Malaya Tribune, 19 August 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • 163 1 Reuter. BVN'GKOK. Thuis. The Premier of Th&i.ur.C. M.^sha. mg Phibu) said in j Parliamentary piess interview thai ily ittrwt Un-ted na -i lip mv: i 'eg-1 nitioo i Tha»'aid-to join a PacA: r Asian .«nti-| Conunuaut P^.c fc I The statement ->1 the P tioler. who is
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 56 1 Malaya's fir# Islamic College, expectedMO .be ready sometime nexmear, will cost at least JoOO.OW to build and to maintain, BR S. I. O. Alsagoff. chairmm of the Islamic College Cdfkmittee, told the Tribune yesMrday. A financial *b-committee has already be* formed to study ways a| means of raising
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  • 22 1 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Thurs.— Dr. tfrmi''' Gr~en, imperial wiz&f* of th- Ku Klux Kian. droned dea l to-
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  • 193 1 A-bomb diplomacy cannot last A.P. MANILA, Thursday. The Philippines ambassador to the United Nations. Carlos P. Romulo, said American leadership baped on the dollar and atom bomb alone could not long endure. We said in a talk to Manna j businessmen that American j leadership of the free world j
    A.P.  -  193 words
  • 34 1 Reuter. LONDON, Ttturs. Admiral Sir Philip Vian wil' j succeed Admiral Si ihoderick McGrigor a i Jommander-in-Chiej of Butain' f lome Fleet in January, li*st j t was announced tonight.- i teuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 34 1 A.P. SHANGHAI, Thurs.—Fred Hampson. Chief of Bureau of The Associated Press in China, was locked in yesterday for four hours at his office by four delivery cooiie3 who demanded additional severance pay.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 153 1 The latest of ten ships to be built for the Ellen-nan j Line, the City of Liverpool ia now in Singapore on maiden voyage encircHng the globe. She ia the first of the company's fleet to bear this name. She left afersey and crossed the Atlantic on
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  • 123 1 DARTMOUTH. DEVON j muis.—The Smith brothers Stanley and Colin, who lande< here today after a 43-day Atlantic crossing in their self-bull 4 20-foot yacht. Nova Espero hope to raise enougn money ti .ound on Vancouver island i model village in which wouh live a community based on th
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  • 30 1 Reuter. AMSTERDAM, Thurs.—A Dutch firm of contractors has secured the contract to cut a seven-mile long bypass canal to improve passage of shipping through the Suez Canal. -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 184 1 OEVEN prominent Johore Chinese and twelve 13 labourers will be charged before Mr. Justice Laville in the High Court, Johore Bahru, tomorrow with failing to report the presence of bandits. The seven Chinese are Tham Kok Aik, former manager cf Lee Sawmill at Kota
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  • 117 1 A.P. WINDSOR, ENGLAND, Thurs.—The man who made rose wine for Royalty and '-ept a tavern inside the walls of historic Windsor Castle died today. He was William George Hearn, 66, former Sergeant- Major in the Grenadier Guards. He had a grant from the King to run his
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 34 1 Reuter-AAP. TOKYO, Thurs.— Eight pc pie are dead and 103 mi:?sin, as a result of heavy rain brought by a typhoon which swept Kyushu, southern Ju pan, on Monday and Tuesday —Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  34 words
  • 28 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Thursday The House of Representau» Dday approved on the ft •ount a 00 per cent cut In t >1.160,000,000 arms for Europ programme. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 123 1 SOVIET Russia bought another 1,600 ton.- of coco- nut oil in Singapore en Wednesday, bringing the total she bought during the last fortnight to 3,100 i tons valued at about $2,750,000. Of this about 500 tons are being shipped by the Russian ship Askold
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  • 146 1 Reuter and U.P. HELSINKI. Thirs Kir.laiw i social Democrat Government i used emergency powers late to-, .ay and declared Hangoc. on, .he scwthwes,. coast, an open I oor. to break a nationwide docx-1 -rs strike called by the com-' "uoist-lod Transport Workers 'moii. The dockets
    Reuter and U.P.  -  146 words
  • 77 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The Governor General of India has replied to the message sent ty the High Commissioner. Federation of Malaya, Sir Henry "Gurney. on the occasion of the second anniversary of Indian Independence Day His reply is: "I thank you for the greetings conveyed on behalf of
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  • 338 1 Another American Consu la te Closes Reuter. HONGKONG, Thursday. Gen. Chen Yi's Communist armies, fresh from the capture of the Important east coast port of Foochow, today continued their drive southwest towards Canton and Hongkong. They were reported nearing Amoy, about 300 miles from
    Reuter.  -  338 words
  • 139 1 A.P. HONGKONG. Thuis. The complete loss of Changshan archipelago, oft the northern Shantung coast, to the Redwaa indicated by the official Government Central New? today in a dispatch from Formosa. The dispatch said the Nation- defenders of the Chang j shan islands have been orderc to
    A.P.  -  139 words
  • 44 1 When the warship, Ametnys matured in a news reel at the Jathay Cinema last night, th jdience greeted het with grea pplause. Phi Ainettiygt a sloop becam. votld famous wnen she made l taung bieak down the Comlunist controlled Yang-tss. nver to freedom.
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  • 76 1 Reuter. HONGKONG, Tbur*. The British and Ameri- i, can Consulate Generals in Kunming, provincial capital of Yunnan, ad- I vised their nationals to evacuate the city imme- diately in view of the war situation, th* official Na- tionalist Central News Agency said tonight. Most officials of
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 86 1 A.P. ATHENS. Thurs. The Greek Genera! Stan announced today that 5.500 guerillas tied into Albania during the Vitsi campaign. The Albanians have already announced that 5.000 "civilians" crossed the Albanian border. They also said that ftiore than 200 Creeks who tao*o~,refuge in j Albanian territory had
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 36 1 Reuter. ZURICH. Thurs.- The Britisn Chancellor of the Excheque i, Sir Stafford Cripps. wii leave hir Zurich clinic tomorrow "before the full effect of his cure has been achieved." his doctor said today.- Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 5 1 "T-" CHUM CHONO DAY TIGER^^9
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    • 37 1 10 Paiges i Tomorrow Tomorrow's Malaya Tribune will be 16 pages and will Include a special Singapore Air Day supplement, in addition to the Jatest race tips and other usual features. Make sure if getting your copy.
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    • 146 1 Bam f/BgM Quality fyfTONGGUAN 25iO.COliMAa STRcET. The best cigarette NEWS for over 40 years THE FILTER TIP It ia not enough to remote method of preoenttmg impurities from tbe cut tobacco smo ker S throat because it leaf —all reputable manufacturer. effectively retainsirritemf. do this. But irritant* developed it guards
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  • 192 2 r[E Colony Court of Criminal Appeal which asaerubied in the High Court yesterday, reserved judgment in one appeal against an order of forfeiture in respect of 2 500 bags of sulphate of ammonia, and disposed of two appeals against death sentences. Tan Kee Guan, a
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  • 97 2 JOHORJfi BAHRU. Thurs. —Thirtv-elght year old Aziz Khan, alias Duraisamy. was sentenced to three months gaol in the Sessions Court today when he was convicted of using criminal force against Raiadurai. The sentence s to be effective from the date of his arrest —June
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  • 30 2 The Singapore Admiralty Local Staff Union will entertain the Chairman and members of the visiting U.K. Civil Labour Committee to a tea party at the Union premises today.
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  • 323 2 R £RLIN Air lift pilot. Captain Nig* B is to lead the massed fly-past over Sa'.lang Airtvirt on Air Day—tomorrow afternoon. 1 will pilot the new BOAC Argonaut aircraft "Aurora" which is to operate between Singapore and Hongkong in place of flying boats.
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  • 55 2 0 M Suvaweera was sentenced to six months rigorr os imprisonment, by District judge V Tan Ah Tan yestordav. when he pleaded guilty to the charge of dlshoncstl f dloosing of a cinema prove V/valued at $5,000 wmch waa stolen from the A. k. c. c nema
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 Crowds at the Indonesian Independence Day celebration at the honv of Dr. Oetoyo, the Indonesian representative in Singapore press around a team of SiU»f dancers in the grrden of Dr. Oetoyo's Elliot Road. Slg'ap, home.
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  • 69 2 Nearly 5.000 sheep from Australia wore brought to j Singapore by the Blue Funnel I Line's 3,703-ton Charon and the Royal lnterocean Line's 4,271-ton MaetsuycKer, yesterday. Among the passengers wlkj returned to Malaya a hoUda.v in Australia were I Date SQ: i V'H j. well Knowp
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  • 130 2 \TINETEEN Chinese stowaways hid m tne Ro>al N Tnterocean Line's 14,155-ton Ruys for week. tHpv two hours before the shin be transhipped into another Dutch vessel to De sent. back to Hongkong. The men apparently got into the Ruyt in Hongkong by climbing up
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  • 70 2 This after neon, the Com- j LMtonei-General. Mi. Mai- j cSn mUcDooflO. wiU open i exhibition ol Mi WU 1W Yen's finger-paintings at tne Chinese Ctuunber oi comncrce in Hill Sticet i The exhibition wli! lie in -id of the Univcristy of Ma- J lava the
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  • 144 2 New Pay Code SINGAPORE Government servants have u*en show a a circular sent out by the Colonial inviting representations on revised sala/ies to De sent to the newly formed Benham Tr.« circular states that M me.mentations may bo made individually or through authorised unions or associations
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  • 83 2 Because the bicycle is the main means of transport in the Rural areas, the Rural I Board yesterday decided unanimously that children up to the age of 12 should be allowed to be carried as passengers on the backs of bicycles. Schoolchildren, it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 AZUAMBRA (Air-ConOitlOAea Tele. 0909) TOD A Y-3 SHOWS 1240; 4.15 and 8 30 P.M. ALL WHO CROSS HIS PATH MUST DIE! Si UMS OFJF ICHU" SB* ggty PRINT from REPUBLIC! j E TOMORROW! tCfN S MOST PARING JUNOUHtROf I i j ruing Matinee Tomorrow md Sunday a* 9 a,m. I
      103 words
    • 69 2 OPENING TO-DAY! S SHOWS: S, 6.15 «.15 P.M. rar amount's Grand Musical Treat! 'ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS" starring Dorothy Laroour Jon Hail IN TECHNICOLOR To-Morrow at Mid-Nlte R X O's RACHAEL AND THI STRANGER" GREAT W ORLD A lautlc 6.W 9.15 "MASKED MARVEL" I Whole Serial (A Republic Serial)
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 381 2 BLUE NETWORK malay «'uocbammks Sg%Ss iWZjftti^** ENGLISH PBOGBAMMKs JJ" gfi CHINESE PBOGBAMMKS 10 a.m. News from Kuala 1 i^nl» 10 m to 1:100 Lumpur; 10.05 (appro*.) flw. Tun. Uown; 13 noon Programmes in F„,iJ.tahuan •7 30 Popular Be- "-f 6 p m V si Tu,,e °P">Malay Peugetanu,*". jTu',,",. ing Annct.
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  • 306 3 tar bast iwty Mtfj Be 'Tropicalized' pRUISERS and battleships operatlnjg in r'ar ern waters may have to be "trqpicalizei". .to, suit climatic .conditions .here* if tests now in progress at the Tropidal Research Unit are completed in 1951. The Research Unit, stands beside the Kii r
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  • 141 3 Singapore, Thurs. WITH continued support from London, the local tin share market was again rather firmer. Industrials were also slightly steadier, Rubber shares were quiet. The following are the pripe changes announced by tho Malayan Sharebrokers' Association (O) stk. <$) 3.37 U 3.45 Goodwood Park 1.22'-
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  • 45 3 .AUeteuycker <<44>; Bali (*./«>: Hoperids* (40/41); Tranqnefcar ISS/S9); Plant-In*. CM) resilient Tyler (33/84 >; 20»; >ampor (21/22>; «M 4 1 Hakke <*.V*4>; Benvr-rkie «4/ >;,»; l.andbri* Vakold <« City of Liverpool <IJ£4> J V pondok (ID n 7™ Jf v Charon (0/1); Sirusa W*>l u >" <i/i).
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  • 45 3 V atest lime of posting at tne Op O to the Pacinc Islands. Austria. New te*M. B»™* Thailand, Ceylon. Batavia. Me dan and Padang is b P-m. Air Mai's ar.> expee ed from Aden, Afghanistan. fu- TTSSR U.S.A.. Honsand the Federation, ot juoiaya.
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  • 40 3 "Safest ffm* of P 0 r vci to Kuinpi how (Hoi how; G.r.u. lo n Northern Sumais noon and to worni^ l,l tra Sibu abd Java is b p.m. tr Surface Mails are expected from China and Japan.
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  • 106 3 Tin- rufclwr commodity market luid ;i qui-1 lone yesterday although a fair amount of business imu< i«assingV< Dealers wen not Uaclitted t<> do much. Closing prices wears Kayers Sellers Xo. 1. Sept. RSS 34 1/8 S4 N'K No. 2. Sept. RSS 32 3 8 3*5/« No. 3 Sept.
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  • 52 3 LONDON. Thuis. British j Government bonds got an- f other bad jolt on the London Excnange on Wednesday. Some issues closed at 15 shillings lower. The decline interrupted a slow rally which began last week after Govern- j merit shares has fallen past I tneir low point of
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  • 147 3 Tli'- < opra and roeomit oil market were firm \esterday at $28i per pit til IoOM for I 'indued copra and $61 per picul f.o.b. for coconut oil. Interest from India and Russia have twn the ruling factors in the oconut v.l mark.'!. Nominal pepper < t >)•
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  • 182 3 MAJOR-General D. Dunlop, himself an Irishman, 11 visited Selarang Barracks yesterday to say a personal farewell to the Royal InniskiUi i? FusUiers, who are leaving Singapore in a few days time, after a spell of bandit fighting. •As an Irishman. I am doubly sorry to
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  • 95 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Thur.'. Bandits yesterday tired at tlh? OCPD Kuala Kubu and wounded him in the aim and leg. Police found two .38 cartridge case- l»ehind a hedge on the light hand side of the road to the police station. In the Kajang area, four pcop'e have
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  • 104 3 ioHORE Chinese have tr.ised J 570.000 t** th* Johore squatter resettlement, scheme. The amount is ImMcvm to he the Wggefit laistd by the Chinese in any Stute in the F'edeiation. The sum was announced in a press 'release issued yesteidav *y Mr. R. W. I. Band.
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  • 115 3 The Johore Govei v merit has rai-marked *HHJ.(kM> i«h th. J living q«a«teis for its pennant*nt employees, exctwhUK 1 :SPhis--waK •<!!-< by Uu- Slate Beaveaary. ttie Hon't-k lnche Ibrahim bin Abdui Rah- man yeateiday. A>'Out tfOO (lovri nniput < aie on the waiting 1' foi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 423 3 FOR SALE Three Coventry Victor Engine, 5/7 H P. One Black-tone Engine 12 H.P. one Rushton Engine 15 H.P. u )ne •wolf Electric Drill FJ« etric .Grinder. 75 tt. x 16 Ilc h camel hair be^tin. 0 ffei-s for single items will I eon ad. red.- For full parties and
      423 words
    • 563 3 5»I1»: ,VACANT WANTED: A smart lady for outdoor work as Office K< presentatlve. Good prospects. po»l--tion permarent. Apply P.O liox 133, S pore. 1T.333). AGENTS wanted (Either Sex) In all States for sell tag ladlec- rolled jsold modern kerosangs. Entirely -it w designs. Made in England for Malaya. Parti <
      563 words
    • 1295 3 *wji FOR SALE: The undeimention-' ed Plant is offered for sale Ohe Fieldinr 42 H.P. Gas Engin.... One Producer Jflant for same. On* Battery of three rubber Creping» Machines by David Bridge Co., One Baekshaft, complete withj clutch and driving nulley fon above Two well made Heaw, Sheeting Machines. (Alt
      1,295 words

  • 585 4 LET us leave the Eastern scene to cast a glance at the West. There the cold war has been "frozen" since the ending of the Berlin I lockade, and the democracies are directing thcr energy towards re-organising Europe before the next thaw. m*_»A In Strasbourg, the Council
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  • 1337 4  -  STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER A civil service should be an impartial! machine carrying out the policies of j the elected representatives of tUv people. But in the Federation, circ-J ■■instances ore forcing us to allow j government officers to participate j in
    1,337 words
  • 412 4 A.P. THE land reform programme, which economists say may be General Mac Arthur's major move to democratise Japan, is nearing completion. Begun early in the occupation and designed originally to break up the feudal land tenure system, the programme is viewed by many now as large
    A.P.  -  412 words
  • 225 4 [The People's Pom 1n,,,; Sir Your correspondent "Stiffneck" has apparently misunderstood the kindly intentions of our local barbers. What seemed like premeditated assault and battery was, had "Stiffneck" made a more penetrating analysis of what he calls "post-haircut manipulative surgery," intended to infuse him with new
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  • 39 4 Sir, So much has been mentioned about synthetic rubber that, I shall be glad if you or some one else will be kind .■nough to enlighten me as to what is synthetic rubber and Us composition. P. T. CHIA.
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  • 146 4 Sir, So "Stiffneck" docs not like being made to giggle in the barber s chair. Now that's a pity, and I am sorry for him. If he is not used to free massage and does not like it he has only to tell the barber so.
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  • 74 4 Sir. I agree with Mr. Muhana Velu that barbers charm are too high these days. have a plan to bring down these charges. Mr. Mohana Velu should take the initiative and start a small class in hair dressing. Members of this class after graduating should cut one another's
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  • 148 4 Sir. With reference to th<- article in your papers regarding the Tiong Bahru Community appealing to the City Fathers to reconsider their decision to disallow the bus transport, which serviced the Singapore Improvement Trust Estate. I believe the streets there nr« too narrow for big buses to travel
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  • 146 4 Sir. A big fuss has been made over the decision to spend $2,000,000 to fight synthetic. It may be necessary to inquire whether there is any necessity to carry out a campaign for natural rubber, and if so, whether the campaign is for a year
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  • 128 4 Sir. Nobody will deny that the present speeding-up of S I T. building at Tiong Bahru will be welcomed by hundreds of Singaporeans who at present are living in crowded and less pleasant quarters. The lucky tenants will move in, and be happy to do so.
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  • 219 4 EQUAL PAY FOR ALL? Sir, Criticism levelled at British firms for paying their British employees at a higher rate than that for Asian employees la not justified. After all the British arc here to earn living, just as we Asians arc As regards the senior posts in British firms being
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  • 105 4 Sir, At the recent meeting of the Federal Legislative Coun cil. the Salary Schemes for all the Public Services were referred to a new Comittee. Most of the recommendations in the Trusted Report have been approved by the State and Settlement Councils and ratified by the Federal Legislative
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  • 39 4 Sir, I suggest that the winners of the final of the third series of TALENTIME should be given engraved cups instead of money as prizes. Give something which will be treasured by the winners. S. P. BOH.
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  • 117 4 Sir. A few weeks ago your paper was kind enough to investigate the Ashing rack«-t. as a result of which tin Government is taking ifcpa to remedy the present state of affairss. 1 am sure the public will be grateful if you also went into tlie matter of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 107 4 E 0 TRAVEL SERVICE LTD. Obneral Booking Agent* For AIR, SEA, RAIL TRAVEL. tVe t>eilver Your Tickets To Office, Home or Hotel At No Extra Charge Head Office: 65, Chulia St. {Singapore. Tel: *****/2 Branch: Sultan Street P.ailway Station Building. Kuala Lumpur. '-ol: 4330. CABLE: EANDO Prof. ILMLDDIN (Astro-Palmiat and
      107 words
    • 46 4 The opinions expressed t 'by Mencius in this co- 1 lumn are not necessarily i those of this paper. If I you agree or disagree S with Mencins write and tell him so. Address your I letters to: Mencius, c/o. I Malaya Tribune, Stnga- 1 pore.
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    • 9 4 PUTS ITS SPARKLE into every occasion IS ODA ■WATERS
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  • 3376 5 TRIBUNE MAGAZINE SERIAL Alexandre Dumas' ■jOhrt&tiSj the author of this tftdsl famous of 'cloak arid .:vrr r romances, was horn on fah 24, /SO2, the naViw^ tv of \nt:uw Dn by a Negress, Mane Ccsselte Dun:as. ic wrote 1,200 books to I:p up with )he demands of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 459 6 TALKING FILMS... HOLLYWOOD'S Tyjama Girl' has finally found herself a nightgown. June Allyson, whose film roles have had her in pyjamas more often than* any actress within recent memory, gets into night attire, as usual, in "The Three Musketeers,** her latest picture for M-G-M.
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  • 108 6 ROBERT Mi:chum. in the name of RKO Radio, presented a one-aeie park to the citizen of Tehuucan. Mexico, when he waa theie on location foi "The Big Steal." Studio craftsmen built the park for the movie on the neglected giounds aiound a magiificent church erected 40
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  • 256 6 THE telephone is Hollywood's favourite prop—and often an actor's best friend, more than one star having used the instrument to great dramatic advantage. It was the telephone that helped Luise Rainer win the Academy Award in 1936 for her Work in "The Great Ziegfeld."
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  • 143 6 TOHAT large, solid gold signet I ling you'll see on the left index finger of Ingrid Bergman in "Joan of Arc" is anything but a replica. Instead, it's a little job by Carticr, presented to the star by film producer Walter Wanger, and her pr oducerdirectoi.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 34 6 ike Iroodurooi nm in the family circle ior those who desire an instrument tliat ulll bl?nd with any Mil M fjL UP-RIGHT sole agents THE EAGLE PIANO COMPANY Singapore Tei. B(XW4. 328, Serangoon Bead,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 550 7 A Boy Or A Girl Baby iit hum: SCIENCE I A.P. DURHAM. worth Carloina, Thursday. «$mC evidence that S ents may be able to ,tween having a boy )V has been found ?n flic- Vute University de'nothing to L t annoyance The choice is c ttain
    A.P.  -  550 words
  • 674 7 NEA. WASHINGTON Thurs.—Two important strides will be made this summer in the fight against cancer. One will be In the laboratory, and Its effect may not be known for years. The other will be in the direct treatment of cancer sufferers. Starting
    NEA.  -  674 words
  • 537 7 Reuter. NEW YORK -Sore feet aie Co3ting American business hundreds of millions of dollar* a year. This estimate, according to the "Wall Street Journal", was arrived at by foot doctors after a survey of aching feet in half a
    Reuter.  -  537 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 46 7 VIC FLIXT by Micheal ©\>lalley and Ralph Lam 1 l okay Avoo go on ahead, W ami, bugs, and rossum, sou f&s Peebles and 1 mared the Pond place... police it's all J question myself. Meanwhile. ance. i demand am apoio6>^siß//^^^ To Be Continued Next Week
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  • 1182 8  -  "Here I ms the son o) an Irish immigrant locomotive engineer, a youngster who was a $35/-a-week clerk in the Govern merit service before I enlisted in the U.S. Air force during the war..,..l had no college degree-yet
    1,182 words
  • 858 8 The Canadian Frame West Where The Farm Kitchen Has No Modern Conveniences SASKATOON. SASK. I OOKING down upon the i L vast, gently rolling prairie i countryside, you Will see j towns and villages spaced about ten miles apart, with their towering grain elevatoi-s, an average of
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  • 102 9 A.P. j qjjDOK, Thur3. The f Mr British cngtueefu who Pluto .pipeline un- th. ocean), the underwawhich carried oil £ross the English Channel to evading Franco, been 9 uote< ca l1 awsrds. The British commission on ■wards to inventors said it r.mended tax free totalling £15.100
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 84 9 Reuter-AAP. BRISBANE, Thurs.—Both U vessel and the crow shud-" i iertd when a 15-ft. whale the bottom of a 32-ft. j inchored at an island v:! the Queensland coast, as a j back-.scralcher. The skipper of the yacht prcdded the whale with a spear,
    Reuter-AAP.  -  84 words
  • 72 9 Reuter. MANILA. Thurs, -Manila is keeping apace with modcrr sanitation trends. Onr of the two newly imported i iicoptt is from the United States oi the Philippine Air| fore aa joined the city's curr«H campaign against flics and Mosquitoes. On instructions of President Q too,
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 29 9 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Thurs. I'lent Truman signed a proclamation today authorisAttorney General to hnr any alien whose entry 11(1 d is "pit-judicial ntcrests of the United States Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 169 9 Reuter. MADRAS, Ihursday. j TOE Palk Straits off the southeast coa.-t of India may Ixeome the Royal Indian Navy's naval "something akin to Bntaiii's Scapa Plow", according to Vice Admiral William E. Parry, I Commander-in-Chief of the R.I.N. Admiral Parry told newsmen that Mandapam.
    Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 78 9 "King" Bonne, Third Chief of six million natives of the Gold Coast district of Accra, Africa, seen on arrival at London airport. He has 12 wives. In full tribal regalia, red velvet tunic, red hat with jewelled ornaments, and leather sandals with i the inner sole of pure silver, he
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  • 53 9 A.P. LAKE SUCCESS. Thurs. The world's fast growing population does not doom it to a lower standard of living, U.S. Secretary of Interior J. A. Krug declared at a UN Science Conference, Science, he said, can "find and develop food, fuels and materials, to raise 'toe living
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 60 9 Reuter-AAP. MELBOURNE. Thurs. The first two men in Victoria to graduate as nursing "sisters" recently were embarrassed by the title "Brother" and St. Vincent's Hospital staff decided that they would be addressed as "Mister". Their teacher in nursing said the men were model students, adding: "When men take
    Reuter-AAP.  -  60 words
  • 130 9 A.P. TOKYO, Thurs.—Farmers in Saga Prefecture (Kyushu) will get American clothing and candy as a reward for being the first to complete deliveries of their quota of wheat and barley. Government officials announced today. The agriculture and v Ministry told newsmen that the Occupation Forces had
    A.P.  -  130 words
  • 83 9 Reuter. MELBOURNE. Thurs. Telegraph linesmen in Victoria have been instructed to build bird's nests on telegraph polos in countiy areas. Linesmen think that their "prefab," work will avoid ti ouble. Magpies have constantly disrupted services by biuiding nests around wires or telegraph poles, and they
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 38 9 A.P. SANTIAGO, CHILE, Thui. Three persons wei" killed in i riots that swept Santiago 1 today. The Chilean cabinet announced it was asking extraordinary powers from Congress to put down a "revolutionary plot" by communists.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 237 9 Reuter. 1 nru ,n P TOKYO, Thursday. puLICE investigators arrested an alleged Communist and former railway worker, Kanichiro v a a i P.** 1 yesterday, ten hours after the southbound Tohoku train plunged off the tracks near Fukushima and overturned,
    Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 74 9 Reuter-AAP. TOKYO. r: V ji Tr-Ht r fv rials in Onak* have iceetvrd lesson in science Ct_onj in Uomba>. Tlie buyer sent a:i ira'r letter to the Osaka Industry Promotion Institute complaining thst thr watches he had ordered from Osaka were "Useless Institute officials who had passed
    Reuter-AAP.  -  74 words
  • 17 9 A.P. WASHINGTON. Thurs There will be no U.S. Naw expedition to the Antarctic this fall.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 57 9 A.P. FLENSBTTRG, Germany, Thurs. Brush-maker Frak Burde crossed the DanishGerman border illegatly for the 25th time and had to face a Flensburg court for the tenth time. The court sentenced Burde to five months in Jail. When he entered his.cell, he found that fellow-prisoners I had
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 148 9 Reuter. SOUTHEND, Thursday. Because rh«~> not enough room for holding aIS r i Wa people in custody, a spiciif cfurV lZ h t 2 2 a.m. when 13 men were remar£ed7n bail iSJJJJ of gaming offences. The magistrate and deputy clerk were called from
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 27 9 Reuter. Ydmamoto. on e of two men sentenced in connection with the recent railway sabotage incidents. wa s released on bail from Koeuge prison yesterday.—Reuter,
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 154 9 A.P. DARTMOUTH, ENGLAND, Thurs. —Two daring veterans of the Royal Air Force 'iead- cd for port yesterday on the last leg of a 42-day trip across the Atlantic- in a 20--foot boat. They are Stanley Smith. 30 years old, and his brother Colin, 29. They left
    A.P.  -  154 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 241 9 W w HAVE Keep the supply of life giving hormones flowing from your glands and youthful vigour and strength are yours: wlf long-standing glandular weakness is your trouble .you need the treatment specially formulated for stubborn cases ot lost vitality, nerves, depression, etc VIRULES W 7H£ CXTRA STRENGTH FORMU'A A
      241 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous

  • 112 10 ,itNAJ |»HOL PHKAPADAENO, champion, of Slam, wbov is tipped to put Bobby Njoo, Java champion, in the losing r corner at the Happy World tonight. But Bobby think* are in *uperb eondltlon. The 34-ye£- > old Siamese has much more experience J i old Java Chinese btit
    112 words
  • 245 10 LOS ANGELES, Thursday. THE Japanese swimming stars won the first three 1 places in the National Amateur Athletic Union 1,500 metres free style championship event here last night and a Japanese swimmer also was first in the final of the 200 metres
    245 words
  • 68 10 A.P. What is the secret of the phenomenal success of the Japanese distance swimmers j One veteran coach, Clarence Pinkston. of the Detroit Ath- letie Club, said the aces used a five-beat kick, rather than the usual six for every two arm strokes. They seemed to
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 142 10 Reuter. NEW YORK. Thurs —P. B. Lucas, captain of Britain'Walker Cup golf team, surprised many people today when in announcing his order i of play for tomorrow's foursomes he showed that he had dropped himself and Ernest Mi.ward from the 10 men who travelled to
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 30 10 Representative* -of all teams and cjubs affiliated to the Singapore Hockey Association are reminded of the annual general meeting on Aug. 23 at 5.20 p.m. at the S.R.Q.
    30 words
  • 259 10 THE Europeans sprang a surprise in yesterday's R. A. F. A. Inter-Community League soccer match when I they beat the Malays by oneI nil at Jalan Besar Stadium. The Malays were the first to attack and early in the I first half missed several open--1 ings.
    259 words
  • 350 10 Reuter. LONDON, Thursday. WORCESTERSHIRE, in beating Kent by an mnbigs at Dover, maintain their challenge at the top of the County cricket championship but Middlesex, the leaders, look all set for another victory because they forced Derbyshire to follow on in their match at Derby. n
    Reuter.  -  350 words
  • 74 10 SUNDERLAND, Thurs.— Against some moderate bowl- j ing the New Zealanders found I j runs easy to get against Dur- j ham heie today in their two- day match. V. J. Scott, F. j Smith and F. Mooney all I I -coring centuries.
    74 words
  • 165 10 MB. P. .4 B. McKerron. the Colonial Secretary, will play against his 14-year-old son, C. O. McKerron, 1« a Fathers vs. Sons cricket match tomorrow on the S.C.C. l'adang at 2.15 p.m. Ia the Fathers' team will also he Mr. E. Strickland, President of the
    165 words
  • 171 10 Reuter. BRIGHTON. SUSSEX. Thurs. —0« the eve of Britain's RyoVr team bein*t selected in leadint sfor next month's match against the United States die News Chronicle £500 professional goil tournament ended here today in an amazing victory ior Dick Burton, a comparative- -veteran, who is
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 674 10 MANSFIELD CO. LTD. (Incorporated-Id Bin S*P2uii. BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carriers' option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge cargo. Sailings from U.K. U.S.A.' "Titan" .from U.K. 21 ••Tydeus" from U.K..- "Calchas" -from U.K/Cont Aug "Alcinous" from U.K -Aug "Eumaeus" from U.K 9 "Agapenor" from U.K. |*P| 1 frcm
      674 words
    • 442 10 AUCTION SALE OF uMiiHAi VALUABLE FREEHOLD LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES To be held at our saleroom, No. 10 Chulia Street. On Wednesday, 24th August, 1949, at 3.30 P.M. Lot X. .99 years' leasehold land and house No. 24 Ophir Road, area 1.159 sq.ft.. dated 23rd June, 1890. Monthly rent $56.25. Lot
      442 words
    • 528 10 SHIPPI\<, j BOUSTEAD rToTITD Lloyds Agents In Singapore Ticket Agents For Malayan Railway* i GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOR LONDO*, ANTWERP, Rottf*, I HAMBURG. rT£i GLENGYLE (Calls Tangier ft Casablanca) iv? aj t FROM UK. FOR STRAITS, HONGKONG tf/M Vf «-V 8, 25 1 JAPAN. AA'l) X GLENIIOY °T j DENBIGHSHIRE
      528 words

  • 4977 11 Last Day Of K.L. Races Class 4 Div. I 6 Furs. UABA Ml \V(iN 21 543 Penang 9 00. Kft igby) Div. 4 Ti:e Magic 1 rain. 11 «ecs. Gom^ Good. lirni 2«-5-49 Penang 9.00. 6 Tan. Ba-rby) Div. 1 Won by Lovely Bore 1-16 3/5»
    4,977 words
  • 788 11 HOBSER, CLASS 4 DIV 1 C FI'BLONQS. S.OO Mr. C. Prosper Llston Lewi < M c tal ßs!g •i■■ w rih THE MAGIC LAMP «.07 BARMAN' s fM] Mr. 3.' Martin j A7AD 805 The Hon Mf R j lini3 bhoy EERTON uqi Mr. B. Mayo SuUhJan i
    788 words
  • 56 11 The Combined Naval Baae Asian XI beat Combined Naval Base European XI by five goals to one at soccer at the Dockyard ground yesterday. The score during the first half was three-nil. Scorers for the winners were Obed (2). Aii, Vivian Roberts, and PauL Brooke Ecored
    56 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 97 11 j NOTICE HARBOt R BOARD j Applications arc invited from suitably qualified persons for the following appointment on j the staflf of the Board s Dockyard Department. Candidates should be under SO years of age ana, preferably, unmarried. FOR.MAN COPPERSMITH, j ShouU .'iuve sound experience iin repn'rs and renewals of
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 34 12 Mr. Ng Tlong 8*'ee, brothers and family tender their heartfelt thanks to all relatives and friends who sent vTeaths, letters. telegTams o* condolence etc. and v/hc attended the funeral of their late mother.
    34 words
  • 200 12 Reuter. LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. THE first. United Nations sponsored conference of 1 scientists, technicians and resource experts met at Lake Success with Dr. S. S. Bhatnagar, noted Indian scientist, as chairman of the first plenary session. Object of the conference is to
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 113 12 Reuter. RANGOON. Thurs.—Mahn Win Maung. Karen Affairs j Minister in the Burmese Government. was today presiding wor a "peace conference" which political observers believe may pave the way for a settlement of the Burmese Karen dispute. The conference, said an official announcement, was being held
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 31 12 All gate admission collections at the Great World tonight will be donated to the Teachets' Rest House Fund, which is sponsored by the Mayf*ii Musical A Diamatic A .•cciai.ion.
    31 words
  • 35 12 Several teachers from all paits cf Malaya will be talking over Radio Malaya about the Refresher Course they are attending in Singapore. j organised by the Pan-Malay-an Teachers' Union tonight at eight o'clock.
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  • 204 12 World Bank May Lend More Reuter. WASHINGTON, Thursday. 1 «oi n(ii\ 000 loan to Intlir for m-onstruction THE World Bank today granted a loan o cen =nf Peni, caiculatea 1o retire the loan by maturity, will start on Aug. 15, 1950. fhis Is the first
    Reuter.  -  204 words
  • 57 12 Reuter. JACKSONVILLE. Florida. Thurs.—Coco, world famous circus clown from Calcutta »vho performed before kings and queens and played in at least 40 countries, died yester day. "The one and only Coco." was 77. Hi? real-life name was George Herbert. He was a native of Ca'cutta, and Joined
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 54 12 Reuter. i LONDON, Thurs.—Well over 2,000 people ciowded Waterloo station today to greet the 600 men of the Third Battalion of the Grenadier Guards on arrival from Southampton after a year's service in Malaya. As the train steamed in wives, children, sweethearts and relatives of the men swept
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 41 12 A.P. MANILA. Thurs.—President Quirtno returned home toda; from his 27.000 mile mission to America to report: "I'm happy that I have been able to plac our cards on the table face u, in discussions with Washingtor i —A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 247 12 U.P. and A.P. MANILA, Thursday. DOLICE authorities investigating the mysterious killing of American businessman George Murray were reliably reported to have narrowed down their list of suspects to one person but were still trying to I get sufficient evidence to warrant making an arrest. Murray
    U.P. and A.P.  -  247 words
  • 98 12 U.P. SAN FRANCISCO, Thurs. Charles Cousens. former Australian army major, testified yesterday that Mrs. Daquino actually was an underground worker for her fellow Americans. Cousens, who was put to work writing scripts for Radio Tokyo while imprisoned in Japan during the war, told how Tokyo Rose
    U.P.  -  98 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 12 I. S. Randall, New"! York e\eeutive, drinks an I "atomic cocktail/* which ho MTjT* in American Ma- guziae has helped him re-eovi-r from cancer. The. I -cocktail" radioJ active iodine—aided in rercicilying his bones. He waa suffering from a thyroid condition, which i spread cancer through his *>
    56 words
  • 70 12 The Austra'ian Government is offering one fellowship this yeai to a candidate to be named by the Federation Government. They have offered another scholarship foi British teiTitories throughout South East Asia. The fellowship will be worth £562 a year if it is a senior one or about £8
    70 words
  • 54 12 BROOILINE, MASSACHUSLrrTS, Thurs. —Frank Sedgman and George Worthington, second string Australian Davis Cup doubles team, furnished the major upset of the United States douuies coauipionsliips today, eliminating Jie aeiending champions Gardnar Mulloy and Billy Taibert. The score was 6—4, 1—45, 6—5. 9 —7 in a quarter-dual match
    54 words
  • 21 12 Reuter. LONDON, Tnurs.— me Federation of British Industries has warned the Government that Britain was living beyond her means.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 23 12 Reuter. TOKYO. Thurs.—American officials here today officially denied rumours here that the American Economic Cooperation Administration is withdrawing from Korea.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 42 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. There have been 599 arrests in the Federation for the week ending August 17. 159 in Johore, 210 In Pahang. 129 In Perak, 58 In Selangor, 28 in Kedah Perlis, 14 in Penang and three in Trengganu.
    42 words
  • 150 12 Reuter. LONDON. Thurs. -Despite the general feeling of uncertainty of the London Ptock Exchange today prices remained compatati\eiy steady. Among the domestic issue?, however, giltedged suf/erert .•> fresh relapse under the lead of wer loan 34 which declined l-s'Bth to 94-1 2 on the day. tlio downward movement
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 84 12 A.P. LONDON, Thurs-—There is a party waiting hen- for Mrs. Rlchnrdu M >rr iw-Talr. \vh > may finish today the round-the-world flight she started a year ago. Her rm**n«nd. a Ombridge en"in«»r «Mw« stav<d home vtth their baby danger, Anna, while his wife
    A.P.  -  84 words
  • 267 12 EUROPEAN ASSEMBLY Reuter. THE European Assembly today fell behind on its schedule of vital topics by becoming down with arguments on procedure. 6 The Assembly was due to start its second bi P debate on human rights but had first to dear up outstanding points
    Reuter.  -  267 words
  • 62 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Theie was a marked reduction in long distance private motoring as a result of the Emergency, states the annual leport of the Road Transport Department for 1948. The report adds that all bus companies continued tc operate on normal time-tables except in isolated
    62 words
  • 97 12 CHINESE SHlMvnvr MNGAPOHK HIH t Small bore rtwou'i^ iioad 4.30 r HWieapred Children Am I^ c *t ulo w Hospital pK" and the Ontreratt) of mVi at the. ClMße*» cS? 1 i*r ot Comment. H 5 p.m. FOORMANK MUSIC bio tortnißhtiy pjuo reriuu hJ O„tto Firman.
    97 words
  • 186 12 CATHAY. "Sorry, Wrotir Number" with Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster n a.m., L4J, 4.15, 6.45 and V.3f) pm. CAPITOL: "My Dr^ m a Tours" with Doris Day, J** Carson. Lit Bowman, Adoljii,Menjou. Evr Arden and 8. Z. SakalL 11 a.m., 1.45, 4. 6.3t» ar.ii t 9.30 p.m. PAVILION: "The
    186 words
  • 35 12 SOCCKR: KAFA Community LMfue, Chines vs. Royal N* v >' Ja'nn Resar Stadium 5.15 P.m. HOXIN'G: Phol vm. Bobby N. <o. Hap,»y World J» p.m. KI GtiEK: S.C.C. meeting U P '"kX>'IS: Tanirlin Club toununipnt.
    35 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 415 12 NOTICE Be TAN BOoTAT~bectt All persons having any claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late of No. 80, Club Street, Singapore, who diod on the 12th day cf May, 1049, are required to send particulars of their claims in writing to the Public Trustee, Singapore, who is the
      415 words
    • 281 12 AUCTION SALE OF Hardware Consisting of Anodium Flush latches with lever handles, Zinc coated nails with neoprene washers, brassed assorted locks, ball catches, butt hinges. Japanned padbolts, Etc To Be Held At Our Sale.Room, No. 9-C (Ist door) D'Almeida Street OB Monuay. 22nd. Aug./ 40 at 11 \M. New on
      281 words
    • 296 12 NOTICE TRADING wSk THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 oof 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION NO. 14 of 1945 Sale By Tender No. 110 The custodian of Property. Singapore, invites tender foi the purchase of the following: Machine tools ex Japanese reparations. 5 Nos. engine tool roorr lathes, complete in prim*,
      296 words
    • 223 12 j NOTICES^ j NOTICE is hereby given tja: PVV AH YEW of No. 25 I vis Street. Singapore tradin, under the name of Chop Aft KION. a coffee-shop, ug to the Board of Uejg Justices. Singapore, for a W Cass Public Hou?o Licence (B eer Stout! only which J proposes
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous