Malaya Tribune, 28 March 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
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  • 69 1 A.P. VAHHINOTON, Monday.—lnformed *oure,* ~„!..> tk flrsl *hlp loaded with Am.rhan jrm, Ni. ntHtiv. ly m h«duU>d to Mall from New y, irk h for I ranee or Italy. mmvwm *aid that within days additional arm* in ,rgfl 00n.u00.000 programme will bring mining
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 153 1 Reuter. London Monday. OR:ME Minister Clemen: Attlee today rejected tl of a Royal Commission to Comma:, ing that was conducted in Britain in 1946 Waldron Smithera, Conservative, urged in the House of Commons because of facts erged from the trial ot atom spy
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 24 1 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. —Britain and the U.S. arc protesting against Russia's decision to drop the rouble exchange rate tor diplomatic missions..— Reutd.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 65 1 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. A Commonwealth conference on oil began here today. The conference was believed to be discussing the pi oblem of how much oil the Sterling' area should in future huy from Dollar sources. The London talks would thus be complementary to the Washington oil
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 16 1 A.P. MADRAS. Mon.—The Madras Government intends concentrating all state law offenders in camps.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  16 words
  • 172 1 Tribune Staff Reporter THE second highest paid Municipal job, carrying -a salary of 52.700 a month nlus cost of living and other allowances, has been offered by the Board to Mr. J. W. Marshal an electrical engineer, who has just been recruited
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  • 26 1 A.P. LONDON. Mon. Both Winston Churchill and Ernest Bevin will speak in the foreign affairs debate in the House of Commons tomorrow. -A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 264 1 Mora To Regulate Exports, Maintain Constant Prices A.P. rw-kATTorkw .A PARIS, Monday. [urs IKUL of the world's trade in tin ma> be placed under United Nations supervision as a result of a meeting held in Paris, It was learned today. The International Tin Study Group, made
    A.P.  -  264 words
  • 85 1  -  STRACHEY Reuter. LONDON, Mon. War Minister John Strachey denied tomgnt that Britain had any thoughts of an attack on Soviet Russia. "I should have thought the size of the forces which we can raise at this time made any such suggestion extremely unreaistic" he told
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 25 1 Reuter. Mon.— Russia today extended its boycott of organisations by walking out of the Commission on Human Rights over tiie Chinese representation issue.—Reuicr.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 108 1 Reuter. KHARTOUM, MON. For the second rt*v in succession Seretse Khama, exiled young chief of ihe Bamangwato tribe, was heid up oy engirt j trouble here today in his pir lourney back from London to his with Ruth in Bechuanalarid. tie is expected to leav>»
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 18 1 U.P. WASHINGTON, Mon. F. 8.1, chief. J. E. Hoover hinted today that he may resign.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  18 words
  • 111 1 Police have discovered the identity of the woman who was found murdered at Ayer Rajah Road yesterday. The woman is Leong Wye Fong. 41-year-old wife of a mcc seller in New Bridge Road. She h it ht-r home at 9.00 p.m. on Sunday and was not teen
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  • 84 1 U.P. PANAMA CITY, Mon.—A ti tug sped today to the aid of a ship whose crew of 52 are battling to keep a fire from spreading to its dangerous cargo of explosives. The Gruee Lines steemer Santa Rita had radioed from 200 miles out of
    U.P.  -  84 words
  • 63 1 Reuter. LONDON. Mon.- Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor of tne Exchequer, tonight put the Government's position for a continued wage freeze to tne Economic Committee oi the Trades Unions. A short formal statement, issued after the meeting said: "There was a useful exchange of views and it
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 66 1 STOP PRESS Reuter. WASHINGTON, Mon. The House of Representative was told today that if Britain lost her international position through ending of Marshall aid it would cost the United States about $4,000,000,000 a ,e vacuum. I he warning was made by Representative Mr. Jacob
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 102 1 Tribune Staff Reporter The Municipal holiday camp for junior officers at Telok Mata Ikan will be ready about the midd'e of next month. Mrs. T.P.F. McNeicc. the wife of the Acting Municipal President, will open the camp. A Municipal Committee proposes, with the help
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  • 92 1 ABOVE: Sir Harold Raw don Brig?*, Malaya's Anti-Bandit Chief seen outside his makeshift headquarters on the Arakan Front during the Burma campaign, when he commanded the sth Indian Division. With him is CoL Noble, his G.S.O. RIGHT: Picture taken just before a Thanksgiving Service
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  • 227 1 MARTIAL LAW IN CALCUTTA Reuter. CALCUTTA, Monday. JisDIAN troops with fixed bayonets moved tonight into Howrah, a densely populated satellite town of Calcutta, to cop? with disturbances which have claimed 16 lives in the last 48 hours. Martial law was proclaimed this evening
    Reuter.  -  227 words
  • 21 1 A.P. LONDON, Mon.—A Russian embassy official will board the Batory, at Southampton tome i row to see Valentin Gubitchev. -A.P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 50 1 A.P. SELLAFIELD, England. Mon. An electrician, Francis Byrne, 23, was killed today a| the Sfllafield atomic energy <-tation where the atom pile.'- are unoer construction. No details of tint accident were given. He is the second workman fatally hutt at the project in live days. A.P.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 Rational Employe! Mutual General ,«> MOTOR "••JSSONAI ACCIDENT r 4 ?(b«r rtasttt of %ti i h^ rf> ■■■>■■ <4 BA|Cfr: W. 8« WISE. Thone 2*3;> THE PERFECT SOLUTION IS TO SAY LIFEGUARD MILK M RAISE YOUR CHILD
      35 words
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  • 52 2 Andre Lebon («/4S); 8f-..-erett (40 41) Slteen (39) «antau (38); Lenevwett r36) William IS 34) Telemachus {61 9£ > .Veman (17 18); Ellen Maersk (19 20); Frederick over (81 22): MaMm—Benr (25 26); Boheme Morelia (29/30); (18 16); Glenearn .etitia Lykes (6/7); Jvutong (Coal Plant); Burn- (4
    52 words
  • 17 2 i in pri<* in Singapore yesterday was $298 3 8 per picul ex-»melter*. Up $1/8.
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  • 130 2 Reuter. HONGKONG. Monday. Flight of capital from the China mainland to Hongkong is gaining momentum, according to Chinese business circles. Unstable economic conditions and the slack trade were said to be the principal causes for the outflow of Chinesecapital. It was reported in the
    Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 161 2 Reute A.P. TOKIO, Monday. Foreign trade transactions in yen to a limited degree will be allowed in the near future, according to the Japanese Trade and Industry Ministry as reported by a leading Tokio paper the "Asahi Shimbun" today. Payment for key
    Reute & A.P.  -  161 words
  • 93 2 The market in coffee was very quiet in Singapore yesterday with little or no business passing. Copra was steady with buyers at $38 1/4 and sellers at $39 per picul f.o.b. April. Loose business was done at J38.30 per picul. Coconut oil was unchanged at $63 per picul
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  • 74 2 U.P. WASHINGTON. Mon The Agriculture Department reported that Indonesian palm oil and nut production was doubled last year while exports rose over 150 ncr cent. The report said the United States embassy in Jakarta estimated Indonesia produced 130.700 short tons of oil and 31.300 tons
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 149 2 A.P. NEW YORK, Mon.—American manufacturers are protesting against the importation of a small number of Tapanese-manufactured men's shirts. A iiout 12.000 men's shirts, made in Japan, have been sold recently in the United States at from six dollars to six dollars fifty cents a dozen, to
    A.P.  -  149 words
  • 46 2 A.P. TOKIO. Mon. A trade agreement between Sweden and Japan probably will be completed within a few days. The agreement, will provide for an annual exchange of goods worth about U559,000,000. A Swedish mission has been engaged in talks in Tokio since January.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 24 2 SINGAPORE. Mar. 27 Slack conditions prevailed in the local share market. Except for some of the popular Issues, the market was quiet.
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  • 112 2 ALTHOUGH there were no advices from London and New York, the rubber 'commodity market steadied up in Singapore yesterday and prices improved by h& cent, to new record levels for the last twenty years. The steadier tone was attributed to new reports that Indonesia is not
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  • 49 2 U.P. NEW YORK, Mon. The National City Bank has announced that it has approved a $20,C00,000 loan to Spain against gold security. It gave no detai s. x"iere has been published speculation that such a loan would be usei mostly for fertilizers, farm machinery and foodstuffs.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  49 words
  • 850 2 Singapore, Mar. 27. Buyer* Seller* INDUSTRIALS Atlas Ice 11.90 12.25 xb., xd Alex. Bricks Pref 2.40 2.50 Ord. 2.20 2.27% 8.8. Petrol 34/6 35/6 B.M. Trustees 7.50 8.00 Con. Tin Smelt Pref. 21/3 22/3 cd Ord. 15/9 16/9 E. Utd. Assur. 38.75 39.75 Fed Dispensary 6.25 6.75 Fraser
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  • 178 2 Reuter-AAP. TOKIO, Monday. The International t Industry Ministry has decided to ad™ e ding system for awarding contracts to Iv-l I*bi*1 bi and Japanese vessels carrying commodity ed by the Government on f.o.b and cif p;r cording to the Tokio newspaper Ni m (Japan economic
    Reuter-AAP.  -  178 words
  • 57 2 Reuter-AAP. TOKIO, Mon. Japanese shipbuilding firms will construct nine small tankers for Brazil, reports the local trading journal, Boeki Nippo. Formal contracts are expected to be signed in Rio De Janeiio shortly. The approximate price is believed to be U*****,000 per tanker. Delivery is to be
    Reuter-AAP.  -  57 words
  • 52 2 Reuter-AAP. TOKIO. Mon. Out of 1] barter contracts concluded between Japan and Coramun ist China totaling U556,400,--000 only one involving 4,650 tons ct soya beans has been fulfilled so far. states the industrial paper Kogyo Shimbun. The scheduled peanuts, weal and hemp shipments have not yet been
    Reuter-AAP.  -  52 words
  • 123 2 Hongkong Shanghai Bank Earn HK $17½M. HONG KONG SHAVru. BANKING COPprw) TION S report for 1949 together witht?T J text ofthcW,rw have now ben cnculateTS speech, as always has 2 awaited with keen mteW! investors with interest? these latter lrnpinge J Shareholders should be hi*, ly gratified with the res£
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  • 60 2 A.P. NEW DELHI. Mon. Because Japanese Purchase? k the sterling area have h creased sharply since the devaluation, India expo t? to import an additional £1.000,--000 worth ot Japanese goods, official source- saic" on Monday. Japan's trade agreement with the sterling area oil for
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 200 2 CONFIRMED! OLIVIA de HAVILLAND i l|/ The Role Which Won Her Tho f ACADEMY AWARD fvJg* FOR THE BEST ACTRESS jp OF THE YEAR! MMT&DtoN SI\ESS\BROW I Produced and Directed by William Wyler SlgsßHKj Screenplay by Ruth and Augustus Coetx H Hlf Baaed upon their stage-play fljH NOW SHOWING 11
      200 words
    • 63 2 POSITIVELY LAST DAY < 1.45-4.15-6.45-9.30 P.M. Do not miss this outstanding film. -j» 010 YOUNG MAwiF M. DONALD mant DAVffrair »»r iakii «Vm»imi wtm* t PHOUE 515 9 NOW SHOWING 11 1.45 4 6.30 9.30. "A WEDDING IN THE DREAM" in colour Dialogue in Mandarin with English Translation OPENS THURS.
      63 words
    • 57 2 PAVILIQM phone bqo.? 1 TOMORROW ONLY Return screening of this spectacular technicoiour fi!m. Last 3 show.-: 15 > 9.15 p.m. "GRAHASTI" iHinrtu with Sulochana C Yakub. Opening "SCOTT OF THE ANTARCTIC NEW STAnliiS Pasir Pannnp Tonierht Tow**"** 7.15 p.m. A 915 Joel McCrca-Viirinia a "COLORADO 11-1.45-4- t»- tf LARALNK I**
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 466 2 On The Air Today T?AI>fO MAXAYA 6.00 p.m. World Affairs- cio BLUE NETWORK ti£! b *Xi.i P,I I FM.LfSH FROOKAMMKS Humorous Songs; 9MCuJkmm 10.00 a.m News from Kuala Annct. with Sig. Tune; 7.00 Clns* J.umour; 10.05 lose Down. Down. WOM 10.50 a.m. For the Schools: 5.45 p.m. PniitramT.itcrature tor
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  • 453 3 JoiioreRea Areas Blitzed I0HORE BAilRU, Monday. Five Lincoln bomb- ers. together with Spitfires, Beaufighters .and ot her R.A.F. aircraft based at Singapore, went into action ?gainst bandits in the jungles of Bahau, Negri Sembilan, this morning. It was the Lincolns' first appearance against the bandits
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  • 39 3 Nineteen-year-old Ho Kwk Kheong, son oi and Mrs. Ho Ah Loke of v i l.umpar. leaves U)da\ for tne U.K. to take i:p medicine. As a student ol St. lohn's. X i he pii-scd Iks Senior with creti a.
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  • 56 3 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun.— V. Chelliah. aged is a '-ailway labourer at Kempas. admitted stealing ciotiun& and rice belonging to a fel-low-labourer in the Sessions Court today. He was granted $100 bail pending sentence on the request of the Prosecuting Officer who said the Chelliah's finger-prints **ere
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  • 45 3 Teo Chan Hong of St. Anthony's Boys' School. Singapore, who left for London by the Vsturias* today to read for th" bar. He is the son of Mr. Teo Kirn Eng of 14», Cross Street. He passed the School Certiorate last year.
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  • 210 3 pLANS for the new Buddhist Temple in Serangoon Road have been submitted for finalisation by Buddhist authorities in Ceylon. Bhikku M. M. Mahaweera of the Buddhist Temple in Outram Road told the Tribune yesterday: "When we receive the answer from them, work on the
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  • 86 3 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon.— Sixty-eight year old Tee Pay Hoh admitted possession of a packet of chandu in the Sessions Court today. He said that he was a pre-war licensed chandu smoker and had been trying very hard to cure himself by taking reduced doses.
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  • 49 3 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon.— A young Chinese woman, Chong Chee Yung, was sentenced to four months rigorous imprisonment in the Magistrates' Court for fraudulent possession of seven katties of scrap rubber. Chong was arrested by the Kulai Police. She had a previous conviction for theft of scrap rubber.
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  • 218 3 MR Justice Thorogood yesterday reserved judg--81 ment in a suit brought by Mr. Runme Shaw for possession of premises No. 163, North Bridge Road, which has been let out to a Mr. Habibulah at a monthly rental of $280. Mr. Shaw claimed possesion
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  • 60 3 There were eight deaths and one birth in the specially chartered Christabel. which brought 1.564 stranded Moro pilgrims from Jeddah to Singapore, yesterday. The pilgrims are returning to the Philippine Islands where they have been overdue these last three or four months because they w°re
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  • 125 3 THE Ijc'cc*. Committee on tho Control of Rent (Amendment) Hill is inviting iepresentation**irom the public on the question of rent control -legislation. The Select Committee was appointed on February 22 this year to report on f his bill and a bill to amend the Municipal
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  • 41 3 The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will be holding their Annual General Meeting at me Secretariat in the Council Chamber on»Wednesday at 5.30 p.m. It is noped .hat as many members as p «ssible vvill attend.
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  • 40 3 Twelve cows and two calves, on their way to Hong Kong. arrived in Singapore yesterday on board the 8.264-ton Blue Funnel ship Telemachus. from England. Besides the cattle, the ship carried 3.837 tons pf general cargo.
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  • 37 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.Five cases of scrub typhus were reported in the Federation for the week endin <r March 18. None of the were fatal. There was also a case of poliomyelitis not fatal in Perak.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 129 3 •STANULE'S" Concentrated Essence of Chicken. x The Quintessence of Strength. A VERITABLE REJUVENATOR! Astounding Results!! Sole A gents I F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ. LTD. J WUSTRIAI AU PURPOSf SPRAYER UNIT |Wkh tho TRIPLE '3' Feature* S 'M*tl .TAOI MOTOR 5t rHMEKTOB j, MTfRCH*NSMSa IETS X SWiVEL GUli| A 1 5 If
      129 words
    • 0 3
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    • 499 3 SITS: VACANT WANTED Experienced Ph ><• :oods Balesnian for old established fitm. capabh ol taking charge of department. Ready stocks and ft rv.ard booking. Onl« man well ec uiecteo Lo wholesale trade need apply. Salary and Commission. Ai p' v Box A.34:56. Tribune, S*por<. <"K.lo<>. WANTED experienced female nurse dispenser.
      499 words
    • 463 3 WANTED i WANTED to purchase 2 piewar or postwar used cars, say make. I condition immaterial. Reply Box A.3437, M.T.. .Spore.;>. WANTED Building Bile 4,000 lo 6.000 Sq. ft. Town *rea. Apply Mi. Chiang 86-B En« Hoon Street Spore. (3.97). WANTED sood pre-war car. Over 12 H.P. any n>ake,
      463 words
    • 637 3 \i(£>\ SINGAPORE m TO SAIGON v Or\ I^^ Connections lor all parts of Indo-China Arriwlt fro» Saigon \§v)v Thorsdayo 3.50 p.» Qp| V%\ Departures for Saigon V V Fridays 7.30 *.m AWAfRANCE ACCNTS Ground FX*6r v s l McsMgartcs Maritime* Tel ***** \_y /-w Tel 4185 FOR CIGARETTE AND TOBACCO
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  • 590 4 MR. C. C. Tan, leader ol Singapore's Progressive Party, and a young lawyer of .some repute, was interested in what this column had to say yesterday about the powers of the police to deal with the flood of Communist "comics" pouring into the Colony via Hongkong from Communist
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  • 1532 4  -  THE GREAT STORY OF A LITTLE VILLAGE by L.H.N. DAVIS In a talk over Radio Malaya BUKIT Kepong is a small village with about 20 Chinese shops situated on the banks of the Muar River. The village is connected by paths lo a number of scattered Malay kampongs
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  • 571 4  -  by Scott Rankine WASHINGTON. MORE than 7.000 Americans have written to the Chairman of the Congressional Atomic Energy Committee. Senator Brion McMahon, since he proposed to the Senate in February a peace plan to end the present atomic armaments race between the United States and
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  • 813 4 AMERICAN NEWSLETTER J. KF.RICAN NEW YORK. SPRING came to tlie United States last week —officially speaking. But as the New York Post pointed out editorially: "On this gladsome day when the sun stands on the vernal equinox, we are reminded of poet Henry van Dyke's cautions
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  • 449 4 LAKE SUCCESS, I ACK of modern maps for large areas of the world is hampering the efforts of the United Nations to raise the standard of living of many people especially in under-developed areas. A recent survey by a group of map-experts undertaken for the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 61 4 Mullardl for Better Reception Model 293 $320? Cash less 10% Easy payments cnn aisu be arranged. International Electric Co., 707 Geytang I'oml, Singapore l J hoii c 841)30. THE NATIONAL LIGHTERAGE COMPANY. Boat Steam Launch Owner." and Suppliers, General Contractors. Proprietor: E. SHAIK DA WOOD 26, The Arcade, Singapore. Telegrams:
      61 words
    • 82 4 I RIDE A I RALEIGH TH 6; .A LL* S.T.I EL B I CYC L 8 A BETTER CYCLE BUILT AND THERE NEVER WILL BE 1 This is the trade mark of Britain's supreme bicycle. «^^wT Produced in the World's Al largest cycle factory. For /,4 Strength, Quality and Workmanship
      82 words

  • 66 5 The S.ngapore Red Cross lay started a drive for Voluntary worked financial support in urgently required for the following activities: work in Singapore work ol all kinds lor physically handicapped ir service, such disabled child clinics and on outbas and picnics: an old ib;
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  • 165 5 fIVTLIANS in Singapore and Malaya, who wish to 1 apply for the Defence Medal or Campaign Stars for the part they played in the Japanese War are asked not to send in their applications to any military headquarters. GHQ FARELF and HQs Malaya and
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  • 321 5 WHY was Wicks given the job of the City's deputy water engineer. And why was the other man, Mr. P. C. Lim turned down? Singapore will know the answers if a motion by Labour's Pat Johnson at this Friday's meeting of the
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  • 102 5 CAPTURED ONE ELEPHANT KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— :he Army is busy fighting the bandits —but not too busy not to find time for fun. The following message for the Brigade Major 2 Guards Brigade came from 2 7th Gurkha Rifles: •'Despite subject NOT covered by Bde Comds reclaming directive, tnis Bn
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  • 31 5 The crematum of the late King of Thailand will take place tomorrow. Mr. K. Svasti will give a talk oveKaaio iUaia/a on tne ceremony tomorrow night at 10 p.m.
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  • 150 5 THE Services' Unions have issued a statement expressing their disappointment over the report submitted to the British Government by the United Kingdom Civil Labour Committee which recently visited Malaya to study The statement is signed by the Army Civil Service Union. Air Ministry Local Staff
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  • 45 5 A fhines 0 vou'b Sim Fong Guan was fined $100. in default five weeks gao', by Mr. D. A. Fyfe in the Fourth Polic Q Court yesterday for stealing two blankets valued at $10 belong to an R.A.F. sergeant.
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  • 47 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— At the second meeting of Pen'7gawas in the Districts of Pasir Mas and Tumpat for 1950. It was agreed to hold a agricultural show for the two districts on August r > Prizes will be awarded to the kampong gaining the maximum points.
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  • 365 5 MR. Graham Hougn, professor of English at the University of Maiaya will be leaving Singapore at the end of the present academic year sometime in July. He is going ;o the John Hopkins University in Baltimore, United States, where he will be a visiting
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  • 25 5 The next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council will be held on April 25 at 10 a.m. at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Singapore.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 106 5 I MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION 2nd Unlimited $1/- Sweep For MEMBERS only Drawing at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, 16lh April. Make it a Bigger Success and Help a Good Cause. Tickets now obtainable from All Branches and Sub-Branches. The S£AL[D<£ll\ Embodymg the very latest improvements j I in Battery making technique.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 427 6 WORLD TITLE ASPIRANTS AGREE TO CLASH HERE SUBJECT to the approval of the Singapore Boxing Board of 13 Control—and there is no reason to expect the contrary— April 14 will go down in history as the greatest day in boxing in Malaya. On
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  • 934 6  -  By THE SPECTATOR QN 4th February, 192b\ at Burnt Ridge. Kempsey, New South Wales, one David Ritchie was born into the home of a hard-working Australian family. Twenty-three years later, under the fighting tag of Dave Sands, this same youngster was to achieve
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  • 141 6 U.P. NEW YORK. Mon.—Ezzard Charles, of Cincinnati, will defend his NBA heavyweight crown against blonde Freddie Beshore. ol Harris I rg. Philadelphia, at Bulialo. New York, on Wednesday night in the featured bout on this week's boxing schedule. In addition. Rocky Graziano former middleweight
    U.P.  -  141 words
  • 57 6 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, Mon. Three boys, the eldest aged 10. raced at speeds up to 60 miles an hour in a recent event here. Two had miniature speed cars and the other a 95 cc. motor bike. All machines are l!h p.. complete with gears.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  57 words
  • 290 6 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. The marked influence of the wing forward in postwar rugby has strengthened the opinion of many of the game's leading personalities that excessive attention is being paid to loose play by back row forwards. There was a time when these back
    Reuter.  -  290 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 618 6 SHIPPING I —I MANSFIELD CO. LTD., (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carriers' option to proceed via other porta to lead and discharge cargo. Sailings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS "Automedon" sails for Genoa. Marseilles, Liverpool Glasgow Apr. 4 "Polyphemus" for Holland, London Hamburg Apr. 6 "Patroclus" sails for
      618 words
    • 186 6 ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD Aden, Port Said, Rotterdam Amsterdam. Spore P. S'hnm Pcnang *ZEEMAN gdns. 17/i.S 29 Mar. 30 Mar MODJOKERTO 20/21 Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr BLITAR 25/26 Apr. 27 Apr. 28 ApJAPARA 3/5 May 6 Ma" 7 May KEDOE 17/19 May 20 May 21 May FRIESLAWD 25/27 May 28
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    • 623 6 BOUSTEAD CO. LTD* SINGAPORE Lloyds Agents In Singapore Ticket Agents For Malayan p ,jj Wa GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOR ADEN, LONDON, ANTWR», DAM, HAMBURG R Due GLENEARN (calls Casablanca) Gdn 13,11 BRECONSHIRE (calls Alexandria, Genoa; A l'^i Apr. 12 FROM U.K. FOR STRAITS, &OMGKONG A JAPAN. A *GH AI> RADNORSHIRE
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  • 343 7 Tribune Staff Reporter A SERVICES soccer team from Hongkong will arrive in Singapore in the middle of next month *.o play a series of games here. The team will be composed of men from the 40th Division and the Hongkong Garrison. 'PVii.. 1 1
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  • 341 7 Reuter. London. Mon. Those cricket stalwarts who visualise a professional leading England in the not too distant future consider their case to be strengthened by the honour accorded Leslie Ames, the Kent and former England wicket-keeper. Ilis appointment a.s a full member of the
    Reuter.  -  341 words
  • 133 7 LONDON, Mon. An extension of the Football League by increasing the number of clubs in each of the two Third Divisions from 22 to 24 appears almost certain to be adopted at the annual meeting of the League next summer. A recommendation to this effect
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  • 36 7 Reuter. At Ibrox Park. Glasgow. today Rangers beat Raith Rovers in their replay match in the fourth round of the Scottish F.A.Cup. Rangers now meet Queen of the South in the semifinal next Saturday.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 226 7  -  TARA STREET, PAT'S FAN CY IMPRESS BY ALBERT SPENCER The Man 2,000 Winners Il'OH, Today: There was heavy rain here yesterday but the No. Track was surprisingly good for training this morning and the performances registered were most encouraging. The best time of Uie morning
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  • 103 7 Wong Peng Soon, lie lecentlvcrowned All-England badminton champion, is due back l>y air on Thursday. The Singapore Badminton Association is holding a party in Bis honour in the form of a buffer dinner and cVrce at the Chinese Swimming Club on Thursday next April
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  • 629 7 THE Perk Turf Club three-day Derby meetingbegins on Saturday at Ipoh when the iriain event will the mile and 100 yards race for Class 1 wo three and four-year-old horses for the Perak Vase. Seven new horses will make their debut on a Malayan
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  • 50 7 'iVn first half goals, the only scores In tho match, gave the R.A.F. Seletar victory over Uie Royal Navy in the second tusi division match i.laved yesterday. Scully opened the scoring m the fifth minute of Hay and 14 later Sgt. Ipcrtazttd the lead.
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  • 90 7 Reuter. LONDON, Mon. Television of sports vents In Britain Is com- i ing up against reluctance on the part of the sports promoters to have their i shows televised because they fear their "gates" wt'i suffer in consequence. I This contention is to be tested
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 277 7 ALTHOUGH they were vp against an Interior rt team, in the R.A.F. Changi. the Singapore Recreation Club only managed to score a threenil win in a S.A.F.A. Senior League fixture at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The Recs had ample opportunities to pile up their glials,
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  • 214 7 LEADING by two m one at tlie end of Hie hiM hftlf, the Indonesian "F>" went < n to defeat the Star SoeceiiK-s Sporta ciiit» by the odd i.'-ai five in their JunUM B i soccer league match at Geylang Stadium yesterday. Tlie Soccerites owed
    214 words
  • 101 7 UP. PHILADELPHIA, Mon. Richard Pancho Gonzales today ousted his prime professional foe Jack Kramer, to win the Philadelphia $10,000 world professional indoor tennis championships in straight sets, 7-5. 6 -4. The brilliant powerful Gonzales played superb tennis to upset Kramer, who has beaten Pancho
    UP.  -  101 words
  • 143 7 Further progr-s.; was made yesterday in Tne V.M.C.A. open invitation tennis tournament when seven ties were played off with trie following results: OPEN DOLIIKS: Lm, Ben* BoOMki Wee En« Lock heat P C H Bl^Sy„and E I o •Hreier BH b-2; William Tan ard Qan
    143 words
  • 97 7 Reuter-AA P. WELLINGTON, Mon.—The Australian cricket team beat Hawkes Bay hy an innings and 14U runs today to scoie tiie eighth win of their Wcw Zealand tour. The touring team camea their score to 300 for mm wickets declared to gam first innings bead
    Reuter-AAP.  -  97 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 223 7 "ANGEL" GINGER WINE Produced in England since 1740. r The traditional wine of English homes for more than 200 years. LIGHT LOVELY WORRY? Drink a glass at night Mi SLEEP IT OFF. Sip it-Drink it-Drain it. From most liquor dealers ur phone ***** *i^ tor address of your nearest stockist.
      223 words
    • 202 7 NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF NORTH BORNEO Labuan Airport Rest-House. Furniture, furnishings, Crockery, Hardware, etc. Tenders are invited for the supply of furniture linen, crockery, cutlery, glass and kitchen utensils fcr the Host. House at the Airport, Victoria, Labuan in the Colony of North Borneo. Full particulars and forms of tender may
      202 words
    • 532 7 notices^;, THE BANKRUPTCY |Lj ORDINANCF, (CHAPTER 45) In the High Court of the jf| Colony of Singapore Island of Singapore In Bankruptcy No 50 ell 1948. I itc S. MOHAMED YOUSllf* of No. 41, Truro Road, Singa pore; General Contractor. Notice is hcieby given th?» a First and Final dividend
      532 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 60 8 A.P. HONGKONG. Mon.— The newspaper Sing Tao Jit Pao said today that Nationalist officers and soldiers have been warned to be careful of "Red Mata Haris." It also said that nine junk masters, who were captured while trying to ferry Commu/iist troops to Hainan from the
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 85 8 Reuter. THE HAGUE. Mon.— THE Netherlands Government announced today that it had decided to recognise Mao Tse-tung's Communist Government in China. A communique issued nere said that Dr. J. Vlxeboxse. Dutch Embassy secretary, today handed a note to the Central Government In Peking containing the June
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 117 8 U.P. HONGKONG, Monday TRAVELLERS arriving here from East China 1 said today that famine in the Communistheld mainland has driven some peasants to cannibalism. The Hongkong Telegraph quoted travellers as saying that children were being lured from U* 1 ii 1-- i« elain and pares
    U.P.  -  117 words
  • 26 8 NEW DELHI. Mon. -The Indian Cabinet met here today to discuss the West Bengal situation which had deteriorated since martial law was declared tonight.—
    26 words
  • 66 8 U.P. HONGKONG, Mon. One of the Chinese Communists' top army officers today admitted that" widespread Nationalist guerilla activity was prevalent in central and south Cnina. Tne Communist news agency said that General Lin Piao, Commander of Central-South China submitted an administrative report tha* 150,000 guerillas are
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 32 8 U.P. HONGKONG, Mon.—Chinese press dispatches said today Chinese Communists had "thrown a dragnet" around Canton to halt the flight of people who are trying to avoid victory bond quotas. U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 337 8 A.P., U.P. and Reuter. 200 MILES OFF S'HAI TAIPEH Monday UEAVILY armed Chinese Nationalist troops have made a second landing on tiie mainland coast north of Sungmen, 200 miles south of Shanghai, according to usually reliable sources here tonight However, no further details are
    A.P., U.P. and Reuter.  -  337 words
  • 33 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.The Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Senibilan and Con sort paid their first visit to Ulu Gadong. last Saturday, to attend the 10th anniversary celebration of the Arabic School.
    33 words
  • 127 8 Reuter. SAIOON, Mon. —Up-to-date weapons for jungle warfare and American specialists who studied mountain guerilla fighting in Greece are expected to be sent to indo-China as part of American aid to the French forces fighting the Vietminh insurgents, a diplomatic source disclosed here today.
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 28 8 U.P. NfciW toon, uoy Henderson, U.S. Ambassador to India, said today that the I' S. did not want to continue its occupation of Japan indefinitely.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 303 8 Tribune Staff Reporter TIGER Balm King, Mr. Aw Boon Haw denied in Singapore yesterday that he had refused to pay taxes to the Canton Communist authorities. He said his conscience was clear and that it was through no fault of his own that his
    303 words
  • 170 8 Reuter. LONDON, Mon.—The British Labour Party's overall najority in Parliament #as "educed to three today *ith .he death of Mr. F. A. Cobb, memoer tor Brighouse and Spenborough. In the general election Mr. Cobb had a majority of 2.132 over his National Liberal
    Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 375 8 Tribune Staff Reporter CQUATTERS throughout Selangor will soon be regrouped into villages in their natural economic areas, where they will be away from bandit influence, yet will not lose their usual means of livelihood on estates and mines. Thousands of squatters will
    375 words
  • 24 8 Reuter. GENEVA, mod. —a lie United iNations Trusteeship today completed its becood reading oi «.ne 1948 Statute lor the internationalization of Jerusalem. —Keuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 55 8 Ex-Emperor Rao Dai. Chief of the State of Vietnam mops his brow aboard the U S. destroyer Stiekell in _ai son's harbour. Not far A way, at the time. 4,000 student, protesting the visit of the tv. o American warships to Lai -on were riot
    -A.P. Picture  -  55 words
  • 96 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.Raja Abdul Rashid Ibni Sultan Idris, C.8.E., the Raja Bendahaia, peraK, took the oath of office a.s Regent ot Perak. in the State Council today. The Honourable Tuar Haji Abdul Wahab, the Mentri Besar, Perak. offering congratulations to His Highness, said: "On behalf of
    96 words
  • 64 8 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. —Marshal Titos National Front received 92.6 per cent of votes cast m yesterday's "yes or no"" Yugoslav general election. Belgrade Radio reported today. With only a few Belgrade results still outstanding, Tito was thus returned to power with a greater majority than in
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 28 8 U.P. SAN DIEGO, California, Mon.—The United States Navy announced today plans for a mass amphibious operation to be held off the California coast during May.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 206 8 Reuter. U.P. SAIGON Moncbv HRASTIC changes in the Bao Dai govenXt with a new "get tough" policy co-operation and actively hostile element forecast in diplomatic and government 1 r here today. Changes are predicted in the light 2 growing activity by Ho Chi
    Reuter. U.P.  -  206 words
  • 70 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday.—Five Chinese brclce into the warehouse of the Anglo-Thai Company Limited at 32, Sungei Besi Road at 9 a.m. on March 26 and stole goods to the value of $14,520. A Police spokesman said that the stolen goods were placed on a truck and
    70 words
  • 53 8 Reuter-AAP. BANDOENG. Mon.—About 1.200 people in Bandoeng have b. j en arrested by the authorities in connection with the Westerling affair, according to an official source, reports Aneta news agency. Among them are three Dutch. 20 Eurasians, 10 Chinese, two Indo-Arabs. one Indian while the remainder
    Reuter-AAP.  -  53 words
  • 161 8 A.P. BANGKOK, Monday IN solemn spleandour, Thailand started todoy the 1 funeral of its boy king- ..ho died oi a gunshot wound four years ago. A new King—brother of the old —will set a torch on Wednesday to a pyre that will reduce the remains
    A.P.  -  161 words
  • 172 8 Reuter. J-ONPON. Mon.—With th* M(. lisnt on the s?en~r<»l labour irftuation, and in view of Ihe forthcoming talk* he*W*ea the T»ade union Council id the rrovernment the London sio-k pv(h»n-» showed hesitancy and sou.,, dullness today. British governm -nt finds were widely a quarter per 0.-nt down with
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 63 8 A.P. BANGKOK, Mon. The King personally chose a wedding present for King* Phumiphon of Siam and lus queento be, Princess Suikit KitiyaKara, it was learned here today. Tne King's choice was a complete tunnel sei oi 3b pieces specially made by the Royal Porcelain
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 34 8 Reuter. MAtflLA* ivioa.--i-.u.*a.d Andrew Jensen, an American dentist, today plcadea not guilty to charges oi illegal possession of firearms and 60 uogus US$5O bills when arraigned before a Manila court. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 112 8 A MUNICIPAL committee has recommended a contribution of $4,000 for the St. Andrews Mission Hospital for 1950 Commissioners originally felt that the grant be nade only if the hospital authorities undertake to accept maternity cases referred to them by the Commissioners. The Hospital
    112 words
  • 36 8 Talks will ho given bvVfr p Narayanan, aewh ed President of the Mal.v Trade Union Che Rahman t.ntolC Saueh, a newly eiectea v„. of the Coaferel; over Radio Malaya v tonight. Ml
    36 words
  • 145 8 and J*wi flat «M „.30; S.J. AB b Gymnastics 6.0»} p m SINGAPORE loi.a («>,>. C IL: Cho.r practue ai p»,in rian Church 8 p.m. LI AN LI HE.> EVOI.KXT SOt l.VI'ION: Twa Lot, k I, practice at 4 rtorn.-u h-ad ?.3«> p.m. *.H f .<\A.:
    145 words
  • 162 8 CATHAY: "The H res.»" tiih Olivia de HaviUatnl Mm; oniery Clift, Ralph 1*. hauls. ai 11. 1.45. 4.15, 6.45 and H.'M |.m, PAVILION: "Citizen Kan» with Orson Welles .«l.l Cotton at J.4.>. 4.15. ml 9.."» p.m. CAPITOl.: "A Weddins in ihe Dream" «Mandarin) a 1'., 1.1". 4, 6.30 and
    162 words
  • 35 8 SOCCER: Kola h ija r. Tumi B.A. at Jalan P.esar: nr. APosts Telegraphs v. .<■> i*.eChines* hivon. .Wn. at <<vlang; Jnr. B.-: C.Y.M.A. v. 4th Supply K«* D. LAS at CYMA ground. TENNIS: Y.M.C.A. rlai'ip':».sh;ps.
    35 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 50 8 Blood Bank Group A 42 Bottles Group B 22 Bottles Group AB 2 Bottles Group O 40 Bottles Donors 4 MILL BEER I (BKBWSO IH HOLLAND) v 1 I THEiBEST BEER M THE WORLD I A-iHulalle at I HE WORLDCABAMT I mmwowcAMm 1 SOUTHERN CABARET I AT rFR LARGE BOTTLE
      50 words
    • 52 8 YOU PAY ONE SIXTH PRICE ONLY WORTH CROWING 6 FOR 1 The l«?»t »»»>' ,n advertising val J£ our offer of JJJJ INSERTIONS FO; THE PKIC B r ONE will plare ><""" classified advertiwment before »g aand« of Interest* readern throughout Malaya for fix TRIBUNE CLASSIFIEDS Better Results Per roilar.
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