Malaya Tribune, 1 March 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 68 1 MALAYA Tribune I 1 by ms j PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Tefc Tribune- r l LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA Phone 3811/3 Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and tenany. I TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORF, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1950 TEN CENTS. I THE MALAYA TRIBUNE V REPRESENTATIVE
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  • 581 1  -  Cell—mate Is Found With Broken Jaw BY W. M. BLACKWOOD TI RKO Westerling, commander of the "Army of the Heavenly Host" had 1 his breakfast this morning in a two-room solitary confinement cell in the centre of Changi Gaol from which no man has evei escaped.
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  • 287 1 Sarawak Cession Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. THE Judicial Committer of the Privy Council today reserved judgment on an application by Captain Bertram Brooke and his son, Mr. Anthony Brooke, for leave to serve a summons on third Rajah of Sarawak, Sir Charles Vyner oke, and others, contesting
    Reuter.  -  287 words
  • 29 1 U.P. WASHINGTON, Tucs The State Department's 1951 budget of C *****.077,397 was Presented to tbe Senate Appropriations Committee today by Secretary of State Dean Acheson. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 88 1 Reuter. CALCUTTA. Tues.—Armed raiders killed eight people and wounded 17 when they ,:ked the Assam mail train near Santahar. East Bengal, today. The train was on its way to Calcutta. An East Pakistan comn ir.ique received here said it, taking advantage of tension
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 51 1 STOP PRESS SEGAMAT. Today.—Three bandit supporters wanted by the police were caught by the Tangkap Jungle Squad in the Uemas-Bahru area yesterday. toother suspect who had a bullet wound was. also arrested. more suspects were up by the Tangkap r a screening in the Sagil
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  • 65 1 U.P. LONDON. Tues.—The tin market came to life in the afternoon session today stimulated by a turnover of 165 tons. Spot improved five shillings to £599-i andl three months rose 15 to £583-J. The closing prices were spot £599-i buyers €600 sellers with business at €600 Three
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 28 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tues.—Moscow Radio announced that the rouble would be placed on a gold basis. It will be valued at four roubles to the US$. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 42 1 U.P. THE HAGUE. Tues—Defense Minister Willem Sc hoicking confirmed reports today that Paul Westerling is scheduled to be tried «l Singapore where he escaped from Jakarta with the help of some members of the l v h armed forces" there. P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 168 1 A.P. INDO-CHINA, Tuesday. PIERCE jungle warriors, armed only with bows and arrows, were reported in revolt today against efforts of the Communist-backed army of Ho Chi Minh to rustle their sacred buffaloes. Inlormed circles in Dalat. where the French-sponsor-ed Vietnam ruler. Bao Dai, has
    A.P.  -  168 words
  • 121 1 Reuter. ACCRA. Gold Coast. Tues. —An Accra magistrate's court has sentenced eight people who took part in -ast month's "positive action" strikes here to four months hard labour each, for inciting an illegal strike. The positive action movement was led by Dr. Kwame N'Kruma.
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 23 1 U.P. NEW YORK, Tues. —A "very severe" earthquake 5,300 miles from New York was recorded today on the Fordham University Seismograph.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • 30 1 Reuter. YORK, England, Tues.— The Archbishop of York, Dr. Cyril Garbett, today urged Britain to open A-bomb talks with Russia if the U.S. could not do so.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 26 1 A.P. MONTICELLI, Maine, Tues. Three children were killed and nine Injured today when a school bus, carrying 30 children, collided with a goods train.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 88 1 U.P. CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Tues. —The Harvard Observatory announced today that a mysterious fast-mov-ing object has appeared high in the northern sky. Astronomers said it was "far from the normal belt for asteroids and does not have a tail like most comets." Observatory Director Dr. Harlow
    U.P.  -  88 words
  • 138 1 A.P. LONDON, Wed.—Sir Hartley Shawcross, the Attorney General, will personally head the prosecution in the atom spy case against Dr. Klaus Fuchs today. Another indication of the Importance attached to the case was the decision of tbe Lord Chief Justice of England, Lord Goddard, to hear
    A.P.  -  138 words
  • 433 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. THREE key figures in the Labour Government Sir Stafford Cripps. Mr. Ernest Bevin and Mr. Herbert Morrison retained their posts in Prime Minister Clement Attlee's new Government announced tonight. Mr. Bevin remains Foreign Secretary, Sir Stafford retains the Chancellorship of the Exchequer,
    Reuter.  -  433 words
  • 91 1 A.P. LONDON, Tues Roher Grainger Ker Thompson of the Colonial Administration Service, a former R,A.F. officer holding the DSO and MC, won while working with the Army in the Burma campaign, is to marry Mist: Merryn Newboult, elder daughter of Sir Alec and Lady Newboult
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • 19 1 A.P. NAPLES, Tues.—Five hundred Italian troops sailed last night for Somaliland, Italy's new African trust territory. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 164 1 Reuter. ASMARA, Tuesday. DRITISH troops with walkie-talkie radios were today in control of th<- African section of Asmara, now quiet after last week's riots. They wired off the African market area and only admitted women to buv food. Tne cunew. imposed as a total curfew at
    Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 21 1 Reuter. VATICAN CITY, Tues.The U.S.I, is to open a permanent legation to the Holy 3m» the Vatican announced today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 BEST for UGHT yiadt ,n England goie Distributors: Tan Cheng Moh Electric Co., 15 2 CrOM Street, Singapore. Italian made MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GUITARS. fi $40.00 ■j Model 610 $45.00 Model 61A $50.00 £9 Model 61F d $55.00 a Model 61R < Jl 1 MANDOLINS. $32.50 Model 268 $32.50 A Model
      62 words
    • 80 1 TONG GUAN jj 25-to.cotiMAM mm, 3 SINGAPORE, f i j RIDE A RALEIGH THE, ALL-STEEL BICYCLE A BETTER CYCLE BUILT AND THERE NEVER WILL BE! This is the trade mark of Britain's supreme bicycle. Produced in the World's largest cycle factory. For /;.J# Strength. Quality and y/fjv Workmanship insist on
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  • 113 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. An American Atrny medical retouch team \j unpacking ita yea. at tin Institute foi Me*uj»cai litre today prepaiatoiy to trying a new drug and anew approach against typhus- scout >,'c ot Malaya's bush country. The team will be woiking in Mahva four
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  • 31 2 t-ieading guuty to a charge of being in possession of two lbs of opium. Chan Ah Chong, 40, was allowed bail of $2,000 pending sentence *m March 7.
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  • 252 2 JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. rpHE Johore State Council which met at the Dewan today, was warned by Johore's Mentri Besar, Dato Onn bin Ja'afar, that Johore -cannot expect to obtain all the financial aid that it requires for any development works of any large
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  • 259 2 A dislocated fingei got an American seaman > free 4.000-mile air trip from Karachi to Manila to help him catch up with his ship. The Flying C'oud. in the Philippines. He is Jacob Livinsky aged 44. of Philadelphia, Perm., an engine room hand of
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  • 101 2 HOMESICK Scots at the Chinese Fashion Saow this Saturday at Fa fries Hotel will ren lnber the 'bonny braes'of'Loch Lomond' w>»en they hear pretty Lillian Ang Kirn Lee. Singapo.* soprano with a Scot accent, sing arias from famous operas. Miss Ang, eldest daughter of Dr.
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  • 527 2 College Re-opens March ;6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Sultan Idris Training College, Malim. is to be re opened 01» March 16. Students of alf the years will be allowed to return. The Commissi™., appointed to inquire into the causes of the rectnt walk-out
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  • 168 2 BLAKANC. MATl—pr. war is'and dread nought guarding the sea approaches of Singapore —roared again yesterday For the tirst time since Hritain re-occupied thr in land from the Japanr* roJU- and a hall years ag.» the lixed defence tw si\-inch gun*.—were tired. The guns overlooking
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  • 261 2 lUDGMENT was reserved by the Full Court of J Appeal yesterday in the appeal by the Singapore Harbour Board against a of Mi. Justice Brown in a claim by the Firestone, tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., for the recovery of the value of 17 lorry
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  • 38 2 Major General R. E. Urquhart. the new C.-in-C. of Malaya District, is expected to arrive at Tengah airport tliis afternoon, and leave for Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. He left London on a B O.A.C. plane on Monday.
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  • 109 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Tttes, Forty two year ft Mohammed Nassir bin Haji Abu Banar. tormer Jolv magistrate and father of ten children, lost his appeal against his conviction "and sentence of two rears' rfttar ous imprisonment in the High Court today. Tcia Singh, aged 43. a money-lender and
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  • 94 2 ONE POLICE sergeant three corpora's and one constable Were uhp.rgM with accepting bribes before the Fourth Police Magistrate yesterday. They were Sgt. Baba bin Kassim. Cpl.-. Othman bia Oman, Mohammed bin Ma Amor. Ahmad bin Wahab and constable Basiron bin Baba. They
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  • 93 2 A i>ou:u';.iva Chimst. Laa* Toe NJaaw. aged ■'•'■>. wai ftned $400 by the Fust Dj* triet Judge yrs'brdav after be admitted: Attempting to eater tin- Cr»loay wit.i a Chnaese passport v. inch had not been visaed fcr entry into Singapore nd Doing' in po&art Sao ot
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 2 Mr. and Mrs. Lan Sik Khye after tlirfr "< v| I ding in Singapore yesterday. The bridegroom i» the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lav Ngiap Kiieen. The was formerly Miss Ho Cheuk To. eldest daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Ho Kwai Hung.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 297 2 11 a.m.; 1.45; 1.15; 0.45 9.30 p.m. OPENS IrOMORROWr WAGGISH LEGEND AND BRITISH FANTASY COMBINED IN AN EERIE AND HILARIOUS ALL-CARTOON FEATURE! ov »\6 Wait j> from IK« worM'l bo»r- PP^TtTWT^ loved »»ory-»oll«r», lMl^tmf!lll^lA^£^^^^^^^^ combined in an f.OTI Wojh'Kg'O" I Tr>. legend »< M««py nwd lUlMlMj^Qjofcog^^ Am wind i«
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  • 342 3 MANDATORY Orders that have been issued by the Municipal Architect and Building Surveyor will c executed. Municipal Commissioners took this uon when they adopted a motion by Mr. G. H. Kiat t md. East) which was subsequently amended V Mr. P. J- Johnson (Lab.
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  • 33 3 Bail ot was orferci to One: Ah Kim. aged 35 after he p eaded not guilty to a Charge of having 60 lb*--, o* ooi'im at Mountbatten Rc«-1 on Feb. 27.
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  • Article, Illustration
    78 3 Jt yaraj of »ot>—D I paar >erangoon Road. ..ipore, has donated t,i.)i,d lour times daring the past two w.i.-v In connection «itta the Blood Transfusion Fortnight which ii beiag held now to aagaaft the Blood i.a»iK, m s:i'd: I would like to aptay Bank, in iport-, whether they
    78 words
  • 71 3 The Malayan Chinese Asm, Johore. have ofI help in cash and kind reliel of victims of Bukil Kepong incident >n 13 police constables, six ig guards, three p hcemen and one child were killed. :.rman of the Manese Association. Dato Wong Shee Fun
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  • 80 3 Fifty-two-year-old AustraC YVdkins Frericks. was :n the Third Poli«— Court yesterday with cheatog Mr H. L. Vincent of M Fraaer Xeave, of lozens of beer bottles valued at $479 on four tecaatsw. Fn r:ck.~ was staled to hav«* represented to Mr. Vincent that he was onn
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  • 65 3 John L. Stiohm. AmeIhoi editor and foi- odent. la due to Singapore about Match i 01 5 after a tour of Malaya which will take him to I*. £-v.vttenham. Kuantan i, rcnang. Serem•»ao i d Ku da Lumpui. Mi is studying md political con- Southeast Asian ii.
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  • 42 3 MALACCA. Tues A deliver chariot will on Thursday for the 3th MUg on M Llucca-TampiTi Road. Th chariot will return to following day. in .•.•!<-bration ol iasima'iam" i'. stival. d bv th: C m ttiars rem pie aL ip. Malacca.
    42 words
  • 32 3 Annual General Meeting hinese Association w.ii be held at No. on Road on Saturday t 2 3d p.m. lie lullow.ed by a I'inner at 7 30 pan. tat same night
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  • 140 3 MUNICIPAL Commissioners have appointed a speci- al committee to consider and report on the Singapore Development Bill together with the Municipal Amendment Bill and the Control of Rent Big, The Development BilJ was referred to Dy Mr. T P F McNeice as a massive
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  • 120 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. HERE are details cf AntiBandit Month activities in the Federation: MALACCA Road I locks were set up all over the Settlement on Sunday and Auxiliary police posts were manned by Auxiliary police personnel and volunteers All police for operational purposes were relieved. Certain
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  • 61 3 A number of educational films wi'l be Presented at the YMC A. Orchard Road, at B'p.m. today. Among the films to nc shown wilt be one on the University of Malaya newly produced by the Malayan film unit Othd films are: \outh Takes a Hand Myra Hess
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  • 135 3 THE Senate of the UnlverIsity of Malaya has decided to set up Boards o Studies to examine the re commendations Carr-Saunders Commission for the creation of Departments of Malay. Chtoest and Tamil or in general. Indian studies. These Boards will be made ttp
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  • 47 3 Volunteers checking identity cards of passengers of a bus at the junction of Peel and Cheras Roads in Kuala Lumpur. Right: Radio Malaya makes a record ing while a volunteer eh ecks the identity cards of the passengers of a car.
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  • 1936 3 LIM'S FATE STILL IN THE BALANCE AFTER two hours of storming debate. Singapore's City Fathers by a sixteen- eight majority, turned down the recommendation of the Establishment Board to make Mr. P. S. Lim the Municipality's Deputy Water Engineer. Thev decided that they will
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  • 132 3 A THREE-MAN labour committee has been appointed by Commissioners to deal with matters concerning the wages and conditions of won; of open vote employees of the Municipality. The committee was empowered to co-opt repiesentativsa of the Public Works DefUU -imerit, the Commissioner
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  • 106 3 FOUR Municipal exf i, -i to oxaiam. tbe procedural machine:', of the Municipality and to stir up public interest in civic affairs Mr. T. P. F. McNeice. said that the volume cf work in the Municipality was increasing. Awaiting confirmation by the ful" board of Commissioners
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  • 109 3 MUNICIPAL Commissioners a decid* no:, to reeruh future senior officers from Australia. They made this decision when they accepted an amendment proposed by Mr. P. J. Johnson <Lab. North) to refrain from advertising for a Water Engineer in that country. The Establishments Board recommended
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  • 58 3 China Town hawkers who bays been ordered to quit the streets and go into People's Ham rii"VKc.i sne'ter. are given a .short breaching spa,ee. Municipal Commissioners yesterday decided to defer i onrmajtion of a Committee recommendation to cancel licences on March 31, until a memorandum from
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  • 42 3 The Singapore Printing Office Employees' Union yesterday held a farwell tea-party at G.H. Cafe in honour of Mr. R. P .Bingham, Singapore's Commissioner for Labour, who Is leaving shortly for Penang to become the Settlement's acting Resident Commissioner.
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  • 55 3 Mr. Philip Talbot, correspondent of the Chicago Daily News, arrived in Singapore last night for a brief stay. He is leaving on Friday. Tne American correspondent Is a senior associate of the Institute ol Current World .ufairs in New York and assistant professor of political science
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  • 31 3 Nearly two hundred Catholic students of the Malayan University and their guests attended a dinner party at Princes' Restaurant on Monday night. The Bishop of Malacca took the chair.
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  • 146 3 (UVILIAN employees oil > the armed services li Singapore are .-ntitled t( m free outdoor medical treat- c ment as extended to the* m public In Government hositl pitals. 11 Bin they arp not e-MiUeaw to special concessions *Toi indoor treatment as rant* ed to
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  • 92 3 KUALA LDMI'UII, Tues. I Mr. John Vein n Vnt.»p,.n pliiiirr w:..- v day round guilty •tda c. ">ti drying ami Hoed *4uu in default i mOAtttH gaol by the First j Magistrate. Mr. A. P. lack. I He was also disqualified j from driving for a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 GREAT WORLD Atlantic 7—9.15 Last Day •THE BIG SOMBRERO" in Color NEW~WORLD Lido 7—9.15 "MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEY Royal 3.30 7.30 '■PAVALAKODr' (Tamil) LAST DAY! 11 1.45 4 6.30 9.30. "PROFESSOR 0 E N T Mandarin OPENS TOMORROW j tKJJOBB BrtnJAWKNCi I I II 'I II Ml I I mmm nylon
      66 words
    • 51 3 OPENING TCmAY: j 3.15, 6.30 '»15 p.m. "BART BEHEN" t 111nuustam > with Suraiya ft lMiman. LAST 5 SHOWS 11 1.45 4 6.30 -9.39 j ffiSEffl STARTS TOMORROW! THRILL! tO TMC ACTION. COMfUCt AKt> iKCTACU Of THUWDIWNG OUtOOO* AOVINTU* f I MM t>". o**< »rt» SMOlftG j GEORGE MONTGOMERY ELLEN
      51 words

  • 289 4 TWENTY -five high school students from If Middle Eastern and South Kast IsttM countries arc at present in the I nited States to attend the Fifth Annual Forum for High Schools sponsored by the New York Herald Tribune, one of New
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 5 m: > patrol th waterfront at Nice Iforbror. Southern France, as a truck 1 i'mchini; ramp along the way for shipment to North i -i i!: m;) 1 is tl lined for experimental work on a desert proving range. is lUemyl to dfcfcl V 3 material
    ■A.P. Photo  -  72 words
  • 51 5 Plans for debate between i team fiom the Combined Cirls' Secondary Schools and the Combined Boys" Second *ry Schoo's. have been drawn up by the Victoria School literary and Debating Society. Chong Wai Kin. secretary of the Society said that over a dozen schools are expected tc take
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  • 40 5 The East-West Society is organising a public discussion on the world cleavage at the British Council Hall at 8.30 pm. tomorrow. It will be opened with a talk on "Two Sides of the Iron Curtain" hy Mr Allington Kennard.
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  • 314 5 WHEN you post a letter to be delivered in Singapore from Monday next be sure to include your own postal district number on your letter head and the number of the postal district of the addressee on the envelope. For Singapore is being put
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  • 153 5 THE PKOPLL of Sink (Eftßt Sumatra > want tin ii Sultan. Syed Sharif Kassini Ihni Almni'hum Syed Alsharif Ita.-tni. to return to Ma throne, a spokesman for the >ultan told the Tribune yesterday. Siak with ;i population of "00.009 is an autonomous Sultanate in the
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  • 77 5 KUALA LUMPUR,. Tues.— A joint appeal to the bandits to stop their violence and surrender has been issued by thirty-eight associations 2D Chinese, two Indian, six Malay and Arab and one CeyU use—in the Muar District oi Johore. The appeal carries the chops of
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  • 45 5 MALACCA, Tues. Tfic annual general meeting of the Malacca Boy Scouts Settle mcnt Association* will be held at the Bandar Hillr English School. Malacca, on Thursday, at 9 p.m. when officebearers and committee members for the ensuing year will be e'ected.
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  • 36 5 The Govemmcnt of Shiga- j pore ia inviting tenders lor an issue of $5,000,000 of Ticasury Bills. Tenders will be accepted up to March 7 i inclusive and will be opened On March 10.
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  • 239 5 SEGAMAT. Tuesday. A patrol of lst/2nd Gurkha Rifles flushing a bandit area south of Bekok, yesterday shot and killed three Chinese armed bandits. A rifle, two pistols and a handgrcnade were recovered. Another bandit wab shot dead by Kuala Lumpur jungle squads operating at tfce
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 162 5 The Orient Scientific Co, Manijt*i tnrrr-> ut perfumery I- .ii So. S< i>r r X"ad. Singapore, ul i.i.-n. to Ur. N. tkaairaa, X, Hare CtaiM X »ri. .}...r-' Til: .'.MH. fl 5 loLiVfriPl! Body Revitalize* Stimulates Glands, nerves and Blood '"♦•II. I .«mi«>un4 l«»t rmn taring iw« 1 »n<l v,
      162 words
    • 1374 5 Here's a Modern Way to cycling Comfort! j Handy, light-weight Mini-Motor changes hard pedalling into effortless driving with your bicycle. Ask your bicycle dealer about Mini-Motor today' Factory Representatives: T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PEN AN I'• STOCK OF ALL LATEST WATCHES LOCKS Available irom C. NASSIM
      1,374 words
    • 367 5 PIA.. >i"< >R «>r\ l< .vns by l.mda. ig. UR.S.i I. Apply vRI Kasi Coast 1:0. < .in. iS.giap). Tel: 5485»." <M.891). EVENING classes, liook-keeplm; ami English, conductod l.y M. .S. Bfeoon, fonoerlj of VM a Scliool of CommTi c, a 1 Singapore Institute of Science, r vi 1 Road
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  • 438 6 A CLiMBDOWN FOR JOE SAY EXPERTS U.P. LONDON Tuesday: A LINE hy line study of tht new Sino-Soviet A treaty has convinced elliicial quarters herthat Moscow came off second best in its dealings with the Chiu-'se Comm<i»ist 1« tiler Mao Tsetu»;g. Experts, who had
    U.P.  -  438 words
  • 77 6 U.P. MANILA. Tues. Former Philippine Senator Ramoa Fernandez, lor many years an outstanding leader In the o1 d Commonwealtn government under the United States, has been selected by President Elpidio Quirino to head a nine-man Commission to organise the present government. The Commission grill hold hearings
    U.P.  -  77 words
  • 59 6 Reuter AAP. ADELAXLTJ. Tues.—Science will produce fatherless human beings, says Professor A. A. Abbie, Professor of Anatomy at Adelaide University. He said recently that the child wou'd be produced by mechanical means from the female ovum alone. "Experiments here have yielded fatherless rabbits and frogs This might conceivably
    Reuter & AAP.  -  59 words
  • 150 6 U.P. HONGKONG. Tues. (IHINESE Communist Com J mandci-in-chief Gen. Chi Teh has asked the Tibetar. people to build some road: so that Chinese Red Atrm ttcops can march into Tibet Peking Radio said today. Tne Radio said a delegation ol Tibetan leftwing leader;
    U.P.  -  150 words
  • 92 6 U.P. GENEVA. Tuesday.—The Swiss government announced yesterday that Louis Saillant. secretary general of the Communist-dominat-ed World Federation of Trade Unions, would not b permitted to speak at a peac demonstration due to br held here on March 1. Other announced speakers Ui the same meeting vvho
    U.P.  -  92 words
  • 210 6 Reuter. HONGKONG. Tuesday. DOLICE set out on Sunday to hunt two tigers 1 which were reported to have been sfSti in the Nc\\ Territories on the mainland On the brink of a. cliil on a hillside wi«h a stream running nearby tire police party found a
    Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 82 6 U.P. LONG ISLAND. Tues. Actress Sarah Chin chill, daughter of Winston Churchill, said today that her father's Conservative Party will win the next British general elections. The 30-year-old actress, here to star in the stage play 'Th c Philadelphia Story.*' said she was happy
    U.P.  -  82 words
  • 79 6 A.P. SYDNEY, Tues Leslie Galvin confessed stealing £230 from his employers to try to save his three-year-old son who is dying of cancer. Doctors had said tbe boy had only two more mofths to live. Police said Galvin had used the money to pay medical expenses
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 151 6 A.P. CHARLESTON. South Carolina, Tues. The Medical College of South Carolina disclosed that its surgeons had extracted air from a man's heart' chamber and brought him back to life after he had apparently died on an operating table. The patient, in his early :UVs had
    A.P.  -  151 words
  • 135 6 Reuter. TOKYO, Tuesday THE Japan conservative newspaper "Asahr today described the case oC a girl who "turnea into v boy and was turned back to a girl again by ,t medical operation." At 19 years of age the girl suddenly found hair growing
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 140 6 A.P. I'ARIS. Tries. The nysterkwa death oi U.S. naval captain Eugene S. Karm•probably will never be solved." an American military oflioial said yesterday. H ruled out suicide, however. Karpe. naval attache at Bucharest. Rumania. was killed last week when he fell or was thrown from
    A.P.  -  140 words
  • 150 6 A.P. HULL. Tues. Ronald Browk got a free 10-mile automobile ride from the publicly owned British Railways because his train left ahead of time and he missed it. The ride was from »tye Hill, near where he lives, to this city, where he works.
    A.P.  -  150 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 699 6 FOX U.K. +mm* CON TIN PINT. Singapore-: Pt. Swet.: lVnaj»g: :en alder" for London. -Antwerp. Rotterdam, »Hamburg, Hull G. 6/7 6/7 Mar. 8/10 Mar. |iendoran" for Liverpool, I I Glasgow, Havre, Ant*"werp, Rotterdam, Hull 'J/14 Mar. 15/16 Mar. 17,19 Mar. Ij |icnmhor" for Joddah. j I Genoa, Avonmouth. London, Rotterdam,
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  • 266 7 SAYS SCIENTIST A.P. *v it at c* PRINCETON, New Jersey, Tuesday. T oP scientist says the United States can build l, rocket to the moon, but A until Americans feel safe from Russian attack they should concentrate on hnr ter range projects. n jew
    A.P.  -  266 words
  • 80 7 A.P. MANILA Tues. A squaine Air Force an Ame- m Juni Chamber of gauon to the site mi reaches Liv d c .t- 1 tonight. The special courtesy i» to the large because tt a Ive of the iound the ol Comlent. The opening
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 24 7 Reuter-AAP. MELBOURNE. Tues.— A ol hooseM' lbourne s lamous s Kilda Road will be conL'ompleUon ol mberra monument to ins. Reuter-
    Reuter-AAP.  -  24 words
  • 90 7 Router-AAP. MELBOURNE, Tues Floods weren't going to stop the wedding of a Victorian farmer. Before the floods recently he took a boat up the Snowy River to transport the guests to the ceremony. But when the river rose, the current was too strong. P.oads were
    Router-AAP.  -  90 words
  • 116 7 U.P. SYDNEY, Tues. —A provision that erring w' -'es should j pay costs in divorce, actions is a forward step in Australia, according to Sydney divorce lawyer Monty Staffora.. Stafford commented on a "Matrimonial Causes and Personal Status Code" proclaimed in West Australia under
    U.P.  -  116 words
  • 332 7 A.P. FRAMINGHAM. Massachusetts, Tues. Still unwaking after three years. Ralph C. Abott sleeps on and his doctors say Will never waken again. It was in the early morning of Feb. 17. 1947. that the automobile of the young former army sergeant
    A.P.  -  332 words
  • 79 7 SUFFOLK, Sat.— Hog or Hogg it's all the same to tenants of a new housing estate at Yoxford, Suffolk they don't like it. They told Blyth (Suffolk) RDC. that they objected to their letters being addressed to "Council Houses, Hog Hill." Would the council please
    79 words
  • 60 7 Appearing outwardly calm but showing signs of fatigue and strain, Mrs. Lucille Vogeler said: "If they want anything in exchange for my husband—whatever it may be—l will move heaven and earth to gel it for them. I would change places for him gladly." Mrs.
    AP  -  60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    88 7 Official starter Sidney F. Morgan darts to safety as 25 women get away to a massed start in the 515--year-old traditional Shrove Tuesday pancake race at Olney, Buckinghamshire. The race was won in 1 mm. 10-2 5 sees, by 18-year-old Florence Callow (plume on starter's helmet points directly
    -A.P. Photo.  -  88 words
  • 303 7 U.P. WACO, Texas, Tuesday, f AROL McCall rounded up more than 3,000 wasps and even went so far as to persuade a lot of them to sting her. It was for the sake of science, and the master P degree in biology
    U.P.  -  303 words
  • 40 7 A.P. p_ t'ift Australia, lues The English-educated "'king" of the Cocos Islands. John Clunies-Ross. and 12 of his subjects have gone to their island paradise in the Indian ocean after an accident which took them to Australia.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 90 7 TEL AVIV, Tues. A TEL AVIV engineer says Israel could link together the waters oi the Dead Sea and the Red Sea into tne world market for metallicmagnesium. The engineer. M. Feldschreiber. contends the project could tap inexhaustible reserves ot magnesium and
    90 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 26 7 Trophies That Glorify ones' deeds of Skill Valour S. 1». 11. dc Sil™ 45, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. 6, THE EMBANKMENT, KUALA LUMPUR. 43, STATION ROAD, IPOH.
      26 words
    • 294 7 H233BSBOB3SQ3ZH L Help yourself to glorious fitness—take 'VIRULES'—• mighty power for good h«lth in highly concentrated form! 'VIRULES' are a scientific, balanced formula of gland v extracts, vitamins, live yeaat and other vitalizing elcmenta. For all forms of nervous i trouble—neurasthenia, debility, loss of energy, etc., 'VIRULE'S are the supreme
      294 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 557 8 WE should acknowledge a debt of gratitude to the Malayan Communists. We should thank them for some of the good things they have brought about in this country. These good things may not have been intended by them and it is doubUul whether they will accept our
    557 words
  • 1101 8  -  THE SOVIET PRESS by EDMUND STEVENS ROME. THE over-all Soviet practice of doctoring facts to fit the party line determines the nature of Soviet news coverage. The Communists frankly regard the press not as a means for disseminating information but as a
    1,101 words
  • 624 8 A.P. LONDON SCOTSMEN the world over are beginning to hear the skirl of bagpipes. It's still a smothered squeal, but it's growing louder every da it*s calling the Scottish clans—some hundred major ones _together for a great gathering in Edinburgh the last week, of July,
    A.P.  -  624 words
  • 151 8 DUBLIN. A man who was fined (A guineas) because his car was held together mainly by cord and providence protested that it had only a "few things" wrong with it. The judge still thought the fine was reasonable when he read aloud a description of the car.
    151 words
  • 323 8  -  By R K. O’MALLEY FRANKFURT. rE bare facts about nudity in West German magazines are causing irritation between the state and federal governments. The federal government says the myriad of German 1 magazines which feature pictures of men and women in the nude are often pornographic.
    323 words
  • 927 8  -  By JOHN KERIGAN NEW YORK. mHE 218 th anniversary of 1 the birth of George Washington, first ***y»Lf*Z United States (1789) was observed as a national holiday February 22, was celebrated as usual with parades, speeches, and a VO**?**" rrlany to Washington s home at Mt.
    927 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 54 9 c market was dull yesterday with rices for Kio No. B $142 buyers $144 per picul. No business q c done. root* whs also a quiet mar- Nominal prices were S*buyers and $37 12 sell- picul f.o.b. Mar.-Apr. nut oil was unchanged i j buyers and $60 1
    54 words
  • 24 9 United Malacca Ruttbaf t ,i, i.t t had a crop of 104,--i January making a gl&OM lbs. ior the j nine, months.
    24 words
  • 300 9 USIS WASHINGTON, Tuesday.—Significant efforts were f seen in 1949 to break the logjam of government trols on foreign trade in many nations, according article in Foreign Commerce Weekly, in official publication of the U.S. Commerce Department. The article by Mr. Henry Chalmers Department consultant says
    USIS  -  300 words
  • 132 9 Reuter-AAP. HONG KONG. Tues. The British firm. Jardine Matheson and Co.. in Snanghai has concluded a commercial agreement under which £714.000 "Straics $6,089,000» worth of soyabeans will be shipped from Communist China to Japan. A Shanghai announcement said the deal is expected to realize about U552,000,000
    Reuter-AAP.  -  132 words
  • 32 9 BONN. Tues.—British and German authorities said here today that they did not know when West Germany's embargo on steel and iron exports to the Soviet zone would be lifted
    32 words
  • 138 9 U.P. I is!.ON. Tues.—The PortuL k n tyre industry has developed since the war very strongly. Established in tn*. northern part of the country, at Lousado, the industry is nd supervised by ral Tyre and Rubber Company of the United States it buikh enough tyres to
    U.P.  -  138 words
  • 82 9 I 11 v i at.ur bOOBiI.' 1 i production in month which snowed an improvement over December lMy. In most areas supplies weie adequate The Cameron High•nds produced an estimated while Kelantan J preparing land for 1 ■tenting Singapore imported the foodstuff! during ■January Vegetable! 8,99.*» set
    82 words
  • 65 9 A.P. COIoMBO. Tues. The 1 K.ngdom was told aiks which openy Ceylon here on H Ceylon would contract for 100.JJJ W] founds of tea this gainst 130.000.000 •■winds last year. < d tor a higher a pound. To argument that d mean higher d Ceylon
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 85 9 Reuter. A. Tues. -The third rnationai tariff in which at i nmtries are extake part will be this year Southwest Eng--11 was decided here T Torquay meetings to begin on Sep--28 and will probably last for two or three months. Besides the original
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 535 9 A.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. A World Monetary bund report hints that many countries are likely to undergo further inflation. Controls over consumer buying and foreign trade will not ulone hold inflationary forces in check until they can be wiped out or worked off, it said. The
    A.P.  -  535 words
  • 129 9 CANBERRA. Tues.—Aus tralia s rural production this financial year is expected to reach an all-time record of £700.000,000. Last year pro duction reached the record level of £616.000.000 which was an increase of £400.000.. 000 on the average for the five or* war years. The
    129 words
  • 57 9 SINGAPORE, Feb. 38:— Tin price was $387 5 8, per pleul ex-smelter. Up $1/8. LONDON, Feb. 37: Spot £598 1/3. Down £12. Three months £583 Down £13. Krtt'ement price £598 1. 3. Down ft. Turnover 55 tons. Second session: Spot £599. Unchanged. Three, months £583. Down £1 8.
    57 words
  • 69 9 Drente (44); Pres. Polk (42 3); Kustbrk; (41 >: Ulysses (38. 9); Sommelsdijk (35 6); Agapenor (33 Z-tt Benalbanach (31 2); Canada Mail (17 8); Burhill (19 20»; M. Brander (21/2); Stanford LCT 1060—LCT ***** (23 4); Castleville (25 6); Belville (29 30); T. Chevchenko (27 8);
    69 words
  • 134 9 A.P. LONDON, Tuesday. The Labour Government's close lead in the national election touched off a brief spurt in selected shares on the London stock exchange yesterday. Government bonds suffered a sinking spell. Mosl, active were issues which would be affected by further state ownership moves,
    A.P.  -  134 words
  • 64 9 A.P. JOHANNESBURG. Tues. Largcscale buying by London brokers sent up the prices of dividends paying god shares on the Johannesburg stock exchange on Monday. Gains ranged from six pence to five shillings. This renewed demand is believed to be the outcome of the British election
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 126 9 A.P. DETROIT. Tues—A production levelling off—if not a sharp setback is due in the U.S. automobile industry assembly plants. Curtailments due to the dwindling of coal supplies, both at auto-assembly plants and the factories, should be felt this week. Certainly there is no expectation this week's
    A.P.  -  126 words
  • 109 9 WITH better advices from New York the rubber commodity market improved yesterday and the price recovered from Monday's half cent drop. Business was brisk yesterday and the market closed fairly steady. Closing prices in cents per pound were: Buyeis Sellers No. 1 RSS f.o.b. Mar. 53 V*,
    109 words
  • 50 9 TOKYO, Tues. The Japanese Government's fau trade commission announcea today it would probe allega tions that ten silk-buying firms had conspired to fix a bidding price in recent silk sales. The fair trade commission set up at Gen. Mac Arthur's suggestion to guard against monopolistic commercial ten dencies.
    50 words
  • 31 9 SINGAPORE, Feb. 29. With the London market s*ill undecided, there ha«* been little to stimuli- > much attention in the local share market. All sections of remained qidet 'but steady.
    31 words
  • 847 9 Singapore, Tues Buyer* Sellers INDUSTRIALS Atlas Ice 11.90 12.25 xb.. xd Alex, Brick* Pref. 2.40 2.50 Ord. 2.20 2.25 BJB. Petrol 34/6 35/6 B.M. Trustee! 7.00 ».50 Con. Tin Smelt Pref. 21/3 22/3 Ord. 15/3 16/6 E. Utd. Assur. 39 25 40.25 Est. A Trust Fed Dispensary
    847 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 593 9 SHI PPI NG| II- I- 1 MADRAS/NAGAPATTINAM VJ STRAITS SERVICE |< INWARDS:— W\ Madra* Nagapattinam Penang Singapore 8 RaTula 473.50 5.3.80 10.3.80 13.3.80 1 ,-Cajula 29.3.50 30.3.50 4.4.50 7.4.50 OUTWARDS: SingapcnTp Sham Penang Nagapattinsm Madras ft Rajula 16.3.50 17.3.50 19.3.50 24.3.50 Z8 3.rMi L Kajula 10.4.50 11.4.50 12.4.50 18.4.50 19.4.50
      593 words

  • 760 10 The following are th*> for Saturday's races which begin thf Penang Turf Club three-day Spring meeting: lIORSKS. (LASS 4. DIV. I—5J I 111 I —111 GARNFAIR 9.0« 'Jenat Stable" navies AZAD 8.12 Mr. R. Jurnabhoy Heddle HI RK SAN 8.11 Mr. H. S. Kirwan Owner JIMMY BOY 8.11
    760 words
  • 5009 10 Class 4 Div. I-5| Furs, GARNFAIR 9.00 THIRD 14-11-49 S pore 8.04 Abt. 6 Fura. (Healey) Div. 6. Won by Vanguard 1 mm. 17 2/5 sec*. Going Soft. SECOND 21-1-50 Ipoh. 7.07 ti Furs. (Healey) Div. 4 Won hy &t. Quentin 1 mm. 15 >ecs. Going
    5,009 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 152 10 became Kolynos foam It's /w„,,.v <fc ferM that danger lies. That's where bacteria m-lMply and go to work-producing the acids that cause decay. Kolvnos \foaon penetrates straight to the danger «pws. kwKn«,s alone contains spec ial inmvdienis that neutralise the acids, destroy bacteria. Expert laboratory tests have pcoved thai Kolynos
      152 words
    • 20 10 JĔWw twtmaAe it youn too? AMTACU) POWDER §fl £/&Trill** Neutralises Aod Soothes Stomach MM Manufactured by CHUEN SUN KNITTING FACTORY
      20 words

  • 620 11 A LL-ENGLAND C'SHIPS DRAW WELL BALANCED LONDON, Tuesday, ii; the pcopte whn know the game are con iiu t tl that Malaya's Wong Peng'Soon will win lv \n England Badminton championship at l',, a court's Empress Hall. Ail the people, that is, except Wong.
    620 words
  • 184 11 A.P. LONDON. Tues. Stocky. Alvaro Nuvolini, the Italian bantamweight, was beaten on points after ten rounds by British bantamweight champion Danny O'SuHivan at Hariingay Arena, tonight. O Sullivan, who is scheduled to tight Manuel Ortiz fr.r his world's bantamweight championship, was not given a tough journey
    A.P.  -  184 words
  • 177 11 Filipino Basketbailers Arrive RANDOLF Munson, coach of the "Flying Arrows/* basketball team ot the Arellano I niversitv. Philip!■■lies. which ar r \C d m Si,igapore by the Pan AWtticail from Manila this morning, would not sa\ how goofi his boys were.
    177 words
  • 222 11 LONDON, Tues. Tno British grabb?d back t Wolfe Noel Women's Squash Racket? Cup today without giving the defending Americans a? much as a parting glance. Five of America's best players were cut down in order. They did not win a single game. Janet Morgan, champion of
    A.P. Photo.  -  222 words
  • 155 11 Ine following are the results of friendly badminton matches player; during the week-end. The Green House defeated th.? Seranuoon Raneers at the C'erieall Union Hall by six name? to three Results: (Green Houfc Brat): MEN'S SINGLES: Hen? Boon Guan beat Koh Peng Soon 15—«. 15—5;
    155 words
  • 118 11 The Eve.r;;low Juniors defatted tbe K.P.Y.F. by seven gamea Uj tWo. Results (Everglow Brat): SINGLES: Kow Sun boo heal Lien Kee Lum 15—11; X< Sim Chve beat N^ r loin: 18—15 15—10; Raymond Orw'ga beat fan Keng Hock 15— T. 17 16: Yeo Hock Chye
    118 words
  • 86 11 Playing at the Clerical Union Hall Monk's Hill beat Fh.wer by nrst); .SINGLES: Goh Tlang Sen, Teo 15-7. 15-U: Yeo Mini S-eok beat Goh Bah Soon 15-10 IM. Chua Chye Soon lost Koh HOT Hee 11-15. 2—15. Yeo Mini. Chan beat Peter Low 14--H--(3sWKLĔ«': Goh Tiany
    86 words
  • 26 11 A.P. OBERSTDORF. Tues. Austrian skier Willy Gantschnitt today claimed the world's long distance sky jumping recoid with a leap of 124 metres. -A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 101 11 By ALRERT SPENCER The." man with 1,0 ft.) wimr r,. PEN AN(i. Today. There was no fast work tbU morning. All the homes were confined to slow work and were cantered around. Some of the workers were: Carolina (Avers* First Fancy (Wahab). UUle Lady. Lena Dear
    101 words
  • 93 11 The Pearlls.P. of Tae Sub Warders? Association Singapore, defeated the Bustanol \rifTin by four games to three played at Pearl's Court on the Feb. 25. Scores (Pearl's tirst): SINGLES: Y. Hassan beat Safle Ali 15—5. 15—5; Syed Saliru lost to Sarmin Mohd. 8-15, 15--9. 6—15; Sarpon Muradi beat
    93 words
  • 303 11 Tribune Staff Reporter THteRE is no reason for boxing to b2 at stand--1 still in Singapore when Bobby Njoo and AUK Solids leave for Manila. 1 learn that it is already on the cards for a bobby Njoo vs Nai Sompong match for
    303 words
  • 134 11 At the conclusion of the sixth round of the Singapore Chess Championship, It-year* OkU P. Adherne was leading with five points out of six. followed by Di. Lim Kok Ann and Tay Chong Ann (4 each), N. G. Singh (4), Campbell and Mohamed
    134 words
  • 33 11 A.P. ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI. Tues.—Welterweight champion Ray Sugar' Robinson wen an easy ten-round nontit'.c decision over Jean Walczak in a listless fight here. Robinson weighed 157 lbs., and Walczak 152 lbs.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 IHi; r.KK.%I EASTSU OPTICAL '■'■'> Bridge Boad. I*l 72M Kstablhthed MBS I an O.I), (rate). B.L. equipment, c better service. _d Rheumatism While You Sleep sharp, stabbing* pal**. Miolli-ii, it shows your I through faulty kid2n. n oth r symptoms of Kitld... Burning. Itchino 'Wages, -Getting up Night." Back- b
      125 words
    • 267 11 NOTICES SINGAPORE TURF CLUB MARCH MEETING 1950. SATURDAY 18TH, WEDNESDAY 22ND SATURDAY 25TH MARCH, 1950. ENTRIES CLOSE at 12 noon on WEDNESDAY, STH MARCH, 1950. LADY GUEST MEMBERS.— No Lady Guest Members' Badges will be issued. RESERVED ENCLOSURE.— A Reserved Enclosure for a maximum of 200 Members will be available.
      267 words
    • 535 11 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. (For particulars eoe Tender Room, Ground Flocr, Municipal Office). MUNICIPAL. SECRETARIAT Supply of approximately 1.250 yards cf White Lining Material Forms from Tender Room. Chfee NOON 6/3/50. ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT: Purchase of Sundry Electrical Materia!* Forms from Electrical Engineers Office (Room No. 100). Close NOON —14/3/50. TOWN
      535 words
    • 544 11 SITS. VACANT jWANTED TrustworA t clerk with some experience immediate employment. ferable if can furnish ?n*y| security. Apply Box A 338. Tribune. Singapore. NB9B Marine EngutWv iequi»jrt urgently. Minimum qu;difian| tions second clas. Bot mr certificate. For terms particulars apply fldth eredflLf tials to Ho Chiang ShippSf Co.. Ltd., No.
      544 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 439 12 NATIONALIST PLANES WILL ATTACK ANY SHIP Reuter U.P. TAIPEI, Tuesday. NATIONALISTS hope their attack on Tsingtao yesterday will keep ships away from that port, which foreign traders have been trying to use as a substitute for Shanghai which was cut off from commerce by the
    Reuter & U.P.  -  439 words
  • 222 12 A.P. C.P. HOIHOW, Tuesday. A SHIFT in the direction ot the wind boosced A the morale of Nationalist forces today and greatly increased their chances for holding this v:cal South China Sea island. For the past six weeks northerly v. inds have fcien blowing
    A.P. & C.P.  -  222 words
  • 63 12 HONGKONG. Tues.—The British-owned Hongkong: Airways has been negotiating for fights between Hon-gKong and Seoul. South Korea. M.J. Archer, general manager of Hongkong Airway* who has been conducting talks in Seoul, is reported to have said some details still have to be worked out. If the negotiations
    63 words
  • 162 12 U.P. KARACHI. Tues. DR. Philip Jessup, United States Ambassador-at-Large, said today that the United States will never lecognise Communist China until the Peiping government has proved that "it is the government of China and is prepared to assume normal obligations as a member of the
    U.P.  -  162 words
  • 47 12 Reuter. REYKJAVIK, Tues.—Thir'ytwo men from the 7,400--ton British tanker Clam were oelieved to have been swept to their death when the lifeboats capsized off Western Iceland today. A number of Chinese were stated to be among them as the, included 37 Chinese cnu 14 Britons.—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 12 Conservative z„p jubilanUz ttaunt a poster bearillg a portrait ot leader INr. Winston Cltn» ebiil a» a local < onservaUve «ain in flatbed on an rlre trie scoreboard in London»» Trafalgar >^uare. Rl<IRl Prime >Nnl>ter t lcment Attlee ls seen chatting with a voune advcate of >iuclalll,m during
    72 words
  • 130 12 U.P. LONDON, Tues. AFIRE broke out today in the House of Commons where pieparatlons were underway for the meeting or the newiy-elected Parliament on March L 7iremen with hoses rushed into the historic building and quickly extinguished the blaze which was confined to an engineer's
    U.P.  -  130 words
  • 89 12 A.P. NEW YOrtK. Tues. The impact o: a dynamic Viennese music director is already shaking the walls of New York's tradition-bound Metropolitan Opera Housj. After 12 tight-lipped weeks in America, tall., balding Rudolph Bing has announced his plans lor his first season as
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 132 12 A.P. MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE Tues. THE husband of the woman whom Dr. Hermann Sander is accused of killing in an act of mercy testified today that his wife had the ill to live." At the start of the seventh day of the
    A.P.  -  132 words
  • 220 12 Reuter. CANBERRA, Tuesday. AUSTRALIAN External Affairs Minister Percy Spender is likely to visit Manila about the end c t April to confer with President Quirino of the F'lilipuines on a Pacific Anti-Communist Pact, ail authoritative source said here today. It was sta*ed
    Reuter.  -  220 words
  • 22 12 Reuter. LONDON, Tues.—oir Habib Rahimtoola, Pakistan High Commissioner in London, called on Ernest Bevin today at his own request. —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 37 12 TOKYO. Tues.—The Ja"panese Supreme Court yes.traay gay- approval to all American lawyers to practise in Japan. They will be limited to serving only American nationals and must work only under Anglo-American law
    37 words
  • 21 12 Reuter. CAIRO. Tues.—The Aga Khan today said he shared widespread fears there would be a third world war.-Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 65 12 U.P. LEAGUE, Tues. Czech Communist President, Klement Gottwa'd, said today that the Soviet Union would use the atomic bomb and more "to repulse any aggressor." Gottwald said, "Until now the Soviet Union has used atomic energy only for peaceful aims but who can doubt in case
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 118 12 LONDON, Tues.—General Sir Frederick Pile said yesterday Russia could bluff Britain into helplessness In any war of the future with a single hydrogen bomb. Pile commanded this country's anti-aircraft defence against the Nazi buzz bombs of World War II which wreaked havoc In the London
    118 words
  • 202 12 Reuter. U.P. A.P. BANGKOK, Tu2Suay decid2d today to recognize th Dai slat 3 of Vietnam after stormy governments disrussions that 1M to the resignation of the foreign minister. Premier Philbun instn.cted the S°cr3tary 0 f his Cabinet to S2nd a tetter to Cabin2t
    Reuter. U.P. & A.P.  -  202 words
  • 65 12 THE HAGUE, Tues.—The International Court of Justice at The Hague was making up today its first peace treaty test case. The spy trials involving Mindszenty in Hungary, other churchmen in Bulgaria and similar actions in Rumania are not mentioned in the case handed to
    65 words
  • 182 12 Reuter. LONDON. Tues.—One ray of litrht penetrates the fog of uncertainty that engulfs the London stock market. Risng prices in South African gold shares teflect the flow of -uifety first money into gold producers and the section stands out firm and bright from the surrounding gloom. Established dividend
    Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 212 12 A.P. JAKARTA, Tuesday. DISPUTE over the demobilisation of students from the army in East Java resulted in armed clashes, it was learned in Jakarta. The first clashes occurred on Feb. 23. Casualties since then are not known but are nnt thought to be high. The
    A.P.  -  212 words
  • 83 12 atening' Nehru NEW DELHI. Tues A government spokesman said today that Prime Minister Nehru had cabled Pakistan Premier Llaquat Ali Khan to assure him thai India is not threatening PakisUi with force. Nehru, replying to a ment made yesterday by Liaquat that Nehru "had threatened Pakistan
    83 words
  • 94 12 YMCA: Open Invitation terms tournament entries close at in a.m.; Singapore Class 5 p.m.; French Class 5.30 p m. Malay Conversational Class 5.30 p.m Cricket Players' meeting at Bal estaire Road Pavilion 5.15 p.m. Art Club 1 fe model driving. Subject—"Modern Chin-se Ma den' 6 p.m.;
    94 words
  • 138 12 CATHAY: "Neptune's Dargh- ter" at 11, 1.45, 4.15, 6.45 and i 9.30 p.m. CAPITOL: "Professor Den (Mandarin) at 11. 1.45, 4. 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. A L H A M B K A Northwest Stampede" at L4o, 4.15, 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. KKX: "Searrh for Danger at 11, 1.45.
    138 words
  • 64 12 SOCCER: Senior Tiger &A. v. Royal Navy at Jalan Besar, ref. Cpl. J C. Cameron. Junior A.l: H.M. Dockvird v. Chinese S.A. at Geylang. ref. Mr. R. N. Bell: Junior B.l: G. Dog Unit FARELF v. Ila-kowyu S.C. at CYMA. St. George's IW ret. Cpl. A. Li. Jones
    64 words
  • 11 12 H.W.: 7.50 a.m. <7ft. 4 iif.» 10.3/ p.m. (7ft. 3:w.>
    11 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 80 12 I" WOO HING BROTHERS I DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND SPARE PARTS, ETC., j Wholesale Retail. j I Gent's waterproof wrist watches irom $18.00 each upwards Ladies' wrist watches from $20.00 Alarm clocks from 5.00 J Wall clocks from $16.50 j 186, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. Phone:
      80 words
    • 20 12 Blood Bank Group A 35 Bottles Group B 8 Bottles Group AB 2 Bottles Group O 32 Bottles Donors 27.
      20 words
    • 117 12 NOT JUST TALK HERE IS PROOF: An advertiser write*:— the Malay* Tribune ha* certainly proved it**" "tops" In «he wjifl power of Us classified advertisements. "My car was sold fnr but I could havgot it at the advrti-e* price had I not sold it to the first person who call
      117 words