Malaya Tribune, 29 March 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 63 1 MALAYA Tribune PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Tdi "Tribuo." S'pora rublutnea Btm%uiuneou*iy oi Bmyapvre, kmu«u w»mp-. M una i- ,».n u LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA Phone 3611/3 Nine Una TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 29, 1950 TEN CENTS. I THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE E. Maurice Glover,
    63 words
  • 316 1 LATE NEWS A.P. N Tuts Diploids reported toBritain may hand her Malayan rnt responsibility Malayans as another yard preparing for independence proposal was said to tins up a cabinet Asian ministers—to inInea and Indians a> > well as Malays—and to easi present barriers to Ma>:'izenship
    A.P.  -  316 words
  • 17 1 U.P. •Moscow. Taej.- C S. Embassador Alan Kirk to Moscow by air today, ij.p J
    U.P.  -  17 words
  • 331 1 The Case Of The Hai Hsuan Is Over-She In Now Tree To Sail Away From S'pore Tribune Staff Reporter AFTER lying idie in tne Singapore Outer R rds n for sixty days the Hai Hsuan, first ship to fly- the Communist
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  • 96 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. War Minister John Strachey told the House of Commons today that there are seven Army surgeons in Ma!aya available to fly to any locality where their service.- might be needed. Three of them are recent additions, sent out following :equesis uom the
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 592 1 AND I WILL RESPECT THEM': —SIR HAROLD From JIMMY GLOVER LONDON. Tuesday. MALAYA'S Anti-Bandit Chief, Sir Harold Rawdon Briggs, K.C.1.E., C.8., D.5.0., Indian Army (retired) yesterday emphasised his determination to seek opinion from ail classes of people in Malaya and suspend decisions and actions
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  • 85 1 U.P. ANKARA. Tues. Police announced the arrest today of a five-man gang accused of stealing fire arms and smuggling them into Syria. The arrests followed a fiction like penetration ol members ol Turkish secret police into the midst of the gang. The police said that
    U.P.  -  85 words
  • 71 1 Mi O.H.M. Sturgis. chairman of the Taiping District Planters' Association, yesterday blamed 'officialdom* for lack of foresight in estimating the approach of the bandit terrorism over two years ago. He said: "It is tragic to think that nearly two years (of terrorism) have passed, during
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  • 361 1 Tribune Staff Reporter MR. Nigel Morris. Chief of the Special Branch of the Singapore Police, would like, to seize the Chinese Communist "comics" now coming into the Colony irom Hongkong. But he maintains that, even under the Emergency Regulations, seizure would not stand up in law. A
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  • 83 1 A.P. MADRAS. Tues. This province, which went "completely dry" ninths ago. is still too damp to suit prohibition forces. Prohibition is the law. but Government officiate complain that the public isn't cooperating. Certainly, considerable drinking Is going 02. One big obstacle is "illicit distillation"—the
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 65 1 Reuter. CALCUTTA, Tues.—Dacoits armed with 1.;..nd-grenades and revolvers male an unsuccessful raid on the Cen trai Hank of ladta, Burrabazar branch, in Central Calcutta today. Tar- gang fcaift into i bank premises and attacked nmploypoF with grenades and gnnnre. injuring ;,ia, two seriously. The
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 184 1 —ATTLEE London, Tues. Re-, flying to a quests i by Mr. Oliver Stanley in Parliament today. Prime Minister Clement. Attire said that under no circumstances would Britain withdraw from Ma'aya. Mr. Attlee declared that, "this can go out to Malaya as an absolute firm statement."
    184 words
  • 26 1 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. John Strachey rejected a suggestion in the House of Conr mons today t: at Britain -.lould have a foreign legion. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 ~BIM for UGHT »n Knrjlcnd go\ v Distributors: Tan Cheng Moh Electric Co., ross Street, Singapore. r EDMUNDO ROS V and l^s RUMBA BAND 9P DECCA RECORDS. i r wine 9132 Society, with Faneho. Is it Yes. it »s No? Scottish Samba. Palom rt. Chocolate Whiskey and Maria La O.
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  • 88 3 IcrALA LUMPUR. Tucs.V. a Malay waitr>Iva- tound hot ln bedroom in her ~t the Amusement Kota Bahru area ye>- Sne dir.. shortly before admission I, (he hospital Police lance-corporal was seen entering the i her while on a ecn a vrc; ted and cbHigcd. ponce investigations rcvcal,,l
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  • 30 3 Mr. Graham Hough, pro ol fcnghsn. uiiaff- Malaya, will soeak on non-fiction and a', a inteting 01 tne .Last-West •V tomorrow at 8.30 the British Council Hall-
    30 words
  • 665 3 lOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. Loh Yuen, aged ,59, j an armed bandit cook who was wounded and captured by Segamat Police jungle squads at Hup £eng Estate, Labis District, on Jan. 16 this year, was tried before Johore's new judge, Mr. Justice Paul Storr, for carrying a
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  • 244 3 Court Told I/ING Foo Sung. o F Erggor Street, anpeared before Mr S. E. Teh in the Second P »Uc Court yestertlav en a nons charge n" having told the Police, tnat Han Kwong Fang, a Hainanese tiding the Communist Party. As a result
    244 words
  • 55 3 llowlng were elected arera of the EastJociety for i960 at the general meting of v President R. E. Holttum. vice nl Mr. t>. P. Hon. treasurer Mr S Murkandu. ioint hon. Mr. J. Sinclair *nd Mr. Khoo Kirn Ens. Jjommlttei Mr. V. W. m \ir p B. Rah
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  • 253 3 A Chinese woman, Chang Cheng San alias Bobby Lim was sentenced by Mi. D. A. Fyfe, in the Fourth Pc'ice Court yesterday, to five months' r.i for living on the immoral earnings of a rifteen-vear-old girl. The girl told the court that sometime last year,
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  • 75 3 JUSTICE STORR IS JOHORE'S NEW JUDGE JOHORE BAHRU. Tuesday.— Johore's naw judge, Mr. Justice Paul Storr, was welcomed by the Legal Adviser. Mr. D B. W. Good, when he took up his first ca.-e ir tht High Court today Mr. P. V. Charry also spoke ot) behalf of the .lohorc
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  • 56 3 An employee of Mr. Sandy G. Pillav. |he Singapore lawyer, R. X S. Naidu pleaded guiity to a charge of crimin al breach of trust of $1,113.88 belonging to the hrm in the Second Police Court yesterday. Sentence was deferred to April 4. Naidu was granted
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  • 182 3 THE bodies of the two victims of the Royal Air Force flying boat explosion on Sunday were recovered yesterday afternoon, after dragging operations had been carried on for 48 hours. The two dead have now been named by the Air Ministry in London as
    182 words
  • 231 3 WEARING the attractive uniform she designed herself Junior Commander J. Lindfield fi the S.V.C. Women's Section, yesttrday interviewed the first. volunteers for the Corps. Ex. A.T.S.. Jni Commander Lindneld la the first office: in the section. When*the lust volunteers came to the S.\ C.H.Q. to
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  • 81 3 MOBILE UNIT COMPLETES 26DAY RAIL TOUR KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Public Relation:, Mobile PubUc r.nd Cinema Unit ;m, jes- com Dieted a 26-day railway tour during which it tra veiled a distance of nearly 1.000 miles. The Unit covered almost the entire length of tne Peninsula. from as tar south
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  • 277 3 THERE are several vacancies for local pharmacists in Government hospi tals. But the posts are not rilled because of the inadequate salary which the job carries. The pharmacy work is now carried out by hospital assistants. who are not qualified for the work the Tribune was
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  • 348 3 Security Forces Kill Five Terrorists SEGAMAT, Tuesday. CIVE bandits have so far been killed in a battle ber tween a gang of 100 armed bandits ->nd a Military party in the Jementah area this afternoon at four. Two military persennel were wounded. Tne Military have so
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  • 28 3 The Ceylon Theatre. Singapor .'will slagc their first piay. The First King of Ceylon' at the Victoria Memorial Hall on March 17. at 8 p.m.
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  • 75 3 KUALA LUMP JR. Tues -The Army Mas asfciftted the P.WJ). in Pahang in the building ol n two-mile road from the Pun gel Lipis at Benla Bridge to the new Bukit Jerkoh Police Station, in order to open up a squatter re-settlement area. Primarily a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 GREAT WORLD Atlantic 7— Last Day "ABANDONED" NEW WORLD Lido 7—9.1"» Last Day "AVENGING RIDER" plus Disney's Cartoons ft Short.ROYAL If. 3.30—7 30 "LIFE" (Tamil* »ww »n hvi rmpicEß^ Last Day: 3.00, 0.30 9.15 pm William Holden-Lorette Youni, in R.KO. s "RACHEL THE STRANGER" Opening To.nor v "GANG BISTERS" (Whole
      148 words
    • 117 3 Today: 3.15 SJO ».18 p nr>l Perilous Daring Heroic' I*' "SCOTT OF THE ANTARTIC" I (color by Technicolor I. Tomorrow: "HAMLET" I Opens Friday, 31.3.50! j "EL ROH WAL GASSAD" (in Egyptian) or BODY AND SOUL" W'\ with English Subtitles! OPENING TODAY! I 3 Shows: 3. 6.15 9 15 p.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 407 4 Commences on March 31st. to April 15th. Wrj g,O O t> I If Have you received our 78 page I SALE CATALOGUE 4i^Mloff|i Wi/VZi /isfs 7IS Real Sale Bargains i' I/ j Covering all departments we know there W JjL Hjl -flfffyf rJr .MIL _lj'ifl~~ arc> 7/5 because we counted
      407 words

  • Article, Illustration
    59 5 centre of Turin, North Italian industrial city, war, paralyzed recently as thousands of workers, many of them Communists, attacked the offices of the Neo-Fascist Italian social movement (M.5.1.). Photo shows a tear gas bomb exploding outside the M.S.I, is steel helmeted police move in. In the street are
    -A.P. Photo.  -  59 words
  • 61 5 U.P. SAN FRANCISCO, distant Secreof the Army, Karl Bendethon, warned in industry tola} that it must be able to mobilize its entire itial on a few days month's notice if the I nited States is to survive. H<- told a convention the International .!.>ne
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 56 5 A.P. r*ORK Toea.—Carlos f J Romulo's office said yeshe c xpects to return la Aithln two creeks, tectlon with the proSouth East Asia antilsl conference, be Romulo's first Manila since last August. sman said Romulo. if the United NaGeneral Assembly, is a call
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 25 5 A.P. .O. Tues.—An occuhas ordered the it ion of a self-styled in independence i horn as W. I. Liao, Jap in. A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 195 5 'Rossellini Is Inspired By Cocaine' —Johnson U.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. DEMOCRATIC Senator Edwin Johnson said to--night that Italian film director Roberto Rossellini, actress Ingrid Bergman's real life lover, wa*> an "infamous Nazi collaborator", who is "inspired by cocaine." Johnson, who scheduled hearings by his Senate commerce committee for later this year
    U.P.  -  195 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. NEW YORK. Tues.—Yyette Chauvire. star of the ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, and her Susband were taken to Fllis Island, American immigration detention centre, on arrival today in tht French liner De Grasse. the b a 1 1 c t management snnounced.-Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 90 5 HONGKONG, Tues. Dj&g Q thly have accepted an award of co rriing lul high cost of living allowance, accoim -ally reliable sources. Tarmivu L The allowance will iding the thiae-month-old dispute oti management and workers. ward was given by Robertson, whc as arbitrator, management is
    90 words
  • 103 5 Reuter. LONDON. Tues.— Reports of two train crashes in the Far East reached London today. urash number one was in Japan where the Pacific Coast rail traffic was disorganised when a train left the rails at Shimlzu. 300 miles from Tokyo, a noted Communist
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 488 5 U.S. Master Spy Is Giving Him Inside Dope, Says Mr. Bridges U.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE "wreckage" of American foreign policy indicates there is a "master spy* 1 in the department who had been aiding the world communist movement. Republican Senator Styles Bridges said today. Bridges told
    U.P.  -  488 words
  • 105 5 Reuter. NEW DELHI. Tues.—Mr. B. Shiva'Rao, Indian M.P. and a former U.N. delegate, complained in the Indian Parliament about the "the two-way traffic in elephants" between India and the United States. I Mr. Shiva Rao, who was I speaking on the working of the Damodar
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 86 5 Reuter. SB Mar- Madrid. Father Z a 1 b a writes: I •Tf human society had assimilated Christian principles this problem would never have arisen. "The manufacture and the use of atomic esploslves should be illicit. "But in view of the moral degradation and contempt for international
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. MANILA. Tues.—Whais believed to be the first slavery case in the history of Davac City was filed with that city's fiscal by a Christian mother. who charged that her four children were enslaved by four Moro (non-Christians) in Lanao province.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 101 5 Reuter. BOMBAY. Tues. Ponce here claim to have discovered the secret headquarters ot the Communist Party in Bombay and to have sacured "much useful intelligence about the secrets of the communists working underground." The headquarters lunctioned in the one-room tenement of a railway ticket collector,
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 31 5 Reuter. TOKYO. Tues —Four \mcrlcan soldiers were killed when a privately-owned automobile in which they were riding collided with an lectric passenger train at the Onamachi railroad crossing yesterday.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 24 5 A.P. BANGKOK, Tues.- The population of Bangkok and its twin-city in the Municipal area called Dhonburi is now estimated at 937,300.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 463 5 USE THE CLASSIFIED FOR RESULTS SITS: VACANT SALESMAN Chinese n.-t ever 21 for canvassing well c: labhshec brand of toothpaste. Wriie full details of career and i-ilary required to Box A.3441, ""ribune. B pore. (M.133). WANTED Experienced Tie. '-rood.' Salesman fur old established fi»m. capable of taking charge ol department.
      463 words
    • 484 5 ZEISS Microscope with mechanical stage, 4 objectives, including oil immersion, 3 eye pieces etc. $370/-. Also Bausch Lomb Microscope, New, with travelling case, oil immersion, 43X A 10X objective. 5X 15X eye pieces $430/-. F. J. Isaacs. Optician, 10. The Arcade, Phone *****. (G. 84). SEMl—detached plank house with tile
      484 words
    • 646 5 CYCLE DV NAMO LIGHTING EQUIPMENT far BRIGHTER SAFER NIGHT CYCLING Sold by all leading cycle dealers. Factory Representatives: T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR PENAN* j Malayans most /j popular Indi- J gestion Remedy. f)M$ ANTACID POWDER i/lZ N«wtr«<a« Acid Soothtl Stomach Be/iev« P#"> of local photographs appearing in
      646 words

  • 574 6 fHE strange case of the Communist 'Vomica' becomes curiouser and curiouser. These dangerous little booklets, designed to appeal to children and semi-literates, are sold openly in Singapore Chinese book-shops, and nobody seems to know what to do about them. That they are undesirable everybody admits. But the law
    574 words
  • 1119 6  -  It is no joke laying the breakfast table lor an extra 55,000 new guests every morning but by ROBERT GEIGER WASHINGTON. ABOUT 55.000 new people sit down every morning at the world's breakfast tables. In a year there are around 20.000.000 more people
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  • 1019 6  -  by— JAMES TAYLOR Reuter-AAP. H BANGKOK. OW best to stimulate the fishing of Asia and the the Pacific to help feed the increasing population of the area will be a basic problem for more than thirty international experts who will meet for an
    Reuter-AAP.  -  1,019 words
  • 45 6 A.P. DAR-ES-SALAAM, Tues. —fiernanaez Uc.uieia. wealthy 63-year-old Mexican, shot and killed the world's record buffalo In Tanganyika's wild Masai country, it was reported today. The beast had a horn spread of 64 atd a half inches. The previous record was 56 inchea,— AP,
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 932 6  -  By ALEX VALENTINE ROME. THE Italians themselves have a word for it "benitomania." The word does not appear in any Italian dictionary. But it ought to. for the occasions to use lt become more frequent every
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 The Guide Xo Perfect Photography f THE AVO MICRO-SENSITIVE EXPOSURE METER Obtainable from All Reliable Photo Stores Sole Agents: KEE HUAT RADIO CO., Singapore-K. Lumour-Penang. ROSS (Tropical) BINOCULARS Give Better Vision and Value New Shipment Just Arrived New China Optical Co., 71, High St., Spore. Phon. 1586
      47 words
    • 113 6 Do You Know the easiest way to get a Famous Sewing Machine With no Down payment? RING 6688 or VISIT COMMERCIAL TRADERS LTD. House of Hire-Furchase Head Office 17-18 Bonham Bldg. Chulia Street Branch: 18, Eng Hoon Street, Tiong Bahru. Kolynos joa'» cleam MMM^P4 It's between the teeth that danger
      113 words

  • 56 7 A small village located 40 miles from Tokyo is slowly turnine Into a town of women. This condition was caused by the failure to return of most of the males of the village from the war. Operating on a co-operative system the women all pitch in to
    z?; sOow  -  56 words
  • 227 7 A.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. WINE out of ten fatal crashes in private airplanes are due to pilot error. Nearly half < f those mistakes result from recklessness. 1 The Civil Aeronr» 'f.cs Board's safety lnv?«t£auotj division reported trds i»i a T anaivsls of
    A.P.  -  227 words
  • 28 7 U.P. FORREST CITY, Kama*. Tues. Farm families here enjoyed goose dinners today. Lightnieg struck v flock of geese yesterday and 50 of them were electrocuted. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 66 7 Reuter-AAP. HIROSHIMA. Tues.—Fivehundred college girls In this atom-Dombed city sent petitions to President Tru man. Josef Stalin, and the United Nations secretarygeneral. Trygve Lie. asking for war money appropriations to be turned to promoting world happiness. The girls signed each letter under the
    Reuter-AAP.  -  66 words
  • 367 7 THE FRENCH MALE LOOKS VERY I CAREFULLY BEFORE HE LEAPS PARIS, Tuesday. THERE is good news today—France has a surplus of 2,000,000 women. Hold it! Don't stampede. This is merely to point out the virions inhibition of the French male confronted with
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  • 152 7 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. SPACE-SHIP iournevs to the moon are possible today in theory—in rocket-propelled craft with aluminium air-tight cabins, according to Professor Auguste Pieeard, first man to reach the stratosphere. The professor, who 19 years ago went up 10 miles in a balloon, expresses this
    Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 98 7 LONDON. Tues.—Beer-drink-ing Britons are drinking less beer nowadays. Latest figures show the country's production of the stuff, conditioned by demand, drooped to 1.831.763 bulk barrels In January. That was the second lowest for any month in more than two years. The previous January the output
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  • 143 7 A.P. BALTIMORE. Tues. Three drunkards, said Dr. G. Wilson Shaffer. Dean of the "John Smith." answered staggered into police court and facea the magistrate. "What is your name?" the judge asked the firsi.. "John Smith answered the second. "1 wasn't talking to
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 45 7 U.P. LONDON. Tues.—President Quirlno's secretary. Federlco Mangahas. conferred today with officials in the Far Eastern department of the British Council and said he was advised that the Council is sending about £100 worth of books to the University of the Philippines.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 72 7 Two Sudanese blacks tramp down the cotton into packing sacks at Wad Medani, Sudan. The 1.000,000 acres of the richest land in the Sudan the Nile irrigated 'Gezira Project'—will soon oe nationalised by the Sudan Government. The dusty plains have been transformed by irrigation into one of the
    —A.P. Photo.  -  72 words
  • 89 7 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY. Tues.—K i ing his girl Iriemi fcas a shocking Mimiu-sn for Ronald Wade l eirell here. Standing at the front door witn ncr be planted a soullul kiss. Sne said she iincied ail over: she liked it. Ronald X >ed bet again. With
    Reuter-AAP.  -  89 words
  • 121 7 BRISBANE. Tues.—Finding oi a manacled and weighted 68-year-old woman's body on the bottom oi tlooaea creek in southern Queensland has led to the discovery of a tiny religious sec**. Known as the Rosicrucians, they were found oy police after an arduous trek through wild
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  • 37 7 Reuter. COLOMBO. Tues.—Ceylon's 70-year-old school boy, Segu UsuTu Lebbe. has been awarded a scholarship. Lebbe and his 20-year-oid son are students in the same class in a newly opened English tutory in Mawanella, Central Ceylon —Reu|er.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 332 7 A.P. RANGOON, Tuesday HUM sacrifice is being practised secretly by the Naked Nagns. inhabitants of the remote northwestern hills linking Burma with Assam, according to a report made to the Burmest Government. This report by a Naga chieftain said that the practice,
    A.P.  -  332 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 333 7 BALDNESS HAIRFAIL Use Dr. Lnvls'a Pomade CAPILLOChNA Captllogcna cures baldness, dandruff, etc., piocure* Dew growth of I rir $2.00. For colouring vey hair ttev br NIGRiS COMB *8 or R.ViVEX' $6 For destroying superfluous hair from face or body use TRICH<"> WATER No. 1 *2.50 each and for killing hair
      333 words
    • 38 7 The Orient Scientific Manufacturer., of perfumers good* *tr. St>. I. Sele«-i« Singapore. •II e©rre#p*aden«e to Mr. Ig Ibaadran. 4«. Bar* t our** B« Mtnfapor*. lei: Johor* Va;en I j« h «f i;jt»i i 3 i I if foiivmpjl
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 61 7 ALLEY OOP h V T Hamlin WV/ WITH THIS MA6IC 1 f BUT OEEJTMAT D I Vtf*N J| < m I 1 iMBCiOuHf oh. TMMK voa. sh*' Mr 2.^ ,c VoF P I had tosay those VL r- |F THE WORLD AftUM.'/y >UTTLE 1* J*ev was seen/) \jL had some.
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  • 475 8 SELECT COMMITTEE TO STUDY RELIGIOUS PLEA Thuraisingham Warns Selangor KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. [)ATO E. E. C. Thuraisingam today warned the V Selangor State Council that they would be going back "to communal discrimination that existed before the war" if they approved a motion
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  • 81 8 The Director-General of R.A.F. Medical Services. Air Marshal P. C. Livingstone, in the course of a tour of units of the Far East Air l'tfce arrived by air at Changi from Hongkong yesterday During his stay of live days, he will visit the R.A.F. Hospital at
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  • 160 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The All-Malaya Nattukkottai Chettiars* Chamber of Commerce today opposed the bill lequiring all tecords and books of accounts to be kept in English or Romanised Ma'ay. The bill is to be intieduced at the meeting of the Federal Legislative Council. The Chamber,
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  • 34 8 U.P. WASHINGTON, Tues. Diplomats here said today that the United States and Britain were watching the Middle East closely in view of the collapse ot peace negotiaUons between Israel and Jordan.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 367 8 REMISSION OF SCHOOL FEES KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Hon. Mr. Leung Cheung Ling urged Government in an adjournment speech at today's meeting of the Selangor State Council to amend the regulations with regard to remission of school fees for aided primary school pupils who
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  • 200 8 OWNERS FLAY NEW TAXI LAWS SEVEN proposed Municipal Bye-laws for taxicabs came under fire at the meeting of the Singapore Hire Car fOwners) Association yesterday. "If these by laws are passed," said Mr. T. A. Simon, president of the Association, "they would mean the end of business for us." The
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  • 103 8 Mr. R. E. Holttum. talking over Radio Malaya last night about the Flower Show which opens this Friday, said more variety is expected in this year's show. "Many people have been preparing plants for the show for some months." said Mr. Holttum. "and we are
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  • 143 8 THE award of the George Medal has been granted to Squadron Leader Robert Ellis Woolley, Senior Medical Officer, R.A.F. Maintenance Base (Far East) Seletar, in recognition of his courage, skill determination en the night of November 20, last when a Sunderland flying boat failed to
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  • 588 8 THE Singapore Harbour Board, who appealed against a decision of Mr. Justice Brown who had given judgment for th.3 Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. (S.S.) Ltd. in a claim for damages for loss of 17 tyres from one of the S.H.B. godowns, in 1946,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 708 8 [shipping jIANSFIELD CO. LTD., j (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carriers' option to proceed via other p<rrts to lead and discharge cargo. I* failings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON fJ' CONTINENTAL PORTS B, itomedon" salts for Genoa. Marseilles, Liverpool Glasgow Apr. 4 R dyphemus" for Holland, London Hamburg Apr. 6
      708 words
    • 724 8 ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD Aden, Port Said, Rotterdam Amsterdam ♦ZEEMAN MODJOKERTO 20/21 Apr. 22 An, M *r BLITAR 25/26 Apr. 27 A tt *H JAPARA 3/5 May 6 Jg;; A f KEDOE 17/19 May 20 V.'- 7 FRIESLAiVD 25/27 May 28 21 •Calling PORT.SUDAN direct 29 M; Agent a: ROTTERDAM TRADING
      724 words

  • 675 9 STERN BUDGET SOON Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. Britain aims in 1950/51 to lf c area's gold and dollar deficit by half from $1,532,000,000 last year to $785,1)00,000. Simultaneously, she plans to be more than all square m her payments with the world as a
    Reuter.  -  675 words
  • 38 9 uouifftlnville (44); >~ Lang*"***** (1»'20), ElL- vliersk (19 20); R«*ngam H Wdfarer (23 24); Simoar «gi- Morella (*H 6»); (15 16); Gleneam i Anphaiion (U); Ji.unt vi (8/9);ShlraJc«*| Plant); Ihinwide (4/5); ttot l Java (1
    38 words
  • 89 9 AIRPORT SHOP WILL EARN A.P. WASHINGTON, Tues—An liroort In which British goods ro dollars is to open -oon at Shannon, Ireland, at th o sueeestion of the Marchief, Paul Hoffrman'a office in Wash announcing this said that Hoffman had pointed out passengers using the which stop at Shannon each year
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 31 9 A.P. HONG KONG, Tues.—Tne Communists' news agency ntlv that Red China duce 4.000.000 tons of ar. Salt is traditicmllv one uf the main of revenue of CbiM3t governments.—-A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 246 9 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. The State Department Vi k lSt n ight submitted to representatives of Am-rri«-an oil companies a plan td> end the present stal- over British restrictions on the import -->£ ,5,. ir oil." Officials said an outline of the proj>osals
    Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 243 9 Reuter. MANILA. Tues —Because the pine sugar industry ing< have a protected market in the United 81 it iftei 1954. both President Q-nrino and Vice President Fernando Lopez have sugarmen to exert (heir t,<\«t efforts to mak.- the industry the couniggest dollar-drawing export Item the
    Reuter.  -  243 words
  • 105 9 RUBBER GAINS CENT WITH good overseas advance in rubber prices, the local rubber commodity market gained of a cent yesterday with fall business passing. Closing prices in cents per pound wcu Buyers Sellers No. 1 RSS f.o.b. Apr. 55 1 2 55% No. 2 RSS f.o.b. Apr. 54 1 54
    105 words
  • 65 9 SINGAPORE, March 28: Tin price was $297-50 cents per picul ex-snielter. Oown $7/8. LONDON, March 27: Spot £600 1 2. Down £1 8 4. Three months £003 1/4. Down £3 4. Settlement price £600 1/2. Down £2. Turnover: 80 tons. Second hcm-sioh: Spot £600 1/4. Down £2. Three
    65 words
  • 132 9 U.P. TOKIO, Tuesday. A revival of regular passenger and cargo service between Japan and Bangkok, is one of the first projects planned by Japanese shipping concerns following SCAP's directive authoriz ing Japanese bottoms to return to international shipping lanes. Japanese, shipping circles said the
    U.P.  -  132 words
  • 51 9 A.P. CANBERRA, Tues. —A high government source forecast today that Australia will end butter and tea rationing by June. The present coupons expire in mid-June and it is unlikely that more will be printed. The weekly rations are, tea two ounces and butter, six
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 169 9 WASHINGTON, Tues—The U.S. Bu«-eau of Labour Statistics reports that the number of unemployed in the United States- increased hv 200,000 in February despite a high level of economic activity. The report attributed the rise to new workers entering the labour force more than any other cr.» factor.
    169 words
  • 134 9 Copra opened steady in the Singapore produce markets yesterday with buyers at $38 per picul f.o.b. April and sellers at $39. The market eased slightly in the afternoon with dull conditions prevailing. Buyers were indicated at $384 and sellers at $38-14 with no business passing. The Copra market
    134 words
  • 42 9 Free Petrol Without Expenditure Reuter-AAP. CANBERRA. Tues. A way of substituting sterling petrol for dollar petro! for Australia and the dominions will be worked cut at a conference in London today, Mr. Arthur Padrien. Australian Treasurer, told the House of Representatives. Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  42 words
  • 25 9 SINGAPORE, Mar. 28. All sections of the share market were dull. With little support from outports, the tendency was towards slightly lower prices.
    25 words
  • 854 9 Singapore, Mar. 28. Buyer* Sellers INDUSTRIALS Atlas Ice 11 .90 12.25 xb., xd Alex. Bricks Pref. 2.40 2.50 Ord. 2.20 2.27% 8.8. Petrol 34/6 35/6 B.M. Trustees 7.50 8.00 Con. Tib Smelt Pref. 21/3 22/3 cd Ord. 15/9 16/9 E. Utd. Assur. 38.75 39.75 Fed Dispensary 6.25
    854 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 41 9 SINGAPORE BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD., for HEAVY LOADS up to 30 tons single lift Loading and Discharging by either Crane or Man Power RING tVOcV or $5754 if required. Estimates Free A The Arcade, 2nd floor. Singapore Secretary and Director:Lyndley Hollovoy
      41 words
    • 509 9 raiTSo hong s.s. ca <i 932) ltd. 65, CHULIA STREET. PHONE 3944-5 (Incorporated in Singapore) PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES PALEMBANG, DJAMBI, PAKAN BAROE, RENGAT and BAGAN SI API API. "HONQ ANN" satis for Rengat Mar 29|J "HONG SOON" aaila for Pakan Baroe Apr. 2f "HONG TAT" sails for Djambi Apr. 411
      509 words
    • 183 9 Body Revitalize' Stimulates Glands. Nerves and Blood From America coma* newe or new medical compound thai oan Wing i.ew lift and vigour to yon who ruffaf frvm thyalcal «nknMi lorn of vigour Imawra IckkJ anemia «»<t norvc weaanaa* Thla n«w medical con.Pound called uro>ot 1« the formula uf a* Anierkiao
      183 words

  • 329 10 Reuter. LAHORE. Tucs. Pakistan today won the first Test of their Ceylonese tour here by an innings and 45 runs. Ceylon replied with 166 to Pakistan's first, innings of 362 and following on were sKiitled out for 151. Fourteen Ceylonese wickets including four of the first
    Reuter.  -  329 words
  • 789 10 PROMISING AUSTRALIAN TEEN-AGERS ACCORDING to keen judges in Sydney, lif teenA year-old Ken Rosewall has all the requirements of a Davis Cup tennis player of the future. Ken holds the Australian junior championship, and is the youngest player ever to win the title,
    789 words
  • 306 10 MALACCA, Tues. The High School continued to win their fourth match off the reel, this time beating the Indian Association. Taking first lease of the wicket the I.A. were soon in difficulties and were dismissed for 35 runs, only A.G. Leon with 11 reaching
    306 words
  • 56 10 Tu* Ceylon Sporte Club BBa rery generously :>«■••muted the used of their grounds at Ralestler Road for net practice on Monday* and Fridays to the Sinhalese Sports Club. All members of the Sinhalese Association Cricket Spert a Club should take this o. portumtv. Practice will commence on
    56 words
  • 239 10 A.P. CAO PAULO, BRAZIL, Tuesday. Yoshehiro 3 Hamaguchi (Japan) broke the meet record for 200 metres yesterday in the final of a swimming championship before an estimated 8000 fans, of which two-thirds were Japanese. Hamaguchi was timed in two minutes, 11.2 seconds to better the
    A.P.  -  239 words
  • 89 10 A.P. VIENNA, Tues.— An estimated 12,000 football fant> queued up today to get standing room tickets for the Aus-tro-Italian soccer game next Sunday. Many began theii long vigil on Sunday night An extra detail of 150 policemen were on hand to keep order. A special ticket
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 51 10 A.P. SYDNEY. Tues. American jockey Johnny Longden had his first ride on an Australian track today. He rode Beau John and later Rait on in their early morning gallops at the Flemington Race course. Melbourne. The Australian turf men showed great Interest in his American style of riding.
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 61 10 Reuter-AAP lIOBART. Tues. B. J. Pearsall. 71-year-old Tasmanian country cricketer has retired after nearly 60 years in the game. A prominent batsman and bowler, he scored 40,000 runs in his career and took 5.000 wiekels. Pearsall has performed the hat trick many times and on three occasions
    Reuter-AAP  -  61 words
  • 45 10 The Ceylon Sports Club li interested in more cricketplaying members. Nets practices are to be held weekly starting from this week. Applications for entry in cricket matches should be addressed to the Cricket Convenor. Ceylon Sports Club. 9. Bonham. Building. Singapore.
    45 words
  • 166 10 A.P. TAIRO, Tues.—Miss Gtrtrude "Gorgeous" Gussk Moran, according to tennis promoters the biggest drawing card in amateur ir.y emotional tennis, plans to make a T ,hree months European tour. Although ranked only number seven among American woman players, she has been playing the b?st
    A.P.  -  166 words
  • 171 10 Reuter-AAP SYDNEY. Tues. The 1949 Victoria Derby winner. Delta, is favourite for the rich 1950 Sydney Cup. Favourite for the Doncaster Handicap is the New Zealand three year old, Lord Moss. The Sydney Cup. of £AlO.OOO. will be run over two miles at Randwlck racecourse
    Reuter-AAP  -  171 words
  • 102 10 A.P. MANILA. Tues. Conflicting Davis Cup committments have caused the Philippine contestants to turn down an invitation to play in the Italian National Tennis Tournament in mid-April. The Philippine Davis Cup team is scheduled to meet Pakistan in Manila on April 8. 9 and
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 84 10 Reuter. BUFFALO. New York. Tues. The Ezzard Charles Freddie Beshore NBA heavyweight championship fight, scheduled for tomorrow was cancelled tonight. A source close to the New York State Athletic Commission said that observations a* the New York Hospital showed that wnen training a month ago Charles received
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 241 10 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club was held in the Club-house on Sunday. In his address to the members the retiring President. Mr. J. A. Gagan. recorded the death of Mr. W. C. Hill and informed members that a silver bowl
    241 words
  • 89 10 The Chinese Amateur Weight Lifters' Association will hold a novices competition on June 24. Further details will be published later. Members intending to compete should turn up regularly for training at N0.21u. Outram Road on any day of the week. A York Olympic Standard Barbell Set
    89 words
  • 54 10 A.P. HONGKONG. TuevRobert Tay. 1948 (010 ny singles badminton champion, regained hh title which he lost to C. K. Lee last year by defeating Lee 15-1; 15-u' in this year I colony final last nighl. Miss IT Kin Khoo retained the women', singles title b> defeating
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 140 10 The following I Hive l<ean M ed to play foi th* a friendly nature rgaiMN He Wanderers Cricket Crjh t\ Far rer Park ground* c n April 1 2.15 p.m. sharp. I Uyen UJ i« quested to bt in Hie a I p.m.:— Mayo Pcrera 'Capt.); U.
    140 words
  • 66 10 KntmmUt iron ol table-tennis f-nl. »>;;. f r toro Snort* CHUj to vwrwer. Results (Neetangto Ah bin Omar leg <" Buck Lena; I I g! Siam: l.r.i Ho J-f-t: Chan Chin ."B Bob Kwana ?,'f* Ma Da wood toat H Hoe o. I; Worn:
    66 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 419 10 Meet this i new y PARKER WEWfEATUHES 0/ j NEW PRECISION NEW beauty the only pen with the r Jrf\ y*t ///jr Him's News! There is a NEW Parker y7 "SI". This world-famous pen«now has niw foto-fill the great «rw Aero-metnc Ink System filler a wholly new. scientific method ol
      419 words
    • 76 10 WHITE CLEANI" „,i„t f.nish <» Buck. m Pads. Tennis Ba"*Will NOT RUB Of SOLID IN of it'» Pains in BaA MervouSrßheuma^ Wronc feeo ,->t4« ''.ulu'' •*swe«*e«4jre(,^^« a strain on th f and Hi.hH/t v ,nli' l ''/'if*** cause <>f X*< «ss 4 Nights BtirninK ,«J NerAoiisno--. Itle*. Rheu' feeling oi.i
      76 words

  • 37 11 Reuter. LONDON, 1 ucs. Peng Soon, who the all-England dm inton championship tins month, left for Mil. i from London Airport today io defend j„ s Malayan and SinK up-»r. titles—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 80 11 WVatl p. imitting Singa- i.s tans will watch a a. king tennis player ,i today on the SCC Geoff Brown, debut at the n hampionships in ached all thro*:nai 1 -ot was unable to mm* a tttv. of the piayers he de..l to qualify for the linglea
    80 words
  • 336 11  -  SOME OUTSTATION HORSES STILL DUE BY ALBERT SPENGER The Man 2,000 Winner* IlFAvv x. IPOH,Today: Vnmin i n < l? I tlnued last and eoi«sc~ k n ng wen t fast this morning, work mg confined to half and threequarter arrive^ 616 ai6 St
    336 words
  • 185 11 Reuter. ST. Anne'S Lancashire, Tues.—Oxford University gained a ::lender lead over Cambridge University when the inter-varsity golf match opened with the foursomes on the Royal Lytham and St. Anne's links here today. Oxford winning three and losing two. Each match was over 36 holes, and
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 322 11 Reuter. LONDON, Tues: Manchester United, favourites :or the Football League championship, should m to winning form against the beate.i Cup finalists Everton, in Saturday's First Division programme. They slipped up against lowly huddersneld last week, but should be too strong at home against Everton,
    Reuter.  -  322 words
  • 29 11 f Tn World Tabic Vermis in 1952 are to to th y ln In <lla, according vie decision of the Interior 1,1 Table Tenn is Federa-
    29 words
  • 158 11 Tabic tennis history was made in the English Championships at Wembley. For the first time, juniors won a senior title, and the "expedite tule was applied. The tale of the two juniors is remarkable. They are Diane and Rosalind Rowe, the 16 years' old
    158 words
  • 306 11 After giving every indication in the first session that they were going to hold the Kota Raja to a hard game, the Tamil Brotherhood Association went to pieces in the second period to suffer a four-nil defeat in a Singapore Amateur F A
    306 words
  • 245 11 SUSSEX CRICKET SENSATION A.P. LONDON Tues. English County Cricket was rocked today by the resignation yesterday of the Duke of Norfolk from the presidency of the Sussex County Cricket Club. A stormy meeting of the club at Brighton over the resignation of Hugh Bartlett the County captain,
    A.P.  -  245 words
  • 144 11 Thevaraian, Postal and Telecommunications goalkeeper, was injured yesterday at Geylang Stadium during the first five minutes of play against the Singapore Chinese Engineering Association when a body charge dislocated his collar bone, and he had to be taken to hospital. The match played in
    144 words
  • 81 11 Some of the 40 runners in the one-mile Lincolnshire handicap are seen two furlongs from trfe starting gate with Some of the 40 runn th from i e ft, wearing white cap and tucked in the rear row, is Gordon Richards on six furlongs to -fJiJLTSSards took the five-year-old chestnut
    81 words
  • 118 11 The Dave Sands Boy Brooks fight will cost $22,000 —the highest sum involved for one promotion in local boxing history. Word has come that the Boxing Board has approved the fight taking place at the Happy World Stadium on April 14. The supporting bouts for
    118 words
  • 192 11 The CYMA (P.M.) were lucky to draw two-all with the 4 Supply R.D.. RASC whe they met at the CYMA ground, in their Junior B-2 soccer league yesterday. Although, the RASC were a heavier team, they found it difficult to overcome their cppcnents' back
    192 words
  • 61 11 PHILADELPHIA. TuesBob Montgomery's attempted ring comeback may have ended on Monday night when the former world'-.: lightweight boxing champion conceded a 10-round decision to Philadelphia's Eddie Giosa. Montgomery said before the bout he would cut shori. his comeback try unless he defeated Giosa. The Philadelphia champion was knocked
    61 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 953 11 SITS. VACANT TREASURER'S Department j Powers-Samaa Accounting M«i chine Operators .female), pr<( i ferably between 17 and years of age. CommenclU j salary $70 p.m. plus variab C.L.A (at present 30« of bM§ salary). Good education. TJbH ferably Senior Cambridge. EfE porience as Punch Operator a advantage Successful caq-r dates
      953 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 289 12 MAO LOSES 5,000 MEN Reuter-U.P. TAIPEI. Tuesday. THE Chinese Nationalists headquarters claimed today that they have smashed the first major Communist invasion of strategic Hainan island. The Nationalist said that more than 3,000 Chinese Communist troops were killed in a 17-hour battle on the
    Reuter-U.P.  -  289 words
  • 72 12 Reuter. TAIPEH. Tues. Chinese Nationalist troops Liade their second landing on ttu mainland coast near Sani:men 200 miles south of Shanghai, last night mainly ro take ammunition, medical supplies and communications equipment to Chinese guerillas lighting thr communist Government. Nationalist military spokesman said here today. The mission
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 50 12 A.P. TAIPEI. TUes. Three hundred light tanks, armoured cars and scout cars —100 m *>ach group- were unloaded during the weekend at Kaohsiung souttiwestern Formosa. The valuab'e cargo was bought in the United States out of unexpended funds appropriated for aid to China in 1048. A.P.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 34 12 KOTA TINGOI. ioda? Police jungle squads locate* ana destroyed two PiuulU e.amos of tho here yesterday.. One of the camps was >• bandit training centre wttii a parade ground ano target, shooting facility
    34 words
  • 128 12 U.P. NEW YORK lT*es TtX) Rubber Manufacturers Association said today that the estimated consumption of new rubber in February Declined to 87 987 long tons from 94 959 tons In Jaruary. a decrease of 6.56 per cent. It said the use of raturat rubber
    U.P.  -  128 words
  • 39 12 Reuter. MELBOURNE. Tues Miners in eight New South Wales pits struck woik today against the stringent measures threatened by the Australian Government against Brisbane dockers whose recent strikes have held up work of the port. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 12 Carrol Klotzbach of Waslimgton, U.S.A., and his br'ni<-, ■it sue Shigeno of ToKyo, rut their weUding cake at ih;* reception In a.ter tnen marriage. The cake i>ears the ilags ot l .S.A. anil Japan. The couple met in Tokyo, v\here Klotzbach formerly worked.
    44 words
  • 195 12 U.P. —RUSSIAN CHARGE LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. RUSSIA walked out of two more United Nations groups today after charging that American and Japanese fliers had participated in a Nationalist raid on Chinas mainland. The Russians also charged that United States had agreed secretly with Chiang
    U.P.  -  195 words
  • 77 12 Reuter-AAP. JAKARTA. Tues. Two hundred Ambonese troops of the Dutch Army mutinied on their home island of Ambon In the Molluccas during the week-end and seized a military stronghold, said an authoritative source today. The Ambonese troops, whose traditional loyalty to the Netherlands earned them in the
    Reuter-AAP.  -  77 words
  • 227 12 Tilbune Market Reporter SINGAPORE market circles believe that the Indonesian currency moves have given h new lease of life to largescale smuggling of rubber from Indonesia into Malaya. Indonesian currency values have crashed in the Singapore black market with Jakarta's "deflation" working
    227 words
  • 67 12 JOIIORE HAHKT TODAY. A curfew has been imposed on the Ko*a Tingrgi town hoard ami (except on the main road) from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily with effect frorfl today (29 3 '60). All persons must reina:n indoors between the alxive mentioned hour* un ess
    67 words
  • 47 12 REG AM AT. Today. Trap pod in the art of ROdCtUnf funds for the bandits nor;: follow worKers. i Ch'ncsbandit Ment was 'might h* the police yesterday. Three more OVeUfcl W!feausrht In the Xluaiuj are* while carrying 70 ka- «,tca of rice for the bandits.
    47 words
  • 266 12 Reuter. LOBATSI, BACHUANALAND, Tuesday. CERETSE Khama, the chief designate of the Bamangwato tribe, will receive the formal order exiling him from the Bamangwato reserve a few hours after his arrival in Gaberones, where he is due tonight. Mr. G. E. Nettleton, a Government Secretary, will
    Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 168 12 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. Brit KM Foreign Secretary Mr Krnpst Bevir. stolidly deiended his policies tonieht acatnm Conservative challenge* of over caution and mdrcision. He deliberately l?ovc*i siowiv. he said m toe Atlantic Pact and in Western European unity- -om> utter it was proved -hat a nolle?
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 216 12 Reuter. LIVERPOOL, Tues.—George Kelly, 27, bullying terror of Britain's toughest waterfront, who became "engaged" to his sweetheart in the condemned cell last night was hanged here today. Kelly went to the gallows singing his mother's favourite tune "I Lost the Sunshine and the Roses." Last
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 12 Freed from his handcuffs and a U seais term of imprisonment. Rus,;a» eneineer Valentin A. Gubitehev embrances his Wlit Lydia aboard thel Polish liner Baton in New York harbour on March 20. Gubitciiev was convicted, with Judith Loplin, a former Department of Justice employee, of espionage in
    67 words
  • 190 12 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. Mr. Kenneth Younger, Foreign Affairs Minister of State, announced in Parliament tonight that Lord MacDonaid, Paymaster General, would lead Britain's delegation to the Commonwealth conference on aid to Southeast Asia at Canberra in May. Lord MacDonaid, who as Sir
    Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 22 12 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. Ernes. Bcvin will unveil 14 Olympiad commcmcrtiUon tablet. 1 at the Empire Stadium. Wembiey. on April 14.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 208 12 Reuter. CALCUTTA. TuosciaUOWRAH, the eight-squaro mil? industry rjL. 11 on the banks of the river oporuju metropolitan Calcutta touay remained 1 quiet" after troops moved in to assist the in the maintenance of and mania l i' which was promulgated yesterday. Most streets, roads
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 65 12 Reuter. NEW YORK. Tues. United States efforts against ('omrnunism In the Last are being blocked by Prime Minister Nenru's retusal u» join in a Marshall aid pian 1 for his part ot me world, the New York Post Washington columnist. Mr. frozen
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 80 12 Reuter. LONDON. Cues, mo rtlationship of tne Indian Republic within the t*m— monwealtli was fjaing in o~ one or the benefits to mankin«l at iarL ro irom the point ot vi»-w r»i stability and economic prnuperity. said Lord Liatovell in London toaay. The lormer Minister oi
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 48 12 KUALA LUMPTTR Floods causing minor md the irno: tf two piaces on the wcUjh M Z X and -vi ;nT tho dHv Train from Singapore; JJ T,,n donarlures of south-bound night fc£ i r% .<ua Lumpur tfaQ Km,i to be delayed ha'f an hour.
    48 words
  • 144 12 BOOK KXIIII'.ITION r jt i Couriui Hail. SlamiorO f; M .i a.m. 5 p.m. K.W.C .A.: Katom,' lS lorf business meeting. st u. School. 1 p.m. Jl'NIOIS SVMI HOM tiUiHKs T .®*l A: rteliearaal, v., torn n<il Hail, 5 p.m. I'KOURKSSIVK PAKT1T Annual peneial iieeuit Joseph's
    144 words
  • 142 12 CATHAY: "The 1' Willi Oljvia ue HaviMand, .'.oi l •< r pi Clilt and U-tlph i:■••hird on a! 11. 1.45. 4.15. »».<•' and Vdi p in. CAPITOL: 'The InM-eolor with Danny Kaye. 1. 115. 4" tt.30 and 9.3«» p.m. »ON; "Tvoiin" wltl: John Wayne and I araint- t»%> A.
    142 words
  • 37 12 SOU Kit: I him A'l-ktes Indonesian l/:e. at J.'an >■' T„r. B.I: C.Y.M.A. v. ]>t. Spore Regt. R.A. at C.Y.M.A. POLO: Singapore low 1 Ma<kray Cup from 3?0 I'* TK.IS'NIS: Exhibition J'f' Geoff Brown. 5 p.m.. S.C.C.
    37 words
  • 166 12 SAIGON, Tuesday. AGITATION which followed riots and arrests in Saigon on Mar. 19 is continuing. Five hand-grenades were thrown her'- last ni<rht wounded nine neonle. Vietnamese police had earlier arrested 15 Vietnamese in a Saigon suburb and seized six land-mines, 17 grenades, minor arms
    166 words
  • 61 12 LONDON. Tues.—The tin market has been receiving offers of spot tin from quarters outside the Ministry of Supply in fact from quarters associated with smelter interests. Hence the easier tendency in prices. Spot was unchanged at £596-i but three months eased one and one-fourth sterling to £598-i The
    61 words
  • 157 12 Renter. London. Tuef.- i c London sto k exchange mded i s trading period on a quiet note and was generally without man r alteration in prices. British Government ■ecuttliea were steady industrials slightly irregular with operators awaiting the detail* of in. \eminent economic mrvey of 1960. Tobacco
    Renter.  -  157 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous