to support the Labour Government's anti-Communist policy in world affairs. The Congress, representing nearly 8,000,000 workers, rejected a resolution calling for the destruction of American atom bomb stocks. Opponent* *aid the
      AP  -  225 words
    • 46 3 KELANTAN. Wed. More th in 10.000 people attended the combined agricultural ahOW for the Districts of Pa sir Puteh and Ulu Kelantan held at the Malay School, p .sir Putch. recently. There Were agricultural, industrial ano livestock exhibits, with st parate sections for schools.
      46 words
    • 89 3 Going to Australia 1 tie after V] J ears j ,-r\.ee in the Singapore Municipal Health Deurtment is Mr. H.«. KenjafieM. He is seen- y mpanied by his wife. Mr. R« njalield bas nol deei,l <1 in which part of i Australia to settle. He •aid ihat
      89 words
    • 109 3 U.P. PARIS. Wed. FOREIGN Minister Rob* Ti Schumaß said .oday he was convinced no nation now wants a third But the international situation is explosive and it is tl time for anybody to play with fire." Schuman J sai I at a ;:res; conference He indicated
      U.P.  -  109 words
    • 134 3 Columbus Was A Liar Scientist A.P. MGHAM, ENGLAND. Today. A ntist called Christuter Columbus a liar rday. 1 3 tid the explorer was something of a cheat, too. Professor M. Davies. of G- orgraphy Department of Exeter University College. d "bunk>'d the explorer in a Paper read before the British
      A.P.  -  134 words
    • 200 3 LEAVING Singapore on the next lap of their round-the-world trip are the two intrepid globv trovers, Miss J. Cameron and Miss Solomon. Asked by the Tribune if they liked Singapore they said that they liked it so much that the thm* weeks spent
      200 words
    • 111 3 A.P. WASHINGTON. T">day. DIPLOMATIC source? said yesterday that possible American use of military bases in the South Pacific I might fca raised soon in talks between American and Aus- trallan officials. Tlk' sources said Percy Soender, Australian Minister jot External Affairs, may want
      A.P.  -  111 words
    • 391 3 U.P. WASHINGTON, Wednesday. SECRETARY of State Dean Acheson said today k that Western Germany should be allowed to Western Europe's increased defence effOl Acheson said that Western Europe must do vastly mc in the next year to rearm. The' Se try told his weekly ne*
      U.P.  -  391 words
    • 263 3 I\R. G. H. Garlick, head of the Singapore Antiu Tuberculosis Association Clinic at Tanjong Pagar, yesterday attacked Legislative Councillor John Laycock's statement in me Council on tuberculosis. Mr. Laycock stated that the fight against tuberculosis was left to private enterprise, when it should be
      263 words
    • 77 3 rHE Christ Church. Singapore, will hold a fair in aid of the Organ Fund on Saturday. September J. at the St. Andrew's Sphooi. Woodsville. r rom 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Mrs. H. VV. Bains, wile ol Rt Rev. H. W. Bains, the Lord Bishop oi
      77 words
    • 401 3 A REQUEST by the Singapore Lifeguard Corps A for the use of Mount Emily Svlmming Pool on Mondays and Fridays between 6.30 p.m. and <.30 p m. has been temporarily shelved. This organisation was recently formed under the auspices of the Singapore Safety
      401 words
    • 76 3 The second post-war annual Swimming Carnival of Raffles Institution will be held on Friday. Sept. 29 at 2 p.m. at the Chinese Swimming Club. There will be a 50 metres Free Stde event for Old Boys Competitors for this event arc requested to send their names to
      76 words
    • 106 3 The Singapore Boy Scouts Association have received the following donations: Lee Chee Shan $1,000.00: Lee Rubber Co., Ltd. Sl.000.00; F. C. Sands $500.00 Mr. Robert Tan Eng Wan, 5350.00; Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd., $250.00: Imperial Chemical Industi Ltd.! $200.00: Spore Traction Co Ltd.. $150.00;
      106 words
    • 60 3 Mi. L. C. Goh. DeputySecretary of Social Welfan Singapore will be flying to Britain on September 13 to take up advanced course in Colonial Administrative Service. He is likely to stay there for a year. Before he took up his present position, he was
      60 words
    • 258 3 OISHOP Donald H. Tippet, Methodist Bishop oi San Francisco, arrived in Singapore with Mrs. Tippet by i'an-American Airways Clipper from Manila yesterday to inspect the pan-Malayan mission field. He was elected by the Council of Bishops in the I United States to take up
      258 words
    • 125 3 The people ol Hongkong, who felt uneasy when the Korean conflict broke out are now settling down, according to Mr. Gordon A. Tait. Associated Press Chit'l of Bureau in Australasia estei day. Mr. Tait passed Ihrougit Singapore on his way back to Sydney from Hongkon;
      125 words
    • 161 3 REV. S. C. Michelfelder. the executive secretary of the Lutheran World Federation pissed through Singapore yesterday by Qantas 8.0.A.C. Constellation on his way tv the United States to address meetings. Rev. Michelfeldei. who la from Geneva, s.ud yesterday •Out chief pioblem at the
      161 words
    • 54 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. rally 'of Rovers. Scout s and Cubs from the Pontian. Kota Tinggi. Mersing and Johore Bharu Town Groups will be held at the BuKit Zaharah School ground on September 29. 1950. at 5 pm. it is expected thai the Chief Commissioner tor scouts In the
      54 words
    • 20 3 Mr A. C. Brooks. Cniet Chemist. Federation of Ma;;lva, is to act as Director of Chemistry. Malaya.
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    • 115 3 THE Malayan Communist Party has stepped up 1 its propaganda to the English public in the Colony. There has been a sharp increase in the num ber of "Freedom News." the Party's pamphlet written in English, sent through the post over the past two months.
      115 words
    • 65 3 KUALA LUMPUR. WcJ The Penggawas of Pa sir lias Districi met recently at "asn* Mas town for their regular monthly meeting when the Ponggawa of Rantau Pan]ang, Nik Yusoff bin Nik Baddin, repot ted that the < ntlranikhet inoculation of fowls in his daetah. was successful. There were cases,
      65 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 580 3 ii CYCLE DYNAMO LIGHTING EQUIPMENT i for ihe LIGHT <hal I MEVER I ij FAILS 5 Sold hv all leading cycle d'.alcrs. < Factory Representatives: j T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. J SINGAPORE K. LUMPUK PENANG 5 Woo Hing Brothers Dealers in all kinds of eloiu,. wfrtches and spare parts Wholesale
        580 words
    • 582 4 SEPTEMBER is the month of Mars. This is the time of the year, when the harvests are in, that the risk of waV is reckoned at premium rates. Korea does not look so good. In Western Europe there is an atmosphere of anything-can-happen-at-any-moment. Among the men who
      582 words
    • 1683 4 EXTRACTS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH Malay Diets May Be All Wrong THIS year sees the Institu I 1 for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur completing its first half-century in the service of medicine It is a
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 87 4 AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANGERS ALL TYPES AVAILABLE Including The Newly Arrived 12 Volt Battery Changers (For Your Country-side Entertainment). Also in Stock: Radio Spare Parts. Dry Batteries (For All Types of Radios), and All Electrical Requirements. Enquiries are cordially invited. SOON ELECTRICAL RADIO CO., 46, Selegic Road, Singapore. School He.-ks. St»tkm«ry.
        87 words
        67 words
    • 228 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. ORD Mancroft, who is in Malaya on a month's v holiday told Kuala Lumpur Rotarians today was greatly impressed with the squatter lemenl scheme that was being carried out 5,- the country. llj mv v H ri aided it as a most important
      228 words
    • 81 5 TIE Chief Justice. Sir I Charl s Murray-Ayn>.-rd iy reduced two fines of $500 imposed on i" Szie Hens: in the First Distri Court lor manuraceye lotion containing hydrochloride and I ssion ot 132 glass tuoes of >'\on tor sale. was ordered by tne Judge to undergo a
      81 words
    • 73 5 1 \NG, Wed. Thirtyiid Ooi Boon an employee in a rigar manufacturing comtoday arted 1642 Magistrate D. R. Home ii d itiable liquor. M TrousteU ot the CusD partment told the I oun thai on July 6 the ms (ifficers visited the i and round
      73 words
    • 83 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wen.— The Malay Boys and Girls' school in the districts of Johore Bahru. Pontian. Kota Tingg, and Mcrsing will hold their Annual District Drill and Games competition on Thursday. September 28 at tbc Aycr Molek Scnool p.. dang, commencing from 2 30 p.m. In trie
      83 words
    • 22 5 Family remittances to China lor »he month of August are as follows Singapore $1,521,839.53 i?A £S^ Uon of Malaya
      22 words
    • 165 5 A PROPOSAL is under consideration to let out the taxM stand at Kalian:.Airport at a concession. It was suggested that tenders should be called for this purpose and if it was let out at a concession it might produce a revenue of between $150
      165 words
    • 162 5 JERRY, a four-month-old terrier pup. received an "extra affectionate hug from his mistress Mrs. G. Caterer yesterday. Reason: Jerry saved his mispress from losing more property wh?n he disturbed burglars who had broken into the house. Ail the burglars could take away before Jerry's barking
      162 words
    • 23 5 The- Comt of Appeal (Civil ;.nd Criminal I will sit iq the Supreme Court Building. Singapore, September 18 at 10.30 a.m.
      23 words
    • 108 5 M r M k. v an~ i '> c,:nrr h' l n a teacher in Raffles Institution, has been promoted to the Colonial Education Service. He is the second local-born man to be promoted to the Colonial Education Service; six have already been promoted to th" Colonial
      108 words
    • 411 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A GANG of about 30 armed Chinese bandits, who attacked Kampong Perak. a small village about three miles north-east or Grik Town in Upper Perak District, at 8.30 p.m. yesterday received a mauling at the hands of the kampong people, who slashed
      411 words
    • 159 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— The Chief Police Officer Selangor baa refused the application of Kuala Lumpur Municipal Commissioners t<» change the uniform of traffic policemen This was revealed by the President Mr. H. W. Oswell at "today's meeting of the Traffic Advisory Committee of the
      159 words
    • 96 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. R.A.A.F. Lincoln nvdium bombers attached to Maiaya Air Commanc. flew out in force and pounded at bandit targets in a jungle area south of Kuala Lumpur town from last night till early this morning. The explosions of bombs falling on the selected
      96 words
    • 50 5 PENANG, Wed.—Two Chinese women. Ooi Beow Kon and Chew Suan Choo, and a trishaw peddlar. Sau leek Lai who were found to have behaved in a disorderly manner in iront of the Central Police Station last night were fined $5 each by Magistrate Mr. D. R. Home.
      50 words
    • 226 5 Court Told VAITYANATHAN. a prosecution witness in what is known as Telok Siangan gang Tight case, told the Relief Magistrate. Mr. D. A. Fyfe yesterday that he was told by an Indian namod Nadeson not to say anything in his •vidence. If the accused were
      226 words
    • 68 5 PENANG. Wed.—Tan Ah Huat who said he was look mg for 'remnants of rice was today produced before Magistrate DR. Home for being on board the Glenaffaric without permission. The (Joint Inspector Che Zainuddin submitted that> 03 September 3—Tan was founu on board the G!ena t
      68 words
    • 445 5 Woman Tells Court A 22-YEAR-OLD Indian woman, Papa, told Mr. Justice Evans in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday that a young Indian, S. Ratnam, with whom she was living as his mistress for two years, had been living on her immoral earnings as a prestitute.
      445 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 140 5 Foot Itch Healed in 3 Days Do vom itch, smart and bum *>ar they nearly drl*e yo« erazv' Pnea the skJ> cr ack. peel or real >-au»e of these a «rm that has spread tho world, and ia callow r*rh aa Athlete's Foot. Sl itch, Dhoby Itch. Toe. e*.w*t the
        140 words
        249 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 51 5 MIEY OOP V 1 MamU VOTY" ~—T' —~7~ by ill Capp U'l ABNER II I FLEW A 5 ONE. HOUR >0' DON T 'I To? FL vin' you and i\_ l7 j yEL wSSaS or the. wo*tt be a A wal. PLANED X{ ?Ss*r# AH NEVAH A MVJBELOVED theOT hER-
        51 words
    • 168 6 General Strike May Follow TRADE, FINANCE AND MARKETS Reuter and AAP. BANDOExVG, Wednesday. THE Communist-led Federat ion of Trade Unions. 1 SOBSI at Preanger (residency at the southern part of West Java), completer, boycott action against the General Agriculture Syndicate in support of the
      Reuter and AAP.  -  168 words
    • 145 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Interest in the tin share market broadened in London and that market sent a number of bids to the Sin gapore market. Locally there was little inclination to satisfy London requirements. Industrials and rubber* showed little change. The following were thedays price change.?: SINGAPORE.
      145 words
    • 82 6 SINGAPORE Wed—The. price of tin was $3731 P?» picul ex-Smelter a rise oi' S7 :i S on the picul. LONDON. lues: Spot C73t l'p £7. I hue months Up CB. Settlement price C 738 Up CI. Turnover: 1-5 tons. Second session: Spot *****. l'p V: 12. Three months
      82 words
    • 38 6 Malayan experts of tin metal in August totalled 7 500 tons —a drop of 89S tons from July exports. This makes a total of 54.--220 tons for the first eight months of this year.
      38 words
    • 181 6 The rubber commodity market rose by 5 cents yesterday as compared with Tuesday's closing. The market opened at 142 cents first business done tor September first grade sheet. By mid-day the market W*s 141 cents. The Indonesian export figures for July, though higher than expected failed
      181 words
    • 61 6 In Ports:—Sunnyviile (11). Aldcgonda (Sheers), Tosari NO-41». PyrrhtLs in-t), Reoth Silveroaoon (.;x-;M. Cftj of Florence (34>), Steel Rover (34), Steel Vendor (SI-.M. Sefedai (17-11), Hilano <19->0). Islander CM ■I). Mindoro ?3-4). Chastise Maersk (25-6), Star Arcturus (27-8). President Harding <?9-30>. Antiloihus (15--16). Tantalus (13-14>. Benmhor ill). Gleneu
      61 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 697 6 _a i 1->" I—"^"^"^y m CONTINENTSingapore: Pt. Bw©tJ Penang: «Benlawers" for Ujndon Antwerp. Rotterdam i? ig gont 19/20 Scpt Hamburg r:„"ami -Bcnmhor" for London Sept Antwerp Rotterdam G. ■CS 1 for Genoa, Havre. Liverpool, Avon- 19/20 Sept 21/22 Sept mouth, Hull ~7 »rSnattoV' for Liverpool, Gmagow. Dublin, Rotter- 25/26 gopt
        697 words
      • 389 6 ROYAL R OTTERDAM LLOYD Aden, Port Said, Rotterdam Amsterdam. Spore P. S*ha« Penang •KERTOSONO 21/22 Sept. t VAN'T HOFF 10 12 Oct. 13 Oct. G \ROET 26 27 Oct. 2S Oct. :J UCL •Alsc loading for Tort Sudan direct. Agents: ROTTERDAM TRADING CO. (M) LTD. Shipping Dep* Tel: 5071. Ext.
        389 words
      • 374 6 T 4*A Wl j M/' m J SITUATIONS VACANT URGENTLY required by TobOCCO Estate in North Borneo ;.n experiHMai Shorthand-Typist and a Oop) Typist. Many allowance v Riplv Box A 3970. Tribune. 6"poie. (OMB). WANTED Lady Tyi>ist with f.ui experience ready to take post unm diaiely st:;te oval tttation and
        374 words
      • 382 6 WANTED WANTED second hand refrperator. An> capacity, please apply early. Box A 3963. Tribune. Spore. tC.4431 WANTED: Men ury «r Ford I*l 1940 41 Model. Phone JJS7. I&4VMI FIRST owner 1918 "Triumph" M cycle ST, stale price, condition MMMtat* ttoh if aaMetactory. Reply 40, Havelcc* Road. Spore. (X4i';. TUITION PRIVATE
        382 words
      • 779 6 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD* SINGAPORE Lloyds Agents In Singapore T,c k otA g en^or^ rRaiiways .ccjajn,o for wgtfuno v WWBRP ;orr GLENEARN GLENGARRY lue F720M U.2C. FOR STRAITS, HONGKONG, U JAPAN. AN(} HAl, AKn For Borneo onlv GLENAFFARIC Due 7 Swettenham „1 M p orl BBjfci Seletar "sept. <i JP*- 8
        779 words
    • 10208 7 Ist D ay Spore Gold Cup Meet fjassl, Div. 1-IM. a 6 yd. pour o*clocr n.o: .IDS: 27-5-50. Snore. b.6fi vv -lass 1 Div. 1. li mXI Yds. 2nd: Mill wall. Hjr "i-s' ro Pfn s.i;» M class l frW 1." t» Byron. > 01 t
      10,208 words
    • 247 8  -  By JIM CHAMBERS A.P. LONDON, Wednesday. CON NY Ramadhin, the West today I Counties reP^^S^, a leg break, he t o° k^ eve g n i f Ramadhin's victims of a full total of 106. The West Indies buUt up big lead and
      A.P.  -  247 words
    • 34 8 Punui m*m J£«!**VJ£l 1 HusilM bs House uia^ue 2 To h« Malayan wkav art 1' not lOnverteo. .....1 Sorer lot Pufcu »li. .11. wl 0,1 l, tl *> ii 3,
      34 words
    • 51 8 IPOH Wed. The M.C.A. sweepstake cofmnittee was •nnsMtyi today to or*anlsc mill on doiou sweepstake to be drawn ben S3 January. It was <I«'> ided to eaopt a ten bera of Feiak brnn«-h intn j, ommittee whlck still under cbairmansh's of HenouriM Mr Klioo Teik Ec of Kaa.a
      51 words
    • 25 8 DONCASTER. ENGLAND. Wed. American-owned Big Dipper, the best two-year-old ii! English racing, won the Six Furlongs Champugne Stakes classific for youngsters, to-day.
      25 words
    • 49 8 Mrs. LFiF QFEE CHOO NEE AH CHENG NES aged 64. peacefully p issed away Sept. 7. 11)50 at 125 c. Thompson Road. Singapore, leaving behind her four sons, six daughters. 5 sons-in-law. 2 daughters-in-law and grandchildren to mourn her loss. Cortege leaving home Sept. 1», at 10-00 a.m.
      49 words
    • 200 8 THO Fook Hung, Bantamweight Championship 1 Champion of the British Empire, will not take nart in the World Championships to be held in Pans in October. Fook Hung has been the centre of a tug-of-war be- tween the Federation of Malaya Weightlifting Association and
      200 words
    • 74 8 Dottaa '*»>• Johore a etar in re -forward, will not be 1., make iti*- Rangoon lour With •he SingajKjri ChiaOM L'oothall A lation. This wan announced >> air. Ymig Ngim Djin. S.C.F.A. Coa-h. \esterday. Mr. Yon,' MM that WhOB Dollah decided to go with
      74 words
    • 1083 8  -  liv “SPOT” 4 GOOD number of tryouts were seen at T»mah candidates for the tirsf day of the mg 1 3 tracks were their final gallops. The weather was fine, but No. 2 and .i tracts still on the soft side. WBnMAR I SM»
      1,083 words
    • 655 8  -  By SHUTTLE rENTRE of interest in th is weekend's Singajwre Badminton Championships will be the Women's Junior Singles Final between Katherine Teo (Sac-' ques) and Mak Foong Sim (Mayflower), r innor lltl lI( M A week ago, followers of the Junior tournament would
      655 words
    • 312 8 I\i..n Boraea worth watching at tne Singapore run l nib wu.d •up meet three-day are: I'OIR O'CLOCK (late StrandV all o yr. b.c.iT. by Columcillei ilacoaa ajine. Won Fenanp Gold Mil w.ii oyer IM. .'IF. Won ure uovernor'a Uuji with 8.5 over liM. Ca.. handle a.i/
      312 words
    • 584 8 SINO-MALAYS 3; H K -9 HIN S ?r 1 oc HONGKONG Chinese tasted their sixth defeat ye. terdav when they went down by three goals to one to the Sino-Malays at Jalan Besar Stadium. To date the visitors have not won a game. Tourists put
      584 words
    • 513 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday THE Council of the Football Association of Selantm issued a closely-typewritten three-page st*fl ment tonight in reply to reports that have anDearpd in the local press recently "so as to clear the aw phere." The Council met in secret last nlht t
      513 words
    • 52 8 Singapore Recreation Club, lust yen's hockey champions, had ;i hockey trial on the oadang to select a team for the season. Wanes and Colours drew three-all. Goals were scored for the Whites by J Reuten (2 and L;i Brooy. J. d'Almckla (2) and S. Hope scored
      52 words
    • 84 8 I'ruh.ihh linr-up for llm *1 m iraa Chinese FMthaM \>m.< ~c,.., ■gains! the HMgtoag Chmew ri •laiun BJtaH St.wluim UMMyee in as lollou Chu hee >enc IN porn; (hong (X.L Hoon Lmag (Spore; Iter loiir i>'por<~ Thau i > c (Jhalurca), rati <
      84 words
    • 67 8 In a np of missed anawrtuailics Cable i»d iVnr MX a«»l Mansfield B.C. drew 0 D Business House "B fixture. -o ed at GayhUlg recterdav. Wut Imurea «'i n i ore n the first half. "iut Cfbfe and Wireless eboaroi oener ceabination and approach worn. the
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 178 8 CLOVER'S SOAP PERFUME WORKS HAARLEM HOLLAKD BUTTERMILK r J a>"j SOAP No. 340 A Skin and Hair Beautifier it is v wf U Known fact that from time immemorial milk and especially Buttermilk has been used in preparations lor beautifying the skin. The Dutch women are noted for their prautifnl
        178 words