Malaya Tribune, 23 April 1950

Total Pages: 14
3 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 3 THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE, APRIL 28, 1950. THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIV E E. Maurice Glover, Malaya Tribune Office, 143 Fie et Street, London, E.C. 4. SUNDAY, APRIL. 23, 1950.
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  • 228 3 JOHORE CUSTOMS MAN TELLS COURT Tribune Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. A JOHORE CUSTOMS Otncer said today that men ol his Department were unable to deal with the "big scale business" of illegal samsu distilling in ihe Sti'te, because they were not supplied
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  • 133 3 Connies. Bring To Kallang RALLANO Airport is sho 4i the heavyweight "i nations started instead for this SSTSSSlan Sing field ur \,w ?H>n spokesman sa d v J£r ay tha« the ConsMU- > na d not effected ;V runW ay, which wan standing up well to the added m#*t and
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  • 37 3 Nearly two miles of canvas hosepipe tor the Singapore p re Brigade will be delivered shortly from the U.K. T he Municipal Commissio.-er:: haw just 'nought 10,000 fe>* of it at a cost of $11,300.
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  • 113 3 ABOUT 350 students of the University of Malaya yes terday voted unanimously to bar the pres.* and public from an extraordinary general meeting held at the Central Hall of the Medical Colleg The subject discussed at 'she meeting was 'wheth/r ov not will continue within
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  • 41 3 'DANGEROU S CAR' JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. Abu Adam bin Kalam was fined $12 today by Magistrate Che Kadir when he pleaded guiltv to a charge that on Mareh 2 his car being in a mechanically dangerous condition was allowed to opei^g
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  • 75 3 Mr. and Mrs. A. Stretch after their wedding at >he Catnedral o° the Good Sh»-[i-herd yesterday. The bride, formerly Mis» Winifred de Sou/a, was given away by h« r father, Mr. »1. H. ilp S<»uza. The bride's siste*s. Misses Mary and Genevieve de Souza acted
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  • 93 3 Tribune Staff Reporter MR Hardial Singh, out-going President of the Indi--111 an Chamber of Commerce, at the Chamber's Annual General Meeting last night accused Indian textile mills of commercial practices which might damage Indian trade in Malaya. He accused the mills of leaving loop
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 CRUCIANEU^H ACCORDION ffSl^^^^l producer a s^H treble and bass. Tone* overcome the ballroom, auditorium, by advantage, compare DirecTone with the outj others and you'll see DirecTone major acoust^fl Distin Sole Malayan Agents: LOUIS JORDAN ANEi^^Pp^^MP r g^M j DON'T LET THE SUN rA'WHWWWB^^HBBHiI I LIKE EM FAT LIKE THfl JACK,
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    • 78 3 CORK TIPPED always better owAurt A valuable C>f^/K restorative in \o\ BOWEL DISORDERS Experience has proved the value of Angier's Emulsion in the treatment of disorders of the bowels. It has definite restorative and strengthening effects on the Stomach, intestines and digestive functions. Angier's is palatable and agreeable to sensitive
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  • 691 4  -  By QUIZ WHY ARE Ak\ THERE SO MANY CURVES WW ON OUR ROADS WH V DO 4>A CINEMAS mW INSIST ON INTERVALS WHY GIVE 4r% BETTING BE- pi SUITS ON THE 1^ BAD I O WHEN William Wainwright was charged with the murder of his wife,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 175 4 Speedbird services Regular Speedbird services to fifty-one countries on all six continents save you hours, days, sometimes even weeks of valuable travelling time. You fly without delay, swiftly and in comfort, on one ticket all the way. Complimentary meals no tips or extras. It's all part of 8.0.A.C.'s 31-year-old tradition
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    • 153 4 in sickness.\ During and after an Illness the rich I /11+ body-bullding elements in Scott s ,4 /I Emulsion restore health and strength In record time. Inj And when you are fit Scott's Emulsion keeps you well—gives you vigorous 7 strength and helps you to enjoy life. fll^^l the world
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  • 423 5 AND FIGHTS BANDITS FOR EXCITEMENT Tribune Staff Reporter QNE hundred and forty-four Gurkhas—many of whom fought the Japanese in Burma, and the Germans in Italy and the African deserts—are today playing a vital role in the security of Singapore. These men are
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  • 131 5 JOHORE women have a complaint to mane..They want .Johore taxis to be marked like those in Singapore—so that they wil! not be mistaken for private cars. Said a school teacher: '1 have hailed many a private car unknowingly. It has Ikm*) so embarrassing." She
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  • 178 5 Tribune Staff Reporter Singapore I 15 voiunteei women .soldiers have >.ot got their snappy S.V jungle green uniforms y t. because they have not officially been attested, and it is an offence for civilians to buy jungle giecn cloth. Lt. Col. R. W. WatsonHyatt
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  • 244 5 Homes With No Occupants A YOUNG MALAY FATHER. with a big family and a small pay packet, is trying to meet his children's school fees and cost of book* by selling models of Malay homes and mosqu"s. He is 38-year-old Ariff bin
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  • 325 5 TWO WELFARE JOBS Trihune Staff Reporter THE Singapon Municipality has been flooded with applications for two jobs one for an Assistant Lady Welfare Officer and the other for an Assistant Secretary (Welfare). Municipal Secretary Mr. T. M. Stevens said yesterday, that the response to the advertisement in
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  • 56 5 MALACCA. Sat. Bicycle owners residing within the Municipal limits in Malacca are informed that they must register their machines or renew their old licences by Apr. 30. Those in possession of an mregistered bicycle after ih's date will be liable to prosecution. The 1950 number plates
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 168 5 kith SIX-20 < BROWNIE '^M camera Wmm You'll find it easy to take really good snaps r with one of the Six-20 'Brownie' cameras... they have so many special features designed to help you. No need to adjust lens or shutter—they're ready set for you for all normal snaps from
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    • 139 5 i. N Cairo to Karachi £^^^^E Singapore to Ceylon- 3& no smoking all the way. Up^mmT^S^* That's why, at touch down, Wrr/^^*^ a capstan seems well worth v waiting fon better, if possible, than ever. I should know, I've been smoking 'em for years. A capstan's the only cigarette for
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  • 1836 6 DANGKOK sprawling city of smiles. Gigantic beetles of ferocious energy. Temples of exquisite workman ship, with curvacious toos sporting tantalising titles and ending in frolicsome arches. Dogs that die. It is against Buddhist law to kill, but no one worries unduly if the wretched animals are knocked down
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  • 86 6 A FEMININE visitor to n Bangkok blushed at lunch with the British Ambassador and Lady Thompson. She was chattering away when she found rhat not only was she the only person eating dessert, but that she had never before eat i n an uncut mango and had
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  • Article, Illustration
    260 6 -No 11 BORN and educated in Bangkok, the Con-sul-General for Thailand, Luang Ratanadib has been twenty-seven years in the Ministry of Foreign affairs. During the war he was in the Tokio bombing, and if there is one thing that Luang Ratanadib is quite certain about, it is that he
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  • 334 6 MALAYAN Airways' hostess Brenda Ellis has resigned to start making preparations for her wedding next Saturday at St. Andrew's Cathedral to Mr. Alexander John Stuart. Mr. Stuart has
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 231 6 SECOND ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS "GAY NINETIES" *i V NIGHT V. SATURDAY 291h APRIL PERBQNAL APPEARANCE AND SONGS BY MARGO LEE Famous Film Star On World Tour!! Supported by Harry Price Tenor and Syhna Gareh Soprano Sketch by members of Singapore Repertory: John Forbes Sempill. Phil Guard, Barbara Knox Marshe and Dorina
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    • 168 6 \t >V \M SINGAPORE M TO SAIGON Connections for all V parts of lndo-China Arrivals frou Saigon Xx&Ns. Tbttrsdays 3.50 p.m \v S Departures for Saigon X V\ \%A Fridays 7.30 a.m. AIR FRANCE BOOK INC. OFFICE OCNCRAL AGENTS Ground Floor Ci d Onion J M t-E r W«r,t,m**
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  • 2041 7 From Jimmy Glover LONDON, Sat. MANY ex-Malayans and Malayans on leave in this country are holding forth about present day conditions in your troubled land. The'r intentions are admirable. I think most of them are inspired by the hope that their efforts win" help compel Government to taUe
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 ,i The Medically Approved TREATMENT i V er Trouble, .''orn» ion, F r g4ck Headaches, 'etc* tor e, prove Bile Tigris Jo be laxative. Pile Feaiw b iood and »rt Ih* WW* re mMly for con.«rtip*tl«S, Blc k heada.-hes. todidepression and oilier simt/.nn; Btre you oneruv and petal soft
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    • 30 7 I mt Established 1872 A Malaya's Leading Jewellers Diamond i Gem 1 Merchants B.P. dc Silva Ltd. (Incorporated In Ceylon) 19/21, High St., Singapore 1, Bishop St. Penang i i
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    • 518 7 VWe have no misgiving |B HES about this brilliant y^Et^^^^^^^Wßßl youngster. We bave given it a thorough test, and for performance, beauty of tone and ease af tuning can enthusiastically say that it upholds the fine traditions of its di-tin<ruMied family. r FEATURES Excellent all round performance on all band*
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  • 446 8 DRE-OCCUPIED with our own cold war problems it is only natural that we should find it hard to be interested in those of other people, particularly when they are in parts so remote as the Balkans and Finland. But a wise man is one who looks behind as
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  • 98 8 A WORD of three syllables is being whispered in hiph places. It is only mentioned obliquely, and then with protestations that of course there is no real intention to interfere with the freedom of the Press, or with freedom of speech and thought. But nevertheless the word is being
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  • 2283 8  -  How Hitler staged the extraordinary funeral THE BOOK that has set everyone talk ing By DESMOND YOUNG By order of Hitler, two generals, Burgdorf and Maisel, called on Rommel at his home iff Herrlingen on Oct. 14, 1944. They told him he was suspected of being
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  • 177 8 Reuter. NEW YORK. THE first Americans ground wild seeds,, ate shellfish and lived 40,000 years ago. according to Doctor George F. Carter, Professor of Geography at the John Hopkins University. In a preliminary report to the Geographical Review, covering 18 years of research, Doctor Carter explains that he
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 67 8 Late Again? It's time to let as check your watch or clock. All genuine Swiss spare parts available. Expert service and prompt attention. Moderate charges. (Branch at Royal Navy Air Station, SembawangJ. Phone ***** THIM LOCK Watchmakers 395, North Bridge Road. Wroyal m PORTABLE MAGIC AND MANY OTHER NEW IMPROVEMENTS
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    • 40 8 V\ Modern COLUMBUS! W\ F, y KLM and discover America in Vfa days. Luxurious four engined Constellations leave V Singapore 3 times a week for the U.S.A. particulars apply: jĔjr/ Royal Dutch Airlmr 1 Finlayaon Green. fl AOYAI DUTCH J§
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  • 258 9 EIGHTEEN months ago, D when Ireland's Minister of Agriculture, James Matthew Dl iion. came to town, he sam v S hall drown you with Last week he took p again where he'd left off "I suppose this time vou'U expect me to say that f vm going
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  • 25 9 nl Destroyer) obtainable it tie'-. Daisy Flower Shop, nation Flower Snop, Couw Stores, Dailia Flower Katong, or direct from The Gem Nursery. Ph. 7542.
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  • Article, Illustration
    642 9 BEHIND THE HEADLINES IT took a blue pass from the Cunard Press office in the Maritime Buildings to board the Queen Elizabeth immediately she docked at South ampton last week. But apart from reporters, quite a number of people had legitimate business across that first gangway. The press
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  • 246 9 IN Tinsley Green, on the Surrey-Sussex border beside Gatwick Airport, it is not politic to call marbles a game for children. Nevertheless, when they staged the British Marbles Championships there last year they had to borrow a bag of marbles (real clay ones) fiom a schoolboy. Last week
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  • 100 9 LONDON Couturiers were smiling last week over an echo of the French President's State visit to London. It appeared that Mme. Vincent Auriol. who wanted to do some shopping visited a few London salons. One of them, an elegant establishment, boasted to her that they dressed Mme.
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  • 277 9 ANNE Shilcock, who is a pretty, fair-haired 17-year-old from Chichester, found herself in the public eye last week—and the eye was lifting an eye-brow. What it saw. in several evening and daily newspapers, was a girl tennis player in the act of serving, with
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  • 403 9 LAST week a Sunday newspaper rang up Harry Doherty and Bill Endersby at Letchworth, where they make furniture by hand, and asked them "Have you got hng white beards?" Doherty, who is a slim, wiry, dark-haired Irish firebrand, and Endersby, a large, greying 44-year-old.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 116 9 When time means money SAVE BOTH on ESTATE and flKpffiS BUILDING JHfflP MATERIALS The essential element in good estate j management and building construction is -peed speed in many business activities, but above ajl in getting supplies from reliable traders with comprehensive stocks. We hold large and ready stocks of
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    • 157 9 SOAP w? Tha —dlrtml m\ toilet UWMMm hj Caticora Soap not only claaapa th* ■kin thoroughly, bat help It to retain it* baaaty and its natural moisture, ao eaaUy dried oat" In hot rhmrtaj For Flawless COMPLEXIONS J C fID A N G X O A A (Ta I G
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    • 61 9 rOR HEALTH ENJOYMENT TRY OUR SHOWHITE' CftHDIPOP POPCORN AND ALSO OUR FINEST QUALITY OP JAVA PRAWN CRACKERS PIONEER POPCORN ENTERPRISE 15, Telok Ayer Street, Singapore. Tel. *****. tf\ Ride on one of these popular bicycles iOft) I Raleigh Hercules /SsL B.S.A. Phillips Cash or Easy-payment Terms I KIAN HONG 6c
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  • 1092 10  -  WOMAN'S PAGE by Joan Baldwinson ACCORDING to the big fashion houses, tne accent this season is on accessories. This is me field which is sadly neglected in Singapore and it is the cunning, imaginative accessory that pulls the outfit together and gives it point and finish. Evening veils
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  • 612 10  -  By CONSTANCE SHARPS AQUARIUS JAN. 21 FEB. 18. A .stroke of lurk trill surprise you this week: mmm thing uHll happen thgt pom have wanted to happen: in fact, it trill probublg takt you unawares. WttdsteHktp v ill be a good day to pull a
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  • 17 10 No. 7 At-all times of the day, These glamorous models Show you the way.
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  • 523 10 EVERY woman knows that the easiest way to keep supple and physically fit is by exercise. To really enjoy life, good health is necessary, and by conserving physical strength, mental health is invigorated. The woman who values her well-being must remember the three main points— Fresh Air, Exercise
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 823 10 Always Try Season Co., Ltd. Before You Buy A Guitar 115, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD PHONE 7180 Doctors Test "Palmolive Beauty Plan" —PROVE 2 WOMEN OUT OF CAN HAVE LOVELIER SKIN—IN 14 DAYS! .../.v.g;.:.^ Thirty-nine doctors —including lead-M-i. ''M? skin specialists—have now coms p,etesd 14-day tests of the Palmolivc V?'*'.;' Ik-auty
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    • 289 10 am I I of* 20% I jl REDUCTION /N FARES! kjr?] 14-Dsy Bangkok-Return E.cur.i 9n KV\ viz f,yin9 ky CPA! F,i9ht y Uli L/yi *L>LP Sty«., twi Book Now! b ItJ fi/ 800k1n,.. A«,*TaJi. w National Airway. Pty. Ltd. i PNgg T... 2 a Coughing Strangling Asthma, ?sKfi* Curbed in
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  • 95 11 Oi> fHARISSK, lovely lUdyi, i iv, rets a chance Iter dramatic skill in omiag Metre (itMwra- pietvre "UN W>«t .lirt.trtl l>> M»rv>n Lepi adueed ky oldenta* !he i Ml in this dratti star) it liea<l»d »>» urwyek, Jt— Haftaa HefKn \>j Gardner and ~t I ormrrl) v»hh
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  • 308 11 says ALAN CURTIS A.P. CAIRO. Cat OOLLYWOOD actor Alan il Curtis want l3g3l>t*A mcvie-makors to take bettd advantage o> what ho terms "ideal film ntEXdng opportur» ties." Curtis has been in Cairo for several months looking iv to the local film industry with the
    A.P.  -  308 words
  • 821 11  -  Leading the way, as they often have in the past, fil stars are putting in their orders for helicopters and predicting a new type of Air Age. By HENRY GRIS HOLLYWOOD, Sat.* UOLLYW.OOD prides itself with always being ahead of others. Thus, one is told, that
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  • 188 11 A.P. HOLLYWOOD, Sat. RIRBY GRANT Is convinced that an actor's fan mail follows the same pattern as the roles he plays. For Grant *w been receiving .scores of letters asking him about lire u> the Canadian north country And Grant has never been in Canada in
    A.P.  -  188 words
  • 61 11 A.P. HOLLYWOOD, Sat. JOE E. BROWN, the American stage and screen comedian, left this week for Australia to star in the play "Harvey" for six months. Brown has been appearing in "Harvey" on the stage for four years, in the United States and London. In Australia he will also
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 363 11 THE BIG WHEEL," now showing in Singapore, brings together again Mickey Rooney, who has the starring role, and Spring Byington. who plays his mother. Film fans, with a keen memory for such things, may recall the last time the pair emoted as Mother and son.
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  • 27 11 RELAXING Actress Jane Russell, in Hollywood, isn't posing for any particular purpose. She's just taking it easy, and she has such a nice w#y of doing it.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 129 11 I The subtle difference between looking "your y bot "—and being beautiful. As wonderful as EH > that, the difference fine perfume makes. Goya's ffl lovely perfumes create this miracle for you H9 hit in- fragrances lend enchantment to everyday wearing them you feel—and are—alluring. P|f That you may discover
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    • 316 11 and so easy to do at home Have soft, smooth waves tiut look v. rU's best-selling home perm, so natural from the very first day 'foiii i« kind to hair and deep graceful curls that f Toni wavcs kind of last until you trim them off! es. %y a pcrm
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  • 820 12 Turmoil in American Boxing Professional Boxers' Association An eye-opener in negotiations RANKING lists are ladders to be climbed. They provide young boxers with ar Incentive to tackle and, If possible, defeat those above them in the ranking. Therefore, may I draw the attention of the Singapore
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  • 547 12  -  Shuttle Hall Fund By Our Own Correspondent THE respons? to the Singapore Badminton Hall Fund from those for whom it Is meant has been a little disappointing. In this couched term. Mr. Lim Chuan Geok. President of the Singapore Badminton Association, speaking at
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  • 93 12 The first official contest to decide the world championship at contract bridge will be held this autumn. All arrangements have been made by the chairman of the British Bridge League Sir Nobel Mobbs. who has just returned to Britain from Bermuda where this international competition
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 267 12 What do you know about ENO DO YOU KNOW that eno is cxx)ling and refreshing, an unrivalled health drink for young do you know I that ENO has a jkf&i' g e °tle laxative action V and is a P crfcct c°r- rectivc for stomach and liver disorders Sold in
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 163 12 A IXJVEL^GALj a ~T ll' I |SUf? E g s 1I Z Au Bgggrg— J V/ imp— _M TAtv RETOUCHED, OF COURSE: ✓AM U a I.^ T ~m\2** «EFOC*3E» TO »fc f rrr Nfi.? JTTWv PM A GAU/T-AH &JN A BOY NEARLY rrr IV r-gV L rf-KN EXCITED ABOUTA HAM
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  • 1548 13  -  BATSMEN OUT AS THEY CO TO THE WICKET by LINESMAN AT the end of three weeks of tournament cricket, th.* Singapore Recreation Club, last year's champions, are still at the top with 27 points from a possible 30. They are lucky to
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  • 534 13 Butting 116. Tan Huck Chuan. V.M.C.A. v R.A.F. (S> "A". 109. Copley. R.A.F. «C) v Indians. 97. Potts. S.CC v S.CR.C. 83. Durai, R. of V. v R.A.F. IT i. 76. Y. Madari. Indians v R.A F. <C). 71* S. Kamal, T.P.C.A. v rosLais I XL). 60. H.
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  • 515 13  -  By SAM SNEAD EVER see a golfer finish his swing in the position shown? This finish is about as bad as it could be and yet it's seen often in high handicap golfers. For the benefit of the too many let's discuss it. The perpendicular dotted line
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 92 13 Toffees WALLER HARTLEY LTD. f Ofialit)' MHady" Toffee Works. \JMS OJ U Blackpool, England foot! Team of work by eminent scientists led to the diecovery of Tineafax Harmless and non-irritating to the skin, clean and free from objectionable odour, this new remedy contains the most efficient substances yet discovered for
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • 183 14 The Royal Singapore Yacht Club held a Regatta and "At Home" at Tanjong Pagar yesterday, to bid farewell to Sir Patrick and Lady McKerron. Sir Patrick, wno has been the Commodore for the past three years, said that the Yacht club had
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  • 20 14 Reuter. LONDON, Sat.—Hungary has withdrawn from this year's Davis Cup competition, the English Lawn Tennis Association announced today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 26 14 The family of the late Mr. Lye Lian Foo thank all friends and relatives for their visits, wreaths and attendance at his funeral on 21.4.50.
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  • 946 14 BRILLIANT GOALKEEPINC IN FIRST MALAYA CUP TIE HERE Singapore was made to fight every inch of their way to a three-nil victoryover the Royal Air Force in the first Malaya Cup match in the Southern section played at Jalan Bes*ar Stadium yesterday. About 8,000 soccer fans
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  • 81 14 U.P. MINNEAPOLIS. Sat.—Two records were broken today as the two-day National YMCA swimming meet got underway at Cooke Hall on the University of Minnesota campus. Dave Anderson, of Minneapolis, cracked the 1,500 meter free style mark in winning that event in 20.24.4. Gerald Holand, of Oak Park,
    U.P.  -  81 words
  • 300 14 ALOR STAR. Sat.—Penang beat Kedah here before a large crowd by two clear goals in their Malaya Cup fixture today. Even exchanges characterised the first 15 minutes of the match. Penang improved and made several impressive attacks resulting in a goal in the 20th
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 202 14 /D CA-21 CORONATION? X See Jhit Jit Jtohical Svent 5™ A. MAY fVfN3 "BUSINESS MAN'S SPECIAL LEAVING SINGAPORE sJAAJ \J N Ist MAY 0 1230 HRS 'jVaV THE TOKYO SERVICE LEAVING SINGAPORE V 4th MAY Tv 1230 HRS BANGKOK $280 RETURN Accommodation (advance bookings only) BANGSUE PALACE MESS. (Courtesy of
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    • 27 14 MOTOR LAUNCH FOR SALE MOTOR LAUNCH 20 it Half Cabin, Ford V. 8 engine, seating five. Remote controls forward $1,000/- or nearest offer. Box A.3530, Tribune. Singapore.
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    • 72 14 Glowing with health! Yes, both of them are. She has taken the strain of motherhood successfully and he is really a "bouncing boy" because they have both been taking SevenSeaS for quite a long time how. Cod Liver Oil, and SevenSeaS is Cod Liver Oil at its freshest and purest,
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    • 278 14 WHICH 4 AILMENTS DOW SUFFER? Your doctor win tell you that often these are warning signs of MINERAL VITAMIN DEFICIENCY warnings that you're not getting enough Minerals and Vitamins whlcheNature demand! you to have. The cooked-out foods you eat aren't giving you enough for your needs. Heed these warnings and
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  • 2173 15  -  X.L RACES RUN IN INTERMITTENT RAIN By ALBERT SPENCER The Man with 2,000 Winners. 1(1; ALA LUMPUR, Saturday. Punters had a bad day when the Selangor Turf Club three-day April meeting began today in intermittent rain, adding to the difficult ground
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  • 51 15 TOTAL POOL: $364,600. First, No. *****0. Second, No. *****2. Third, No. *****2. Starters: Nos. *****0, *****9, *****1, *****7, *****6, *****6, *****3, *****3. Consolation Prizes: Nos. *****3, *****6. *****1, *****5, *****1, *****9, *****1, *****4, !1645i1, *****4, *****4. Double Totes: First $270 each (5 tickets). Second $714 each (2
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  • 400 15  -  By ARCHIE QUICK WHICH sport or pastime has the greatest following in Great Britain? It is hard to assess, but cycling must be in the first half-dozen. It is difficult, therefore, to understand why the National Cyclists' Union has no better national track
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  • 259 15 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Saturday. The Executive Committee of the National Boxing Association of the United States is expected to make important decisions regarding proposed world flyweight and bantamweight title fights, when it meets here today. The agenda includes the world flyweight title fight between Terry
    Reuter.  -  259 words
  • 93 15 The Singapore Archery Club have issued a challenge to the South Australia Club, and will hold a competition by post in May, Mr. Tony Beamish. Singapore archery enthusiast, said yesterday, "Later, we hope to play the 'All-Australia side." This afternoon at the Singapore Archery Club's ground
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  • 52 15 A.P. COLUMBUS. Sat.—Sugar Ray Robinson, world welterweight boxing champion, knocked out Cliff Beckett of Sunbury, Canada In 45 seconds ,of the third round of a scheduled ten-round non-title bout last'night. The knockout came in a flurry of lefts and a savage everhand right. Robinson weighed 155-lbs., Beckett
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 88 15 Robert louis stevenson's famous swashbuckler! change HERE'S THAT MAN AGAIN! DANNY KAYE'S THE NAME. OPENS TODAY OAVILIOM FOUR SHOWS I CONDITIONED 13\? I, 2 4.15 6.30 9.30 p.m. Phonp 6903. Samuel Goldwyn presents I Danny KAYE Virginia MAYO Boris KARL.OFF in 'THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY" (In Technicolour). Released
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    • 35 15 Morning Show Today 11 a.m. "BOSS OF HANGTOWN MESA'" and "PHANTOM CREEPS" Today Daily 3 Shows! at: 3.15—6.30—9.15 p.m. Latest EGYPTIAN sensation! LEBNANI FIL GAMAA" or "VARSITY RAG with English Subtitles! starring Miss SABAH SWVWAVvWVmVVW
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    • 347 15 the MOTION PICTURE of YESTERW, TODAY TOMORROW Aff the greofest of them oil Adventure I 0k \PP Romance' Spectacle! Unforgettable wliU entertainment! *ff GONE WITH *t THE WIND TODAY 3 ,ffi ws 11a.m. 3.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. times SPECIAL BUSES AS USUAL AT 12.30. a.m. Enter for the "GOOD OLD
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    • 34 15 550 NOW SHOWING 11 -1.45 4 6.30 9.30 IBM jjj^g Today's 9 a.m. Matinee "LADY IN ERMINE" in Technicolor. >HOHE «^«O TODAY DAILY 10-1.45-5.30-9.15 A Um*tr»ci Serial >ensotton BUSTER CRABBE Flash cordon WHOLE SERIAL
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  • 261 16 LED BY B iXUi IMS FIRST §MVISION MAX Tribune Staff Reporter JHE troopship Orbita which put into port yesterday brought the Hongkong Army soccer team which is to play a series of matches here and in the Federation. A notable absentee
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  • 81 16 A.P. LONDON. Sat.--A leading 1 rfown 11 °?f¥ toda y doun a back to work offer from striking dockworkers The strikers, in an unofficial meeting, voted almost unanimously to return tc work if the Tranport and I General Workers Union I would poll
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 87 16 A.P. LONDON, Sat. Promoter Jack Solomons has asked the British Boxing Board of Con*rol to suspend Manuel Ortiz of El Centre, California, world bantamweight champion. Solomons said he had laid before the Board and Abe Green, Chairman of the National Boxing Association or America,
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 206 16 Tho Lim Chu Kang half mile sorint and tlying quarte: mile held on April 0. which was interrupted by a.I **Xt electrical communications and timing apparatus being struck by lightning, is to be continued on Sunday April 30. Times recorded will stanu. and all competitors
    206 words
  • 161 16 From Page One h?ht on. That was a job lone to do. "The position in last night's fight was that Dr Al-Junied. who I sent for. told me that Brooks could I continue, and I signalled for the fight to go on for the fourth round. Bui Brooks' manager
    161 words
  • 260 16 IMOTnp am JOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. U vf r *J ohamed Ali bin Omar was in the M box for the whole day today when a Medical Department storekeeper, Lmi IyerSeenapatti was charged in the Sessions Court with criminP T L y mi i a PP.
    260 words
  • 30 16 ICTJALA LUMPUR. Sat. The I Polo Club is holding a tourna ment for the Selangor C„p on Apr. 28 and 30 at 5.15 p.m. each day. 1
    30 words
  • 18 16 Gurkhas coming down the gangway of the Orbita wh*ofi brought them from Hongkong, yesterday.
    18 words
  • 203 16 Tribune Staff Reporter JHE Malay Welfare Council, Singapore, is adopting a "wait-and-see" attitude to the Federal Legislative Council's decision to raise the pilgrimage pass fee from $2 to $20. "If the increase .s ~i improving the welfare of tie pilgrims, the move is
    203 words
  • 336 16 MAKING up with enthusiasm for what they lacked in science, the Fai East Air Force men nut uo a satisfying pugulistic show last night at their a-<>a and individual boxins championship held at Changi. There were enough knock-outs to satisfy the most avid boxing fan Three
    336 words
  • 110 16 U.P. VALETTA. Malta. Sat.—The crash of practice bombs from a swarm of U.S. Navy Planes today caused Princess Elizabeth to drop a spoonful of her desert, while she was lunchmp with Earl and Countess Mountbatten here today The American pilois appa- rently did not know that
    U.P.  -  110 words
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      206 words