Malaya Tribune, 2 September 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • 337 1 SCHEDULE IS UPSET Reuter AAP. SOMEWHERE IN KOREA, Today. JHE Communists lost an estimated 3.000 dead and fa d in their day-old assault against the >f the 25th Division in the southern front sector, and have already been "thrown off schedule." a division spokesman
    Reuter & AAP.  -  337 words
  • 30 1 AAP. miles north of M >sm. fell ■eaowhik on trt Kistern reportred Kigye anJ j". s ath Koro,D tafH force took Be lost i— n'i R tei fcAAP
    AAP.  -  30 words
  • 115 1 f m aighl or Aug in. "th.., v,,.. isolated incisabotage of the tod*, nicial :Uh tv,, n v ,5 2i md Au and 'A oi l er cases man ,11 such cax/*s. flowing night ha» J" ,f a link* vtr uil ;)f hUh level kmt lM distribution
    115 words
  • 28 1 Reuter. Throe bandits, me of ti masked, staged a d;»yiig«t holdup in a busy street near Waterloo yesterd > mm! got away with a £2,0m0 payroll.- Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 180 1 SINGAPORE, Today. THE Malayan Governm? its. having closely studied the present sugar posil en. have come to the conclusion that under the circumstances rationing is inevitable, snys an official release today. This decision has been taken reluctantly and is against the general po'icy of having as
    180 words
  • 127 1 Singapore. Today. CONDENSED milk has gone up from three to five cents in price on the tin. Prices of powdered and evaporated milk remain unchanged. This morning shops in the Colony were selling Milmaid at 60 cents per tin. Blue Cross at 55 cents and Lifeguard
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  • 208 1 U.P. Fifth Air Force Headquarters in Korea, Today. gVERY available plane was in the air this morning as the Allies made an allout effot to roll back Communist gains on the ground on the western front. For the first in the Korean war a major co-ordi-nated
    U.P.  -  208 words
  • 79 1 Tribune Staff Reporter IPOH. To.'ay. A rocket from a low-riy:ng R A.F. plane fell on the roof of Perak Yuk Choy Primary School. Ix)w Street. Ipoh Town, at 11. «5 this morning. Two pi\.<i-n* were slightiy injured. Five teachers tacJtuttug a lady teacher. Chan Ngat Yoon,
    79 words
  • 22 1 A.P. Greece will send a brigade of soldiers to fight in Korea, a cabinet source said today. A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 19 1 A.P. Hong Kong had a surplus of HKciS2.I2H.BIG m the flat 1 yeal 1019-50. A.J J
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 27 1 Reuter. The. East Pakigfasi d Cross Society has offered to send two medical teams to help earthouakt tn. Hood victims in Assam. Rei.-.e?
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 29 1 U.P. President Truman VHteKtoy aaked Congress for an extra 1556.000,000 to 3in> f.r.e mcreaeed F. 8.1. acti*it .-5 nra'e necessary hy the Communist aggrcs.aon. U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 89 1 Tribune Staff Reporter Singapore, Today. A burning house was the scene of a heroic rescu».when an unidentified woman rushed into the burning building in Albert Street to rescue a little baby left by a couple driven out by the fire. In the blaze which
    89 words
  • 79 1 Tribune Staff Reporter Major David Lowtht-? R.A.., the lone survivor of the R.A.F. Dakota crash in th! Chin.t Si a, was brought is no re from the naval frigate Moreoaaafce Bay this morning. Major Lowther. who wua on his way to Saigor on
    79 words
  • 23 1 U.S. Air Force H O s '.id an American fighter pi,me m iy have strafed a Chtamn Communist airfield in M.mchu;.-.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 266 2 Reuter. PORT ELIZABETH^SO^ MR B. J. Dalton. of Ou:ltshoorn. has a blacl: eye. strangle-marks on his rock, a broken-down lorry, an empty pocket and a deep grudge against h|s assailant a ghost. Though Mr. Dalton tear* the return of the poiterg*■>it, he still wants it to come
    Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 39 2 U.P. ELGIN, liilao.s. lodav. The Elgir. National Wauli Company ojid yesterday that it has begun delivery of seer saftty mechanism ior rocke: c hells 20 iays after tvc?ipi of a rush order for thr Kor ~?.n war,—U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 888 2  -  8% HAIG NIGOLSON Reuter. CAIRO. liTHEM.the las', of tne Britis:: «f officer- left the Egyptian P< lice Force in Ma-. 1946 trvre was none whose deparI ture was regretted more than I. wa (M. Jor-Gcnera]) Sir Thomas Kussell Pasha At the time
    Reuter.  -  888 words
  • 32 2 Robert untitled Chancellor ol th,- l ni\,r-:\ lof Chicago (Illinois;, and editor-in-ehi. t of or- di Books of ih. WealjWfi wo.i.i/ a 54-volume M-t to be pubiisned in th.- I niteil stai*--.
    32 words
  • 102 2 SPEAKING i n ny terms of tht Thai tribution to tbe Unit Nations forces in Ko: a an editor-:.. in the Pr korn. a Thai daily ol .V.;. 2-4, sa." r in p «rt: A combat ttam I I H men means almost nothii, strategically.
    102 words
  • 52 2 A.P. GENEVA. Today. N■• man s,..Jek. 17-yetr-ohl B« nan beaut? <nn men Kin? F.irou of EgyPf ed in Genev i late on 1 and moved into a sutu fashiotfhble 1 ik«H official* of the Thursday night. S*|? travelling vith an^ unco •fas registered win "Muslanha S-adek and
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 67 2 Six persons lost their lives and Sa were injured when this passenger express, tra yelling from Holyhead to Boston. London, collided with a 'iirht engine at Pen- maemawr,. near Conway. North Wales, in the early hours oi Sunday morning. Aug. 27. The train was carrying
    tUf. i'lioto  -  67 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 35 2 your natural loveliness Dramatic, brilliant and satin smooth a glowing finish to your natural loveliness V A R D L E vjhp&licfi (in nine lovely colour*) va aoc s r it old iord itbsbt Lonat-a
      35 words

  • 29 3 Members of a USA rifle squad, armed with automatic weapons, search cautiously for enemy snipers in a village near the front line. —A.P. Photo. —A.P. Photo.
    —A.P. Photo.  -  29 words
  • 240 3 Reuter. SAIGON, Friday. If LEON PIGNON, French High Commissioner said today that France had decided to defend Indo-China even without external mihtary aid. The Commissioner, who returned this week from a month in France, would not say whether France was satisfied with the help she
    Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 26 3 A.P. "••iHiion of ground foree 1 ani t or: 'P inv of Marines to was official./ n nou n c,d yesterday. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 64 3 HONG KONG. Thurs. Usually reliable sources disclosed today that .:n advance party of Philippine army officers passed through ttvs colony Taeadaj by plan, i n route to Japan to pave the way for the arrival in Korta of 1,200 eomb.'U roops. Tie party was identified as
    64 words
  • 76 3 Reuter-AAP. BRISBANE. —A small patch of Queensland —33.000 square I aatlni and' larger that the I island of Tasmania is -o be surveyed by a.r as part of settlement and water conservation plans. Lands Minister T.A. Foley announced that a survey contract has
    Reuter-AAP.  -  76 words
  • 253 3 The USIS Library in Singapore stocrc* many valof»hle reference works which :an be consulted free of charge at the libra r including the monthly New York Time? index, beginning with the January 1950 number. Used In conjunction with the regular edition of the New York Times,
    253 words
  • 124 3 A.P. BOMBAY. Today. (V' enec fire re- j monst d v un J omDa y de yesterday, kiU Jjwe and wounding 41. e/ening, violup again, and n opened fir' rioters tear gas a 6 awlst attempting to snatch ihe out ot their hand-i. Finally, at
    A.P.  -  124 words
  • 195 3 U.P. BIDLINGTON, England, Friday. *pHE man who matched with Scotland Yard in solving a murder case today told how he did it. Hired by relatives to solve the rape-murder of a 27-year-old girl—a case twice given up by Scotland Yard—Thomas Percival Jacks turned up evidence which
    U.P.  -  195 words
  • 53 3 A.P. BERT IN. Today AMERICAN officials on Thursday sa'.-t there is some evidence the Russian Zone of Germany is plan ning an a*r police force. The East Zone Communist government, with Russian help, aheady has established a force of abou: 50.000 trainee" infantry troops and a
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 31 3 STOCKHOLM. Today. Sweden yesterday rejected a Russian note, which aceus* d the Swedish authorities of arresting three Soviet citizens, who disappeared froio, a Russian ship in Stockholm last September.
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  • 108 3 Reuter.-AAP. MANILA, Friday. VO SOONER was a warrant of arrest :or Philippines top Communists issued by .1 Manila court than a nationwide hunt for Gueillermo CtPfjdoclt and Mariano P. Balgos. chairman and deputy chawman of the Philippine Communist Party was launched by the authorities today.
    Reuter.-AAP.  -  108 words
  • 77 3 U.P. WASHINGTON. Fr.dav. JOSH White, a Negro folk singer who says he has seen his race "badly abused" still believes democracy is better than Communism. White appeared voluntarily before the House Un-Ameri-can Activities Committee today to strike a blo,v against Communism and to tell tne world that
    U.P.  -  77 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 ft Who's been at the (^kZ/wfai go**** T5l sin**** &6w How the family loves Huntley and Palmers' 'Barley Biscuits The only trouble is they go so quickly with children around. Not that you can really mind these delicious biscuits are so nourishing, and are the most economical way of providing
      72 words

  • 1613 4 F,lm: PRELUDE TO FAME." i in-ma: 1 AVI! JON. Mar*: Ol ROLFE. KATHLEEN BYRON, KATHLEEN RY AN. JEREMY SPENSER IF you are a stickler for film stores keeping closely to the cr.ginal you will, no doubt, ccmplain that this pictuie bears insufficient to Aldous Huxley's M
    1,613 words

  • 1455 5  -  TODAY'S SHORT STORY BY DENYS VAL BAKER I at Z >rrwaH, there farms, and fit whole villages where l»! your life t six or seven The villages hollows and ire moor- .'.round. aQ i- if in protection. i what? Well. adnata that other, even aga ag^Unst
    1,455 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 139 6 (GIIS) SIMLA, Friday. PDUSTRI \L development in the Punjab has made rapid progress doteg the la*t two years Six C ew industrial towns have sprung up in the State. There were only six factories in the btate at ihe time
    (GIIS)  -  139 words
  • 73 6 NEW DELHI. Friday. THE ashes of Colonel ''nm Ksymr, handed over to has brother at New Delhi, wete taken by plane to Madias and thence to his home at Manakampad near Pari! (South Malabar), where he was born. The ashes, according to custom. were placed in an
    73 words
  • 88 6 (GIIS) LONDON. Fnday. \\p. M. J. desai. Cotnmer- cia'i Counsellor to tin Cnrnrnlt*tftn*f I 1 1 India in London, will V ad 'he Indian delegation to the Tariff Negotiations and the fifth session of the Contracting Parties to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade at Torquay
    (GIIS)  -  88 words
  • 83 6 (GIIS) KARACHI Friday. ADDRfc4BIiH« crecsmcn Jn Karachi ill H. S. Btthl iwardy. Presid* at of rhe AllPakistan Awamj I Popular > Muslim Leagu and a former of undivided Bengal, demandea general elections and a change of Gowmment In Pakis'an. Mr. Suhrawardv said that the present Central
    (GIIS)  -  83 words
  • 121 6 (GIIS). NEW DELHI. Friday. THE first India-produced prefabricated house has now been erected by the Government Housing Factory in Delhi, which went into production on the Independence Day (August 15). So far. 25 houses have been produced. The houses produced by the factory two small rooms,
    (GIIS).  -  121 words
  • 93 6 (GIIS). NEW DELHI Frida:THE Government of India have dt to DQ Cf monetary awards to war heroes. Winners d ;he Param Vir Chakra. India's award tor gallantry, will receive a month, plus Rs2o for each bar. The award for Maha Vlr Chakra will be Rs3o a month,
    (GIIS).  -  93 words
  • 75 6 I.OMBAY, Friday. MISS C, SABNIS of UW Bombay Governments Health Uni.l."started in collaboration with the Rockfeller Foundation in Poona distiict. has been awarded the United Nations Social Wet tare Fellowship for the year -'950. Under the Fello.v hip Scheme. Hill Sabnis will t>e #iven an
    75 words
  • 41 6 (GIIS). SRINAGAR. Frida.-. The Kashmir Government have decided to Increase cultivation Ol pyrethrum in th 2 State to meet the* increasing demands Horn the Indian and foreign mark< ts. Cultivation will be extended to new forest ranges in the State.—-GIIS).
    (GIIS).  -  41 words
  • 96 6 (GIIS). NEW DELHI. Fnauv. PREPARATIONS for th-: forthcomint population Censoi in incia ar. n...:rUig c. >mnlt t:m. The numb»rine r»f nearly 04 million houses Is practically ow r. The Central Organisation which wili conduct the op> in:ions, is now complete and the questionnaire has ben decided
    (GIIS).  -  96 words
  • 36 6 SPIN AGAR. Friday. The Kashmir Governm. Nt is arrancrin.l to send 5.000 maunds of ric. to Assam immediately. Two relh i committees, one tor Kashmir and another lor Jammu. haw already been set up.—
    36 words
  • 24 6 SR IN AGAR. Friday. THE Chief Minister of Kashmir, Sheikh Abdullah, has rxtn electa 1 unopposed as President the Kashmir National Conference.
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  • 33 6 (GIIS). .JiilE 1ND:a:: Amy Hea-1 A poll amc r thi Go Units. Uv. tearij indicated that the use of Gurkha hats sas d stinction. which tl troops *in
    (GIIS).  -  33 words
  • 159 6 Ni-r DELHI. Friday THE Vmur.c: Ificist I C. D. DeJhmukb, wffl represent tadM at th* neeUnf of the Joint Consuh'»»"* rvwwnttfcee of th. Commonwealth countries comm. v loou on Sepl 6. it .1 nouneed in New Delia. Discussion.* will Start on the ofheia" level followd by
    159 words
  • 169 6 (GIIS). NEW DELHI. Friday. MOST of the Urdu newspapers in India have ur# ITI that the Kashmir problem should be the same basis as the Korean question and aggressor in Kashmir should be similarly uta* and punished by the United Nations. They attribute the failure
    (GIIS).  -  169 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 50 6 HE FINAL &Ceic/l TO YOUR MAKE-UP Magic-wear CI TEX, so easy to apply —givea beaut}* to your fingertip*. This inaedibly long-wearing polish reiistJ chipping and peeling. Stays perfect lonircr—CUTEX's dear, AX non-fading shades never seem ILSxL to lose their brilliant lustre. fi y V WorLfs mat popular nail polish. H3S
      50 words

  • 145 7 untitled NEWS BRITAIN I minimum aje > r v raising from under which w. bt mployed in oranch o* entertain nt i x p: under licence, j'h' c, ft a "children s film actors v ip like other 2: i'neir mployment v* as small a >ir family
    145 words
  • 210 7 FINANCIAL SECTION A.P. WASHINGTON, Today. THE U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson is expected to discuss soon with Britain and France means of plugging trade loopholes through which war potentiaf material might slip to the Soviet bloc. Diplomat/c officials forecast he will
    A.P.  -  210 words
  • 79 7 A.P. RANGOON, Today. BUTMA faces a.«? estimated deficit of over 000 (£67.».rt001 in her -951 budget Finance Minister 1 Tin said yesterday. 13ut. he assured the Burmese Parliament, he doe.- not .ntend increasing taxation. Announcing the new budget estimates. C Tin said that maintaining law and order
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 36 7 A.P. Tjoxr>o\\ Fri.—St art lug tadw the price of electrolytic loppcr v. i'<> iKMped from £IM> to .'2 (2 per ton delHwrxd, thl Mi:v r'r\ of Supply announced on 1 bursday niu'ht. A. P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 150 7 SINGAPORE, Friday. THE Indian Trade Delegation, which is arriving 1 in Singapore on September 20th, will also be \iMtinc Kuala Lumpur and Penang. on their way to Bangkok, it is announced by Sardar Jogindra vingh, the Government ot India Trade Commissioner, today. Th" deletra
    150 words
  • 88 7 (GIIS). The official programme ol the delegation's activities <n Malaya is being pronared oy the India Govt mm-nt Trade Commissioner's oOUin S n?aport in consultau 1 with the various Chamb rs of Commerce and other business or.anisi ions in tile territory. \s H<»n ko:r- iiaa no, o* n
    (GIIS).  -  88 words
  • 67 7 ,k, wee r.tlin-- Sept« 1 vul ;om" DW Mi-sirt Lowest OSMtaNJ "uyer--I'iVl ire" uuiin Soot Loo-. 22 Si »«5 R M.A.I PaU- l r-i- F »B. 107 IBS •«C" Blanket Ctefw mjunmti mm '•(V Blanks Cr«pe L< ISf 100 sport- Sept. v» ;»»c U' i -j S.Q.K.S.S.
    67 words
  • 106 7 (GIIS). n recording th country a li Juh amounted I on md Imports llion. The June figures were: nd imports RB. efl2 I mdbor The value of transit tr.sat of foreign countries ->n lnctla'3 border amounted to: -,-exports n*. million n I imports EU. 200 Oo The
    (GIIS).  -  106 words
  • 31 7 The Chares w.mch docked in &.ngn.poie > < s-: w. ;ftc>nocn btonght i,OW sheep bo Singiiporp' 1.000 tons < r iiour and about 800 tons ol apples and fresh vegetable?.
    31 words
  • 41 7 i PB v wi-/.«J from Nontj L as Brunei. nafi aaUtt»« Federation today at the t wm f<w pestfas •> r, i <> for a sibc..-3 n Tl aland and faa> t Japan. H«»n:rkans, aad CMai-e pan Jar*, p*lemb«n*. Pontianak, ti\«-<J.
    41 words
  • 278 7  -  (By SYDNEY GAMPELL Reuter. LONDON, Friday. DRITAIN tonight abolished almost all on investment by foreigners in sterling securities. The Bank of England announced that, generally speaking, foreigners would in future be able to switch into any sterling area security, on a stock exchange m
    Reuter.  -  278 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 ANOTH Em" LINK IN THE j^ff^%| Biro Service covers the Eastern heml- y iSfl sphere. But It does more than that—lt covers J J^ i fWM every writing need; as witness tha new Blro LM-'f MINOR with Its easily fitted refill Inserts, Its flfll protector cap which enables It to
      105 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 222 7 i. I i «iciul and fT i i r t»> i BagI-jmgh— ,,-M-mr; x «H» i n«- ,.„<:., IB a haJf-hwur i mi >v<tfi- front ihi* 1 rajx»n» I.ok b\ l»a\i«l -it'iai iftU 1 1 10 00 1«:. lUrital; MJi I ..-> ><.>*• F»ov n. •\i n i t:c« s
      222 words

  • 23 8 untitled industrialist and former'abour »m*on orjranrzer. who u-a*. h*BM president of the Chamber of Commerce of the I'nired States on Ma\ A, 1050.
    23 words
  • 75 8 In a big Cat) departincnt Store, a woman was extremely interested in a display of doll houses. She examined each one very minutely. Finally, she stood in iront of one. and when she read tile exorbitant price tag. she i*as petrified. The saleslady, noticing her staring at the
    75 words
  • 555 8 ONE of the delight's of the Pp Mfcral, M reports The Glasgow I*efafcl nn "ents now taxing pUce In Edinburgh, is the Manner m w'ich ono meets with p rple who do unu. v. 1 job- in out ol' the way places. "For
    555 words
  • 95 8 Reuter. BOMBAY—When the Clifton Webb picture "Cheaper by the Dozen" came to town, it brought weath tc the d'Souza family. The management of the theatre .-howing the film landed _»n them after a coraoout of me c ty. When Mr. Mrs. Henry d'Souza
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 61 8 Hollywood En her current romantic comedy, "Come Snare My Love. Irene Dunne will weai tan creatSona designed lor h-r by Travis Ban ton, noted Hollywood stylist. On. .suit alone, a gray cket over a woed skirt, is valued at more than $2 000. All of the cloihes
    61 words
  • 21 8 Hassan Add F; Rehim strik:> a boxer- pir* m swimming the Channel in the recent comintihon Photo. I Photr
    Photr  -  21 words
  • 26 8 MELBOURNE 1 Mcl! -c m !i< traffic a man at the bac room offered to act I The charge against withdrawn. —Renter-*
    26 words
  • 19 8 then the ship t*J*;' r n ed "Mother v •'What's the r:S' on a detour 0
    19 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 3 A 7 WOMf Tr/f PRACTICAL WAY s~ f \Vfi Radio *c c>, t greates' warrj trained cnec radio repair engineers, w>und technician! broadcast engineers, executives, c;:.. a r e >■ bar Ht J^^^JmJHM' demand. Vast new fields of opporrunity ere ope*»m« tfs& up in tee. s on, eectror. cs,
      272 words

  • 255 9 Reuter U.P. LAKE SUCCESS. Friday. t£ gt [rity Council met tonight, with Russian ['yl Mr. Malik, under the chairmanship of rflhdvwn .Jebb (Britain). i Or Gladwyn Jebb. President of the Council for ider the rotation system, opened the P the rovisional agenda adopted
    Reuter & U.P.  -  255 words
  • 52 9 U.P. BRUSSELS. Fri. rJRKO Westering is resting in a country hideovt after a week of night clubbing. Westerling quit Brussels night life aftei his wife arrived from Holland. The couple havf* ieft for an undisclosed country place. He is watched night and day by State Security
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 120 9 T fVJTE SUC ~FSS. Fririav. 4FTER he had taken his s?a* on the Security Council today. Mr. John Cham, reorcs tntative of the Korean ftebublic called an the Council and all United Nations members to exert further their maximum effort to subdue completely this evil
    120 words
  • 118 9 Mr Wong Ah Fook wjio has had 42 years' «nice with the Singapore Harbour Board wa, yesterday feted by his colleagues at Oie Harbour Board Association at Cantonment Road on tne occasion of his retirement. hfr Wong joined the Harbour Eoard in 1903 L as a
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  • 399 9 THE first move to relieve earthquake 1 victims of Assam was made bj the Singapore branch of the British Red Cross Society when it sent a bale of blankets in response to the Indian Red Cross appeal. The telegram from the Indian Red Cross
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  • 31 9 MALACCA, Fri.—The .'a: in poiice i.s staging a charity show at the Stellar Hall, City Park. Malacca, today. The total proceeds will go *o the Malacca JubPee Boys' Home.
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  • 148 9 Reuter. SALCOMBE South Devon Friday. THREE BRITISH navai officers, a British civilian, and a Chinese cook arrived here irom Singapore I in the 38-foot 16-ton yacht Boleh < Malay for can do") today. The yacht left Singapore on Jan. 18. The crew vere der
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 45 9 U.P. ROME, Thursday.—Vatican officials said last night that they had received "with extreme interest" t preliminary reports of toe ChurchState agicement signed in Budapest. ut said they would refrain from comment Vntil he full text of the agreement was in their hanels. —LM\
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 149 9 A.P. LONDON. Today. RJJSSIA has agreed t.» join the Big Three Western Powers next week y New York in a new discussion on the Austrian Treaty oi Independence^ The United States. British and French Foreign Ministers nave been so informed by Ambassador Georgi N. Zarupm. Uk
    A.P.  -  149 words

  • 196 10 U.P. WASHINGTON, Today. INFORMED quarters disclosed yesterday that India has urged the United States to give Communist China more "specific" assurances of the American government's friendly intentions toward the Chinese people. They said that the Indians have expressed tbe belief that some substantial
    U.P.  -  196 words
  • 47 10 KUALA LUMPUP Fri. Mr. S. W. P Foster Sutton. Attorney-General, has been appointed to be tne Chief Justice oi th? Federation of Malaya in succession to Sir Harold Willan. He will assume duty as Chief Justice at a later date, it was announced.
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  • 120 10 4SSURED rent* for fixed periods up to five years are being offer d by the RAF to property owners on Singapore Island in a fresh bid to oveicome the accommodation shortage for service officers and men and their lamiaes. Furnisned or unfurnished flats, bungalows and houses
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  • 56 10 ngnt— Surrey. Fri.-The Cricket match between the Com-myaw-alth and England XI ended in a draw. Th*- Commonwealth side declare-! their first inning closed at Wednesday's total of 2SO for and there was uo play >e_-'erday owing to rain. team had .-corei lv< :i< for eijrht in their
    56 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 10 .Mrs. Elizabeth liender Cloud, leader in education and social welfare, has been chosen "American Mother of the Year" by the Am eri ran Mother* Committee. She was selected frcm 32 candidates Dominated by the Governor* of each of 48 S**u-»
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  • 94 10 BABY 6 OTHERS HURT IN CRASHES Tribune Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU. TM'/. SHORTLY after 9.30 hot night at Jalan Storey four persons were hurt in a ensh between two cars. Traffic police are fying to trace one of the vehi< Nsi involved. It disappeared after the accident. Earlier in the
    94 words
  • 244 10 KUALA LUMPUR buu gANDITS in Pera* surrounded a Chuie* this afternoon and shot < hnSSi who was taking a physical trains They then opened fire on the loik*'** The police returned the fire ana thebanlS off. One Tamil man and a slightly wounded in the exchang*
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  • 38 10 Mr of Wisdom, has a ceptrt j M. Cans: Officer*, the Secrettrj J W. C- Evar.i P; Schools. Malacca' Mr p M. G C. Mr and Mr. C. a. c- Vita Cow 10
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  • 18 10 Completing of a £10.(ftI oil de.U between Bntish fl American companies announced here hst ci&l
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  • 131 10 TODAY C.V.M.A.: Cinema show: 'Mu*ic for Millions 143 Victoria Street at 7 p.m. SINGAPORE t HBI-I lAN <OINi.IL: Public Lecture L. Prof. T. E. Jessop at 5.30 p.m. at Wesley Church Hall. CHINESE V.M.C.A.: «lass 2.30 p.m.; Basketba'i practice 5.00 p.m.; Badminton at 5.30 p.m.; Film show
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  • 411 10 SEVENTH DAT ADYENTIST CHLRCH: (6. Penang Road): Sabbath School 3.30 p.m. reaching service at 6 p.m. TOMORROW ST. GEORGE'S I. MIR I-ON CHIKCH. Tanglin: Holy C munion and Dwutuil 9.30 a.m.; Sunday Communion 7.15 a.m.; Morning Prayer in Church Hut 3.45 am.; Evening Prayer—6.3o P.m. METHODIST: Wesley Church
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  • 144 10 CATHAY: "Captain Carey. U.S.A." at 11. 1.45. 4.15. 6.43 9.30 p.m. Midnight tonight: "Father of the Bride". ALHAMBKA: "Robinson Cras->-of Clipper Island" at 12.30, 4.'J'.' 8.30 p.m. Midnight tonight: "Battle of the Magic lien" (Cantonese). Sunday Matinee: "Black Magic". PAVILION: "PrWid* Fanv' a- 6.30 A IAPITOL: h>J Dozen a'
    144 words
  • 93 10 TOOW •»0( KR: jl* F.A. v. H"U~ Kt' Eesar stadium: J»*Tou Rangers Bt-\ r tj j3 <W>ls:u: Bus H. r A rwavs v. Borneo *<• Police D-jvt sro x SAILIKO: petnc.n a 1« 1 MMI KIMat at l; tea. i KM KI I Arrrv <1*. da>> E~* i! "'•fN.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 85 10 IT'S HERE your extra-flavour coffee i in giant 11b. tins! Wonderful to have plenty of guards that glorious, fragrant rich, mellow Maxwell House freshness until the very last Coffee always at hand and al- spoonful is used, ways f rush Vacuum packing Don't wait get Maxwell keeps Maxwell House roaster-
      85 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 486 11  -  untitled AND KLONG STEAL SHOW By "LEFT JAB" jjy v. hastian, with a right thumb that was h, bone, fought pluckily to a ten-round th Orient champion. Boy Brooks at rid Stadium last night, -v p > injured his thumb in the
    486 words
  • 203 11 LONDON. Fri. surrej i«w teal Leicester by 10 wickeU io heir last county fixture of tn*. leason and so tied with Lsncaih r« who finished their pro •rdamme earlier, for the. Kn tlish ounty cricket championship. the o\ai. wtrrey oeat Lei, rslure by tea Lei
    203 words
  • 57 11 The following are the ftxtufs in the Open Singles: Monday:— Sco Fatt „»«9»» *y L C. Gob. H. D. Rozaro vs. Tuesdaj Koli San Pin V.muid Shah. H. M Marpnuz vs. Tan Chuan Heng. Wednesday:- F. C .Tan vs. W* Thiara Siew. Chou Kaaw Kj* Too Kirn Tee.
    57 words
  • 29 11 Hot key practices for «pe*»' £m of the GirlV Sports Club will be eld on the Padang every Tuesday and Thursday at 5 p.m. from September 5.
    29 words
  • 58 11 Champion badminton team of the Singapore Municipality, the Sewage Pumping Station who beat the Municipal Stores and Workshops team by three games to two. Pictured from left to right: Chan Fook Van. P. C. Perry. Mrs. P. L. Barclay. Syn Lam Tai. Ho Ah Hons. Lim Moon Kwee and Mohan,
    58 words
  • 240 11 rIE S. A. F. A. Community League tie between the Europeans and ihe Eurasians al Jalan Resar PtaHi or y*9**f<*** resuMed in a three one -win for the Europeans wtiu ted iwo-wu at half time. Plnwd o<i i r.-.:n Mtk«o tield which made conditions unfavourable for
    240 words
  • 86 11 The Drat annual soccer maun nf the IRC between the Mar- 1 iied"ana gfce*** l v,: 04 I >la ed j lol \''i'?ilicn"f Shield k^ndJV ,i I v J»r M. and Ur S. Sithanibaratii will be prei' \A. Rhhiw Xt.a.i presented to ail players. a Puzak M.
    86 words
  • 9 11 Reuter. CANTERBURY. Fri West 222 runs.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  9 words
  • 132 11 VSCs oi' "F" Div. (Joo Cl.iat Police Station) beat VSCs of "B" Div. thlamlang Kerbau Pchce Station* in a friendly _ame badminton played on ELK. caun by 4-1. <"F" Div. player; mentioned first): Singlet.: Lev Teow Whatt 1 .at G.M. AnthDDy 15-8. 15-2. S.V, Chitty
    132 words
  • 35 11 MALACCA. Fri. «TK Ov: i set Chinese Banking, Citpr.ition gained their first win in the Malacca house l adminton iOir>p:'i'i)M when they heat the Shell Company by 4 matches to I.
    35 words
  • 38 11 A.P. FOREST HILLS. LONG INLAND Fn. Australian chain] >on Frank Qfliimian. last of the forei 'n en T r>s. was eliminated from" the U.S. tennis hamj»ionthipa by Ea'l Corhell »f Praaciacu To. 5-7. i-t>. ti-da; A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 103 11 HEAVY ram fell lust evening and the going this mornm. w;,s heavy. With the exieplion of a few horses that sprint id down the straight, there was nothing much of interest on the tracks. The Bo*un <&pen«»»r» stablemate Tempest <Woi»d-' looked impressive when the> sprinted down the straight.
    103 words
  • 60 11 miU■ will Paul ,1 Brctser'a XI ip a Crirke: against YMCA on thYMCA ground tomorrow. r"«* \vi.i commence at 11 a."'- Paul a> Kretser. Gropdl Kr;-..--nan. Benjam n CluimteJ-Rwf. Joseph Delilkan. AlexiiU DaUlkan. Desmond Keyt. Ltv 1« Wong. H. W. Taylor. Fata* ;:'e~ Fernandez. C. B.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 111 11 fJung about you fij Carry perfume in your handbag just as you do |H Igl your lipstick, use it as often to keep you tragrantly lovely all day through. 1 -MJ Goya's lovely perfumes can make the subtle l^H difference between looking your best and being beautiful for lilting Goya
      111 words

  • 34 12 Mr. Wong Ah Fook. who was feted yesterday is seen at the centre with his colleagues of The Harbour Board. By his side are Mr. Stein, his chief, and Mrs. Stein.
    34 words
  • 87 12 NEW YORK. Toda>. STOCKS pushed ahead smartly on Friday in a market enlivened by Chrysler's surprise dividend. Gains were trom a few cents to around US$2 00 a share and were concentrated In motor, rubber, radio television, copper mining and railruad issues. The Chrysler announcement on
    87 words
  • 98 12 U.P. WASHINGTON Today r!E STATE D partment said today that it had been carefully screening 2,506 Chinese students and teachers receiving emergency government financial help during their stay in this country The Department denied a Boston dispatch which said that three Chinese students ordered to leave
    U.P.  -  98 words
  • 195 12 Reuter. THE HAGUE, Friday. WORLD production of tin concentrates in June totalled 13,300 long tons, compared with 14,100 in May, according to the August bulletin of the International Tin Study Group issued here. This reflected the sharp drop in Belgian Congo to 230, compared with 1,362 in
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 24 12 Reuter. France's attitude to th* Formosa question resembles the Brit'sh rather than the American, a French Foreign Office spokesman said yesterday.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 74 12 Reuter. HONGKONG Toe! y EIGHT pirates killed by a floating In the Yangtse Estuary when they attempted to loot a sunken Philippine merch-ntrna 1 San Anton.o on August 23, according to a Shanghai arrival yesterday. The informant said tne pirates boarded the S>n Antonio* power bo it
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 39 12 Reuter. PARIS. Thurs French Prime Minister Rene Pleven today refused to see a de'eg ition which culled nt his iAce to propose an exchange or prisoners between the Fiencn and the Vietminh insurgent forces in Indochina Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 32 12 U.P. Tht irrt.j muril it d bodies ot 5S TWA p!,n.' crash victims w-Tf vtaterdav r.iken to the Cairo Morgie wneiv they were identified by relatives .r.d friends. U.P
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 135 12 Stop Press U.P. NORTHERN FRONT. Sat. AMERICAN and South Korean forces attackeJ this morning In Wncgwnn an Pohang arefti and first reports from Pahang said American infantry pAd tanks and r>uth Korean infantry advance I up to yard*. At the uunc tine the louth
    U.P.  -  135 words
  • 110 12 U.P. BERLIN. Today. East German communist Party announced the expulsion of six ranking officials yesterday and reliable sources predicted that Propaganda Chief Gerhard Eisler might be the next purge victim. A Party announcement said that the officials plotted with United States spie.v They included Eisler's
    U.P.  -  110 words
  • 117 12 WASHINGTON. Today. WORLD output of cotton in the 1950-51 session may be considerably below that of last session and helow the 1945-50 world consumption, the International 'Jott-n Advisory Committe said yesterday. "With the United States crop restricted to 10,309,000 bale.and production elsewhere unlikely to exceed hu$t
    117 words
  • 125 12 RACE ONE Horses hl r ADMIKM f ithletr L 2 Sevenf Seven r Kelvin Bullion. Bello 9 00 rate: Slo. $5. $6. $5 RACE TWO Horses 1 3 TROUSERS 8.05 Hariman 3 13 (iolden Harvest B m 1 rufine 8.09 Dunwoodk Cinema 8.00 Judaic 8.04
    125 words