Malaya Tribune, 8 March 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • 65 1 Baropeaa driving a small !v car which swerve*! to id some parcels thrown on fhc mad from a car proe**efl>nir him m Roa/' and anothi r person who m>ne*sed the incident are re•aeated to communicate with Ike senior (usttims OffiVer. Prwv««4l»e Branch. H..*l < tmUtata, Singapor ft.
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  • 32 1 Tribune Ma!T Reporter 1 Cambridge examination lesults have arrived, and will be released tomorrow. releaj < will be made an «msly throughout nalaya. Malaya Tribune will* Publish the lull results tomorrow.
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  • 27 1 Reuter ANBUL, Tues. Four- ople were dead and homeless today in tne Kisehiv valley where sefloodtng of the Pors <. r crumbled thousands of bouses.- -Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 142 1 Westerling had to answer two charges of illegal entry intc thr Colony and assault at trie First District Court. "Turko" has been in his lonely cell in Chansri for a week, allowed to have visitors, but refusing to see them. He was transferred there
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  • 32 1 Reuter. BAGHDAD, Tues. Nuriformer President of Iraq Senate, said in a speech here today: "If war comes Russia will not find the Arab countries on the Communist side." —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 532 1 Page One Boy-And Page One Bomb £!XTEEN- YEAR-OLD Teng Yeow Hong, apprentice compositor at the Chung Shing Jit Pao, Singapore's only pro-Kuomintang newspaper picked up a hand-grenad,- that was thrown into ita offices yesterday and tossed it into the street.
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  • 95 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. Britain, India, Pakistan and Ceylon are consderinjj ant} advance of funds to Burma to finance rice purchases, supplementary estimates of British Government expenditure for the financial year 1949-50 j announced today. I Britain's share of this loan will be £500,000 beai
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 50 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. High level advisers were present when Ilitish Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin received French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman at the Foreign Office this evening. The two main topics expected to be discussed were the situation in Germany and recent events in Southeast Asia.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 135 1 U.P. LONDON. Tues The tiny LaDeral o.oc of niue maicaiea today mat it will support the weakened Labour government in the hrst test oi vote oi tue new rarnament on the nationalisation oi iron aud steel. conservative leaner Winston ksßtactUU sam iie would drop nis p;an
    U.P.  -  135 words
  • 82 1 A.P. HONG KONG, Tues. China Merchants Steam Navigation company has directed its Singapore legal representative to take counter steps in a lega' action brought by the United States government against its ship, he Hai Hsuan, now in Singapore. CMSNC will contend that the Hai Hsuan was
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 59 1 Reuter New York, Tues.—A "lifesaving bomb" that throws sound waves 3000 miles was shown today at the exhibition at the annual convention of the Institute of Radio Engineers. The bomb is designed to be dropped by an aerop ane, ship or submarine in distress at sea
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 52 1 A.P. MELBOURNE. Tues. A stranerer who took his shoes to a cobbler for mending is *<4u ncner today. The cobbler, A. Raulston, has stuck a wallet containing £40 in the toe of the shoe. He forgot to remove the wallet when the stranger called for his
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 23 1 A.P NEW YORK. Tues. A Federal grand jury on Tues day found Judith Cwplon and Valentin Gubitchev guilty of spy charges.—A_P
    A.P  -  23 words
  • 159 1 Army's Efficiency Hit By Decline In Recruiting Regulars Reuter. Cnd is!£ UI Britain will find it in War Wni"fS M i l* to < nai tain an efficient Army in 1951 andl9s2. said Army Estimates Stradw, today in a memorandum on the 1951-52 situation.'? flgUre of
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 139 1 War Damage th KUA iH LU MPUR. Tues.lIJL, Fed ral Government announced today that claims for denial, demolition or seizure under the War Damage Ordinance, 1949 mav'aof be witnorawn and applications for compensation may be made under the Emergency or Defence Regulations, or under the War
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  • 34 1 Reuter Atlanta, Georgia, Tues A Federal Court judge upheld the right of this southern capital's censor to ban films about negroes and any other topic of which he does not approve.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 148 1  - Nine Conspira tors' Appeals Dismissed STEWART ASSASSINATION From Our Own Correspondent m mnn w r. KUCHING, Tuesday. dfLSSi^ R V Hedges this morning conde^^tn?fotK peals of thenine Mala >s of Saraw^t^f th f r c ns P in the murder T>( ember Govemor > Mr D- G. Stewart, last A
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  • 124 1 The other nine, Awang Rambli bin Mohamed Ali Rambli bin Mohamed Ali Abang Han bin Abang Ahmat Awang Osman bin Awang Mat. Bujang bin Santong. Wan Zen bin Wan Abdullah, Osman bin Mohamed. Osman bin Abdullah. Morni bin Junit and Abang Ahmat bin Haji Abu Bakar were sentenced
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  • 18 1 I Westerling entering the Central Police Court this morning hand-cuffed to a senior European warder.
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  • 23 1 The three best bets for today at Jrenang i are: Kea Plane, *ouu- I tain Lady and Tne f iiaven.
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  • 28 1 HONG KONG, Tues. -The Hongkong government today "flatly denies" the assertions by an international committee that Hong Kong i s the main training grouna lor Communists.
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  • 23 1 A.P. nuMc, rues. More Itali ans are committing su.cick these days, but not so many are getting murdered statis tics reveal.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 214 1 Westerling pleaded guilty to iJJ'.Ii cnarges agam*>t iiim m the central rotxe Court thai morning. On tne caarge of being an illegal immigrant he was a) o*.c oimpie On tiie assault cuarge -er. t ence» was jpiii A «ril Westerling. appearing before Mr. M. E. Ringdon, spoke in a
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  • 32 1 U.P. ISTANBUL. Tues. At least two persons were killed and 500 houses destroyed yesterday when the River swept through *t.e suburbs of Eskishehr. Turkey's fifth largest city. v v
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 BFST for UGHT Made in Enyland Sole Distributors: fan Cheng Moh Electric Co., 152, Cross Street, Singapore. Danny have Md Danny Kaye. The AmĔniWu s.sters. 4416 I've got a bunch of two front :<eth, Cocoanuts, A Merry Xmas r>t The Peony Bush. Grandmother's House The Mi»»s Brothers. The Andrew* Sisters.
      123 words
    • 77 1 Vm TONG GUAN p Wm 25H0.COL£MA« strefl t mm SIN6APORE Take it $ir~ to Karachi Singapore to Ceylon- JBhK wSmhmm»*' no smoking all the way. That's why, at touch down, fir///^s^ a capstan seems well worth waiting for better, if possible. than ever. I should know, I've been smoking 'em
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  • 99 2 Mr. Claude Massey. Australian Commissioner for Malaya, will leave Singapore at 2.30 p.m. today for Kuala Lumpur. He will embark by sea fiom Penang on March 10. for Egypt, where he is to be Australian Envoy Extraordinary and Minister P'enipotcntiary. Pending the arrival of
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  • 70 2 THERE were 694 new motor cars registered in Singapore during January and February of this year. The total number of motor cars on the register at the end of February was 14.387. There was an increase or 3.651 cycles during the same period at 97.998. Trisha
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  • 50 2 THE concert held recently 1 by the All-Malaya Malay Students Aid Organisation to keep their students abroad netted nearly $500. Another concert is to be held in two or three months. The Organisation has appealed for gifts toward the Students Fund from the Malay public.
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  • 29 2 U. S. Consul A. Blanu Calder will be discussing trade relations between Malaya and the United States of America, over Radio Malaya at 7.12 p.m. tonight.
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  • 403 2 MR. D. K. Walters, counsel for Chief Inspector iTI Mohamed bin Si din who faces three chsrgres of corruption, yesterday cross-examined Koh Yin Seng, an agent of the Anti-Corruption Branch of the Singapore Police for more than two hours. On the previous day Koh had
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  • 136 2 THE portrait of Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. the Commissioner General, to be hung in the University, will have to wait until Anatole ShiBter, elderly Russian painter, returns to Singapore. "I have seen Mr. MacDonald and posed him," Shister said. "It is very unfortunate
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  • 70 2 YESTERDAY saw the start of the Singapore Postal district system. But only ten per cent, of the letters bore the revelant postal districts. A Postal spokesman said: "We are very pleased with the way the public are cooperating and we hope they keep it up."
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  • 76 2 A recruiting team of the 1 R.A.F. Regiment (Malaya) will visit Province Wellesley. Selangor and Negri Sembilan between March 15 and 24 ,to enlist 90 Malay recruits. Enlistment is open to those between the ages of 18 and 30. A good medical standard is required with
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  • 40 2 Girls of a Singapore convent were recently given thi> for their homework: .Jr Vrite ut 4 a di lo K ue be tween a woman motorist and a policeman into whom the woman had nearly run."
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  • 19 2 Vietnam students on their way to Paris to continue their studies, who passed through Singapore recently.
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  • 50 2 Mr. B. Neal Harris, vice president of the American Coca Cola Company, New York, arrived in Singapore yesterday by the Canton on a round the world business-cum-pleasure trip. Accompanied by Mrs. Harris, vice president Harris will inspect the newly formed Coca Cola manufacturing plant in Singapore.
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  • 85 2 Unable to eat anything for three weeks and in agony from a mysterious pain in his lower back, Mr. Dennis C. Bindon. an engineer with the Borneo Company, was brought from Kuching on a stretcher by a Malayan Airways Dakota on Monday night. He was
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  • 75 2 Mr. Tan Lark Sye (left) who was elected president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday. Mr. Tan Siak Kew was chosen vice-president. The Chamber's board of finance comprises of: Messrs. Tan Lark Sye, cnairman (ex-oincio;, lan Siak Kew. deputy chairman (ex-oftieio). One Piah Teng. secretary. Yap
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  • 151 2 THE Chief Justice, Mr. Murray-Aynsley, gave judgment yesterday for S. A. Mohamed Eusuf Rowther for a sum of SI,OOO and costs against A Gulam Mohideen in a claim for the recovery of that amount, which is the agreed value of a cigarette stall in
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  • 41 2 MALACCA. Tues. The date for the next intake of recruits for the Army (Malayan Other Ranks) at the Labour Office. Malacca, fixed for Monday. March 13, has been changed to Tuesday. March 14. and will continue on Wednesday. March 15
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  • 249 2 A FINAL decision as to who should be the Colony's Deputy Water Engineer will be made by Municipal Commissioners on Wednesday, March 22. A general committee meeting of the full board of Commissioners has been called for on that day to consider and
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  • 60 2 KUALA LUMPUR. The Working Committee has decided to he'd the 4th Annual General Session ol the Malayan Indian Congreson Api if 7 and 8 in Kuala Lumpur. Proposal of names for tne picoidencv of the Congress for the new year should reach the M. L
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  • 30 2 Tcday is "Women's Day and the Mayfair Musical and Diamatic Association ha? a; ranged a meeting, which will be followed by a variety concert in the Mayfair Hall
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 11 a.m.; 1.45; 4.15; 6.45 9.30 p.m. FARLEY GRANGER f£T& rVL «i iCATHY O'DONRELL WM 1 k# -HOW/m PA HUM SEASON FROM TOMORROW! THE MOST PRAISED I PICTURE OF THE YEAR! j Selected As Picture Of Vhe Month By Seventeen, Look Magazine, Esquire Magazine and Many More! A Picture
      196 words
    • 42 2 TODAY FOUR SHOWS B/KWIJOII 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 P.M.** m conotomeoJl PHONE 6903 BILL is a star-gazer HEDY is a Heavenly Body BILL was looking for Venus in Heaven Until he found HEDY on Earth. WILUAM POW EU (AMARft WATCH FOR OPENING DATE. SIMcOLBERT'AkfMrKWV ii^^FAMIWiHONEyMOON
      42 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 400 2 ON YOUR RADIO TODAY BLUE NETWORK ,rln s rt fil I vmm,r a T,Mr 7, S '"""""la ALAY PROGRAMMES 6.S« *&SS Ann" t& iffi X^ P th« ii, f' 0 o*"s0*" 5 i? JT"»f ramjn Tune; 7.00 Clone Down. Fun i r«. H v *S "j«5 Folk Soags; 12.4.. CHINESE
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  • 289 3 MUAR, Tuesday. i> All ING a suspected bandit locality in the Bukit Ssrempang area yesterd l mbined party oi Military and Auxiliary Police captured 13 bandits. One of the prisoners, believed to be a bandit recruiting agent and instru••captured after an exciting chase late
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  • 242 3 rOUNTESS Mountbatten shook hands with ail British and Asian soldiers—many of them iinded in the anti-bandit campaign—when she ted the British Military Hospital, Alexandra. yesterday afternoon shortly after her arrival from Ceylon. She was taken on a complete tour of the hosand expressed appreciation of the
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  • 94 3 Tin>s.-The followiv<- li.-, ii elect <1 < ttirei»i the Mata en EW i. i.X tv Association ftw til yeni President, tn< Commissi >ner. Mr. G. Wi tiom Secretary Mr. Kirn Sun; Treasurer. Mr. P. hi. Representative n> im Authorities. Mr. Committee. Messrs. G. w-iik.-r. R. W.
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  • 115 3 MR. and Mrs. Kha» K* l Loh returned to Singapore yesterday oy the Canton *r Khaw who is an AB P. p the Singapore I'olue Force wen', to the United Kingdom in August last year. Hi- wile, then Mis.- ran Chwee Geok was takim. a three
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  • 94 3 THE number of blood donors has nearly doubled as a result of the "Blood Transfusion Fortnight which ended this Monday, the Director or Medical Service- announced yesterday But. he said, the Chinese section of Singapore s population showed "lac* of sufficient response." He appealed to
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  • 190 3 MR C John Mortice, foimer Louts Mountbatten. and Mrs. Morrice are perhaps Singapore's happiest couplj*. I For two weeks they anxiously waited to meet their former 'mem: Countess Mi'untbaUcn. And they did «c yestetday. A basket of dowers in hand they Were the first to(greet
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  • 346 3 SIR Patrick McKerron, the Officer Administer ing the Government, during his three-hour tour y« terday visited 1,600 Singapore Improvement Trust flats He said that he greatly appreciated the work being done to quell attempts by tea- money racketeers Mr J
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  • 205 3 MALACCA. Tues. The inuuuurai i.toetmg of trie proposed Malacca Youth Council will be held at Thr Hostel, Ttanquerah Road, at 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 1. The meeting will be addressed by a member of tht? Malacca Welfare Council and the Social Welfare Officer. Office-oearers ana
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  • 28 3 Mr. D.W. Lt Mare. Director of Fisheries, will be talkiug about fishing methods in Malaya, at 10 o clock tonight over Radio Malaya. Sing a nore.
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  • 243 3 Rr ALA Li'Mi-n:. tw I Six points the public arc asked to remember about th* Emergency Regulation which restrict? movement of foodstuffs by day and prohibits it ar«* "i»." -x r rb* 1 A"* Bandit Month are: 1. The regulation only coyer*
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  • 33 3 Xl 'ALA LUMPUR, TU« The Kota Tinge,, v mil Road which was undei four feet of flood water yesterday at the CBth mile is now open to traffic until further notice
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  • 186 3 THE Municipal Water Engine, r. Mr. Hill, said yestefday rbat (tjhe rer- nt rains have cut consumption and si helped the Colony's water position. But said Mr. Hill. "Unless th re Is continuous rain tor two months the fr'ati situation will remain as bad
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  • 224 3 MR. Malcolm Mac Donald. the Commissioner-Gen--ral, in a letter to Sir Alec Newboult, the Federation Chief Secretary, who retired yesterday, said: "You have given long service here and few men's work has left such a strong and valuable impression upon contemporary Malaya." As a comparative
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  • 88 3 KUALA LUMPUR, i tefi During the month of February, approval was given to deport 188 aliens and ten British subjects The total number ol tie portations last year was 6.994 aliens and 106 British subjects. No deportations were made in January this year. in the
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  • 58 3 KUALA LUMPUR, tue A Public Relation- De partment Mobile Unit has rec ntly completed a tour of the riverine kainpongs In the Lipis District of Pahang. The unit covered vtjUriOUJ kampongs in the Mukims una gave lectures on the function of the Public Relations Department, Anti-Bandit
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 GREAT WOK LI > Atlantic 7—9.1.' •WHITE SAVAGE in Technicolor. NEW WORLD Lidc 7 >1 "THE BIG SOMBRERO" in Color. ROYAL 3--6.15--H.lf Gemnl's "CHANDRALEK X" in Hindustani. Last Day: 3. 6.30 W P** The Marx Bro M.G.M fi "DAY AT THE CIRCUS' Opening Tomorrow -WHISPERING JIIADOW (Whole Sertßl t NEW
      71 words
    • 74 3 ROgTMBf. T r w JM Opening To-day' S Shows—3, 6.15 9.15 pIB Universal* Hilariously Funny Shew' "SAN DIEGO I LOVE YOU" starring Jon Hall, Louise Allbzitton with Edward F.verett Horton. Eric Blore. Buster Keaton. Love, Laugh. Romance' PHOH£ 4042 STARTS TODAY 11 1.45 4 6.30 9.30 A CELEBRATED STAC.EHIT NOW
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  • 319 4 DOOM TO CRIMINALS -BOON TO THE LOST THE New South Wales Police Aviation Section is equipped to work with ground operators in aerial hunts for criminals and searches for people lost in wild country. The aircraft Nemesis has a special compartment for carrying police dogs, for trucking
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  • 145 5 11.100 A Year For A Crown er Seretse X hama. \ritan Prince, announced yesterday tiiat he had been "double-crossed" in his struggle with th? British Government for recognition as chief of the Ramangwatos after marrying London typist mm' i »> .ihams. He said the Government,
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  • 121 5 A.P. SAN FRANCISCO. Tues TV 9th US. Circuit Court oi Appeals yesterday reversed a lower court iudgnent and returned to Shoso Nii •correct) iwo parens °f land in Honolulu which rernment had taken ever in 1947. The action reversed the decision of the U.S.
    A.P.  -  121 words
  • 84 5 AAP. SYDNEY. Tues. The ig gest commercial airliner is expected to 'and June. It is the 66--i'>oeing Stratocruiscr. owned by Pan-American AirWay.-. The operations manager for «c firm in Australia, Mr. J. Smyser, has said the «uatocruisers will replace master fleet now on tydney-San Francisco run.
    AAP.  -  84 words
  • 40 5 HIN'GTON. Tues.-A man at Uie. Chinese i list Embassy said i bioadcast report t th< Red radio at Peking JT "'ttionalist bombers raided Tsingtao on 27 was manned by and Japanese founded"' 1 com P lete, y ,in
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  • 19 5 to B n A GKOK Tues.—A bill on 80me SOrt of a muzzle ou<|-Mpcakers is near groval Parliament
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  • 187 5 BUT NO TRACE OF HIM YET A.P. MANILA Tuesday. THE deadline for the payment of US$5O,OOO ransom demanded by Gavite Province cutlaws for the freedom for Vicente Araneta has passed, but nobody knows whether contact with band had been made. Georgian Araneta Incorporated and
    A.P.  -  187 words
  • 60 5 U.P. BELGRADE. Tues Prej mier Marshal Tito said today that If the Soviet Union wants to make peace with Yugoslavia. Stalin "must first apologise and then negotiate." Speaking at Split on the I x'Vdriatic Sea to a crowd ofI ficially estimated at 80,000 I Tito rejected the
    U.P.  -  60 words
  • 97 5 Reuter. SOFIA. Tues. Mihail Shinkov-. formerly employed at the United States Legation here with four other Bulgarians today pleaded guilty to being a '"spy and an American agent." In Washington on Saturday the State Department published an account given by Shipkov of how he was lor.urcd
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 61 5 A.P LAKE SUCCESS. Tues.The Executive Board ot th" U N. International Children's Fund <UNICEF» has' approved an allocation ot USSI.IOO.OOO to feed children among the Palestine refugees until a new J.N. plan for Palestine refugees comes into operation. The Board also approved U*****,000 to buy leather
    A.P  -  61 words
  • 489 5 A.P. BONN .GERMANY, Tuesday. THREE generals of the old German General Staff have started a campaign to restore the German Officer Corps to its former glory. The self-apoointed Committee of Three has close contacts with the Federal government and links with
    A.P.  -  489 words
  • 71 5 Reuter-AAP. JAKARTA. Tues. Since Indonesian assumption of sovereignty on December 27. 1949 more than 15.000 Dutch-European soldiers have been repatriated to Holland from Indonesia, it has been announced officially. Meanwhile, in Schiedam, Holland, six patrol vessels built here for the Indonesian Government by the shipyards combine
    Reuter-AAP.  -  71 words
  • 22 5 A.P. CANBERRA, lues. Australians may travel freely to the Philippines, now that the Gamboa affair ha* been settled. A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 164 5 Reuter AAP. TOKIO. Tues. General Robert Eichclbcrger's suggestion, made in New York on March 2. that Japan should be re-armed, would be "suicidal" commented tne newspaper Jiji Shimpo yesterday. mm Rearmament might he an expedient guarantee of security after the conclusion of a peace treaty,
    Reuter & AAP.  -  164 words
  • 76 5 UP. WASHINGTON. Tues. Forrest P. Sherman said today that the Navy is not ready tor war and a curtailment of funds for the "mothball fleet" has his approval only as a short term "calculated risk." Sherman described Russia's submarine strength as "a serious factor"
    UP.  -  76 words
  • 115 5 Reuter AAP. HONGKONG, Tues. Mr. Jose Rodiguez, Philippine Consul in Hongkong, last night said he would welcome any party sent by his government to investigate immigration to the Philippines from Hongkong. Mr. Rodiguez was replying to a report which appeared in a Manila newspaper. Daily
    Reuter & AAP.  -  115 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1679 5 We have no misgiving MM \mm about this brilliant given it a thorongh test, and for performance, beauty of tone and ease of tuning can enthusiastically say that it upholds the fine traditions of its distinguished family. FEATURES A if Excellent all round performance oh all ban'U icith full tone
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    • 303 5 MISC. DRIVE in to day tor mofcitubii cai.uii. rirst person •■>< run tho service station tor a.o\).\e. Tan Motor Works, 28.'? Or bard kd Phone 3i532. < ASTROLOGY For A fear. Yon suit or by post Riving birth-data time place of birth. Fee m Guru Sakka, 171-A. Selegie Road Singapore.
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  • 592 4 TROUBLE for Britain's photo-finish Labour Government comes early in its life, and suggests that its days are go ng to be fewer than most people expect. The Tories have moved two amendments to the King's speech outlining Attlee's programme for the new Parliament, and since one deals with
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  • 1252 4  -  By Jack Jenkins ACCRA, GOLD COAST. RADICAL African Nationalists may attempt to embrace communism in the next phase of any campaign for independence in British West Africa, according to many responsible Britons here. They say that Russia, through her newspapers and other propaganda media
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  • 528 4  -  By C. LYNCH OTTAWA. ANEW Bill of Rights for Canada's Indians will be brought before the present session of the Canadian Parliament as part of a "new deal" which has already had some impressive results. The programme to "do right by the Red
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  • 1308 4  -  By SEYMOUR TOPPING SAIGON. THE French offensive in Imlo-China aga-nst the Communist led Vietminh forces today aims initially at winning full 'control of Oochin-Ch na and the Red River delta of Tonkin, Vietnam':, two centres of population and p-oduction. French troops in
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  • 46 4 KHARTOUM.— A threeday general strike, paralysing and involving an estimated 50,000 workers has begun in tho Pudan. The strike followed a demand by railway men tor a 75 per cent increase in basic pay and proportionate increases in cost of living allowances.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 THE ALL STEEL BICYCLE Sole Agents r KKHUPTRPDipCOn WLmitTnt fiiYi iWif fif w\j^JOt^mm a J ROSS (Tropical), BINOCULARS Give Better Vision and Value j New Shipment Just Arrived New China Optical Co., 71, High St., Spore. Phone 2386
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  • 63 7 i wK ARENA, sb\ a dagger buried in his stomach, ta the hallway outside his New York apartment door i pre-breakfast quarrel during wnicn his wife Do- i;S. motiier of his eight children, was latally He then stabbed himself 25 limes with the dagger. He
    -A.P.  -  63 words
  • 221 7  -  SAYS SONGWRITER A.P. HOLLYWOOD, Tuesday. LEO Robin says Americans are yearning i~or a L urn to the quiet, peaceful way of life. He this from the current public taste in liar music. Robin is one of the leading writers of song lyrics.
    A.P.  -  221 words
  • 66 7 Reuter. HONGKONG, Tues. hai'a population, once a* above the 6,000,--trk, uas fallen b*low ■cording to reports reaching this Colony. Tne first census taken by v. Shanghai authorities the city's population .1.17, excluding peoing in junks and samthe Whangpoo river, in 1,019,188 families. •r< ign population
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 35 7 MEMPHIS, Tues. Isaac n, *i, or Memphis, likes the local jail that he stole two ttei from the post office to tv o more years added to has spent inside in the past 30.
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  • 403 7 A.P OSAKA, Tuesday. f oW \va?es md protests from relatives ar? thinning the ranks of Japan's only dance-for-pay boys, Japan's only male taxHunee hall, the Kabuki. opened here last autumn with a rush of male applicants for the psuedoftlgltfj
    A.P  -  403 words
  • 66 7 LONDON. Tues.—A resolution of the British post office workers today demanded its annual conference this month to "consider the relations between dogs and postmen Another resolution to he brought by the post office workers in Aberdeen asks the conference to agree "that in the
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  • 33 7 VATICAN, lues. The treasures of the Vatican library will be exhibited later this year to mark the 500 th anniversary of the library's founding in 1450 by Pope Nicholas V.—A.P.
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  • 62 7 READING BERKSHIRE, This —A Knouain'ed chest eoi.'aining books sent as a gIL trom ft'akefle'd, Mainae.hus il(s has arrived at a public library here, afler being los* for mon iban l hree years at th>- London jocks. The chest was sent rom Wakefie'.u in September, 1946, and the books
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  • 32 7 VIENNA, Tues. The Austrian Supreme Couit ruled in decision made public today that stealing a kiss is not an Infringement on the personal liberty of a girl. U.P.
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  • 23 7 KNOXVILLE, Tues. Mrs. Helen Byington. pleading her suit for divorce, complaint that her husband peeped at her through the windows. UP.
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  • 126 7 U.P. NkW YORK. Tues.—Sharman Douglas left for London yesterday afternoon aboard a Pan American plane with movie actor Peter Lawford at the airport to see her off. Lawford, who squired Sharman to night clubs and around the town for the past two months, denied there
    U.P.  -  126 words
  • 140 7 A.P. LAKE SUCCESS, Tues. The postal address of the United Nations permanent headquarters in N(w York City 100 be: United Nations. New York. That is the ruliny handed iMM by Secretary-yeneral Ttyyve Lie. He said there will be no street or other
    A.P.  -  140 words
  • 43 7 Reuter-AAP SYDNEY. Tues.—Sydney wine connoisseur and judge at the 1950 Royal Eastern show. Mr. L. Baretl. has a recipe for Kobering up in half an hour: Drink ha!f a wine glass of sugar filled with water. I jrh!— Reuter-AAI».
    Reuter-AAP  -  43 words
  • 106 7 Reuter. LONDON, Tues —Travellers on London's District underground railway trains should arive more cheerfully at wort; this summer when a series of new trains in skyblue livery will bring brightness to the almost colourless "tube" stations. Most trains are now painted tn
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 52 7 Sergeant William Sleigh, attached to the United States Military Attache's office ii Sofia. Bulgaria, throws a United States flag atop a heap of burning code machine and files in the attache's garden during evacuation of U.S. Ministry quarters in Sofl after rupture of American-Bulgarian diplomatic relations.—A.P. Photo.
    A.P. Photo.  -  52 words
  • 278 7 A.P. LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA Tues. THE human ear," says an American noise research specialist, "is taking worst beating since the dawn of civilisation, And except in some business offices, little is being done about it." As the result of research at the
    A.P.  -  278 words
  • 66 7 Reuter-A.P. TOKYO, Tues. —A Japa ese inventor claimed he hi constructed the world's fine music sounding-hoard fro impregnated silk. Use of the sounding-boa could put Janan's silk indu try back on its feet, tl scientist naid. lt gave supe tone sensitivity to pianos,
    Reuter-A.P.  -  66 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 26 7 Trophies That Glorify ones' deeds of Skill Valour S. I». 11. dc Silva 45, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. 6. THE EMBANKMENT, KUALA LUMPUR. 43, STATION ROAD, IPOH.
      26 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 141 7 ALLEY OOP by V.T. Hamlin IMf IN ANCIENT MCO JT~ DINNY. I CALLED *^t C ?St Ny WfM K^r< T m ASSET M$ stains mmei}k *> rTH'VEW-N.TED STATES, W OOt V < S thataway—but, .T's 7/f0» auditor, j betwHn tothose stylish frustrated /it hurt T soui-WE. 'quite, a swim fum
      141 words

  • 370 8 HONGKONG. Tues. AMERICAN-TRAINED Leng Pei-shu. a US$6O-a-month major in the Chinese Nationalist Air Force, is a stalking terror to the Chinese Communists. Interviewed at the headquarters of the famed Fifth Fighter Group, of which the major heads the 26th Squadron, near Taipeh. the
    370 words
  • 72 8 U.P. FRANKFURT. Tues.—Mrs. Yvette J. Madsen. 22. pleaded innocent by reason of temporary insanity today when charged with murdering her husband as a result of a quarrel involving her "Brooklyn accent." The prosecution charged at the opening of the attractive brunette's trial that she shot Lieut.
    U.P.  -  72 words
  • 203 8  -  MISSIONARIES FORCED TO WORK ON MIKES BY REDS VATICAN A.P U.P. TAIPEH, Tuesday. WHILE Comnunist China turned its propaganda guns on the American controlled Korean Republic today—accusing President Syngman Rhees of persecuting" Chinese residents—the Korean Ambassador said that he was confident that the Nationalists will
    A.P . U.P.  -  203 words
  • 59 8 U.P. MANILA. Tues.—Ambassador Manuel Gallego. Philippines diplomatic envoy to Indonesia, is scheduled to leave for Jakarta via Singapore at midnight tonight aboard a Pan American plane. He will be accompanied by the chief cf Division of Treaties of the Foreign Office Juan Aireglado
    U.P.  -  59 words
  • 58 8 A.P. TAIPEH. Tues. Police have arrested four men charged with robbing the home of a famous Chinese actress on March 1 of jewels worth U5544,000. Most of the stolen jewels has been recovered. The actress. Miss Kpo Chengchui. promised to buy $200,000 (Formosan) worth of Nationalist
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 99 8 Princess Ping-Peang lukanthor of amboO seen in her office in the Chateau de Versailles. Her cousin, his Majesty Norodom Sihanouk, the present King, appointed her to the Assembly of the French Union, an Advisory House of the French Parliament that debates Colonial anairs. It has no power to
    99 words
  • 188 8 A.P. SEATTLE, Tuesday. THE Chinese Communist government does not want United States iccognition, Roger D. Lapham, former chief of the Economic Co operation Administration in China, said yesterday. The harsh treatment of American diplomat in Mukden and Nanking might have been mere local incidents,"
    A.P.  -  188 words
  • 74 8 A.P. HULL. Tues.—Animal Importer R.U. Kahn is looking for an expert snake trainer. A 15-foot python Kahn hoped to ship to Antwerp has become so bad tempered no one Can approach the box in which it is coiled. "The snake is bad tempered because it
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 38 8 U.P. CALIFORNIA. Tues.--Fi\e persons were killed and five others weie injured, one critically, when five automooilcs piled up in a terrific multiple crash en the highway 1,013 miles east of here late Sunday night. U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 244 8 A.P PARIS, Tuesday. jyiNE-DRINKING Frenchmen, long Held up as models of tern oe ranee, are dying of alcoholism at a rate that has their government worried. Pre-war travellers hailed France with awe as the country where "you never see a drunk on the street." Apparently
    A.P  -  244 words
  • 136 8 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. More young London couples have chosen March 25 as their wedding day so that they can claim a big income-tax rebate. Normally couples who want to get the rebate plan their weddings for the last Saturday before April 5 the end of the
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 141 8 There will soon be 100,000 Americans v.ilk in about without buttons on their trouser waist-bands. But their trousers will stay up— thanks to the inventive mind of 32-year-old Ted Elston. of QueensStreet, Wolverhampton. For the last 20 years Ted has been trying to perfect trouser
    141 words
  • 106 8 AP. MADRAS. Tues. "People will have to put up with slow-running, behind-sche-dule trains for some time a railway spokesman said in Madras yesterday. ""ill patrols and police section have become necessary because of a strike called for Thursday by the All-India Railwaymen's Union, he said. The
    AP.  -  106 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 637 8 RETTORIENT LINE EVERETT STAE LIRE For Hongkong, Japan, "or Hongkong, Japan. "Star Arcturus'' 18/19 Mar. verett" 28/30 Mar. For Penang, Madras, Colombo, Cochin, Bombay, Karachi, 'enang. Madras, Calcutta. Bahrein, Kowelt, Basrah, verett" 11/12 Mar. Khoramshaftr. verett" 24/26 Mar. "Star Bctclgeuse" 17/20 Mar. For freight, passage, please apply to:— GUTHRIE CO.,
      637 words
    • 607 8 ISTHMIAN S. S. CO* To HALIFAX, BOSTON, NEW YORK, BALTIMORP via SUEZ direct. nfc Also accepting cargo for Gulf ports. Spore P. S ham Ppnaßg "Steel Seafarer" In Port/Mar. 13/14 Mar. 16/17 Mar. "Steel Executive" 20/25 Mar. 26/27 Mar. 29/30 Mar. "Steel Rover" 5/10 Apr. 11/12 Apr. Ul5 Api To
      607 words

  • 111 9 -tlTll better advices from md N« w YorK. mmodity market proved slightly yesterday not come up to ex- t«tions. Tne market no- tt the following rHI which were 3/e oi P, n| h i g her than Monday's Buyers Seller* k 0 l RSS l o.b 53 14
    111 words
  • 81 9 Coflee was easier in Sln- vt .sterday with small a passing at $138 per Rio No. 5. There were further sellers at the Sellers of Rio No. 3 (140 with no buyers coming forward. Copra was steady with buyers al per picul f.o.b. Mar-Apr and sellers at $38{.
    81 words
  • 51 9 exports of rubber d February to 70,774 tons from January a total of 75,Bxporta to the UrnStab totalled 27.94'J luring the month while Kingdom took 16.872 tons. Other export were: To France 5,033 Russia 3.525 tons, Italy Australia 2,116 tons, Canada 2.655 tons and Japan 1 751»
    51 words
  • 56 9 U.P WASHINGTON. Tues. Agriculture Departed yesterday that 5 1949 rice harvest bumper proportions bird straight year, rating to 2.575.U00.000 compared witli 2.--000 in 1843. which slightly less than that und an average of 3 23 000,000 pounds in pre- r years. importable supplies for 195«
    U.P  -  56 words
  • 429 9 A.P mirp DETROIT, Tuesday, j nr. American rubber industry is making progress toward the production cf Tv? ynt !l etic trUck tyres whicn will make X independent of natural rubber. ru a lndustr y isn 't producing all-synthetic passenger car tyres now, but that
    A.P  -  429 words
  • 164 9 STRONG markets have been a feature the Aus1 tralian Stock Exchanges for 1950. At present investment funds are plentiful. Australian commodity sales of wool, wheat and dairy produce continue to produce big returns for primary industry. Employment is high in industry, and the P^ pect of
    164 words
  • 65 9 Reuter (DON, Tues.—British n tnion wool experts setting up a Comtlth wool marketing tern with a reserve system to moderate Ruetuattom. have been going on for about five #eeks the first official anitierU since the con- tpened tne Board of s;;id consideration 111 l been given to
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 124 9 AREA DOLLAR GAP DOWN A.P LONDON,, Tuesday. STERLING area's dollar gap—its deficit of 0 and hard currency-fell to U5531,000,000 in the fourth quarter of 1949. an operations report of the Economic Co-operation Administration (ECA) sa.d Monday night. This report, showing workings of the ECA programme between Europe and the U.K..
    A.P  -  124 words
  • 78 9 Empire Tescombe- -Sirusa (SHEERS); Ruys (42 3); San*apor Seroei (40 I): BWW.MII '38 0); Medon (35G): F. L '.en (33 4) Anehises (31 3); Charon—OhineHr Prince (11 8); Evros (19 20): S.H.B. Cralt (21 2); Lawak 33 4); Bendoran (25 6); Star A'evone (27 8); Saragan
    78 words
  • 88 9 CANBERRA. Tues.-The Prime Minister. Mr. Menzies. has marip a short statement in Parliament on government plans lor putting value back Into the Australian to stop the, rising cost of living. He said this problem could not be solved by a single legislative action. It must follow
    88 words
  • 99 9 The British India Company's new cargo liner, s s "Olinda". will shortly be leaving the U.K. for India for employment on the company's eastern services for which she has been designed. "Olinda". a single screw v\ss"l of the oDen shelter deck type, was built by Messrs.
    99 words
  • 87 9 tbo following figures for the export of The Straits Trading Company announce the following ny metal in January, and February this year. FEBRUARY 1950 h Australia Middle v. 1U Africa Asia East Total U.K. U.S.A. CaatlKrtl fW« Pacific India A WU 1 1" 1 1 r
    87 words
  • 52 9 SINGAPORE. Mar. 7: Tin price was $290 per picul exsmelter. Down $0-50 cents. LONDON. March 6: Spot £599 J. Unchanged. Three months £588 Up £2\. Settlement price £600. Up fi|. Turnover 35 tons. Second session: Spot £5992. Up Three months £587?. Up £I|. Settlement price: £600. Unchanged. Turnover
    52 words
  • 224 9 "iTED ENGINEERS, LIMITED, shareholders will be pleased with the improvement m the profit for 1949 at $928,237, or 37.3%, after an Ordinary Capital allowance for the preference dividend. Last year's figure was $920,424, and the market had expected a slight recession in view of
    224 words
  • 104 9 Australia may again become an exporter of rubber tyres and tubes by the end of Ihe year. The general manager oi Dunlop Rubber Australia Ltd.. Mr. R. H. Simkin. in pointing out that tryes and tubes were last exported ir 1939. said recently that
    104 words
  • 56 9 USIS WASHINGTON. Tues. Trieste has been authorised by the US. Economic Co-operation Administration to purcnase ÜbsloO.OuO oi lumber and sawmill products and lumber manufacturers from Thailand. The authorisation was included in the listing of newpurchase approvals announced last weeckcnd. The terminal delivery date for
    USIS  -  56 words
  • 78 9 A.P. TOKYO. Tues.—The Army admitted indirectly during the weekend it had brought too much paper to Japan. The admission came in an announcement authorizing Japan's Economic Stabilization Board to release a large quantity of United States Army surplus stationary and writing paper to the Ministries
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 34 9 SINGAPORE. Mar. 7. London showed slightly more interest in tin shares today but the local market was not impress, cd. Tin shares remained quietly steady. Industrials sowed some interest at present levels.
    34 words
  • 861 9 Singapoie. Tues. Buyer* deuce* INDUSTRIALS \tlas Ice 11 90 12.25 xb.. xd Ilex. Bricks Pref. 2.40 2.00 Ord. 2.20 2.25 i 3.8. Petrol 33 9 34 9 B.M. Trustees 7.00 8.00 Con. Tin Smelt Pref. 21/3 22/3 Ord. 10/3 10/6 E. Utd. Assur. 38.75 39.75 «jsi. a
    861 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 576 9 *ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD Aden, Port Said, Rotterdam Amsterdam. S'pore P. S'iiom Pei;ang X ZEEMAN 20/21 Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Mar. WELTEVREDEN 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 Mar. MODJOKERTO 10/12 Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. x Also loading for Port Sudan direct. Agent*: ROTTERDAM TRADING CO. (M) LTD. Shipping Dept. Tel:
      576 words

  • 295 10 [ON DON, Tues. England and Scotland have made changes in their tlugby Union teams tor tiie all important Calcutta Cud match at Murray field, Edinburgh, on March 18. B. Bobbyer. the Oxford University centre, has been omitted from thr England side, and the question of
    295 words
  • 571 10 THIS year's Singapore Maiay Badminto Association's champion.-hip tournaments will see for the first time Malay women in action. Seveial entries' have been received and the woman will make their bow immediately after the quarter-finals have been coveied. Ismail Marjan. riwft— <haiiV pion for two Bucceaaive years, is
    571 words
  • 103 10 AAP MELBOURNE, Tuts.Mr. K. S. In lian High (ommiv Kiuncr to Australia, said here '-t would <h> erickel !tp| ot gooJ it Australia \v<t< defeated. Australia are so far a!i: ad that it is impossibie to imagine 1■ m bains heati-n. the fornix- In than
    AAP  -  103 words
  • 128 10 The tategapore Rifle Aanoeiati >o Easter Print rotating w.!l begin at 7.30 a.m. on Apti' 8 and will be continued an the following, nay. At this mci ting a Tyio class (only open to these who have never wen a ptl/e at any title aieeting)
    128 words
  • 80 10 A.P BERLIN, Tues. -The Australian team of Allied StromRoger Arnold led the field last night on the third day of Berlin's six-day bicycle race. The Australians were in the lead all day since they captured it late on Sunday night trom the mixed LuxembourgSwiss team
    A.P  -  80 words
  • 376 10 Reuter. NEW YORK, Tuesday. IHE1HE list of American boxing fatalities is causing grave concern throughout the boxing world and most particularly in New York State. So much so that there is even a threat of outlawing professional boxing unless steps are taken to protect fighters
    Reuter.  -  376 words
  • 95 10 A.P. LONDON. Tues.—Nine international soccer matches for the Festival of Britain celebration in May 1951 were announced today Teams will visit the British Isles from Argentina. France. Italy. Portugal and Belgium. The matches will be: Engkuid v. Argentine, May 9, England v. Fiance, May 12:
    A.P.  -  95 words
  • 920 10 THE pick of boxing teams from the military units in Singapore, Malaya and Hongkong will comoete for the Army FARELF champion ships at the Happy World Stadium on March 10. Several of last year's title winners are de unding their crown and most
    920 words
  • 50 10 Phil Riz/uto. star shortstop of the New Yarn I'saacfa, baseball champions of the Ini ted states, who was (it«,s "Baseba'! Player of the Year for HI4JT. b\ the Neu Y„i\ Chapter of the Baseball Writers Associa'ion <d America, received the Sid Mercer Memorial Tropin —I SIS
    50 words
  • 75 10 A.P LONDON. Tues. (irmelii! Hit h Button from Englewivod, New Jersey. piled up a big margin <»\er the rest of the tieid in the compulse: MCHSSi of the men's world figure skating championships. He scored 824.71 points to 778.8P tor Kde Kiraly of Hungary, who was in
    A.P  -  75 words
  • 266 10 LONDON. Tues. Cricketers cf a'l types are beginning to attend the indoor schools as the season approaches, but the main interest is focussed on voting players likely to supply England's need ot fast bowlers. Among the brightest pi inspects an- Ken Preston fFfil Ttr)
    266 words
  • 120 10 Reuter. BOSTON. Tues. Word that two of China's outstanding lonu-dislanee runiv rs, C. F. Wang and Law Wen-ngau, planned to enter lor the f>4th Boston marathon on Apr. 19 has been received from Hongkong by race director Tom Kanaly. Walter Brown, president of the Boston
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 357 10 LONDON. Tuesday. HEAVY support for the Duke of Norfolk's Burphan made him clear favourite for the Lincolnshire handicap when the cards were called over on the Spring Double at the Victoria Club last night Freebooter retained his position as first i for the Grand Natitsial,
    357 words
  • 110 10 U.P SAO PAULO. 1U Brtf j|l State cf Bao Pau p Sports Department/ow United Prey- that H clally invited f" mOU! L c ony swimmer Alex J pete together with swimming »< zilian chain, lo It added: 1 the SUite of Rao UU» pay
    U.P  -  110 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 632 10 COMMERCIAL TRADERS LTD. HOUSE OF HIRE-PURCHASE For RADIOS AND 11«-Hi-iral Appliances hasiest Terms Best Services ring (Mian or visit Head Office: 17-18, Bonham'Bldg., Chulia Street Branch: 18, Eng Hoon Street, Tiong Bahru. KEEP YOUR BODY IN GOOD HEALTH jL\ IF YOU FKKI. RUNDOWN. LOSS 6V S2 APPETITE. SLEE! I .KSSNESS.
      632 words

  • 187 11 L Malayan badminton I T m Wong Peng I no difficu ty the men's singles .md badmint% no:onships. has re*s, rhe attention of BritftS commentators. ■wn. in the Obser!wr t l 'Holm of Den--s^a delightful player hin" cavalier of the KSo adds charm of
    187 words
  • 36 11 Newark New Jersey. Tues. I Belloise. 163 lbs., •.king middleweight from th.' Bionz. New York, »on a decision ever Gei-maine bbouche (France). 165 V 4 te in an contest it Laurel Garden last night.
    36 words
  • 47 11 RACE 1 NEW ERA Rainbow Royal Eagle RACE 2 TE TAXI Bright Mengseng Lena Dear RACE 3 FOUNTAIN LADY Desert King Alpha RACE 1 THE RAVEN Bonnie Grey Spring Up RACE 5 RED PLANE Craigmount olden Gate RACE 6 BATTI II Gracious Lady Son of India
    47 words
  • 238 11 FARELF BOXING TITLES TriRFE of the eight semi -finals (first series) of 1 this year's FARELF boxing championships ended in second round knock-outs at the Tanglin Gymnasium last night. The best fight of the evening was without doubt the featherweight semi-final between L Cpl.
    238 words
  • 186 11 GOING WILL BE PERFECT BY ALBERT SPENCER The iVlan with 2,000 Winners DENANG, Today: There has been no rain here and the going for today's races second day of the Penang Spring Meeting should be perfect but a large crowd is no'c expected to witness
    186 words
  • 389 11 If the Indian Recreation Club maintain the form they displayed against the Rovers S.C. at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, they will be a team hard to beat in the S.A.F.A. Senior League soccer. Relying greatly on their swiftness, the Indians managed to score
    389 words
  • 685 11 The following is the programme for today's races at Penane: RACE 1 3.30 P.M. HORSES, CLASS 5, DIV. 2 6 FTRLONGS. Eastern Girl (Flannery) 8.1- Mr. Cheok Eng Hock Dan .els Utah Li nor (Avres) 8.11 "Coronation Stable" Tone Kainbnu (Wahabt 8.11 "Green Kong.v" Yong Royal Eagle (J.
    685 words
  • 438 11 LONDON, Tues. Efforts are being made to have the date of the Footb<dl Association Cup semi-final match made between Fverton and Liverpool changed from Mar. 25 because it clashes Vvith the Grand National, uorid famous steeplechase. Messrs. Tophams Limited, lessees and managers of Liverpool
    438 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 153 11 Tie Orient Scientific Co. Manufacture rs of perfumery foods etc No. 3, Selegie Road, "Mnicaporc. »U mrreopondrnee to Mr. N. U»n4ran. 4»!. Kare ours* Road, N in?apore. Tel: 3GM». Johore Agent:— M M. It. Dans. kfiHg 10. Tras. tore I'.jhru. ■8 OLIVINE 3 OL Revitalise 7our KIDNEYS You'll fed Young-look
      153 words
    • 558 11 FOR SALE 585 fully paid up shares of $100. each in WOO MON CHEW CONTRACTORS (8.N.8.) LIMITED at 60 of tho total value of $58,500. Any offers? Apply to:— Mr. Peter Chin. Jesselton, North Borneo, or to Mr. M. Ismaii, Advocate Solicitor, Nos. 1 2. Bonham Building, Singapore. FOR SALE
      558 words
    • 650 11 TUITION ON 20». Queen Street, Phone 2370 Get yourself into study »Dy of these subjects Shorthand, Typewriting. Book-Keeping, Practical English. Mathematics etc.. or prepare yourself for Higher Examinations. NOTICES GOVERNMENT OF NORTH BORNEO NOTICE OF SALE Three Refrigeratine: Units L Tenders will be received by the Government Tenders Board. Jesselton,
      650 words
    • 611 11 BIRTH L| COLLING: On March 6. t<> Gladys, wife of Charles Colling I j at Dr. Paglar s Maternity r Heme, a son, Mother and child doing well DEATH Mrs. Yee Fook Loy Alias j I Anna Chan Ah Teng 76 years. Me.her of Yee Chcok Wah massed away at
      611 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 414 12 103,000,000 AVAILABLE FROM UNSPE.MT RESERVES A.P., U.P,, Reuter WASHINGTON, Tuesday. SECRETARY of State Dean Acheson said today the .United States may give new economic aid to Chinese Formosa. He suggested to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that C,ngr,- S keep available in fiscal
    A.P., U.P,, & Reuter  -  414 words
  • 310 12 Reuter U.P. TAIPEI, Tuesday. ABOUT I.COO Chinese Ccmmunist troops landed on the bi? Nationalist island of Hainan today according to reports from Hainan received in Teipei tonight. It was too early tonight to tell whether the landing war, a«sn:all sc9).e attempt to test Hainan s defences
    Reuter & U.P.  -  310 words
  • 28 12 US— atomic submarine PITTSBURG, Tues.— The Westinghouse Electric Corporation has oinciaMy admitted it Is building an atomicpouered submarine. Scientists said it could virtually run tor ever without refuelling.
    28 words
  • 66 12 U.P. In London, The world's first jet propelled car gSM on display this fall vrfeea R'»ver Company, builders of one ot Britain's more popular medium priced car*., shows a 196 British H.P. turbo jet auio, developed in conjunction with the Mi»is*ry 0 i Supply. The final product
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 39 12 A.P. HONG KONG, Tues.—Hong Kong authorities have cleaned up several counterfeit plants which have been turning out spurious American currency. So fai five arrests have been made, ail Chinese. A counterfeit total of U*****,950 has been seized.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 123 12 A.P. PERTH, Tues. The Singapore smuggling racket war, getting to the stage of an inu Btry in Western Australia, it was stated in Merreiin police court by Mr. P Connaughton, counsel for the Customs Department. Two men involved in the largest single haul yet
    A.P.  -  123 words
  • 232 12 Pressman Tells Of E. Bengal Riots CAUJUTTA, Tuesday JADUGOPAL Dutta, Press Trust of India correspondent, has reached Agartalla, West Bengal as one of a steam of destitute refugees who have ber-n fleeing across the border into India from East Bengal. Dutta. who had
    232 words
  • 226 12  -  SAYS TRAFFIC EXPERT SPEED limit will not solve SingaporeV, traffic problems, said an International Road Federation executive, Mr. K. E. Boome, yesterday. The answer is a modern road-layir.g system, based on that of the United States which will cater not only for slow moving,
    226 words
  • 67 12 U.P. LONDON. Tues. The tin market closed steady today with spot unchanged at £599-3 4 and three months 7s. 6d. higher at £538-3 8. The closing prices at the afternoon session were: Spot —£599-1 2 buyers and £600 ■elieni with business at £599--3/4. Three months—£sBB-1/4 buyers and £588-1
    U.P.  -  67 words
  • 71 12 Sir Patrick McKerron, (extreme left) and Mr. C. W. Irawson, (back to camera) re'iring Chief Secretary of Sarawak, Who took uj> Iht reigns oi go\ernrm*)t in Sarauni after the assassination ci the Sarawak Governor, Mr. I). C Stewart, Weal I ehiml the Be*ws la~[ n?ght alter the
    71 words
  • 72 12 A.P HONGKONG, Tuts. Hongkong's Legislative Council will be asKed tomorrow to approve the colony's recora budget of HK5199.051.03,. Tne budget comes as the colony's economic and political relation witn the Cninesa Communists are slowly worsening. Tne new budget will be the highest in
    A.P  -  72 words
  • 184 12 Reuter. LONDON. Tue*. The political flsrht in Great Bn.ain is now in the hands cf the chosen lepresentatives of the people and Government Opposition has already issued its first challenge. The London Stock Exchange remains on the edtre tf the arena watching the events. Trading in all .-ections
    Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 311 12 Reuter LONDON, WINSTON Churchill, who now hi 3! strongest Parliamentary Opposition ivm*i years, surprised the House of Common, to suggesting a committee oi numbers to inv-*--te whnia mi*^ I of electoral reform. The Conservative leader after a blisteriny attack on the nine-man Liberal
    Reuter  -  311 words
  • 113 12 A fire with flames shooting more than 50 feet, destroyed the laboratory of the War Department at Pasir Panjang yesterday. The fire followed a number of explosions, which caused damage estimated |t "several thousand pounds." The explosions which, it is believed, were caused by an
    113 words
  • 198 12 BANGKOK, Tues. Reports abounded here that King Phumiphon interrupted his homeward voyage because of his mother's illness and decided to return to Lausanne. If true, they mean that the coronation and marriage as well as officiating the cremation of his brother, King Ananda, will
    A.P. Photo.  -  198 words
  • 230 12 The King's Speech Reuter. LONDON. Tues King's speech Ln Labour Qovernm m the new Parliament S outlined resterda: ceived today on the whole with reserve by the BnS press. The Labour Daily Benkl called it "limited.- li The Times said: "Em without any fresh
    Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 151 12 VICTORIA THEATRE: "Fre sent Laughter" by Noel Ccvaid at 9 p.m. Y.M.C.A.: Combined YM.C.A stalls meeting 9 p.m.; S n*.apor« Chess tournament 5 p.m.; 1 rti- 1« class and Malay conwi I'lona. class 5.30 p.m.; Art I' Singapore Christian Youth C< cil choir practice for Mainers
    151 words
  • 109 12 CATHAY: "Thev Night" Farley Gran Cathav O'Donnell at 11. i- 4a ia 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. CAPITOL: "I V>a> V,', Bride" with Cary Grant Sheridan at 11. 1.45. 9.30 p.m. I PAVILION: H with William Powell an* 1 H Lamarr at 2, 4.15, 6.o0 art p.m. «r, ALHAMRRA:
    109 words
  • 41 12 SOffKR Senior iP.A. v. Royal K Resnr stadium: Jnr. 1 Medical W.U. v. 4tl. 5-ui'l; M D (RASC). Oeylang; n. RNAS Sembawan-' v KAOC, CYMA eroiind K S.C.C. V. BODCA. l^ ini *A" v. Jollilads on i R' J' u
    41 words
  • 9 12 H.W.: 1.05 '9ft. 1.26 p.m. (9ft. t'
    9 words
  • 42 12 Surface mail Is < today in Singapore Britain. N. Ireland Europe. Noifh and W rica. West Indies. Ceylon, and the I Latest time foi face mail today at the is: 5.46 p.m. for Borneo. Labuan Western Australia. Australia (letters < the Federation.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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