Malaya Tribune, 28 August 1949

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 57 1 MALAYA Tribune PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE i Tdb Tribune" S'por* p MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Phone ,5811/J Nine Lino* PubHahed simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, lpoh an J Pemang. SIXTEEN PAGES SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS. THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE: E. Maurice Malaya Tribune Office, US Fleet
    57 words
  • 1044 1  -  Demands Elections, Cabinet, Nationality By A.S. RAJAH Tribune Special Correspondent Butterworth, Saturday-Dato Onn bin Ja'afar lashed out at the indifferent attitude of the Malay Rulers in general, and that of the Sultan of Kedah in part.cular, in a seventy-five minute Presidential speech to the twelfth
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  • 559 1 y\ Red master-plan for the Pacific will be hammered out by Communist leaders from Asia, Australia, Polynesia and Micronesia who have been summoned l 0 a conference in Peiping on November 15, the Sunday Tribune is able to reveal. Iniike the notorious Calcutta conference
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  • 105 1 A Gurkha piper piay- pd for Miss Patricia Baird and Mr. Dennis D oul h t y Bleasdale when they left St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday after their wedding. Both the groom and his father-in-law. Lt. Col. C. Baird. have served m Gurkha regiments. < The
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  • 30 1 I always feel as though ihe Manned especially lor me. The [com* limentary, of course), the Jr my comfort all combine to Uall"*-- Ur\mf m
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  • 37 1 Tn~ "meeting vw f aa cuuveueo by Mr. S. SanKaran. Messrs. < Urn Yew Hock. S. Sankara-i. C. Karthigcsu, M. A, Majiti. j I. R. Krishadn, V. C. Jacol>. R. Kumarasamy wciv named j to the reception committee.
    37 words
  • 118 1 From Our Own j DISAGREEING with both! V Storr today ordered a i, oors of Derek Desmond Hot Hopper's trial in the Perak leged murder of a suspected A/W < retiring for 25 minutes the assessors. Mr. .J. Drown ant! Mi. D; Freer, found the cccused not
    118 words
  • 27 1 A Hokkien woman. Luri Chye of Jeddah Street, wa charged in the Fourth Police Court yesterday with alleged possesion cf X.475 ten-rupiah and I-H72 t.wentvfiye.runlah I
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  • 22 1 The increased rice ration for children in Singapore amounts to 2ft kattles per week and not kattles as announced yesterday.
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  • 107 1 A.P. SHANGHAI, Sat Chen Yung, chairman of the Communists National Labour Union and member ►f Politburo, told Shanghai unions they must reconcile themselves to lower wages Chen, addressing 600 union representatives, said that times would get worse before they got better. He predicted closing or
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 43 1 U.P. NEW YORK. Sat.—Franklin 'D Roosevelt Junior and 'Suzanne Perrin. Ne w York socialite, have taken out a marriage licence. It will be Roosevelt's second marriage. His flist to Ethel Dupont ended in a Nevada divorce in May.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 132 1 A.P. BAT AVI A. Sat— Another appeal for clemency is expected to be made within a week for Carlton Hire. Singapore businessman, nov-' scrying a seven year sentence for gun-rim-Din?: to Indonesia Such an appeal to the Dutch j High Commissioner brought j freedom this week
    A.P.  -  132 words
  • 89 1 Reuter. SYDNEY. Sat—The King I and Queen and Princess Margaret will visit Australia next year, the Sunday Herald reported today. A despatch from a London j correspondent, quoting per sons in close contact with Buckingham Palace, stated that the date of the visit could not be
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 83 1 Reuter. DOVER. Sat. Mrs. WIUI van Rijscl. Dutch swimmer abandoned her second attempt to swim the English Channel today after being in the water 16 hours and 62 minutes. She was two miles from her goa' when she surrendered to the Channel fog which caused flares to
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 288 1 STATEMENT by Sir Alec Ncwboult, j Chief Secretary to the Federation, at Friday Press Conference In j Kuala laimptrr: -On August H *h*s Government serrt a telegram to Hongkong saying that It is now cattail ed that there In no r» eessity to maintain any
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  • 115 1 MANILA. Sat. Movie starlet Carol Varga has told detectives that she and American businessman George Murray, whofvas murdered in his home on August 13, were in love with each other and "engaged to be married." Accompanied by her mother. the pretty 20--year-old actress. whore real name
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  • 217 1 Next For Dollar Cuts, Controls A.P. .BANGKOK. Sat Stringent controls on Siam's dollar imports and clailar spending are lecomm nded by Mr. W. A. M. Doll, Financial Adviser to the Siamese Government, who is now on leave in Britain. In a letter to the Premier and the
    A.P.  -  217 words
  • 86 1 U.P. FLORIDA. Saturday.—The NaUonal Guard has been calied to halt looting atfd vandalism which has followed in the wake ol the most savage hurricane ever to sweep 250 mil?s of the Florida coast. Damage is estimated in millions from the 155 mph wind. Palm Beach county sheriff.
    U.P.  -  86 words
  • 38 1 i j Fat men make the best hus- hands and schoolteachers j the best wives, says Dr. J. F. 1 Bender, of New YorK. director of the American National I Institute of Human Relations.
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  • 53 1 HONGKONG. Sat. Nationalist Central News Agency today irported that a large formation of planer 1 raided Shanghai inflicting "serious damage" to electricity and water well as to international broadcasting stations The report said that over eight pei cent of the electricity and water works in the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 tiBv Kt f4L^£fi T^*dJa-^BB^a^ ——'I 1 JUST ARRIVED AUGUST RELEASES. lUNG CROSBY Onro and for Always, 4070 tub your toe on the moon rniirti I both from" "A Yankee in King Arthur s Court > BING CROSBY, BIUBJJJK f SIR CEDRK HARDWICKE doing nothing, 4071 yscjf and me rnurt) from
      135 words
    • 37 1 SPECIAL OFFER GANTNER 100', Wool Swim Trunk* with Complete Elastic Supporter Tvvo Qualities: Unual Price $14 each. Special Offer S7. each. fjMOal Price *10 ?nch. Special Offer $5.M> each. SEASON TRADING CO., 57, Hl4fl» St. »ci: tigerJSSSI
      37 words

  • 710 2 Suiulay Tribune Staff Reporter THE Singapore Labour Party, in a Press state--1 ment yesterday, glared that the Chinese Chamber of Commerce recommendation for a 25 per cent increase in rental on dwelling houses would disorganis? ;he economy of the Colony and destroy the stability achieved
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  • 41 2 Mr. K. E. Mathew. the Director of the Indian branch of the International Labour Organisation, has arrived in Singapore to make arrangements for the Asian con fefence Of expeits on training questions beginning in the Colony on September 12.
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  • 23 2 MALACCA. Sat. The Resident Commissioner, the Hon. Mr. W. C. Taylor, will hold his next press confetence oa Thursday. September 1.
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  • 240 2 MISS Norma Cecilia Sharkey ift was married yesterday to 1 M.. Harry Anthony Noble. j Sub-Inspoctot of the R.N. r_)cc'' V m -J •vrnT? t p.m. p S p.m.: Pay* Lebar 9 a.m.. in l a.m.; «Seylanc: Methodic Clmrrh L»et MO a.m.. «US a.m.. .i
    240 words
  • 126 2 CATHAY: "Reign of Terror" willi Robert Cummings, Arlene Dahl, Richard Baseharrt and Richard Hart, 11 a.m., 1.45, 4.15, 6.45 and 9.80 p.m. Midnight: "The Three Musketeers" with Lana Turner, Gene Kelly. June Allyson. van Hefiin and Angela Lans»bury. Midnight: tomorrow: "Wild Fire" with Su Siew Wan (Mandarin). CAPITOL: "Colorado
    126 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 178 2 recorder Life-Like Mm \/X Accurate Can Be Made By Anyone! mth plug-/w xfco#&//y<: cARrR/pt?t~ j SOUND RECORDING AND REPRODUCING OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS, MICROPHONE SPEECHES, MUSIC RADIO PROGRAMMES. IDEAL. FOR: Business, Retair-Stores, Schools, Physicians, j Lawyers, Clergymen, insurance Investigators, Professional Musicians, Entertainers, Commercial Broadcast Studios and jj In the Homes. II
      178 words
    • 456 2 WHICH OF THESE AILMENTS DO YOU SUFFEI^M «Athese warnings Wr\ j Jf^f* 1 went* may come! Your oocror »111 you of««« t>w»« ot,o. »uch at CJtiurr Fhoi; t.. Co •r« wirnlnc tiim of M'NBRA'- AND por. Iron, M»(r„, UT ro^d 'iTAwWSHCirIrKY t> at VIM. 1, C »IKI ,ou"V nO,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 309 2 Bill I BK f| _y n n ——in— n i TTf WCTtt'ORIT Ml Children's Programme; j.W BLUE Nl/TVVUKIV Xlme filial News; 7.W Fro Krnmnie Summary; LIS The ENGLISH IROGKAMMES Radio Orchestra in a half-hour programme of Halle* Music; <.C> m 1 9.0© a,m. Programme Sum- Malayan Affairs by Alex Josey;
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  • 264 3 Only One Acre To Be Allowed From 1950? Sunday Tribune Star R«*rorler 4 move to increase assessments en large comA pound house:; within Municipal limits will be made by Progressive Party Commissioner, Mi. A. P. Rajah, at Friday's meting* of the Commissioners. Mr.
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  • 44 3 Malayan Airways hostess lUwiLluiC iiuuuCtuit. cUlung vie ca«*e ai rrincc Restaurant yeswraay aver ncr weadmg to iiir. I». A. Rignall. wlio is j* private pilot. Mrs. Rignall was one of the original Malayan Airways hostesses, and has hundreds of flying hours to her credit.
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  • 168 3 Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter CNG Peng Kiat. a 20-year-old mechanic oi P Bukit Purmei, 6ti Kampong Banru Road, was vosterdav sentenced to eighteen months oaoi'by the First District Judge, Mr. Tan Ah Tan on a cnarge of ouiting up seditious documents and
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  • 69 3 Representatives cf nad.' UrhOM in Singapore have held an informal meeting to discuss a reception for delegates to the Inteinational Labour Or ion cnoferenec on 'Vocational Training" scheduled in Singapore shortly. TiV meeting Was cuuverlod by Mr. S. SanUaran. Messrs. Lira Yew Hock, S. Sankaran. C.
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  • 140 3 From Our Ohti Correspondent IPOH, Saturday. niSAGREEING with both assessors. Justice Paul Storr today ordered a retrial with fresh assessors of Derek Desmond Hopper at the conclusion of Hopper's trial in the Perak Assize Court for the al leged murder of a suspected bandit. All. 'ctinnn
    140 words
  • 50 3 A Hokkien woman. Lim Chye of Jeddah Street, wa charged ip the Fourth PolicCourt yesterday with alleged possession of 1.475 tcn-rupiah and twentyfive-rupiah counterfeit notes. She was arrested on *.naa> The charge was .explained to her and the case was postponed to September 3. Bail wa. offered at $1.000.
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  • 378 3 Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter THE pineapple industry—Malaya's third largest industry prewar—is likely to become a dollarearning concern by 1950. By then the new nlantin? programme, introduced in Johore and Selangor, to resuscitate the industry, ire expected lo show their flrst major results. This
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  • 209 3 Fiovi Oi/i Qten Coivcipo,Mt'iil j IPOK. Saturd iy. j THE inquest into the death Of Ten Pon Thiam. who died »n the lpoh Hospital forty hours after leeeiviirr the death .sent» nee in tin Assize Court on June 4. opened today before Ch<> Jamal bin Abdul Latit.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 289 3 WISH I FLitOTEI i ii vr i 4 hourr.. [l 0 j auful Colours hoose from j J i iM at cU ,ding stor* YET ANOTHER REPEAT! Thursday Ist Sept. g n pular and successful w Nights on 25th and have l*!»U*uM A-\ v^p%, s OETOMO and I a third
      289 words
    • 292 3 G. n.s al£ soles leather 3.90 Gents' full sole* lea v lur or rubber *™> Gents' heeling leather or rabber *-w LadieV or boys' half soles leather 2.90 Indies' or boys' full soL-s iiather or rubber w Children siies: S-B'/ 2 half sole, leather or rubber 1.90 Children ftizet,: S-»'/
      292 words

  • 152 4 Until 1950 j 'Sv Tribune Reporter) RAPID growth of Singapore's Juvenile population has caused such a rush on the ColDoy's schools that the majority of them have plosed their entrance lists until 1930. Mr. R. \L Young, Deputy Director >H Education, said yesterday: The number
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  • 353 4 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) JHE Singapore improvement Trust expects shortly to re-open its register of applications for Trust buildings. Over 20,000 forms and letters, explaining 'he points system, are now being printed. As soon as these forms are ready and the necessary staff recruited to cope
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  • 40 4 Low Soon Huat was sentenced to six months' goal in the First District Court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to a charge of extorting $60 from one Ang Boon Lay by putting him sn fear of arrest.
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  • 73 4 THE Third Annual General Meeting Of the Singapore Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union will be held at their Registered Office. 172-A, Rangoon Road, on Saturday Sept, 10 at 2.30 p.m. The meeting will receive and adopt the Executive Council's report and accounts, and elect a new
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  • 33 4 A new water-boat, built i the Singapore- Harboui Board's Keppel dockyard, was launched yesterday. The boat will go into service with the W. Hammer Company, supplying snips in the Singapore Roads
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  • 218 4 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) CUNDAY showers mi&ht have dampened the spirits of Singapore's picnickers and holiday makers, but they have helped to save the Colony from water rationing. According to the Municipal Water Engineer, Mr. F. G. Hill, the island's water supply position is
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  • 37 4 Chief Petty Officer Eddie Burke, 25, servicing an aircraft in H. M. S. Triumph, is the proud possessor of the longest b?ard in the ship. It took him a year to grow.
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  • 315 4 Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter THE British light fleet carrier H.M.S. Triumph, accompanied by H.M.S. Belfast, and the carrier's attendant destroyer, H M.S. Charity, will leave Singapore Naval Base Tcr Hongkong Tuesday morning. About fifteen Seaflres and Fireflies of the carrier will ny over the
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  • 211 4 Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter AN additional' $20,000 is needed annually to A give volunteer workers a <reer hand in Singapore's 17 social centres for children. This money must come from the public. The Government provides $420,000 for the children's centres and a further $30,000 for boys
    211 words
  • 136 4 [Sunday Tnbun, rOUSANDS of Malnyaleei in Singapore ah, >. Federation will celebrv the annual festival of '< tm< on Sunday, Septemt. Onam is the most mportant festival of the Malayalee community in theM —Malabar, Cochin vancore jointly low Keiala. It is their oat f,
    136 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 122 4 UU {I X PS II Befreihln* •Smooth 'a BK^&^iii^^B sealed-in* 1 and bonded !*7~~ glasses. Resistant to hf*t, damp, vapotir -jr w| ag la finish f« fw»-» tp<»d*>u NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. 71. High Street, Singapore gfrA FOR THE CONVENIENCE I OF USERS OF SUN I FLAME APPLIANCES I For
      122 words
    • 117 4 j LEWIS' BITING BEST SELLtK! I HMI TURNER SCOTT REX COMING SOON! I j *The FINEST BICYCLE BUILT today I 1 S T fc <om f* rt i $5 ""'s?* j Hercules Jr THI HltCUllS CYCLE ft MOTO* COMPANY IT& I!RMmCH»»* CNGIAMO «e«£S£nw,ves: T. V. MITCHELL CO. LTD. 18 BATTERY
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  • 206 5 —By 38 Minutes RADIR Maideen may, if he wishes, boast of having beaten a machine at its job by a comfortable margin of 38 minutes. The machine was a tennis racket stringer and it took an hour to string a racket. Maideen took only 22 minutes
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  • 51 5 MALACCA, Sat. -The wedding will take place, on Satday. Sept. 10 at 8 a.m., in the Church of St. Francis Xavier, Malacca, of Miss Dorothy Gabriel Dias. second daughter oi Mi. and Mrs. R. H. Dias, to Mr. J. P. Santa Maria. A reception wiil be held at
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  • 263 5 'It's A Violation Of Pvotn ises'— lt,,:hc MM Ta,m Sunday Tribune Stuff Reporter THE Malay Nationalist Party is to n?<ht against 1 that part of the Federation's Societies ordinance which calls upon all society to either register or apply for exemption before October 1.
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  • 36 5 MALA C C A Sat. mo Malacca brancn of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will hold a Flag Day on Saturday. October 15, in aid of Blue Cross Week.
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  • 115 5 Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter AN elaborate programme for LTniversity Week will be discussed by the Johore Bahru District Sub-Appeal Committee of the University of Malaya when it meets on August 30. The Committee will also consider methods of raising funds, ways and means of propaganda
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  • 145 5 Sunday Trbune Staff Reporter CONSTRUCTION of a new airplane-shaped $500,000 Anglo-Chinese School, under an American Mission, is now underway in Barker Road. Said to be the biggest ever to be built in Singapore after the liberation, the school is expected to be ready by the
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  • 73 5 At the General Meeting of the Singapore Medical Labour Union, the following were to hold office for 1949--50: President, Mr. Munasar; Vice-President, Wari bin Said; Treasurer, Choo Ah Seng; Asst. Treasurer, R. Syed Hussein; Hon. Secretary, Lim Gong Tee; Asst. Hon. Secretary, John J. Pinto; Committee
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  • 460 5 IN August 1919, six "fledging" airlines got together and organised the International Air Transport Association. At that time they realised that, without complete international understanding, air transport could not overcome the barriers of language, custom, currency and law. Today, through lATA, over 70 member airlines
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  • 149 5 WORK i 3 going on in full swing at the Singapore Harbour Board Wharves. The average work carried out on ships has been consistently in the vicinity of 11 tons per gang per hour during the year. Pre-war the average figure was between 11
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  • 90 5 "Perm nights at the Y.W.C.A. hostel are the latest fad. Using the new home outfits, the girls take turns in setting and perming each other's hair on evenings spent at homo. This scheme solves all the problems of managing the back of one's head,
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  • 350 5 Two Men Are Combing The Town For Sunday Tribune Staff lienor ter TWO men in Singapore are drawing out a chart, based on measurements available from Amenca and England for "the girl with the perfect figure and the perfect face."
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 101 5 M <^^^^^Je^WWPPM^E^E^E^E^ele^E^E^E^E^E^eVt^m >w longer-lasting! YOUR RAZOR PERFORM MIRACLES JV.i ct'<. i'er Vackft of 5 througr:out Malaya Distributors: L. E. TELS COS TRADING SOCIETY MM.VI'ORE PEN AN G KUALA LUMPUP--^^^jSĔ WMwmHTyauiicm OfG Am > CM* l IN f MNY SOUTH AFRICA, J FAMOUS... W KEY BRANDY 3)STAP QMS YOUR HOLIDAY PLACE
      101 words
    • 355 5 OH /> t NEW PRICE SINGAPORE. Baby Brownie Special Camera 8.00 Brownie Reflex Camera 25.(M/ Kodak Vigilant Jr. Camera, Koriet lens 40.00 Kodak Vigilant Camera, f 8.8 lens 56.00 Kodak Folding Brownie Camera, f/6.3 lens 50.00 Kodak 35 Camera with Range Finder, f 3.5 lens 240.00 tad (U»t*H S Wise
      355 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1986 6  -  By VERA ARDMORE DINNER parties are dreadful. At least they are until your guests arrive, then I they are a iot of fun. Of course it all depends on the individual hostess. Some women are far calmer than others. They plan ahead better, and are intelligent enough not
    1,986 words
  • 141 6 THEY BLUSHED WHEN WHEN Dick Nancarrow o. Radio Malaya, referred to the "Philarhania Orchestra o\»er the air the other mgnt. H. H. Tunku Mahkota. the Regent Of JChOn and Mr. ■•Tim" Foley, afte c. a dinnerparty for "Bring Back A.ive" Frank 1 who was flying fiom Engl&ncr waited for two
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 121 6 Take this Opportunity... MODEL 5101 of coming in to fmmm^immmms3n Moutries and seeing this j jKcV fine magnified bandspread radio. It has everything you expect in :i really P».'"""" 11 radio. See it during your lunch-hour. Si 25 Less 10', cash. Hire Purchase terms arranged. I ESTAB S. MOUTRIE CO.
      121 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1944 7  -  Froth Jimmy Glover LONDON, Sat. I just can't get away from pubs. When I tokiyou about the new London office of the Tribune overlooking ¥c Olde Cheshire Cheese, I had completely forgotten the other old hostelry, the King and Keys, but I was forcibly reminded of this when
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 262 7 ggggggaPMN portable radio O lOU operates on all mains from 110 v to 250 V batteries I Spare, batteries ft valves also in j ffp'u stock. •:i Grwm °P^ ones Mecca Gramophone Needles plated long playing $1 Kxtra loud, Loud 'Medium Tones. ftl .'--HO© W■ Sole n q KSAf P
      262 words
    • 212 7 Immediately you add **J J •f'^ hot water to a spoonful r of Nescafe in the cup, the coffee's /^'"^^^^^^^^^^S^* j made —No grounds, j alasuC eefNl Even if you didn't, prefer it for its speed, i C\*~o yo u 'd stiU P refer foc l V 4JL*the roaster-fresh fragrance
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  • 438 8 ONE cannot accuse the men of the Kremlin of not having been patient with the heretical Marshal Tito. For thirteen months the medicine men of Moscow have waited with open arms to receive the black sheep if he returned to the fold. For thirteen months Cominform press
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  • 2692 8  -  Not the Vietnamese people, but French bayonets support the Bao Dai regime. Prominent anti Communist and Catholic leaders have spurned the offers of seats in the Bao Dai cabinet. Vietnamese civil servants and intellectuals are showing hostility to the new government whose officials dare
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 96 8 «Ey# Oars consists of more tkaa Just "buying glasses.' Eye comfort and visual efficiency depends primarily upon professional services of a Qualified eyesight specialist. I. ©HONG, OPT., D. rally sqalppe* wit* ssoasrn Instruments. SBaaBBSBSaBSSaMSSBBBBSBBBSaSMi MA L AY AN A IR WA YS AND NOW TO BURMA WEEKLY SERVICE ON MONDAYS
      96 words
    • 86 8 fci' I Hint 1 4 1 in Singapore in the I t &%sfr n B t up to date battery factory in south East |i/ Asia, according to the same high "t 43 manufacture which have made the name »,j «g •♦EVEREADY" famous throughout the world. I' P THEY ARE
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  • 710 9  -  Some people will not take a Sunday paper, because they think it means Sunday labour. Yet, the Sunday labour in producing it is nothing compared lo the Sunday work in connection with Mondays editions, By c Phil O'Mcll ME time ago. an English C tated that
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  • 762 9  -  by JIMMY GLOVER IS Nin< teen Eighty-Four and Warburg. Hb Orwell has what many critics the most important book published since the war —a love story of London in U of 1984, when the world and it.- people have lost on all *hat is sane I
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  • 402 9 A.P. THE deer which once graced the parks of Britain's great homes and castles are Vanishing, victims of high taxes arid, the meat shortage. Gerrard Tyrwhitt-Drake, who founded England's Deer Herd Book Society after the First World War. said two factors have brought her famous
    A.P.  -  402 words
  • 817 9  -  By S. Stewart Dewden IT was revealed not long ago that a friend of the late Duke of Kent was a luggagesteward aboard a liner. The story illustrates the changes and chances of this mortal life, for when the Duke and the "baggagesmasher" were first acquainted
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 INV&LUABIE FOB ALL I *&RICULTUOAL PURPOSES I noreds OF other USB. I DUNCnN QOBERTS CI 1 tmmirtgp spott rwowE iou I takes more than brick 1 and mortar to build a j Durable and Fine House Modern architectural ideas, workmanship and QUALITY MATERIALS theae are the elements to bring into
      85 words
    • 187 9 TO-DAY'S j PHILIPS I RADIOPLAYER BEST jtf£~*\ course BUY... PRICE: $180 to $550 FREE SERVICE: PAYMENTS: 12 months 6-12 instalment DISTRIBUTORS: I ELGIN PIANO CO., 77, East Coast Road, Opposite Roxy Theatre. 1 z -=J SHOW MORE SELL MORE SAVE MORE mssmn /GARDEN CO. 82. ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE PHONt 3252
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  • 1093 10  -  During the reign of Elizabeth, Catholicism was treated by the law with great seventy. Despite this, priests were concealed in the houses of Catholic nobility and gentrydaring everyth ing for the sake of what they thought to be their duty. By S.W. CLAPHAM
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  • 55 10  -  By CONSTANCE SHARPE JAN. 21—FEB. 18. This week will, in some way or other, be a turning point: your actions -Mind plans will take on new significance. Whatever you do, think carefully before you act and don't be afraid of taking your time to
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  • 52 10 FEB. 19—MARCH 20. Much can be achieved as a result of co-operative endeavour: this would not be a good time to play a lone wolf role. In your job, Snags trill crop up and people will be awkward: don't say anything you might regret—curb your tongue in the interests
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  • 52 10 MARCH 21— APRIL 20. If you have been putting off doing »>ariotts odd jobs, you had better catch up on them: otherwise you will find youtself in a fine muddle as a result of unexpected changes in routine. In. the home, don't discuss business problems. Be patient with very
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  • 53 10 APRIL 21—MAY 20. Plan your hours and your days and make the most of them: don't allow yourself to be rushed into things that would destroy routtnt>. And don't make promises that you won't be able to keep. Near relatives vnU unconsciously throw> monkey wrenches into the works unless
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  • 48 10 MAY 21 J —JUNE 20. Look after your money and DON'T gamble this week. And guard against the loss of personal possessions. A domestic arrangement will go wrong at the last moment: keep cool and don't panic. A change of address—or a contemplated change may.oc&ipy your mind.
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  • 42 10 JUNE 21—JULY 23. Relatives wiU try to interfere with your plans and you wiU have to be firm and tactful in your dealings with them. Co-workers will try your patience but before you allow yourself to become annoyed, wait for explanations.
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  • 52 10 JULY *4—AUG. 23. You will find happiness through helping others: relatives, fellow workers, lorded ones will all bring you problems and your own plans will be sadly disrupted. But do what you can and be glad to be able to help. Look after pour money: an unexpected bin may
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  • 51 10 AUG. 21,—SEPT. 23. Be patient with the people around you: they will be annoying but it would do no good for you to lose your temper with them. In your job, don't take chances with new methods: stick to old, proved ones. And in the home, don't take financial
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  • 47 10 SEPT. 21,-OCT. 23. Take your time to think things this week and don't let anyone rush you into making hasty decisions. Someone in authority will annoy you but I warn you not to show your resentment opeiuy. And remember the old saying about a still tongue!
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  • 52 10 OCT. —NOV. 22. Work hard and play hard. Don't bring business worries home with you, Friends will try to interest you in scheme& involving risks with money: hav* nothing to do with them. Young folk in love will be inclineto act rashly: it will pay thepi to wait for
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  • 61 10 NOV. 23—DEC. £2. I am afraid that durini/ the nex few days you will be a trifle touchy--and-that opposition to your plans will be like a rod rag to a bull. Yoti wiH have to fight against this —-otherwise you uHll land yourself in hot water. Young people may;
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  • 42 10 DEC. 23 JAN. 20. Push yourself and your own interests: if you don't, no-one else will! Don't be over-mod-est, either. Towards the end of the week, loss of personal belongings is iaidiCM&ed: be pecialhi careful, ht-taws may be a trifle difficult.
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  • 698 10  -  By V.D. Westbourne SIR Edwin Dandseer said "Animals arc the mos* polite models. They do not show that they are bored." Many animal-painters of a later day must have unconsciously echoed his «words. Sir Edwin himself took his models where he found them. His celebrated
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 193 10 For over half a century (XPRESS 555 have maintained their, reputation as the best the .world ENGLAND Hi 001 HIS COLOURS AFTiR ALL I YOU'RE BuT^jjjo I TOO LAZY ANO SLOW JH EEL AWTULLY Sp THESE DAYS. YOU'LL Tl OOj ||||MHWt|| Ay«f VOCTOZ 4VI/fSEP... r~f^ZOBBBB /MOTHER! I WON'T BE A£LE
      193 words
    • 10 10 tal?" iffiii V Mii S4*A-fi Y tv CO- L ;jL*
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 33 10 Strange As It Seems \Z>* J8S9 CAN&DA7£ Ji Mm IB Wjl^= CAN HOLD A > *F FREE ELBOWS BALANCE V s ivSU> j FOE SEVERAL SECONDS/ V W' _Jf ftporfet/fy- 5o& Jbrtes, ffi/'/oo'e/pti/J j
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  • 73 11 rOS\ DEXTER, 29-y?ar-old actor who has never. k appeared in motion pictures, has been selected to play ih, role of the late Rudolph Valentino in the picture, ulentino \s I Knew Him," to be made in Hollywood. Dt \t« r. who comes from Talniage, Nebraska, is de- a
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  • 334 11 SOMETIMES it is necessary to prttend he's isn't in order what he wants, any rite, is the be- >nt Price, the tall. actor who speplaytrig villainous raters w Li Born an American,, he got an actor by prea an Englishmd smce has portrayed
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  • 163 11 lOHNNY CANDS is grateful to Shirley Temple for the asJ s'istance once given him toJW^JW*. ttTCUJS that maYor unmaKe a movie aspirant. Johnny Sands did so well in that movie test that he was cast as the fellow "who wins her from Cary
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  • 74 11 ROBERT RYAN and f nomas Gomez were r trapped in a goods eleva- tor between floors for y more than an hour at the Bethlehem Shipyards in Wilmington while there on location for RRO Ra- dlo's "I Married a Com- munist." While waiting for work- men to repair
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  • 965 11 'Francis' Hits A New High In Insurance Hollywood Report From HENRY GRIS HOLLYWOOD. ANE day, a silver-grey truck with the words "Universal International Studio" painted on its sides rumbled through •the gate on to the studio lot. In the back of the truck stood a solitary greyish-brown animal,
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  • 152 11 LEXICOGRAPHERS of the day would do well to keep abreast of word-coining by seeing Columbia pictures. In "Mr. Deeds Goes To Town," Gary Cooper made the word "doodler," as applied to people who draw meaningless hen tracks on a pad during a telephone conversation, part of the
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  • 63 11 BY popular request several previously filmed specialty numbers with top favourite* will be included in RKO Radio's big-time vaudeville-on-film feature, "Make Mine Laughs." Jack Haley and Joan Davi will do "Who Killed Vaudeville?" Frances Langfcd will sing "Moonlight Over the Islands.," and other numbers will
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  • 495 11 TO the question frequently asked by young people ••How cm I make acting my career my impulsive answer usually is. "Don't." I've had thousands of queries by mail and in person, from* boys and girls who want to know what is the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 75 11 Jfc fce,ll,t, 1 j sr^...-«*-«■■ i 'nWlbe Snow' dees to much ft a+ftmms mmi ptxfrmm tW *un. Women Uw I/ r ,.,—ta that atoy I trust it v thay do 1 J •hr beauty cream. So I t/atnr** thoroughly, 1 Vung at ail seasosa, I perfect 4 matt I :.'*tuif
      75 words
    • 390 11 ./eft*' GIVE YOURSELF A TONI PERM ,N 3 EASY STA<SIS 4 Roll your hair up in Toni I ctixYen. Dab on Tcmi J y Cren* Lotto* M r»» fo. dip I f you ifltc ask t to T Oll with b S\ Tie a turban around your JWF^ffifpZ?- head and
      390 words

  • Article, Illustration
    349 12 It 1' TII MILLET SEND SINCERE WISHES DON'T STRAIN YOUR B'JDCET A HOUSEWIFE asks: "What can I do about the problem of gifts which keeps throwing my budget off? Between now and August I have to buy five wedding and three baby gifts." I. In this family, struggling
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  • 161 12 BY ALICIA HART FASHIONS for business women hit the headlines recently at Sydney at a dress parade" in which all the models were members of the T. lsiness and Professional Women's Club. The club, with branches in Melbourne, Piiohanc, Hobirt and Perth, as well as ECVeraJ
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  • 360 12 THIS week Irene of Hollywood includes glamour for little eirls in her photograhs What mother could resist this light, easily laundered and perfecUj leUg.tful dressing -own for her small daughter to come downstairs In MW M 9 good-night to her mother s guests 0 Simply-made in
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  • 136 12 i j 'WHE reason I am embarrassed to appear in a bathing suit is that I hate j to bring my logs out in the open. Without J stockings, they look so white and imperS fectiops seem so much more glaring in the* sunlight." writes
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  • 47 12 Many of those blackheads which polka dot young fact be blamed upon lazy habits of skin care. Case in point is the Hck-and-promise method of washing faces which so many girls' mothers report. If that describes your method of wcrmbbrng, ink* MW ratal.
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  • 206 12 NEW YORK. Salvador Dali on canvas isn't news. But Dali designs on cotton fabrics to hang at the windows or to cover the divan are truly new and different. The modern painter was one of six people chosen from the fields of art, architecture and
    206 words
  • 144 12 rXTCH-l.'P those gray hairs if your job, ego or good looks demand it. No one shouts "hussy" at a rinse or dye any more. You re more likely to rate a chorus of admiring "oh s" and "ah's." General acceptance is in order nowadays
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 340 12 PHILATELY WE PAY MOM:V FOR USED STAMPS 40r. per H?0 for any Malaya slampi (soaked <»ff paprr>. Free Buying List of Stamps. The Stamp Trading Co., Hay M.. loron-o, t :<n»ua. Mamp Collections Wanted! w« Buy All Kinds of Stamps. "Lose Linen". You are proud of your clothiru and linen,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 241 12 li'l ABHUH *kM£ f m 1 LETTER WASH IN'TON, jj TWt I T DC*- FO'YO',BANSY-F'JM DC?- < «v thC KAH TURNS ITAM.CAINT ftttß 7 WEmM&^) I TH'SEKKATERRYO' PMlfi'EE 0 h 8» READ IT— MOSTLYON«T rREADTH' WE. \TH' 9 5tC Rt „,h»«« t W ACCOUNT OF AH CAIN i TO US
      241 words

  • 507 13  -  THE PUBLIC WANT. TO KNOW By Our Soccer Reporter WHAT decisions have the Singapore Amateur Football Association arrived at following their inquiry into incidents which occurred during the recent Singapore vs. Army-Navy Malaya Cup game ■at Jalan Besar Stadium This is what Singapore
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  • 72 13 The Useful Badminton Party iis holding a dinner at the Southern Hotel next Satur- day in honour of Miss Helen Heng for retaining the Mala- yan singles title at the j recently concluded eighth Malayan cnampionships. In retaining her title. Miss Heng became the first
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  • 481 13 HOW TO PLAY GOLF \o. 19 OPPORTUNITY for the young tournament golfer was never brighter than it is today. The ranks of the Old Guard are beginning to thin and soon not many of the fa- miliar names will be ieft on the score boards. c
    481 words
  • 432 13 It All Seems Like A Movie By MICHAEL GOH PROM Madison Square Garden idol to a Singapore r jaga—this in a nutshell is the life story of Filipino prize fighter Ignacio Fernandez, who hit the headlines in practically every American newspaper in
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  • 145 13 S. T. Sports Reporter r ie high time that the Singapore Amateur Foot- j ball Association brought their ruleg and bylaws up-to-date I As far I can remember, i Ihe rules were last revised In I 1937—12 years ago. j Since then many
    145 words
  • 45 13 11 Twelve "vclists from the ft* i deration and Singapore will participate in the 150-masspd start cycle road race this morning. They will race on an S-mile stretch on Lim Chu Kang Road, off lOth-mile Bukit TiI mah Roa 1.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 \a\ for your baby's very I t f&ecfc/ sklit^^^^ Ss *sJj Thletsa" mnst have "for a baby, a new, goow-whire. eweet-smelling lotion for cleansing, lubricating and preventing 90ft baby sWn from chafing. Smooth it on after ,ver r.appie cnange and bath to keep your baby'e fragile skin 0 an. sweet
      156 words
    • 449 13 I PINEAPPLE HAM MIDDLE CUT This choicest paxt \T excellent both baked and v y boiled, as a hot dish or sliced v/ he n cold for salads and sandwiches. SHANK END There is little fat this cm MP I end. but more bone so TWs ls the leaet its
      449 words

  • 370 14 High Cost Of Equipment By Our Badminton Correspondent \LVE out of ten badminton clubs in Singapore today are broke or very nearly broke. Those that are not broke are carrying on with extreme difficulty. The high cost of badminton equipment—rackets, restringing and shuttlecocks— is the main reason
    370 words
  • 123 14 'Pi lAT a badminton party I having a bigger proportion (,t •'inaetivt members—those who do not play but ke< p on .-uppui ting it financially is always' strong financially. Financii 1/. an active member is a "liability" to a badminton club, while the inactive member is an
    123 words
  • 40 14 Followinc have beeif chosen to ivnresen: The Borneo (0.. -to. SrSrt? Club m a socc«£ match SpArta Club at Alexandra Road tomorrow. M*v c Kang. Coup.n. J Campbell.''verrall. Mn n. Salleh. wa. Reserves: Rajlman. Stevens. Wtauaen
    40 words
  • 50 14 Bobby MJoo, Java's lightweight boxing champion has revived all the interest which was lacking in Singapore boxing for a time. Njoo's fine nerformance in the Sineaporc ring brought back memories of the days when Young Frisco. IJdohd. Fahmy. Artilo Sabatino and Flashy Sabastai.i were campaigning here.
    50 words
  • 561 14 LONDON, Saturday. Though the English football season is only eight days old, only th* je teims in the top two divisions possess maximum pcints. They are the young Wolverhampton Wanderers team in the premier league, and Blackburn Rovers and Chesterfield in Division
    561 words
  • 127 14 S. T. Sports Reporter SINGAPORE physical culturlsts will give an exhibition of exercises showing how *beau*!ful bodies" can be built on Sept. 17. The exhibition will be given by members of the York Body-ou ild in g Club at the New World arena. On the same
    127 words
  • 126 14 MALACCA, (Sat. Ft. peers BrU,%iuV, Malacca. seat St. Joseph** Institution. Singapore, at badminton by four £»me-» to thr.-je at the Sl Francis Institution's iD'irt.* on Friday. Results (Rnjiaae players mentioned Hrst)': SINGLED: Tani W«n<? Hon beat Wilhe Tan 11 15. H 11 3—l). i 5-3: Lopez
    126 words
  • 106 14 V T In a game of badm.n 'if' the Si. Andrew's School baa j mir.ton team lost to the AtariqoLd Badminton Party 1 A at tne Happy World Stadium en Thurfda>. Results: (S.A.S. players mentioned first): SINGLES.. Seah Hark Chim b.-at Seah Kee 3). 16—4. 15—9:
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  • 63 14 Following are asked to turn up fdr Cheerful Lads A.P. at soccer avainsi R.A.P.C. on Ausr. 31. at Gevlang Stadium ;;t 8.J3 p.m.:—Tony Adalia. Kit i Poh, DoJlah Mustanc. M. Ibrahim. Seah Teo Kirn, Muniandv. he. Kirn Cpeng. Lim Onn Ann (Capt.), Tan Eiik Chia. Tan Knv Kiat.
    63 words
  • 40 14 Following w 1)1 rcr> r o en t Chinese: Swlmn*m«< CJ-ih jt table v ntifs against Mun?tVH sports (JhJtT-81 Amber U"lay il a.m. .Y. w WiM .Lim Kenu Sui Qioiiq Kmi Hnen«. <)u.-k En Huaf. Lim Ch<- Attn.
    40 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 413 14 GRAY HAIR you \rej^fcing No you »clu»»y HENNOI'OIIY OR NON-GREASY) t^Jf FtARLi nc-PARiS LTD, P.O. Boa 4fJ, aamaay. Prices:—HENNOL OIL $3.75 POMADE $4.50 (Duty extra outside Slagapare) Sole Agents:— NAINA MOHAMED SONS, LTD. Singapore, Koala Lnmpnr Paaaa**. Restore Youthful Ylaoir Te Glands in 24 Honrs M*w Discovery Bring* PUyasur+t Ĕgk
      413 words
    • 61 14 I .Professor Leo Sparkles, Ph. D. (Dr. of Pin??) Lesson No. 7 X A stands for Art' And Artist' and Arty And A' for 'Aerated' The life of the party. I At ways at your service THRILL SHOW htf EVER PRODI TED! g /J^ JUSTIFY AN ANNIVERSARY JL-J PRESENTATION!! J^^^X^S
      61 words

  • 2433 15 By ALLAN LEWIS ECLIPTIC after his brilliant win yesterdfry brightened Ms chances of t?Wng the Singapore Gold Cup on the last day of the meeting. He outclassed the field for Class 1, Division 1 horses over one mile in the i main race of
    2,433 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 99 15 j TO-DAY at 11 a.m. Warner BMs'. j NIGHT AND DAY" CARY GRANT ALEXIS SMITH j —in TECHNICOLOR j To-Day S, fi.rfi A 9.15 p.m. LAST 8 SHOWS DANNY KAYE in R-K-O^s "A SONG IS BORN" with Virginia Mayo in TECHNICOLOR OPENING TO-MORROW 'MourVing BECOMES EiECTRA" NEW STAR CINEMA Pasir
      99 words
    • 49 15 Big Sweep TOTAL POOL &191.662 FIRST PRIZE No. *****6 $86,247 SECOND PRIZE No. *****9 543.123 THIRD PRIZE No. *****0 323,95? StaTtrrs: 82.177 Each: Nov *****4: *****6; *****7. 37*225; 35(1237; *****«; *****0; *****4; *****9: *****1: *****5. Consolations: 51.437 Each Nos. *****4 *****5 *****4: *****2: *****9; *****8: *****3: *****0: *****2. *****6
      49 words
    • 125 15 ALHAMBRAI Air-Coiulitioned Tele. 6909 TODAY 145; 4.15; 6.45 9.30 P.M. For ike FIRST Time A Jaagfe Picture S H EFFIEt Morning Matinee TODAY at 11 a.m. Paramount* "VARIETY GIRL" Admission: Adults $1; C dldren 50 eta. -if GREAT WORLD Atlantic 2.30-6.30-9.1.' "TIGER WOMAN" Whole Serial (A REPUBLIC SERLYL) NEW WORLD
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  • 49 16 Se 1 c t a r Malays beat the Kew Sin r>y 5 goais to 3 in a soccer match played at Seletar yesterday. Scoreis for Malays: Oded J (3). Abdul Samat (1). Soekarnc 1 Wang Lam (two! and Peter (1) fcr Kew Sin.
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  • 529 16 lONA Wright (19) created a mild surprise wm n 1 she won the Ladies breast stroke 50-metr :t; event from Mrs. Van Daatselaar at the Singapore Swimming Club Junior swimming gala hold at the Club's pool yesterday. Mrs Van Daatselaar who hitherto had
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  • 99 16 In a meatfly soccer match played at Gcylang Stadium ihe Joimads Athletic Imlon defeated the H.M.S. Bella, t football team by to three. The ship did no. have a game for the last four months. u »tmrr The JolU'.ads opened scoring through Tobing. Their second goal
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  • 27 16 FOREST HILLS, New York. Sat.—Richard "Pancho" Gonzales. American singles champion, defeated Frank Sedgman of Australia in straight sets in their Davis Cup tennis match yesterday.
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  • 37 16 Reuter. N-KW YORK. Sat. CcYdan of France, former world middleweight ehampton wad presented here with the Bin* magazines' ••outstanding ing perfonnanee of »N J""**" for his display in Winning the title from Tony Zale.- I;culer.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 148 16 Indo Ceylonese Malayan Sports KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Five reeorts were broken at th* Aruiual All-Malayan ihdo> Cvyloneso Athletic Sports which < o lunenced here today on the T.P.C.A. ground. R. Munro of Penang bettered his own record in the pole vs'dt by 1* ins. when he timed
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  • 56 16 Tiong Bahiu Rangers adde.l another victory to then list of wins by defeating the Owen Youngsters by 4 goals to two in a. friendly game of soccer at Farrer Park yestcidav. 1 Scoicrs for the Rangers were: Ah Chong (2). Chong Kum and Cnung iloong ,1).
    56 words
  • 31 16 hip >iaiu»t..i **.»rwa>s Sports Club beat the Wue Rovers by one goal to nil in a friend'v soccei match played at Farrer Park yesterday. Scorer was ucaue Spain.
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  • 351 16 Bromley Davenport Sent Them Hunting 4 R. Bromley-Davenport sent the Federation NonH Benders leather hunting on the S. C C. side oi the padang yesterday when he hit up 32 runs tor tho Singapore Non-Benders. SingapW leads the Federation by 41 runs on the first innings, when stumps were drawn
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  • 111 16 Members and friends of the Titan Badminton Party celebrated the successful con elusion of the party's "A" and "B" tournaments with a din- j ncr at the Diamond Restaurant »n the Great World last j night. The results of the tournaments are as follows "A"
    111 words
  • 30 16 The Singapore TJattalion of the Boys Brigade held their ftfth Annual Sports yesterday afternoon at the St. Andrew's School grounds before a large crowd of parents and gue«ts
    30 words
  • 210 16 MALACCA. Sat. The Malarca Amateur Athletic Associa- lion roncluded their first Chamj pionship meeting today in l>rilI liant tunshine. Champion unit v-ere the Indians with V 7 points, i Then came th*- Chine--with 38 points. Eurasians 23 and Malays 4. Champion athlete was Kric Theseira. Runners-up
    210 words
  • 495 16 COLLING BAGS FIVE WKTS. AT TWO RUNS A PIECE (Sunday Tribune Sports Repor+er). SINGAPORE gained a strong 1.86-run lead at the close of the first <h\\ ol*>v fn a two-d-iy cricket match pgainst Malacca on the S. R. C. ground Malacca wis only ?ble to knock
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 195 16 The Phoroptor Instrument TMe Instrument it the reeult oj many years o. Reĕearcn. tt not on.y mca suren up to the hiyhes. standard* but ts very accurate and positive. You can be very sure of getting a proper meoaured-lene ylaeseI/ yo-u un.y come to us. The Great China Optical Co.,
      195 words
      21 words
    • 263 16 FOR SALE TOR SALE One Fu'Wize Burausrh Watts Billiard Tahlc *t the Chinese Swimming Club Tfnfrapoce. WANTED VANTED tn buy 3 tv 4 bedroomed house Tanglin or Holand Road areas prefetred. Offers with price indication to Box A 2754 Sunday Tribune Singapore. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Raffles College, Singapore, shortly to
      263 words
    • 86 16 Prof. ILMIDDTN »rm-PaJ.mkt and Horoafwa jĔ/Ĕm* Many vciu-j.' nraetln J&mk—K J n s" ial *<:«; Java. M, ,y S tf. Delhi ant mmous parts of tne w ■"nil-Life palmistry I'/iig $5/. satisfaction guaranteed Dai'v j-i 0-6 p.m. UNIVERSAL HOTEL *oos» No. 10. (Opp. Aurora Ltd* HIGH STREET— PHOMC Quick Relief
      86 words