Malaya Tribune, 24 March 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 64 1 MALAYA Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Tec Tribune" Spore LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA Phone 5811/3 Nine Lines TWELVE PAGES Published simultaneously «ii Singapore, Kuala Lump g poh n«* f~na*ia SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH, 24,1950 TEN CENTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE tf*DON REPRESENTATIVE E. Maunce Glover, MaUtya
    64 words
  • 284 1 Sir Harold Arrives In A Week's Time Supremo Tells Malaya LONDON, Thursday. From Jimmy Glover lIKI TK\A?*T-Gr. < i RAL Sir Harold Rawdon Briggs, Federation Anti1J Bandit Chief, said today: "You can tell the people of Malaya that I shall do best to clear up
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  • 79 1 Reuter. ATHENS, Thurs. A new Government under Liberal leader SophoV- Venizeloa wop sworn in Ing Paul tonight. M. Venizelos, leader of the second largest party to ;r rge from the March 5 »ns, decide 3 that he present an all-Liberal list of ministers to the
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 76 1 Reuter. BERLIN. Thurs. The Free German Youth Movement today ar»--k Ded its plan lor a Peace Starch through the Western tors of Eerlin at Whitsun in defiance of a Western ban After the West llerlin authority s had earlier rejected a request that marchers
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 44 1 A.P. VIENNA, Tmus. —The Russian flag has taken the place of Hungary's traditional r< d and white emblem which is no longer permitted flown, according to Dr Anton oilier, former econof the Hungarian government who American zone of Austria f hi.s week—A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 147 1 Reuter-AAP. In Colombo today. Air Marshal Fogarty, C-in-C, Far East Air Forces said that the air war on Malayan bandits is to be soon Intensified. Air Marshall Fogarty told pressmen due tnei c was a proposal to use air power more effectively than at
    Reuter-AAP.  -  147 words
  • 279 1 H-Bomb May Not Work U.K. Scientists LONDON, Thursday. THE woild's brightest hope is that the hydrogen bomb will very nearly but not quite #orfc, D'- O H Wilkinson, Professor of Physics at rj )rrbridge University's Cavendish Laboratory. ouia today. His statement was one of 13 issued today by members of
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  • 36 1 WASHINGTON, Tnurs. The two American destroyers, Richard Stickwell and Anderson, will continue their goodwill visit to Southeast Asiatic ports despite the communist-led riots, which occurred when they touched at Saigon, is was disclosed today.
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  • 36 1 Reuter. LAGOS. NIGERIA. Thurs. —Francis Kenna Nzimiro, 24-year-ortd President of the Onitsha branch of the Zitdst (extreme nationalist) Movement, was sent to prison for nine months today for being in possession of «editious publications.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 177 1 -JOSEPH CHIFLEY Reuter. A.P. CANBERRA. Thursday. APPOSITION leader Joseph B. Ciiiiiey told th* Aus- tralian House of Representatives today that the chances of getting any real Pacific Pact on concrete terms were very remote. Mr. Chtfley, speaking in the foreign affairs debate, said the
    Reuter.; A.P.  -  177 words
  • 69 1 A.P. LOS ANGELAS, Thurs.— The Los Angeles Times j«»u today that the American Legion is trying to persuade Winston Churchill to speak gether with President Truman and General Eisenhower at the Legion's annual concention in Los Angeles starting on April 10. The Times said
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 37 1 A.P. NICOSIA. Thurs. Two Greek Cyprtots, both Communists, wiio damaged American nags b olsted out side siiops during the recent visit of U.S. warships to Framafcusta have been sentenced to three months imprisonment.—A.P. V
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 61 1 Reuter-APP. JAKARTA, Thurs. Mr. Mohammed Yamin submitted a motion to the United States of Indonesia House of Representatives regarding the inclusion of East Sumatra, the Riouw Archipelago. and Banka and Billiton Islands in the Indonesian Republic. The motion was supported by 25 members and will
    Reuter-APP.  -  61 words
  • 123 1 A.P. BRUSSELS, Thursday. THE International Confederation of Free Trade 1 Unions executive committee announced today that it is sending a delegation to study the situation in India, Pakistan, Ceyion, Burma, Malaya, IndoChina, Indonesia and the Philippines to try to reinforce free trade union movements
    A.P.  -  123 words
  • 50 1 A Chinese, alleged to have stolen a locked motor cycle from the five-foot way of a house in Mosque Street, was arrested by a police sergeant yesterday evening. He was seen riding the machine along Kirn Yam Road, and was caught i.n me Tlong Bahru area.
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  • 76 1 U.P. LONDON. Thurs. Tin prices seem to have settled hrmly at their new and higher level. Spot eased a few shillings to £604-5/8 but three months improved a lew shillings to £605-4. The closing prices at the afternoon session were: Spot— £604-i buyers and £6J4-| sellers
    U.P.  -  76 words
  • 35 1 U.P. TOKYO. Thurs. Representatives of the nine major provincial newspapers believe that most Japanese are opposed to the United States retaining bases in this country alter a peace treaty is signed. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 79 1 A.P. PARIS. Thurs.—Ten people have been arrested for trafficking illegally in the styles of famous fashion houses, it was disclosed today. Police said a group of wo- men had been buying a few models each, copying therfl and selling the whole set to foreign dressmakers. French
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 300 1 Reuter A.P. WASHINGTON, Thursday. AMERICAN Secretary of State Deafi bis y Far East affairs began an intensive new stuo tcu.vj 01 aid measures for South-East Asia. Mr Acheson called in Ambassador-at Lar; PhAix) C. Jessup and the Assistant Secret .17 of
    Reuter & A.P.  -  300 words
  • 32 1 Reuter. SHERNESS, KENT, Thurs. The submarine Truculent. sunk in the Thames estuary last January with the loss of 64 lives after a collision with the Bwedish steamer Divina, berthed here today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 85 1 A.P. STOCKHOLM. Thurs. The Russians are planning to hold their first largescale "manoeuvres" with guided missiles, the newspaper Afton Bladet reported 11 >m lj >&<■• ouiw. Under the command ot General W. L Boderenko, they intend to test the effl ciency of a chain of
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 62 1 Reuter. TUCSON, Arizona. Thurs One of America's new longrange Super-bombers, the 8.50, crashed with 14 people in the flat Arizona Desert today, killing at least 9 according to first reports. The plane, a modernised version of the 8.29 Supei Fortress, crashed west ot Gila Bend
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 26 1 Reuter. LrONDON, Thurs. Britain's budget day is tc be on Tuesday, April 18, Mr. Herbert Morrison, leader of the House of Commons, announced today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 213 1 STOP PRESS Reuter. LONDON, Thurs. The Bum <>f Commons today ■creed to a British Qo»ere--3£ «r;r. loan of £500 «00 to Burma tor DM by .he BurBHM stat-» Agricultural boa An oppoalttea motion lormaUj opposing the loan—a Par'-amentary method r'vitinc la? urination was withdrawn
    Reuter.  -  213 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 9 1 ELECTION foRLD FAMOUS tuvn CHONG Bridge R<l- Sporo. T
      9 words
    • 91 1 J Th? T.M.C. Loud Speaking j I INTERNAL TELEPHONE I f YOUR STAFF i j FINGERTIPS! j THE TELEPHONE J I MA VHFACTI'RING COY., j LTD. ENGLAND. Represented by: "HECLA" Introducing ROBIN I HOOD i The Low Priced Quality Cycle j INDUSTRIES LTD. y f%M Today, foremost among tne r\
      91 words

  • 150 2 JAKARTA, Thurs. Mr. Maithew Fox. former Hollywood Him magnate, learned h<re today that the Indonesian Government had annulled a contract he sipned with them in 1948 to hnarue the Republican rfliabilitation programme. Dr. Djuanda. Minister f.-r HOtf nomic Affair* ai.d Welfare, told the House of Representatives
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  • 32 2 SINGAPORE, Mar. 23. The price of tin metal was again up today, but this had no effect on tin shares. Rubbers were quiet and industrials were barely steady.
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  • 74 2 SINGAPORE, March. 23: Tin nrfce was $300 v\, per picul ex-smelter. Up $Z. LONDON, March 22. Spot £604. Up CI K. Three months £604 <y 2 Uo 11. Settlement price £604. Up £1 Turnover: 90 tons. Second session: Spot £604. Up £1 Three months £604 3/4. Up £1
    74 words
  • 859 2 Singapore, Mar. 23. Buyer* Sellers INDUSTRIALS Atlas Ice 11.90 12.25 xb., xd Alex. Bricks Pref. 2*o -Z.nO Ord. 2.20 2.27% B B. Petrol 34/6 35/6 B.M. Trustees 7.50 8.00 Con. Tin Smelt Pref. 21/3 22/3 cd Ord. 15/9 16/9 E. Utd. Assur. 38.75 39.75 Fed Dispen2«ary 6.25 c.75
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  • 604 2 THOUGH GUILDER IS SLASHED— INDONESIANS who contracted debts before the currency reforms on March 1 20, must now pay their debts in full. This was revealed in a detailed statement by the Indonesian Finance Minister Dr. Sjaf ruddin Prawiranegara, received by the Indonesian
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  • 38 2 Reuter-AAP. CANBERRA, Thurs.—The Australian Government is not satisfied with the extent to which "Zaibatsu" (Monopo'ies) in Japan have been dealt with, the External Affairs Minister Mr. P. C. Spender, told the House of Representatives today.-Reuter -AAF.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  38 words
  • 281 2 THE USI will contract loans and issue bonds on a 3% interest basis, payable yearly on September 1 by coupons, first payment to be maaV on September 1, 1951- Tn first interest coupons will cover 17 months Interest. Beginning 1951. the Government will allocate a reserve fund
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  • 112 2 WITH lower advices from London and New York, and reports that the Indonesians have been offering rubber, the local rubber commodity market eased off yesterday by of a cent. But there was brisk business passing with good support at lower levels. Closing prices in cents per pound were:
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  • 104 2 The coffee market was idle in Singapore yesterday with little or no change in prices. Copra was steady with buyers bidding $37$ per picul f.o.b. Mar.-Apr. against sellers offers at $38. The London copra market the previous day was steadier on some covering with sellers at £82£ per
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  • 97 2 A.P. WASHINGTON Th-ir*i THAILAND produced 5,930,000 short ton*? 1 during 1949, the Department of Agricuitm' last night. Export totalled 1 Hj 200tons,ofwh 1 chaiS; 60 per cent went Malaya, Indonesia ann India. Japan. China and Cevlw, received about 80.000 tV with
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 2 Emp Tesbury (SHEERS): Tarifa (42/3); Banlawers (36): Alcinous (33/4); Steel Executive (31/2); Sirdnana (17/8); Buloh (21/2); Maria "L"—Novdfarer (23 4); Anking (25/6); Boheme (27/8); Orestes (15/6) Relau (13/4); Benvannoch (8/9); Lancashire (6/7); Glengarry (4/5).
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 177 2 11 a.m., 1.45, 4.15, 6.45 9.30 p.m. ONLY YOUR HEART CAN GRASP THE FULL OF THE Tho Motion Picture So Brilliantly Conceived .So Po\*- rfully Portrayed That AH Who See it Are Swept Along Tc Its Peaks of Emotion and Drama! Wl LLIAM WLER'S M Heiress ...B«. UV oftiK B
      177 words
    • 25 2 GREAT WORLD Atlantic 7—9.15 "CORONER CREEK" in Color NEW WORLD Lido 7—915 Last Day "VALLEY OF THE GIANT 3' ROYAL Z 3.30 —7.30; "LIFE" (Tamil)
      25 words
    • 143 2 Capitol 7kedJt/k 11 a.m., 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30. BoGART'S IN TOKYO IS AT HIS DEADLY BEST! Columbia's 75m0 Joe with SESSUE HAYAKAWA ALS.O —THE LATEST 3 STOOGES COMEDY. TOMORROW'S 9 a.m. MATINEE "WISTFUL WIDOW OF WAGON GAP" M'NITE TOMORROW! Universal International'i "pay orr" JOHN PAYNE, JOAN CAULFIFLD, DAN DURYEA, SHELLEY
      143 words
    • 56 2 •M&33, Opening To-day! 3 Shows—3. 6.15 9.15 p.m Thrilling Adventure Roman: 20th Century-Fox's "PRINCE OF FOXES" starring Tyrone Power, Orsen Well** To-morrow at Mid-nite M.-G.-Ms "TAKE ME TO THE BALL GAME" starring Esther Wilhaniv In Technicolor. vVt*M*N CHOKE 4042 NOW SHOWIN3 11 1.45 4 6.30 9.30 •"if a'r'h Z Hews
      56 words

  • 333 3 Kuala Lumpur. Thurs. MANY estates m North Johore have increased the tapping rate by two or three cents partly in consideration of "wintering:" and portly in consideration o f the price of rubber, it is stated in the February report of the Labour Department. Most Asim
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  • 97 3 A Lieutenant and four captains have been Gazetted to the Singapore Volunteer Corps Liaison iiegiment. They are: Lt. E.F. Murdoch, and Captains G. M. i. a vidson, R.A.S. Newton, M. Scott ond L. Rayncr. Lt. R.B. Milne was awarded the Liaison flash on February
    97 words
  • 54 3 Mr. Aw Boon Haw, tho Tiger Ba m king, arrived in Singapore from Hongkong yesterday. He was accompa nied by Mrs. Aw and his soh Aw It Haw. Prior to landing in Singapore, he visnea Rangoon and Bangkok. Mr. Aw is expected to remain n Singapore
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  • 118 3 The Singapore B>mohoay Orchestra makes it b»w at the Victoria Memorial Ha v tonight. The Orchestra comoott -1 of professionals ay.d annteurs will be conducted by Mr. Gordon van liien. Soloist in the evening* orogramme will be Miss Noreen Stokes who will piay Gripe s
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  • 74 3 Members oi the 19th (Sereban) Group Boy Scouts have decided to raise extra money lor "Scout Week" March 25 to April l --by the rotan seats of chairs which have become broken. Their charge for repairing an ordinary office-size chair is $1.50 and for an
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  • 111 3 CINGAPTS7W should bo proud of its 56-strorg Junior Symphony Orchestra said Mr. Glans Williams, Supervisor of Music for Schools yesterday. It is the only one of its kind in the Far East Thrre la a Junior Orchestra in Britain. New Zealand will also have oil'?
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  • 61 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The iC; tantUn Gcnremment is launcaiag a statewide anti-SDittins Ccimpaim: with posters, talks, speeches, and films. Tne Chier r#e Lc il Officer. Kelantan. has prepared a special script in frns connection and f .nis is helng widely publicised by P -Hie Relations Mobile
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 540 3 SI TS. VACANT Mechanics wanted I Singapore. A PP'y ,n 8-9 a.m. rV -.INKER'S DEPART JJ T a) Surveyor DraftsMb n Technical Division Scale A«ir>-$3BO/PTofi c i ency >- |455. Applicants B not c s than 12 ftg 'Hi Drawing xp orience. Preference ipp ltcants who have institution of Muni(Intermediate)
      540 words
    • 525 3 NOTICES SINGAP,ORE~ MUNICIPALITY TENDERS (For particulars see Tender Room, Ground Floor, Municipal Office). ELECTRICITY DEARTMENT: Supply of <a) 12 AC. Slip-ring Motors—ls to 25 1 H.P. and (b) 500 125 Watt i HIGH PRESSURE MERCURY VAPOUR STREET LIGHTING LANTERNS, i LAMPS AND NECESSARY I OPERATING GEAR. Forms' from Electricity Department
      525 words
    • 86 3 NOTICE 1 Hey Ah Long of Pontian johore, hereby tlc intention to apply for n*cK ney carriage Permits for t*o (2) vehicles to operate from Public Car Stand, Balol Village, Pontian, Johore. This application will be published in the Road Transput Department Commercial Licensing Announcements and «5 objection thereto .stating
      86 words
    • 397 3 AW SITS: VACANT WANTED l«dy t»uh lad* residing Prfncee Koad c mentarv Enulish ihru-e *">"'■>• suu> I'ernw Box A.54W. T K \VANTEP amative speaking Waitress TiS A. Hou Kee B*» B I:7U> > ,f YOUNG Chinese room bo> jequired, temporary doty, wMot European pureed in* *V r ehi „n leave.
      397 words
    • 335 3 VEHS. FOR SALE i-uK SALE: X..rd 1 n iCO i- iies European ownef-<lriv»*l. Seen In TaipMK. DeMttty about sixteen April. Wiat offers'? 8) x Tribune. M<..K .V:- 88 1947 STANDARD 8. Mileage 9 000. Perfect condition. $3,408 or Tabor, M Woollerton Park. < w.891 BAM HOE t Co.. Ml. Middle
      335 words
    • 504 3 STOCKED BY LEADING MOTOR DEALERS. Factory Representatives. T. V. MITCHELL CO., WD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PEJL^NO^ OF APPLICATION FOR ROAD SERVICE LICENCE. T We. Alec Buy Company of No. 61. Jalan Ah l ook JohoM Bahru Johore, being holder, of Comprehensive Pc m t Nc» give notice of intention to
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 430 3 On The Air Today li/\UIU RiUAIA ouest; 8.1.» News; 5.30 As 1 sa«i BLUE NETWORK i»« w r*g« i \*.i.i^ii prookam >ibs RED NETWORK 10.00 a.m. News From Koala INDIAN I'KOUK OIMKS Lumpur; 10.0.» (lose Down; tX-9$ 12,00 p Time Signal, Open- 1 PfHfWM in Slhli mc:i nc: Annct. A
      430 words

  • 580 4 > p>iE Lim v. Wicks affair which started in private ends in private. Singapore's Municipal Commissioners, after tantalising the public and arousing a first class controversy, retreat bemnd closed doors to hold their final vote and give the job of Deputy Water Engineer to Mr. Wicks. This is
    580 words
  • 1493 4  -  by A CORRESPONDENT Reuter. PROBABLY nine persons out of every ten. asked with what they connect the name of Albert Einstein, would reply unhesitatingly with the one -word "Relativity." A large proportion of these people, however, would have only the haziest idea of what rs meant
    Reuter.  -  1,493 words
  • 375 4 COLO UR BAR TINDER FOR TOMORROW Tlic People's Postbag EX-MEDANTIE Sir. I do not Know much anout politics but 1 believe I have experienced or seen enough of iife to convince myself that there is one great barker which keeps the East and the West fundamentally apart —and tnat is
    EX-MEDANTIE  -  375 words
  • 330 4 "ENLIGHTENED" Sir, As reported in your publication Mr. G. Sarangapani in moving the resolution on the burial and cremation of Hindus, at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Tamil Reform Association, held recently, said: It is a disgrace to the Hindus that there is neither
    "ENLIGHTENED"  -  330 words
  • 259 4 F.C.J. Sir. I have with me a newspaper from Sydney which says this about the flood of Comics sweeping Canada (as it is sweeping our own city). Not one dissenting voice was raised, and M.P.s of all 1 shades of political belief thumped their desks enthusiastically when the
    F.C.J.  -  259 words
  • 119 4 OYEZ. Sir. For many years past the conditions under which all persons connected with the Lower Courts have had to conduct their business have constituted a dis;race to Singapore. In the Civil District Courts you can't hear yourself speak; in the Traffic Courts you can't hear the man speak
    OYEZ.  -  119 words
  • 931 4  -  by R.MACARTNEY Reuter. TOKYO. OOVIET Asia, emerging today as the new power of tbe Pacific, is a land of superlatives. The most sparsely populated country in Asia, it is also the richest in minerals. Half the size of Canada and Alaska, it is the coldest region on
    Reuter.  -  931 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 52 4 Tl IK ALL STEEL BICYCLE Sole Agents KEEHUBTRfiDIOCO. THIM LOCK BETTER WATCHES SERVICE :>!>.*>. N«»rth Hri«l<e Kd., S pore. j BLOCKS The Malaya Tribune ProJceas Department offers you joiif of the best Jlockmaking latrvl'«»s In Singapore at I very competitive -ates. Your enquiries and aiders are I welcome GH§ Machines
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  • 2058 5 ilie dark streets and ys of Britain a ,1 criminal has is way into the the cosh boy. He victims from a old men, and day. night aft r v cosh boys club. tek and slash night liciinvn elderly -.hoo*eDers housewives at their
    2,058 words
  • 1217 5 ONE morning recently Mr. William Whiteley rose from his bed 31 a Marble Arch hotel to face the busiest day he had yet known. He gulped a hurried breakfast and 'attled impatiently by bus to No. 12. Downing Street. Throughout the day he worked
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 75 5 Cast asi*** your weaknessesthe burden declining strength, mental apathy and physical inefficiency British Glandular Products the leading authorities In rejuvenative gland therapy provide in TESTRONES a complete scientific answer to your need for renewed vitality »nd stamina. ASK TO DAY FOR TESTRONES I 11 Mil CO., yj, Koliinson Road, Singapore.
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  • 464 6 MOVIEMAKING WITH A MESSAGE A.F. HOLLYWOOD, Thurs. THERE'S a new kind of movie-making under way out here. Under the flood of arcs on a big sound stage stands a tall, handsome Roman Catholic priest. He is doing his first movie-acting, performing acceptably with such boxoffice luminaries as Irene Dunne. Loretta
    A.F.  -  464 words
  • 249 6 HOLLYWOOD, Thurs. ADELE JEROENS, v/ho has made handsome living as a sexy actress en th* screen, says she fee's "so refined" in her correal role. "I play a ni<* girl for the first time in years." the blonde remarked about her "Sugarfoo." part.
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  • 365 6 ."OR HER TO TELL WOULD BE MOST UNFAIR A.P. HOLLYWOOD, Thurs. IN making love ior tne movies you must consider tne martcet. says Swedish accress Viveca L,indtors. Miss Lindiors in the film "Singoalla" made love to two leading men in three diilerent languages, Englisn. Frencn and Swedlsn. "it may sound
    A.P.  -  365 words
  • 73 6 A.P. HOLLYWOOD, Thurs. FAN-LETTERS written to Betty Grable during the year reached a total of 572,000. This established a new record for this star. Her mail averaged 11,000 letters a week. Miss Grable was recently named the most popular feminine player, from the standpoint of
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 460 6  -  by BOB HOPE HOLLYWOOD. Sat. THEY SNEAK PPwE--1 V) WED my picture the other nis(ht and it \v Fili vry hush-hush. rl ie n'cture is called "The Great Lover" and axrii* ins snjw everybody v/ps talking about i-iy *trent performance. 1 one ruv say "I've
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  • 373 6 A.P. HOi,l,v\roOP Tburs. rr CASE you don't know who in Hollywood spends the most money on clothes, let film cowboy Andy Devine tell you: "The cowboy stars. You could buy a new car with the cash some of their outfits cost." A film cowboy's proudest possessions.
    A.P.  -  373 words
  • 187 6 LONDON. Thurs. ONE OF THE MOST effective and picturesque sets ever built at London Film Stucho. Is'eworth, has just been completed for the Robert Donat production "The Cure For* Love." Running the whole length of one shooting stage at thcie studios, workmen have laid the foundation
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  • 18 6 rE newly-formed Kingswood Films. Incorporated. has b«en granted exclusive moviemaking rights in Jamaica for 15 years.
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  • 122 6 Reuter. TORONTO. T.iurs. A group of Canadian financiers is to build an ultramodern film city in a estate near here and rent it out to anyone who wants to to make films. The first to use the studios for a full-scale production are expected to
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 36 6 A.P. H(T r vwoOD Thur* JANE WYMAN and Great Britain's Gertrude Lawrence are discussing the possibility of Miss Wyman starring in a film version of "A Star Danced," the British actress' autobiography.— A.P,
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 6 On the set at )>< uliam, .)ehn Howard Davies pl.iys v. ttl tint-, grey Persian kntei»s vho appear in John Mills' MMbtrttM of '•The Rocking Horse Winner. a Two ities tiini. Davie* plty» the leading role in thi<* picture, directed by Anthony I'rttiMiw.
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  • 444 6  -  BY BOB THOMAS A.P. HOLLYWOOD, Thurs. WANT TO KNOW the lo most popular stars among Hollywood stars themselves? While pounding the Hollywood beat, a reporter hears lots of things about movie stars. Some comments are good, some not so. „The stars themselves can make
    A.P.  -  444 words
  • 156 6 LONDON. Thur* ANNE CRAWFORD A .con Betting; ginger ale ai 1 l cwu dior. T nm»' s The script of looy g0 A Horse" called for her on a binge" in D f T chainDerek Bond, drinking pagne all the time. V At the end of 0
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 25 6 Bent like a dentist's mirror to reach more places J> Squibb rfnW TOOTHBRUSH Trade Inquiries to: SHRIRO (CHINA) LTD. 26-1, Raffles Place Singapore Tel. 4830
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  • 225 7 SOME of the "marvellously skilled operations" in the last 50 years for the treat ment of gastric ulcers a little more than exacting tests of the surgeons' skill. Reviewing these techniques in the British Medical Journal recent'y. Sir James Walton, noted specialist in abdominal rureery,
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  • 125 7 "A Production model?" At ast fonr yea" Snk ld s Pencer nilks. Rover's managin* director, watching his wife drive the firm's turbine powered mobile test bed round the adverstone track. What are the immediate implications of Rover's 100 h.p. turbine, the first publicly demonstrated (though the small
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  • 322 7 ONE cf the many queries now bein.7 raised as a resist of the "stalemate" election is whether the new Government, with its small majority, will last long enough to consider the report of the Royal Commission on Betting. Lotteries and C-aming. end to frame legislation modifying the
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  • 869 7  -  By v TREVOR WILLIAMS AS we all have teeth and we almost all lose them sooner or later, some new research ahe results of which have just beeh published) on causes of dental decay is likely to prove of widest Interest for it has been directed towards
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  • 543 7 A SMALL, neat delivery van drove on to the concrete apron at London Airport and stopped under the wing of a waiting South African Skymaster Porters lifted out a compact but ponderous case, manhandled it towards -teps already erected belo-.v the wingtip. Gingerly, one opened the
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  • 161 7 A.P. NEW YORK. Would you like, In 20 to 30 minutes, to be examined for 10 diseases tnat could kill, biind, or spoil years of your life? Americans may get thr chance soon in their own towns. The cost probably nothing. One chest
    A.P.  -  161 words
  • 285 7 The first Earth-Venus encounter occurred abo--t 35 hundred years ago. That was the period when the Israelites fled from Egypt and the Red Sea part.'d to let them through Bulldozers are snorting where Hannibal walked, to bring ancient Carthage out from under the sand as an
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 The Orient Scientific Co. Manufacturer* of perfumery foods etc. No. 3, Kelefie Boad si men pore, all correspondence to Mr. V Chandran, U>, Kace Course Boad, Singapore. Tel: MM. Johore Agent:— ■KSMBmpJ 4«. Jalan Johore 8 OLIVINE i
      38 words
    • 567 7 Don't Yoi D>li>*o it b THE fart ft 1 that a dog Kf kas buried itv I J jaws in a human h-'n-; OPT 11 1 I does not make Ivvi j the bite any more dangerous than it had niere'y broken til; In fart, a dog's lifll when the.-v
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 310 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. rO bandits —a-man and a woman—wre killed by Security Forces in the battle near the Cheras Road cemetery yesterday. A Chinese youth was also killed. Forces caught a bandit, who had a grenade and two active bandit agents. Security Forces sustained
    310 words
  • 48 9 KUALA LUMPUR Thura Sir Henry Gurney, has a»■ipolntoil Dato Zainal Abidin bifl Haii Abas, DPMJ. MCS. Actio* Chief Social Welfare Federation of MalavaP. Temporary Official Membei of the Federal Legis'ouncil in the place of ft CP Rawson, Chief Social EBcei. Federation of Malaya during his absence.
    48 words
  • 34 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Eleven Maiay schools opened 5 nice January in Batu Pahat and Kluang by the voluntary the kampong peoPk 01 these two schools girls. Two were built in estates.
    34 words
  • 30 9 Thr Mobile Rationing will operate at the Siglap Market Irom March A instead of tne Siglap wishing Village to attend T nr rtce card problems of the villagers.
    30 words
  • 55 9 PERAK. Thurs.—A Chinese woman and her two children living in the Krian area heard susoiclous noises In th-» middle of tho night. The woman found two men ransacking her wardrobe. One man was armed with a dagger. They stole cash and jewellery worth $2,060.
    55 words
  • 63 9 KUALA T.TTMPTTT? Trtr.r* An order has been made that no person should at any time, flay or night. us° th* road leading from Simpane Pertans North to th* 1 State Boundary of Negri Sembilan. without written authority from the Ofißcer-in-Charge of the Police District Jelebu. Mr
    63 words
  • 49 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. —There have been 277 arrests in the Federation for the week ending March 22 —13 in Negri Sembilan. 52 in Johore. 18 in Malacca. 15 in Penang. 47 in Perak. 62 in Pahang. 21 in Selangor. 38 in Kedah Perlis and 7 In Kelantan.
    49 words
  • 194 9 A YOUNG Chinese wife yesterday told the High Court at the hearing of her petition f :>r divorce that her husband, a Christian, observed the Buddhist rites when his father died in March last. Although she told him not to worship his father,
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  • 44 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Three Malays Mohd. bin Salleh (29), Rusowadi bin Mohammed (24), and Ismaii bin Abdullah (31) werr fined $6 each in the Police Court today when they pleaded guilty to gambling m front of a shop at Jalan Trus.
    44 words
  • 42 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs— Mr. J.L. Greig, Johores Agricultural Officer, will be leaving to-morrow for Kuala Lumpur on transfer. He will be attached to the Agricultural Department's Headquarters there. Mr. R. Henderson of will take over as Actinc Agricultural Officer for Jfnore.
    42 words
  • 98 9 There is a shortage of i tennis courts in Austra- lia today, said Geoffrey Brown. Australia's fore- most amateur tennis i player yesterday. Accompanied by his v lie Veronica. Brown will stay here a fortnight "practising." He I said that he would be glad to
    98 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 9 This cheque, repre- 1 senting the first 5350 of the Tribune's War Damage Compensation claim, was the third in the big pay-out just started. Ninety thousand cheques will be paid out within the next few months.
    38 words
  • 77 9 I The greater majority of Third Party Insurance Policies issued in Singapore to cover motor-cycles are only valid for the policy holder, i.e. the owner of the machine.. motor-cycle should bear this Any person borrowing m motor-cycle should bear this in mind as the penalty 1m
    77 words
  • 63 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— The Magistrate today ordered 20-year-old Hassan bin Ahmad, a Singapore Police supervisee, to be handed over to the Singapore Police. Hassan was arrested In hore Bahru Town by the local Policf after having been at large since 1948. He was charged with
    63 words
  • 31 9 KUALA SELANGOR, Thurs —A Chinese woman in Tirom Burok was found murdered here yesterday .Her daughter, aged 17, is beiieved to have been kidnapped. Her four-year-old son is missing.
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  • 36 9 KELANTAN, Thurs. —A Malay woman murdered her husband with an axe at their house in Selinsing. She then cut her stomach open with the same axe. She died in hospital twelve hours later.
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  • 26 9 Mr. L. N. Davis, A. O. Muar, will report on the Bukit Kepong Defence, over the Blue Network of Radio Malaya at 7.12 tonight.
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  • 120 9 A SIM BIN ISMAIL, aged 36, was sentenced to one A month's rigorous imprisonment in the Second District Court yesterday after he admitted annoying Mr. H. L. Vincent, branch manager of Fraser Neave. Asim went to the Eraser Neave office on the afternoon of
    120 words
  • 30 9 The Raffles Institution school concert will be held on March 31 and April 1 at 8.00 p.m. in the School Hall. Parents Old Boys and friends are very welcome.
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  • 310 9 THE Singapore Ratepayers' Association are against the proposal made by Municipal Commissioners to charge assessment on land appurtenant to houses which are in excess of one acre. It Was felt that the ruling was unfair since it would penalise those with large houses. These people
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  • 67 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— Thirty-year-old Yong Hock Chuan claimed trial in the Magistrates' Court today m charee of fraudulent possession of 35 pieces of rail and two loints at Geylang Patah. The Magistrate was informed that Yong could not give a satisfactory account of the
    67 words
  • 26 9 The members of Arya Samaj recently gave a farewell tea-party to Professor S.D. Kalelkar, Information Officer Government of India, at 42 Rowel 1 Road.
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  • 135 9 THE Officer Administering the Government of the Colony of Singapore has approved the following appointments: Mr. R. Middleton-Smith. M.C.S. as an Assistant Commissioner for Labour, Singapore. Mr. E. P. Shanks as Crown Counsel, Singapore. Mr. W. J. Parks, Superintendent of Police to act as Deputy
    135 words
  • 83 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.Another alr-condltioned first-class buffet car will be put into Immediate service on the day mall trains between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. It will be seen in the "down" trains on odd dates in March and even dateL in April, and on the alternate
    83 words
  • 200 9 THE Acting Municipal President, Mr T. P. F. McNeice is expected to make a statement on the insanitary conditions of drains in Dunman Estate and other private streets at the meeting of the full board of Municipal Commissioners at the end of the
    200 words
  • 72 9 The Annual General Meeting of the Cashiers' Union elected the following as officials for 1950: President Mr. Tan Sin Wee, vice presidents Messrs. Seah Chiap Kay and Tan Yew Sim. honsecretary Mr. Chew Eng Lin, asst. Hon. secretary Mr. Teo Cheng Kang, hon. treasurer Mr. Yeo 800
    72 words
  • 50 9 The Singapore branch the Technical Association of Malaya will hold a film show at the British Council Hall in Stamford Road at 7 p.m. tonight. Films on power nines, nyuraulics, first principles of Internal Combustion engine* and Springs and the transfer of power will be shown.
    50 words
  • 53 9 JOHOKL BAHRU, inuia.— Ng Hoe Chwee, aged claimed trial to a bribe charge in the MagistratesCourt today. He was alleged to have given a bribe of $20 to a detective at Geylanjr Patah on March 13. The case vas postponed i«» March 28 and bail of
    53 words
  • 40 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Fines totaling $160 were impdsed in the Magistrates' Court today on three Singapore lorrv-drivcrs for overloading Tan Kirn Lin and ong Siong Koon were fined $40 and $50 respectively. Cheng Ah Bee was rined $70.
    40 words
  • 27 9 The Malay Union, Singapore will hold its 21st General Meeting on Sunday at the Muslim Missionary Club House No. 31, Lorong 12, Geylang Road, Singapore.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION 2nd Unlimited $1/- Sweep For MEMBERS only Drawing at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, 16th April. Make it a Bigger Success and Help a Good Cause. Tickets now obtainable from* All Branches and Sub-Branches. THE FUTURE HAS A LOT IN STORE FOR YOU! HOW TO APPRECIATE THE GOOD
      168 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 54 9 ALLEY OOP by A 1 Capp i i v I V c£ nap I'M If AW *1M...\ &wT* hv ,t wwm take If "t*f%s£l fSSmth"- V Xfkmdso// by V.T^limllin "L ABXER 7 k -ga r—TTlirTlEß'l^loT^^ 1r 1 3 ZZ 3 course.'.' JIB 2* ftfjfff nTi (DO .t/T-Ah loves J trip
      54 words

  • 1651 10  -  FALSE RAIL TO BE USED Bv ALBERT SPENCER The Man. with 2,000 Winners. THE going will be heavy for tomorrow unless there 1 is a break in the weather today and the sun comes out to offset the condition of the track caused by
    1,651 words
  • 299 10 liispite of a heavy downpour of rain daring the first half, the Royal Air Seletar, pu up an exciting struggle m a S.AJ A. benior League fixture at Jalan Besar yesterday j: Although the Bntisn oiciinmce Depot Civilian Association won by the odd
    299 words
  • 46 10 A.P. LONDON, Thurs. The British Lawn Tennis Association announced today that the first round Davis Cup tie between Italy and Great Britain will be played on grass courts at Eastbourne. Sussex. The tentative dates are May 6. 8 and 9.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 183 10 The Sands brothers aie making an invasion pore Local boxing fans hay "een tough and rugged Alfie Sands in action Now that he is on the warpath in Manila hi* brother. dubbed KiUei George Sands, is flying out here to seek victims. Next on the list
    183 words
  • 24 10 In a Junior Al League at the Geylang Stadium yesterday tho Indonesians "A" trounced the Jo lilads by six clear goals.
    24 words
  • 51 10 Puddles of water made accurate shooting difficult and brilliant work by their goalkeeper, Lowe. saved the H.M.S. "Mountsbay" XI from a severe trouncing at the hands of a Combined Singapore Schools team on the Victoria School ground yesterday. The Schools won by four clear
    51 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 675 10 l (,n l .X CONTINENT. Singapore: It. Swel.: Penang: mhor*' for Hull, noa, Avonmouth, Lonn, Rotterdam, Hamrg 88 30 Mar. 31 Mar /1 Apr. navon" for L'pool, Glasjw. Havre. Antwerp. vU 26 Mar /1 Apr. 2/3 Apr. 4/5 Apr. ivenue for London TSSi M.r./S Apr 6/7 Apr. 8/10 Apr. ilawers"
      675 words
    • 176 10 ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD Aden, Port Said, Rotterdam Amsterdam. Spore P. S'lium Penang x ZEEMAN 25/27 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. MODJOKERTO 10/12 Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. JAPARA 20/21 Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr. BLITAR 26/27 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 Apr. x Also loading for Port Sudan direct. Agents: ROTTERDAM
      176 words
    • 564 10 SHIPPING j THE HO HONG S.S. CO. (1932) LTD. 65, CHULIA STREET. PHONE 3941-5 (Incorporated in Singapore PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVKTS PALEMBANG, DJAMBI, PAKAN BAROF RENGAT anfl BAGAN SI API API. •HONG ANN" sails for Rengat "HONG SOON" sails for Pakan Banv "HONG TAT" sails for Djambi JJJ; •••HON's THONG" sails
      564 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 33 10 CTHLY KAYOE l> Sa.u 1>« r- S« look is w.ld with ancer: he ff HEY, REF/ STOfVMj OAN OOK IS UP AJ_ W RUSHES AT CURIY AND SECURES A IT AIH'J FAIR W
      33 words

  • 7139 11 Last Day Of S'po re Races Class 2, DiV. 1-6 fur. and 19 yards NRAEUS 9.00 -< \T< HING: 22-3-s<i i 1 .s. and 5 \ards. rndor Pride. I,;v i mm .19 sees. Going ,nKD DHOTI 8.12 Div. 1. Won by Timel into. 7 2/5 ry
    7,139 words
    1,013 words

  • 142 12 Reuter. ROME. Thurs. Thousands of ann-*d policeman and soldiers took ov-r tho market town of c an Scveeno near today after a street ba*U> between police and 4.0C0 s'rik >rs Five policemen tva'en uo. Another five «rer; disarmed, two of th-m at pistol Doint. The slriV-rs.
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 96 12 A.P. and U.P. LONDON. Thurs.—Seretse Khama left London tonight by car on the nrst leg of his return to Africa and his reunion with his white queen. He leaves England by British Overseas Airways Corporation flying boat tomorrow. Meanwhile the Government today rejected Liberal requests for
    A.P. and U.P.  -  96 words
  • 217 12 NEW ATTACKS ON: MAINLAND SOON TAIPEI, Thursday. THE Nationalist Defence Ministry announced to--1 nieht th-t a number of Cornmun st guerillas on Hainan Island had come over to the Nation ilist side. T did not disclose the number It said they switched sides after reading
    217 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 12 Chiang Ra; hrVs son, who has been named head *JuJj3 nefence Ministry s FolllMai Department.
    17 words
  • 135 12 U.P. HONG KONG, Thursday.— Radio Peking, commenting on the expected release of sev* tai hundred Japanese wai criminals by General MacArthur, charged today that former Japanese leaders are being enlisted to aid the Nationalists war against the Chinese Communi The broadcast said the Nationalists
    U.P.  -  135 words
  • 114 12 THE Communist news agency reported today that 1 famine was spreading from east China into central and south China, covering almost half of the China mainland, includ-ng the densest populated areas. In 3 famine was originally centred over a 2.000-square-mile area between the Yangtze and Yellow
    114 words
  • 79 12 A.P. RANGOON. Thurs. h countrywide investigation was on here today into the reported presence in Rangoon Chinatown district of General Lee Nee. former Acting Governor of Yunnan and commander of the Eighth Division of the Chinese Nationalist Army. Chinese authorities said they have no knowledge of
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 59 12 A.P. BANGKOK. Thurs. l*M Thailand Commerce Mintsti> official said the government was not approached by trie Chinese Communist rice purchasing commission as Hong Kong reported. Recently, Premier Phibun in a review said Thai would rot sell tc Chinese Reds. There was speculation that Chinese Rods
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 48 12 Reuter. HONGKONG. Thurs. Canton today is in the worst grip of depression since its existence as a main trading centre of South China. Reports ieaching Hongkong said that more than 5,000 business establishments have closed down and many more are awaiting official permission to pack up.—Reutei.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 52 12 U.P. I TOKYO. Thurs.—Premier Yosnioa announced on Thursday that his Conservative Government was squarely opposed to any rearmament ot Japan. At the sametime. however, he told the Upper House budget committee that the widely-held Japanese view I that security can be found in complete neutrality was I
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 71 12 Reuter AAP. CANBERRA, Thursday.-Twenty-four Australian girls were married at the age of 14 last yeai, according to Government statistics. One of the young bndcs took a 33--year-old 'groom. Another lass was divorced and into her second marriage at 17 and one widow married at the
    Reuter & AAP.  -  71 words
  • 55 12 The following v ill [>!:>y the Tamil Brotherhood Ar ••n 'ation against the Sintfaoore k»<i«'itlon Club today on the Padant? at 5 P.m.: Thevaraja. J. Saran rapany. P. Suppiah. Abdul Rahirnan. V dtandra. K. R. Muthiah. Pan! Davis. A. S. Paul. K. Th*nt_u. A. Ganeaan, Bf. Oaneaan. S.
    55 words
  • 235 12 INDONESIAN BANKS REOPEN U.P., Reuter. JAKARTA, Thursday. iNPO* ESIA op3ned its bariKs today for th* ft«t 1 time since Saturday and long orderly line, ucre formed to exchange old currency for nev PWV issued by the Minister 01 Economics said the Government will
    U.P., Reuter.  -  235 words
  • 69 12 A.P. SYDNEY. '»-lurs.— w>n.<Aiii 24-year-old "perfect air girl. Doreen Pencil, was tmpt immediate* upon her arrival here into a busy six-week tour ol Australia. -My ankles fee! the size of footballs. she. declared. j have hai dly been off my f< et since 1
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 77 12 Reuter. Kosciusko Thurs.-Leoi Tavner 38->cai old white slayer of tmec Neero children, today escaped the c itric chair but was sentenced to life impri-on-meat without hope of parole A jury yesterday conv.ctcu him of shooting four-year-old Nell Harris but disagreed on punishment, making a
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 12 lg£3!2t£l Pieced to^^ —A.P. Photo.
    —A.P. Photo.  -  7 words
  • 217 12 Reuter. CANBERRA, Thursday. AUSTRALIA today invoked far reaching •orierA irency powers including the right oj immediate arrest, the running of meetings and thu death penalty for treason to fight labour disorders and communism. Prime Minister Robert Menzies mvokirgthe Etrergencv Crimes Act, said its powers woa:d be
    Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 215 12 Reuter and A.P. BANGKOK, Thursday. 4 MASSACRE of several hundred Ws*JX ih A Burma town of Pyu early in Marc.i is ICPU Karen State radio at Kawthoolci March 14 charged that on March 1 tS '-roop. withdrew under pre-arranged and the next day irregulars
    Reuter and A.P.  -  215 words
  • 64 12 U.P. PHILADELPHIA, Thurs.-— For the second time welterweight champion Sugar Kco.nson (154 lbs.) blasted the tit c hopes of George (Sugar) Costner (150 lbs) on Wednesday night by a knockoiu in 2 nuns. 49 sees. di lounu. Koomsoh liasned in ugiitrm. fe r straight rigat that
    U.P.  -  64 words
  • 25 12 U.P. LONDON, Thurs. —Six persons were killed today when a Royal Air Force training plane crashed in the field near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • 105 12 KUCHING, Thursday. A WANG Rambli and Bujong bin Suntong who were A found guilty last month in Sibu of abetting the murder of the Governur of Sarawak, M. Duncan George Stewart, were hanged in Kuching today. Clemency was granted to seven other condemned prisoners
    105 words
  • 45 12 U.P. LOS ANGELES. Thurs. Hannah Williams. former wife of former heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey. was married here on Wednesday to Thomas JMonaghan. 38-year-old night club comedian. The mystical comedy actress, once Broadway's "cheerful little earful." gave her age as 3 V.—U.F.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 225 12 Reuter and U.P. SAIGON Thmtfe, 1/ii.TXAMESE police and French troam today ord3d to iin a ,4 stat- oi as a fresh wave of t:rrorfcrn swep' o \-r!> w G?n?rally we 1-informed sources ir..ops we:3 being reinforced at the Vi CKr'ernment's request to D.-otect th-
    Reuter and U.P.  -  225 words
  • 153 12 Reuter. March. Thurs. Tt* Ixmdon Stock Exchange wi lacking in colour today. With the completion of mornimr routine business, the market* Wfccarw u,te with barely a vest ice of interest heine shown in any senior. Pn« movtuitnty were small but generally to higher levels. Some i f
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 89 12 A.P. PARIS. Thurs.-The au thoritative afternoon pap,Le Monde, reported tod ay that the important Catholic X wi. ia 2 trusts the French-spon.w ed Bao Dai govi-rnnw recognised by the Vatican Britain and the United States. There are two million Catholics among the 23 000.000 inhabitants of
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 104 12 Y.W.C.A.: Malay etas.-, for oeymners, 9.15 and MS ?.m., for advaac*?vl ?iiid«-n 10.30 a.m.. 5. Raffle- Qua., rown Pioneers' nie tin.'. 8, For Cannir.s Koid. 4 p.m. ,J UMBLK SALK. i v sbyt -nan Church Hall. Or lurd Head. 3 p.m. ARAB IMO", ,lca :y
    104 words
  • 100 12 CATHAY: "Tl»e Knref» 11 1.45. 4.15, 6.45 ;ind I PAVILION: at 1.45. 4.15. 6.45 Tl CAPITOL: Tokyo J<€ w 1' 1.45. 4. 6.30 and 9.3» r-' REX: "Brittan a ->- 4 1 45 4. 6.45 and 9.30 p.-'-ALHAMBFA: A niar." at 1. 3 15. 7 &M 9.15 P-"-ROXY: "P™™*
    100 words
  • 48 12 SOCTKK: Snr Athletes v. f Besar: Jnr. A- und Ko'a K M» A r K v* Jnr. B 2: Astor T at ttevlan*: rmnn B.A. v SH<" ,,n V; TENNIS YMCA u «hips. In rn 8 BOXINO S.A.B.A." Wcfi4 toifrney final* 1! stadium -from 9 P- nl
    48 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 52 12 THE TAVERN (European Residential Hotel 'Open To Non Residents) ALL ROOMS ARE CONNECTED WITH TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. Our Coiffeur de Dames is operated by American trained MISS ETHNE. Meals A La Carte served up to Midnight. Special Dinner Every Wednesday ft Saturday, 7/17, Tanglin Rd. Opposite Nassun Rd. Cable "TAVERN" Telephone
      52 words
    • 13 12 Blood Bank A 60 Bottles B 16 AB 4 O 64 DONOR 1
      13 words
    • 37 12 I YOU PAY ONE SIXTH PRICE ONLY WORTH CROWIHB FOB 1 The Tl\** advertises our ff 'T s FO* THE ONE f" PgySreaders lv <4»J* Malay* r l> TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED Better K*f Per 2%» s FORM 0>
      37 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous