Malaya Tribune, 16 March 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 62 1 MALAYA Tribune BY THE, PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Td: 'Tribune" Spore LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA Phone 5811/3 Nine Lines Published simultaneously vi Singapore, Kuala Ipoh and Penang. EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1950 TEN CENTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENT ATIVB B. Maurice Glover, Malaya
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  • 800 1 House Told 1,115 Bandits Wiped Out A.P., Reuter. LONDON, Wednesday. U 11)5 SPREAD misgivings among the Chinese community that the nee of Chinese Communist diplomats might lead to a further 4 ierioraUon ot law and order in Malaya was mentioned in the House of CtfBBM
    A.P., & Reuter.  -  800 words
  • 50 1 STOP PRESS Reuter. LINCOLNSHIRE, Wed. jaaadron. No. 57. of Lineata bombers, left here toitalaya to fight th? trrrorbts. Pr/ing in stages of about Biles i day. the planes m expected to arrive this weekend. Their ground crews are bctaf Bow" out separately in >rk ~iui Hastings aircraft.—Keuler.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 41 1 A.P. COMB AY. Wed. When the curfew was lifted today the total ca in disturbed mounted to 10 and 21 wounded since started on Suniia\. attended matriculation examinations in school? today andei a heavy police guairi. A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 99 1 A.P. PENANG. Wed. Moie than 15.000 tons of Malayan rubber is expected to be exported to Soviet Russia this month, it is learned. The Russian vessel. Taras Schevchenko, presently in Penang. will be loading 1,100 cons of rubber. The ship had taken on 7.000 tons in
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • 121 1 Tribune Staff Reporter THE Benham Committee's first interim recommendations on salary increases for government servants is expected to be announced early in May. It is be'ieved the final re- poi t will follow a month later. Dr. F. C. Benham, was appointed chairman of
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  • 21 1 A.P. LONDON. Wed.—Britain announced today „he resumption of mail service to all provinces of China, including Manchuria. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 156 1 This is how Dean Acheson summarised J America's atiuuae to Asia at the opening of Ins speech:— "We know that we are interested in the peoples of Asia as i people. We want to i nelp them as people. We do not want to take anything
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  • 261 1 Tribune Market Reporter OIiNGAPORE'S trade with Indonesia is now at L> a standstill with the old nnarice regulu tivns of Indonesia defunct and the new ones tioi yet in working oraer. Exchange certificates, the key to the working of the new system have not
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  • 79 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Wed. The atomic plant at Oak Ridge. Tennessee, intends to open the first of »ts cancel research centres on about April L •«A special effot will Bf made to treat leukaemia I» children, which is one of fie worst types of cancer of the
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 64 1 U.P. GENEVA. Wed.—The Pr* mier of Belgium and tne Presidents of its two Houses of Parliament conferred behind an iron-fencea suburban estate today witn King Leopold on the critical question of the exiled monarch's return to his throne. They are discussing tne risks involved in such a
    U.P.  -  64 words
  • 28 1 Reuter. PESHAWAR, Wed. M. Alexander G. Stetsenko, first Russian Ambassador to Pakistan, arrived in Peshawar tonight accompanied by his wife and 17 members of hi* staff.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 137 1 A.P. RANGOON, Wed. —A radio message from 2,000 British American and other civilians trapped inside the rebel Karen city of Toungoo expressing anxiety for their safety as the battle for Toungoo draws closer was picked up in Rangoon today. Toungoo lies 180 miles north of Rangoon.
    A.P.  -  137 words
  • 745 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Thursday. •SECRETARY of State Dean Acheson warned Communist China and Russia today to keep their hands off the rest of Asia. In his long-awaited statement on United States policy Acheson said: "The Chinese can only bring grave trouble on their
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  • 71 1 Reuter. PARIS, Wed. Reports that negotiations might soon be opened between Bao Dai, head of Vietnam state, and Ho Chi-minh. leader of the Vietminh (insurgent nationalist movement in Vietnam), were denied by the Vietminh Radio today, according to an Agence France Press report from Saigon.
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. NEW YORK. Wed. A United States army helicopter's collision with a flock of birds and an air force fighter plane's crash into a restaurant killed two people and injured 17 today. In Kllleen, Texas, two men died when the helicopter crashed and burned while in
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 27 1 A.P. HAMBURG, Wed.—Communists attempted to storm a British official building today but were driven off in a clash with British guards and German police.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 127 1 U.P. LONDON. Wed.—The Labour Government was reported to have backed down today and lifted at least temporarily its banishment of tribal chieftain Seretse Khama and his white wife from their African domain. At least 40 Labour members of the Commons had joined Winston Churchill's Conservatives and
    U.P.  -  127 words
  • 17 1 A.P. SAIGON, Wed. Bolivia and Costa Rica have recognised Vietnam. Cambodia and Laos. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 12 1 A.P. WASHINGTON. Wed. Poland withdrew from the World Bank today.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  12 words
  • 16 1 A.P. TEHERAN, Wed—A treaty of friendship was signed today between Iran and India —A.P.
    A.P.  -  16 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 101 1 Rational Employer's Mutual General MOTOR rut* ..i v < fOMPGNBATIOH hccmm JgSSSTS ti rs Raffle. l'Ute. je' fin pore. v WISE. I'hone 2JU.> The Famous Old Man "BAN SIEW TONG" Insists on this Brand for Health lAY MIANG HUAT, LIU 16, Upper Circular Road, Singapore, Stationery at its best Stationery
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  • 374 2 A.P. WASHINGXON. Wednesday. Malaya is declining as a foremast tin supplier. the U.S. Department of Commerce says. The decline, is chiefly the result 1 "the appearance of the United States as a major postwar of tin metal," the Department adds. During rhe wax
    A.P.  -  374 words
  • 92 2 At '.he .MockJioM rs r Hitting of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China, to b<- Jield in London on April 1. the diro tors will icLomm-md a dividend at the iMc of t> 4er (.em per anirmi subj t to income tax
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  • 88 2 Reuter AAP. lAKARTA, Wednesday. Brokers in Jakarta showed satisfaction with the reaction in foreign markets on the new foreign exchange regulations >n Indonesia, reports Aneta news agency. They said these teactions were moic favourable than cculd be deduced from tirst reports. New York's rubber quotations h-ecm hardly to
    Reuter & AAP.  -  88 words
  • 112 2 Tbe rubber «ommodsty market opened -teady yewuday and bu'ine?.- was bri:ni on purely speculator buying. The r>arket closed 1/1 of a ''en' higher than on TunKuay. Closing pi cej in cents pei pound were Bus ci Sell< ra Nr. 1 RSS f.0.0. Api.l 5 8 ~2 i No.
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  • 65 2 SINOAPQRf. Harcb 15. Tin price was $2.95 per picid ex nmSinr. Up S4 on the pmtd. LONDON, Mrr. 14: Spol toi»H Inchanged Thre:- months £593. Up £f». Settlement price £697 1. Down CI 4. Turno\er 175 ions.. Second session i Spo; £599. Up 11. Iwes months £594 Up
    65 words
  • 69 2 Kmpire T< -our> (s!he«*rs> Keissevain (42/»3); (irwuni f«s); Havbris (49/41); siisen '40); Kajnh Hrookc Huokli Trader tSttfSßr, Silvana to WL I»a\is (S8 UT; Xa K «ra; Pundua il«/18>; Ki*taa <l!< .'0); vr.» "I «uj«iv <;«./ir.) p»< i 'iv ii); Ksane (£5/S#T; star Arcturio* (24J/27); (■>*.•: I ir>
    69 words
  • 154 2 Theio was little interest in the coffee market yesterday with buyers and sellers a>h f;'.:apart and no bujriiie!>s done. Bid« were $127 1 2 kite: $128 per picul for Rio 1'» -reasked were $1 ahQye these, 't.i .s. Copra was a:.ain lep'ierday with sellers offer in*
    154 words
  • 41 2 The ducctoi.s of r> urn T-niiK Ltd, have a final •l:\ldend at the of 8 'fid per share le*r income lax. ltar,:frr to Premises recommended i-> fSO.OOO. and to tftr.OOO. A sum 01" if Io le carried forward.
    41 words
  • 34 2 The directors of ihe Mercantile Bank of India Limited bare re«omnicnded a final dt\idend of »i per ceni income u.x r.'ak injc 12 per cent r the tar. ending: December :'l. 3H4!\
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  • 86 2 The Indonesian Government has decided that as from March 15 ali exports from territories outside the Indonesian customs ar.a <Bine Archipelago t must be i covered by an export oermit issued by the Indonesian. Export Coutrol Autho- ■Hi Ttitse permits will only be obtainable
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  • 35 2 SINGAPORE, Mar. 15. Industrial were a "mi mark;-: and lin?v 'lew; 1 rather mor,' injiiirv after the anncunri'menl c. thr noon lcr :he metal— $295 [:t*r piciU, a rh ■of S4.
    35 words
  • 908 2 Singaoore, Wed, Buyer* ac- a. LNT)U BTRX A L S \tias Ice 11.90 12 25 xb.. xd Vlex. Brio*. Praf. 7.40 bo Ord. 2.17 5 2.25 3.8. Petioi 33 9 34 9 B.M. Trustee* 7.60 8.50 :on. Tin Smelt Pref. 21/8 22/8 Ord. 15/3 16/6 E. Utd. Assur.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 UNT jIMED JOiWSHEfFEO"NjrTv AUEKE ROBHTS lIU BARON CHARLES tfiWIN /V 1 > 11 a.m., 1.45. 4a5,*&45 9.30 p.m. A RINGSIDE VIEW! SEE THE CREAM OF THE EMPIRE'S > FINEST ATHLETES COMPETE FOR SUPREMACY! THE EXCLUSIVE FULL-LENGTH FILM f**\N You will have the \Jx advantage Dvcr the actual spectators In that
      111 words
    • 340 2 OPENS TO BAY mMm |ft» FOUR SHOWS Kftf NO fe|l 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 P.M. Phone 604 J VALERIE HOBSON JACK WARNER JOHN CLEMENTS The n,os- M. trip of your 'ife LAUGHTER miNvEYEm LOVE XbC" JC N UOWIINB SUSPENSE ANG THRILLS. TODAY SftoWiN'S ;i :t ~aT W»Wffiflf SHIRBN THEATRE NSW WOl PHW HI
      340 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 511 2 On Your Radio Today RADIO MAJLAYA r l~* Kuralßroadcast; Ml Tamil iwiwadv Bajms (.Muslim): ti.QO Talk mm RU E NETWORK World History: H.W ftin-lustan ENGLISH I'I'JH. i:\Ulll Film Son**; 6.3© Time S|n„ aU 10.00 a.m. News Irom heal a News; 6.40 Tamil Film TunesLuinpnr; 10.0"» Close Down; 10.5 C «.38
      511 words

  • 477 3 'NO EVIDENCE MONEY WAS NOT PAID TO STC' JEN Singapore Traction Company conductor*, sent enced to varying terms of imprisonment, yesterday walked ont of the High Court free m«*ii. The men had appealed against their eonMetkm for criminal breach ©f trust in respect of selling
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  • 151 3 THE Peop'e s Education Association. Singapore will hold a series of six extension lectures beginning Mai eh 22 at the British Council Hall. Stamford Road. The March 22 lecture wiii be given by Mi. A. vV. Frisby. Singapore'a Dnector cf Education, on Community Development The
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  • 132 3 ONE of the main ships oi the Indian Navy. "Jumna", is coming to Singapoie today jon a joutine visit. The ship is in command of Capt. B. S. Soman, of thy senior most officers of tn Indian Navy, who was among the first three
    132 words
  • 47 3 MALACCA. Wed. In an appeal for more members lor the Malacca Library Mr P. G. M. G. Mahindasa. -J P.. the hon. secretary and treasurer, said that It is the cheapest lending library in the country today, the subscription being only 50 cents
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  • 311 3 YESTERDAY afternoon's meeting of 'he staid Senate of the University of Malaya was broken by a long round of applause when Vice-Lhaucellor Dr. G. V. Allen announced that the University was richer by $500,000 as the result of gifts by four Chinese business men. The
    311 words
  • 81 3 The lollowin* «jnjm el. officials ol the Singapore Chris ■iin Funeral Society for the urrent year at its annual Mtaeral meeting held re<enllv President. Mr. Andrew Vice President Mr. L. A. Joseph: Hon. Se. retarv: Ml Lim Tin Soon: Hon. Treasurer' Mr Chan Boon Hock; Committee Members:
    81 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 3 Mr. Yong IM Lin, retiring President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Left) hands over the seal of office to Ihe new President, Mr. Tan Lark Sye, centre, while the secretary, Mr. Tang Peng Van, looks on.
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  • 140 3 MALACCA. Wed. —A Chinese who ran on seeing a I dice paity in the Maehan aiea and /ailed tc stop when challenged was shot dead by the pc'ice In the dead man* pocket police found a small serviceable Mauser pistol. This was
    140 words
  • 49 3 Mi. H. Martin Doyle lelin- quished duty as Chief Super intending Assessor, War Dam- mage Claims Commission. with effect fiom December 30. M< J F. Arthur has ceased jto be Superintending Assesj sor. War Damage Claims I Commission, with effect from j the same date.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 941 3 KOTICES THE COLONY OF SINGAPORE. ibLAND OF SINGAPORE. Companies Winding Up Petition No. 1 of 1950 In the Matter of the cmpanies Ordinance 19' a And Tn the Matter of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ni at etitlon for he winding "P of the above-named' Comof the High Court of the
      941 words
    • 513 3 USE THE SITS: VACANT BRIGHT voiuii: tutu. rial** o female, anj aasionalily wit.. Eng lish education to Wain conimertia photograpnv. Good >ro*pects. Box A.3415. M.T,. b port-. tA.39> WANTED teacher foi English language with knowledge of German or Dutch once a week r:oir» iags or evading*. Box A.3t12, M.T. h>u.
      513 words
    • 477 3 PHILATELY STAMPS: Send f>oo or more aeaarted M.daya or British Ceionie? and receive equal exchange Australia and New Zealand. damaged dtrty or heavy putt marked stamps not wanted. H. L. Letter 92. Hothani Pt. Ea-t St.. Kilda ri. 2. Melbourne, Victoria Australia. <Y.998>. rx)& sale a collection of Malayan stamps
      477 words
    • 450 3 CYCLE DYNAMO LIGHTING EQUIPMENT /or BRIGHTER SAFER NIGHT CYCLING Sold by all leading cycle dealers. Factory Representatives: T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTD.! SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR PENANG j 4 Asthma Mucus U|H Loosened First Day 1 Don't let oourMne;. enacting, chok-t-r«r attacks of Bronchitis or Asthma ruin your sleep and eaenjy another
      450 words
    • 284 3 MASSAGE I MASS AGIST Das L.P.M E. (Lond.). CM. (Eng.> Specialised in reducing weight, pot-kelly and Tonic Oil Massage Aurora** Physio-Therapeutic riiuic. 421. i Geylang Road. Tel: *****. (W.OTD. i ACCOMMODATION WANTED by lwo BufliMMs! Ipoh area flat bungalow furnished unfurnished. Urgent lv reqn red. I Appiy Box 448. Tribune.
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  • 589 4 GURKHA brigade from Hongkong and a squadron of Lincoln heavy bombers from the United Kingdom will be useful new striking power against the bandits. But the people should not expect miracles; nor should they allow their own efforts to slacken. We have a long, long way to
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  • 1037 4  -  by FRANK ROBERTSON HONG KONG. BEHIND the recent announcement of the inauguration of the 10th Panchen Lama in northwest China lies the story of China's long struggle to regain a position of influence in Tibet. Although Tibetans venerate their Panchen Lama, they have not ollowed
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  • 840 4  -  By Ri chard O'Regan A.P. NUERLIN, EARLY 4,000,000 Germans with Nazi-tainted ideas may be laying the groundwork today for a future German fuehrer. These are West Germany's nationalists—despising, hating and undermining the new-born democracy of the West German federal republic. They represent about
    A.P.  -  840 words
  • 317 4 rtOUGH they would not protect a Forces malingerer from the legendary acumen of a medical board, tips in the British Red Cross Society's newly published Casualty Faking would at least ensure a film extra a job in a Technicolor battle scene.
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  • 943 4  -  b y HAIG NICHOLSON CAIRO EGYPTIANS are watching closely what appear to be efforts to revive the* Moslem Brotherhood, a fanatical political organisation which was banned in December, 1948, shortly before the assassination of the then Prime Minister, Nokrashy Pasha. Started some fifteen years ago with
    943 words
  • 53 4 WASHINGTON. The United States Senate Judiciary committee has approved a bill to make registration of American communists and officers of Communist organisations compulsory. The bill would bar Ommunists from appointment to Federal positions and criminal action wouid be taken against any Government official supplying classified information to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 GRAY MAGIC ROYAL PORTABLE i I "Mogic" Margin J > eliminates fumbling < > No fuss, no fret —cbek, J t'sset! S j I Many other exclusive < I Royal features mcke I the Gray Magic YOUR J I Portable Typewriter. < l > I > Sold guaranteed by a
      53 words
    • 55 4 CHILPRUFE LADIES UNDERWEAR IN PURE WEST INDIAN SEA ISLAND COTTON Fancy Open Work VESTS with shaped brassiere and opera tops. Sizes: WMS. O. S. PRICES 55.50&55.95 PANTEES to match above with ribbed knee and strong elastic waist bands. Sizes: WMS. O. S. PRICES 55.*****.70 BRIEFS Sizes: WMS. O. S. PRICES
      55 words

  • 206 5 iifGAPI IRE may soon have prettier postal stamps emendations of the Stamp Committee J^ nl vernment early last year nre acceptThe C< lony may have stamps which will publiher graphical position on the main air and id her position as the great trading ft l-,.
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  • 25 5 A >.,. S day.— wmn reAuxiliary area for three-quar-ts of rice, fcgai md tinned food. (is -topped in i tor irregu-
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  • 18 5 Administering has revoked I of Mr. Chan mm Sun a member of the idminist ration Boanl.
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  • 134 5 MR. C. C. TAN (Prog. ITI Municipality Southwest) will move at next w T eek's meeting of the Legislative Council that the number of unofflcials in that body be raised to sixteen. At present there are 12 unofficials. Mr. Tan will also move that the
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  • 83 5 RUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Seventy-six-year-o'd Captain Anderson, of Keiantan has volunteered for the AntiBandit Month. Commissioner of Police in 1935. Captain Anderson is now in charge of coast watching posts. Volunteers in Negri Sembilan have improved many miles of bridle paths and slashed blukar. Security
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  • 20 5 Syed Adam Edward HoganShaidali on his arrival by Pan American Airways from the United States yesterday.
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  • 215 5 THEY will roll out the red carpet to the Town Hall and a civic body, headed by the Mayor, will be there ccmplete with brass band to greet nineteen-year-old Syed Adam Edward Hogan-Shai-dali if ever he
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  • 97 5 fVO awards of scholarships were made yesterday by the Singapore Co-operators from their Scholarship Fund for the current year. The winners are nan Chin Sun of the Anglo-Chinese Secondary School and Miss Pearl Williams of the Re ffles Girl's School. The value of the scholarship is $100
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  • 50 5 The Acting Petrol Rationing Officer, Mr. Erijc Dunsford, and his staff of nine clerks have received notices terminating their services following the announcement that petrol rationing will be off on March 31. Mr. Dunstcrd received a month's notice but his clerks were only given 14 days.
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  • 45 5 Mr. L. E. Becrter, Chief Accountant of the Far Eastern Division of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, is leaving Singapore to-day for Manila, to taKe up a new appointment as Secretary Treasurer to the Seventh Day Adventist's Philippine Islands Union Mission.
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  • 236 5 AN estimated deficiency of $941,398 was revealed yesterday at the examination of Mr. Foo Hong Toon, the managing director of Fortnum Co., Ltd., in relation to the company's business affaire. The examination was held before Mr Justice Evans in the Singapore High Court. The company
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  • 73 5 THE Chief Justice. Mr. Murray Aynsley. yesterday deleted the "whipping part of a sentence passed on a Chinese, Choo Chak Ng, for stealing $22 from one Tan Kia Kit. Choo had been found guilty of stealing the money from Tan on Jan. 15 last and sentenced
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  • 71 5 The quest for rare birds has often led Mr. Salim Ali, an Indian ornithologist, to far flung corners of this universe. He has followed the Bar-headed Goose to its native lakes in the bleak Tibetan Highlands. Mr. Ali. who spoke over Radio Malaya last night,
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  • 108 5 THIRTY-TWO-year-old Ngor Ah Kow, a fisherman of No. 59 Cross Street, was caught on Feb. 1 in the act of tipping into his ko'ek a gunny containing 75 katties of scrap rubber, the cargo of the motor vessel. Sin Hon Ho which was lying at anchor
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  • 235 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. DOLICE investigating a mysterious shooting report in the Segamat area yesterday found that a gang of bandits had raided an estate and a sawmill. The bandits destroyed property estimated at $30, 000. They also stole about 200 identity cards from residents living
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  • 87 5 A.P. AUCKLAND. New Zealand, Wed. An Army captain killed an escaped leopard with a burst cf fire :r >m a sten sub-machine gun today after the animal had enjoyed one night of freedom. The leopaid. a hall grown female newly arrived from Singapore, got out of its
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 THE lATIONAL LIGHTERAGE COMPANY. «at St< am Launch Owner? anil Suppliers, Gameral Contractors. Propriotor: I SHAIK DAWOOD Singapore. i'hone ***** Vitality M USE I THE NEW IVITAMINISED OKASA < on f^<ju#«' U1( >N I AUORATORIES" I TI)., ollyfer Quay, vi'ork.
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    • 282 5 MALAYAN AIRWAYS DJAKARTA TWO SERVICES WEEKLY ON TUESDAYS FRIDAYS FARE $155/** 66 lbs. of ba£gage carried free MANAGERS: MANSFIELD CO., LTD. TELEPHONE 5021 TELEGRAMS "TERBANG" FROMOTAN The Plastic Sheeting with the Leather-like Finish. Embossed leather-like finish in various thicknesses and shades. Also supplied in plain polished I or matt finish
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 118 5 LFL ABNER *»J Al Capp 4 W 7" got /ALL PIGMT VE'VC WE MAIKi T YAH-K.T-1 GET IT.'A cyiCTEar-rHEY X J f felXas-no' ZJhX *W&> a charge L (-*free samples to < SAID WE WERE ANWO^ 1 Z U A TRf MEMDOUS MOBOOY UP A MJIAMOTOO SLOW REALLY DO T
      118 words

  • 227 6  -  BY ALBERT SPENCER The itlan With 2,000 Winners aWING to rain yesterday the No. 2 Track al Bukit limah .was slightly heavy for thi. morning's gallops in which Grand Day (Ridinr> Boy) returned the best time taking 39 15 secnods to cover the three.
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  • 77 6 The teato of the Social All telle Party will b( (ho en lr -m the following to meet State Pi'ro> S.C. today at the Farrer ***** trround and on Tuesday next against Y.M.CA. si X "MCA ground off Balestier Koad. Wah Chee. Yew t k 'i;ee. Charlie Kan;;,
    77 words
  • 53 6 Reuter. Paris, w m. F. I I Choong (nienS singles) and F. S. and Y. S. Lav (m>?n's doubles) artengaged to defend then titles in the French in- ternational baihninton championships at the Racing Club De Frame I courts here on Mar. 31, April
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 311 6 Clinging to their two-nil lead established early in the second half of the game, the Chines■? Athletes defeated the Indians in their Senior League soccer encounter at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. The first half was scoreless only because the Athletes' forwards, mainly Tay
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  • 275 6 Ismail. MM fathul Kario:, inside left, distinguished himself, by scoring four ot ms team's goals yesterday when they defeated the Haikowyu S.C. at CYMA ground by nine goals to two, in the Junior B of the S.A.F.A. l^eague Attacking from the start. Keng
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  • 34 6 NKW YOIIK, Tues. European middleweight champion Tibet io of Italy, who arrived by air today, declared that his goal is a bout with world middleweight champion Jack Lamotta after tune up fights
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  • 117 6 Playing at home ii*.e Lai cos B.F. "B" defend the ti.E.C. Spoils Club in a fn- Mii. match by fire sanies to •.**<•. Kesmts (Laicos firsti: SINC.I.ES: Lim Teck Chwee beat Abdul Rahman v.o. i; Lee Siomr Oim t>eat SJivud 1";— 4. 10-15. 15—12; Lim V;% Choon
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  • 24 6 St. Thomas Hospital beat Middlesex Hospital by 13 points to 11 in the Rugby Union L<;]ital Cup semi-final replay todty. Reuter.
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  • 272 6 CLASH OF THE YEAR THE memorable fight between Gunboat Jack and Young Frisco in 1936 at the former Olympic Stadium is expected to bt surpassed in brilliance oy the Boy Brooks—Alfie Sands middleweight title bout at the Happy World Stadium tomorrow night. The Boxing
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  • 35 6 The Inter-Services Boxinc Championship will be held on H.M-S. "Terror Naval Base, at 8.30 p.m. tomorrow. The prizes will be presented by Mt. Malcolm Mac Donald, Commissioner General for S. E. Asia.
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  • 26 6 Yesterday's opening ties of the YMCA tennis tour nament were cu-.icelled due to bad weather. These ties will be played on Monnav, March 20.
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  • 163 6 Reuter. Johannesburg, Wed. Manuel Ortiz has signe i •to defend his worli I bantamweight championsMp against Vie TttWfjd South Aixican and Uri--1 tish Empire champios?. 1 i here on May 18- i In a telephone cab from Hollywood toibv,, i Max Kanter, represcuDi- i
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 95 6 The Customs S.C. owed their one-nil defeat yesterday in the Junior soccer league against the dhinese Sports Association, to a heavy ball caused by a water—logged field at the Geylang Stadium yesterday. This was brought .-.bout when the Chinese's forward shn.n.ed in a hard grounder
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  • 34 6 A.P. NEW YORK, Tues.—Ray Famechon and Wille Pep fought a formal bout tonight ptior to their meeting in the ring on Friday for the world featherweight title in Madison Square Gardens. A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 669 6 MANSFIELD CO. LTD., (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carrier.-!' option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge car^ro. Sailings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS "Peleua" sails for Havre k. Liverpool Mar. 16 "Maron" sails for Holhmd, London Hamburg Mar 22 "Aeneas" sails for Liverpool Dublin Glasgow
      669 words
    • 211 6 ——.j. ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD Aden, Port Said, Rotterdam Amsterdam. Spore P. S'iu:m Perang x ZEEMAN 24/26 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. MODJOKERTO 10/12 Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. x Also loading for Port Sudan direct. Agents: ROTTERDAM TRADING CO. (M) LTD. Shipping Dept. Tel: 5071; Ext. 19. JAVANEW YORK SAILINGS
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 6160 7 First Day Of S'pore Races Class 2 Div. I-I Mile. 6 Yards. KIM! I lAM VARC »m p kH ,Mi 3 1-50 Penane 8.05 0 M Div. 1 Won hy 14 2/5 aeca. Go '"tiiikl» i 2-50 S pore 8.10 7 17 Yde. (Jones) Div. i
    6,160 words
  • 1025 7 The foilowin-r la Ihe <;.rd for Saturday's ra<ea. Ibc drat c.-?y* of the Singapore Turf Cub March meeting: horses i.xss div. 1 milk c yardv HUH If M MARC Mf ■••ron.dalr Slabi. Rodger* EL-XI XMFIN KIS M. srs. R. B. Sherida A •vi tk; I OKI) R. 13
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 265 8 LUNGHWA AIRFIELD HEAVILY POUNDED A.P., Reuter U.P. TAIPEH, Wednesday. {HIAESE Nationalist bombers today raided Shanghai, scoring direct hi is t on airfield's runways, the control tower and other installa- lions. Winging over the airfkid in five batches the Mitchell bombers unloaded their destructive taitioes. The
    A.P., Reuter & U.P.  -  265 words
  • 96 8 Reuter. SAIGON. Wed. Immediate American aid to Vietnam, aecordin* to Vietnamese political circles. *ill probably amount to $100--000,000 sufficient to equip a Vietnamese army cf 100.000 men and re-equip French forces. The military aid. consisting of material and equipment, will be distributed
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 95 8 A.P. HONGKONG. Wed Kwok Chan. 41. and Lai Mui-iong, 29, came to visit their "husband simultaneously at Queen Mary hospital. Lai Mui-fong socked Kwok Chan and broke her glasses. Kwok Ohan countered with a penknife inflicting a cut on Lai Muifone's forehead. In a
    A.P.  -  95 words
  • 258 8 CRASH SURVIVOR TELLS STORY A.P. ST. ATHAN, WALES, Wednesday. THE dramatic story of history's worst air disaster was told in simple words today by two of the three survivors. One is still on the danger list. Tne two who were abie to walk
    A.P.  -  258 words
  • 88 8 Reuter. LONDON. Wed. Fortyseven Communists and near Communists and one Fascist have been removed from their posts in the British civil service since March 15. 1948. Mr. Douglas Jay. Financial Secretary to the Treasury, told Parliament that 22 had been removed because they were
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 55 8 U.P. SAN PEDRO, California, Wed. —-The Canadian freighter Argoyan departs for Formosa tomorrow with a load of 75 former American army tanks for Nationalist China. The 75 mm howitzer tanits had been here early December when they were taken off the Greek freighter Aristocratis which went
    U.P.  -  55 words
  • 61 8 A.P. COLOMBO. Wed. King Phumiphon of Thailand who disembarked in Colombo today immediately asked his secretary to contact Radio Ceylon so that lac could listen to swing records. The King, who is on his way home for his coronation with his iiancee, is an ardent jazz
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 27 8 Reuter LONDON, Wed.—Freddie Mills, former world. British. European and Empire lightheavyweight champion, has been granted a manager's licence by the British Boxing: Board of Control.—Rputrr
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 214 8 U.P. Reuter. HONGivONG, Wednesday. JT was disclosed today thoi plane equipment valued at $3.000,000 left here for Red Chia* yesterday night aboard a British ship. The shipment of 1,000 ions of spare parts, ermines, workshop machinery and other equipment left secretly at nigirt
    U.P. & Reuter.; A.P. Photo.  -  214 words
  • 26 8 U.P. TAIPEI, Wed. General Chen Cheng today took ov<-r the seal of office fron. outgoing Yen Hsi-shan, who re signed on March j.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  26 words
  • 181 8 LONDON. Wed. -Start of the new account brought r.o revival of interest in the London stock exchange today. The votum* of business remains around 5,000 deals per day or little naare ti-an one per member and nvuiy brokers are finding it d IBcutt in covei in<4 expense?. Price
    181 words
  • 23 8 Reuter. HONGKONG, Wee..—Countess Mountbatten arrived here this afternoon on a short visit of inspection cf the St. John's Ambulance Brigade.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 39 8 Mr S. pore's, well-known v," leader, leaves foi v sha Pakistan, today to taiJ'**Muslim leaders f° pL** on Islamic affaii t 148 will go to Caii n he is expected h c wee.;.. n Sll
    39 words
  • 127 8 ART Council Hall. jh to 5.3j it at i *t. A..»..;,Civics ciub I bin Abdui Hat A "ity of Maiava <1 lWrin Ma aya." ik-h 0l)1 1 y tf.W.C.A.: 5. }'n broidery class. study class fin I-ibic CHINESE Y.M t ffie Road. ch«v« students baskeweightliftinjr. 5.30
    127 words
  • 103 8 CATHA1: "i'lie British Games- 1950" at 11 u 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. CAPITOL: "Beyond i, Forev at 11. Ltf. 4. 6.JO i nd 3 ftUMMNM ther Island" at 1.45. n and 9.30 p.m. REX: "El Paso" at ;i 1 4. 6.30 and MO p.m. PAVILION: "Train of E\
    103 words
  • 40 8 SOCCER: Snr. Lgc: 1 (vers v R.E.M.E. at Jalan Besar; J,n a. 2: BODCA v. S.H.B. Aux. 1'« e at BOD ground; Business hi .ces hap: Bukom S.C. v. 1 Standard at Gevlans Stadium. TENNIS: Y.M.C.A. < lannuon<hipr (singles ties).
    40 words
  • 10 8 H.W.: 9.26 a.m. (8ft. n.i 10.59 p.m. (8ft. I
    10 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 300 8 You can fly by Clipper* ROUND THE WORLD from Singapore <=SS£> BANGKOK MANILA BRUSSELS HONOLULU LONDON LOS ANGELES NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO You fly westward to New York via Bangkok; Calcutta, Istanbul, Brussels and London. Eastward to San Francisco or Los Angeles via Manila and Honolulu. Whichever route you go,
      300 words
    • 23 8 Blood Bank QWf A 48 bottles Group B 4 bottles 'iroup AB Nil U-Dup 0 5 bottles V» r»f T* nr,T £rs 17
      23 words
    • 256 8 iWWWViVi .v HAPPY WORLD Today At 8 p.m. (whole serial) Donald Wcods in "SKY RAIDERS Sat. Sun. Jatint-t-Rin Tin Tin Jr. in "WOLF DOG Pimples Go Cause Killed In 3 Daii Tna »ory application of n«»*'* bogina to clear away pimpiaa »f* Urn njliaaarm tonijhi and roy M« your skin
      256 words