Malaya Tribune, 31 August 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 69 1 Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE T4 Tribunt" LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA Phone 3811/3 Nine Lm PubH&nerf vjTJiuitanekrt/siv at Sin U a P» rc t tiiutM Lumpur, ipoh an a Penang. TWELVE PAGES. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE
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  • 450 1 U.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. 4 N increasing number of diplomats are convinced th a t the Vnited States n may h tve to assume some of Britain's economic responsibilities in Ash» in order to establish a ;tabk foundation for America's emerging Far
    U.P.  -  450 words
  • 65 1 A.P. a LONDON, tm*. The Ministry of Supply has temporarily suspend* d the nah of tin for export, a ipofcmmnn said raday. mtiria! source* said the ;i-t!i»r. inn taken necause f substantial bales of straits tin for tuture de"VfriiTi. (f«>\. rnnient controls on tin trading wen removed
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 97 1 KUALA LC..IPUR. Tues. L "hector of the "Now v ii Herald Tribune" Korum s-extend d an invitation tc I stion i.( mnent to send ere secondary school > t .id- nt fbi -i ten-week to tr States The visit wi!' commerce •h? *»»»cl cf
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  • 86 1 A.P. BANGKOK A Thai boy in 1 girl wilt rty to New t tl Dd or 1919 to repreThailand (Siami at the uaJ iruxii tor high schools red 1 v the New York dd-Trlbunc in March, 1950. youngsters will be and .schoolmates of nran students.
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 27 1 A.P. XI>«.X. Tues. -Six Kcya Ah Force l«uieastcr planes v. il leave their base at X'pwood ot Thursday for a month's excrn th Middle East.—A.P
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 19 1 A.P. Kings Norton, England. r U's, a double-decker bus rturned at Kings Not ton v injuring 33 people.—
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 145 1 CRIPPS BEVIN SPLIT UNTRUE Reuter. LONDON, Tues. -High 1 Government sources today discredited reports suggesting that there was a difference of opinion between Sit Stafford Cripps and Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin over the British brief for the Washington economic "Big Three" talks next week. These sources said: "No split of
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 33 1 A.P. SaW r i uv More than :i"> Bremen we«i (J ied iv a MX-hOur which destroyed groceries Wu?CO tss.i at a smrenonsc in San Fiancisco Tuesday. A.P
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 28 1 A.P. CAMtiKILHiE. iwassaoiusetis. Fues.--The Havaid Observato-; inncunced today «.hat E. L. Johnson sighted a new comet <>r. die lith magnitude v cry dim it Johannesbuig. A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 166 1 Tribune St iff Reporter MALAYAN funds are now flowing in lncreasm.; M volume to Australia. Well over a milhon ovulars have been invested by Singaporeans in Austin f Q n nnvernment loans in the last four months Malayan interest in Australian Government securities ha<* increased
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  • 59 1 U.P. PARIS. Tues. Brit'.sh may receive U*****,000,000 more than the sum recommended by experts as her share of the 1949-50 Marshall Plan funds, reliable sources reported today. A two-man committee will propose to the Organization for Economic Cooperation Council tomorrow, that Britain receive U*****,000,000. The
    U.P.  -  59 words
  • 24 1 A.P. Ellwood City. Pennsylvania. Tues,-A peck by a rooster caused the death in Ellwood City Tuesday of Mrs. E.ia Francis, 69. A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 86 1 Reuter. SAULT STE MARIE, Ontario Tues.—Firemen stood by helplessly for an hour today as a $100,000 fire swept through the yards of Sault Ste Marie s Chromium Mining and Smelting Corporation, one of the city's largest industries. Flames burned through power lines and left water mains
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 178 1 BY ALLAN LEWIS i Th* K<»!ng lor thta afternoon* racing at Dv- y S kit Timah will be CiOOIL i Garnfalr spurted very j well this morning, lie 1 should be a good bet In S the firs* race. i My three safest bets >
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  • 202 1 Reuter. SHANGHAI, Tuesday. THE Military Control Commission today ordered all foreign news agencies to suspend operations from Sept. 1, threatening severe punishment ror any violations. Trie ordee, it is Ir-'lcvc refers only to th' i-f fyfr-ign news in Shanghai. wiil nut piwvtit r>< w-: ajj|n«iy
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 113 1 TrilMjie Staff R-mnHer The Progn'ssiVe Party is to loin lmnd« with the I-nbour Party in the fight against the "chief tenant" racket in Singapore. The secretary of the' Progressive Party Mis.s' Amy Laycook said yesterday, that this was the main stand the party would take when
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  • 27 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON Tue< Mrs. Vijaya Lilk.shr.ii Pandit. Indian Ambassador to the l T nited States. conferred briefly today with Secretary of State Derm Acheson. Renter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 267 1 U.P. SHANGHAI. Tuesday. THE British flawed U chartered freighter 1 Leongbe< ran the Nationalist blockade and entered Shanerhai at fl p.m.' on Monday. j Th< 1.200-ton shin, chat tel c i by Chinese at Hong Kong hi ought in about 800 tons of carco and
    U.P.  -  267 words
  • 61 1 The Chinese Chamber of Commerce committee will meet again tomorrow, to rconsidcr their recommendations for changes in the rent laws. It is understood that the meeting will discuss the widespread criticism of landlords and their proposals by tenant, and the views put forward on
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  • 95 1 MALACCA. Tues. Malacca is looking forward to Saturday, the :as't day of Weifaie Week, when an all-com-munity fun fail is to be held at the City Park. The regimental bond of the Ist battalion, Seafoith Highlanders, will play se'ections. Other atti actions include a
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  • 120 1 Tribune Staff Reporter Two Johore civil engineering students, a Chinese and a Malay who are bound for the United Kingdom to take up a course under the Sultan Ibrahim Scholarship, met for the fitst time on board a BOAC Qanta.s Constellation, early this morning. They
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  • 61 1 A.P. MOSCOW, xues. The newspaper Pravda today called the Strasbourg talks "one of the most hypocritical and cynical performances of the post-war period." The newspaper said that "Anglo-American imperialists "had given the Consultative Assembly its first job -to gH Western Germany into the North Atlantic bloc. Persons
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 30 1 HONGKONG, Tues. Peiping Radio said tonight that cxp.Mience gained in arresting the Changshan islands from the Nationalists will be useful to the Communists on the eventual assault on Formosa.
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  • 24 1 A.P. ROME, Tttas. Admirers ol Greta Garbo almost filled hci Florence hotel apartment with flowct:, and gifts today. Ansa cpo. ted. A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 29 1 LONDON, Tues. Duchess of Kent and hei two children cut shore a holiday of the Island of Jersey because of an outbreak of infanti'e paralysis in Jeisey.
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  • 25 1 U.P. LAUSANNE, Aug. 30- The Committee of the United Nations Palestine Conciliation Commission has co mpleted a plan for the internationalization cf Jerusalem. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • 251 1 Hy Tribune Special Representative KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. I)ATO Onn bin Jaafar is definitely resigning ins position as Mentri Bcsar of Johore aftor the expiry of his leave as long a leave as he wanted which the Regent of Johore, Tunku Mahkota, has allowed
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  • 109 1 GENEVA, Tues.- The world today faces its biggest ever trade crisis and it is far from sure that Europe will be on its feet by ll»52 even with Marshall aid. governments were warned today. The Interim Commission for the International TTferk Organisation, reporting on the I!M7
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  • 126 1 Reuter. ROTTERDAM. Tues.—The International Transport Workers Federation today recommended an all-out anti-Communist campaign to its executive. In a lenuthy resolut on on Communist activity at its co'ife; e-iee bore. the Federation issued "a serious warning" to the workers of the different countries and
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 38 1 STOP PRESS Mr. Malcolm Mat-Donald's visit to Japan for talk* with Genera! MacArtaur has been postponed for twenty-lour hour*. He wan to have lefl Singapore by air to-day. He win fly to-morrow. SEE PAGE THREE
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 AND FLEXIBLE CORDS. Sole Distributors for Malaya:— T CHENG MOH Electric Co. 153, CROSS ST., TEL: 30<U. SINGAPORE. 1 AUGUST i@CCt i PLEASES. EDMTJNDO ROS HIS RUMBA BAND -cuiypso. b tt Yes, is it Nc —Calypso rv mM 'aloma Bolero, F9120 Maria la O —Bolero VERA LYNN A SAM BROWNE
      118 words
    • 82 1 n Qualify iwĔ TONGGUAM iW©!T!jj BEMUINE DUTCH ROLLED OATS t Bros EeWPt"-*'**^ land) specialist* on foodstuffs nr»the manufacturers of the genuine Dutch "lassie Brand" |a|N Oat* which eiin he naed for several dishes. For soup*, meats, puddings, crisp biscuit* And <-»K«h, use oni\ "Lassie Brand" Rolled Oat*'. It is easily
      82 words

  • 267 2 Government To Be Ashed For Advice PENANG, Tufctday. PENANG Municipal Commissioners to4ay decided that Government should be approached for its views on the advisability of altering the present system of appointing Commissioners. The decision was taken as a result of an amendment moved by Mr.
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  • 81 2 Enche' Mohd. Zain bin Abu. general repoiter and subeditor cf the newspaper "Maflis" in Kuala Lumpur. been awarded the Colonial Office scholarship for Malayan i jcurnaii-Jt-. j He will leave for the Cnited Kingdom shortly for a course j j which will last until next June. Enche Mrhd. Zain bin
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  • 80 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Bandits murdered a man. a woman and her daughter in the Kluang District yesterday when 15 of them armed with rifles* and bayonets. entered their house at the Ist nlile Yong Peng Paloh Road. Early this morning, the kepala of the Johore Lumber
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  • 72 2 Mi. Andrew Gilmoui, Seci taiv for Elconomic Affairs to the Smgapoie Government, will give a ta'k on Economic Affairs" in the mam ha l of the V.M.C.A.. Stamlai l Read, at 8 o'clock tonight. This lecture la part of a -cries on the machinery of Government Next Wednesday,
    72 words
  • 59 2 This ,s IVO of oae oi (he rotor n'jms developed i- (oaatfera E. S i aldwell (at !oft). the rr ii:v-is o. i taut sJwMa 3 have been Lound ner.r N CiJrui ttu.~u CfarjrtanA USA. llis phwe Use pro- intvjic oi tii 0; bui sauc et I aused
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  • 72 2 The Sultans of the various otatcs of the Kedeiation ot Malaya will meet for the Conference ot RulefS in a two-day session at. Kuala Lumpui today. The oultans cf Um eight states and the Regent of Jchcrc will center n the Astana Selangor, Maxwell Road.
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  • 117 2 No general revision of the list of permitted dollar imports will he made by the Malayan Governments until the Washington financial talks are over, th Tribune understands. Seme amendments to the dollar area import list have been made from time to time since the restriction
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  • 144 2 AN operatic singer known in Scotland. England, Ireland and in France as Lillias Watson-Greets. 16 years ago. arrived in Singapore yesterday, a passenger on the Blue Funnel Line's, 8 300-tun Clytoneus She is 43-year-old-Mrs. Lillias Katsube .wife of a former Japanese diplomat who is now
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  • 195 2 AN application for an extension of time frr leave A to appeal to the Privy Council by two Indian businessmen. Mohindar Singh and Mohan Singh under sentence of 18 months' and 12 months' imprisonment for offering a bribe to a European off* cer, was dismissed by
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  • 77 2 Malayo ces are invited to take Part in a contest, which will be held on Sept. 4 at the New WorM Stadium, in connection wLh thr Onam celehratbm*. Entries come under the ft Mowing and a* mid i c sont to the gmjapci. Kerala Samajam. Recitation contest
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  • 65 2 Malacca Tues.—ln Malacca today looking around the settlement's historic qaots is a Portuguese author and journalist. Senor Armando do Aguiar. He has covered 60.000 miles in search of data for a book, which he is compiling on the Portuguese colonies, past and present, throughout the world He
    65 words
  • 131 2 Four out of the ftvv rv booses built in the v .11 HcUr.nU Hill, Singarcic -vr: in a few days house th< wivi of rfhceis n board Urili h Tndi:i ship: ami mci ()f rtau of Islay Ken Cc Ltd. The ether houst
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  • 100 2 MALACCA. tues. T M Hon. Mi. Ec Yew Kirn. J.P.. to.) thr Mabcca Straits British As-ociation that the Association stood behind the principles of demon .icy on the side of law and order. M.. Ec, who wa. ecte.! president for the fourth tin*. was
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  • 82 2 More than a thousand \> pic attended the firs'. Tabu time scow sponscrpo Tamil Biothcihood ASMCM tien at Farrei Pcik. Mi Larry Fenton and his ThCan" Toledos and Cyni Dciaisamy. both of Radio Malaya Talentiir.. SI ows in ai tist» Impel scnations of hu animals weie
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  • 52 2 Cuthbeit Borrow 1 Eurasian clerk from the- las tei Attendant's olbce. *PS chaiged in th* Second Pc'i Court yesterday with adnta» propriating J7.7H.29. Bui rows claimed trial ft was offered bail cf t&JN ia two suietics. The case postponed to Sept. I f» transfer tc the
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  • 258 2 Mi. C, F. Pop 0 was acquitted in the Eighth Police Court yesterday of two charges of violating traffic re gulations on March 2n. Mr. Pope conducted his own defence. He was charged with driving stiaight on from the Happy World along Kallang Road instead of turning
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  • 37 2 Societies in the Fe* have been reminds authorities that apply for registrat ion September 30 u Societies Ordinal which comes tan morrow a n Application to available in four aEnglish. Malay. 1 Tamil.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 389 2 KADIO TALK Miss Winifred O'Dell and Mi Tom Wood will b e "Talking of Books." recently received in Singapore, over Radio Malaya today at 10 p.m. 100 Hindustani film lits; v Rl I F NETWORK Tun* r rX Towner's string AMnayi; «.3« Time signal I'KMCIi \\nii v Orchestra; 10.30 Dance
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  • 578 3  -  By MILTON MARMOR A.P. PENANG, Tuesday JWENTY-four hours on the apologetic Malayan Railway—through 500 miles of jungle, rubber estates, tin mines and rice patches supposedly vulnerable to Communist terrorist attack—are far more tiring than dangerous these days. In fact, the first impression gathered on
    A.P.  -  578 words
  • 79 3 |P m M icpfrnald, .:.o;:... :onrv-aertcral tor rn ited Kingdom in Saytil r. will leave 3mg<a,r rcpan, {t rrive in Tokyo aad stay for the Ilritisb Cmas the guest oi the j• nt!<:•! Representa- Alvary Cascoignc. V- Mac Donalds V 1,3 1 t tn 'jaf..-m is
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  • 79 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. —Agreeing with one of the assessors who found him guilty of murder. Mr. Justice Callow sentenced to death a young Special Constable. Ismail bin Salmon. It the Sela n go r \ssizes today iollowing a retrial. The other assessor found Ismail guilty of causing
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  • 121 3 THE ninety workers of th Chua Guan uobei factory. 9', miles Jurong Road, which burned doWMonday night, will be paid their last ten-days wages fo< this month, eithei today oi to-morrow. This was promised yesteiday at the Laboui tmcnt by the factory management
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  • 49 3 Mr Bernard MaeFadden, 8!-year-o!d physical culturist. is greeted hv his wife in a hay field in Dansville, New York, ivhere he landed after his first parachute jump. Mr. Mid uhU n said he wanted to prove that growing old is i nonsense. —A .P.Photo. A.P.Photo.
    A.P.Photo.  -  49 words
  • 147 3 TWENTY-seven Asian aircraft technicians, marine rkors and hands received a month's notice from Qantas Empire Airways yesterday. They were told this was "necessary owing to re-orga-nisiition cf the Engineering Department." Most of vi y men aie mployed at Karfla'tig Anpo! t while the others are
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  • 116 3 1 The Blitar. a 12,000-ton I Dutch ship on her maiden 1 voyag<. entered Singapo.c waUM, two days late yester- day bee**** continuous ram i held her up in Belawan. i The ship is the last of i :cll es of five, built for
    116 words
  • 102 3 Six hundred dance hostesses will dance for thni social j club tonight. Tickets wtM he j sold at $5 each. The money collected will go to the Singapore Dance Hososs' Social Club Buildi*> j Fund. lhe management of t' cabaicts m the Happy VVoiid i the New
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  • Article, Illustration
    114 3 Mr. Wee Kirn Poh and Hie statf of the General stores -< dion of th<- < .P.D.O. reoeidjy gave a dinner in honour of Major VV. A. Hibben vylio will shortly leave ior the I fritted Kingdom. The dinner was given u\ the Tai Toripj Resiam-ani and was
    114 words
  • 197 3 Tribune Staff Reporter TWO the Singapore Municipals v haw made history. j Both applied for a Chief Clerk vacancy in th<> Municipal Treasurer's Department. The Establishment? Board met twice in two months to decide the appointment. The Board were split on their first choice last
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  • 117 3 At their meeting this afte noon the Municipal Commissioners will be asked to give their consent to a new policy of granting loans tb .empora.y officers under agreement. A Committee has ;ecommended that these officers should be given interest-free ioans to motoi vehicles required
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  • 62 3 Police cars with sirens? waning converged on the Outram Read Gaol area yesterday morning, and caused lug crowds of spectators lc gather. Word went round the civ.wu that there had been .1 gaolbreak. In actual fact, however, it was on'v a police piacti.e manoeuvre held
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  • 257 3 THE Ixmdon Gazette has announced the award of the D.E.M. to two assault troopers of the Uh Queens Own Hussars, for gallantry, distinguished service and devotion to duty displayed by them during: a road ambush in Malaya. fney are Trooper Charles Frederick Cappendale and Trooper
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  • 119 3 A sum of $370 has already been raised in Singapore to support two students. Raja Nongchink and Adbul Majid who are studying under Chinese National Government scholarships. The students find it difficu't to continue their studies at the Chinese National University at Taipeh, Formosa, owing
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  • 46 3 Jelebu is holding a W« 'fare Week. The committee in charge has made a special appeal for donations, pointing out that Jelebu Welfare Fund among other things has been helping dependents of \oung men who lost their lives while serving with the Security Forces.
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  • 146 3 Mr. Lawrence van B. Nichols has arrived in Singapore to assume the post of Deputy Director, United States Information Service. Mr. Nichols is accompanied fey his wife, and two-year-old daughter, Louise. Before and after the war, Mr. Nichols was with the head office of Lever Bros.
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  • 48 3 i MALACCA, Tues. A sum of $1,770 was collected from the screening of "The Garden i of Allah'' in aid of the Mafacca anti-T.B. funds. The show was organised by the j I Malacca Rotary Club in asi sociation with Mr. Tan Soo j I Ghi.
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  • 331 3 The following new book* are beinsf added to Raffles Library: Writers of To-day. Deny.* Val Baker (cd.); The Universe and Dr. Einstein. Lincoln Barnett; Winnington-Ingram. S. C. Car* penter (Dean of Exeter): Sergei Rachmaninov, John Culshaw Chess Lessons for Begin-.e'i^, 1 ReV. E. E. Cur.nineton
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  • 37 3 Mi. C. VV. By rue. Assistant Superintendent of Police, Sin uapoie. has been i.ppointeu Supciintendent of Pc ice (Special Sm'ipo. in place of Mr. D. K. Broadhurst. D.8.O.. acting Deputy Commissioner of Police, Sir gapbfo,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 I.asi Day; 3.00, 6.30 ft 9.15 p.m. Alan Latlri Brerula Marsiin'! j in WHISPERING SMITH" (In Technicolor) OPENING TOMORROW I j "GADiS BESA (In Malay) STARTS TODAY! LANA TURNER'S GREATEST PERFORMANCE! EMOTIONAL Dy^AMlTE '■joBfa' Saturday at MIJ)NIGHT^ ALHAMBRA (Air-cWitioneu Tele. «909) Last Bay! 4.15; 6.45 9.30 p.m. THE SCk££N S
      63 words
    • 137 3 OPENING TO.DAY SHOW'S: 8, 6.15 9.15 p m. A Combination of SISPENSK! ACTIONS!! ana THRILL- "BUCKSKINS FRONTIER'" starring RICHARD D1X supported by v cast of the screen h he-men: GEYUNt. HIONE *W7* OPI NING TODAY S.15, <i.30, 9.15 pan. R.K O.s "TARZAN ft The lit ttjtKSS" witti Jobonny V\ Hsmtrtlei
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  • 359 4 Holland Above: The Conference on Indonesian sovereignty opens at the Hague. Dr. VVillem Drees Dutch Premier, was appointed chairman of the conference which adjourned after appointing officers and drawing up rules of procedure. Photo shams Dr. Mohammed Hatta (right) having a few words with Mr. Moham mcd Koem,
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  • 381 5 U.N. Committee Examines Non-Selfgoverning Territories: Reuter. LAKE vSUCCESS, Tuesday.—The Un ted Nations General Assembly's special committee en nonterritories has completed its cxan ination of health and labour problems in those areas The discussion on both these subjects was mi tiated by Mr.
    Reuter.  -  381 words
  • 59 5 A new home been found for the Naval Division Memorial which used to be in the Mall. The Memorial was displaced when the Admiralty citadel was built during the war. It was taken to the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, has been there ever since. Now it is to
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  • 113 5 Reuter. India NKW DKLHI. The Heilth Ministry todnv re ct I nil provincial govenments t* declare poliomye» tile pauysis TKUfiftblc disease. A Ministry spokesman said tit directive was part of a rted c uapuign to comha the spread °f the disease in Rrmb.iy, Calcutta and p.
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 74 5 Reuter-AAP. DATA VIA, Tues. Australian Consul-General Charles Eaton said today that «0 tons of Australian medical supplies, including urgently needed atebrin (synthetic equivalent to quinine), were on their way to the Indonesian Republican capital of Jogjakarta. Supplies, he added, wou 1 be distributed mainly through the
    Reuter-AAP.  -  74 words
  • 82 5 Reuter. BERLIN; Tues. The Bri-tish-licensed newspaper Social Demociat said today that a contingent of Soviet-zone police. "recruited to fight against Tito" had left German} Tlie paper said that "tanks and have been loaded on to train? and taken by way of Zittau, Saxony, into Czechoslovakia."
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 203 5 U.P. MANILA, Tuesday.—Nearly 1,300 of about 1600 Eurooean refugees in Giiiuan will sail next month for "various countries which have offeree them permanent residence, according to Alfredo Eugenio, Technical Adviser to the President who is in -barge of the Guiuan refugee camp. Eugenio said 680
    U.P.  -  203 words
  • 109 5 U.P. TOKYO. Tues Cartel Chiel Secretary Kaiv--frlchl Masuda. today .said preparations were being pushed for opening a SDocial session of the national Legislature in October primarily to legislate a new American 'ax programme for Jaoan The tax reform plan, recommended to General Douglas Mac
    U.P.  -  109 words
  • 53 5 GirS from R thuae CeUoffe, India, perform a Hindu dance in tfee grounds of (jiovernmenl HottM Calcutta, ybcj are carrying seed, nnd doners WfeiCfa they scatter about them i\s they dance. Later. 500 fruit trees were planted ii< flu grounds \n celebration of th»« second am»iver*u-y < 1
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  • 50 5 MANILA. Tues. Dr Hcrling Laoh. Indonesian Minister Of Public Works and Communication. iias been invited to make a Three-day tour of Lhe Philippine public works and rehabilitation projects when ho arrives here in a few days to take over the surplus war property items earmarked for the Republic.
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  • 145 5 Reuter. PRAGUE, Tuesday.—An official statement issued here today announcing sentence of deatn against six Czechoslovaks for conspiracy 'with a Western great power" claimed that a group of conspirators was assembled and ready last May to launch a coup d'etat against the qjtate. They only
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 70 5 Reuter. CALCUTTA. Tues. George Bernard shaw. sending his photograph to an Indian rrtist. Mr. Bimal Roy. has written: "Tkc Mahatmue (gfeaimea I »#e shot if <i <■ pa and perish as you i i me perishing In tliis pictun "But the iif»' forc<> marches on," the 94-year-old playwright
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 27 5 A.P. HONGKONG. Tues. Three armed men pretending they were radio repair men robbed the Yau Kiu Motion Picture Corporation of HK$2o.OOO here last night.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 133 5 Reuter. BOMBAY, Tues. The Works Committee of the Bombay Municipal Corporation is now examining a proposal to produce "artificial rain' by showering ice on clouds as a measure to overcome the frequently recurring shortage in the city's water SU Mr y Naushir Bharucho Municipal Corporator moved
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 63 5 U.P. TOKYO. Tues.— I'hc Jai East Air Force's hcadqututcis announced today that the las remaining Air Force units will vacate Kimpo airfielo by »ep tember 1 in line with thi withdrawal of United troops from Korea. The headquarteis said the Civil Aeronautics Acministration officail'y will
    U.P.  -  63 words
  • 205 5 Yugoslav —Soviet Dispute For U.N.? U.P. BELGRADE, Tuesday.—Britain is prepared te support Yugoslavia if Marshal Tito cjecides to tak-2 the Yugoslav-Russian dispute before the United Nations Security Council, reliable sources said today The Yugoslav government was understood t.o have been considering such a step for over a week. The Yugoslavs,
    U.P.  -  205 words
  • 34 5 U.P. TOKYO. Tues.--It wa; crTtcially announced here today that Korea-bound Japanese mad, which hitherto has been limited to four kilograms, wul be increased to 10 kilograms with effect from Septemoci 1. U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 173 5 Reuter. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, West Virginia j Tuesday.—The Consul-General for India, Mr. R. RSaksena, and the Resident Commissioner for Indonesia, said that unity between the tea producing countries would help peace and understanding in the world, when they addressed the annual convention here of the
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 134 5 A.P. LONDON, Sun. Homes ck war wives and their babies from tlie United States tlew to London in a record transatlantic planeload of 80 people, to a homecoming of smilei; and tears. Weeping and smiling moth- I cr.s and aughing childrcu were greeted warmly by
    A.P.  -  134 words
  • 97 5 A.P. CAPETOWN, TUCS B'itish UnmlKraoi in Cape town te'd a Magistrate yeaierday thai he tried to be ax rented so that he COUV be deported from Scutii Afiur as he had lost hit; 30b as a builder and had nowhere to go. The immigrant, Llc-yo.
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 129 5 Reuter. AJMER. Tucs. Atomic eiocKe will be more prccuut than thrsc «lift quails cryMal o dilators, according to Dr. K S. Krishnan, Director of the National Physical Laboratory. Dr. Krishnan t<»U1 riudruts of tbe Mavo OotlCffC here that the pulsation of Uie nitrogen atom
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 383 5 SITS: VACAJV* WANTED a i anvasser eft pommiesion basin with trnus p or I allowance daily SI. Kxp<u\« tuc unnecessary. Bicycle riding essential. Apply, Stating ate. nationitity and full particular* of past ve'ipations Lo Post Office Box 668. Spore. (D.434i. EUROPEAN piano teacher required to tea< 1» daily from 2—7
      383 words
    • 1047 5 VEMS: FOR SAJLK 19:» 40 Fiat 500 Tourer. New i ivres. paintinz. l>attery and pistons. One of the four in Sincapore. Exchange PBBc.c. Trfcimpr.-twtn. Plica SI. 108 OT offer Harry. 62r>. Norili Bridge Road. PORD V» 1947 Model. Shoa room ondition. A' examination. New paintwork. $3,000. Rim: ***** after I
      1,047 words

  • 609 6 A few months ago great hopes were entertained that old John Bull, who has been feeling poorly since the war ended, might be his old self again. There were rumours to the effect that old John was able to walk about, not with his sprightly steps of old, but
    609 words
  • 1022 6 Popularity of crocodile skin bags, shoes and other accessories has created a profitable but dangerous industry in the remote areas of Northern Australia. Crocodile hunting is a dangerous business. T he crocodile is cunning, patient, ferocious and vulnerable to bullets in only a few spots. By
    Reuter and A.A.P.  -  1,022 words
  • 439 6 Reuter-PTI. BOMEAY. INDIA'S middle classes white collar workers, professional men and smalltime owner-cultivators are faced with a grave economic crisis. This "tragedy of the middle classes" is the topic of countrywide discussion in the Indian press and by eminent statesmen and economisrs. One feature of
    Reuter-PTI.  -  439 words
  • 606 6  -  By JACQUES POTEAU Reuter. lIALVOHN. AN excited audience. Ailed with expectancy and curiosity, crowded the Malvern Festival Theatre to see the Word Premiere in Eng lish of Bernard Shaw's latent play. 'Buoyant Billions'*, which closed "the first week of tho newly re-born Festival. Expectancy, because eveiyone
    Reuter.  -  606 words
  • 740 6 Sir. During the year 1048 a movement was set on foot to secure a better deal for Tern* forary Government officers his movement culminated in the formation (In K.L.t of the Government Temporary Officers' Association. The main object of the Association was to improve the prospects
    740 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 106 6 ROSS (Tropical) BINOCULARS WL ■o^^lßa QiVe Better \'ision and Value New China Optical Co., 71, High St. Spore, IMione 2586 Pains in Back. Nervous, Rheumatic ff«r«orK »n.l frequent «*t*"ft*<lJ* MMI BlsdJer TTOublm »xc the tr«* «rf Keaaa Acidity. C#4ti«« U» N«bts Bun Una i'***Re«. 111,., Kh.-um.Hi-m. ruffv KvHi.U. ferUr.* oi
      106 words
    • 50 6 For the Well-Dressed I Schoolboy j 1 Fell I I CAPS I M Gny, Ay/iv B <7// tawrt. i !!0i I PRICE I $3.75 I r 1 I BERETS J |p 7// Niggc Brown. If: A/IT. II Sizes: 81 To 10; PRICES FROM 1 $1.75t052.50 S KOBINSOXS RAFFLES PLACE SPORE
      50 words

  • 238 7 LONDON. Tuesday.—Three Buckinghamshire parish councils will be without a clerk next momn —all because 60-year-old Mr. Robert Bailey, )f Princes Risborough, has decided he wants a quieter lifo. When he tfives up his posts a< e'erk to Longwick Council. Blodlow Council and Lacey Green Council
    238 words
  • 129 7 LONDON, Tues. i Viscous* Garaock, 23- > year-old son and heir of th Earl of Lindsay, will s .tart in October fc j«»b > which has been deferred fat one year as a j railway 'rartic apprentice 1 t.i British BaHivaja. appresaUeesaap will S srofcaM) take
    129 words
  • 97 7 LONDON, Tues.— Ixmdou Chamber of Commeice have helped to solve a HendOo hcusintr problem by separating a" family of IL The family are the pets of 16-year-old Jill Sweeney, of Bj ampton Grove. Hendon K-w. Two ducks, which she in tlie back garden,
    97 words
  • 125 7 LONDON, Tuesday.—Another War of the s, 3is "being fought:'not between the Houses of York and Lancaster, but a bloodless war between the rose- wers of Britain. France and the U.fa. iis a wf.>. for dollars, 'rancs end pounds witn vi ing to those giowcts
    125 words
  • 66 7 LONDON. Mon. An Ofhrial welcome home by Yarj mouth Isle of Wight, home of the brothers Stanly and Colin i Smith, who sailed the At lan tic in their home-made > acht, wm mclude a dinner attended by locals only and dancing in the town
    66 words
  • 67 7 Unknown heroes, often boys and girls, are helping to keep the Thames drowning death roll down. The number of tragedies this year, particularly in the upper reaches is causing alarm. and there would undoubtedly be many more drownings were it not for the anonymous lifesavers. There are
    67 words
  • 57 7 London. Tues. Open-air gambling parties beneath the shade ot the trees in Cranford were mentioned at Uxbriage when three youths Michael Duniord, aged 18, of Coronation read, Hayes. Peter Coggor aged 17. oi road Hayes, and David Kxy. leed 17. of Cranford-dr ye. Hayes, were each
    57 words
  • 133 7 LONDON, Tues.-Twent four British youngsters he'tween the ages of severi and 15 leave on Thursday for a six-weeks' sea voyage on th r rccentTy completed linev Rao555 which F will take them to a new home in a new 'They 'are children looted by the
    133 words
  • 73 7 Louis Villani, 21, carries his bride, the former Ruth untitled 17 over the threshold oi the diving be!! in which lhey wen married 30 feet under the sea at the Steel Pier. Atlantic I it>. New Jentev, USA on August 22. Theirs was the first undersea uedding. At left is
    73 words
  • 142 7 LONDON, Tuesday.—Three islands to Pocjc Harbour Dorset, are for sale for a total of i 50,000. One of them, the 10-acre Round Island, has a modern house and staff cottages, and is connected to the mainland by telephone and electricity. The price asked for
    142 words
  • 114 7 DISHONOURABLE DISCHARGE London. Tues. Private Arthur Bales, aged '9. of Compton crescent, Tottenham, was sent to a period of Borstal training by the Wiltshire Quarter Session Appeals Committee at Tow- bridge. In passing sentence, Ml 1 i A. Wibraham Northey, Chairman of the
    114 words
  • 142 7 LONDON. Tues Th Marlborough-sti eet magi trate decided that by Baying an ex-Army captain was "a. great big baby" a taxi-driver, David James Ellis, aged 39, of Morval-road, Brixton, had used insulting behaviour which might have caused a breach of the peace. Captain David Clowes,
    142 words
  • 81 7 LONDON, Tues. Wool will come to London in tartans and tweeds, blankets and blouses, ski-suits and saris, in 250 disguises from fifteen conn tries on September her 20. There will be wool with the fineness of chiffon and georgette as well as sturdy flannels and homespuns
    81 words
  • 94 7 CALCUTTA, Tues. The 15-year-old elephant. "Indira" which is Prime Minister Nehru's gift to Japanese children, embarked y sterday morning from Calcutta docks on a Japanese ship S. S. "Encha Maru". which sailed for Tokyo. A special wooden structure has been constructed on the deck lor the
    94 words
  • 178 7 Reuter. PORTSMOUTH, Tuesday.—The only surviving shin of the Battle of Trafalgar—apart from Nelson s flagship, the Victory—the old "wooden wall Im placable, is to be sunk. The British Admiralty have announced th*. she will be taken down the Channel from Portsmouth and sunk
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 58 7 LONDON. Tues.—As apa it of then- recruiting effort Surrey Teriitonal Association is distributing an eifht-nage pape.. th. Suney Auxfiiaiy Fotces Pictorial, containing news and pictures of the Territoiial events, throughout the country. It has been designed to appeal to civilians, both men and women, outside the a
    58 words
  • 45 7 Reutcr-AAP. BRISBANE, Tues. Seventy-two years as a gem merchant in Brisbane. Mr S Knowlcs. now in his 92nd veer of age. still goes regularly to business. His recipe for living to 92 "Don't drink, don't smoke, and live in a good Christian environ-ment.—Reuter-AAP.
    Reutcr-AAP.  -  45 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 36 7 ICU Ps i For All Sports Events I H Inch to li F eet I J Silver or E. P. N. S. I 45 HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE I 43 STATION ROAD, IPOH THE EMBANKMENT, K. LUMFUR.
      36 words
    • 208 7 FLY SINGAPORE BANGKOK BY Ri/ 2 hour Itigbi twur *io« EVERY MOVDAY 1230 hm., THURSDAY 09SO hrm. with thi rough connections to Europe and UJL by BRAATHENB B.A.F.E. 14-A, Tel. 7802. Airport 01»©*: TeL ***** ■_t STOCK OF ALL LATEST WATIHES CXOCKS Available from E. NASSIM SONS I 881, North
      208 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      98 words

  • 199 8 A.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. THE United States is considering a plan to send more dollars *om*rds Hri**in 1 by boosting the purchase of strategic materials from British m~rke's. Malayan tin and rubber are expected to benefit :»s a resist 1 Government officials said this country's
    A.P.  -  199 words
  • 55 8 Reuter. FOREST HILLS. Tues.— Felicisimo Ampon of the Philippines so completely exhausted Leonard Steiner in their second round match of the American lawn tennis singles championship today that Steiner was easily beaten 6-1. 6-3. $-4Amnon kept Steinc running about the court in a mad effort to
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 63 8 A.P. LONDON. Tues. Greek Government spokesmen, who were reported in the British press as saying that the civil war is "virtually over" got no encouragement from the British Foreign Office. lntormedk ottkaals said-there have been so many past claims that the four-year-old civil war
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 34 8 Reuter. LONDON. Tues.—lndia will be represented at the innual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, beginning tomorrow, by Dr. B. N. Mukerjcc and Dr. V S. Shembekur. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 119 8 A.P. BANGKOK. Tues. Ten thousand school teachers in. Thailand (Siam) face dismissal if the Ministry of Education carries out its plan to better the educational system of the nation. There are about 100.000 teachers in 18,654 echeois in the Kingdom. The Ministry has
    A.P.  -  119 words
  • 52 8 U.P. CHASTERTON. INDIAN Tues.—Three persons were killed and 27 passengers on i greyhound bus were 'njui*<' last night when the bus aad an automobile collided. The bus cariicd 32 passu gers but one of them sent to hospital. The three dead were passengers in the
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 39 8 U.P. BERLIN. Tues. -More than 2.000 Resslan zone miners have been rushed to a report ed uranium deposit at Truen midway between Leipzig and Nuernberg, the British-licens ed German news afrency DPD said yesterday U. P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 166 8 A.P. MANILA, Tuesday.—The Philippines will defer a decision on the suggested opening of Japa nese consulates in Manila and 30 other cities until SCAP or the Far Eastern Commission announce a policy on the matter, it was learned today. The PJuIipines Foreign Office is
    A.P.  -  166 words
  • 55 8 Reuter. KOTTAYAM MADRAS. Tues. Volcanic explosions and land-slides killed 15 people and devastated ten-square miles in the valley of Western Ghats, near here, on Sunday, i according to reports today. Twelve others were Injured I but many more were feared j buried under mud that swepc j down the
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 55 8 LONDON. Tues. In an attempt to cut down the huge backlog of orders for free glasses, the Ministry of Health announced yesterday that it wiM give each pati c nt only one pair for the time Up to now each could receh c two pairs More than 3,000.000
    55 words
  • 28 8 Reuter. TOKYO. Taes. —An American private was stabbed on Saturday by a Japanese national in Tokyo, Gen. Doug las Mac Arthur's Headquarters announced yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 26 8 A.P. NEW YORK, Tues.—The stock market declined fi actions to over one dollar (USi as trading contracted to 65i\ 000 shares on Monday. A.P
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 30 8 U.P. MANILA. Tues. The newly designated Consul General for Calcutta, Meynardo M. Farol, said today that he will leave lor Calcutta with his family on September 10.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  30 words
  • 100 8 U.P. BERLIN, Tues. Six Americans were arrested by the Russians on Saturday night at a party in a German home in the Soviet sector of Berlin, but, were released after 14 hours. American military police reported today. Seven Germans at the party were also arrested and
    U.P.  -  100 words
  • 146 8 A.P. STRASBOURG, France, Tuesday.—A unique international parliament, not yet three weeks old, is hard at work on proposals for political and economic unity of the old world. This n the Council < f Europe's CkmsultaJrv* As.- pirn, made up of 101 representatives ficm
    A.P.  -  146 words
  • 96 8 EX-SHOESHINS BOY BANKED 119,000 U.P. WASHINGTON. Tues. The Senate "five per center" investigators yesterday turned over to the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Bureau their records on John Maragon for a possible perjury and tax fraud action. Two committee members demanded that Maragon be indicted for perjury and income tax
    U.P.  -  96 words
  • 37 8 U.P. WESTOVER FIELD. Massachusetts. Tues. Nim men. who will, assist the Senate Armed Services Committee in its investigation of the Malmedy Massacre during the Battle of Bulge, took off today for Germany by air.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 29 8 A.P. NAPLES. Tues. Counts ss Edda Mussolini Ciano. is leaving shortly for Mozambique, Portuguese East Africa, to buy a farm. According to a Rome newspaper.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 207 8 A.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday.—A U.S. House of Representatives sub-committee leaves today for the Orient to make a general study of the administration of U.S. government agencies in the Far East. Representative Walter B. Hubcr, Ohio Democrat. Chairman of the Sub-committee of the House
    A.P.  -  207 words
  • 46 8 A.P. BANGKOK, Tues. Police raided a medical clinic and arrested 16 gamblers. They also seized considerable gambling equipment. The physician owner of the house was among those taken into custody. Authorities said the medical clinic was Bangkok's biggest gambling house. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 43 8 U.P. MANILA. Tues.- A Malacanan Palace spokesman said yesterday that the report viiat Premier Fhibun SonggVam of Siam is planning his own southeast Asia Union was "interesting and indicates that Premier Phibun also thinks that some sort of union is necessary."—U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 58 8 Mr. Koo Teh-Chani;. B-year-old son <;! thr Chinese \r. t<> the I ..S. Mr. \Ve!!ingl»n 1 Koo, and sfcl r- U bride Miss uertrvtY \arp j k>a\ing St. Bartholomew* Church in New York eHj alter their He groom was burn '<n \\a>hington D. C l
    58 words
  • 180 8 U.P. CLEVELAND, Tuesday. DOLICE today arrested two daring jewel thieves as they alighted from an airplane here after pulling off a U. 5.515.000 jewel swindle in Akron, Ohio. Tlie men Were identified as Albert Warner, 40, of Omaha. Nebraska, and Sid Walker of New
    U.P.  -  180 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 686 8 mmu> CO. LTD., j (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE earners' option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge cargo. Sailings from U.K. U.S.A. "Alclnous" from U.K. Sept. 1 "Polyphemus' from Cont. Sept. 1 "Agapenor" from U.K Sept. 2 "Ulysses" from U.K Sept. 2 "PyTrhus" from U.K. Sept.
      686 words
    • 224 8 EVERETT ORIENT LINE EVERETT STAR LINE cor Hongkong. Japan, Korea For Hongkong, Japan^ •Turk's Head" 1% Sept. "Belapar" 8 "Xoreverett" 14 16 Sept. For Penang. Madras, Cotomlo. For Penang, Rangoon, Cochin Bombav'. Karachi HahCalcutta, rein, Koweit.. I>asran. ITma. "LenevereU" 21/23 Sept. "Nordstjern*-" W Sept I Oct. For Freight, Passage, please
      224 words

  • 70 9 r c ommodity maryesterday quiet derate business was market inclined to slightly towards the rices weie: Buyers Seller/ p1 RSS 36\h 36% s c S RSS 34U 34V It RSS 31* 3V, x .Mistered tender: 36U 336 30% 36% 1 Ton-' on i ON DON. Aug. 29. ,V
    70 words
  • 89 9 VVASHIN* ITON. Tues. t i oi new raohei ni l d States dropped lowest figure since Decern laccordingIaccording to prcltistica repoited to by th< l S. Department el "Commerce. ju total represents a d c iinc of 61.2 per cent, from the m 066 tons
    89 words
  • 30 9 as. l*uea Locomotives, boi'ers coaches and oufl parts of locomotives I far wore imported Horn abroad are now be in;; manufactured at the Golden Mock Workshops of the South
    30 words
  • 63 9 Empire Humble (Sheer* wharf); Eumaeua (42 43); Benvorlich (88 89); Martekerk Rempang (36/37); ('.'ytoneuH (33/84); Mentakab (32); Drente (31/82); Sirdhana (17 18); Hoegh Silvercloud (19 20); Seroei (21/22); Nordvest (23 21); Sunnyville (27 28); SedJU (29); Rajah Brooke (16); Rimau (15); Stegkep (la H); Asphalion (11); Talabot
    63 words
  • 82 9 Latest time of posting ac the G.P.O. to Aden. Afghani tan, Alaska, Europe, Africa South America, Persia. We;;;. Indies. Canada, Egypt, Eir Abyssinia, United Kingdom Iceland. India, Madagascar Pakistan. Palestine, SyrW U.S.S.R.. U.S.A.. Pacific Inlands, New Zealand, Hong kong. Korea. Macao, China. Japan. Padang and is 6 p.m..
    82 words
  • 51 9 I Mails are expected to ar- rive from Christmas Island J today. j The latest time of posting i at the G.P.O. to Malaya, I Burma, Northern India, i Pakistan (letters and parcels) j Southern India (letters only) North Borneo, Labuan, j Brunei, Miri and Pontianak is noon
    51 words
  • 391 9 L Crops", a new monthly journal, has appeared in London on September. It promises to meet an urgent international demand and its editor is Sir Harold Tempany. an expert in crop production in the colonies. It is a publication of the Leonard Hill technical group,
    391 words
  • 112 9 A.P. MANILA. Tues. Government finance circles hope tc push a bill through Cong!ess authoritising the Philippines to enter lcciprocc' tiade deal-? with second countries. Miguel Cuadetno. governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines, says the would help the islands' develop foreign marts before 1951
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 59 9 Reuter-AAP. CANBERRA. Tues. Australia is searching the world to buy buldozcrs and mechanical shovels with sterling for the Snowy River hydro-elcc trie scheme. Mi. Nelson Lem mon, Minister for Work.:, said today. He said works officials we c looking for equipment in Britain. Others were ivestigating reports
    Reuter-AAP.  -  59 words
  • 42 9 A.P. DETROIT. Tues.--The U.S Automobile industry this week completes the biggest production month in its history. The output for August will total round 650.000 vehicles. The previous high mar k was 621. 910 units, built in April 192 J. -A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 230 9 Reuter. HONGKONG, Tuesday.—Gold and American dollars continued the downward trend yesterday. Gold which opened at 325 V 2 yesterday after closing at 332M» last Friday further slumped to 3144, low for the day, before recovering to close at 820. American transfers drafts and notes
    Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 29 9 A.P. OTTAWA, Tues.—The Canadian government announced the iclaxation of export controls from September 1 on 27 non-strategic commodities, ranging tram rars to spoiling goods.-— A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 71 9 A.P. LONDON. Tues. L-iitish government bonds sagged on Monday after a mild bocm which lasted all last w.-ek. At the close of the day's trading on the London losses ranged up to 10 Shi'lings per share of tIOO par value. Brokers said that seemed inc'incd to
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 54 9 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Tues —The World Bank announced lost night that it is sending a fiveman mission to Turkey to examine three specific projects for which the Turaish Government is seeking a loan. The piojects are gtain stroage faci'ities irrigation, flood control, and electiic power and peit
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 32 9 Singapore. Tues. London maintaining buying interest in tin shares, the local market was again slightly firmer. Further sma': rises were general throughout the list. Industrie Is were also slightly steadier.
    32 words
  • 401 9 WASHINGTON, Tuesday.—Unofficial weekly business indicators, which antedate the official monthly index by several weeks, show an upturn in U.S. industrial activity during the first half of August. Coupled with a rise in business loans, resumption of a more normal rate of business purchasing and a leveling
    401 words
  • 49 9 NEW DELHI. Preliminary trade talks between India and Iraq are in progress here, the Commercce Ministry announced. According to well-informed sources. liaq is wiping to export to India barley, maize, millets, dates, and raW wo*">l, in exchange for cotton tex tiles, yam. jute goods and tea.
    49 words
  • 111 9 PEPPER prices were steadier in Singapore yesterday «t $386 per picul loose for black peppr, $490 for white Muntok and $489 for white Sarawak. But no business was reported. copra ana coconut oil continued steady, but prices were unchanged. Produce prices as quoted exgodown by the Chinese
    111 words
  • 811 9 SINGAPORE, Tues. tfuyers. mmwatM Atlas Ice 15.50 16.0 c ajiffK. fcirlck Pref. 2.45 2.35 oros. 2.15 2224 8.8. Petrol 38/6 40 B.M. Trustee 7.50 boo .>n*. lio Ord. 14/6 15/6 do. (P)2l/- Utd. A?sur. 40.75 41.75 Estate Trust 7.00 8.00 Federal Dispensary 6.70 7.00 'AN. Pref. 8.00
    811 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 244 9 Fill Your Body With New Vigour «•> r.ak' Oo >'"U surfer from rvp impure oM ami worn out* Ara you in t :.i k i.c In rnf r«y Thm you with Bur(i:dt. whi' h la of *r. Ah.orUan iKH-tor. ,h»r- four quick, positive s' 'ti ihtM activity. \a rU
      244 words
    • 642 9 K.P.M. LIME REGULAR PASSENGER raMra and FREIGHT SERVICES BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND Tg. Pinang, Dabo, Blinjoe, P. Pinang, Tg. Pandan, Muntok, Batavia, Cheribon, Semarang, Sourabaia, East Java Ports, Benoa, Padangbaai, Boeleleng, Tambelan, Pemangkat, Sambas, Pontianak, Samplt, Bandjermasin, Belawan-Dell, and Djambi. Dos Sails Wakds" for Pemangkat, Sambas and Pontianak Sept. 1 "Reyaicrsz''
      642 words

  • 1645 10 DIFFICULT PROGRAMME: WATCH FOR UPSETS THE programme today, the second doy of Singa--1 pore Tuff Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting, consists of seven races only. Class Two horses, divisions 1 and 2, will rac3 over seven furlongs. While remaining fivo races are for Class
    1,645 words
  • 116 10 RACE ONE RACE FIVE CI 3 Div 5 6 F 6 Yds CI 2 Dlv 1 F less 17 Yds Wonder Bird RACE FAN Victory Unicorn Outsider: Booklaw II Abby Kay RACE TWO Outsider: Eastern Picture a I l>iv 4 6F4 S Yds MEATH RACE SIX Tempest i 1
    116 words
  • 769 10 DELOW is the card for today's seven races. The Big Sweep will be drawn on Race Six and the Double Totes on Rades Four and Seven: RACE ONE 2.15 P.M. HORSES CLASS 3. DIV. 5 6 FURS. ft 5 YDS. Rooklaw II (Harper) 900 Yeap Hock Hoe Manning
    769 words
  • 54 10 Following have neen selected to represent Merry Union B.P. in a return match of badminton against Nee Soon B.P. at Happy World on Thursday at 7 p.m M Sadali. Omar, Lim Km. Peow. Chia Etiz Hm. Ong Tiong Ghee Benny Kee; Reserves: A. Sujak. Othmatl. B. C. Mah
    54 words
  • 49 10 PHIIIIP MICKMAN (18), Yorkshire schoolboy, who tht FngUsh Channel otter swimming for 23 hours «n.inutrs He is sren wadirig ashorr at Kingsth wn l ioCnHMI in blankets with bis hair still streaked "th He is hrlprd by his trainer, vrteran swimmer Edward H. Temme.—A.P. Photo. A.P. Photo.
    A.P. Photo.  -  49 words
  • 377 10 Tribune Rufcby Reporter THE Singapore Asian Rugby Union yesterday de--1 cided to shelve the Question of accepting four Malayan R.l. decisions on Asian rugger, until further investigations were made to ascertain the motives of the M.R-1. The four decisions of the MR I',
    377 words
  • 108 10 Brluw are the handicaps for thr Singapore Gold Cup and ,ne rare ior thr last J-V of the SinsapOM- races on Sept. 1 THE GOLD CI T Class 1 Div. I—Abt. i% Milrs Ecliptic 9 •>rt«r- Gutnewrr H.lo i .irtunA Favourite Mi Natural 88 Byron
    108 words
  • 86 10 By ALLAN LEWIS COLIN TITLLOH. of Perth, will arrive on or about September 9 on the S. 8. Maetsuckeyer. Tulloh who i ides at 7-12 has been engaged as first jockey foi Jimmy Martin's stable. This jockey has been one cf the leading tiders in
    86 words
  • 22 10 LONDON, Mon.—Six of the Maharaja of Baroda's older horses arc to be offered at the Newmaruet bloodstock sales in Octobei.
    22 words
  • 370 10 The following es of ,ne p j n gapore Badminton championship will be this weekend. SATIBUAY 7 30 p m.: Ong Bong Soo Cheong Eng Leong <Rex> v. Wahab Sarkawi and Masrnni b H Sirai (Mercury); Cheang Senn Lock Hoo Chun Kah TUickl Strike) v. Seah
    370 words
  • 472 10  -  By ALLAN LEWIS FLEVEN horses are expected to arrive from tralia by the s:s. Niew Holland on Sept. 11 Keith p&tiiels has fiv.e on board while the ro maining wiH be trained by Jimmy Martin of Penan™ D'ANIEL'S fbur are:— f an NESStTS
    472 words
  • 111 10 R<creation B.P. beat Florence B.P at badminton by yen game-; to nil on Sunday, at the former's court. BEsilts: (Recreation B.P. player* mentioned first): SINGLES: Tay Koo Liangheat Ahnian bin Ahmad 15 —0; 15—12; Lee Soon Kiat beat Paddy Seah 17—15. 15—6: Goh Boon
    111 words
  • 296 10  -  By JACK HAND A.P. NEW YORK, Tuesday. VZZARD Charles has sold himself to IJew York as the best of a poor lot of heavyweights. The lean Cincinnati Negro still lack? New York State recognition as world heavyweight champion, but he rules the
    A.P.  -  296 words
  • 180 10 Cricket Poser Reuter. LONDON. Tues. A problem facing the Impciial i rickM Confcicncv in the neai futu u is a decision on whethel or not the Empuc team which la to tout India. Pakistan and Ceylon will be regarded as playing find class matche*
    Reuter.  -  180 words
  • 85 10 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Tues. Mauncl Ortiz, world bantamweight champion, was outpunched by local boxer mmv Cooper when losing a irnan:mous points decision in a ten round non-title conte.-t here last night. Cooper, who is 21, was conceding three and a half pounds. He dropped the champion in the
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 78 10 Results of the Singapore Table Tennis Open Tournament semi-final?, played at the Great World on Monday night are a? follow? Chua Kirn Hearn i Tiger Sports Club>. 1948 champion, beat Tai Yew Khuan (Chinese Sports Clubi a-11, 21-16 and 21-8. Chan Poh Ying (Chine* Sports Ciub),
    78 words
  • 41 10 LONDON. Tues.—The first race between Goidon Richatds and America's champion jockey, Johnny Longdcn, has been postponed. Longden had been en| to ride Terrace View against Richards on Windy Island in the Abbey Selling Plate at Bath races tomorrow.
    41 words
  • 41 10 The folio v.-in,- will Xl aim Association Ho w to play the Postal Union nr Sept. i or. Khaiaa AaaonrtW Ground toff St. George RosttJ at 5.15 p.m..—Surjeel HarbarJ: Sewa. B. i W <Capt.). Prreira. Parduman. Mohinder. Referee:—Mi. Gosain.
    41 words
  • 56 10 Chinese Swimming Cll h r f ub feaied Mansli.'lti"a Spo at table tennis by !<••" to three g— Membeis oi tl minjc Club who have 1 in their entries foi me singles chanipion-li h Mr quested to get in toi Lim Choo Ann. <vo i%l ~4.. Jerks
    56 words
  • 34 10 U.P. PHILADELPHIA. T**£ Arthur King. British Ernp£ lightweight champ-: tinued his United tories last mgbt- b > d»cia unanimous efrtjj** df« ston over Boppe Colasanti Rome before 2.000 fan* at Loppi Stadium.— U.r.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 448 11 TO PLAY BAREFOOTED By Tribune Soccer Reporter, the All-India Soccer team arrives in the Colony c» Oct. 10 for a series ot games here, loc»l football fans will have the opportunity ol seeing a strong combination taking to the fietrf b»re-tooted. Tills
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  • 44 11 THE SPORTSMEN IKOHPY, to be competed i (or annually bet. i ffl the 1 North of Ma>a\a uiil the v>uth a| Malay;; i» aid ,nt thr I niversdy oi Malaya and tin" Malayan Viswlstlsn t*>r the Pre- y ration of TulM-re;i»osi.s. j
    44 words
  • 83 11 A.P. LONDON. Tues. Service sportsmen from Belgium. France, the Netherlands. Great Britain and probably Greece will take part in the fourtn annua', competition for the Britannia Shield during the Battle of Britain week from Sept. 12 to 18. The contests are to perpetuate the spirit of comvadesnip
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 40 11 BOMBAY, Tues. India's number one badminton J player. Devindcr Mohan, retained his men's singles title I by defeating George Lewis 15-11. 15-11 in the Cricket I Club of India badminton championshins which ended in Bombay on Sunday.
    40 words
  • 159 11 LONDON, Tuesday. RLRT SITCLIFFE, the New Zealand lefthard X batsman, celebrated his team's farewell nppearance at Lords by hitting 110 not oat to help them to victory over Middlesex by nine wickets. It was o notable feat by the tourists to overwhelm the nt
    159 words
  • 126 11 Reuter. Klimi.ESKX Jnd Inns. > 'l». its,.„ h owie 4 I'.n.vM, b Burtt b Iturke t.o >»Ua b llurtt 10 b < „uie 1 r \> 11» OUt 1» Mmmm b Keid 0 1 ouipiwi, DonnelU b Kuril 41 t Moonev b llurtt 13 ••i-nc b lowie 4 "•irr
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 27 11 A.P. KBUL, Tues. Baron yon lhe German tennis star, won the men's singles Istanbul's fourth Lnternad champion ihlps by Wi Henry Cochet A.P,
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 109 11 A.P. ROCHESTER. N«W Yon<. Tues Irishman Max MCready British amateur champion was eliminated in the aecond round of the v National Amateui golf charo pionships at Uocbestc: todTJ by Don Caimichael, 30, V* Columbia, Ohio, five and fott McCicady lost four of thnine holes going
    A.P.  -  109 words
  • 37 11 A.P. viv KSTONE England. Tues. I Abdel MoniCT 35-year-old Egyp- tom lifeguard who was to have SSrted tS Channel swim att«Jt from the French coast at WOO tomorrow, postponed It until late afternoon.-- A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 59 11 The Tiong Bahru Ranger "A" team will meet ttK Chinese Spoils Association and the "B" team will play the Vampires XI at soccei at Fairer Park on oaturday. On Sunday the Range* will hold a picnic uc Mi. Teo Kirn Eng's bungalow at Pasii Ris. Transport
    59 words
  • 60 11 The Indian Casual 1}U XI to piay Soccer against Frase;- and Neave today at Farrer Park Kick off at 5.15 p.m. will be ehosen from the following. K. Narayanan. S. Veloo. A. Ra™k M. Gani. S. Murueasu-. T. N»darajah. A K. Salahudm Param. M. L Osman. A. Rahim.
    60 words
  • 143 11 Reuter. 1 1JK)N( ASTEK. Sacs. i Bruce Woodcock, British European and Empire heavyweight chuupmn. will neat Lee Savoid. thAmerican, for Britain's version of the world heavyweight champion- j ship in the open air :it White City, London, next Mav. I This was announces today by
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 62 11 U.P. FOREST HILLS, Tues. Italy's Davis Cupper. Marcello del Bello. played gamely on a taped ankle but was eliminated in the second round of the United States men's singles tennis tournament today by Jim Brink, 6-4, 6-0, 6-1. The giant six-foot threeinch Seattle netman played his best
    U.P.  -  62 words
  • 198 11 THE Euiopeaus went to the Navy by four goals to on in an inter-commumty leagu, soccer match at Beso. Stadium, yesterday The Navy led 2-1 ha f a time and throughout the rest of the game it though they had to he*a*a tied with a
    198 words
  • 299 11 COUNTY CRICKET Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. WITH the county cricket championship having beon decided yesterday, remaining interest is centred in *?ko wilt finish runners-up to the joint v inners, Middlesex n d Yorkshire with 192 points each. Worcestershire, who wound up then county programme with a
    Reuter.  -  299 words
  • 58 11 Reuter. AUCKLAND, Tues.—Scotland is the first country to send in entry forms for the Empire Games to be held here next February. She has entered for track and field events, boxing, cycling and swimming. It is hoped to send a team comprising 10 or 11
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 47 11 A.P. LONDON. Toes.— Following arc today's toot ball results: Division Three—(Southern see tion Bristol City 0, Forest 2. j. Division Three— I Northern Section): Barraou 1, Koxrrs Kurhdale 0. Donc^ter U, SroUish League: St. Mario. I, t.l.sgow Bangers 1. ltttsrbv League: Rengltwy itunstet t3.-rA.F.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 256 11 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Goh Hoc Siong of No. 714. Road. Singapore ha', applied to the Secretary Boafd of Licensing Justices for tl c ~,00 to him of a First CT.nss P iblic House Licrice restricted to the sale of Beer and Stout at Stall B. Lunar Park.
      256 words
    • 864 11 TENDERS TENDERS Ere Invited for the supply of the following Ik. j (Ml equipment for the Medical Department 12 Bassinettes with Stand. S Dressing Tiollovs, Pa i"..'s Trolleyr., 2 Wheel Chair. Sr.'inc Stands and 1 Gynaecol >- fioai iVble. j jyjecilicatiar.s may uc oilal i- I I .d ivon: ;h
      864 words
    • 260 11 SITS: VACANT WANTED*a lady assistant for 3flice and cinema work. Apply personally to 742, North Bridge Road. Singapore. WANTED Cloth r.mvasaers. Popular Goods. Liberal Terms. Deceut Commission. Jindils Limited. Cloth Manufacturern an v Lxporter«. Dept. UT. Lvdhiana (Lndia). rcraoN HFitcANTM4E iNSTif inrioN •> on Ntr«*«'t, Ph«»ue> 2370. HIOTI SPRKP
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 259 12 MALAYA MAINTAINS 'HIGH LEVEL' THE HAGUE, Tuesday.WORLD production of tin in concentrates reached a new post-war record and increased from 12 700 Ion* tons in May to 15,600 in June, lt was aunounredby the International Tin Study *roup m The Hague today.
    259 words
  • 241 12 A.P. RANGOON, Tues. —The rebels who on Sunday entered the northern Shan Scate caoital of Lashio were today officially identified as Kachin soldiers, |wno earlier joined the rebel Karens. A Burmese Army spokesman today announced over Rangoon radio that these Kachins had broken a pact with
    A.P.  -  241 words
  • 34 12 M. 61 Credgiogcon, tiuginee Has been tppointed Ditecter cf Engineeting. paitnunt of Broadcasting S ngipore. in place of Mr G S. Mil'-et. Diiector of Fin gineeiing. transf cited to Federation of Malaga.
    34 words
  • 221 12 A.P. CANTON, Tuesday. fHINESE Communist troops today slashed to wiUiin 30 miles of the Canton-Hankow railway. HT* line Nationalist defence forces for all S U The Reds over-ran Jucheng, 170 miles nor* of Canton and 40 miles east of the railway. then pushed ten miles
    A.P.  -  221 words
  • 23 12 LONDON. Taos.--Russia ant. Jie West arc virtua'ly agreed o. che detailed essential of a* Austrian independence pac pact, Western diplomats ?ai<
    23 words
  • 78 12 A.P. WASHINGTON. Tues. Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia is considered virtually a cinch to ~et an American Government loan—provided he.stays alive and independent from Moscow. Top Government officials said U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson's strong support for Yugoslavia s applicaton clearly toreshadows a favourable verdict.
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 57 12 STRASBOURG. Tues—Br.tish labcur representative won the fits-t round of a > att'.e in the European Asstmbly to smother discussion or. devaluation cf cunencie?. U was learned from a usuail> reliable souice today. The battle, first big inte national clash in the monthold Assembl}. was fought ou*
    57 words
  • 202 12 Reuter, A.P., U.P. LONDON, Tuesday. RUSSIA today openly stated that she withdrew support of Yugoslavia territorial claims against Austria because of Marshal Tito's dealings with the West In another stiff note to Belgrade the Soviet Government accused the Tito regime of betraying Yugoslavia's own
    Reuter, A.P., U.P.  -  202 words
  • 28 12 PORTSMOUTH, Tv c s.—Prime Minister Clement Attlee had a trip in one of Britain's largest submarines, the Acheron, during an official inspection of naval units here today.
    28 words
  • 137 12 Reuter. HELSINKI. Tues.—A quarter t f Finland's meta workers, turning out reparations j goods for the Soviet Union, were on strike todiv as more men answered the Communist anneal to cease work unUi the Social Democrat Government I ends iU pegged wages policy. In Turku, Finland's
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 78 12 'BURY THE AXE' SAYS TRUMAN U.P. WASHINGTON. Tv c s.— The United States as the first step in its new policy for stabilizing Asia against Communism today called upon India and Pakistan to settle their dispute over the princely state of Kashmir. President Truman in letteis to the heads of
    U.P.  -  78 words
  • 35 12 A.P. CTNCINATTL Ohio, Tues. Promoter Sam Becker announced today that Exzard Charles will defend hi* National Boxing Association wor!d heavyweight title against Joe Maxim at Olncinnatti in the first week of Nevember. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 41 12 1 Aidershot, holds up her j liNe-month-old daughter, j Patricia Ann, as they J say good-bye to her I soldier-husband, Sgt. Tho- S mas Morriss in Sou- y thampton, England. Sgt. is Headed for N Hongkong. L
    41 words
  • 302 12 PHIBUN C ALLS FOR S.E.A. TALK: Reuter. BANGKOK, Tuesday. MARSHAL Luang Phibun Songkram, Thailand's. Premier said today that internal and external Communist pressure in Thailand has .so in tho past four weeks that the Government is hastening with border reinforcement plans and is studying methods
    Reuter.  -  302 words
  • 109 12 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. —Prince Vlwat. Finance Minister of Thailand, is due to arrive in Britain tomorrow by flying boat, it was learned on good authority. His visit, which is expected to include official talks with British Government departments, was being connected by observers here with
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 38 12 DEAL, England, Tues.- Fifty-eight-year-old George Hassle Brewster took one ook at the choppy Channel from the French side today and abandoned his 13th attempt to swim the Channel without even letting his feet wet.
    38 words
  • 172 12 U.P. WASHINGTON. Tuesday. AMERICAN officials said today that the United States has promised to support India's candidacy for membership in the United Nations Security Council when the General Assembly at its coming session holds elections for three seats op that bod/. This
    U.P.  -  172 words
  • 24 12 A.P. LONDON. Tues.—Arthur Fielder, former and Enuland fa.-r bovier. died in BL Thomas Hospital, London, today mi th, L£4 "f "I- A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 172 12 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. -The London Block Ex<h.'in_r<- pause-;. Operator appear content and remain out of the markets whiht ;> waiting the outcome of important economic and financial conferences in tho United Ftates, Prices in most sections today remained steady and a firm undertone was established by fractional improvements
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 136 12 The Ocvernment-conUolled $23-million Electricity Organisation in the Federation wi be commercialised under th* management of the Central Electricity Board of the Federation of Malaya tomorrow. This is part of the Colonial Development Scheme for th--economic development of tin; Federation. The new plans nim«< to give more
    136 words
  • 80 12 A.P. BOSTON, Tues. —A pretty blondt —with notldng '»n but white panties—stopped trarfie at Boston's busy Beacon Horns sounded and motorists wliiKtled. Then a tr«*«e pa 'iceman took her to a police station. There. «-he exp'ained—after mt'ch pr i-npting that her na :te > :«s Brigid
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 60 12 RANGOON. Tue:-. Burma hi decided not to send foctb*ill team to Ca'cutta to play against India in th world champion :up fo'- the Rimet Cup. the Burma Feo;ball Federation ononunced here The secretary cf 11 c Pederation said this lectin followed India's refusal t > eccep:
    60 words
  • 116 12 Anglo-US S Talks Reuter. I ONDON. Tue, M Dcrang. AJBlataiit Unov. Secretary at th.- Tv, Office uncharge ofpJ! em affairs, will o in T." I Bevin's team at th AmVT American financial aujT -slorts, a Foreign Oft* man said here today on H S%t 6. fly
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 156 12 YMCA: Malay tfTfimrf C p.m.; Commerral 5.30 p.m French CI a,! 531 p. m<: rhess Club 5 Talk on "Economic Affairs' h» Mr. Andrew Gilmour. p f f«>r Economic Affair? f)r a W S. Thevatha-san will uk/ tkl chair. ART CLUB: T.M.C A On hard Road
    156 words
  • 151 12 CATHAY: "Lost A: Margaret O'Brien. Jamea Cnfe and Marslia Hunt li H'j 4.15 and 6.45 p.BL Far East [tWiWrr f* Musk. te« v and Q*m Kvll> i 1• ML \PITOL: "A Bud Abbott and Lou tello and Frank Bi.. k. Hyd* Beattv and Max and BuMr Baer. 11
    151 words
  • 20 12 11n«er-C onuiiuui'V If** w r n il», se vs. ihe Jalan S1 i»e»= Bam..».»»- M I Call and Tt&nis.
    20 words
  • 184 12 A.P. LA PAZ, Tuesday. FIGHTING for survival against a spreading ng 1 revolution, the Bolivian government toda> a draft of all citizens. |he Reservists, aged 20-24. ours in La Paz and orders for mobilisation nave issued to all men between 19 and 50. They
    A.P.  -  184 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 49 12 mm ■lf*3f^r^^^i^Hi\k^l makes weaning a happy time for baby —and mother "rfwOO HIMO BROS. V ifrgg 186. SOUTH BRIDGE RP., SINCAPORE.J As from Thursday, Ist September DANCIN G NIGHTLY (Except Monday) KATCNG REST-HOUSE Ist CLASS BAR RESTAURANT Music by Schoon His Hawaiian Sophisticates PHONE ***** 107, MARINE PAR ADR.
      49 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous